Dukan diet stage 3 “Consolidation”: what foods can you eat?

In the race for a slim figure, sometimes we do not pay attention to the fact that most methods of combating excess weight are ineffective, and sometimes even harm our body.

Therefore, you should focus only on methods and diets developed by specialists in this field. Pierre Dukan is a world-famous nutritionist. Thanks to his method, thousands of people got rid of the problem of excess weight. So, what is special about the Pierre Dukan diet? Dukan's weight loss method is one of the most gentle and loyal. Unlike thousands of others, which necessarily provide for food restrictions, the Dukan diet does not involve training one’s willpower, but on the contrary, does not limit a person’s diet.

All those suffering from excess weight should definitely know that the diet developed by Pierre Dukan suggests the possibility of losing ten or more kilograms of excess weight. You can lose 3-5 kg ​​in a week. Let's look at the main aspects of such a diet.

How the diet works

The Pierre Dukan diet is a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet. Weight loss on such a diet occurs due to the process of ketosis. With a sharp decrease in carbohydrates in a person’s diet, the process of burning excess adipose tissue in the body begins. A constant companion for a person who decides to use such a diet should be oat bran, which will need to be consumed daily up to three tablespoons.

The fight against excess weight according to the Pierre Dukan method consists of four stages:

  • Stage 1 Attack;
  • Stage 2 Alternation;
  • Stage 3 Consolidation (we will analyze it in this article);
  • Stage 4 Stabilization.

Let's look at each of the stages, paying special attention to the third stage - Consolidation, since this stage is the most important.

Recipes for Stage 3 of the Dukan Diet

It’s easy to get confused in all the recommendations on foods allowed during the Consolidation diet stage and their correct dosage. The simplest and easiest recipes for consolidating the Dukan diet will help you quickly prepare a delicious dinner from ingredients that do not contradict the menu developed by the French doctor. For example, light fish fillet cutlets will not harm your figure.


  • milk with 0% fat content – ​​100 ml;
  • white fish fillet – 400 g;
  • oat bran – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • seasonings - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour hot milk over the bran.
  2. Make mince from a piece of fish. Next, put the onion into the meat grinder.
  3. Combine the fish and onion mixture with seasonings, add the swollen bran to the preparation.
  4. Cook the cutlets in a frying pan or in a double boiler.

The recipes allowed by Dukan during Consolidation are very diverse: thanks to them, you will not only be able to realize many culinary fantasies, but also will not feel deprived of food. According to Dukan's recipe, it is very easy to prepare a light green salad - a dish consisting of fiber-rich foods and containing many microelements beneficial to the body.


  • radishes – 1 handful;
  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • soy sauce – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sweet pepper – 1 pc.;
  • lettuce leaves - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop the peppers, chop the cucumbers and radishes.
  2. Place green salad leaves on a plate and top with prepared ingredients.
  3. Season the salad, add some salt, and pour over the Chinese sauce.

It is difficult for true sweet tooths to stick to any diet, because each of them involves excluding various types of desserts and sweets from the menu. If you have reached the Dukan Consolidation stage, it means that you can afford to relax a little and eat some treat, for example, vanilla ice cream. It won’t be difficult to do it yourself, the main thing is to follow Dr. Dukan’s recommendations.


  • gaur gum – 0.5 tsp;
  • vanilla flavoring – 3 drops;
  • sweetener – 1 tsp;
  • vanilla bean - for decoration;
  • milk with 0% fat content – ​​0.5 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the milk into a bowl, add gum, flavoring, and sweetener.
  2. Whisk the mixture until the bubbles on the surface are well formed.
  3. Place the mixture in the freezer for a short time, then beat again.
  4. Transfer the future ice cream into a mold and place in the freezer until frozen.

Attack stage

At this stage, you can lose up to seven kilograms in just a few days. This stage is the shortest, but also the most stringent in terms of product acceptability. In this phase, the fat burning mechanism is launched.

At the “Attack” stage, you are allowed to consume only protein products, and in unlimited quantities! You can also consume some herbs and spices. The duration of this stage ranges from two to seven days. (calculate weight)

Its duration depends on the amount of excess weight, but it should be remembered that the “Attack” stage should in no case exceed more than ten days. As already mentioned, at this stage you can lose up to seven kilograms of weight.

Where to begin

The Dukan Diet provides a menu for every day, in which protein foods should dominate.

The Dukan diet is an effective way to lose weight. You can independently create a menu for every day for any phase if you use the nutrition scale and diet food table.

Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the tables where all prohibited and permitted products are indicated. It is important to gradually prepare the body for such stress.

Preparatory stage

First you need to limit salt and sugar in your diet. This will reduce stress during the complete elimination of them in the first stage. Nutritionists advise eliminating wheat bread and baked goods. They can be easily replaced with other products.

