Clenbuterol for weight loss. Instructions for use for women and men. How to take pills, courses, side effects. Reviews

Clenbuterol not only helps get rid of fat, but also prevents its re-accumulation. Find out how to take the drug for weight loss and drying the body and get rid of extra pounds without hunger and dietary restrictions!

Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 11/10/2020

Medical weight loss is breaking all records, helped by the availability of medications that affect body weight. The favorite of many athletes and ordinary people losing weight is Clenbuterol. Even trainers recommend using it to lose weight and increase endurance. How can the product benefit those who want to shape their figure?

Chemical composition and release form

According to the mechanism of action, Clenbuterol hydrochloride is a selective β2-adrenergic stimulant. This compound is the main component of the drug Clenbuterol, which is available in tablets and syrup. Different release forms differ in the concentration of the active substance.

Active ingredient content:

  • in tablets – 0.02 mg;
  • in syrup - 0.01 mg/5 ml;
  • children's syrup 0.001 mg/5 ml.

When taking clenbuterol for weight loss, it is important to follow the instructions and not exceed the recommended dosage.
Tablets are available in blister packs and glass bottles of 20, 50 and 100 pieces. The syrup is available in 50 ml bottles and has a limited shelf life due to its high sugar content.

What is Clenbuterol

This official medicine can be bought at every pharmacy. The medical drug Clenbuterol was first used in Hollywood to shape the athletic silhouette of stars, but was later distributed throughout the world. According to its pharmacological properties, Clenbuterol is a bronchodilator; its active components productively dilate the bronchi and facilitate breathing in bronchial asthma. Clinical studies have confirmed that the drug has a systemic effect in the body and provides an integrated approach to the problem.

How it helps in losing weight

The drug is not intended to reduce body weight, but is successfully used in bodybuilding to reduce the volume of adipose tissue without destroying muscle fibers. At the level of professional sports, Clenbuterol was officially banned by WADA in 1992 as a pharmacological doping.

Clenbuterol for weight loss is effective due to its ability to regulate hormonal processes. The active substance triggers a series of sequential reactions that affect the biochemistry of the body. As a result of taking the drug, the activity of cells responsible for the transport and processing of lipids in the body increases.

The step-by-step mechanism of the substance’s effect on the human body is described below:

  1. The active substance of the drug binds to β2 receptors in muscle and adipose tissue.
  2. The receptors activate the production of cyclic adenosine monophosphate, a substance that is responsible for transmitting hormonal signals between cells.
  3. The result is the active production of enzymes that transport fatty acid molecules from fat cells to muscles, where they are processed into energy.

After 15 minutes, a high concentration of adrenaline, insulin and norepinephrine is observed in the blood of a person who has taken the drug. The hormonal surge, combined with the production of enzymes, increases the speed of metabolic processes by 20-30%.

The main advantage of the drug for athletes is that it blocks catabolism, allowing you to eliminate excess fat without having a destructive effect on muscle fibers.

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Alpha and beta adrenergic receptors are found in adipose and muscle tissue. Excitement of the former contributes to the active accumulation of fat mass, while the latter “spurs” the body to more quickly use fat as an energy source. Since Clenbuterol is a beta-2 agonist, that is, it stimulates beta-adrenergic receptors, its use for weight loss seems quite justified.

The product has a complex effect on the body. After its use, a series of chemical reactions and processes are launched that contribute to the production of cyclic adenosine monophosphate. The latter activates enzymes and mobilizes fatty acids. Under the influence of the drug, the body experiences increased production of adrenaline and norepinephrine, as well as thyroid hormones, which are considered natural fat burners.

It is known for certain how the active ingredient of the drug works in the matter of weight loss. As soon as it penetrates the blood, noticeable changes occur in well-being and appearance:

  • there is a stable fat-burning effect;
  • “drying” of the body occurs;
  • an anabolic effect occurs;
  • catabolic processes are prevented (muscle tissue is protected from destruction);
  • body temperature rises;
  • accelerates the rate of muscle growth;
  • appetite decreases, due to which daily portions are reduced;
  • conscious control over digestion is exercised;
  • you feel a surge of strength and vigor;
  • the functioning of the nervous system is stabilized;
  • sleep is normalized.

Clenbuterol is suitable for creating a sculpted body in men and is no less useful for women who dream of toned buttocks. No wonder it is called a product from the “chemical” arsenal of bodybuilders. Since, along with the effects described above, the product makes breathing easier, it becomes possible to train longer and easier. It has been scientifically established that the medicinal product increases the basal metabolism by 30%. This means that weight loss is accelerated in the same ratio.

Clenbuterol affects lipoprotein lipase: by suppressing its activity, it makes the process of fat deposition in adipose tissue impossible.

The effect of the drug begins 10 minutes after administration. The maximum concentration of the active substance is reached in the body after a few hours. Duration of activity – 12 hours.

Clenbuterol is not a steroid, but is prohibited by the doping commission. There is information that some sports nutrition companies include clenbuterol hydrochloride in dietary supplements for figure correction.

In comparison with similar products, the drug has clear advantages:

  • does not harm the cardiovascular system too much;
  • makes breathing easier (important for athletes);
  • enhances the effectiveness of diets.

Indications for use

Traditionally, clenbuterol is used by official medicine in the complex treatment of pathologies and diseases of the respiratory system.

Diagnoses for which use is indicated:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • broncho-obstructive syndrome;
  • COPD

In bodybuilding and fitness, the drug is indicated for achieving the desired parameters of the percentage of adipose tissue and muscles, losing weight, improving endurance and increasing the effectiveness of training.

Athletes supplement with the drug a set of activities necessary to achieve competitive form - drawing muscle relief.

Clenbuterol in bodybuilding

First, I propose to understand what clenbuterol is.

Clenbuterol (from the English “Clenbuterol”, or among bodybuilders “maple”) is an adrenergic agonist, i.e. a drug that is used in medicine to treat bronchial asthma.

