Yohimbine in sports, how to take it for weight loss for women

There are many effective fat burning supplements and components. One of the active ingredients in weight loss supplements is yohimbine and its extract. Initially, the substance was used to treat erectile dysfunction, and later a positive effect on fat burning was noticed and it began to be used for weight loss. In this case, are yohimbine supplements recommended for women, and what are the effects of the drugs?

What is Yohimbine

Yohimbine is a natural stimulating alkaloid derived from the African yohimbe plant. The substance is an aphrodisiac and increases libido, due to stimulation of the central nervous system it has a positive effect on male potency.

In sports, yohimbine began to be used as a fat burner, since the substance has a lipolytic effect. Therefore, in sports, yohimbine is taken during drying to accelerate the burning of subcutaneous fat.

Legal status[edit | edit code]

Yohimbine is not prohibited for sale, but by a decree of the Chief State Doctor of the Russian Federation it was added to the list prohibiting the inclusion of yohimbine in the single-component composition of dietary supplements. [8]

Expert opinion[edit | edit code]

The legislator's ban on restricting the production of yohimbine as a single-component dietary supplement is due to potential harm to health. The negative effects of yohimbine may be suppressed by the addition of a second active component. Whether these legal restrictions are justified or not is difficult to say. In practice, a manufacturer can easily circumvent this prohibition by simply adding another component. Large pharmaceutical companies comply with this restriction.

How is yohimbine useful in bodybuilding?

Sports supplements based on yohimbine began to be used in the pre-competition period of athletes, since the substance blocks alpha2-adrenergic receptors, which are responsible for the accumulation of fat, accordingly, this allows fat to be used more quickly to release energy, without storing it in storage.

By taking a fat burning supplement, the athlete gets more strength for training, as additional energy is released from fatty acids, which, with the help of yohimbine, are more quickly transported to the muscles.

For example, women have more alpha2-adrenergic receptors in areas of greatest accumulation of fat - on the thighs and lower abdomen, so the supplement, by blocking these receptors, helps prevent the accumulation of new fat deposits and promote the destruction of old ones.

The supplement has no effect on increasing testosterone, so it is also allowed for women.

Features of reception when playing sports

Yohimbine is quite often used for weight loss. It is also necessary to find out how men should take pills if they want to increase muscle mass and get rid of fat. If a person goes to the gym and experiences serious physical activity, then an hour before the intended workout, one tablet should be taken. Already half an hour after absorption, the action of the active components begins. To successfully lose weight and build muscle, you need to take pills for a course of 3 weeks. If necessary, you can increase therapy for another 10 days.

However, it must be remembered that it is pointless to drink the product for more than 2.5 months. The effect gradually decreases and disappears due to the body becoming accustomed to the effects of the African tree extract.

Pros and cons of yohimbine in sports nutrition

Benefits for men and women:

  • First of all, it has a positive effect on potency in men.
  • Has an antidepressant effect and improves mood.
  • Allows weight loss and has a lipolytic effect.
  • The substance causes virtually no side effects, is well tolerated and is quickly eliminated from the body.

Cons and side effects:

  • The supplement stimulates the central nervous system; overdose or late use can cause irritation and insomnia.
  • May increase blood pressure.
  • Tachycardia may occur.
  • May cause headache or dizziness.

Side effects of yohimbine[edit | edit code]

Studies have shown the supplement to be highly safe and well tolerated, even with a single dose of 22 mg.[6]

Sometimes, when using yohimbine and fat burners based on it, the following are possible: fluctuations in blood pressure and tachycardia (due to the stimulating effect on the heart, dilation of the vascular bed), agitation, insomnia or drowsiness, headache, dizziness, redness of the skin (due to dilation of blood vessels). [7] The risk of side effects increases when combined with other stimulants (complex supplements).

Contraindications to the use of yohimbine:

hypertension, ischemic heart disease, liver and/or kidney disease, tachycardia, mental disorders, hypersensitivity to yohimbine.

Symptoms of intoxication:

Approximately 20 to 30 minutes after oral administration of an excessive dose, weakness, generalized paresthesia, loss of coordination and memory, as well as severe headache in combination with dizziness, tremor, palpitations and anxiety occur. Headache, hypertension and tachycardia may also persist for several hours. Laboratory parameters show a high increase in the level of norepinephrine (normally 150 – 550 pg/ml).

