Authorized legal pharmaceutical drugs for bodybuilding

When practicing bodybuilding, awareness and a competent approach to the training process are important, especially when it comes to professional sports. Various dietary supplements and vitamins have long become an important part of a healthy lifestyle for many people. If everything is clear with sports nutrition to improve the intensity of training and better tolerance of loads, you just need to carefully familiarize yourself with the assortment of sports nutrition stores, then pharmaceutical drugs for bodybuilding still raise a number of questions among beginners. You should look into this issue, since some inexpensive medications from the pharmacy can provide reliable support to the athlete’s body during periods of intense training.

Pharmaceutical drugs or sports supplements?

The debate about how best to pump up will probably never subside. Some athletes prefer a natural approach, which consists of a balanced diet and strength training. Progress with this approach is inevitable, but it will take a long time to wait.

Other athletes cannot imagine life without sports aids - various dietary supplements and tablets from sports nutrition stores. The most popular are gainer, protein and creatine, with the help of which it is possible to achieve progress somewhat faster. These supplements are safe, well studied, and truly effective. However, they are not drugs and do not cause any side effects or irreversible changes in the body.

The third approach is the use of pharmaceuticals, both sports and medical, intended for the treatment of various diseases. Medicines can really help the body if you choose the right dosage regimen and take into account contraindications and side effects.

The first thing that comes to mind when mentioning pharmaceutical drugs for bodybuilders is testosterone propionate. With the help of this anabolic steroid, originally created to treat hypogonadism in men, athletes achieve excellent results. However, it has many side effects, so success in bodybuilding is not achieved with testosterone alone. Few people know that pharmacy chains offer many affordable and conditionally safe medications that support the body during periods of intense physical activity, stimulate the nervous system recovery process, and make the training process even more effective. Thus, some medications also have a right to exist in a bodybuilder’s medicine cabinet, but first you need to figure out which of them are really effective and safe for athletes to take.

Amino acids

Amino acids are a building material for the entire body, for the renewal and restoration of absolutely all tissues in the human body. There are amino acids that the body produces on its own, and which must come from outside. Therefore, those amino acids that the body does not produce on its own must be replenished with food. But this is not enough for athletes. Proteins in the human body are built from amino acids; thanks to amino acids, all nutrients, microelements and vitamins are absorbed. For athletes, there are various pharmaceutical amino acid complexes. They are prescribed purely individually (you can read more about amino acids in this article).

Potassium and magnesium aspartate (Asparkam)

Description: round tablets containing 175 mg of magnesium and potassium aspartate. A mineral supplement that regulates metabolic processes in the body, the most popular drug in bodybuilding.

Official indications: chronic heart failure, arrhythmia, lack of magnesium and potassium when following strict diets.

Principle of action and application in sports: increases the rate of synthesis of ATP, glycogen and acetylcholine. Promotes relaxation of smooth muscle fibers, thereby preventing muscle cramps after intense exercise. Participates in metabolic processes, takes part in the synthesis of amino acids necessary for muscle growth. Reduces the load on the nervous system, due to which it is indicated for overtraining syndrome, regulates nervous activity. It is recommended for athletes as an additional source of magnesium during periods of heavy intense training, for convulsions and neurocirculatory dystonia.

How to take for bodybuilding: three times a day after meals, 1-2 tablets. The prophylactic course of administration does not exceed 28 days, the duration of administration for medicinal purposes is determined by the doctor.

Contraindications: renal failure, intolerance to the components of the composition, grade 2-3 atrioventricular blockades, excess magnesium and potassium in the body.

Side effects: well tolerated, side effects are rare. Possible disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, arterial hypotension, and an allergic reaction if you are allergic to the composition.

Features: non-addictive, available without a prescription, costs no more than 100 rubles. It is recommended for use in the first half of the day, as closer to night the body’s ability to absorb magnesium decreases.

Vitrum plus

Vitrum plus is one of the well-known complex preparations that contains 13 vitamins and 12 minerals. They are in a certain ratio and dosage, so their absorption is maximum, under one condition - the gastrointestinal tract must be free of pathologies. The conditions for the absorption of calcium and magnesium were described above. So, Vitrum Plus is one of the examples of the balanced absorption of microelements and vitamins, each of which plays a significant role in the normal functioning of the body, especially if this body is constantly under conditions of physical overload. For example, this complex, in addition to microelements (phosphorus, iodine, selenium, manganese, zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron, etc.), contains B vitamins, which work as neuroprotectors, that is, they restore nerve endings and normalize the conduction of impulses along nerve fibers. Vitamins A and E are powerful antioxidants, substances that protect tissues from oxygen starvation. With increased physical activity, the tissue's need for oxygen increases, so breathing becomes faster and deeper, and the heartbeat quickens. To help the body cope with this, pharmaceutical drugs are prescribed that comprehensively protect the body from exhaustion from all sides. Examples of the same kind of drugs are: complivit, alphabet, multitabs.

Meldonium (mildronate)

Description: a drug to stimulate metabolism. Increases energy reserves in tissues, allowing you to train more intensely and effectively. Initially created as a cardioprotector. Doping is prohibited for use during competitions and preparation for them.

Official indications and use in bodybuilding: heart and vascular diseases, ischemic brain lesions, cerebrovascular disorders, periods of excessive physical and psycho-emotional stress.

Principle of action on the body: activates the processes of glycolysis, improves the supply of oxygen to tissues, increases overall endurance due to the effect on myocardial contractility. In sports it is used for more intense training and as a means to prevent the development of overtraining syndrome.

Contraindications: high intracranial pressure, children under 18 years of age, acute renal and liver failure, intolerance to the active substance.

Reception and dosage in bodybuilding: 20 mg per kilogram of body weight per day. The dose should be calculated individually, the daily dosage is divided into 2-3 doses.

Side effects: allergic rash, headache, decreased blood pressure, dyspeptic disorders.

Features: an athlete taking Meldonium will not pass doping control at competitions. Residues of the drug are found in the bodybuilder’s blood 3-4 weeks after stopping the course.

Drugs that normalize blood circulation

Pharmaceutical preparations for athletes are also aimed at normalizing the blood supply to organs and tissues. In addition, such tools allow you to achieve good results. Among them, it is necessary to highlight Pentoxifylline and Vinpocetine.

The drug "Pentoxifylline" has a vasodilating effect. This product is very effective during intense training and significant physical activity. The drug is taken within 3 weeks after consumption of food. The initial dosage is 400 mg, divided into 2 doses.

