How to get better in your legs and butt at home and shape your figure

Athletes and amateurs who prefer to spend their free time in the gym to bring their body parameters to ideal should know that one workout is not enough. It is important to include foods for gaining muscle mass for men in the diet in certain proportions and quantities. It is difficult to do this on your own without special knowledge, but it is possible if you follow the recommendations of special nutrition systems and the advice of nutritionists in the field of sports diet. So, what can you eat to gain muscle mass and create a beautiful body contour?

What you need to eat to get better diet

You can gain weight if you develop the habit of eating right. The diet will be as follows:

  • breakfast - buckwheat porridge with milk, coffee (tea), salad with beets, dressed with sour cream, sandwich with a slice of cheese;
  • second breakfast - boiled lean meat with a side dish of beans, beans (peas), boiled eggs (2 pcs.), fruit or vegetable juice, tea;
  • lunch – salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs, dressed with oil (olive), tea, soup with dumplings, mineral water, boiled chicken stewed with cabbage, will help you gain weight;
  • afternoon snack – sweet and sour baked apples (fresh oranges), jelly and cottage cheese, seasoned with honey;
  • dinner – fish stewed in sauce, mashed potatoes, a portion of pie with vegetable or berry filling, a couple of fresh plums, mineral water, tea;
  • about an hour before bedtime - a portion of semolina-curd casserole with sour cream sauce, rosehip decoction will help you gain weight.

You should build your daily diet taking into account the above daily menu, regularly changing soups, cereals, fruits, vegetables and types of meat. It will be useful to diversify your cereals and pasta, eat fish and meat, and bread (coarsely ground only) every day. Do not forget that the body should receive at least 2 liters of fluid every day, and reduce the amount of salt to the required minimum.

Learn more about the muscle gain diet.

Do exercises for your hips

Well, what is weight loss without sports? In order to lose weight quickly in your thighs in a week, do cardio training several times a week, i.e. walk, run, ride a bike, dance, in a word, move more. This will help get your gluteal and leg muscles working. Don't overdo it, choose the cardio workouts that you like best. Start small and gradually increase the load. You will be guaranteed to get rid of inches on your hips and be in a good mood.

A few words about morning exercises. Don't like to exercise yourself physically early in the morning? Then don’t force yourself, do exercises for your buttocks at lunch or even in the evening. Some experts even express the opinion that doing exercises in the evening is even very useful for your general condition and getting rid of extra pounds.

What exercises can you do to lose a few pounds in your thighs in a week? Lying on your back, spin the “bicycle”, do “scissors” and swing your legs. Be sure to squat and lunge on one leg several times. To help you, here are the following video exercises:

Don't let your hands relax

When working biceps, it is very important to work quickly. To begin, choose a weight that you can definitely lift several times and attach it to a barbell. In this case, it is worth selecting a borderline weight so that a kilogram more would be difficult. You need to lift the barbell very quickly and sharply, but lower the weight measuredly and calmly. You need to repeat the lift in one approach as much as you can. As soon as you feel discomfort, give yourself a rest. And it’s normal if it happens after the third or fourth time.


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Special exercises to increase mass

If you need to gain weight in your chest or legs, then in addition to six meals a day, you must do physical exercise.
We take one 0.5 liter bottle in each hand (if there are no half-kilogram dumbbells), and begin to move them in different directions. Do this ten times, increasing by one with each approach. It will be difficult at first, but after a month of such exercises, the volume of the chest (muscle) will increase significantly. In fact, you can do without diets at all, you just need a little diligence, and not indulge in fatty fried foods and fast food, otherwise we will not acquire beautiful sexy forms, but risk getting ugly fat.

After each approach, you need to eat a product rich in microelements, for example, everyone knows about the benefits of nuts, so after physical exercise, eat a handful, this will activate the brain, and the body will replenish the loss of carbohydrates.

There is often not enough volume in the legs; you need to squat, so your butt will tighten and your hips will become rounder. At least 50 times, and over time after each approach we increase the number of squats. A very good exercise is “sliders”, we sit on our butt and begin to move forward in this position. So five minutes, then a break and some nuts.

The easiest way to gain weight is in the butt, squats, jumping, crawling, running. There are simply countless methods; callanetics helps very effectively. It makes the hidden muscles work well, which are responsible for the formation or disappearance of volume. This sport is suitable for both young girls and older women.