Clenbuterol does not belong to the class of anabolic steroids; I repeat, it is an adrenergic agonist (a medicine for bronchial asthma).

For us, this is not primarily what interests him.

Clenbuterol is used in bodybuilding for its ability to burn fat by stimulating beta-2 adrenergic receptors.

Don’t be alarmed if you come across words you don’t understand; the mechanism of action is quite simple.


The risk of using the drug if there are contraindications is high. The use of even small doses can provoke a heart attack or lead to the development of a pre-infarction condition.

The possibility of using clenbuterol is excluded for the following diseases and conditions:

  • myocardial infarction;

  • subaortic aortic stenosis;
  • heart failure;
  • tachyarrhythmia;
  • tachycardia;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • allergic reaction.

For women during breastfeeding or pregnancy, the possibility of prescribing the drug is determined by the doctor. If the potential benefits outweigh the risks, the drug is prescribed with individual dosage selection.


If you want to add more sweetness to your dish, it is not necessary to use regular sugar or a sweetener. There are a number of natural ways to sweeten a dish without the risk of unwanted consequences.

Here are just a few of them:

  • Stevia. Stevia is a natural sweetener that is obtained from a plant in the Asteraceae family. This “sweet plant” has been used for thousands of years. Stevia is one of the best alternatives for diabetics. It's great for baking, but don't forget that this plant is almost 200 times sweeter than sugar, so remember to use moderation.
  • Raw honey Raw honey is rich in enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. One tablespoon of this honey contains about 64 calories. Its glycemic index is lower than that of banana. Raw honey is not suitable for cooking, but can be added to yogurt, salad, cereal or spread on toast for extra sweetness.
  • Maple syrup. Maple syrup contains 24 different types of antioxidants. It is a rich source of manganese, calcium, potassium and zinc. Unlike sucralose, maple syrup is heat stable and can be used in cookies, pies, pancakes, and frostings. Choose 100-proof grade B or C organic maple syrup.
  • Coconut sugar. Coconut sugar is obtained from the dried sap of the coconut palm. It contains small amounts of vitamins and minerals. Coconut sugar also contains short-chain fatty acids, polyphenols, antioxidants and fiber. It can be used in any dishes instead of regular sugar.
  • Molasses. Black molasses is made from raw cane sugar. Raw sugar is boiled until it turns into a thick, sweet syrup. Unlike regular table sugar, black molasses is very nutritious. It has been proven to contain more phenolic compounds and have higher antioxidant activity than refined sugar, rapeseed honey and dates. It can be combined with coconut sugar.
  • What is sucralose and why is it dangerous? Sucralose is a chlorinated derivative of sucrose that is used as a calorie-free sugar substitute. Research shows it may be hazardous to health.
  • Today, the most popular product in the world containing sucralose is the sweetener Splenda. This product is approximately 600 times sweeter than sugar.
  • In addition to being a sweetener, sucralose is used in food and beverage products, including diet sodas, iced tea, ice cream, popsicles, yogurts, baked goods, chewing gum, candy, and protein bars.
  • A recent study concluded that consuming sucralose has a number of side effects: it can lead to the development of diabetes
  • increases the risk of IBS and Crohn's disease
  • may cause leaky gut
  • produces toxic and carcinogenic compounds when heated
  • may promote weight gain
  • Consider safer natural alternatives to sweeteners: stevia, raw honey or maple syrup.
  • You can make an appointment with an oncologist on our website.

    Rules and recommendations for admission

    Clenbuterol for weight loss or burning fat tissue requires changes in diet and daily habits to prevent unwanted reactions of the body and neutralize toxic effects.

    Below are the basic admission rules:

    1. It is safest to start taking it at 6-8 weeks of drying, when the metabolic rate has decreased as a result of the low content of fast carbohydrates.

    2. Clenbuterol should be taken in the morning to avoid problems with falling asleep and quality of sleep as a result of stimulating the production of adrenaline.
    3. Duration of use – no more than 2 weeks. During this period, the body develops tolerance to the active substance, and further use will give zero results.
    4. To be effective, the dose must be increased daily until day 6.
    5. The dosage cannot be increased in subsequent days.
    6. Increasing the dosage is accompanied by separate doses - in the morning and at lunch, in order to avoid an overdose.
    7. It is necessary to begin a gradual reduction in dose 2-3 days before the end of the course.
    8. Strong coffee and alcohol are temporarily strictly prohibited. The combination of ethyl alcohol and caffeine with the active substance increases the risk of side effects and inhibits the processes of lipolysis (fat burning).
    9. If the course of treatment does not give the desired result, it can be safely repeated only after a break of 14 days.
    10. The effectiveness of taking clenbuterol depends on your diet. Depending on your goals, you should follow a specialized diet with a reduced content of simple carbohydrates and a high concentration of proteins.
    11. Increased aerobic activity is indicated throughout the course.

    12. When performing aerobic exercises, control of heart rate and blood pressure should be strengthened.

    The appearance of symptoms of cardiac ventricular dysfunction, tingling and burning in the heart area is a signal to immediately stop taking clenbuterol and visit a doctor.


    The leaflet attached to the syrup and tablets does not contain information regarding the use of Clenbuterol for weight loss. The method of application can only be found on the Internet. People who are losing weight often share tips on how to use the drug on forums. To achieve a powerful result and prevent a negative reaction of the body to the active substance of the drug, you should seriously study the recommendations of “experienced” users.

    How to use

    The regimen for taking Clenbuterol for weight loss and cutting is different, as is the dosage for people of different sexes.

