How to choose and take a gainer for an ectomorph?

Hi all! Thinking about your figure? Have you long wanted to build muscle mass, hone your body shape, but to no avail?

Then make yourself comfortable in front of the monitor - you have found what you need. It is in this article that I will talk in detail about what gainers are, what three groups people are divided into according to their body type, and how a gainer is useful for an ectomorph. I’ll also reveal the secrets of rapid muscle gain and tell you what happens to unlucky “jocks” who experiment with inappropriate sports nutrition. So, let's begin.

How does a gainer work?

Proteins (proteins), entering the body, are broken down into amino acids and enter the blood from the gastrointestinal tract. Amino acid is a “building block” for muscles. Insulin helps direct the amino acid to muscle tissue. Carbohydrates stimulate the pancreas to produce insulin and help proteins be absorbed.

The first manufacturers made the supplement from the most affordable low-quality proteins with the addition of sugar and fat. The calorie content of such a mixture was high, but the quality of the components reduced the benefits of consumption.

Modern sports mixtures use purified proteins and polysaccharides.

Side effects

Gainer does not harm a healthy person, as it consists of protein, vitamins and carbohydrates contained in any usual food. This sports supplement is beneficial for men and women, regardless of age.

The only contraindication to using gainer is individual intolerance to certain ingredients.

The body’s negative reaction to drinking a cocktail is explained by the low quality of the product and excess dosage. In this case, side effects may occur such as:

  • an allergic reaction in the form of diarrhea, rashes or runny nose - develops in case of intolerance to protein or additives of artificial origin;
  • increase in fat mass - observed in case of exceeding the dosage, insufficient training intensity or using a gainer at night;
  • decreased appetite and weight loss - develop due to the high calorie content of the sports supplement, so you should not skip a regular meal;
  • improper absorption of carbohydrates - occurs due to gastrointestinal diseases such as insufficient digestive enzymes or reduced acidity.

Why does an ectomorph need a gainer?

Ectomorphs are people with a thin build. The slow gain of muscle mass in ectomorphs is due to increased metabolism.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to increase the volume of biceps and triceps with training alone. Lying on the couch and eating everything in a row is just as useless, as a rule, you will acquire a “life preserver” - a fat layer around the abdomen. The only option left is to increase caloric intake. But not simple - carefully calculated. And this is where a gainer comes to the rescue with an accurate indication of the percentage of carbohydrates and proteins.

It is carbohydrates that will help a thin person gain weight faster, and proteins that will turn this weight into muscle.

From personal experience I will add: the optimal ratio is 25% protein to 75% carbohydrates.

Where can I buy

In big cities you can find stores that specialize in selling sports nutrition. But in the absence of such departments, you can always use the services of online stores.

The websites provide a huge range of products. Filters by price, manufacturer, taste, type of packaging or composition will help you choose the best option.

The page with new products in the sports nutrition section will introduce you to new arrivals. Perhaps some product from this category will attract the buyer’s attention.

It is recommended to read reviews from other users: perhaps someone’s advice or opinion will help you abandon the purchase and pay attention to another product.

When choosing a specific model, the website has a detailed description with all the characteristics of the product: brand, volume, price, composition, basic taste, number of servings per package, type of product and type of protein.

If the user has decided which food supplement meets all his criteria, then after placing an online order, the product is sent to the buyer within the time period specified on the website.

Features of the physique of an ectomorph

It's no secret that most of us are unhappy with our figure and metabolism. But few people know that appearance depends not only on the daily menu and stress.

Back in the early 40s of the twentieth century, William Sheldon, a scientist at Harvard University, identified three main somatotypes of the human figure - mesomorph, endomorph and ectomorph. Somatotype is a type of human physique, each with its own characteristic development of muscles, skeleton and subcutaneous fat. Our belonging to one or another somatotype depends on genetics and metabolic rate.

Ectomorphs are the most fragile and sophisticated type, with weak development of the skeleton and internal organs and low body weight. At the same time, they are active, energetic, but not hardy and strong enough. Typically, an ectomorph has narrow shoulders and chest, and a long and thin neck, arms and legs. The metabolism of this type is fast, the percentage of fat is minimal.