An important component is the drinking regime, which will require close analysis. Coffee and soda should be completely eliminated, replacing them with plain water or natural decoctions . Having gone through the preparatory stage and thoroughly strengthened your knowledge of the nutritional system, you need to cleanse your body.

How to cleanse your body of toxins and waste before losing weight

Toxins and wastes that accumulate in the body interfere with its normal functioning.

The opinion of nutritionists is clear on the need for cleansing measures . These include a course of enemas.

You can make them yourself, using an Esmarch mug. The course lasts 5 weeks.

In the 1st week, enemas are given every day, already in the second week it is necessary to perform the procedures every other day, in the third week - after two days, in the fourth week - after 3 days.

And the last week ends with one procedure. Experts also advise taking herbal diuretics. These are bearberry leaves, cornflower flowers and licorice root.

Stage "Consolidation"

“Consolidation” is a rather difficult stage and this is due to the fact that you have already lost unnecessary pounds, but are still forced to significantly limit yourself. It is this phase that determines whether the lost kilograms will return to you.

This stage is very important, since it actually acts as a transition to the usual diet. It is aimed at final consolidation of results, and correct implementation of its requirements will be the key to further success in maintaining weight at the desired level.

So, what characterizes the consolidation stage? First of all, we note that this phase is quite long in duration; it can take several months. To finally consolidate one lost kilogram in the first two stages, you will need to spend ten days in the third stage.

What foods can be consumed at this stage... Please note that the process of alternating protein and protein-vegetable days is ending. You can return to a normal lifestyle.

In the “Consolidation” phase of the Dukan diet, you can safely add potatoes, rice, and pasta to your daily diet, but remember, these foods are allowed to be eaten only twice a week!

Every day you can already consume two slices of bread baked from wholemeal flour, about forty grams of cheese, legumes are also allowed, up to one tablespoon of olive oil and one fruit per day. It’s up to you to decide what fruits to eat; the main ban is only on cherries, bananas, grapes and dried fruits, and you also can’t eat nuts.

Let's take a closer look at the issue of permitted products.

What is the Dukan system

Everything happens in 4 stages, the duration of which is determined individually. Thanks to the protein attack of the first stage, the body accelerates metabolism and starts the process of destroying fat masses.

The diet does not include fasting. The author of the diet is of the opinion that the body needs proteins, which form its basis. And carbohydrates and fats are subject to restrictions that must be observed for more than 3 months.

Principles of the Dukan system

The principles that form the basis of the weight loss regime are mandatory throughout the diet and are performed daily:

  • Constructing a diet according to the nutrition scale;
  • Water - from 1.5 l;
  • Oat bran - 4 tbsp. l. (drink with water);

  • Walking – 30 min. daily;
  • Vitamin preparations.

Advantages over other diets

The diet has a number of advantages:

  • There is no need to fast, because protein foods can always be eaten.
  • Immediate results.
  • The weight comes off quickly.
  • Fat deposits are reduced without harming muscle mass.
  • Hair and nails become stronger and grow better.
  • The result obtained is easily maintained thanks to the recommendations of professionals.

Disadvantages of the system

However, some disadvantages exist:

  • Liberties in the volume and frequency of food consumption are not prohibited.
  • Eating protein foods in excess can be fraught with problems with the functioning of some organs.
  • Absolute exclusion of fat and carbohydrates.

Medical research

The effectiveness of this nutrition system has been proven by many studies. Independent medical research led by Professor Jay Udani. It was carried out in Los Angeles, at Notridge Hospital, where several volunteers took part.

The results confirmed the correctness of the Dukan diet in relation to the daily menu, which was given to patients in the form of tables. Participants lost the desired weight and improved their health through fortified foods and a diet correctly prepared by specialists.

How long does the diet last?

The duration of each stage of the diet is directly proportional to the weight desired to be lost.

So, for example, to lose 10 kg, the first stage will take place in 3 days, respectively, the second - in 50 days, and the third will take up to 100 days. As weight increases, the period of each stage increases.

Your BMI

Body mass index (BMI) is the main assessment of the level or presence of excess weight in the body. Experts say that a correctly calculated BMI is the basis for success in the subsequent process of losing weight.

This indicator in the Dukan diet is combined with a curve of fluctuations in weight change over the past six months. The daily menu, in turn, involves adjusting excess weight.

The table below shows BMI indicators according to WHO agreement.

Obesity 3 degrees≥ 40
Obesity 2 degrees35-39,9
Obesity 1st degree30-34,9
Normal weight18,5-24,9
Shortage≤ 18,5

Nutrition scale

Nutritionists emphasize the simplicity of the Dukan Diet. The menu for every day is a table that adds variety in many ways and simplifies the approach to planning a diet for someone losing weight.

