What cereals can you eat when losing weight and on a diet, healthy recipes and menus, reviews of the results

Cooking porridge for breakfast is considered a tradition. In the field of nutrition and fitness, the dish is recognized as one of the best options for the first meal. Which cereal should you prefer based on the taste and benefits of the product? Let's find out!

Porridge is the breakfast of a champion! This is because consuming cereals provides energy for a long time due to the content of complex carbohydrates and microelements.

The amount of macronutrients in the first meal reaches 40-60% of the daily norm and helps not to feel hungry for 4-6 hours, thanks to slow absorption in the small intestine. Therefore, it is important that porridge for breakfast is beneficial and delights the taste buds.

In this article we will look at what cereals are used to make the healthiest breakfast cereals, and also answer the questions:

  • What cereal is healthy to eat for breakfast? (properties, benefits, taste)
  • Recipes for making porridge for breakfast: how to make the dish tastier?
  • What is the best porridge to eat for breakfast for weight loss or weight gain?

The benefits of cereals for weight loss

The main condition when losing weight on porridges is that they are not from the instant category. The contents of the tea bags will not provide any benefit. In terms of the content of nutrients, they are inferior to natural cereals. Porridges are slow carbohydrates, thanks to which the body remains full for a long time. Fiber, microelements and vegetable protein in cereals also have a beneficial effect. They improve intestinal activity and help burn fat. Noting the most useful cereals for weight loss, we can give the following list:

  1. Buckwheat. It is considered the “queen” of all cereals. Contains many vitamins, calcium, fats, potassium, phosphorus, starch, proteins. Recommended by nutritionists even for obesity. Calorie content per 100 g – 329 kcal.
  2. Oatmeal. Removes waste and toxins from the body. Contains enzymes that help digest fats, amino acids and proteins. Calorie content per 100 g – 345 kcal.
  3. Pea. Rich in fiber, vitamins, antioxidants and mineral salts. When cooked, it contains only 90 calories.
  4. Millet. It is distinguished by a high content of nicotinic acid, copper, manganese, zinc and protein, which are often lacking in those losing weight. Calorie content per 100 g – 334 kcal.
  5. Wheat. Reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, stabilizes fat metabolism, improves skin condition, its elasticity and smoothness, and improves the overall functioning of the body. Its calorie content is 316 kcal per 100 g.
  6. Corn. Breaks down fat cells, removes toxins, lowers cholesterol, hypoallergenic. Contains 337 kcal.
  7. Rice. Cereals rich in all B vitamins, fiber, starch, protein, and carbohydrates. Effectively cleanses the intestines of toxins and waste. Boiled has low calorie content - only 81 kcal. Only brown, unrefined rice helps you lose weight. White, on the contrary, helps to gain weight.
  8. Pearl barley or barley. With a lower content of vitamins and minerals, it is able to supply the body with strength and energy. Useful for those who suffer from constipation. Contains 324 kcal per 100 g.
  9. Semolina. It is not a dietary cereal, but when consumed in moderation it can promote weight loss. In addition, it helps the body cleanse itself and improve metabolism. Contains 338 kcal per 100 grams.

Fully or partially limited products

When on a cereal diet, it is important to exclude “fast” carbohydrates from your diet, which do not saturate the body, do not force it to work and are gradually converted into fat. This is white bread, which is the enemy of all diets. Replace with whole grain or whole grain bread: you’ll hardly notice the difference in taste, but the benefits are obvious. “Fast” carbohydrates are, of course, sweets: cookies, cakes, chocolates, buns. It would seem like just one candy with tea, but how many times a day do you drink tea? By the way, many nutritionists advise that if you give up sweets, you should also give up tea. It is better to drink water instead, because eating sweets and rolls with water is no longer so tasty. Also, there is no need to eat semi-finished products and all kinds of sausages, sausages, smoked meats, pickles - everything that can be stored for a long time. There's a lot of salt and harmful additives, so why take the risk?