Take off your shoes

Unfortunately, this does not mean that without shoes you will immediately gain weight, but in some ways, not wearing sneakers will actually help speed up the process. When you decide to try the deadlift (an exercise that involves lifting a barbell while standing), be sure to take off your shoes. The higher the heel of the shoe, the greater the load on the quadriceps, and in your case it would be much more useful to direct this force to the buttocks and hamstrings. Just don’t forget to wash your socks before going to the gym, you don’t want to embarrass yourself.


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A little about nutrition

We must remember that food plays an important role in gaining muscle mass. Three meals a day is not suitable in this case. You need to prepare for the fact that you will have to eat often and in small quantities. It is necessary to exclude all harmful foods from the daily diet - fried, smoked, fatty foods. You should also avoid carbonated drinks, packaged juices and alcohol. The following foods should be consumed daily:

  • meat or fish;
  • chicken or goose eggs;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • milk or fermented milk products;
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice, barley, etc.)

Don't forget about water. During training, fat is burned and muscles are built, but also toxins are released from tissue cells. To remove them from the body faster, you need to drink pure mineral water. It is recommended to consume 2.5-3 liters of liquid per day.

In nutrition, as in training, you need to follow a regime. You can gain weight quickly using our “Getting Fat Together” program. It is advisable to eat at the same time and never skip main meals, especially breakfast.

While some people don’t know how to lose weight, others have a complex about being thin, wondering what to do to make their legs get better. As you know, the body distributes fat cells itself, based on body type and genetic predisposition. Therefore, it is naive to hope that you will just eat, and it will be your legs that will get better (and not your stomach, for example). The only real way to improve their shape and add volume is through weight training and.

How to quickly get better in your legs?

Don't even ask that question. You can only gain weight quickly in your stomach if you eat fast food and sweets every day. And in order to build muscle mass and have beautiful legs, it will take several months.

What should I do to improve my legs?

The easiest way to discuss the question of how to improve a girl’s legs is with a coach. The best thing is to join a gym. It’s unlikely that you have anything at home other than a pair of light dumbbells, and weight gain exercises are always weight training. The following exercises will be available to you in the gym:

  1. Squats in a hack machine.
  2. Leg extension in a sitting machine.
  3. Hip adduction in crossover from the lower block.
  4. Leg bending in a standing machine.
  5. Leg bending in a sitting machine.
  6. Leg abduction in the simulator.
  7. Breeding legs in the simulator.
  8. Shin in a standing exercise machine.
  9. Tibia in the simulator in an incline position.
  10. Leg press in the simulator.

It is impossible to perform most effective exercises at home. It is worth noting that the exercises themselves will contribute to the growth of muscle mass only if you eat properly.

How to get better in your legs?

To achieve quick results, you need to significantly increase the proportion of protein (also called protein) in your diet. These are, first of all, meat, poultry, fish, seafood, dairy products and eggs. If you want to speed up your results, you can take sports nutrition, such as protein or amino acids.

Most often, women discuss diets, methods of losing weight, and the ability to remove extra centimeters from their thighs, calves and legs. Everything is simply captured by mass weight loss. Now the world dictates its own rules, because thinness is in fashion. But if it looks beautiful on screens and magazine covers, then in real life everything is completely different. Often thin girls have complexes, put on baggy clothes, and wear trousers. And all because of the legs. They are the ones who show extreme thinness. Although, it should be noted that not all representatives of the fair sex have a problem with weight. No, quite the opposite happens. The whole body is beautiful and slender, but the legs are too thin. How to gain fat in your legs with exercise? This article will present the main methods that have been tested in real life and have shown good results.

Where should I start?

Compliance with the following conditions will help you increase your weight by at least 10 kg:

  • reduce stressful situations, consult a psychologist;
  • observe the daily routine: night rest - 7-9 hours, 60 minutes - daytime relaxation, rest, walk in the fresh air;
  • eat foods high in calories, fats and carbohydrates;
  • eat proteins: cottage cheese, meat, eggs, fish;
  • drink protein shakes;
  • take vitamin complexes;
  • be examined by a gastroenterologist.

The ratio of balanced nutrition and rest will allow a man to gain 2-2.5 kg in 7 days. An important condition is not to overeat. A sharp, significant increase in calorie content will lead to upset stomach and internal organs. You need to start gradually, increasing the amount of food consumed every day. We must not forget about proper sleep, be sure to rest during the day.

The main conditions for weight gain

It is not necessary to contact various kinds of specialists: nutritionists, trainers, and so on. It is very possible to achieve stunning results at home. The most important thing is to set yourself a goal and work hard towards it.

