Which protein is better to choose for gaining weight and muscle growth?

This healthy protein makes it possible to achieve all the desired results and, in principle, is very useful for any person, since it contains valuable amino acids that have a positive effect on cell renewal and growth. But despite the obvious benefits, there are also some negative consequences of taking protein supplements, which usually arise due to the use of low-quality sports nutrition or due to neglect of the rules for taking protein. Let's take a closer look at them.

What is protein and why is it needed?

Protein or protein is one of the substances necessary for the human body that we get from food.
Protein consists of amino acids connected in a polymer chain. Some of them the human body can synthesize on its own, some can only be absorbed from food. Proteins perform many different functions in the body, including construction. It is amino acids that make up muscle cells. This is why it is so important to consume enough protein when exercising and building muscle. To understand which protein is the best for gaining muscle mass, let's look at the most popular types of protein and their differences.

Rating of protein shakes

Protein can be the basis of protein nutrition. The rating of cocktails is based on the quality of the product and the percentage of useful components.

  1. Nitro Core24 (Optimum Nutrition). The cocktail, in addition to milk protein, contains 9 more healthy proteins necessary for building muscle mass. This includes both fast and slow proteins that will work throughout the day, relieving fatigue and nourishing muscles.
  2. Matrix (Syntrax), Protein 80 Plus (Weider). The cocktail is based on whey and casein protein. The duration of delivery of useful elements to the body is from 30 minutes to 6 hours.
  3. Syntha-6 (BSN). It has the optimal price/quality ratio. Contains 6 types of protein and a pleasant taste.

What types of protein are there?

  1. Egg white. This is the most famous and deservedly loved type of protein by athletes. Eggs were a favorite source of protein for athletes back in the days when there was no special sports nutrition. Egg white albumin contains a maximum of essential amino acids for the body, is absorbed fairly quickly, is accessible and easy to use. This is rightfully the best protein for gaining weight. The only drawback of egg protein is its price, since the production of sports nutrition from eggs requires high precision and large production efforts. That’s why this type of protein is not so popular among ordinary athletes.
  2. Whey Protein. Perhaps the most popular type of protein. It is made from whey, a by-product of the production of rennet cheeses. It has a good amino acid profile, which means it is rich in all the amino acids necessary for muscle building, including essential BCAAs. In addition, whey protein contains amino acids in a form that is ready for absorption by the body. There are three types:
      Concentrate is the first stage of protein purification. Contains lactose and some fat. Compared to the others, this type of whey protein is more budget-friendly, but the quality is no worse than other forms.
  3. Isolate is essentially a once again purified concentrate. Absorbed faster, nutritional value is slightly higher.
  4. Hydrolyzate is already partially “disassembled” whey protein. It’s not that it is absorbed faster, but this form leads to an increase in the level of insulin in the blood, which is involved in metabolic processes.
  5. Whey protein is absorbed very quickly, so it is relevant in the post-workout period for the restoration of muscle tissue.

  6. Casein protein. The so-called “slow” protein, entering the stomach, forms clots that break down over a long period of time. This is why it is popular - it does not cause sudden surges in blood sugar, and can be used to prevent catabolic processes (muscle destruction), including at night. Eliminates the feeling of hunger, therefore it is also relevant for weight loss. But the best way to use it is for muscle growth. Produced from milk by enzymatic curdling. Indispensable for those who are allergic to whey and egg proteins.
  7. Milk protein. Essentially, it is a mixture of casein and whey proteins in a ratio of 4 to 1. It has the advantages of both, but due to the high lactose content it may be inconvenient to use.
  8. Plant protein.

    Loved by vegetarians and people with lactose intolerance. Compared to other types of protein, it has an incomplete amino acid profile, therefore it is recommended to use mixtures of plant proteins. The combination of pea and hemp proteins, for example, provides a complete set of amino acids optimal for humans, and in addition contains a large amount of arginine, glutamine and essential amino acids BCAA. Therefore, this mixture is suitable for gaining weight for people who do not consume animal proteins for personal or medical reasons. But soy protein, despite its popularity, can, on the contrary, cause problems with weight gain, especially in men, due to phytoestrogens. It is more effective to use for weight loss.

Benefits and harms

Even the best whey protein can cause harm to the body if the dosage is not followed. For beginners, choosing sports nutrition is quite difficult. To choose a protein for muscle growth, you need to find out the beneficial and harmful properties of the protein.


  • saturates the body with amino acids;
  • relieves soreness;
  • can replace meals;
  • helps build muscle faster;
  • normalizes insulin;
  • quickly replenishes energy after training;
  • contains the necessary proteins in high concentration;
  • safe when the dosage is followed.