And, lastly, during the diet, give up alcohol, which provokes you to eat something extra and break the diet.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

fried potato2,89,523,4192



Cereals and porridges

white rice6,70,778,9344

Flour and pasta

wheat flour9,21,274,9342

Bakery products

sliced ​​loaf7,52,950,9264



Ice cream

ice cream3,76,922,1189

Raw materials and seasonings


Cheeses and cottage cheese

cottage cheese 18% (fat)14,018,02,8232

Meat products



boiled sausage13,722,80,0260
smoked sausage28,227,50,0360

Oils and fats


Alcoholic drinks

white dessert wine 16%0,50,016,0153

Non-alcoholic drinks

* data is per 100 g of product

Porridge diet for weight loss

One of the best options for losing weight is a cereal diet. With it you can not only adjust your weight, but also improve the condition of your body by saturating it with essential microelements and vitamins. Dietary porridges are very easy to prepare at home. Just use water for cooking and do not add butter, sugar and salt. The result will be a liquid dish with an average calorie content of 80 kcal per 100 g. Here are the porridges you can eat on a diet - not dairy, but water. You will find specific recommendations for losing weight on each type of cereal below.

Buckwheat diet buckwheat

Thanks to rutin and iron, buckwheat helps avoid anemia and replenishes the body's lack of vitamins of all groups. The buckwheat itself is boiled or steamed. Buckwheat porridge for weight loss can be added with other healthy and low-calorie ingredients, for example, zucchini. For taste, some recipes allow you to add a little olive oil. In general, there are two options for losing weight on buckwheat:

  1. Cycle of 2 weeks. Throughout the entire period of the diet, you are allowed to eat only buckwheat in any quantity.
  2. Fasting day. In this case, it is necessary to use a menu of one buckwheat only once a week. To do this, the cereal is steamed in the evening. You can season it with kefir or yogurt. It is important to drink at least 2 liters of water on this day.

Oatmeal diet for weight loss

Due to the fact that oatmeal contains a high amount of fat, food on it is low-carbohydrate and with significant restrictions relative to other ingredients. The optimal period for losing weight by about 5 kg is a week. When losing weight, oatmeal is consumed steamed. Only berries or fruits other than bananas and grapes are allowed to be used as additives. After a week-long course, it is worth carrying out fasting days every 7-14 days. This way, the weight will continue to gradually decrease - you can lose up to 15 kg in 2 months.

Peas on a diet

Pea porridge is considered especially pleasant for weight loss. On a diet with this cereal, a large number of additional products are allowed. It is prohibited to consume only sweet, fatty, fried, salty and smoked foods. Other food is allowed within reasonable limits for breakfast and dinner. Lunch should consist of pea porridge, which is prepared without any additives. The result of following such a diet with familiar foods in 7 days is minus 3-4 kg.

Diet 7 cereals

An unusual version of a diet with cereals is the 7 cereals diet for weight loss. Compared to others, it does much less harm to the body. All for the reason that it is not a mono-diet. Every day for a week you need to eat only porridge, and in a certain sequence:

  • wheat;
  • millet;
  • oatmeal;
  • rice;
  • barley;
  • pearl barley;
  • a mixture of all cereals in equal proportions.

Is it possible to eat millet porridge on a diet?

Millet is also allowed for weight loss. In its properties, it is very similar to wheat, so it is also often used to lose excess weight. Judging by the reviews of those losing weight, the millet diet allows you to get rid of 3-4 kg in a week. The main thing when choosing is to take grains of a bright color, because they contain the maximum of useful substances. Boil the cereal in water in a ratio of 1:3. It should be consumed throughout the day in small portions. The best option is 5-6 meals. It is allowed to season the porridge with linseed oil, sprinkle with sesame seeds, mix with dried fruits - dried apricots, raisins.

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Wheat diet for weight loss

Wheat can often be found on the table in the form of pasta, but it is more useful in the form of cereals. It is especially effective for strengthening the immune system, and due to its low calorie content it is considered the most effective for weight loss. The optimal period of a diet on such porridge is 7 days. The cereal is boiled in water without adding salt, oil, spices and sugar. This way, wheat porridge will be even more effective for weight loss. It can be supplemented with steamed vegetables or fresh fruits. Potatoes and bananas should be excluded from the diet. Green tea and low-fat fermented milk products and milk are allowed as drinks.