It is the ectomorphic type that includes slender people who are hated by dense people, who can eat everything in a row and not gain weight. And if for girls this is rather a plus, then the ectomorph man is not luckier. Gaining muscle mass and building a beautiful body shape is a huge problem for them.

Which company is better

To make sure you don’t buy a product of poor quality, you should refer to the list of the best manufacturers. There is no doubt about the products from these brands, because they have long taken leading positions in the market.

  • Universal Nutrition. It is one of the very first sports nutrition companies, constantly expanding its range and developing its own unique products. And most importantly, excellent quality control has been established, all products have passed certain examinations.
  • Ultimate Nutrition. An excellent brand that continues to improve to this day. Everything is made from quality materials. However, some products can be addictive.
  • Optimum Nutrition. A world-famous company that produces products for both professionals and ordinary sports fans. Recognized as the best manufacturer of sports nutrition. The only drawback is the price. It has grown a lot recently, although the quality of the products has not changed.
  • MuscleTech. Many world-famous athletes recommend nutritional supplements from this manufacturer. We have our own pharmacological laboratory and medical partners. All this helps to produce safe and effective products for fitness and bodybuilding. They are aimed at producing high-quality drugs for athletes and bodybuilders.
  • B.S.N. The company is quite young, but has already managed to win the love of consumers. They are constantly working to release new innovative products. All declared functionality and characteristics are clearly demonstrated in all products. It is for its fresh look at the world of sports nutrition and honesty with customers that the brand has become so popular. The only thing is that prices in retail stores are often inflated.

Thus, several leading positions can be identified:

  • The cheapest and at the same time good gainer is R-Line Light Mass;
  • The best composition of a premium product is Up Your Mass (MHP);
  • The most popular all over the world is Serious Mass (Optimum Nutrition).

Serious Mass (Optimum Nutrition)

This article reviewed the most popular gainers, based on composition, price and quality, and nature of action. The presented positions are time-tested and have earned the trust of customers. It is worth noting that there are contraindications for this type of product and it is advisable to consult a doctor before use.

How to choose a gainer

Not only muscle mass gain, but also general well-being depends on the correct choice of gainer, so we will consider this issue in detail.

Each can of gainer indicates its composition, and you should buy the supplement only after carefully studying it. In this case, pay special attention to the content of substances as a percentage (per 100 grams).

Important! Modern manufacturers often indicate the composition of one serving. Pay special attention to this!

Main selection criteria:

  • Protein (protein) content.

For an ectomorph, the ideal protein content in a gainer is 25-30%. Supplements with a higher percentage of protein are best used by people with a mesomorphic body type. Lower protein content is not scary, but this is usually the way manufacturers

  • A type of protein.

High-quality gainers add whey or mixed (milk, egg whey) protein. Casein content is allowed. It is better to ignore cheap dietary supplements with soy protein, or purchase them as a last resort.

  • A type of carbohydrate.

For accelerated weight gain (up to 1.5 kg in a few days), a gainer with fast carbohydrates is suitable; for a slow but stable gain of 5-6 kg in a few weeks, you should use slow ones. These include rice, oatmeal, and barley flour.

  • Sugar content.

Even the thinnest person does not need sugar in a gainer. It only increases flatulence and produces gases. The content percentage should be minimal. If a can weighing 2 kg indicates a sugar content of 40%, immediately get scared and consider that you will have to eat almost a kilogram of useless sweetness.

  • Workout.

For ectomorphs, gainers with increased calorie content are suitable (but not due to sugar!)

  • Company manufacturer.

I have absolutely nothing against China, Indonesia, India and other exotic countries. BUT! Just not when choosing a gainer. What is good for an Asian is not always good for a Russian athlete. Choose Europe or the USA.

  • Price.

Remember - a good gainer cannot cost less than 600 rubles/kg. But buying more than 2000 rubles/kg is a pointless waste of money. The golden mean is the best choice.

In addition, pay attention to other components - do not buy formulations with unknown additives.