The drug "Vinpocetine" is considered a good remedy that helps correct various deteriorations in circulatory processes. The active component is apovincamine. This remedy has a positive effect on the ongoing metabolism in brain tissue.

Taking Vinpocetine slightly increases resistance to oxygen starvation, activates the processes of glucose elimination, and also normalizes the metabolism of the hormone seratonin. The use of this drug leads to a decrease in blood viscosity.

Potassium orotate

Description: available in tablets, 500 mg of active ingredient (potassium orotate). The drug stimulates carbohydrate and protein metabolism and is used in the treatment of heart diseases, including in athletes.

Official indications: pathologies of the liver, gall bladder, myocardial infarction, heart failure, anemia and muscular dystrophy.

Principle of action on the body: normalizes galactose metabolism, stimulates the process of synthesis of protein molecules, enhances metabolism and improves the metabolism of protein and carbohydrates. Increases appetite.

Application in bodybuilding and sports: improving exercise tolerance, a period of intense strength training. It is also used for better muscle mass gain, as it improves metabolism and protein absorption. The downside is that it works slowly.

How to use for athletes: take 1-2 tablets an hour before meals 3-4 times a day. It is recommended to combine with Riboxin. Course duration is up to 8 weeks.

Contraindications: liver cirrhosis, lymphogranulomatosis, blood cancer, hyperkalemia.

Side effects: well tolerated; in rare cases, digestive disorders are observed in the first days of use. In case of intolerance, an allergic rash is possible; side effects most often appear as urticaria and allergic rhinitis.

Features: potassium orotate itself does not stimulate the process of gaining muscle mass, but only allows you to get more from training and nutrition. The drug can be taken by athletes who are prone to gaining excess weight, but with the condition of a special diet for muscle gain and regular strength training.


Anabolizers are drugs that enhance ANABOLIC processes in the body, i.e. accelerate recovery and enhance the growth of muscle mass and strength.

Diabeton MV

The drug has a strong anabolic effect, because it promotes the production of INSULIN (one of the most powerful anabolic hormones), lowering blood glucose levels.

This is one of the most powerful drugs that can be obtained at the pharmacy for gaining muscle mass. It is used to treat type 2 diabetes, and in the Kachkovsky environment to enhance anabolism.

The problem is that it lowers blood glucose levels because... raises insulin levels, and this can lead to HYPOGLYCEMIC COMA. But don't be alarmed. This is only possible if you don’t eat carbohydrates on time, i.e. do not raise blood sugar (glucose) levels.

Here's the trick. After taking Diabeton, you need to eat something sweet with breakfast to raise your blood glucose levels. EXACTLY WITH BREAKFAST, because... If you drink it at lunch or later, there is a risk that your blood glucose level at night, during sleep, will drop to a critical level, and you will fall into a hypoglycemic coma.

This is a serious question, because... if handled carelessly, it can lead to serious problems, even your death, because... the brain needs time to switch from one method of energy supply to another (from glucose to KETONES). I talked about this in the article: “KETO diet”, I won’t go deeper.

The main rule when using Diabeton MV is that if you feel hungry, weak, and your vision begins to get dark, then you URGENTLY NEED TO EAT, because. this means that the level of sugar (glucose) in the blood has FALLED to a critical level! Always carry a chocolate bar (Snickers, Mars, etc.) or a few sugar cubes with you.

Symptoms of hypoglycemia: feeling of hunger, increased sweating, weakness, palpitations, anxiety, headache, dizziness, irritability.

For a completely green beginner who is just ready to try the first pharmacy assistant, I think that this drug is not entirely suitable, because... Beginners still have a poor sense of their body and do not always take their health seriously, and this can lead to dire consequences.

Release form: tablets 30 mg;

Average price: in Moscow for 2015 - from 250 to 300 rubles for 60 tablets;

Reception scheme:

  • Take 30 mg AT BREAKFAST;
  • Always have something sweet with you to stop hypo (prevent hypoglycemia) when your sugar levels drop;
  • The course of treatment is 4-6 weeks;
  • Conduct the course no more than 2 times a year, with a break of at least 3 months between courses;
  • If the drug is well tolerated, the dosage can be increased for the next course to 60 mg;

Glutamic acid

This very important substance is a stimulator of oxidation and reduction processes in our brain, normalizes metabolism in the body, increases resistance to hypoxia (it becomes easier to breathe), and plays an important role in nitrogen metabolism.

It is also capable of increasing intelligence even in mentally ill people, strengthening the immune system of EVERYONE, which is especially important during a course of steroids and in the winter. Therefore, those who drink glutamic acid, as a rule, rarely get sick.

It also promotes better recovery of your muscles after training, because... during the synthesis of amino acids, more than half of them account for glutamic acid.

I REALLY LIKE this drug because... firstly, it costs a penny, and secondly, the effect is really felt! You get sick less, you feel better, even if you don’t get enough sleep, the weight grows a little faster.

Release form: tablets 250 mg;

Average price: in Moscow for 2015 - from 20 to 50 rubles for 10 tablets of 0.25 g;

Reception scheme:

  • Adults: 4 tablets 2-3 times a day 15-20 minutes BEFORE MEALS;
  • Course 15-20 days;

These are the official dosages, I usually stick to them, but many jocks throw them in packs. In any case, if you exceed the dosage, nothing bad will happen. I think that with increased physical activity, exceeding the norm will even be useful.

  • I would recommend starting with 4 tablets 3 times a day 15-20 minutes BEFORE MEALS, if you choose a pharmaceutical drug.

I strongly advise you to buy glutamine at a sports nutrition store. You'll save a lot. The amount of active ingredient cannot be compared!

You can buy it here. This is the cheapest price on the market. I buy there.

Potassium orotate

Its anabolic effect is not very pronounced, although it does occur, because Potassium orotate influences metabolic processes in the body by participating in the synthesis of new protein molecules (cell level DNA and RNA). Thus, it influences protein synthesis.

But this is not its main function. IT IS NEEDED TO STRENGTHEN THE HEART MUSCLE WHEN GAINING WEIGHT FAST! This is its main purpose.

It is difficult for the body to adapt to a new weight (especially the heart, which now has to work harder to supply all this “economy” with much more blood), so it is necessary to help it with this by taking potassium orotate. This is especially true during a steroid cycle, when it comes to extremely rapid weight gain.

It also helps patients with coronary heart disease, hypertension, arrhythmia and other diseases of the heart muscle.

There are NO ANALOGUES to this drug in sports nutrition, so when on a course of steroids or with heart disease, it is simply necessary.

