No-xplode 2.0 is a popular pre-workout complex from BSN

NO-Xplode new formula is one of the three most effective and popular pre-workout complexes. It was launched on the market back in 2000 under the well-known BSN brand and has since gone through a series of updates. Thus, the formula was improved to version 2.0 , which has taken root among professional athletes to this day. But BSN never stands still and is constantly evolving, taking into account the needs of its clients. She conducted a series of surveys over many years to identify the objective needs of the buyer . As a result, the third version of the supplement was born, the most balanced and effective for achieving sports results.

NO-Xplode new formula is a pre-workout with nutritional nutrients that affect the entire body and ensure comfortable recovery after exercise. Now there is no more soreness in the morning, and working with heavy weights is easier.

As for gastronomic properties, the new formula ensures a second stirring of the product in any type of liquid. The line is also available in 6 flavors , which allows you to use the supplements not only with benefit, but also with pleasure.

Positive effects from use

The complex is a high-quality donor of fluid, protein, carbohydrates, amino acids, creatine and other beneficial nutrients. It quickly delivers components directly to muscle fibers and improves their absorption.

A progressive product from BSN is designed to speed up the process of pumping muscles, gives the body the necessary energy for training, reduces the secretion of lactic acid , restores electrolytes lost during exercise, increases endurance, strengthens the immune system, and also saturates the muscles with valuable nutrients.

The pre-workout complex is designed to accelerate the production of your own energy resources. It strengthens the neuromuscular connection , increasing the impact of training, reducing the threshold of fatigue and the recovery period.

Thanks to creatine compounds, the effectiveness of each workout increases. A separate component in the composition - Thermic Energy is aimed at increasing the speed of exercise.

Positive effects of taking a pre-workout supplement

Among the positive effects of using the NO-Xplode new formula pre-workout complex, athletes note:

  • stimulation of the central nervous system;
  • acceleration of recovery after exercise;
  • increasing the productivity of each workout;
  • strengthening neuromuscular connections;
  • increased strength characteristics;
  • reduction of symptoms of sore throat;
  • increased concentration in attentiveness, dexterity;
  • reducing the effects of stressful conditions, including after working with heavy weights;
  • prolonged effect, due to which muscles develop and grow even on rest days;
  • reducing the feeling of fatigue and weakness after intense exercise;
  • acceleration of metabolism, which promotes “drying” and reduction of fat deposits;
  • restoration of electrolyte balance, so you are not at risk of dehydration even after extreme exercise;
  • low-calorie formula, making it possible to use the product while on a diet;
  • maximum absorption due to the addition of peptides and fiber, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Combination with other sports supplements

When gaining weight

  • Syntha-6 protein or True-Mass gainer
  • Drug for pumping and increasing endurance Nitrix
  • Complex for recovery after training Cellmass
  • Testosterone booster Evotest

First of all, NO-Xplode works great with Nitrix. These drugs mutually enhance each other's effects and thereby raise training performance to a new level. Cellmass post-workout complex restores muscles and replenishes energy. Protein or gainer provides the body with the necessary building blocks for building muscle. And the natural testosterone booster Evotest makes the process of gaining muscle mass faster.

For drying and losing weight

  • Whey protein Syntha-6
  • Fat burner Atro-Phex or Hyper Shred
  • Amino acids Amino X

Whey protein and amino acids will protect you from losing muscle mass while losing weight. And Atro-Phex will help control your appetite and burn fat more effectively.

What does it contain?

Compared to its previous version, the updated product has the most balanced and effective composition, which differs in its overall effect on training.

What does a workout consist of?

In version 3.0 innovative matrices , and effective formulas were patented by the BSN trademark.