    For weight loss

    The general rules for losing weight on the drug are as follows:

    1. The daily dose for women is 100 mcg, for men – 140 mcg (for many women, 80 mcg is enough, for men, 120 mcg).
    2. The start of the course, as a rule, occurs with a dosage of 20 mcg. Every day the indicator increases by 20 mcg until the maximum permitted dosage is reached.
    3. The achieved dosage is maintained for 12 days. Then you should move in the opposite direction, that is, reduce the portions by 20 mcg daily.
    4. The drug should be taken half an hour before or 2 hours after meals. It is advisable to always consume at a clearly established time.
    5. If the drug is taken in tablet form, you should drink plenty of clean water.
    6. When using the syrup, remember that 5 ml contains 0.01 mcg of active substance. The dosage remains the same, it is simply calculated according to milliliters.
    7. In the case of a daily dosage of 50 mcg, the dose is divided into several times.

    Also on the Internet you can find slightly modified dosage regimens for each gender:

    For women

    • first day – 10 micrograms;
    • second – 20;
    • third – 35;
    • fourth – 50;
    • fifth – 65 (divided into a couple of uses);
    • sixth – 80 (for two doses);
    • seventh – 90-100 (drink over several approaches);
    • from the eighth to the fourteenth - a gradual reduction in the dose to 10 mcg.

    For men

    • first day – 20 micrograms;
    • second – 40;
    • third – 60 (twice);
    • fourth – 80 (in two approaches);
    • fifth – 100 (twice);
    • from sixth to twelfth – 120 (twice);
    • thirteenth – 80 (in several approaches);
    • fourteenth – 40.

    The course lasts several weeks, followed by a break of similar duration and a new approach. The total duration of weight loss on bronchodilator medication takes up to 10 weeks (with interruptions). During this time, you can lose from 4 to 10 kg (in some cases, up to 15).

    Important! Girls should plan to start using Clenbuterol on days 5-6 of the cycle. This will make it possible to complete the intake before the next menstruation.

    Why is cyclical application important? It's a matter of several points:

    • long half-life (includes two phases: the first lasts about 10 hours, the second – a couple of days);
    • decreased regulation of beta-2 receptors (cyclicality determines the effectiveness of the drug).

    Important! The regimen of taking a bronchodilator for body correction “2 days for 2 days” (drinking and not drinking), often found on weight-loss forums, is not effective, since beta-2 receptors do not have the necessary time to recover.

    For "drying"

    1. Recommended dosage of Clenbuterol on the day of training: 10 tons of 40 mcg 7 hours before the start.
    2. Only one traumatic workout is allowed per week.
    3. In the traumatic mode, only a few muscle groups are loaded.
    4. After training, it is recommended to take increased portions of amino acids.

    If you need to improve your training and increase your strength, one tablet is taken 2 hours before class, and another one immediately after it.

    Enhance the effect

    In order to eliminate or prevent the body’s negative reaction to Clenbuterol, as well as increase its effectiveness, the simultaneous use of a number of drugs is recommended:


    The allergy medicine reverses beta-2 adrenergic receptor tolerance to clenbuterol hydrochloride. When used simultaneously, the weight loss process is accelerated by about 20%. The fat burning effect is also enhanced.

    Thanks to Ketotifen, the permitted duration of weight loss increases from two weeks to four.

    Ketotifen is taken from the 5th day of the course and is taken at night. Start with 1 mg. From 6 to 28 days take 2 mg of ketotifen, on 29-30 - 1 mg.


    A synthetic analogue of thyroid hormone helps in accelerating metabolic processes, especially protein and fat, burning calories and increasing vigor. When taking the drug, the body's heat production increases, blood flow accelerates and sweating increases, which increases the rate of fat burning.

    Along with Clenbuterol, drink in the first and second weeks of the course - 1 and 2 tablets (the optimal dosage of the active substance is 50-75 mcg) per day, respectively, preferably with meals.

    Experienced athletes consider this “bundle” the most effective, since it allows you to lose weight even if fast food is not removed from the menu. Doctors, in turn, call it dangerous and completely unacceptable for use, pointing out its similarity to a “fat burning machine.” After completing the course, “withdrawal syndrome” develops.


    The plant alkaloid, otherwise called quebraquine, has a stimulating effect (cognitive function and mental concentration improve, training is more intense and lasts longer). Actively used in sports for weight loss and drying. Has a pronounced lipolytic effect.

    The regimen for taking Yohimbine during a course on Clenbuterol looks like this:

    • first week – 1 t.;
    • second week - 2 tons.

    The dosage of the active substance is 5-10 mg (for women and men, respectively).


    It is an anabolic steroid with stanozolol as the active substance. Available in tablets and solution for injection (the former are used more often). Winstrol is popular among bodybuilders because it gives definition to muscles, burns fat and removes excess fluid from the body. Used together with Clenbuterol to gain muscle mass. The scheme is as follows:

    • Days 1-45 – 4 Winstrol tablets;
    • 8-11 – 20 mcg of clenbuterol hydrochloride;
    • 12-23 – 40 mcg of clenbuterol hydrochloride;
    • 24-36 – 80 micrograms of clenbuterol hydrochloride.

    Additional measures

    1. The main requirement for a body correction course on Clenbuterol is increased physical activity. The final result will depend on this. On average, with sufficient loads, you can get rid of 5-15 kilograms in 1-2 courses.
    2. From the first day of the weight loss course on Clenbuterol, you should use Asparkam. The fact is that the bronchodilator creates a potassium deficiency in the body, and aspartic acid preparations replenish the reserves of potassium and magnesium ions, while improving the tone of skeletal muscles and promising an antioxidant effect.
    3. Sufficient drinking regime must be organized. On average, you should drink 2 to 3 liters of clean water per day. Reviews of Clenbuterol for weight loss confirm the need to drink plenty of water, as this helps in removing the remains of fats and toxins from the body.
    4. To achieve good results, it is important to know how to eat properly. Ideally, a protein diet is required when taking a medicinal product. Firstly, this will allow you to burn subcutaneous fat faster. Secondly, the protein diet has a number of pleasant features:
    • relatively harmless - while “sitting” on a protein diet, there is no need to starve, you just need to direct your nutrition towards protein, that is, lean as much as possible on eggs, meat, fish, etc.;
    • helps you gain an attractive body - unlike most diets, protein diets are not aimed at achieving unnatural thinness, its goal is a toned body without excess fat;
    • promises long-term prospects for maintaining results; nutrition according to the protein system is not one of those types of diets, after which the weight is gained again.

