Sports nutrition - useful or not, how to choose and take it correctly

  • What is sports nutrition?
  • Types of sports nutrition
  • Pros of sports nutrition
  • Harm of sports nutrition and side effects
  • Sports nutrition and steroids
  • How to choose sports nutrition?
  • How to take sports nutrition?

Sleep, nutrition and training are a trinity that experienced athletes highlight as the most important combination in any sport. Without full recovery, it is difficult to progress, and without adequate nutrition, there will not be enough resources to achieve the goal. Training, as you can see, is in 3rd place, because... Without fulfilling the first two conditions, their effect is close to zero - the body simply wears out.

No wonder food is located in the middle. Without proper nutrient intake, both the quality of your workouts and sleep suffers. The diet is adjusted - indicators increase, recovery, mood and brain function improve. Lack of substances - we degrade. And all because the body is a biological machine that requires adequate fuel and timely maintenance. Moreover, the body will serve itself if it is provided with nutrients. But how can this be achieved in practice?

What is sports nutrition?

Previously, about 100 years ago, few people knew about sports supplements. And the term itself became official only in the 50s of the 20th century. But the use of all kinds of extracts and mixtures has always taken place. The man was looking for ways to improve his health, become stronger, more resilient and bigger. This is how the need for such products was formed. With the development of industry and methods of processing various raw materials, this became possible.

Sports nutrition today is, as a rule, high-tech mixtures of natural nutrients of plant and animal origin, which help maintain and improve health in conditions of stress and an accelerated pace of life. Moreover, the class of such products is so wide that anyone, not just an athlete, will find something that will make him healthier and more energetic.

The breadth of use of sports nutrition supplements is such that it covers a number of goals pursued by an individual:

  • Mass gain
  • Weight loss
  • Recovery after exercise
  • Increased strength and endurance
  • Health improvement
  • Active longevity
  • Prevention of a number of diseases
  • Strengthening ligaments and joints
  • Energy Boost
  • Restoring libido and potency
  • Improving brain function and a lot of other important areas.

In the context of sports, the use of specialized supplements is recommended for everyone: professionals, amateurs, beginners and just beginners. The rationale is logical: increased loads provoke intensive consumption of nutritional components, the lack of which on a regular basis will lead to wear and tear of the body and, instead of improving performance, lead to a drop in performance. Moreover, initially the majority will experience growth, but progress will continue and will continue for those who do not stop monitoring the constant supply of necessary nutrients.

Multifunctional fat burner and simply useful supplement L-carnitine

We have written about L-carnitine more than once - but as a fat burner. Its main effect is to accelerate the transport of fatty acids into cells for their destruction. However, this process affects not only weight loss. Fat burning is a process in which energy is released, therefore, with the active use of carnitine, the overall performance of the body increases.

The neuroprotective functions of carnitine are still being studied, but today there is evidence that some forms (Acetyl L-carnitine) are able to penetrate the brain and protect its cells from the effects of certain toxins. This increases the body's resistance to mental stress and stress. This is especially true for the elderly and people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia.

L-carnitine is also involved in the formation and restoration of connective tissue. And this includes skin, hair and nails. And, importantly, joints, so carnitine is included in many chondroprotectors along with glucosamine and chondroitin.

The functions of increasing endurance and additional energy, improving sperm quality in men and thickening the walls of the uterus in women are relevant in the context of pregnancy planning for both men and women. L-carnitine is included in many fertility drugs.

We wrote more about the effect of carnitine on men's health here.

Types of sports nutrition

When it comes to the types of sports nutrition, it is necessary to understand the breadth of the concept covered. And if we delve deeper, for example, into the topic of dietary supplements, which are also found on the shelves of sports nutrition stores, the list will stretch into hundreds of drugs. Each of them has individual application features. However, key types of additives can be identified. Along with their intended use, we provide general recommendations for use.