Release form: tablets 500 mg;

Average price: in Moscow for 2015 - from 120 to 200 rubles for 30 tablets of 0.5 g;

Reception scheme:

  • 1 tablet (0.5 g) 3-4 times a day 1 hour before meals;
  • Course 21-24 days;


Despite the fact that it is an adaptogen, I decided to classify it as an anabolizer, because... It contains potassium orotate, which strengthens the heart muscle.

The drug, like potassium orotate, helps the body adapt to new weight if it has jumped sharply (especially when taking anabolic steroids).

Includes a collection of various types of herbs, inosine and, in fact, potassium orotate itself. This is a complex drug. It also optimizes cardiac activity, which is very important for bodybuilders.

Safinor is already quite problematic to get in pharmacies. I last bought it in 2013. Then I didn’t see it. Although the loss is not big. It is quite possible to get by with an adaptogen and potassium orotate.

Average price: in Moscow for 2015 - from 50 to 200 rubles per pack of tablets.

Reception scheme:

  • Orally, after meals, 1-2 tablets 2-4 times a day, for 1-5 weeks;
  • The course can be repeated after a 3-week break;


This essential amino acid actively affects metabolism, therefore it is important for anabolism (growth). Activates the action of hormones, vitamins (B12, C and folic acid) and enzymes.

Methionine can accelerate liver recovery (hepatitis, cirrhosis, etc.). It is also useful for poisoning with various poisons such as alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, as well as uncontrolled use of ORAL STEROIDS.

So, if any of you throw in danabol (methandrostenolone) or stanazolol without really thinking, then you simply need methionine.

Release form: tablets 250 mg;

Average price: in Moscow for 2015 - from 50 to 150 rubles for 50 tablets of 0.25 g;

Reception scheme:

  • 4 tablets (0.25 g) 2 times a day with or after meals;
  • The course is 10–30 days or 10 days with 10-day breaks;


It would be more logical to classify this drug as an adaptogen (I’ll talk about them later), but it produces an anabolic effect, albeit a weak one.

Once upon a time, this drug made a big splash in the sports world. It was said that this drug, obtained from the roots of Raponticum safflower (Leuzea safflower), can have the same anabolic effect as steroids, only not as pronounced (3-5 times weaker). How does it affect muscles?

The principle of action is very similar to steroids. Ecdysterone binds to receptors on the membranes of muscle cells and is then transferred to the cell nucleus, where it triggers the copying of information from DNA necessary for protein synthesis. This mechanism is identical to the mechanism of action of steroids.

Only ecdysterone is not a steroid, and therefore does not have androgenic properties, which carry with it a number of side effects: acne, stress on the liver, aromatization with female hormones, etc. On the contrary, it improves liver function. Not a drug, but some kind of find, it would seem. But why do so few people take it?

Yes, because it is VERY WEAK, much weaker than stated. When conducting research by our and Czechoslovakian scientists, a very weak anabolic effect was revealed, and when using 200 mg of ecdisthene per day, there were no results at all in athletes, so you should not expect any miracle from it. Everything in our world is balanced.

Why did I include it in the list of pharmaceutical anabolic drugs? Yes, because I believe that you need to start SMALL, and not shoot sparrows with a bazooka.

You should not take anabolic steroids, growth hormone or insulin until you have tried legal, “easier” drugs.

Many beginners who have not yet learned how to build muscle mass on their own immediately start taking anabolic steroids. They are looking for something to throw away and get stuck, instead of learning to adapt to stress naturally, thereby increasing possible progress in the long term.

Therefore, it’s worth trying ecdisten first to feel a pleasant, albeit small, surge of strength.

It is very difficult to get it in pharmacies, but if you find it, try it.

Release form: In tablets of 0.005 g (5 mg), in a package - 30 pieces;

Reception scheme:

  • Before meals, 10-20 mg 3 times a day;
  • The course of treatment is 15-20 days;
  • If necessary, it can be repeated after a 1-2 week break;


Or carnitine hydrochloride. Essentially, this is simply TRANSPORT for our fatty acids to the energy stations of the cell - the mitochondria, where they are “burned” to create energy (ATP).

That is why it is positioned as a fat burning supplement, but this is not entirely correct. CARNITINE DOES NOT BURN FAT, but it only facilitates this process when there is a diet (lack of calories in the diet).

Carnitine is a dietary supplement that stimulates ENERGY METABOLISM in the cell. If you are on a diet, then you lose weight easier, if you are in the phase of gaining muscle mass, then your performance is higher.

So why did I include this drug in the category of anabolizers? Yes, because, in addition to stimulating energy metabolism, it also increases the secretion of enzymes involved in digestion. This leads to better protein digestibility and creates a POSITIVE NITROGEN BALANCE.

From my own experience I can say that carnitine works well. IT WILL NOT REPLACE A DIET, but it can help you get into even better shape.

Release form: bottles of 20% solution, 100 or 25 ml;

Reception scheme:

  • 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, diluted with water, tea or juice half an hour before meals;
  • Course 3-4 weeks;

You can buy the best L-carnitine, in my opinion, at the best price in this store.


Description of the medicine: the second name is inosine. Available in tablets containing 200 mg of inosine. In addition to pharmacies, you can purchase it in sports nutrition and dietary supplement stores. However, the pharmaceutical drug is 3-4 times cheaper than sports dietary supplements with a similar composition.

Indications for use (in medicine): coronary heart disease, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, liver pathologies.

In sports and bodybuilding: prevention of myocardial dystrophy under heavy loads, heart rhythm disturbances in an athlete, improvement of endurance by improving the nutrition of the heart. It has an antihypoxic effect, improves oxygen transport to the heart.

Contraindications: gout and renal failure.

Reception and dosage for bodybuilders: 2 g per day. Divide 3-4 times, take tablets an hour before meals.

Side effects: exceeding the recommended dosage may cause bradycardia. In case of intolerance to the drug, skin itching and rash appear; in this case, the drug must be discontinued.

Features: recommended for intense cardio and during the drying period. To increase the effect, it can be combined with potassium orotate. This combination is widely used during the period of gaining muscle mass and drying the body before competitions.

Vitamin complexes from sports nutrition manufacturers

There are many vitamin complexes, but the most popular among bodybuilders are the following:

  • Animal Pak and Daily Formula , manufactured by Universal Nutrition . The first is the most popular, highly effective vitamin supplement in existence, designed for those athletes who engage in strength disciplines. The second is a more budget option.
  • Opti-Men and Opti-Women , manufactured by the American company Optimum Nutrition . They are not inferior to Animal Pak, being the main competitors of this supplement, differing in purpose, that is, the first series is created for men, and the second for women.