    A weight loss course on Clenbuterol involves a complete abstinence from alcohol. Firstly, the latter slows down the rate of weight loss because it destroys myocyte muscle cells. Secondly, simultaneous use can result in dangerous consequences, including the development of heart failure.

    Side effects

    Doctors do not support weight loss with Clenbuterol, pointing to multiple side effects from taking the drug:

    • headache;
    • allergic reactions on the skin (rash, hives, itching, burning);
    • anginal pain;
    • gastritis;
    • diarrhea;
    • hypokalemia;
    • dry mouth;
    • problems with urination;
    • swelling;
    • increase or decrease in blood pressure;
    • increased anxiety;
    • nausea;
    • insomnia;
    • tremor of the lower and upper extremities;
    • thrombocytopenia;
    • extrasystole.

    To the above side effects you can add “rebound syndrome”. The phenomenon involves a deterioration in general condition after discontinuation of the product. The person begins to feel much worse than before the start of the course.

    As a rule, the above symptoms go away on their own within a week. Another thing is the signs of an overdose, in which medical attention cannot be avoided:

    • convulsions;
    • tachycardia;
    • collapse;
    • coma;
    • uncontrollable tremor of the fingers.

    First aid in case of overdose is to immediately stop taking Clenbuterol. Doctors will be able to help by performing gastric lavage and forced diuresis. Afterwards, symptomatic treatment is prescribed.


    Absolute contraindications to losing weight with the help of the drug are:

    • hypersensitivity to components;
    • tachycardia;
    • tachyarrhythmia;
    • thyrotoxicosis;
    • acute period of myocardial infarction;
    • subaortic stenosis of the orta;
    • eye diseases (glaucoma);
    • pathology of the pancreas;
    • renal failure;
    • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Use with caution in case of diabetes mellitus, persons under 18 and after 60 years of age.

    Drug interactions

    It’s not enough to know how to take Clenbuterol for weight loss. It is equally important to maintain good health and prevent negative reactions of the body to have an idea of ​​unacceptable drug combinations. The product is not recommended to be combined with the following medicinal products:

    • beta blockers (suppress its effect);
    • hypoglycemic (reduce the effectiveness of the drug);
    • halogenated carbohydrates (cause arrhythmia);
    • adrenomimetics and theophylline (provoke increased side effects);
    • monoamine oxidase inhibitors (disturb heart rhythm).

    Determining a safe dosage

    Unless there are underlying medical conditions, there is no safe dosage. Experts in sports pharmacology have developed dosage regimens that minimize potential harm while maintaining effectiveness.

    It amounts to:

    • for women – no more than 120 mcg per day;
    • for men – no more than 140 mcg per day.

    This is the maximum permissible daily amount, which is achieved on the sixth day of administration by increasing the dosage from 20 mcg. Taking the maximum dose on the first day can lead to the development of an attack of respiratory and heart failure.

    Is she safe?

    Not really. Sucralose can cause many problems: metabolic syndrome, digestive problems and weight gain. It may not have the best effect on your body.

    Side effects caused by consuming sucralose include:

    • changes in glucose and insulin levels
    • increased risk of digestive problems
    • changes in gut health and damage to the gastrointestinal tract
    • death of probiotics
    • may influence the development of certain types of cancer
    • formation of toxic components when heated
    • possible weight gain

    Clenbuterol course without ketotifen

    Self-administration of ketotifen without auxiliary drugs cannot last longer than 14 days. In the third week, the receptors stop responding to the substance entering the body, and addiction develops. The dosage regimen is presented in the table.

    DaysTime of receiptDosageNumber of tablets 0.02 mg
    1 dayMorning0.02 mg1
    Day 2Morning0.04 mg2
    Day 3Morning and lunch0.06 mg3
    4 dayMorning and lunch0.08 mg4
    5 dayMorning and lunch0.1 mg5
    6-12 daysMorning and lunch120 mcg6
    Day 13Morning0.08 mg4
    Day 14Morning0.04 mg2

    How to take clenbuterol

    Perhaps one of the most important questions for a person who decides to take clenbuterol.

    Clenbuterol is available in syrup and tablets. We are interested in the tablets, because... The syrup is full of sugar, which promotes the rapid production of insulin and stops fat burning.

    Tablets are usually sold in a dosage of 0.04 mg (40 mcg) of clenbuterol hydrochloride. Also, there are tablets of 20 mcg and even 10 mcg. The dosage is indicated in micrograms (mcg), please pay attention to this.

    And in general, never rush to stuff something into yourself without understanding the dosage.

    The Internet is full of conflicting recommendations on this matter, but I will write you three main and two dangerous regimens for taking clenbuterol, although, from my point of view, only one is advisable.

    So, three main and two additional dangerous (marked *) regimens for taking clenbuterol:

    1. Clenbuterol solo (clenbuterol only).
    2. Clenbuterol + Ketotifen (to extend the course of clen).
    3. Clenbuterol (2 weeks) + Ketotifen (2 weeks) + Clenbuterol (2 weeks).
    4. (*) Clenbuterol + Yohimbine.
    5. (*) Clenbuterol + T3 + Yohimbine.

    Clenbuterol solo course

    Perhaps the most common course, and, in my opinion, the best. The best because you don’t have to extend the period of use and continue to stuff yourself with clenbuterol.

    So, as a standard, the dose of clenbuterol should increase exponentially during the first week (or rather, the first five days). Then the working dosage lasts 7 days, and then decreases over two days.

    • Working dosage of clenbuterol for men: from 100 to 160 mcg.
    • Working dosage of clenbuterol for women: from 60 to 100 mcg.

    I indicated the working dosage range for a simple reason. Because all people are different, and some will already feel very unwell on day 4-5 that it will be impossible to continue, and some will feel a very weak effect even from 160 mcg.

