Leuzea in bodybuilding. How modern drugs are replacing conventional extracts and tinctures

What is Leuzea safflower?

Leuzea is well known to many athletes. However, to avoid confusion, you should understand its names. Indeed, despite the relatively small area of ​​natural distribution, the plant received many names from humans:

  • Leuzea safflower;
  • raponticum safflower;
  • common safflower;
  • Stemacantha safflower;
  • maral root.

In the botanical lexicon, this biological species began to be designated by the Latin term Rhaponticum carthamoides. In some publications you can also find the name “Adam’s root” or “Adam’s root”, but this is a mistake. This phrase can denote other plants: common thamus or white steppe.

Leuzea safflower, so beloved in bodybuilding, is an endemic plant species; its habitats in the natural environment have long been limited to the southern regions of Siberia, Altai, and Sayan Mountains. Somewhat further south it could be found on the mountain ranges of Mongolia and the border areas of the Himalayas and Tibet. Leuzea's favorite place is alpine and subalpine meadows on the slopes of mountain ranges. Harsh climatic conditions have developed in it such qualities as frost resistance and drought resistance. And one of the weaknesses of the species can be called light-loving. Having been brought by people to the European part of the continent, the grass easily took root in central Russia.

Leuzea is a member of the Raponticum genus and the Asteraceae family. Thus, it is relatively closely related to dandelion, chamomile, calendula, and thistle. The external resemblance to the latter is easy to notice even without being a specialist.

Like other representatives of this family, Leuzea is a herbaceous plant. In height, as a rule, it reaches 50–80 centimeters. Its stem is quite rigid and covered with cobwebby fluff, the leaves are pinnate with a serrated edge. Leuzea flowers have a tubular structure and purple color. They are collected in single inflorescences-baskets, reaching sizes of 3–8 centimeters in diameter. Their flowering period is short and lasts about two weeks, after which the fruit achene is formed.

The plant has a powerful taproot system with many branching shoots. It is in it that the most valuable chemical compounds are concentrated, which brought the popularity of Leuzea in bodybuilding and sports.

Indications for use

General indications for use

Raw materials, tablets, dragees and Leuzea extract are recommended to be taken as an additional ingredient in complex treatment for:

  • asthenia;
  • decreased potency;
  • intellectual/physical fatigue;
  • vegetative-vascular disorders;
  • anemia;
  • decreased performance;
  • gynecological disorders;
  • during the period of convalescence.

Indications for use in sports

The online encyclopedia of fitness and bodybuilding for athletes SportWiki recommends taking Leuzea safflower Asteroid and other preparations of this plant (including essential oil and honey from Leuzea ) for:

  • increasing endurance in preparation for competitions, as well as on the days of participation in them;
  • boosting muscle mass gain ;
  • accelerating the recovery of physical fitness after injuries or overloads;
  • increasing the body’s existing and hidden reserves;
  • increased performance during intense training;
  • increasing protein synthesizing processes ;
  • aerobic and anaerobic endurance during speed-strength loads.

Chemical composition of the roots of Leuzea safflower

The roots and rhizomes of Leuzea safflower are the main raw materials for products obtained from this plant. In their complex chemical composition, the following most important components should be distinguished:

  • ecdysteroids are steroid hormones of natural origin (phytosteroids), which enhance anabolic processes in the human body, participate in protein synthesis in muscles, liver and kidneys, and also exhibit adaptogenic, antioxidant and antitumor activity;
  • inulin is a type of fiber, a fibrous substance that helps cleanse the digestive system, accelerates lipid (fat) metabolism and maintains healthy microflora, and also helps lower blood sugar, improves heart function and fights oxidative stress;
  • flavonoids - a group of substances (also sometimes called vitamin P) that strengthen blood vessels and are powerful antioxidants;
  • tannins - compounds known for their anti-inflammatory effects;
  • carotene is a provitamin of vitamin A, an antioxidant that also strengthens blood vessels and is very important for the organs of vision;
  • ascorbic acid is vitamin C, the fundamental importance of which for the human body is known to everyone: in one way or another it affects the functioning of most body systems, participates in the synthesis of compounds such as collagen (the basis of connective tissue), serotonin (the joy hormone), corticosteroids (steroid hormones necessary for adaptation to changes in external environmental conditions and maintaining the balance of the internal environment), catecholamines (compounds that ensure intercellular chemical interaction in the body).