The presented global brands are the best among sports nutrition manufacturers; they have long proven themselves to be highly effective and of excellent quality. The only downside is that due to their high cost, they are not always available to ordinary athletes. A cheaper alternative is pharmaceutical drugs.


Description: medicine for the treatment of heart diseases, capsules containing the active ingredient of the same name.

Purpose: treatment of angina pectoris, cerebral ischemia, vestibular disorders. Has an antihypoxic effect.

Indications in bodybuilding: conditions accompanied by impaired cerebral circulation, due to which the training process is complicated. Hypoxia, intense exercise in conditions of insufficient ventilation.

Dosage regimen for bodybuilding: one capsule twice a day.

Contraindications: intolerance to the composition of the drug, acute liver or kidney failure.

Side effects: nausea, dizziness, asthenic syndrome, headache and confusion. The effects are reversible after discontinuation of the medication.

Note: Trimethazine is widely used in bodybuilding, but the actual benefits of this drug are greatly overestimated. It is advisable to take it for cerebrovascular accidents and angina pectoris in a bodybuilder to stabilize well-being and improve exercise tolerance, but for a healthy person this medicine is useless.


Piracetam is a representative and predecessor of a number of nootropic drugs that were later synthesized on its basis. However, their actions are identical. Nootropic substances are a huge group of drugs aimed at improving blood circulation and nutrition of body tissues of absolutely all systems. Due to this, nootropics are universal. Their actions are fundamental for people whose physical activity exceeds the usual. Piracetam is available in the form of injection solutions and tablet form. The dosage of nootropics is selected purely individually and depends directly on the state of the body at a given stage.

Pentoxifylline (Agapurine)

Description: a drug from the group of peripheral vasodilators, contains 400 mg of pentoxifylline in one tablet. Used to reduce blood viscosity.

Indications for use: dysfunction of the inner ear, damage to peripheral arteries, angioneuropathy, atherosclerosis and trophic ulcers.

Principle of action: reduces blood viscosity, inhibits platelet aggregation, improves blood microcirculation by dilating peripheral vessels. Dilates blood vessels, improves exercise tolerance.

Place in bodybuilding and sports: used to improve blood supply to muscles during high-repetition strength training. The medicine allows you to achieve a pumping effect. Long-term use has a positive effect on the development of the capillary network in the loaded muscles, which improves the further effect of muscle hypertrophy for the bodybuilder.

Dosages in bodybuilding: on the day of training, 2 tablets after main meals (3 times a day), on rest days - 1 tablet after meals three times a day. The duration of the course is 1 month. Then a break of at least a month is required.

Contraindications: cerebral hemorrhage, acute myocardial infarction, gastric ulcer, retinal hemorrhage.

Adverse reactions of the body: diarrhea, stomach pain, dizziness, decreased blood pressure. If you are prone to hypotension, it is recommended to stop taking the drug.

Tips and Recommendations: Best taken with Vitamin PP. It should be remembered that Agapurin does not cause muscles to grow, but only fill with blood. Taking the medication provides an excellent foundation for future muscle hypertrophy, but Agapurin itself does not stimulate this process.

Liv 52

Improves liver function while simultaneously cleansing it of a variety of prohibited steroid drugs. Normalizes protein synthesis, giving impetus to the growth of muscle fibers.

Take 2-3 tablets 30 minutes before meals daily. The duration of the course is 20-40 days, after which there is a mandatory break of a month.

Possible side effects in the form of nausea, vomiting, disruption of the digestive system or decreased appetite.


Description: 50 mg tablets. Commercial names: Clomid, Clostilbegit. A drug for women's health, an anti-estrogen.

Purpose: stimulation of ovulation, secondary amenorrhea, oligospermia in men.

Principle of action on the body: reduces the level of estrogen in the body, but is not a hormonal drug.

In bodybuilding: blocks receptors sensitive to the action of estrogen, accordingly, increases the activity of the testicles and the production of their own testosterone, which ensures success in bodybuilding and powerlifting. The main direction is the effect on the pituitary gland.

Dosage for bodybuilding: 1 tablet per day for 14 days. If tolerance is normal and there are no negative reactions, you can increase the dosage for the widow, but before taking it you should consult a urologist.

Contraindications: dysfunction of the pituitary gland, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, hormone-dependent tumors.

Negative reactions of the body: hot flashes, cramps, gynecomastia, liver dysfunction.

Precautions: included in the list of prohibited substances for athletes, and is regarded as doping. It should be noted that the active substance is detected in the body even three months after the end of the course.

Result of use: antiestrogens are widely popular among bodybuilders, as they help make the body drier and more sculpted. Such products speed up the drying process, and at the same time increase endurance and strength.


Bodybuilders eat foods high in protein, fat and carbohydrates. But due to heavy physical activity, additional intake of vitamin complexes is required.

Let's look at the most popular vitamin complexes:

  1. Complivit. A combined preparation containing 11 vitamins plus 8 minerals and lipoic acid completely replenishes the body's need for minerals. Promotes protein synthesis, increases the body's defenses, strengthens cardiac activity, increases mental abilities, and improves well-being. Take 1 tablet 1 time per day after meals.
  2. Vitamin and mineral complex Alphabet. Designed for people involved in sports. Consists of three tablets of different colors: morning, afternoon, evening.
  3. Dynamisan. Contains ginseng extract. Increases endurance, concentration, and performance, so it is recommended for those involved in sports and mental work.
  4. Undevit. It contains slightly less vitamins than Complivit, but due to its low cost and good results it is in demand among athletes.


Description: another anti-estrogen with a different active ingredient in the composition. Available in tablets, commercial name - Nolvadex. Indications and contraindications are the same as for the drug Clomiphene.

Feature: unlike Clomiphene, it demonstrates less selectivity and blocks estrogen-sensitive receptors throughout the body. For comparison: Clomiphene in men affects primarily the pituitary gland and testicles.

Differences from Clomiphene: Tamoxifen is more toxic; taking this drug is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite.

Advice: taking antiestrogens is a serious test for a bodybuilder’s body. The decision to start therapy must be weighed, so it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Vitamin complexes

Among pharmaceutical preparations for athletes, vitamin complexes should be highlighted, as they promote muscle growth and protein synthesis. The best vitamin complexes are:

  • "Complivit";
  • "Dynamizan";
  • "Vitrum Performance".