Making the right mixture for consumption

The ratio should be 10-20 percent protein and 80-90 percent carbohydrates. There is also the opposite option. When there are few carbohydrates and a lot of proteins. Here the ratio is 30 carbohydrates to 70 proteins. This option is most suitable for those who know a lot about training. That is, you have been training for a long time. In order for your training process not to stop, you need to choose this option, because you will need a lot of protein. And the third ratio option is the average ratio of carbohydrates. Let's consider the presence of fats. It's better when they are rich. This is a kind of material for building muscle tissue. There is an answer to the question of which gainer is best for thin people. These are still unsaturated fats. They turn into fat deposits. That is, a person not only gains and grows muscles, he also adds weight to himself. It is better to choose simple carbohydrates. Next, we move on to how quickly protein is absorbed. It depends on its origin. Whey protein is the fastest absorbing protein. And casein protein is slow. The first option is better for a gainer. But other protein options can be added to it. The next point is useful substances. These can be minerals, vitamins. But this is optional. And the last point is unwanted substances. They are available in the cheapest options. These include ammonia and nitrogen. The remaining two points are all clear. It's taste.

It can be different, for example, fruit, chocolate, vanilla. Choose the one you like best. This does not affect the quality. And the price point is not complicated either. We choose the most acceptable one. But it’s better not to take the cheapest one. Gainer, which one is better to buy – this is a question that interests many. Just take your time, choose the option that meets all the above points and criteria. So think, study the composition and choose the ideal option for yourself. You can choose by varying the weight of the gainer. That is, it can last for different times. It’s better to choose the smaller option, in case you don’t like it.

Rating of the best gainers

There are a lot of different reviews and reviews of supplements on the Internet, I will offer you my top gainers based on the personal experience and results of my clients.

  1. Real Gains - 32% protein, 56% carbohydrates (0 sugar). Manufacturer: Universal Nutrition, USA. Contains fast and slow carbohydrates and healthy fats. Due to the increased calorie content, it is well suited for people with an ectomorphic build. Average price -1100 rub/kg
  2. “True-Mass” from BSN. Mixed protein – 16%, complex carbohydrates – 71%. Saturated fat -5%. Contains dietary fiber, vitamins and microelements. The average price is 1000 rubles per 1 kg.
  3. Serious Mass from Optimum Nutrition. A good choice, but only for an ectomorph. Proteins - 14g%, carbohydrates (complex polysaccharides and fructose) - 75%, fats - 1.3%. Calorie content -1250 kcal. Price - on average 700 rubles per 1 kg.
  4. Up Your MassThe supplement is the cheapest of all four, contains mixed protein (egg, whey, soy). A plus for people who want to gain weight is the increased fat content (20%). The gainer contains 44% carbohydrates, 35% protein, and 1% sugar.


When answering the question about which gainer to choose for an ectomorph, many experts point to this manufacturer. It ranks first on the list for a reason. His best product to date is True-Mass.

This type of gainer contains about 35% high-quality protein. In addition, the manufacturer has provided an increased content of carbohydrates, as well as micro- and macroelements. The product is famous for its low glycemic index, due to which it is absorbed slowly, distributed evenly throughout all muscles, while increasing the energy balance of the consumer for a long period of time. The creator strongly recommends drinking the product immediately after training to speed up recovery.

How to take it correctly

Industrially produced gainer should be taken according to the instructions, mixing correctly and not exceeding the specified dosage to avoid allergies. And you don’t have to follow the principle - more portion - more muscle. Too much dosage may cause you to feel unwell

Dosage and time of administration

There are many options for taking mass gainers, but I personally find the most effective for gaining weight is to take the supplement immediately after training, when the protein-carbohydrate window opens. This period lasts 20-40 minutes after intense strength training and it is at this moment that the body absorbs the greatest amount of nutrients. Just don’t drink it at night; after taking it, it should take an hour and a half to 2 hours before going to bed.

For ectomorphs, you can add the drug before training and in the morning.

Optimal dosage for effective muscle growth: 1.5-2 g of protein and 3-4 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight. Learn to count the calories in your main menu and add a nutritious dose of dietary supplements. If the desired kilograms do not increase, add another portion.