Harmful properties:

  • may cause digestive problems in people with lactose allergies;
  • a large dosage disrupts the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • high price;
  • All proteins contain flavorings and sweeteners, since protein itself does not taste good.

General recommendations for gaining muscle mass

We would like to remind you that despite the effectiveness of protein for gaining weight, noticeable results can only be achieved in combination with physical activity and correction of the diet. On the one hand, it is necessary to create a calorie surplus, an excess of nutrients. On the other hand, to ensure an increase in lean mass rather than fat, you need to load the body with strength training with a low number of repetitions.

  • Limit your intake of fats and fast carbohydrates.
  • Drink enough water both during your workout and throughout the day.
  • Eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Don't ignore snacks.
  • If you are an ectomorph and have difficulty gaining weight, consume protein in combination with complex carbohydrates, both in food and as a mass gainer.

Read more about diet and training for muscle growth in our previous article.

Can protein shakes cause cancer?

The effect of protein shakes on the human body has not been fully studied. Therefore, it is unknown whether their excessive consumption causes the development of malignant neoplasms. The harm of protein shakes for women lies in the content of phytoestrogens. It is not worth using such additives in large quantities, because the risk of developing cystic formations on the appendages increases.

The benefit of protein shakes is to increase muscle mass. Protein helps break down fat deposits faster and create a sculpted body.

Breast cancer

32 girls and women from 20 to 45 years old consumed 200 g of plant and animal proteins. After 6 months, during a medical examination, the volunteers did not reveal the development of breast cancer or the appearance of the initial stages of metastases, so the effect of the protein on the progression of tumors was not confirmed.

Ovarian cancer and prostate cancer

Researchers from Canada in 2004 refuted the relationship between consuming large amounts of protein and the occurrence of malignant tumors on the ovaries and prostate gland.

Oncological diseases of the larynx

A clinical study was conducted by oncologists from the USA in 2008. Scientists have found that when consuming excess amounts of animal protein, the risk of developing cancer in the cells of the larynx increases by 40%. By consuming plant protein, the likelihood of cancer, on the contrary, decreases.

Oncology of the esophagus and stomach

In the United States, the condition of the digestive system in athletes who consumed protein supplements was assessed. When using mixtures of animal protein, the risk of developing cancer of the esophagus and stomach increased. At the same time, when using plant proteins, no progression of metastases was observed, and there was no likelihood of cancer.

Pancreas cancer

There is no relationship between pancreatic tumors and excessive consumption of polypeptides.

Kidney cancer

In clinical and experimental practice, the development of malignant kidney tumors has not been recorded in people who regularly take protein mixtures.

What is the best way to take protein to gain weight?

We have already written about how to take different types of protein for different purposes. Let's look at a specific case of muscle growth.

To increase muscle mass, you need to consume enough protein. The daily norm is considered to be 2-3 grams for an adult man and 1.5-2 for a woman per kilogram of body. It is difficult to obtain such a volume with regular food, so it is worth resorting to the help of sports nutrition.

In addition to protein, the menu should include complex carbohydrates to provide the body with energy for intense training. In their presence, protein is broken down into amino acids, which are used to build new muscle cells. Otherwise, the body will simply “digest” most of the protein and the effect will not be so noticeable.

Fast protein should be drunk immediately before or after training to stimulate metabolic processes in the body. One serving (30 grams) is diluted in water or low-fat milk; you should avoid sweet drinks for mixing a cocktail with fast protein, so as not to go overboard with calories.

To gain lean mass, slow casein protein is drunk before bed, which activates anabolic processes and prevents the destruction of existing muscle fibers. Due to the gradual breakdown of casein, muscles are nourished throughout the night and grow while you sleep.

Egg whites can also be consumed according to the same scheme, although they are classified as medium-speed proteins.

If you are forced to give up animal protein - due to lactose intolerance or for ethical reasons - use plant proteins, including soy, especially in combination with plant milk, the main thing is to monitor the balance of BPJU.

On days without training, you should pay attention to a combined multi-component protein that combines proteins with different periods of absorption, such as MULTI PROTEIN. A cocktail of casein, whey and egg proteins provides the body with “building materials” for muscles for a long period. Therefore, if you are wondering which protein is better for gaining muscle: whey or multi-component, the answer is that both will help solve this problem. Just take whey on training days, and multi-component on rest days.

Is protein harmful: doctors' opinion

Anyone who plans to introduce protein supplements into their diet thinks about whether protein is harmful, and what opinion doctors have on this issue. Today, most experts agree that protein cannot cause harm to the body. However, this statement is only true if we are talking about certified sports nutrition, since fake protein mixtures are increasingly found on the market, which you should beware of. Such a protein can cause a malfunction in the body.