Corn diet

Corn grits help you lose weight quickly and very effectively. It is boiled in water in a ratio of 1:4. The resulting amount of porridge should be divided into 5-6 meals with the same interval between them. To reduce cooking time, you can pre-steam the product a few hours before cooking. Corn grits are very effective for weight loss. Judging by the reviews, with its help you can lose 3-4 kg in just three days.

Authorized Products

The basis for the carbohydrate diet menu is the consumption of complex carbohydrates, namely, various cereals, which contain a lot of fiber and vitamins: buckwheat, pearl barley, oats, rye, brown rice, and so on. Cereals should be minimally processed, since such cereals retain the maximum amount of benefits, which affects the results of the diet. These foods are low in calories and play the role of a detoxifier for the body, removing waste and toxins, delicately cleansing and healing the body. At the same time, whole grain cereals provide a feeling of long-term satiety. Complex carbohydrates will provide you with the necessary amount of energy and help normalize your weight, avoiding starvation.

In addition, it is allowed to eat unsweetened fruits: kiwi, apples, oranges, grapefruits - they can be added to porridge, or eaten separately, making fruit salads, smoothies, and freshly squeezed juices. You can also sweeten the porridge with dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, dates, raisins do an excellent job with this task.

Porridge can be eaten with vegetables in any form: a mixture of permitted vegetables can be baked with porridge, stewed to make a sauce, added as a vegetable salad, seasoned with olive oil or grape seed oil.

You can eat animal proteins in the form of lean poultry (chicken, duck, turkey), fish, and egg whites if you need it, and you can’t imagine your daily diet without some amount of meat. Of course, during the diet, we advise you to reduce your meat consumption to 100 g, and you can eat it not every day, but once every 3-4 days. Remember that many cereals are excellent substitutes for animal protein: lentils, chickpeas, buckwheat, rice.

You can salt food, but only before eating it, and not during cooking. Avoid bleached table salt, which does not contain a drop of nutrients. Prefer pink Himalayan salt, which is collected by hand using the evaporation method. This salt contains an incredible amount of useful elements; it has a wonderful effect on the health of the body.

Of course, follow the drinking regime. It is imperative to drink 1.5-2 liters of purified water per day. In order to speed up the process of losing weight, start metabolism and avoid dehydration.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

bulb onions1,40,010,441
salad pepper1,30,05,327





Nuts and dried fruits

dried cherries1,50,073,0290
dried apricots5,20,351,0215
flax seeds18,342,228,9534
chia seeds16,530,742,1512
pumpkin seeds24,545,84,7556


apple chips2,20,159,0253

Cereals and porridges

corn grits8,31,275,0337
pearl barley porridge3,10,422,2109
brown rice7,41,872,9337
wild black rice4,10,421,0101
barley porridge3,62,019,8111

Raw materials and seasonings

Himalayan pink salt0,10,10,75


kefir 1%2,81,04,040
Ryazhenka 1%3,01,04,240
natural yogurt 2%4,32,06,260

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cottage cheese 0% (low fat)16,50,01,371

Meat products

boiled beef25,816,80,0254



Fish and seafood

pink salmon20,56,50,0142

Oils and fats

vegetable oil0,099,00,0899
amaranth oil0,081,80,0736
grape seed oil0,099,90,0899
linseed oil0,099,80,0898
olive oil0,099,80,0898

Juices and compotes

dried fruit compote without sugar0,80,014,260
* data is per 100 g of product

When to eat porridge while losing weight

It is not enough to answer the question of what cereals you can eat while losing weight. It is also important when to use them. Any porridge is a slow carbohydrate that is digested over a long period of time, thereby achieving the effect of satiety. For this reason, it is necessary to consume cereals in the first half of the day. The best option is to cook low-calorie porridge for weight loss for breakfast, but you can also have it for lunch as a side dish. Another way is to eat a little throughout the day, but do not overeat at night.