In addition, nausea, vomiting, mydriasis, salivation and lacrimation, as well as increased sweating may occur.

How and when to take yohimbine for men

In sports, the acceptable dosage of yohimbine is 10-20 mg per day. Some manufacturers add yohimbe extract, so the dosage is indicated from 500 to 2000 mg per serving.

For each brand of sports nutrition, the dosage and content of yohimbine in the complex varies greatly, so there is no uniform recommendation for taking sports dietary supplements. Carefully study the composition of the drugs and methods of administration. One company has a daily dose of 2 capsules, while other brands have a daily dose of 6 capsules.

It is recommended to take the drug half an hour before meals to enhance the effect of the drug. Capsules are washed down with water. Subsequent use is recommended between meals.

Important! To improve erectile function, the drug and dosage can only be prescribed by a doctor.

The drugs are taken in courses of 1 to 2 months, then a break is taken or the season of weight gain begins.

Avoid taking the substance after lunch and late at night , otherwise stimulation of the nervous system will negatively affect sleep.

Alternative source[edit | edit code]

“Methods of research and pharmacological correction of human physical performance”
Ed. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences I.B. Ushakova Publishing house
: Medicine, 2007

Yohimbine hydrochloride

- α2-adrenergic blocker, affects predominantly presynaptic central and peripheral α2-adrenergic receptors. The drug increases motor activity, physical performance, increases heart rate, in small doses increases blood pressure (due to stimulation of the vasomotor center), in large doses it reduces blood pressure (due to the α-adrenergic blocking effect), increases blood flow to the pelvic organs, including genitals. Disinhibits the spinal centers of erection and ejaculation, thereby improving blood flow to the cavernous bodies. Improves psycho-emotional background and sexual sensations, helps eliminate feelings of discomfort, uncertainty, stiffness and fear. Increases libido and potency. Weakens the effect of serotonin, the excess content of which in the body causes depression and nervousness. It has an antidiuretic effect, mobilizes fatty acids from subcutaneous adipose tissue.

Quickly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. When taken orally, the onset of action is within 15-30 minutes. 10 minutes after ingestion, it penetrates the BBB and is found in the cerebrospinal fluid. The maximum concentration in the blood plasma is reached after 1.3 hours. About 17% of the administered yohimbine hydrochloride is determined in the brain tissue within 6 hours. The drug is metabolized in the liver. Elimination: The half-life of yohimbine after single dose use varies between studies and ranges from 0.25 to 2.5 hours. The half-life of 11-hydroxyyohimbine is longer, approximately 6 hours. After repeated use, yohimbine is eliminated in a time range from less than 1 hour to more than 8 hours.

The drug is administered orally, in the form of tablets of 5-10 mg 1-3 times a day, without chewing and with a glass of water. Duration of course use is 3-10 weeks.

Contraindications to the use of yohimbine hydrochloride are: hypersensitivity, hepatic and/or renal failure, arterial hypertension, arterial hypotension, coronary heart disease, simultaneous use of adrenergic agonists, including clonidine. It should be used with caution in case of gastric or duodenal ulcer or mental illness.

When taking yohimbine, side effects may develop: dizziness, headache, anxiety, fear, migraine, hand tremors, vomiting, diarrhea, gastralgia, decreased blood pressure, orthostatic hypotension, increased blood pressure, tachycardia, priapism.

How to take yohimbine for weight loss for women

Sports nutrition manufacturers produce yohimbine supplements specifically for women. Such drugs, for example, Lipo-6x from Nutrex and SAN Tight Fem, have a milder effect on the central nervous system and contain several substances, such as synephrine, caffeine, ephedra extract, pepper, green tea. Typically, these supplements contain 3 to 5 mg of yohimbine, which is a safe and effective dose for women.

Take fat burners with yohimbine 30 minutes before meals with water, and do not exceed the dosage indicated on the instructions . The course of treatment lasts no more than 2 months.

Important! In order for the supplement to be beneficial, in addition to taking fat burners, a special diet and training are required.

Release form

Yohimbine is also called quebraquine, “yohimbe extract.” Yohimbine hydrochloride is a white, odorless, crystalline powder, available in tablets, capsules, tea. Its preparations are freely sold in pharmacies, sports nutrition stores, and online stores (the active substance content is about 3%). All products on the market differ in the concentration of the active substance.