  • Protein is the most popular and widespread type of sports supplement. It is a concentrated, high-protein mixture necessary for muscle growth. Dairy products, meat, legumes, and some plants are used as raw materials. Taken on a daily basis as an additional source of protein. Time of administration: during the day, before and after training. The course of admission is unlimited.
  • Gainer is a carbohydrate-protein mixture. Serves as a source of calories and building material for the athlete’s muscles. Designed for weight gain. Used as an alternative to a skipped meal or as a high-calorie snack, as well as a post-workout recovery. Take daily until you gain the required weight.
  • Amino acids are components of protein, which are isolated into separate supplements with a calorie content close to zero. The basis of application is the restoration of the body after physical activity and the growth of lean muscle mass. Individual amino acids each play their own role in the body, and the use of some promotes both weight loss and weight gain, the use of others - health improvement, others - brain function, etc. Complex amino acids, as well as BCAA , are optimally taken before and after, or during training. The course of admission is unlimited.
  • burners or fat burners are drugs that stimulate weight loss. Among weight loss products, there are a number of types based on their mechanism of action, but they all serve the same goal - getting rid of extra pounds. They are taken most often in the first half of the day on a daily basis, for a course of one to two months.
  • Creatine and creatine transport systems are substances that increase energy, strength, endurance, and help build muscle mass. Take 5-10 grams daily along with fast carbohydrates (sugar, juice, gainer), protein or amino acid complexes. Course of admission: a month, after which a 2-week break.
  • Vitamin-mineral complexes and individual vitamins are supplements designed to replenish essential microelements for the healthy functioning of the entire body. Consume every day with food. The course of admission is individual. Standard: a month after 2 weeks.
  • L-carnitine is a substance related to vitamins and is used mainly for weight loss. Taking it as a supplement allows you to better use fat as energy, enhances fat metabolism, helps strengthen the cardiovascular system and has a beneficial effect on other body functions. Take 3000-4000 mg before training. On rest days, 500 mg 3-4 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals. Course: 1.5-2 months, then a break similar to the time taken.
  • Isotonics and hypotonics are mineral energy drinks with vitamins, salts and, often, carbohydrates. They restore the body’s water-salt balance, which is disturbed by intense sweating during physical activity, accelerate recovery, and reduce the risk of injury and cramps. The main area of ​​application is sports with long-term intense load: running, crossfit, cycling, etc. Taken directly during class as a drink or immediately after completion.
  • Pre-workout and post-workout supplements are supplements taken before and after a workout. Despite the similarity of names, the compositions are completely different. Pre-workouts are primarily stimulants for enhancing performance and strength. Post-workouts are nutritional mixtures for quickly restoring the body's reserves after exercise. It is not recommended to take pre-workouts on an ongoing basis; take breaks. Post-workout blends can usually be taken regularly.
  • Test boosters and anabolic complexes are drugs that improve the production of hormones such as testosterone, growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor, etc. Unlike steroids, they affect hormonal levels as stimulants of their own hormone production, without subsequently disrupting their production. The scope of application is wide: from sports achievements to increasing potency and libido. They are taken in courses of 1-2 months, depending on the dosage and type of drug. Using without a break for a long time poses a risk of harm to health.
  • Supplements for joints and ligaments are a broad class of substances that promote recovery from injuries, relieve inflammation, strengthen the ligamentous apparatus, nourish the joint and its mobility. The course of admission is at least 2-3 months, the break is equal to the duration of admission. Repeat 2-3 cycles per year.
  • Dietary supplements are like a huge list of additives for all imaginable and inconceivable purposes. This includes: omega fatty acids, antioxidants, supplements for the brain, sleep and night recovery, hepatoprotectors, specialized drugs for women and men, adaptogens, enzymes, and much more. It is simply impossible to list them in one article, the list of applications is so large. Dosage regimens are individual.
  • Dietary fitness food is a wide range of products that include low-calorie goodies: syrups, jams, sauces, confitures, etc. In addition, this also includes protein foods such as meal replacements, protein chips, candies, desserts and breakfasts. You can also add various high-protein mixtures to this class for making pancakes, puddings, ice cream, porridges, etc. There are no specific recommendations or restrictions on admission.
  • Protein bars and cookies - the names speak for themselves. Typically, these are foods that are low in sugar (or no sugar) and high in protein. A healthy alternative to regular sweets. Use at any convenient time.