For proper weight gain, it is important to know and follow the main principles:

1. Proper and timely nutrition: gaining weight does not mean getting fat. There is no need to eat everything: fatty foods, high-calorie foods. This will make it easier for fatty tissue to form. First you need to determine what kind of weight gain is expected, what goal is being pursued. After all, you need to proceed from the expected result. The body type can be different: athletic, juicy (well-fed). If you want to have a moderately plump figure, have feminine and curvy shapes, then the option of eating more abundantly with high-calorie foods is quite suitable. However, this is fraught with cellulite and excess weight.

Therefore, it is very important to eat right, choose a diet and eat food at certain time intervals for proper absorption. 2. Systematic training, performing exercises with multiple repetitions: the end result is a gain of muscle mass. Weight is gained not only through proper nutrition, but also through diligent strength training.

When performing this or that exercise, muscle microfibers are torn. During the process of their regeneration (restoration), they grow with new fibers, increasing in volume. And this happens during every new workout. By doing everything technically correctly, distributing the load, in at least 2-3 months the growth of new muscles will be visible, due to which the volume of both the butt and legs will increase. 3. Adequate sleep and rest: in order for training not to be harmful, you need to get a good night's sleep. This time is needed to restore muscle tissue. Rest is the key to a healthy and strong body. 4. Lack of stress: as you know, when experiencing nervous breakdowns and stressful situations, the body is prone to weight loss. By spending a large amount of energy due to stress, the process of burning muscle mass begins, which is a very negative phenomenon. It leads to rapid and significant weight loss. 5. Elimination of bad habits: smoking prevents you from gaining weight. The same can be said about drug use. Alcohol promotes improper metabolism, which can equally lead to both weight loss and rapid weight gain (fat). Everything is strictly individual. 6. Monitoring your general health: getting better in your legs and butt is possible by maintaining good tone of the body as a whole. Everything is closely interdependent in our body. For example, if you have some kind of chronic disease, it will be very difficult to gain weight. Against the background of such ailments, the body is exhausted and, as a result, weight loss occurs.

All principles presented must be taken into account. Failure to comply with at least one of them can negate all efforts

What else will help you gain muscle mass?

If for some reason you cannot eat so much, for example, you have eaten so much that you cannot breathe , then you can use sports nutrition. It makes our life much easier.

It’s quick to prepare, quick to digest, takes up minimal space—a dream, in a word.

If this option suits you, then read articles about gainer and protein for skinny guys, I prepared them especially for you.

I bet you have skinny legs on top of everything else. This problem is very global and requires a separate approach, so I wrote an article for you on how to make thin legs thicker.

And of course, don’t forget to exercise, because in order to gain quality, you must give your muscles a load, so they will grow. If you just can’t bring yourself to go to the gym because of laziness or lack of confidence, read my article on how to start playing sports.

Are you doing everything right, but your muscles aren't growing? For you, my new article is about why muscles don’t grow .

What to eat to gain weight high-calorie diet

The diet of people who want to recover quickly should be based on foods rich in carbohydrates and proteins. It's good if they complement each other during every meal. The diet of anyone who wants to gain weight must include fish, meat, eggs, and dairy products. This food is especially rich in proteins.

Drinking protein shakes will help you get better quickly: it is recommended to use both store-bought mixtures and those you prepare yourself. For example, this recipe: take a glass of cream, a pack of cottage cheese, a few spoons of jam and mix it all thoroughly in a blender. Tasty and healthy at the same time - a great reason to pamper yourself.

It’s good to season salads with olive, sunflower or soybean oil, because these products are rich sources of fat. But white bread, potatoes, pasta, sweets, honey, sugar contain a sufficient amount of carbohydrates necessary to gain weight. The daily diet needs to be balanced regarding the presence of minerals and vitamins. They improve all processes in the body, improve appetite, and help quickly gain weight.

Menu and recipes for the week for men and women

To quickly gain weight, men and women can eat the same foods, but their quantities will be different, since the male body spends more energy, which means it requires significantly more calories to gain weight. We bring to your attention a balanced diet for a week for those who want to gain weight quickly.

The first and fifth days of the diet with which you will gain weight.

  • Morning: wheat porridge with chicken, cheese and ham sandwich, coffee.
  • Snack: nuts, cookies.
  • Lunch: pea soup, baked potatoes with meat, vegetable salad with butter.
  • Evening: omelet with cheese, mushrooms and meat, tea.

Second and sixth days: in order to gain weight you will have to eat a lot.