    In general, a dosage of 120 mcg on days 6-12 of use is suitable for most men, and 80 mcg will be sufficient for most women.

    I always stick to the rule: less is more. Not a single pill can replace proper, competent training and diet.

    A solo course of clenbuterol for 2 weeks looks like this (assuming that one tablet per package will be equal to 40 mcg):

    • Day 1: 20 mcg (0.02 mg or half a tablet).
    • Day 2: 40 mcg (0.04 mg or one tablet).
    • Day 3: 60 mcg (0.06 mg or one and a half tablets).
    • Day 4: 80 mcg (0.08 mg or two tablets).
    • Day 5: 100 mcg (0.10 mg or two and a half tablets).
    • Day 6: 120 mcg (0.12 mg or three tablets).
    • Day 7: 120 mcg (0.12 mg or three tablets).
    • Day 8: 120 mcg (0.12 mg or three tablets).
    • Day 9: 120 mcg (0.12 mg or three tablets).
    • Day 10: 120 mcg (0.12 mg or three tablets).
    • Day 11: 120 mcg (0.12 mg or three tablets).
    • Day 12: 120 mcg (0.12 mg or three tablets).
    • Day 13: 80 mcg (0.08 mg or two tablets).
    • Day 14: 40 mcg (0.04 mg or one tablet).

    A further course of clenbuterol does not make sense, because the sensitivity of beta-2 adrenergic receptors to clenbuterol decreases after two weeks.

    Important! How to use:

    • As long as the dosage does not exceed 80 mcg (at 80 it is still possible), then we drink it at one time, in the morning, 15-30 minutes before breakfast!
    • When the dosage exceeds 80 mcg, we divide the dosage by 2 times! 80 mcg in the morning on an empty stomach 15-30 minutes before meals, the rest (20 or 40 mcg) at 12-14 hours 15-30 minutes before lunch!

    Girls should plan a course of clenbuterol on the 5-6th day of the cycle (i.e. at the very end of menstruation), so you will have time to complete the course before the next menstruation. I do not recommend that girls exceed the working dosage of 80-100 mcg (instead of 100-160 mcg for men).

    Before use, check yourself for any contraindications! I indicated the side effects and contraindications above. In short, if you have heart problems, it’s better not to.

    Another tip, from the first day of taking clenbuterol, start drinking asparkam (or panangin, but it is more expensive, asparkam is enough), 1 tablet after meals 3 times a day.

    To extend the course of clenbuterol to 30 days, you can include the drug ketotifen in the course.

    Course of clenbuterol with ketotifen

    Ketotifen is a drug that stabilizes mast cell membranes, helping to increase the sensitivity of beta-2 adrenergic receptors.

    Honestly. I see no point in prolonging the course of clenbuterol and thereby increasing the load on the heart, liver and other organs. But quite often people use clenbuterol together with ketotifen.

    As a result of this, the course of clenbuterol can be extended for a month.

    I barely made it through two weeks because I had rapid heartbeat, a constant feeling that you were getting sick, and sweating. Why be in this state for a whole month, when you can perfectly burn excess fat through exercise and diet, I don’t understand.

    This option is only suitable if you specifically did not have time to dry out by the required time, you have one month left, and you decided to speed up the process a little.

    The course of clenbuterol + ketotifen for a month looks like this (based on the fact that one tablet per package will be equal to 40 mcg):

    • Day 1: 20 mcg of clenbuterol (0.02 mg or half a tablet).
    • Day 2: 40 mcg of clenbuterol (0.04 mg or one tablet).
    • Day 3: 60 mcg of clenbuterol (0.06 mg or one and a half tablets).
    • Day 4: 80 mcg of clenbuterol (0.08 mg or two tablets).
    • Day 5: 100 mcg of clenbuterol (0.10 mg or two and a half tablets).
    • Days 6-27: 120 mcg of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets) + 2 mg of ketotifen at night.
    • Day 28: 80 mcg of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets) + 2 mg of ketotifen at night.
    • Day 29: 60 mcg of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets) + 1-2 mg of ketotifen at night.
    • Day 30: 40 mcg of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets) + 1 mg of ketotifen at night.
    • This should be followed by at least a two-week break!

    We take Ketotifen at night, and clenbuterol in the morning. The dosage of clenbuterol is the same (if the dosage is more than 80 mcg, then we divide the dosage into two doses). Girls should not exceed the dosage of 80-100 mcg.

    Clenbuterol course + rest with ketotifen

    A slightly exotic scheme, but in the West they speak very positively about it.

    A break without ketotifen is useless! The sensitivity of beta-2 adrenergic receptors to clenbuterol will recover on its own only after 2-3 months.

    This regimen is very similar to the first regimen (solo), but after a course of clenbuterol, a two-week recovery with ketotifen (2 mg at night) follows.

    • Day 1: 20 mcg of clenbuterol (0.02 mg or half a tablet).
    • Day 2: 40 mcg of clenbuterol (0.04 mg or one tablet).
    • Day 3: 60 mcg of clenbuterol (0.06 mg or one and a half tablets).
    • Day 4: 80 mcg of clenbuterol (0.08 mg or two tablets).
    • Day 5: 100 mcg of clenbuterol (0.10 mg or two and a half tablets).
    • Day 6: 120 mcg of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets).
    • Day 7: 120 mcg of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets).
    • Day 8: 120 mcg of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets).
    • Day 9: 120 mcg of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets).
    • Day 10: 120 mcg of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets).
    • Day 11: 120 mcg of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets).
    • Day 12: 120 mcg of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets).
    • Day 13: 80 mcg of clenbuterol (0.08 mg or two tablets).
    • Day 14: 40 mcg of clenbuterol (0.04 mg or one tablet).
    • Break for two weeks, taking ketotifen 2 mg at night.
    • After a break, a two-week course of clenbuterol solo can be repeated.

    There is another regimen for taking clenbuterol, but it is extremely dangerous, because... the risk of side effects greatly increases.