The plant also contains proteins, essential oils, resins, gums, and a large set of microelements.

Natural remedy for diabetes

In recent years, herbalists often say that Leuzea has the ability to stop pathologies such as obesity, high cholesterol, and diabetes. Research has confirmed this possibility.

Doctor of Medical Sciences M. Dushkin, an employee of the Institute of Internal Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences from Novosibirsk, studied the possibilities of this adaptogen to improve metabolic processes in rats. At the same time, he compared the effect of Leuzea with the influence of licorice and pomegranate. Before the experiment, the rodents were given high-fat food for 2 months.

Leuzea safflower lived up to expectations - its extract significantly improved lipid and glucose metabolism. Moreover, it turned out to be more effective than the mentioned herbal remedies. Based on the data obtained, the scientist stated that the plant is useful not only for diabetes, but also for liver steatosis. [12]

Science has identified substances in Leuzea root that make it highly effective against diabetes. The level of glucose in the blood is reduced by the polysaccharide inulin, which is a known antidiabetic agent. Phytoecdysteroids also make a contribution by improving overall metabolism.

The drug Levzeya P will give you strength, endurance, improve intelligence, normalize metabolism, protect the heart and increase immunity.

Levzeya P, more details

Properties of Leuzea safflower

The reason for the popularity of Leuzea safflower among representatives of bodybuilding and other sports is its multifactorial positive effect on the athlete’s body. Below we present the main properties that can seriously affect the effectiveness of the training process and results in competitions.

  1. The presence of phytosteroids in the composition is the main secret of the favorite plant of bodybuilders. These substances provide a powerful anabolic effect , that is, they accelerate the synthesis of high-molecular compounds that form the tissues of our body. Simply put, this means that taking Leuzea promotes active growth of muscle mass and an increase in the cross-sectional area of ​​the athlete’s muscles.
  2. Phytosteroids, in particular ecdysterone, have an anesthetic (pain-relieving) effect , which makes it easier to endure microtraumas that are inevitable in the training process.
  3. Leuzea components accelerate the accumulation of glycogen in muscles and liver, and also increase ATP reserves. This is a necessary factor for successful strength training, which ensures increased muscle performance . By taking Leuzea, an athlete can afford increased loads and longer duration of training.
  4. Leuzea accelerates the removal of lactic acid from muscle tissue, thus ensuring rapid recovery .
  5. Leuzea safflower ecdysteroids are powerful testosterone boosters . By accelerating the synthesis of this hormone, the plant ensures the restoration of libido and potency, which tend to decrease during high (and, especially, peak) physical exertion. Anabolic activity is also directly dependent on testosterone levels.
  6. Leuzea safflower stabilizes blood glucose levels .
  7. Of no small importance is the effect of strengthening the cardiovascular system , which manifests itself in several aspects at once. It has been experimentally proven that the plant reduces blood viscosity, and this makes it an effective remedy for the prevention of heart attacks. A number of medical scientists also believe that Leuzea accelerates the production of red and white blood cells. Other associated effects include: improving blood microcirculation in the capillaries, increasing the lumen of blood vessels, normalizing cholesterol levels, increasing the endurance of the heart muscle and stabilizing the pulse under increased stress.
  8. Taking Leuzea improves carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism , which makes it possible to use it in the fight against diabetes, as well as reduce the load on the liver.
  9. The plant stabilizes the functioning of the central nervous system . Acts as a mild antidepressant, increasing the motivation and willpower of the athlete. Increased doses of Leuzea-based drugs promote the production of the hormone dopamine, which is responsible for a feeling of satisfaction. It can be used to relieve a state of apathy that has both psychological (for example, dissatisfaction with the results of work) and physiological (say, against the background of iron deficiency anemia) origin.
  10. Leuzea strengthens the immune system , minimizing the risk of disrupting the training cycle.