  • Morning: oatmeal with milk, a sandwich with butter and cheese, cocoa or coffee.
  • Snack: fruit, bun.
  • Lunch: solyanka, pasta with pork, compote.
  • Evening: chicken with a side dish, cheese casserole or pie, a cup of tea.

The third and fifth days will offer a varied menu, the purpose of which is to allow you to gain weight at the desired speed.

  • Morning: buckwheat porridge with butter, ham sandwich, tea or coffee with honey, sugar.
  • Snack: apple, banana, full-fat yogurt.
  • Lunch: Ukrainian borscht with meat, potatoes with fried fish, compote
  • Evening: pilaf with beef, pastries, nuts, sweet drink of your choice.

The fourth day, which is considered a kind of fasting day in the race in order to get better.

  • Morning: potatoes and lean meat, cocoa with milk, sandwich with cheese.
  • Snack: cookies or bun with tea.
  • Lunch: pea soup with meat, dumplings, fruit, sweet compote.
  • Evening: pasta with fried meat, a few boiled eggs, sweet tea or milk.

Article information

This article was produced by our experienced team of editors and researchers, who reviewed it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Categories: Nutrition and Lifestyle

In other languages:

English: Gain Weight Fast (for Women), Italiano: Aumentare Velocemente il proprio Peso (Donne), Português: Ganhar Peso Rapidamente para Mulheres, Español: aumentar de peso rápido (para mujeres), Deutsch: An Gewicht zulegen (Frauen), Français : prendre du poids en étant une femme, 中文: 快速增肥(女性适用), Nederlands: Snel zwaarder worden voor vrouwen, Bahasa Indonesia: Menambah Berat Badan Bagi Wanita, Čeština: Jak rychle přibrat (pro žen y), العربية: زيادة وزنِك سريعاً (للنساء), हिन्दी: तेज़ी से वजन बढ़ाएँ (महिलाओं के लिए), 한국어: 빠르게 살 찌우는 법 (여자편), Tiếng Việt: Tăng Cân Nhanh (cho Nữ), ไทย: เพิ่มน ้ำหนักเร็วทันใจ (สำหรับผู้หญิง), Name: 早く体重を増やす(女性向け), Türkçe: Nasıl Hızlı Kilo Alınır (Kadınlar İçin)

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Diet preparation

There are a very large number of different formulas for calculating the correct amount of daily calorie intake. However, without going into details, you can derive an effective and reliable method for determining the dose of food to increase body size. In order to have a rough idea of ​​the correct diet, you should know that the menu should include approximately 40% proteins, 50% carbohydrates and only 10% fat.

It is necessary to select nutrition strictly individually, based on your height, weight, and metabolic characteristics in the body. In order to understand whether you are on the right track or not, you need to weigh yourself every 3 days. It is necessary to achieve an increase of 500-700 g per week. Then visually you will see changes in your body and understand whether your current parameters satisfy you or whether it is worth continuing.

Even at home, without purchasing a gym membership or contacting a trainer, you can exercise effectively and achieve the desired shape. In order for the necessary parts of the body to get better, you need to perform a number of simple exercises. Such a change in the parameters of the female body will help give it a more appetizing appearance. This is especially true for women with small breasts, as there is a need to transform other advantages of a girl’s body. By gaining weight in her hips, a lady becomes more attractive to men.

To pump up your butt, it is enough to perform a number of suggested exercises once a day, 3 times a week:

  1. 1. You need to lie on your back, bend your knees. Smoothly lifting your pelvis off the floor, align your body so that it is parallel to your legs. Here you need to squeeze your buttocks briefly and then return to the starting position. As you rise, inhale, and when you return to the original position, exhale. You need to do 3 sets of 20 repetitions.
  2. 2. The exercise is similar to the traditional “swallow”. In a standing position (if you wish, you can hold on to a wall, chair or other objects with your hands), you need to put your legs back one by one. And so intensely that the upper back and buttocks are well compressed. Each leg should be used 30-50 times, performing 2 to 3 approaches. Thus, the very desired roundness of shape appears, the butt becomes more noticeable.
  3. 3. Classic lunges. Almost all girls are well aware of this exercise. For convenience, hands are placed on the hips, one leg is put forward, bending at the knee, and the body is lowered. The second leg, bending, rests its knee on the floor. These movements should be repeated on each leg 20-30 times for 2-3 approaches. This exercise also has a beneficial effect on the swing of the legs.

Firstly, I would like to start with those methods, if you choose which, you will never achieve success.

The most common one is to eat a lot. This will never help you solve the problem of getting fat in your legs.