  1. The creatine matrix has been reworked, resulting in a composition that significantly increases endurance and speed of recovery after exercise. The main difference from the previous version is the emphasis on stimulating components. Previously, pre-workout complexes of the NO-Xplode series were focused on pumping , so they gave more of a cosmetic quick effect. The new version does not set itself the goal of pumping, as it is designed more for a long-term effect, increasing strength indicators and stimulating the central nervous system for more fruitful work.
  2. The complex also solves the problem of concentration , which is relevant for modern residents of the metropolis. All athletes experience brain stimulation over a long period of time, which helps improve their endurance, agility, strength and overall performance . Trainers advise drinking the supplement even during active fat-burning activities.

In general, the new pre-workout complex is focused on total stimulation of the body, preparing it for increased loads .

Consumers always have the choice to focus on pumping and strength endurance (version 2.0) or stimulate the body as a whole (3.0).

Let's consider the individual components of the NO-Xplode new formula product matrices .

  1. Myogenic Matrix . The component is designed to improve strength characteristics, for which it uses 2 types of creatine: monohydrate and anhydrous. For better absorption of these substances, high-quality whey isolate has been added. It is used to transport creatine across the intestinal walls. And to enhance the work of the isolate, it also contains plant ingredients - fiber.
  2. Endura Shot . The product allows you to increase aerobic endurance and strength characteristics. The key ingredient is beta-alanine, presented here in various forms. Sodium bicarbonate, as well as its subtypes, enhance the effect of beta-alanine. Endurance in aerobic and cardio exercise is increased by magnesium oxide, which is included in the complex.
  3. O. Alpha Fusion . The list of these components provides general toning of the body. Plant-based flavonoids accelerate metabolism and suppress the activity of free radicals. Also, such a mixture increases the efficiency of other matrices thanks to citrulline malate.
  4. Thermal Energy . This matrix uses caffeine anhydrous and synephrine derived from grapefruit. To reduce stress and depression, as well as a simultaneous stimulating effect, acetyl-tyrosine is used in the formula. The matrix also contains PURENERGY™, a proprietary caffeine variant of the brand.
  5. Shock Composite . This effective matrix contains deanol, which is a powerful antioxidant that stimulates the functioning of the brain and peripheral nervous system. It is also responsible for the metabolism of fatty acids, which ensure training productivity. The main reason for introducing deanol into the complex is its ability to improve mood, speed up recovery after exercise, and neutralize the side effects of stimulants like caffeine. The matrix also includes synergists and substances that have a complex effect on metabolism and other body systems.

Is there any harm?

Despite the safety of the product, there are still some side effects. This is easy to explain - the product has high biological activity. There are two options here. The first is to take risks and get the maximum result. The second is to drink the complex in small doses without any particular danger to health, but with minimal effect.

In case of active use, the following side effects are possible - nausea, headache, digestive problems, tachycardia, increased blood pressure, insomnia, arrhythmia and others.

How to take a pre-workout?

The nutritional supplement is used mainly on training days - half an hour before the start of exercise (optimally before warming up). A single dose of the drink is 1-2 scoops of the mixture, which must be diluted in a glass of cool liquid (juice, low-fat milk, water). The manufacturer strongly recommends not to exceed the specified number of measuring spoons.

How to take a pre-workout?

To prepare a nutritious drink, you need to stir the dry mixture in the liquid until completely dissolved and a homogeneous mixture is formed. Before drinking, shake the cocktail a little and drink quickly in 3-4 sips. Some athletes mix the product in a shaker before arriving at the sports club to drink immediately before warming up. Unfortunately, after mixing in advance, the cocktail loses valuable carbon dioxide and some other components, which reduces the effectiveness of its use.

If you take the pre-workout complex of the NO-Xplode new formula product, you must strictly adhere to the course . So, after 1 month of use, take a 2-week break . During this period, you should not take any sports supplements that contain central nervous system stimulants. This measure is necessary to reduce the risk of tolerance to the main components of the complex. If an athlete neglects periodization, then, due to addiction to the substances, he will be forced to increase the dosage of the product, which can lead to adverse reactions in the body.

In one package for 555 g. contains approximately 30 servings, and 1100 g. – 60.