Numerous reviews from bodybuilding representatives make it possible to verify that Leuzea-based drugs fully meet the expectations of athletes, providing comprehensive support in achieving sports results. You can easily verify this by making the appropriate requests on the Internet. There are especially many positive reviews for such a drug as Levzeya P, which is well known to most regular gym visitors.

Increases performance, strengthens immunity

“Strong root” is another popular name for Leuzea; it indicates the most important property of the plant. Regular use of drugs based on it increases physical and mental capabilities. This amazing herb native to the Siberian forests will share its power with anyone who wishes.

The potential of Leuzea safflower to increase adaptation to stress is very high. For more than 30 years, Doctor of Medical Sciences R.D. has been studying this issue. Seifulla. In the article “Adaptogens in Elite Sports,” published in the journal Sports Medicine: Science and Practice in 2011, he cites the benefits of Leuzea-based products. Indicates that they “prevent hypoxia”, “control the process of formation and expenditure of energy in executive cells.” The scientist ranked maral root among the best plant adaptogens.[3]

In the book by N.A. Gorchakova and Ya.S. Goodivok "Pharmacology of Sports" states that Leuzea increases the strength of contraction and muscle performance, accelerates the recovery of the cardiovascular system after physical activity, and does this faster than ginseng. There is also evidence that Leuzea reduces the level of lactic acid in muscle tissue. [4]

Most scientists are of the opinion that increased physical performance is the merit of phytoecdysteroids . These steroid compounds are found in almost all living organisms, but their amounts vary widely. However, mammals do not know how to synthesize them themselves and must obtain them from food. In terms of reserves of these unique substances, Leuzea safflower is one of the leaders.

While the properties of phytoecdysteroids have not been fully studied, it is believed that their main task is to ensure growth and development . Leuzea researcher from Uzbekistan, Doctor of Biological Sciences V.N. Syrov believes that these substances stimulate protein biosynthesis in liver tissue, kidneys and muscles. [5]

It has been established that drugs based on ecdysteroids normalize lipid, carbohydrate, protein and mineral metabolism . All this has a positive effect on the body’s condition – its adaptation to stress and ability to perform intellectual tasks increases.

This scientist conducted an interesting study together with his colleague, Candidate of Biological Sciences G.A. Shakhmurova. These biologists studied the effects of turkesterone and cyasterone on animals, comparing them with the actoprotector bemitil. Changes in the level of performance were studied in male mice and male rats. [6]

The rodents were injected with ecdysteroids at a dosage of 5 mg/kg for a week, small weights were attached to their tails and then placed in baths of water. The time that the animals would stay in the water was estimated. The content of ATP, glycogen, and creatine phosphate was recorded. Additionally, the effect of these substances on immunity was studied - the number of antibody-forming cells in the spleen of animals was measured.

It turned out that turkesterone and cyasterone increased overall performance by 42.2 and 54.6% compared to the control group. While bemitil acted much worse - the increase was 34.2%.

According to their data, phytoecdysteroids have a positive effect on biochemical reactions and stimulate anabolism. Improves the energy status of cellular systems and resistance to harmful environmental factors.

A noticeable immunostimulating effect was also revealed - the number of antibody-forming cells in animals treated with ecdysteroids was close to that of rodents that were not tested.

This experiment confirms the opinion about the high immunomodulatory activity of Leuzea, which was previously expressed by Professor R.D. Seifulla. He believes that the plant increases both humoral and cellular immunity.

Levzeya P, produced by the company Parapharm will help you always be in good shape The innovative cryoprocessing technology used by the holding has a gentle effect on medicinal raw materials. Therefore, all the strength of the valuable root is preserved in the preparation.

How Leuzea safflower came into medicine, sports and bodybuilding

The indigenous peoples of Altai, Tibet and Mongolia were the first to accept Leuzea into their arsenal of folk medicine. Altai healers called it “the root of life” and “a cure for fourteen diseases.” Why from fourteen and from which ones exactly - now we can only guess. But it is obvious that this list included problems of a cardiac nature, because it was heart patients who were primarily recommended to use decoctions of the plant.