After all, everything is purely individual, so there is no guarantee that the necessary centimeters will begin to arrive specifically to the legs, and not to other parts of the body.

In addition, if you have a sedentary job and an inactive lifestyle, then most likely, fat will begin to accumulate in the sides, stomach and back.

And most importantly, you are going to get beautiful legs, and not have excess fat deposits.

The second, but no less important misconception is to “eat” dietary supplements and various protein supplements and cocktails. As soon as you stop eating this way, the weight will go away

And if the dosage is incorrect and basic rules are violated (for example, dosage, mandatory drinking plenty of fluids), you can harm your health and even gain weight for a long time. Therefore, it is best to change your diet, increase the amount of protein foods

As soon as you stop eating this way, the weight will go away. And if the dosage is incorrect and basic rules are violated (for example, dosage, mandatory drinking plenty of fluids), you can harm your health and even gain weight for a long time. Therefore, it is best to change your diet and increase the amount of protein foods.

What weight gain pills to take?

Weight gain pills are divided into two groups. The first group includes drugs that contain protein compounds, proteins and various vitamin complexes. This type of medication can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription.

Drugs of the first group:

  • Potassium orate. Used for rapid weight gain and increased appetite. The drug contains a complex of vitamins that enhance its effect.
  • Brewer's yeast. They improve appetite, give you energy, and also increase overall weight gain. By observing the correct proportion of the drug, you can increase weight in the shortest possible time.
  • Oxandrolone. A good remedy not only for rapid weight gain, but also as a supplement of nutrients for the comprehensive health of the body.
  • Peritol. Accelerates the increase in muscle mass, strengthens the general condition of the body. Peritol is contraindicated if you are allergic to lactose.

The second group of medications are mixtures of hormones that help increase appetite and maintain body weight. They are prescribed only in extreme cases, when the total mass is at a critical level. Self-administration of hormone-containing medications can cause severe side effects.

Drugs of the second group:

  • Dexamitazone. In addition to gaining muscle mass, this drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, but has a large number of side effects.
  • Diabetes. Increases the body's secretion of insulin. If you follow all your doctor's instructions, this drug will help you gain weight and will also reduce the risk of unwanted effects from accelerated weight gain.
  • Duphaston. Provokes rapid weight gain.


Walking is a great way to strengthen your leg muscles and gain weight in your legs. But there are several subtleties here.

If you want to get better in your legs, walking is not for you. The step should be brisk, and the walking time should be gradually increased. If you work or study close to home (bus stops, metro stations, etc.), increase this path, make a detour, because “heroes always take a detour.”

Walking time should be gradually increased from a minimum of half an hour to an hour. A person must walk 7-8 km daily, otherwise the blood vessels narrow, elasticity decreases and the legs “dry out.” In addition, walking is very beneficial for the whole body as a whole.

So, let’s summarize the results and rules of “walking to build muscle”:

  1. Walking slowly won't do anything. Walk quickly.
  2. The load must be continuous. Do not stop.

Video: For thin legs how to gain weight

Cause of thin calves and legs

So, before you think about how to get fat in your legs through exercise, you need to understand the cause of the problem. Slender, even, but thin legs can be passed on genetically. Please note, perhaps your parents or sisters, aunts or grandmothers have this. If yes, then you don’t have to worry about any developmental disabilities and start exercising. But thin legs and thighs can be the result of anatomical problems: injury, polio. In such cases, medical intervention is necessary. But if everything is in order, then feel free to move on to the next steps towards How to gain weight in your legs? Physical education will be your faithful assistants.

Getting better in the hips

It is much easier to gain weight in your hips than in your calves. Firstly, there is more muscle mass here, and it can be shaped as desired. The main thing is persistence. So, what can you do to get fatter legs? Here are a few

Exercise 1

Stand up straight, keep your back straight. Lunge your right foot forward slightly (imagine being knighted) so that your left knee forms a 90-degree angle, but never touch the floor. Return to the reverse position. Do this twenty times, first on one leg, then on the second, in three approaches.

Exercise 2

Strengthen your legs

And of course, you won’t be able to gain muscle mass without training. First, we advise you to take care of your feet. In the end, you need support for the pile of muscles that you want to build yourself. To do this, you will need classes on a step platform. We recommend trying the following exercise: stand on the machine with both feet and alternately lunge backwards with one leg. When lunging, it is very important to bend your knees. You shouldn't do this quickly, but 10-12 repetitions certainly won't take up too much time.

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