I emphasize that this list is not exhaustive. Of course, the field of sports nutrition supplements is much wider and more diverse. Determine your goals, decide what you want to achieve and then choose the sports nutrition that suits you.


This sports supplement is a mixture of proteins and carbohydrates. Available in ratios from 10/90 to 50/50, where the first value is proteins, and the second is carbohydrates. Gainers are used to achieve a calorie surplus during periods of increased activity or to gain muscle.

Recommendations for use:

  1. If you drink a gainer after an intense workout, you can “teach” the body to properly use carbohydrates.
  2. In the morning and before playing sports, drink a gainer to gain energy and increase endurance. After training - for accelerated mass growth.
  3. Taking a gainer before bed is not recommended.

We recommend: Maxler Special Mass Gainer

Pros of sports nutrition

There is an opinion that sports nutrition is for a narrow audience, especially for professionals. For an ordinary person, it is enough to eat right in order to progress in training. And one cannot but agree with this. Indeed, there is a percentage of people whose performance increases even without the use of sports nutrition. And if you decide categorically not to take any supplements, then follow these recommendations:

  • Eat regularly at least 4-5 times a day, each serving is complete, snacks do not count. 3 meals, as most people eat, are often not able to supply the body with the necessary amount of nutrients
  • Your diet should be rich in protein - the main building material for muscles. For a 75 kg athlete, calculating 2 grams of protein per 1 kg of weight, we get 150 grams per day. This is equivalent to approximately 700 grams of boiled chicken or 25-30 chicken eggs
  • Don't forget about fats - they are important for the hormonal system, respiration, and brain. Some of the most important are Omega 3, 6 and 9, which are found in various oils: flaxseed, olive, sesame, pumpkin and fatty varieties of red fish: salmon, trout, etc.
  • Of course carbohydrates. Focus on complex carbohydrates and minimize consumption of fast ones. That is, instead of sweets, buns, chocolates, as well as potatoes, white rice, pasta and white cereals, eat dark varieties that are rich in fiber and microelements.
  • Vitamins and minerals are those micronutrients without which all body processes will simply “stand still.” When they are lacking, cell growth, cell renewal, and the functioning of all organs and systems are disrupted, recovery processes deteriorate, and the immune system weakens. To get them, eat a variety of vegetables, berries, fruits and greens on a daily basis.
  • Drink enough fluids, and do not forget about the salts that are lost through sweating during training. Some of them are restored through food, but if you sweat profusely, then add salted mineral water on a daily basis, a glass or two per day (depending on losses and your current weight).

These recommendations are general and certainly not exhaustive. There are a lot of substances that the body needs that are contained in certain products. It won’t be possible to describe them all in an article—you’ll have to write a book. Proponents of obtaining all nutrients exclusively from food are superhumans! Jokes aside, if a person is able to provide the body with everything it needs from food and at the same time progress in training, then he probably understands the issue of nutrition no worse than a real nutritionist. Honor and praise to them!

Taking into account all the nuances is the lot of a narrow circle of those who are “in the know.” Therefore, before the advent of sports supplements with regular exercise, many over time noted a deterioration in certain health indicators. Of course, training brings great benefits. However, regular shortages of the required nutrients lead to wear and tear and malfunctions of the body.

Sports nutrition products were developed to solve emerging problems. With their help, you can precisely level out the lack of specific components, improving health indicators and progressing towards your goal.