What is this mysterious beast?

Sometimes keratin is also added to it, but this insoluble protein is not as important as it is touted. If anyone doesn’t know, it is part of the structural composition of hair and nails. If a cat eats a mouse with its skin, the victim’s fur, along with all the keratin, passes through its intestines in transit without being digested. But this substance is an excellent inert mass, why not put it in? There won't be any harm either.

Let's return to the gainer. It can be of two types:

  • with a predominance of carbohydrates (up to 90% of the total composition);
  • with a predominance of proteins (up to 70%).

What works better: sugar or protein? Since today I’m talking about a mixture for people who find it difficult to gain weight and who are prone to losing weight for any reason, give preference to the first. After all, they need to increase their calorie intake, which is easier to do with sugars.

Note: it is better for girls with insufficient weight to gain it by increasing proteins and carbohydrates proportionally. The female body converts sugar into fat more easily than the male body, and you have to act carefully so as not to upset the delicate balance. Gainers with a 50/50 ratio also exist.

How to make gainer at home

The choice of industrial gainers is very large, bright packaging attracts attention, instructions promise a fabulous increase in muscle mass. The only problem is that manufacturers do not always use only natural ingredients, and the proportions are not always clear.

There is a solution - prepare a gainer at home. It has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • You prepare it yourself, therefore you know that there are no harmful impurities in the mixture.
  • Your own taste preferences are taken into account.
  • Homemade products are several times cheaper than store-bought ones.

A homemade energy drink for an ectomorph should contain a high percentage of carbohydrates (3:1 in ratio to protein). Components:

  • The basis for the cocktail is milk, yogurt or juice.
  • Proteins - milk powder, cottage cheese, egg whites, whey protein.
  • Carbohydrates – oatmeal, bran, fiber (slow carbohydrates), honey, fruits, berries, sweeteners (fast).

Let's look at some recipes for high-carbohydrate gainers for ectomorphs:

Recipe No. 1

  • Finely ground Hercules (the smaller the better) – 50 g.
  • Any bran – 10 g.
  • Fructose - 5 g.
  • Berries to taste - 3 tablespoons.
  • Milk - 250 ml.

Recipe No. 2

  • Jam 2-3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Grapes -150 g.
  • Oatmeal – 60 g.
  • Egg white -4 pcs.
  • Milk -250 ml.

Recipe No. 3

  • Cocoa powder – 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Vanilla – 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Walnuts - 1 handful.
  • Berries – 1 handful.
  • Yogurt – 200 ml.

The components of each recipe are mixed in a blender. They can be changed, the main thing is to maintain the proportions.

Sources[edit | edit code]

  1. Morifuji M, Kanda A Post-exercise carbohydrate plus whey protein hydrolysates supplementation increases skeletal muscle glycogen level in rats. Amino Acids. 2010 Apr;38(4):1109-15. Epub 2009 Jul 11.
  2. Tang JE, Manolakos JJ. Minimal whey protein with carbohydrate stimulates muscle protein synthesis following resistance exercise in trained young men. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2007 Dec;32(6):1132-8.
  3. Morifuji M, Kanda A. Post-exercise carbohydrate plus whey protein hydrolysates supplementation increases skeletal muscle glycogen level in rats. 2010 Apr;38(4):1109-15. Epub 2009 Jul 11.
  4. Breen L, Philp A. The influence of carbohydrate-protein co-ingestion following endurance exercise on myofibrillar and mitochondrial protein synthesis. J Physiol. 2011 Aug 15;589(Pt 16):4011-25. Epub 2011 Jul 11.
  5. Staples AW, Burd NA, West DW, Currie KD, Atherton PJ, Moore DR, Rennie MJ, Macdonald MJ, Baker SK, Phillips SM. Carbohydrate does not augment exercise-induced protein accretion versus protein alone. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2011 Jul;43(7):1154-61.
  6. "The effects of whey protein with or without carbohydrates on resistance training adaptations." Juha J. Hulmi, Mia Laakso, Antti A. Mero, Keijo Häkkinen, Juha P. Ahtiainen and Heikki Peltonen. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2015 12:48 DOI: 10.1186/s12970-015-0109-4© Hulmi et al. 2015

Gainer reviews

Opinions about gainers vary among my clients and on the Internet. Naturally, everything depends on the chosen composition and the desired result. Below are a few statements from athletes who have used or are using the supplement (I will not mention brands, I will replace them with the abbreviation XXX):

“..It was with the XXX gainer that I began to get acquainted with energy mixtures for gaining weight, bought it relatively inexpensively and drank a serving after each workout. The feeling of satiety came immediately. I gained 4.5 kg in a month...”