"Complivit" helps to compensate for the lack of vitamins and microelements. The drug does not contain high dosages of substances, so it is well suited for regular use. It is enough to drink 2 tablets per day.

Another good remedy is Dynamisan. This is a vitamin complex that is used to restore the body's resources after training. The product contains ginseng extract, which has a tonic property and has an immunological effect on the body. In addition, the product contains essential amino acids, in particular Glutamine and Arginine. It is recommended to take Dynamisin with food. Just 1 tablet per day is enough.

"Vitrum Performance" refers to a good vitamin complex. It contains minerals, vitamins, and ginseng extract. Thanks to the use of this complex, the body recovers much faster after long workouts. In addition, a person copes with excessive stress more quickly and easily and adapts much better to psychological stress and difficult stressful situations. It is recommended to take 1 tablet with meals.


Description: for the treatment of bronchial asthma, contains 40 mcg of the active substance of the same name in one tablet. Belongs to the group of adrenergic drugs. Dispensed strictly according to prescription.

Purpose: bronchial asthma, obstruction and emphysema.

In bodybuilding: used for quick drying of the body and weight loss. It is especially popular among women as it does not cause androgenic side effects. Also increases strength and endurance, reduces apatite, provides rapid muscle drying and promotes activation of the nervous system, increasing concentration.

Principle of action on the body: excites beta-2 adrenergic receptors, stimulates the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which leads to the launch of the process of lipolysis (breakdown of fats). Clenbuterol affects the secretion of thyroid hormones, increasing their release, thereby triggering natural fat burning mechanisms.

Contraindications: thyrotoxicosis, aortic valve stenosis, tachycardia, acute infarction.

Side effects: tachycardia, anxiety, hand tremors, insomnia, headache and nausea.

Dosages for bodybuilders: initial dosage – 20 mcg, then over four days the dose is increased by 20 mcg, respectively, on the 5th day 100 mcg of the drug is taken. From the sixth to the twelfth day, 120 mcg is taken, the next day - 80 mcg, then 40 mcg. After a two-week course, a break is taken for 2 weeks, as the body gets used to this medicine.

Features: doping is detected in the blood even 2 weeks after the last dose . The medicine should not be combined with alcohol, as alcohol increases the risk of side effects.

Fat burning or drying the body

The goal of the process is to reduce subcutaneous fat, resulting in a beautiful, sculpted body. At the same time, burn fat, but do not lose the accumulated mass.

When the last water is removed from the body, it is necessary to maintain the metabolic rate in the body, and pharmaceutical drugs help in this regard. Some act on receptors and block fat deposition, others accelerate lipid metabolism.


One of the cheapest and most reliable medicines, a source of potassium and magnesium. Under high loads and in the hot season, athletes have to drink a lot of fluids, potassium and magnesium are washed out of the body, and this drug restores the balance of minerals, prevents intoxication, increases the body's endurance, supports heart function, and prevents muscle cramps.

It is recommended to take 1-2 tablets three times a day in the morning and afternoon.


The drug is used to treat diabetes mellitus.

In bodybuilding it is used as a fat burner in two ways:

  • instead of a low-calorie diet;
  • in addition to diet to quickly get good results.

The drug also slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, as a result of which insulin is produced, which carries nutrients throughout the body's cells - energy is produced, the body's endurance increases, sugar does not turn into fat, and the athlete does not gain weight.

There are almost no side effects - diarrhea is very rare.

Alcohol and metformin are incompatible.

Dosage: 500-850 mg, 2-3 doses per day.


Another popular drug for drying the body.

Useful actions:

  • preserves glycogen in tissues, preventing the formation of lactic acid, which causes pain in the muscles;
  • increases the body's endurance;
  • promotes muscle growth;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • slows down catabolism;
  • stimulates the production of growth hormone;
  • protects muscle tissue from tearing during intense training;
  • reduces appetite;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system.

Take 1-2 grams per day (in the morning on an empty stomach and 30 minutes before the start of training) depending on the weight category. Course 4-6 weeks, break 10-14 days.

The highest activity of the drug is in the first half of the day and during training.

Oxandrolone (anavar)

Has an anabolic effect.

Result of taking the drug:

  • increase in growth hormone;
  • fat burning;
  • increase in strength;
  • beautifully sculpted and firm muscles.

Sometimes the following side effects occur:

  • appetite decreases;
  • headaches occur;
  • pressure rises.

This drug is popular among athletes. The greatest effect will be if it is taken in conjunction with other means. The regimen is outlined by the trainer.


A unique medical product, it was previously used to prevent cancer.

Its ability to increase testosterone levels in the body attracted the attention of bodybuilders, who willingly began to use it. The drug reduces the risk of heart disease. Long-term use is harmless.

Side effects:

  • nausea;
  • dry mouth;
  • headache.

Dosage: 10–20 mg per day. Take strictly as recommended by your doctor.

Fish fat

Produced from the liver of cod or fatty fish, it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3, 6 and 9, which strengthen the cardiovascular system and are involved in metabolism in the body.

Beneficial features:

  • lowers cholesterol;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • good remedy against cancer.

Dosage: 3-5 capsules with meals for 30-40 days. This is followed by a 1-1.5 month break, after which you can repeat up to 2-3 courses per year.


A product made from vincamine, an alkaloid from the Lesser Periwinkle plant. The medicinal effect is the correction of blood circulation in the blood vessels of the brain.

Beneficial features:

  • dilates blood vessels in the brain;
  • thins the blood;
  • saturates muscle tissue with oxygen and nutrients;
  • improves concentration.

Take 5 to 30 mg 30 minutes to an hour before training.

Rhodiola rosea

“Golden Root” grows almost throughout Russia.

The plant extract contains beneficial antioxidants, the effect of which is:

  • improve the functioning of the immune and nervous systems;
  • stimulate the synthesis of collagen, a building protein, without which the skin loses elasticity and ages quickly;
  • break down lactic acid, that is, reduce pain in the muscles after heavy strength exercises;
  • stimulates the energy of athletes, fills them with strength and allows them to train more time without fatigue;
  • helps the heart function, normalizes blood pressure, and blood vessels become elastic.

Take 10 drops in 3 divided doses 2 hours before meals for 10-20 days.

Glutamic acid (L-glutamine)

Description: antihypoxic agent, available in tablets of 250 mg of glutamic acid.

Action: glutamine is a non-essential amino acid that takes part in metabolic and oxidative processes. Accelerates metabolism, has a detoxifying effect, increases resistance to hypoxia. Stimulates the process of synthesis of acetylcholine and ATP, the transmission of nerve impulses to muscles, and promotes better penetration of potassium ions into muscle fibers.