In addition, consuming protein in volumes exceeding the recommended norm will also not have the best effect: you will not only not improve the results of your training, but on the contrary, you will fully experience the side effects of the supplement, including:

  • various allergic reactions;
  • nausea, bloating, vomiting and other problems in the digestive system;
  • the appearance of rashes and acne;
  • weight gain.

Consuming high-quality protein shakes in measured doses brings only benefits to the body:

  • blood is purified;
  • metabolic processes are normalized;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • hormonal levels are restored;
  • brain function improves.

Therefore, it is so important to consult with specialists who will select the most suitable type of protein mixtures in accordance with your individual characteristics and goals. It is also necessary to identify possible contraindications, because protein intake is prohibited in case of chronic kidney and gastrointestinal diseases, as well as intolerance to any component of such a sports mixture.

How to choose

There are many types of sports nutrition. Therefore, the choice must correspond to the goal that the person faces:

  1. Weight loss.
  2. Muscle growth.
  3. Preservation of muscle volume.

You should also consider the duration of classes and the time when you plan to take protein. It is important to take into account the type and intensity of the load.

For the first time, it is advisable to purchase a small jar in order to later find a suitable product that suits personal preferences.


A protein shake doesn't have to be a jar of powder, a soy smoothie, or a banana shake. You can try different combinations of products and choose the composition for yourself, but the optimal base is considered to be egg whites, milk and low-fat cottage cheese. Athletes also like to add oatmeal or a handful of nuts to the blender for a muscle- and health-boosting drink.

Natural products that can be options for a protein snack include cheese, nuts and dried fruits, tofu, and hummus. Even if you feel absolutely healthy, we recommend alternating these snacks with protein supplements. Well, in order to choose a suitable nutrition plan, it is advisable to contact a nutritionist.


Valeriya Klippert

What it is

Protein is an organic compound whose structural unit is an amino acid. It participates in the structure of body tissues and helps speed up the process of muscle growth.

The importance of protein for full human activity cannot be underestimated. Thanks to it, construction, enzymatic, hormonal, protective, transport, and energy functions occur.

From a fitness perspective, the benefits of protein include:

  1. Development of the body's protective functions.
  2. Muscle gain.
  3. Loss of body weight. Thanks to its high nutritional properties and vitamin complexes, the food supplement saturates the body for a long time. The high protein content helps burn deposits during and after exercise, even at night.
  4. Creation of the necessary relief.

Sports nutrition is a good alternative to products, since it is difficult to create a complete diet on your own to achieve high results in fitness.

Features of choosing whey mixtures

Often, beginning athletes do not fully understand which whey protein to choose, so they buy a supplement that is less suitable for their goals. It is important to understand that the choice depends on three main factors:

  • Composition and percentage of protein per serving;
  • Cost (when recalculating the number and volume of servings to the price of the package;
  • Speed ​​of absorption.

With an unlimited budget, the question of which whey protein to buy will not be relevant. However, even professional athletes choose a supplement wisely, taking into account its cost and effectiveness.

For example, to consume whey protein throughout the day to ensure your amino acid supply, a concentrate is best. It is the most affordable, and an extra 15-20 minutes of absorption, compared to isolate, will not provide any advantage. But after training, when it is necessary to close the protein window as quickly as possible and slow down the catabolic processes in the muscles, the isolate with the highest absorption rate will have an advantage. Hydrolyzate almost never has an advantage, despite the fastest cost, since the cost of the supplement is almost similar to amino acid complexes (which will be prioritized under any conditions).

Additional components will also influence the choice. These are mainly digestive enzymes, peptides and anything that helps improve absorption. Almost all of the supplements in the 2022 whey protein rankings contain these substances. Less important but not useless components that are also worth paying attention to are BCAA fortification (especially leucine), added creatine and flavorings.

Is it possible to prepare protein in advance?

It is better to dilute the mixture immediately before use or at least 1–2 hours before use. A cocktail that has stood for several hours begins to deteriorate and become colonized with many bacteria. To avoid intestinal problems or even poisoning, you should not take risks and prepare a protein drink in advance. In addition, there are special shakers on sale with compartments for storing dry mixtures, which are convenient to take with you and prepare a protein shake on the spot.

It is better to choose protein and calculate the rate of its consumption together with a trainer who can objectively assess your physical capabilities. At the same time, you should always remember precautions and avoid overdose in sports nutrition.

Top 10 Protein Supplements 2022

Rating of the best whey proteins based on the totality of all indicators.

Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard

For many years, Optimum Nutrition has been producing the best whey protein. It is considered a benchmark in all respects. The most important advantage of the supplement is the highest quality, regardless of the batch.