If we analyze the above recommendations from the point of view of taking sports nutrition, it will look like this:

  • You can eat the same 3-4 times a day and improve in the context of sports if you enrich your diet with sports nutrition supplements on a regular basis. First you need to find out what you are missing and include the missing elements in the form of dietary supplements or mixtures
  • It will be easier to get the right amount of protein if you add 1-3 protein shakes daily throughout the day. Among other things, you will relieve the gastrointestinal tract, because... Protein from the mixture is absorbed faster and easier than from food.
  • It will be easy to obtain healthy fats from supplements based on vegetable oils and fish oil, in a targeted and dosed manner, which will allow you to avoid excess of them in the diet. This way you can control your weight and appearance while staying healthy and energetic.
  • Carbohydrates, by the way, are not difficult to get from regular food. However, taking carbohydrate supplements is important if you are gaining weight or are unable to eat regularly. Thus, taking a gainer will quickly saturate the body with energy and building material, and the calorie content will be comparable to a full meal.
  • Vitamins and minerals can be easily obtained from a vitamin-mineral mix or from individual supplements. There are a lot of products on the market, from universal complexes to purely sports ones, where the dosages of active ingredients are higher than standard. Such products are relevant for intensively and regularly training, as well as performing athletes.
  • Salts and trace elements released during sweating are compensated by taking so-called isotonics and hypotonics - solutions of salts, minerals, vitamins and, in some cases, carbohydrates.

Based on the above recommendations and explanations, we will highlight the positive aspects of taking sports nutrition products:

  • It's comfortable. Taking a precisely calibrated portion of a cocktail or pills is more practical than endless cooking with food selection
  • In terms of costs, it is often more profitable than buying a variety of ingredients for your table. Various promotions and sales allow you to inexpensively purchase the desired product
  • Highly specialized dietary supplements for specific purposes for targeted impact on a particular condition: disease prevention, increased libido, rejuvenation, improved well-being, etc.
  • The ability to progress faster, build muscle or lose weight for health benefits
  • Overcoming a “plateau” or a level that you have long wanted to reach, but could not reach
  • Recover faster, be more active, more energetic, sleep better and, ultimately, live a better quality of life.

To conclude this section, I would like to note that sports nutrition is not a panacea, but rather an additive to the basic diet. You still have to eat well if you want to achieve serious results. It is pointless to rely solely on sports nutrition - it will help, but will not do everything for you. Moreover, it is important to choose “your” supplements, and for this, consult a specialist before purchasing.

Harm of sports nutrition and side effects

“Yes, it’s harmful, it’s all chemicals, and as soon as you stop taking it, your muscles will immediately deflate,” such phrases can often be heard from people who don’t even try to understand the issue. Of course, it’s easier to label things as “everything is clear.” What's the point? Without understanding and trying, such a person deprives himself of the opportunity to reach a new level or simply begin to feel healthy. And yet it is worth understanding the issue.

We described the positive aspects of taking sports supplements above, let's talk about possible negative effects. And first of all, we remove the equal sign between sports nutrition and prohibited substances. This is still one of the most common misconceptions. And then we’ll honestly talk about the side effects of using sports nutrition.

Sports nutrition and steroids

The label “chemicals” was applied to sports nutrition even at the stage of the industry’s formation. Then the majority did not have access to trusted sources of information and sports nutrition was easily equated with anabolic steroids. Now, this looks funny in the age of information technology and accessibility of knowledge. And yet, people are often prejudiced against sports nutrition - they consider it to be outright chemicals that have a detrimental effect on the athlete’s health. This misconception was born out of a misunderstanding of the key difference between sports nutrition supplements and anabolic steroids.

Steroids are, in essence, synthetic analogues of sex hormones (mainly testosterone and derivatives). When introduced into the body, they act as “their” hormones, only their concentration now becomes several times higher. This allows you to achieve serious results in sports in the shortest possible time: build muscle or “dry out”, become more resilient, stronger and faster. Not without health consequences, of course.

The harm from thoughtless use of steroids can be colossal, if not fatal. In some cases, the body’s own hormone production is disrupted, which subsequently leads to hormonal imbalance. And this is already serious. Some people become overweight, losing all the muscle they gained during the course, others get acne, and others even risk remaining infertile.

This is not to say that everyone expects such a result; with a reasonable approach, negative effects can be minimized. But this requires investment, knowledge and discipline. Therefore, taking anabolic steroids is the lot of professionals in bodybuilding and fitness, as well as elite sports.