Purpose: epilepsy, depressive states in chronic diseases, myopathy and cerebral palsy.

In bodybuilding: used to improve brain activity and increase endurance. Minimizes the risk of overtraining syndrome and stimulates weight gain. According to some data, the combination of glutamic acid with whey protein provides better gains in lean muscle mass compared to the results of consuming protein alone.

Contraindications: fever, increased excitability of the nervous system, renal and liver failure, stomach ulcers, leukopenia and anemia.

Dosage regimen: 500 mg 2-3 times a day. You can take the product for a long time, up to six months.

Side effects: well tolerated by the body. Long-term use of large doses can cause headaches, insomnia, and decreased hemoglobin.

Fat burners

Fat burners are drugs (or a type of sports nutrition) that are designed to reduce (“burn”) excess fat deposits.

Of course, I will say something about these drugs, but my attitude towards them is twofold.

These drugs will indeed help those who have already made the most of their diet and training program aimed at losing weight, but DO NOT REPLACE training and diet.

In fact, only fat burners based on ephedrine have shown their effectiveness, but since 2013 it has been banned in the Russian Federation, so they cannot be used.

I'll tell you about others.

Caffeine and guarana

They stimulate the central nervous system (CNS) and the production of adrenaline, which triggers fat burning in our body.

Guarana is the same as coffee, only guarana beans contain twice as much caffeine as coffee beans. The positive “invigorating” effect of these supplements has been proven, so if an increased dose of caffeine is found in the blood of an Olympic athlete, he will be disqualified for doping.

You can buy inexpensive and working caffeine using this link.

And here is my article about how to use caffeine for weight loss.

You can also achieve a fat-burning effect by using L-carnitine along with your diet. Carnitine works great together with a BEACH diet. Although, in fact, with any diet.

You won’t be able to buy anything else at the pharmacy for a fat-burning effect. All sorts of “Shlyapaslim” teas, etc. I don't take it into account, because I consider their use to be complete idiocy and a waste of money.

Fish fat

A good and really working supplement. There are a lot of useful properties. Reduces the risk of developing blood clots, inflammatory processes, the risk of cancer, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, but most importantly for us, it promotes the GROWTH of DRY MUSCLE MASS.

I have a detailed article about fish oil, its benefits and harms.

Release form: capsules, pure fat;

Average price: In Moscow, the average price for 100 capsules of fish oil ranges from 30 to 600 rubles. If you take specialized sports supplements, it will be more expensive.

Reception scheme:

  • 3-5 capsules x 3 times a day with meals;
  • Course 30-40 days;
  • The course can be repeated 3-4 times a year;

Calcium glycerophosphate

Description: mineral supplement in 200 mg tablets. Stimulates anabolic processes and is used as a general tonic for conditions accompanied by calcium and vitamin D deficiency.

Purpose: hypocalcemia, rickets in children, fatigue, exhaustion of the nervous system.

In bodybuilding: as a general strengthening and tonic, as part of the treatment of overtraining syndrome. It increases appetite, so it is used by athletes during the period of weight gain.

Doses: two tablets morning and evening. It is recommended to use in courses of 20 days twice a year.

Contraindications: atherosclerosis, excess calcium, severe forms of renal failure, thrombosis and increased blood clotting.

Adverse reactions: hypercalcemia with long-term use of dosages 3-4 times higher than recommended. In the first days, diarrhea and nausea are possible.

Features: Should not be considered as a muscle growth aid for bodybuilding. The medicine is recommended as an additional source of calcium, and not as a mandatory sports supplement, which can affect the training process and the results of exercise.

Other means

You can purchase sports pharmacology at the pharmacy, which helps increase endurance and enhance muscle growth. Insulin has become very popular among bodybuilders, as it helps enhance protein synthesis. In addition, this hormone interferes with the production of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of fats.

Medicines for athletes can be purchased freely at the pharmacy without a prescription. Among such remedies, Clenbuterol should be highlighted. It helps increase endurance and also extend the course of training. However, this drug is prohibited for use before sports competitions. At the beginning of use, 20 mcg of Clenbuterol should be used per day, and then the dosage is gradually increased.


Description: the product is an aminoacetic acid, available in 100 mg tablets. Refers to nootropics - drugs that affect the functioning of the nervous system.

Indications: periods of intense physical and psycho-emotional stress, vegetative-vascular dystonia, insomnia, neurosis.

In sports: the medicine is used to reduce the load on the central nervous system, restore sleep and wakefulness, and improve cognitive functions.

Principle of action: neurotransmitter that regulates metabolic processes in the central nervous system. Restores metabolic processes occurring in the brain, has an antitoxic effect, and prevents the development of nervous exhaustion. In bodybuilding it is often considered to prevent overtraining syndrome.

Doses for bodybuilding: one tablet three times a day. The course lasts 4 weeks.

Contraindications: individual intolerance, childhood.

Adverse reactions: not identified, the drug is well tolerated by the body. In some cases, an allergic reaction may develop.

Note: the medicine is not included in the top mandatory drugs for athletes. It is used rather for the prevention of various disorders of the nervous system. The sedative effect is weak, the medicine does not have a special effect on the training process in bodybuilding.


Actovegin is a drug that improves the trophism of all tissues in the body. This happens due to the fact that:

  1. It improves microcirculation in peripheral vessels, that is, blood circulation.
  2. It is a neuroprotector, that is, it restores and “nourishes” nerve cells and fibers by improving microcirculation.
  3. It is a metabolic agent and improves energy metabolism in tissues. Due to the utilization of glucose, it reduces the accumulation of lactate levels in muscle tissue, which makes it possible to quickly restore muscle tissue after increased exercise.
  4. It is an antihypoxant, that is, a drug that supplies tissues with oxygen.

Available in solutions for injection. It is administered intramuscularly, intravenously, intraarterially. Preventively prescribed intramuscularly, 2 ml once a day. If a stronger effect is needed, then the prescription should be intravenous.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the drug, severe diseases of the lungs, heart and kidneys, which, as a rule, are not observed in athletes.


Description: tablets contain 75 mg of glycine, cystine and glutamic acid. Combined preparation from a mixture of non-essential acids.

Purpose: heart failure, neurocirculatory dystonia, chronic physical overstrain.

In sports: used during periods of intense exercise, recommended for children to prevent asthenia. The drug prevents the development of myocardial hypertrophy in professional athletes, helps to recover more quickly after exercise, and protects against emotional burnout.