In Mongolia, it was customary to give bouquets of maral root to newlyweds, as it was known that it would do a good service to the male health and fertility of the couple. Many recipes based on Leuzea were known to the monks of Tibetan monasteries, who had been studying the properties of the plant for centuries. There is information that powders and ointments based on the plant reached even Western Europe with merchant caravans.

Academic science became interested in Raponticum safflower in the second half of the 19th century. Chemists and doctors recorded the tonic and restorative effect of the plant, and somewhat later noted a beneficial effect on the reproductive system.

In Soviet times, Leuzea safflower was included in 1961 in the State Pharmacopoeia of the USSR - a set of regulatory documents defining requirements for the quality of medicines (from where it was then included in the State Register of Medicines of the Russian Federation).

Around the same years, the plant found another unexpected application in the national economy, not related to either medicine or sports - and which, however, cannot be ignored. At the end of the 50s of the 20th century, employees of the All-Union Research Institute of the Brewing, Non-Alcoholic and Wine Industry developed a recipe for a carbonated drink, which later became known as the “first Soviet energy drink.” It differed from the usual “Lemonade”, “Citro” and “Buratino” by its pronounced tonic effect, which was ensured by the presence of Leuzea safflower extract in the drink. In 1960, an author’s certificate was issued for the recipe, and the new drink was named “Sayany”, under which it is still produced.

But let's get back to sports issues. Anabolic specificity was first identified and experimentally proven by the Soviet scientist V.N. Syrov in the mid-70s of the 20th century. He recorded the ability of ecdysterone, as well as inocosterone, to influence the rate of accumulation and increase in the amount of protein in the heart muscle, as well as in the liver and kidneys. The natural result was an increase in body weight, primarily muscle tissue.

In 1987, another Soviet biochemist, Professor E.A. Krasnov discovered and described the effect of an almost twofold increase in the rate of formation of high-molecular compounds (including protein synthesis) in the human body under the influence of sterols.

Based on the data obtained, Leuzea safflower, which contains a significant amount of ecdysteroids, has received recognition as an effective anabolic of natural origin. Since then, plant products have been included in sports nutrition formulas, helping athletes build muscle mass and conduct training sessions more effectively.

Helps to recover, gives energy and vigor

Leuzea has been used by people for many centuries, but previously it was used mainly by Siberian healers. And in the mid-20th century it became public domain. At that time, our country was conquering outer space, exploring the seabed, preparing future champions, and studying mineral reserves. And in all these industries, the properties of the plant were in demand. It is symbolic that Leuzea was included in the State Pharmacopoeia in 1961, when man’s flight into space took place.

This healing plant is ideally suited for rehabilitation after serious illnesses, injuries, and operations. Accelerates wound healing, improves adaptation to physical activity, and increases endurance. Particularly effective for severe fatigue, frequent stress and depression.

The significant restorative effect of Leuzea puts it on a par with ginseng and eleutherococcus. At the same time, the European body accepts Leuzea better than ginseng, since it does not cause side effects.

Maral root, as this herb is popularly called, has a stimulating effect on the body and is therefore valued in professions where it is important to maintain concentration and activity for a long time. Wherever a person experiences extreme stress, for example, in the army, preparations based on Leuzea will provide invaluable help. This is a natural and safe psychostimulant. [1]

The plant improves acclimatization and helps to avoid diseases associated with changes in climate zone. In autumn and early spring, due to lack of sun, many people have a low mood, and Leuzea helps to be more active, gives vigor, and improves appetite. It is important that the plant does not contain caffeine. And therefore, the influx of strength will not be replaced by their decline, as often happens with those who abuse coffee.

The stimulating effect of the plant is associated with the complex effect of its beneficial substances on the body. It would take a long time to list them. The following were found in the roots and rhizomes: ascorbic acid, carotene, essential oil, inulin, alkaloids, tannins, phenolic acids, triterpene saponins (raponiticosides), flavonoids. A lot of silver, copper, iron, magnesium, boron, gold, calcium. [2]

Steroid compounds – phytoecdysteroids . Today, 65 of them have been found in the root of the plant. There is especially a lot of ecdysterone, ponasterone C-2 cinnamate, inocosterone, turkesterone, integisterone A. For comparison: crowned sickle contains only 25 ecdysteroids.