    Clenbuterol course with yohimbine

    Honestly, I didn’t use this course because I didn’t feel comfortable with clenbuterol either.

    Yohimbine blocks ALPHA-2 adrenergic receptors (which promote fat storage), and clenbuterol stimulates BETA-2 adrenergic receptors (which trigger lipolysis).

    The regimen is simple: along with the course of “clenbuterol solo”, 5-10 mg (one or two tablets) of yohimbine hydrochloride should be taken 3 times a day with meals.

    In this case, our wolves are fed and our sheep are safe. Alpha-2 adrenergic receptors are blocked (fat does not accumulate), Beta-2 adrenergic receptors are stimulated (lipolysis accelerates).

    Fat burning goes faster, but again, I don’t advise you to do this, because... Even the instructions for yohimbine state that simultaneous use with adrenergic agonists is contraindicated!

    Let me explain, you CANNOT use it together with clenbuterol!

    Clenbuterol course with T3 and yohimbine

    I HIGHLY DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS COMBINATION, and I am telling you about it for your information!

    T3 is the biologically active form of thyroid hormones of the thyroid gland.

    If T3 or triiodothyronine is used in conjunction with clenbuterol, then the whole thing begins to work like a fat-burning machine. So effective that you can eat sweets and fast food. But still lose weight.

    Why do I strongly advise against even thinking about taking thyroid hormones (T3 and T4)?

    Because after taking them, a “withdrawal syndrome” occurs, but not the same as when taking steroid drugs (when your glands fall asleep while taking them, and wake up after withdrawal).

    Here, the return of your own production of T3 and T4 may not happen! In this case, you will be forced to swallow expensive drugs all your life to keep your thyroid gland in a sane state.

    I don't see the point in taking such risks!

    I’ll tell you for informational purposes or for completely frostbitten people:

    The following content of starting substances is taken as one unit:

    • Clenbuterol – 40 mcg.
    • Thyroxine – 25 mcg.
    • Yohimbine – 5 mg.

    The dosage is a multiple, i.e. if 1.5 units are indicated, then all values ​​must be multiplied by 1.5.


    • Day 1-3: 1 unit.
    • Days 4-6: 1.5 units.
    • Day 7-9: 1 unit in the morning, 1 unit in the afternoon.
    • Day 10-12: 1.5 units.
    • Day 13-15: 1 unit.
    • Day 16-19: 0.5 units.
    • Day 20-21: 0.25 units.

    To soften the heartbeat, add 2 mg of ketotifen at night.

    But I highly do not recommend this scheme! You don't need this!

    Course of clenbuterol + ketotifen

    The complex of ketotifen and clenbuterol can reduce the risk of side effects or reduce their severity. Using a combination of two drugs allows you to extend the course time. Ketotifen is needed during a break to quickly restore receptor sensitivity.

    Taking these drugs can be combined - this makes it possible to use clenbuterol for 4-8 weeks. The regimen for taking clenbuterol is the same as when taking the drug on its own, but on the 5th day in the evening, ketotifen is added at a dosage of 2 mg.

    Side effects

    Taking clenbuterol for weight loss is fraught with side effects, even in the absence of contraindications.

    Below is a list of side effects from using the drug:

    • Heart palpitations occur in 60% of people taking the drug. Eliminated with the help of adrenergic blocking drugs;
    • tremor, trembling and weakness. Goes away on the 2-3rd day of admission;
    • increased sweating;
    • sleep disorders, insomnia;

    • anxiety, panic attacks. Eliminates after taking ketotifen;
    • instability of blood pressure. It can be prevented and eliminated with the help of adrenergic blockers;
    • nausea and diarrhea;
    • convulsions.

    Most side effects can be eliminated by taking clenbuterol with ketotifen and adrenergic blocking drugs. In case of overdose, the side effects will become more pronounced, in addition, toxic damage to the myocardium and the male reproductive system is possible.

    Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Morning exercises for those over 40, 50. Gymnastics exercises for weight loss, video lessons.

    Positive effects of clenbuterol

    Based on research, the use of clenbuterol provides the following positive effects:

    • Burning fat, drying muscles.
    • Increased strength and endurance.
    • Decreased appetite.
    • Preventing muscle catabolism.
    • Slight anabolic effect (weak muscle growth).
    • Quite a low incidence of side effects (virtually no irreversible effects).

    At the bottom of the article I will write in detail about my experience and feelings from using clenbuterol; I am sure that my experience will be useful to many.

    One of the famous authors, Yuri Bombela, claims that in large doses (more than 250-300 mcg/day) clenbuterol can destroy muscles, promoting subsequent hypertrophy of muscle tissue, but this statement is not true, because there is no research, much less no empirical justification was provided. These are just the author's guesses. And taking this drug in such dosages is simply stupid. Later you will understand why.

    In 2010, a study was conducted that shows the synergistic effect of using clenbuterol on a cycle of anabolic steroids (if you are using them, of course).

    Interaction with other drugs

    While taking clenbuterol, you should stop taking medications, as this increases the risk of side effects and toxic effects.

    Below are the drugs and substances with which clenbuterol is incompatible:

    • ephedrine and its synthetic analogues in combination with clenbuterol increase the risk of developing heart disease as a result of taking it;
    • in combination with cardiac glycosides, the drug causes cardiac arrhythmia;
    • impairs the effectiveness of hypoglycemic drugs;
    • theophylline enhances the destructive effect on the heart muscle.

    Clenbuterol for weight loss is often combined with drug synergists - anabolic steroids.

    While enhancing the effectiveness of the drug, they simultaneously increase the risk of developing cardiac muscle hypertrophy. Simultaneous use is possible for no longer than 3 days at the end of the course.

    Reviews and results of losing weight

    Tatyana, 29 years old

    Desperate to model my figure with the help of “hunger strikes” and fitness, I decided to try clenbuterol from Sopharma. The reviews from those who lost weight were impressive (as were the “before” and “after” photos), but among them there were alarming horror stories about a lot of side effects and problems with the heart. And yet, I decided that I could only trust my own experience. As a last resort, you can always cancel the course.