Sports supplements based on raw materials are familiar food products, or rather, extracts from them. All protein mixtures are obtained from meat, milk and plants. Among dietary supplements there are a lot of plant extracts and oils. Amino acids are products of animal origin. Joint complexes are also obtained from the animal industry. The convenient and concentrated format is easy to use and well absorbed.

Such characteristics are the reason why athletes all over the world take sports nutrition. It is more practical to purchase a can of concentrated protein and a multivitamin complex than to try your best to maintain a balanced diet to ensure that you receive all the necessary macro- and micronutrients. The use of sports nutrition greatly simplifies the life of an athlete, closes “holes” in the diet and allows further progress.

Possible side effects when taking sports nutrition:
  • Individual intolerance to a certain ingredient of the composition. As an example, whey concentrate may cause bloating and diarrhea if you are lactose intolerant;
  • Exceeding recommended dosages. This is especially true for pre-workout complexes, fat burners, testosterone boosters and other stimulating substances.
  • Questionable product quality. To avoid this, choose proven, reliable brands;
  • A combination of incompatible additives whose components may react with each other. For example, you cannot combine taking a pre-workout and a fat burner. Therefore, before purchasing, do not neglect consulting a specialist.

Do beginners need sports nutrition?

For both experienced athletes and beginners, sports nutrition will be equally useful if two other conditions are met:

  1. High-quality and regular training.
  2. Healthy sleep of more than 8 hours at the same time of day.

Beginners will begin to benefit from sports nutrition after the first use, but the effect will be noticeable only after several weeks or even months. Still, for beginners, it is recommended to use sports nutrition only after several workouts, when a person is sure that he has started taking fitness seriously. If training is irregular, sports nutrition will do neither harm nor good.

How to choose sports nutrition?

Obviously, the choice of one or another sports supplement depends on the purpose of use. Whether you are losing or gaining weight, you want to recover faster or increase your strength. The previous chapter provides a list of types of sports nutrition; use it as a guide in the selection. In this section we will provide tips on competently navigating the variety of additives.

When approaching your choice, rely on the following criteria:

  • Price
    . Sports supplements of the same type can vary greatly in cost. Well-known brands, of course, are more expensive than their counterparts. However, cheap sports nutrition does not mean it is bad. In the catalog you can find decent products in all price ranges. Therefore, decide how much you are willing to pay and look for a product that suits your request.
  • Brand
    . Choose products from trusted companies, not necessarily the most popular ones. It is enough to find a manufacturer with a good reputation. By the way, there are such in all price segments.
  • Shop
    . Order sports nutrition only from reliable online stores. They usually have a wide range of products. It is not necessary to choose the one with the greatest variety, just focus on this indicator. It’s not a problem if you are in another city or region - no one has canceled delivery. This way you will find the most profitable and suitable offer or even run into a promotion.
  • Reviews
    . Get acquainted with opinions about this or that sports and nutrition product on the Internet. Often, someone has already tried what you are looking for and shared their results with others.
  • Consultations
    . Do not neglect the help of sellers or online store managers. Basically, these are guys who understand the issue.

Youth enzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 or ubiquinone is an enzyme-like substance involved in the basic energy processes associated with ATP. Q10 has nourishing, regenerating and antioxidant effects.

Ubiquinone is produced in the human body and is present in almost all its cells and organs. But after 20 years, its production declines, so at a later age it is necessary to drink additional Q10.

This, combined with a powerful antioxidant effect, allows coenzyme Q10 to be considered the “enzyme of youth.” Indeed, by preventing the destruction of body tissue by free radicals, Q10 helps alleviate the symptoms of many diseases that we are accustomed to associate with old age - hypertension, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and others.

And of course, coenzyme Q10 is used externally – also because of its anti-aging effect. Cream with ubiquinone smoothes wrinkles and adds elasticity. Doctors and cosmetologists even suggest that Q10 can prevent skin cancer; active research is currently underway on this topic.