It is no coincidence that the plant became the basis for the Sayany tonic drink, which was produced by Soviet industry.

Leuzea extract in bodybuilding, dosage, pros and cons

Leuzea extract in bodybuilding for many years remained the most popular form of release and administration of plant preparations. The extract is a concentrated extraction of biologically active substances from plant materials. The word extract is also used to refer to extracts. However, the term “tincture” has gained great popularity. Strictly speaking, a tincture is a special case of an extract, meaning that liquid extracts do without further heat treatment and evaporation of the liquid. And although various technologies were used in production, in the bodybuilding environment the phrases Leuzea extract and Leuzea tincture actually became synonymous.

Leuzea extract is a red liquid with a bitter taste. For extraction, as a rule, alcohol or a water-alcohol mixture is used. Most often it comes in the form of bubbles with a volume of 40–50 milliliters. How to take Leuzea extract for bodybuilding? The order in which they are taken depends on the concentration and other features of the tincture. The most common dosage is 20–30 drops half an hour before meals 2 or 3 times a day. It is believed that in small doses Leuzea is safe and cannot cause harm to the body. However, there are still some restrictions: plant preparations are contraindicated for young athletes during puberty. There are also a number of specific contraindications, for example, some forms of schizophrenia. Some athletes increase the dose in order to achieve a greater effect. In some cases, this can lead to mild poisoning, which will be accompanied by nausea and a feeling of dry mouth. In any case, when starting treatment, it would be preferable to consult a doctor.

The popularity of Leuzea tincture in bodybuilding is largely dictated by the habits of athletes, coaches and sports doctors. This method of preparing drugs has a number of significant disadvantages. The first and main one may seem paradoxically obvious: the extract is not equivalent to the plant itself. Chemical exposure, including alcohol, destroys some of the biologically active substances. We lose even more beneficial properties of plant raw materials if heat treatment is also used.

Is there an alternative?

Strengthens the heart, protects blood vessels

In European medicine, Leuzea is gaining popularity as a means to strengthen the cardiovascular system. It slows down the rhythm while simultaneously increasing the amplitude of the heart pulsation. A positive effect is also achieved by dilating peripheral vessels and increasing blood flow speed.

Candidate of Biological Sciences A.S. Vasiliev did significant work and proved that the plant reduces blood viscosity . The experiment was carried out on rats in which pathologies such as heart attack, cerebral ischemia, and hypertension were artificially induced.

First, the animals were divided into groups: in one group, rodents were injected with Leuzea extract, and in the other, with Serpuca crown extract. In animals that received maral root, red blood cells did not stick together and were less deformed. In terms of beneficial effects on the blood, the plant has left behind another adaptogen. [eleven]

The scientist believes that ecdysteroids are the active ingredients of Leuzea, and flavonoids and coumarins perform an auxiliary function.

According to Doctor of Biological Sciences V.N. Syrov, 20-hydroxyecdysone , which is abundant in Leuzea, helps increase the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin. It also improves hematopoietic function. [5]

Considering the above, we can recommend Leuzea and drugs based on it in old age. After 50 years, when metabolic processes slow down and blood circulation worsens, this plant will come to the rescue. With it, your cardiovascular system will return to normal. However, for hypertension and insomnia, the plant is contraindicated. In case of cardiosclerosis with Leuzea, you need to be careful.

Leuzea in tablets for bodybuilding

How to take Leuzea for bodybuilding if the extracts do not provide adequate effectiveness? An alternative form is tablet preparations, but not all of them allow you to avoid the mentioned disadvantages.

There are various technologies for making tablets from natural ingredients. In the vast majority of cases, production also uses heat or chemical treatment. Moreover, the same extracts in dry, crumbly form can serve as raw materials for future pills. This negates the difference from tinctures.