And the nutrition scale that the author of the diet created is the basic principle in regulating body weight.

This food pyramid will help you clearly understand which foods are most necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Allowed foods

When determining the norm of fruit in the amount of one piece, you should keep in mind that we are talking about large fruits such as an apple or a pear. If we talk about smaller fruits (kiwi, apricot), then you can eat two of them.

When choosing cheese, it is better to stick to hard varieties. Moreover, if you buy cheeses with a lower fat content, then its amount can be increased to sixty grams.

Be very careful when choosing starch-containing products. The most optimal option would be to consume pasta made from durum wheat. In second place you can place whole wheat and couscous, in third - legumes and in fourth place - potatoes and rice.

We draw special attention to the fact that at this stage two festive meals per week are allowed (but not two days in a row). What does this mean? A holiday meal does not mean eating any foods throughout the day.

You are allowed to eat whatever you want once a day - for breakfast, lunch or dinner. That is, you can eat either cake or chocolates, but there is one caveat here! When you give yourself a portion, you can put in any amount of food, but under no circumstances take extra!

Eat slowly and enjoy those foods that you have been limited to for so long.

Also, do not forget about the need to drink fluid, for the normal passage of this stage, drink up to two liters a day! Well, of course, it’s worth remembering that physical activity is also very useful. Therefore, take walks in the fresh air every day, at least thirty minutes a day.

Well, the last phase is the stabilization stage.

Menu for 7 days 3 phases

  1. Monday:
      Breakfast - cottage cheese casserole, berry sauce, coffee without sugar
  2. Lunch - fish soup, a slice of bran bread
  3. Lunch - pear
  4. Dinner - vegetable casserole, boiled fish, green tea
  5. Tuesday:
      Breakfast - oatmeal porridge with milk with 0% fat content, coffee
  6. Lunch - pasta, a piece of cheese
  7. Lunch - chicken cutlets, vegetable salad
  8. Dinner - cheesecakes, kefir with bran
  9. Wednesday:
      Breakfast - omelet with ham, bran flatbread, coffee with milk
  10. Lunch - borscht with vegetables, baked chicken breast, charlotte (1 piece), tea
  11. Lunch – berries – 200 g
  12. Dinner - cottage cheese soufflé, low-fat yogurt
  13. Thursday:
      Breakfast - cheesecakes, baked apple, green tea
  14. Lunch - soup with legumes, pork goulash, vegetable stew, coffee
  15. Lunch - Mimosa salad, baked salmon fillet
  16. Dinner - kefir with added bran
  17. Friday:
      Breakfast - cottage cheese with yogurt, green tea
  18. Lunch - bran flour pancakes, coffee
  19. Lunch - 2 egg omelet
  20. Dinner - fish baked in the oven, any warm drink
  21. Saturday:
      Breakfast - boiled rice, steamed chicken cutlet, cocoa
  22. Lunch - borscht, zucchini pancakes, tea
  23. Lunch - seafood salad, kefir with bran
  24. Dinner - soufflé with lemon zest, tea with herbs
  25. Sunday:
      Breakfast - cheesecakes with berry sauce, coffee
  26. Lunch - chicken broth, boiled egg, a slice of bread, any warm drink
  27. Lunch - mushroom soup
  28. Dinner: yoghurt with bran

Advantages and disadvantages of Dr. Dukan's nutritional system

The diet in question is contraindicated for children, as well as anyone who suffers from chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, digestive and cardiovascular systems. You cannot eat according to Dukan during periods of breastfeeding and pregnancy, or with excessive mental stress.

The disadvantages are the following:

  • fatigue and weakness in the initial stages;
  • discomfort, dry skin;
  • decreased vision due to the almost complete absence of fat in the diet;
  • inability to follow a diet if you are prone to allergies;
  • insufficient amount of vitamins in the menu.

The advantages of losing weight using the Dukan method include a guaranteed weight loss result and the ability to eat according to the system anywhere, even far from home.

Important advantages:

  • using only natural products;
  • the ability to eat at any time;
  • rapid weight loss already at the first stage.

The diet is completely safe if you follow your doctor’s advice and do not ignore contraindications to its adherence.

Sequence of actions under Dukan

How to properly lose weight using this method? Its founder thought through everything to the smallest detail. The modern system provides for a step-by-step passage:

  • The attack is the most important phase, which lasts up to ten days. It is at this time that the bulk of the weight leaves.
  • Alternation - then a combination is carried out, a combination of two diet options, in which a person continues to lose weight until the desired number on the scale is reached. The duration is often several months.
  • Consolidation – the acquired weight is fixed and maintained at the same level.
  • Stabilization is the final stage at which the results obtained are preserved and maintained throughout the future.