Properties: the product has an antioxidant and antihypoxic effect, stimulates metabolic processes in the central nervous system, increases myocardial contractility. It can be considered as an adjuvant for people with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system who plan to engage in sports, as the medicine increases tolerance to physical activity.

Directions for use for athletes: 1 tablet three times a day after meals. The drug is available in the form of sublingual tablets and should be dissolved rather than swallowed.

Contraindications: age under 11 years, intolerance to the components of the composition.

Side effects: the drug is safe, well tolerated by the body, does not cause side effects, so it can be used for a long time.

Note: a fairly good prophylactic drug, which, in general, is useless for existing disorders. The medicine can be used by athletes during the drying period, when the frequency and intensity of cardio exercise increases.


Milgamma is one of the representatives of complex preparations of B vitamins. It belongs to neurotropic drugs, that is, it protects the nervous and musculoskeletal system from destructive factors. Directly involved in the process of hematopoiesis, which is important during physical activity. Thanks to this factor, oxygen is transferred to tissues that have an increased need for it. Due to this, the body's endurance increases and its faster recovery after exercise.

Milgamma promotes the transfer of impulses along the nerve fiber, thereby preventing malfunctions in the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. Available in tablet form and in the form of injection solutions. For preventive use, a more convenient form is the tablet form. When taken in large doses, the drug has an analgesic effect. Take once a day, for a long time (at least 4 weeks), after meals, with plenty of water.

Contraindications: gastrointestinal ulcer, allergic reactions, pregnancy.


Description: a favorite plant of Eastern medicine, used as a general strengthening and tonic. A natural adaptogen, available in different forms - powder, alcohol tincture, tablets with ginseng root extract.

Purpose: for asthenia, hypotension, depression and apathy - as a tonic. Also used for decreased potency in men.

In sports and bodybuilding: for chronic fatigue, decreased performance, asthenia. The product is recommended as a kind of energy drink before intense exercise, if there is no strength. The medicine can be taken during periods of heavy training to reduce the negative effect on the nervous system.

Contraindications: high blood pressure, ginseng intolerance.

Adverse Reactions: Insomnia if taken too high a dose before bed. Adverse reactions are detected very rarely.

Tincture dosage for athletes: 30-40 drops of medicine twice a day, or before training. It is not recommended to use before bedtime. The best effect is achieved when used in autumn and winter, when the body is weakened.

The principle of action of the product: a powerful natural adaptogen, stimulates the restoration of the nervous system, increases vascular tone, increases energy reserves, and accelerates the recovery process. Normalizes carbohydrate metabolism, so it can be considered as an aid to weight loss.

Features: ginseng is the safest natural energy drink for athletes, and tops the list of pharmaceutical products for sports. This is not a panacea; ginseng does not help increase muscle mass, but it does give strength and energy. It does not cause side effects, and has a specific effect on healthy people - it increases the body’s protective functions and increases energy potential, without affecting blood pressure and heartbeat. The medicine is the most famous remedy for increasing libido.

Pros and cons of using funds

Despite the fact that pharmaceutical testosterone for bodybuilding is very popular, there are both pros and cons of using such products. Among the main advantages, it is necessary to highlight the fact that domestically produced drugs have an affordable price. In addition, among the advantages it is worth noting high quality and effectiveness.

Pharmacology pharmacology for bodybuilding is recommended to be used in combination, since the drugs enhance the effects of each other or, conversely, suppress them. The combination of such agents is quite effective in its rapid effect on muscle growth.

It is worth noting that pharmaceutical drugs have certain contraindications and side effects that must be taken into account when using them. Mostly when taking medications, allergic reactions occur, nausea and dizziness occur. Before taking pharmaceutical drugs, you must first consult with your doctor.


The listed pharmaceutical drugs were created specifically to solve certain problems, so they cannot be considered as safe additives to an athlete’s diet.

The finished TOP 5 approved pharmaceutical drugs for athletes may look like this:

  • potassium orotate + riboxin – to improve oxygen supply to the heart and stimulate metabolism;
  • pentoxifylline + vitamin PP – to improve blood supply to the athlete’s muscles during intense strength training;
  • Clomiphene or Tamoxifen - to stimulate the production of your own testosterone by reducing the sensitivity of estrogen receptors;
  • tincture or extract of ginseng - as an energy drink before intense training, to strengthen the athlete’s nervous system;
  • Eltacin - to prevent overtraining and asthenia during periods of increased stress, to protect the nervous system.

It is important to consider possible adverse reactions and contraindications before starting to use pharmaceutical products. Side effects require attention; if they occur, you should consult a doctor.

You can supplement the list with any B complex of vitamins - they strengthen the nervous system, take part in metabolic processes, have a beneficial effect on the entire body and stimulate muscle growth, improving protein absorption.

Benefits and harms

Pharmacy supplements are a group of drugs with different pharmacological effects. Among the main positive actions are:

  • Improving blood circulation, increasing blood flow to the muscles.
  • Acceleration of metabolism.
  • Positive effect on anabolic processes.
  • Strengthening the heart muscle.
  • Removal of toxins from the intestines.
  • Improving the functioning of the liver and digestive tract.
  • Antioxidant action.
  • Stimulation of intracellular energy metabolism.
  • Replenishment of glycogen stores in muscles.
  • Strengthening energy potential.

Drugs cause harm if you ignore the instructions and use them contrary to contraindications. It is necessary to take a break between courses of administration so that the body’s sensitivity to additives does not decrease.


Hepatoprotectors can increase the protective function of the liver. This is especially important if the drugs used by the athlete include anabolic steroids. These drugs inhibit liver function.

The most effective hepatoprotectors are:

  1. Ademetionine

The drug stimulates the production of ademetionine in the brain and liver. It is also classified as an antidepressant. Ademetionine normalizes bile flow and promotes the removal of waste products from the body. The daily dose of the drug is 4 tablets. The drug is taken an hour after meals. The price of the product is 1600 rubles.

  1. Karsil

This drug is used to cleanse the liver after steroid therapy. It contains a plant component – ​​milk thistle extract. It is the equivalent of silymarin. Thanks to Karsil, depressed liver cells recover faster.

Protein synthesis in the body is more active. The drug helps increase appetite. Due to the greater number of calories ingested, body weight increases. An effective course is considered to be the use of 2 tablets 3 times a day. The cost of the drug is 350 rubles.

What should women take?

Modern pharmacological developments enable female athletes to remain beautiful, healthy and feminine.