However, today another technique called cryotreatment has been developed and is successfully used in production. It involves instant freezing of harvested plants at extremely low temperatures, followed by grinding into powder. Cold allows you to fix beneficial substances in an unchanged composition, thereby obtaining a substance ideal for making tablets.

This is exactly the technology it uses. Leuzea safflower is an ingredient in a number of drugs that have different purposes. The first among them is the natural immunomodulator, adaptogen and regulator of nervous activity Levzeya P. The action of the plant in it is additionally enhanced by vitamin C.

For those who lead an active lifestyle, the vitamin and mineral complex Leveton P will always help you stay in good shape. It also contains bee pollen, vitamins C and E, which will help strengthen the body’s defense systems and increase performance. Are the loads becoming more noticeable? Then you should pay attention to Leveton Forte, which, in addition to what has already been listed, includes a unique natural component HDBA organic complex - another incredibly useful bee product.

The Fitness&Life series of sports nutrition also includes a number of preparations based on Leuzea safflower:

Eсdiston is a means of increasing strength and speed, endurance and adaptive abilities;

Ecdysteron P is a non-steroidal anabolic steroid to stimulate muscle growth and increase the body’s adaptive capabilities, providing strong immunity during heavy physical exertion;

Eromax is an organic testosterone booster that provides a maximum increase in your own testosterone levels, libido and male power;

Leveton XXL is a sports nutrition created specifically for maximum anaerobic exercise, increasing the endurance, performance and adaptive capabilities of strength sports athletes.

I would like to talk specifically about the last of these drugs. Leveton XXL is called an expert in increasing testosterone. It combines anabolic, androgenic and anti-catabolic effects:

  • for the anabolic effect in Leveton XXL;
  • in androgenic action , that is, increasing the activity of the body’s production of its own testosterone, but the main role here is given to the HDBA organic complex - a homogenate of drone brood containing prohormones that the human body transforms into its own hormones (in the case of the female body, some of the hormones are also converted and into the estrogens it needs (estradiol and progesterone);
  • anti-catabolic effect , that is, suppression of protein destruction processes in muscle tissue, is provided by antioxidant vitamins C and E.

Like all other products, Leveton XXL has passed doping control and is approved for use by professional athletes. The best evidence of this is the inclusion of the product in the arsenal of the Russian Olympic team. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of making sure that a course of our drugs based on Leuzea will help you reach new heights in bodybuilding and sports!

You can purchase Leveton XXL and other manufactured drugs both in pharmacies in your city and through orders in online stores.

The secret of the Altai men's strength has been revealed

Residents of Altai noticed hundreds of years ago that male red deer are partial to this grass. In the fall, during the rut, deer dig up the roots of Leuzea and strengthen their strength with them. Seeing this, people also started taking the plant and found out that it improves sexual function. In fact, this is how the name “maral root” arose.

This beautiful flower is highly valued in Mongolian and Tibetan medicine, where it is considered an indispensable remedy for low potency. Also in the East, its roots are recommended for prolonging life.

So far, there is little research on the plant’s effect on sexual activity. Leuzea tincture was given to patients at the N.B. Psychoneurological Hospital. Gannushkina (Moscow). Most of the patients who took part in the experiment suffered from severe mental illness: schizophrenia and traumatic encephalopathy. With the second disease, potency weakens, although libido remains. Leuzea had a noticeable positive effect on the participants in the experiment with this pathology.

In the article “Erectile dysfunction: advantages and disadvantages of herbal regulators”, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences D.M. Andreeva and Doctor of Medical Sciences E.E. Lesiovskaya said that Leuzea affects the central link in the regulation of sexual function, in other words, the brain. [10]

And in the book “Pharmacology of Sports,” mentioned above, it is said that a man’s sexual activity is also improved due to the positive effect of Leuzea on general anabolism. [4]

The legendary remedy for male enhancement, previously known only to healers in Siberia and Mongolia, is now available to everyone. The Parapharm company grows this valuable plant in an ecologically clean area of ​​the Penza region - not far from the villages of Kulyasovo and Mamadysh.