    I started using the drug strictly according to the recommendations of the girls I found on the forum. It was only scary on the first day. Now that I have completed the whole course, I can say that the medicine does not give any terrible side effects. During the 2 weeks of use, I felt dizzy a couple of times and only felt nauseous once. As for losing weight, or rather burning fat, I was pleased with the result. In 2 weeks, the weight decreased by 5.5 kg, the volume decreased well.

    Vladimir, 29 years old

    The product didn't work for me. As soon as I started using it, an unpleasant trembling appeared in my knees and fingers. On the third day, my blood pressure rose, I had a terrible headache, and my overall condition worsened sharply. In such conditions, somehow little thought is given to drying and creating a sculpted body. Don't think that I didn't find out how to take Clenbuterol for men. I studied the advice on the Internet a hundred times! And, despite the fact that my coach advised me not to abandon the course, but to simply endure it, I gave up. I don’t intend to be friends with pills anymore. It is better to use sports nutrition.

    Margarita, 26 years old

    I tested the effect of the anti-fat medicine on myself. I chose Sopharma. Using an integrated approach, we managed to reduce weight by 18 kilograms. This particular drug helped a lot, because without it I wouldn’t have had so much strength and energy. By the way, after the pills I ran like crazy. 3 km a day! I ate right: no buns, cakes or cereals with milk. I ate protein foods, as my fellow athletes advised. I won't lie, there were no side effects. Still, the remedy is serious, especially if used for other purposes. So, a week after the start of the course, slight tachycardia appeared. There was also a tremor, but tolerable. The symptoms went away on their own. We didn't have to wait long.

    To be honest, I am quite satisfied with the effectiveness of Clenbuterol. The price of the tablets is also good. In any case, it cannot be compared with the cost of fashionable fat burners. I will drink again, but I just want to take a long break so as not to harm my body too much.

    Where to buy, price, release forms

    Clenbuterol from various pharmaceutical companies is present in the assortment of pharmacies. The difficulty of purchasing lies in the fact that this pharmacological drug is included in the category of prescription medications. If you do not have a prescription, you can purchase the drug at any sports pharmacology store.

    The cost of clenbuterol depends on the country of manufacture, the form of release and the concentration of the active substance. The average cost of the drug in dollar terms is described in the table below.

    ManufacturerRelease formPrice
    Sopharma AD (Bulgaria)Cardboard packaging of 50 tablets of 0.02 mg. 5 blisters of 10 tablets. 21$
    Balkanpharma-Troyan ADBottle of 100 tablets of 0.04 mg.18$
    Balkanpharma-Troyan ADBottle of 50 tablets of 0.04 mg.11$


    For many buyers, an important selection criterion is the cost of the specified medication. You can find out how much Clenbuterol costs in every pharmacy. If you use online stores, you can always find a promotional offer or get a lucrative discount and free delivery in Moscow. Prices for Clenbuterol in different regions of the capital differ markedly; below is a table with possible offers for beginners and professional athletes:

    Pharmacy name Price of Clenbuterol, rubles
    ElexirPharm 85
    Europharm 90
    Liquitoria 92
    Medbioline 83
    Alexandrovskaya Pharmacy 92
    Pharmacy SDL 90
    Health hypermarket 36.6 93

    Research on weight loss with Clenbuterol

    The first scientific confirmation of the effectiveness of clenbuterol in weight loss was provided in 2015 by Australian scientists from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research. Scientists studied the effect of a similar substance, formoterol, at a daily dose of 160 mcg.

    As a result of the research, it was found that taking the drug in a course leads to the following results:

    • anabolism is activated;
    • protein synthesis is stimulated.

    Together with the stimulation of adrenaline production, these effects make it possible to lose weight by reducing the volume of adipose tissue and preserving muscle. The author of the book “Anabolic Steroids,” Leonid Ostapenko, described in detail the mechanism for the development of side effects with the regular use of clenbuterol to eliminate excess adipose tissue.

    According to research conducted by the author, clenbuterol molecules tend to accumulate in organ cells, gradually provoking their pathological growth. Due to drug abuse, hypertrophy of internal organs occurs, and favorable conditions are created for the growth of malignant neoplasms.

    Dosage for weight loss

    Before ordering a drug from an online pharmacy, it is necessary to exclude chronic diseases of the body from the list of contraindications. The doctor may prohibit such a prescription of Clenbuterol, so as not to aggravate the general condition of the clinical patient and to exclude dangerous health complications. The dosage for weight loss is selected individually; valuable information on a given topic can be found in the instructions for use.

    The daily dose of Clenbuterol for men varies between 120-140 mcg, for women – 80-100 mcg. For productive weight loss, you need to start with a dosage of 20 mcg, and increase it by 20 mcg daily, and so on until the sixth day. A daily dose of 120 mcg will accelerate the metabolic process at the cellular level, activate the production of thyroid hormones for intensive burning of subcutaneous fat. Instructions for use indicate the following rules for using Clenbuterol for the purpose of intensive weight loss:

    1. Having reached the 6th day of treatment, the daily dosage is 120 mcg, maintain it until the 12th day, after which work in the opposite direction, again reducing the dose of the drug to 40 mcg.
    2. It is recommended to take two hours after meals, or half an hour before the main meal. The tablets should be taken with plenty of water or other liquid.
    3. If the daily dose exceeds 50 mcg, then it is recommended to divide it into two approaches - always at the same time of day.
    4. It is forbidden to combine it with alcohol, and there is a drug interaction in the instructions.
    5. If side effects occur after starting the course, it is recommended to stop taking the drug and introduce a replacement.

    How Clenbuterol affects the heart

    The consequence of taking the drug is a destructive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

    Stimulation of adrenaline production provokes:

    • increased heart rate;

    • vascular spasms;
    • increase in blood pressure.