The price varies depending on the manufacturer and the number of capsules in the package. The cost, for example, of “Super Yohimbe” tea is 16.80 rubles. per 100 g. As the main compound, quebraquin is included in the following preparations:

Drug name Package Price, rub.
"Yohimbe forte" 30 capsules 300
"Super Yohimbe-Plus" 30 tab. 900
"Achiv with Yohimbe" 50 capsules 850

Drugs from the pharmacy

Attention! All medications are intended to treat erectile dysfunction; consult your doctor before use.

Yohimbine hydrochloride

1 tablet contains 5 mg of yohimbine. Indications for taking the drug are erectile dysfunction. Take 1-2 tablets 1-3 times a day. Manufacturer: Health, FC, LLC, Kharkov, Ukraine.

Yohimbine "Spiegel"

Manufacturer: SOLVAY PHARMACEUTICALS, GmbH. 1 tablet contains 5 mg, package contains 20 tablets.


Manufacturer: Ukraine. 1 capsule contains 5 mg of yohimbine hydrochloride. Additional substances: ascorbic acid, ginseng root, zinc, selenium.

Important Warning

Having figured out how to take Yohimbine hydrochloride for weight loss, you need to remember that you cannot drink pills before or immediately after meals. If you violate this prohibition, it will be difficult to achieve the desired effect, especially with regard to the fat burning effect.

Between taking pills and eating food, you must maintain a time interval of 3-4 hours. If you take the tablets on an empty stomach and on an empty stomach, the unpleasant feeling of hunger will help you survive the resulting surge of strength. However, contraindications include digestive disorders and gastritis.

Top sports nutrition supplements with yohimbine

Pay attention to the content of yohimbine or its extract. Do not exceed the recommended dose.

  • Ultimate Nutrition Yohimbe Bark Extract 800 mg.
  • Puritan's Pride Yohimbe 2000 mg.
  • Yohimbine HCl, Primaforce, 2.5 mg.
  • SAN Tight Fem – Yohimbe HCl extract – 5 mg.
  • Hydroxycut Hardcore X from MuscleTech.
  • Lipo-6x from Nutrex (yohimbine 3 mg).
  • Fyre by Syntrax.
  • Tight! Xtreme from SAN

Links[edit | edit code]

  1. Millan MJ, Newman-Tancredi A, Audinot V, et al. (February 2000). "Agonist and antagonist actions of yohimbine as compared to fluparoxan at alpha(2)-adrenergic receptors (AR)s, serotonin (5-HT)(1A), 5-HT(1B), 5-HT(1D) and dopamine D (2) and D(3) receptors. Significance for the modulation of frontocortical monoaminergic transmission and depressive states.” Synapse 35(2):79–95.
  2. Kaumann AJ (June 1983). "Yohimbine and rauwolscine inhibit 5-hydroxytryptamine-induced contraction of large coronary arteries of calf through blockade of 5 HT2 receptors." Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology 323 (2): 149–54.
  3. Kenneth Grasing, MD, Marc G. Sturgill, P "Effects of Yohimbine on Autonomic Measures are Determined by Individual Values ​​for Area Under the Concentration-Time Curve"
  4. Ostojic S. M. (2006). "Yohimbine: the effects on body composition and exercise performance in soccer players." Research in Sports Medicine 14(4): 289–99.
  5. MG Sturgill, KW Grasing “Yohimbine elimination in normal volunteers is characterized by both one- and two-compartment behavior.”
  6. Kenneth Grasing, MD, Marc G. Sturgill, P "Effects of Yohimbine on Autonomic Measures are Determined by Individual Values ​​for Area Under the Concentration-Time Curve"
  7. Prescription for Nutritional Healing, fourth edition Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
  8. clause 9 of the addition to Appendix 5b to SanPiN, approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated November 14, 2001 N 36


Yohimbine is one of the few fat loss supplements that is scientifically proven to be effective.

Research shows the drug can speed up metabolism, improve performance, and help you shed stubborn fat faster. Its effectiveness is enhanced when combined with exercise and other supplements such as caffeine and synephrine.

Of course, yohimbine will not transform your body and will not make you mega ripped. But it will help you get the body of your dreams (in combination with other methods).

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