Like many other sports supplements, NO-Xplode new formula has several contraindications for use:

  • age under 18 years;
  • presence of allergies to ingredients in the composition;
  • mental disorders, serious diseases of the central nervous system, kidneys, liver, respiratory and cardiovascular systems ;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Contraindications to the use of pre-workout
Also, the supplement should not be used at the last stage of “ drying ”. The fact is that the components in the composition produce a slight laxative effect, which reduces the level of fluid in the body. And since bodybuilders and powerlifters sharply reduce the amount of fluid in their diet before competitions, taking the supplement can cause dehydration.


The additive has an excellent range of flavors, providing:

  • increasing energy potential;
  • activation of the nervous system;
  • high strength, performance and endurance, pumping, reduction of the recovery period.

Possible adverse reactions

In case of individual intolerance to the components in the composition or overdose , side effects may occur. So, if you regularly take more than 2 scoops, you should expect:

Side effects from pre-workout

  • dizziness and migraines;
  • disturbances of attention and concentration;
  • tremors of the limbs;
  • “flies” before the eyes;
  • panic attacks;
  • acute allergies up to Quincke's edema;
  • increased sweating ;
  • disorders of the digestive tract, including acute diarrhea;
  • insomnia and depression.

If you follow the manufacturer's recommendations and do not exceed the indicated dose, these consequences can be avoided.

There are also natural reactions as a result of consuming NO-Xplode new formula, for example, tingling in the facial area , which is the result of the work of niacin and beta-alanine .


After analyzing reviews of the NO-Xplode New Formula pre-workout complex on popular forums and online sports nutrition stores, it became clear that the supplement really works , provides incredible muscle pumps and energy during training, gives additional strength to the athlete and shortens recovery time between approaches.

Buyers note that NO-Xplode will not only be of interest to athletes, but also to all people in general who need to overcome fatigue , laziness or sleep, as well as mentally and emotionally tune in to any activity (taking an exam, an interview, an important conversation and other activities, which requires maximum mentality from a person)

Reviews about pre-workout

This supplement should not be taken at night , otherwise insomnia will “torture” it, as well as for people who have problems with the cardiovascular system, due to side effects that are also observed: increased blood pressure , venousness, increased heart rate.

If we compare two versions (NO-Xplode New Formula and no-xplode 2.0) in terms of side effects that are so unfavorable for heart patients, then, judging by the reviews, preference is given to version 2.0.

NO-Xplode New Formula has quite a few flavors

  • Raspberries
  • Grape
  • Fruit punch
  • Blackberry

They all have a pleasant taste and do not smell of “chemicals”.

In turn, the most disgusting tastes, which even, like some athletes, say make you sick:

  • Apple
  • Watermelon

When using this pre-workout, athletes note increased sweating , therefore, people who tend to sweat profusely need to stock up on towels.

Reviews about the pre-workout complex

If you have not used NO-Xplode before, then you should definitely purchase it, or take a break for 1-2 months so that the pre-workout also has a powerful and effective effect on you, since the body gets used to it quite quickly , by the way, that’s why we We recommend taking it only on days of heavy training: firstly, it won’t get used to quickly, and secondly, a can will last for a long time.

As buyers note, the jar should not be kept open , since the “gunpowder powder” exhales very quickly in the air and does not fizz when mixed with water.

In conclusion of the review, it should be said once again that the supplement is very effective , it gives a lot of energy and strength during training, and it works very well on an empty stomach, so if you have never taken it and you have no medical contraindications, then you should definitely buy it ( the price is really not small, for a jar of 1100 grams, you have to pay on average from 2600 rubles to 3000 rubles ).

Release form, flavors, price

The additive is available in powder form in cans of 1110 g (2480-2889 rubles each) and 555 g (1758-2070 rubles each) with the following flavors:

  • watermelon;

  • grapes;

  • green apple;

  • blackberries;

  • raspberry lemonade;

  • fruit punch.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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