    The use of the drug leads to depletion of potassium and magnesium reserves, which affects the condition of the heart muscle. Asparkam and ketotifen eliminate both problems. If, after supplementing the course with these drugs, heart problems have not been eliminated, you should stop taking them and undergo a cardiac examination.

    Questions about taking clenbuterol

    Let's look at the main questions that arise when taking clenbuterol.

    Should I take clenbuterol if I just started working out?

    No. At the beginning of training, progress is already taking place by leaps and bounds; there is no need to take clenbuterol. Instead, focus on creating a sound training and nutrition plan and stick to it. This will give much greater and more stable progress than a course of clenbuterol.

    After the course ends, will I gain the same kilograms back?

    No. I didn't notice such an effect. As a rule, after a course of clenbuterol, fat burning slows down slightly, i.e. you begin to lose weight at the same rate at which you lost weight before the course. But it all depends on your diet and genetic makeup.

    Why take asparkam?

    Taking clenbuterol creates a potassium deficiency in the body. Aspartic acid preparations (asparkam and panangin) increase the content of potassium and magnesium ions in the body, replenish aspartic acid deficiency, improve skeletal muscle tone, and have an antioxidant effect. In short, the cramps disappear.

    It’s one thing if your leg or arm cramps. What if your heart breaks? After all, it is the same muscle. It is better, as they say, to be safe than sorry.

    Drink asparkam and more water (from 3 liters per day, on average).

    If I stick to a diet, do strength training and cardio training, will the effect be better?

    Diet, proper strength training and low-intensity cardio training will only improve the results of taking clenbuterol.

    What also plays an important role is how clenbuterol itself will affect you. The sensitivity of beta-2 adrenergic receptors is initially different for everyone.

    Cardio training can make a HUGE difference in your fat loss if done in the right way. Be sure to read my article on how a cardio workout should be designed to burn fat. The link contains a lot of cool practical information!

    How much can I lose on the Clenbuterol Solo course?

    It all depends on your individual sensitivity to clenbuterol, gender, age, the severity of your diet and training. Also, there are different manufacturers of clenbuterol. Each of them works differently. I used clenbuterol from Balkan.

    Is it true that clenbuterol makes your periods disappear?

    Clenbuterol does not cause loss of periods. The cause may be sudden weight loss. Some girls lose weight relatively quickly (up to 3-4 kg per week). The body perceives this as stress and protects itself by stopping the cycle. It's not even about the lost kilograms, but about the speed of their loss. And in general, the problem with a broken cycle in girls is a fairly common phenomenon, even without clenbuterol.

    Effect on sleep

    As a result of research, it was found that 8% of people taking clenbuterol experienced sleep problems. Insomnia and frequent awakenings at night are the result of excessive stimulation of the nervous system.

    The half-life of the drug from the human body is 24-26 hours. This means that the maximum concentration of the stimulating substance remains in the body throughout the day. To achieve significant results in weight loss, this feature of the drug is an advantage.

    But this feature is the cause of frequent sleep disorders. Side effects are neutralized with ketotifen. If sleep disturbances are systematic and do not stop even with the concomitant evening intake of ketotifen, weight loss should be continued without clenbuterol or a temporary break should be taken.

    Clenbuterol depletes potassium stores

    Clenbuterol for weight loss is combined with a specialized diet high in protein and potassium. The protein component is necessary to maintain the volume of muscle tissue and activate ketabolism. Potassium is necessary to compensate for the deficiency of this element caused by taking clenbuterol.

    As a result of clenbuterol stimulation of β2-adrenergic receptors in the kidneys, renin production increases. The consequence of this process is the leaching of potassium from the body, and its deficiency leads to disruption of the water-salt balance and other negative consequences for the body.

    Symptoms of potassium deficiency:

    • problems with concentration;
    • decline in intellectual abilities;
    • hair fragility;
    • dry skin;
    • muscle weakness;
    • heart rhythm disturbance;
    • increased fatigue;
    • headache;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • urination disorder;
    • diseases of the digestive system;
    • dysfunction of the reproductive system.

    There are several ways to prevent potassium deficiency when taking clenbuterol for weight loss:

    1. Including foods rich in this substance in your diet.
    2. Use of mineral supplements.
    3. Taking medications to correct potassium deficiency.

    If you follow the rules of administration and the duration of the course, you can avoid potassium deficiency by strengthening your diet with products that supply compounds of this substance to the body.

    Doctors' opinions on safety and effectiveness: Is it worth taking?

    Medical opinions regarding the use of clenbuterol in sports are divided. Science confirms the drug's effectiveness as a fat burner, but warns against abuse. Doctors say that only absolutely healthy people can use the drug. It is recommended to undergo examination by a cardiologist and endocrinologist to avoid negative consequences.

    Clenbuterol for weight loss is not a panacea, but only enhances the results of training and a sports diet. It is impossible to achieve significant results in burning fat without normalizing nutrition and aerobic training.

    Author: alexvasilena

    Article design: Oksana Grivina

    Products and Use

    Sucralose, or "Splenda", is used in many foods and drinks to make them "healthier". Sometimes, when choosing a product in a store, we don’t even suspect that it contains sucralose.

    It can even be in toothpaste, cough drops or vitamins.

    Before purchasing, read the composition of the product. Sometimes products that say “sugar-free,” “light,” or “0 calories” contain sucralose. Don't trust these labels because they hide artificial sweeteners.

    Sucralose is often found in foods such as:

    • carbonated drinks
    • mineral water
    • diet iced tea
    • juice
    • “sugar-free” sauces, dressings and syrups
    • chewing gum
    • cocoa drinks "no added sugar" or "no fat"
    • some protein powders, bars and shakes
    • sugar-free baked goods
    • ice cream labeled “diet” or “sugar-free”
    • popcorn
    • "light" yoghurts
    • sugar-free candies
    • "low calorie" chocolate
    • mint lozenges and lollipops
    • toothpaste
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