↑ Essence

The essence of the diet was developed by a famous scientist from France.
He called it “eat and lose weight.” These two words reflect the essence of this diet. It is based on the adoption of nutritional elements that saturate the body, but are low in calories. The diet includes a wide variety of fish, meat, and milk. These products will not allow a person to become exhausted either physically or mentally. A hunger strike is easily tolerated and does not take away a person’s strength. The main principle of the diet is the process of consuming protein and avoiding harmful carbohydrates to the maximum. The diet was developed by Pierre Dukan. Her main popularity came after the 2006 book “I Can’t Lose Weight.” This book has been translated into a large number of languages ​​and over 10 million copies have been published.

What problems can you encounter at this stage of losing weight?

At the third stage of the Dukan diet, many have already received the desired results, and therefore do not always take this phase seriously, sometimes ignoring its rules. So it turns out that the weight begins to gain again, and psychological disorders also develop.

Irritability, aggression, and a nervous state appear, and all because again you need to infringe on yourself, but you need to pull yourself together and reach the end. After all, half the journey has already been completed.

Attention: look at your figure and try not to lose your temper – so as not to worsen your situation and health!

Festive meal or feast

Feast is a festive dinner. Belly celebration for yourself. Once a week you can allow yourself to eat whatever you want - any soup, any main dish you like and absolutely any dessert to your taste. Even the cake! During the feast you can eat 1 serving of the first, 1 serving of the second and either dessert or 1 serving of alcohol. It is important to train yourself to immediately measure a portion and never take supplements. Also, you cannot do a starch day and a feasting day one after another. If you couldn’t resist the temptation, read the recommendations on what to do if you fail on the Dukan diet.

It is strictly forbidden to neglect the feast and not arrange it, since it is precisely this that helps the body gradually get used to familiar food, so as not to be faced with an abundance of unusual food after the usual limited diet.

↑ Menu

The first days of losing weight are difficult for those who cannot determine the menu.
After all, in fact, the list of products is very large, but not everyone can combine them and get a low-calorie portion for every day or even for a whole month. For this purpose, a special menu was created for each phase, which includes specific recipes, products and examples of their preparation. Detailed menu for the Attack phase for the week:

Detailed menu for the Alternating Stage for the week

Detailed menu for the Strengthening Stage for the week

Dukan also formulated a special program for losing weight in just 7 days, it is called the “Dukan Light Diet.” This technique is a lighter version of the main diet.

Pros and cons of the diet

It is necessary to talk about the undoubted advantages of the diet. If everything is done according to the rules, then the excess weight will not return. The new body weight remains at the same level for a long time. The main rule is that after finishing the diet you can’t immediately start eating everything you can get your hands on. It is necessary to follow the recommendations of a nutritionist.

The advantage of the diet is that there is no feeling of hunger. The diet includes 100 different foods that you can eat. As a result, there is no special feeling of restrictions as, for example, with any mono diet. Those who are losing weight from hunger do not experience dizziness or fainting.

But it is important to talk about the disadvantages of the Dukan diet. There are few of them, but they are there:

It is important to consult your doctor before starting a diet. All diets have contraindications.

  1. Quite a high load on internal organs. This is especially true for the kidneys. The large formation of ketone bodies due to protein products must be removed from the body in a timely manner. The main burden in this case goes to the kidneys. If they do not cope, the concentration of ketone bodies in the blood plasma may increase, and doctors may diagnose ketosis.
  2. If you are losing weight, you may feel a taste of acetone in your mouth. Your health may worsen slightly.
  3. A protein diet can lead to constipation.
  4. In addition, a sharp reduction in fat intake can negatively affect women's health.

Fats in the female body are responsible for the menstrual cycle.
Their lack can lead to malfunctions of the reproductive system. It is also worth talking to your doctor about vitamins. If you limit the consumption of certain foods, then along with them many useful substances that the body needs will no longer be supplied.

Table of 100 products of the Attack and Alternation phases

72 animal products: from the attack stage

Lean meat
beef steak
beef tongue
beef fillet
beef steak
low fat pork ham
roast beef
veal kidneys
veal chop
calf liver
Poultry meat
turkey ham
chicken liver
guinea fowl
red mullet
white halibut
sea ​​bream
crab meat
sea ​​wolf (bar)
sea ​​bass
blue whiting
big crab
sea ​​snail
scallops Saint-Jacques
sea ​​urchin
Plant proteins
oat bran
Dairy products 0% fat
grainy cottage cheese
soft low-fat cottage cheese
skimmed milk
low-fat yogurt without additives with sweetener
low fat processed cheese
skim cheese
Chicken eggs

28 plant-based foods: starting from the rotation phase

Brussels sprouts
green bean
field salad
heart of palm

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