The main drugs for women who want to gain muscle mass are:

  • Duphaston. The medicine must be taken with proper nutrition. The drug also helps normalize the menstrual cycle and retains fluid in the body.
  • Chloe. Gaining muscle volume occurs due to the activation of the ovaries.

Adaptogens and agents that increase the body’s immunological abilities

Such drugs exist to help the body overcome fatigue. It adapts to intense physical activity. The components of the drugs have a tonic effect and also help accelerate metabolic processes in the body. These include:

  1. Ginseng root

The drug is made from ginseng roots. It is recognized as one of the effective fat burners and adaptogens. The plant contains beneficial oils, acids and minerals.

Ginseng tincture helps maintain blood sugar levels and releases the body's energy resources. He adapts to unfavorable external conditions and quickly gets into shape after physically difficult, exhausting workouts.

Ginseng tincture should be consumed 3 times a day. To take it, you should avoid the evening time of day. The dose for a single dose is 30 drops. The price of the drug is 40 rubles.

  1. Pantocrine

The drug has established itself as a reliable adaptogen with tonic properties. This effect helps to achieve high performance in training.

Pantocrine contains more than 20 types of beneficial amino acids, lipids and minerals. Taking the drug has a positive effect on the functioning of the circulatory system. The body's protective functions increase. The drug is taken one hour before meals up to 3 times a day. For a single dose, take 20 drops of the drug and wash it down with water. The price of Pantocrine is 290 rubles.

Drugs that lower blood sugar

To stabilize blood sugar levels, especially in athletes with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, such drugs are needed.

Diabeton MB promotes the production of your own insulin. It is often used in a cycle to increase muscle mass. The drug should be taken with caution so as not to disrupt pancreatic function. You need to start the course with low doses – 15 mg. Next, the drug is taken at 30 mg per day. The course can last 1 month. The price of the drug is 300 rubles.

How do vitamins and minerals work?

Pharmacy drugs are designed to ensure the full functioning of all systems of the human body. To gain muscle mass and quickly recover, it is necessary to promptly remove free radicals from the body that are formed during redox reactions during training exercises.

All this is done by vitamins and minerals, which can be obtained both from food and pharmacological complexes. The list of components is given in the table below.

NameOperating principleWhat does it contain?
Vitamin AActivates the production of enzymes, muscle tissue proteins, vitamin D metabolite.Yellow and green vegetables, legumes, grapes, peaches.
B1 (Thiamin)Provides complete carbohydrate metabolism, improves food absorption, optimizes oxidation and restoration of body cells.Whole grain bread, yeast, spinach, liver, kidneys, animal brain.
B3 (nicotinic acid)Maintaining the synthesis of enzymes, takes part in carbohydrate metabolism.Rye bread, selo, mango, pineapple, buckwheat.
Pyridoxine (B)Needed for the metabolism of proteins, fats, nitrogen.Hazelnuts, cabbage, walnuts, grain sprouts.
Tocopherol (E)Provides protein synthesis, tissue respiration, and removal of toxins.Bran, beans, carrots, cucumbers, onions, peas, vegetable oil.
Ascorbic acid (C)Strengthens the immune system, forms collagen, regulates metabolism.Rose hips, black currants, bell peppers, citrus fruits.
ZincIt synthesizes tocopherol, is a component of over 400 enzymes, and increases the rate of removal of carbon dioxide from the body.Beef liver, sesame seeds, nuts, oysters, sunflower seeds.
CopperIt is part of the protein hemocyanin, which transports molecular oxygen. Low copper levels disrupt the structure of bone tissue and reduce protein metabolism. Fish, seafood, grains, nuts, legumes.
IronSaturates blood with oxygenMeat
CalciumStrengthens bonesSpinach, milk, cabbage, asparagus.
MagnesiumSynthesizes amino acids and proteinsNuts, fish, pumpkin seeds, wheat bran.
PotassiumMaintains water-alkaline balance, provides the required conditions for the myocardium.Potatoes, fish, dates, white beans.
PhosphorusIt is an integral part of acids, enzymes, and body cells.Cocoa, mustard, pumpkin.

Are muscle enlargement medications so harmless?

There is no definite answer to this question, because weight gain drugs affect almost all systems of the body, and any tablets, suspensions and dietary supplements have contraindications.

The main prohibitions for the use of pharmacological products that promote muscle growth are:

  • Age up to 21 years.
  • Kidney, liver, heart failure.
  • Individual intolerance to components.

You should not get carried away with steroids, since good athletic results can be achieved by following a balanced diet in combination with the use of appetite enhancers and sports nutrition.

Who are the drugs for gaining muscle mass intended for?

Modern athletes work in two main areas - fitness and competitive bodybuilding. In the first case, the athlete masters his body by strictly dosing loads, following a diet, and maintaining the required physical shape.

Clearly distributed effects on certain muscle groups develop muscles, increase immunity, strengthen the heart and blood vessels, and allow you to obtain a physically harmonious body.

In competitive bodybuilding, an athlete deliberately increases the load during training, which often runs counter to improving health, since it is necessary to achieve high performance in the shortest possible time.

Pharmacy preparations for gaining muscle mass not only allow you to increase muscle size, but also enable athletes to recover faster after the hardest workouts. All this pharmacology is certified and completely safe when used strictly according to the instructions and following the dosage.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Laser hair removal on the face and body - how it is done, effectiveness, before and after photos, contraindications.

What groups of medications are used?

Pharmaceutical preparations for gaining muscle mass are not only dietary supplements that directly promote muscle growth, but also products that simultaneously perform other important functions.

Anabolic nonsteroids are substances of animal or, less commonly, plant origin that have a high level of biological activity. It is on their basis that muscle growth is maximized.

A good gain of muscle mass is unthinkable without the use of the following groups of drugs:

  • Vitamins.
  • Minerals.
  • Coenzymes.
  • Adaptogens.
  • Microelements.
  • Antihypoxants.
  • Psychoenergizers.
  • Anabolizing drugs.
  • Immunomodulators.
  • Macroergics.
  • Regulators of neuropsychic status.
  • Hematopoiesis and circulation stimulants.
  • Amino acids.

Consequences of use

A course of pharmaceutical drugs for bodybuilding is considered safer than the use of steroids. Despite the fact that it is impossible to achieve lightning-fast results, they provoke much fewer side effects.

To achieve the required effect, you need to complete at least 3 courses of using pharmaceutical drugs. In addition, it is important to follow a special protein diet and strictly adjust physical activity.

Excessive physical activity significantly depletes the available resources of the athlete’s body, so pharmaceutical drugs are used to restore energy and strength in bodybuilding. They fit equally well for both women and men.

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