It is not a pure concentrate, but a mixture of ultrafiltered concentrate and two types of isolate, and also includes special peptides. A serving contains 78 grams of protein per 100 g of product, which is one of the best indicators for supplements in this category. Also contains only 1.8g carbohydrates and 1.1g fat per serving. Other advantages are good flavoring and excellent solubility in various liquids. The only drawback is the high price.

Ultimate Nutrition Prostar Whey

One of ON's main competitors. Made by ultrafiltration, it includes all possible fractions of whey protein. A supplement from one of the oldest and most reputable brands in the industry. A serving contains 25g of protein, 1g of fat and 2g of carbohydrates, representing one of the best ratios in the industry.

In terms of absorption rate, Prostar Whey is not inferior even to pure isolates, which is why it is very popular among all athletes of any level. Also among the advantages is a lower price compared to ON.

Now Foods Sports Whey Protein Concentrate

Although the protein powder industry is one of the most competitive, Now has managed to produce one of the best whey proteins in the industry. In fact, in terms of the degree of purification, it is almost an isolate, which has the cost of a concentrate. BJU is better than most competitors: 25 g of protein per serving, 0.5 g of fat and less than 1 gram of carbohydrates. It is quite possible that in a few years Now will be able to reach 1st place in the ratings, pushing aside such titans as ON and UN.

Scitec Nutrition 100% Whey Protein Professional

A very high quality whey protein that ranks among the best supplements in the industry. In terms of ratio, BJU is no different from its competitors; it has 22 g of protein, 1.5 g of fat and 3.8 g of carbohydrates per serving (the amount of sugars is slightly too high, which is worth considering). The main advantage of the supplement is the formula enriched with Leucine and Glutamine, as well as an enzyme matrix for better absorption.

The only drawback is the high price, considering the number of servings in the package and composition.

SAN 100% Pure Titanium Whey

One of the best whey proteins for gaining muscle mass. It is also a mix of concentrate and isolate. Almost always included in all ratings above the 5th position.

The formula is enriched with BCAA and also contains a peptide and enzyme matrix. Flavors and stirability are also at a high level. The disadvantage of the supplement is that at a slightly lower price, it does not provide any advantage compared to ON;

Mutant Whey

A supplement that every year is getting closer to the best whey proteins in the industry. It has a favorable price and good composition. A serving contains 22 g of protein, 3 g of fat and 5 g of carbohydrates, some of which are dietary fiber. The main benefit is the huge amount of glutamine and leucine per serving.

Syntrax Whey Shake

A supplement with the highest quality and some of the best flavors Syntrax is known for. The portion is standard, BJU - 23/2/4. The use of whey without denaturation ensures high bioavailability of the additive. The big advantage is the high concentration of the most important amino acids. Almost 11% of the serving is leucine, which is the most effective amino acid in protein. Has an average price.

Scitec Nutrition Protein Delite

Scitec line with reduced carbohydrates and fats. It is well suited for cutting and losing weight, as it allows you to replenish protein requirements with less calories entering the body. However, the disadvantages of being overpriced and 19 grams of protein per serving prevent the supplement from becoming a leader in the rating.


Protein mixtures, like other sports nutrition, are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women and children. There is a lot of debate about whether teenagers can take protein and at what age. Many trainers recommend the inclusion of supplements in the diet from the age of 15–16, but most manufacturers indicate the age on the packaging at 18 years. This is quite justified, since the use of sports supplements can disrupt the metabolism in a rapidly growing body.

You should also not take protein in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to protein or individual components in different types of protein supplements (lactose in infant formula, gluten in vegetable protein);
  • the person has severe kidney disease;
  • intestinal dysbiosis.

Why are proteins dangerous?

Why protein is dangerous for men is one of the main questions for those who decide to start using sports nutrition. A high-quality product, in addition to protein, contains many nutrients that help maintain the body’s condition at the proper level. But still, why is protein dangerous ?

The danger may lie in the following:

  • consuming sports nutrition for renal failure and kidney disease can aggravate the condition,
  • purchasing a supplement from unknown manufacturers may affect the quality of the product; very often heavy metals are found in such products, which can provoke the development of intoxication in the body,
  • If the permissible dosage is exceeded, unpleasant symptoms appear.

Why are proteins harmful for men ? Sports nutrition can provoke the development of an allergic reaction if the components of the mixture are intolerant, so when purchasing protein you should carefully read the composition.

How is protein harmful to a man’s body ? The consumption of a protein product must be in accordance with the norms; excess protein causes significant harm to the body, in which case constipation, bloating and pain are noted, which is caused by incomplete digestion of protein.

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