Porridge for weight gain

When gaining muscle mass, your diet increases by 10-15% of your daily calorie needs. This does not mean that food waste and fast food are involved. Yes, relaxations are acceptable, but in order to gain quality mass, it is recommended to give preference to the right food and maintain a balance of dietary fat.

Additional ingredients will help you prepare a hearty porridge for breakfast:

  • protein – will improve taste, provide a portion of protein in the first meal;
  • peanut butter – healthy fats will make the dish more nutritious;
  • berries, fruits;
  • liquid fillers - honey, condensed milk, jam, jams;
  • cook with high-fat milk, coconut milk;
  • nuts, seeds;
  • chocolate chips, coconut flakes, poppy seeds;
  • meat, eggs, poultry.

Even during weight gain, the list of recommended cereals for preparing fitness porridge remains the same as when losing weight:

  • long-cooked oat flakes;
  • quinoa;
  • buckwheat in kernels, green;
  • barley (barley, barley).

The reason for this is the low glycemic index of the product and the abundance of nutrients in unprocessed foods.

Porridge with cheese and pineapple

Exotic oatmeal porridge with quinoa and a combination of sweet and salty taste. If you like pizza with pineapple and chicken, then be sure to appreciate the proposed tandem!

Porridge with cheese and pineapple

Recipe No. 3
Cooking method:

  • Preparing quinoa: Rinse, soak for 2-3 hours or overnight. Drain the water.
  • Cut the cheese into small cubes. Peel the pineapple and cut into small slices.
  • Place all ingredients in a saucepan and cook over medium heat, covered, for 25 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Ingredients for one serving: - long-cooked oat flakes - 40 g; - quinoa - 20 g; — milk – 300 ml; — hard cheese – 100 g; – fresh pineapple – 100 g; - salt - 1 pinch.

Buckwheat porridge with milk, butter, cinnamon and strawberries

Building a body requires careful work not only in the gym, but also in the kitchen. Flavorful combinations and a new take on buckwheat with milk will amaze your taste buds!

Quitting the diet

In general, leaving such a diet is not difficult or problematic, since the diet includes many permitted foods. That is, you shouldn’t, after finishing it, start gorging on chips and buns. The right thing to do would be to never overeat such harmful foods again.

Upon completion of the diet, experts advise carefully considering further actions: create a menu for the next 5-7 days, buy all the necessary products so as not to go to the store again. A correctly compiled healthy menu will turn out to be something similar to a dietary one, and for good reason, because porridge is the basis of all healthy nutrition programs. You look, and for almost 3 weeks you have been eating right: healthy cereals, fruits, vegetables, lean meat, proper bread. Thus, a habit will be developed and there will no longer be a need to eat “harmful” foods. And after a couple of months you will be surprised at your results and the beauty of your body, skin and hair. Believe me, the transformation will be noticeable to the naked eye!

In case of failure

Fortunately, a diet based on cereals is very easy to tolerate, there is no lack of vitamins, and there is no hunger. But even with such a gentle diet there are breakdowns. To insure yourself from a breakdown initially, do not treat such a diet as short-term torture, because this particular technique is an excellent start to a proper, healthy and balanced diet.

To make it easier to get into a positive mood, follow a few rules:

  • Take a break. To avoid thinking about food and how delicious the chocolate bar is in the nearest store, start reading. Or do some exercise. Want to start running? Right now! Finally, go through your closet or clean out. Any type of activity will help avoid a breakdown.
  • Avoid alcohol during the diet.
  • If you are afraid to fail, plan for a failure. Of course, you don’t need to plan day 3 of your diet as a day of permissiveness and eat everything in your path. Allow yourself a small portion of your favorite unhealthy product every 5-7 days, and then there will be much less stress and reasons to lash out.

And if a breakdown does occur, do not despair and do not consider yourself a hopeless person in losing weight. Everything can be fixed, the main thing is to pull yourself together in time. Lost your mind before bed? The next day, eat more vegetables with porridge, exclude meat that day, go for a run. Also, it will be useful in this case to extend the diet for 1-2 days.

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