“...Tasty, sweet, high quality, the mass is growing..”

“... I bought XXX, didn’t look at the sugar content, in the end it’s terribly sweet, and my stomach is bloated, I won’t drink it anymore...”

“...After using “XXX” an allergy began, I looked at the ingredients and nothing is clear, everything is in English. I took antihistamines, not a gram of weight gain in a month...”

“...I am naturally thin, I needed to pump myself up and make my figure more pronounced. I make gainer at home from milk, banana, oatmeal and cottage cheese. It’s delicious, I drink a glass every workout. In 2 months I gained 2 kilograms..."

As you can see, opinions differ. Personally, I think that for people of average and heavy build (mesomorphs, endomorphs) there is no need for a gainer, but for thin ectomorphs it is just the thing for gaining weight.


The list of three leading manufacturers is completed by the creator of the well-known product Mega Gainer. This brand is known among athletes, but few ordinary people have heard of it, so at first glance it may seem superfluous in this top, although in fact it takes its place correctly.

The product manufactured by Dymatize is renowned for its high potency and attractive taste. It contains whey protein, cornstarch, soy milk and other healthy ingredients.


Gainer is not a panacea. You can’t just buy a cocktail and expect that in a month your figure will become chic and your life will be beautiful and amazing. Without the right loads, a gainer turns into a bunch of extra calories that can be deposited on the body as flabby fat. Before going to the store for a supplement, consider a training program and consult with a professional trainer. And of course - perseverance, work and boundless faith in yourself.

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Traditional parting words

Finally, let me remind you that you need to eat often and properly, consume a sufficient amount of protein in the form of meat, fish and dairy products, animal and raw vegetable fats, fruits and vegetables. A gainer can serve well when we eat often and it’s difficult for us to squeeze in a couple more full-fledged snacks, and with proper use, the effect will certainly come.

I hasten to please you! My “Active Weight Loss Course” is already available to you anywhere in the world where there is Internet. In it, I revealed the main secret of losing weight by any number of kilograms. No diets and no hunger strikes. The lost kilograms will never come back. Download the course, lose weight and enjoy your new sizes in clothing stores!

That's all for today. Thank you for reading my post to the end. Share this article with your friends. Subscribe to my blog. And let's move on!

Effect on the body

It would be advisable to consider the influence of a gainer, its benefits and harm to the body from the point of view of analyzing the components of the carbohydrate-protein mixture without any other additives: proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Proteins, when digested, break down into simpler compounds - amino acids, which are absorbed and distributed to the appropriate places according to their functions. Thus, the well-known isoleucine, valine and leucine (BCAA) are excellent building materials for muscle tissue, a restorer of damaged fibers and suppressors of catabolic processes. Even one serving of a high-carbohydrate product will provide enough of most important amino acids.

Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose and fructose, which form new ATP molecules. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the body's source of energy. Naturally, another portion of the energy is generated during the breakdown of complex compounds into simpler ones. Simply put, carbohydrates give you energy and strength to exercise even after a hard day. Depending on the time of administration (before or after training), the gainer either adds strength (reduces fatigue during training) or replenishes wasted resources in a short period of time. It is worth noting the restorative properties of carbohydrates: pain the next day is much less pronounced when using a gainer.

Fats. The total amount of animal fats in supplements of this type is very small, but they still contribute to the nutrition of the body with useful substances such as saturated fatty acids.

To summarize, carbohydrate-protein mixtures are a fairly effective way to gain weight and restore, which is confirmed by both scientific research and amateur and professional athletes.

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