  1. Andreeva D.M., Lesiovskaya E.E. Erectile dysfunction: advantages and disadvantages of herbal regulators // Effective pharmacotherapy. – 2016. – No. 2. – pp. 24–31.
  2. Gorchakova N.A., Gudivok Y.S., L.M. Gunina L.M. Pharmacology of sports // edited by. ed. S.A. Oleynik, L.M. Gunina, R.D. Seifulli. – K.: Olympic Literature, 2010. – 640 p.
  3. Seifulla, R.D., Kondrashin I.M. Adaptogens in elite sports // Sports medicine: science and practice. – 2011. – No. 1. – P. 54–55.
  4. Syrov V.N., Nabiev A.N., Sultanov M.V. The effect of phytoecdysteroids on the bile secretion functions of the liver in normal conditions and in experimental hepatitis // Pharmacology and toxicology. – 1986 – No. 3. – P. 100–103.
  5. Timofeev N.P., Ivanovsky A.A. Anabolic effect of small doses of rapontik // International meeting on phytoecdysteroids. Syktyvkar, Institute of Biology of the Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – 1996. – P. 132–133.
  6. Shakhmurova G.A., Syrov V.N., Khushbaktova Z.A. Immunomodulatory and stress-protective activity of the phytoecdysteroids ecdysterone and turkesterone under immobilization stress in mice. // Chemical-pharmaceutical journal. – 2010. – T. 44, – No. 1. – P. 9–11.
  7. Mosharrof AH Effects of extract from Rhapontcum carthamoides (Willd) Iljin (Leuzea) on learning and memory in rats // Acta physiologica et pharmacologica Bulgarica. 1987; 13(3):37-42.
  8. Wu J., Gao L., Shang L. Ecdysterones from Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd.) Iljin reduce hippocampal excitotoxic cell loss and upregulate mTOR signaling in rats // 2022 Jun;119:158-167. doi: 10.1016/j.fitote.2017.03.015. Epub 2022 April 2.

Author: Chernetsov M. A.

Reviewer: reflexologist Kurus A. N.

Protects the brain and nervous system

Clinical studies of Leuzea extract were carried out by Tomsk scientists back in the 1960s. Encouraging results were obtained. People with central nervous system diseases felt better. When sexual function is weakened, maral root also showed excellent results.

It turned out that this remedy also helps with alcoholism. Yes, it is unable to eliminate cravings for alcohol, but it improves mood and helps the heart. And such effects are important in the complex treatment of alcohol dependence. Leuzea preparations have shown themselves to be effective in treating physical and mental fatigue.

The greatest number of positive responses was from those who complained of loss of strength, bad mood, decreased appetite, irritability, headache, and depression.

The plant has been proven to stimulate the cerebral cortex and improve sympathetic transmission in the sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers of the peripheral nervous system. Stimulates logical thinking, memory, concentration. Tones the blood vessels of the brain, which has an additional beneficial effect.

It is interesting that this valuable plant was previously poorly known in the West. This fact is due to its habitat. In the wild, the plant is found in Siberia and Mongolia. That is why in Europe this grass is known as “Russian Leuzea”.

Not so long ago, interest in the plant appeared in the Western scientific community. In 1987, the Institute of Physiology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences conducted an interesting experiment. There they studied the effect of Leuzea on the behavior of rodents in a maze. It was noted that the adaptogen stimulated learning and memory in animals. At the same time, the best effect was shown by a small dose of the extract – 0.5 g/kg. Lower and higher amounts did not produce a positive result. (Mosharrof A.) [7]

It is worth paying attention to the research of Chinese specialists. In 2022, they found that ecdysterone from Leuzea safflower protects the brain from the damaging effects of glutamate. This makes the plant promising for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. (Wu J., Gao L., Shang L.) [8]


Leuzea in tablets, dragees, liquid extract and tincture is contraindicated for:

  • chronic kidney/liver pathologies ;
  • breastfeeding;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • pregnancy;
  • arrhythmias;
  • sleep disorders;
  • acute course of infectious diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • high nervous excitability ;
  • personal hypersensitivity;
  • chronic alcoholism (for ethanol-based drugs);
  • under the age of 12 years.
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