How to take sports nutrition?

Sports supplements are used by both teenagers and older people according to their needs. After all, the sphere itself has long gone beyond just sports. Taking care of your health, treating illnesses, preventing injuries, increasing mental activity - sports nutrition products can do all this. We talked about the types of sports nutrition and their intended use above - check it out if you missed it.

In this chapter, we will discuss a number of common questions that trouble the minds of novice users and analyze them objectively. Let's also touch on the so-called myths about sports nutrition. Well, in order:

  • Should I take sports nutrition regularly or not?

So, there are supplements where the course of administration is unlimited and those where they are clearly prescribed. If with the latter everything is more or less clear - take according to the recommendations and be healthy, then what to do with those where there are no exact recommendations?

The answer is simple: start from needs. As a rule, supplements without a specific course of administration are safe. These are proteins, gainers, amino acids, fitness nutrition, etc. That is, mixtures and products based on natural ingredients that the body needs daily.

If you are able to meet your nutritional needs from food, you can stop taking sports supplements. It makes sense to resume or continue taking it when there is an imbalance in the regularity and quality of nutrition.

  • What happens if you stop taking supplements?

The answer is obvious: if you do not replace the intake of supplements with the intake of components with meals, then a rollback is inevitable. For example, you take 2 servings of protein per day. This way you get an additional approximately 50 grams of protein per day. From food - 100 g, in general - 150 g. A good ratio for a 75-80 kg athlete.

If you don’t change your diet and simply stop taking the protein mixture, your protein intake will begin to decrease by a third. This will lead to a loss of muscle mass, which simply will not be enough for 100 grams to maintain the existing muscle volume.

The situation is similar with vitamins and other dietary supplements: endurance and immunity decrease, fatigue increases, etc. Therefore, when deciding to stop taking sports nutrition, make changes to your current diet.

  • How do I know how much sports nutrition I need?

Obviously, a 90-kilogram athlete and a 45-kilogram girl have significantly different nutritional needs. Therefore, it is not advisable to follow average standards. Find out the recommended limits based on weight, age and activity. Consult specialists on this matter. Try and listen to your body. For example, protein standards for a trainee are from 2 grams per kg of body weight. For an ordinary person, 1.2 - 1.5 grams is enough.

  • How not to overdo it?

Follow the instructions for use and general recommendations. Be especially vigilant with stimulants: energy drinks, pre-workouts, fat burners, testosterone boosters and anabolic complexes. Exceeding dosages is fraught with health problems. When taking gainers, for example, follow the planned caloric intake (on average, 33 kcal per 1 kg of desired weight per day), otherwise there is a risk of becoming obese.

  • What if I turn into a mountain of muscles?

As a rule, girls ask this question, not understanding that female physiology is different from male physiology. Gaining muscle mass is not easy for representatives of the opposite sex. Supplements like protein and amino acid complexes can help with this, but will not make you a muscular monster, even if you try hard.

Men, by the way, shouldn’t hope for a miracle either. Only hard work, nutrition and last but not least supplements will help you build the body of your dreams. The only exceptions may be test boosters and anabolic complexes. If you exceed recommended dosages, you will not gain muscle mass, but you may well cause problems with the hormonal system and muscle loss.

  • it “stand”?

This same question is already purely male. And as old as this world. Experienced sports nutrition users smile indulgently when they hear something like this. Let's speculate. If you have added supplements to your diet that help meet the body's needs, then its functionality increases. With increased productivity, the functioning of all body systems, including sexual function, improves. So yes, there is a positive effect on potency. The main thing is not to overdo it with various hormone boosters, take them within the instructions, otherwise the effect may be the opposite.


At the end of the article, we note that there are many examples of people for whom taking sports nutrition did not bring any results. And this is a sad statistic. A lack of understanding of how the supplement works, the body, the basics of nutrition and training are the real reasons for the lack of progress (unless, of course, you have a specific disease that affects the result). We hope that after reading this article to the end, you will find important information in it that will help you progress and improve. Anabolism and health to everyone!

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