"Coca-Cola Light": calorie content, beneficial properties, benefits and harm

Coca-Cola has been one of the most popular drinks for a long time. It was invented back in the 19th century. The name comes from kola nuts. Over the course of its existence, the composition and taste have changed many times. Here it is worth mentioning Pepsi-Cola, which was also invented in the 19th century. These two drinks are similar to each other and constantly compete. Now Pepsi is No. 2, after cola, in the soda market.

Coca-Cola can come in different calorie contents. The buyer is offered a choice of: regular, light, zero. Here everyone chooses what suits them best.

Chemical composition and calorie content of Coca-Cola

The name of this drink is determined by the name of the leaves of coca and cola nut (a tree in the tropics). The structure has not changed over the years. It contains caffeine, potassium, sugar, calcium, phosphoric acid, flavorings, and dyes. Carbon monoxide, sodium, and phosphorus are used for carbonation. There are substances that are beneficial to the body, others are harmful. The cola plant has a mild narcotic effect. We abandoned it a long time ago, but it remains in the name. The energy composition of the drink is small - only forty kilocalories per hundred grams, but it is not worth using it while following a diet due to the large amount of sugar.

A little history

For centuries, the drink has delighted its fans with its unchanged composition and recognizable taste. The bouquet of the drink is unique and its production is kept secret from competitors. Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the dangers of cola, but not everyone knows what exactly its harm is. It is believed that Coca-Cola Light is completely harmless, because it contains no empty calories.

At the beginning of cola production, the ingredients were not only unhealthful, they were simply dangerous. After all, one of the main components was an extract from the leaves of the coca plant. Much later, they learned to make a drug from these same leaves. But at that time, more and more new soda lovers found a refreshing and invigorating drink. Due to the fact that there have been cases of overdose of the soft drink, the recipe was slightly changed. An extract from another part of the plant, which did not contain narcotic substances, was added to the drink.

The effect of Coca-Cola on the body

Effect of Coca-Cola on the body:

  1. A lot of sugar (two hundred grams of drink contains more than ten pieces). This is significantly more than the daily requirement for a healthy person. Large amounts of Coca-Cola harm the liver and pancreas, as there is a sharp release of insulin. This can lead to various heart diseases, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes.
  2. The phosphoric acid in the drink washes calcium out of the body, bones become brittle, and there is a risk of osteoporosis. Acid destroys tooth enamel and adversely affects the gastric mucosa. People with high acidity can develop ulcers, gastritis, and duodenitis.
  3. High amounts of caffeine in Coca-Cola causes dehydration. Along with water, essential elements leave the body: zinc, magnesium, sodium.

Chemical sweeteners (aspartame) cause rapid heartbeat, headaches, depression, and harm the heart muscle. Aspartic acid in the drink causes persistent dependence on it. Since one of the components is a drug (cola), the drink causes euphoria and addiction. Addiction is similar to other drugs.

Carbonated drinks harm the stomach and can lead to pancreatic disease - pancreatitis, gastritis, duodenitis. In patients suffering from intestinal disorders, drinking Coca-Cola can cause pain and diarrhea.

Blood clotting changes. People with poor clotting ability should not drink the drink.

Coca-Cola Zero sparkling water review

I have a rather cool attitude towards the Coca Cola drink, because it contains a lot of sugar, and there are also legends about it that cola can dissolve nails, and there is no better toilet cleaner in the world.

In general, chemicals and unnecessary sugar - this is the reputation of Coca Cola. I even consider Diet Coke to be a completely unnecessary drink.

When I saw Coca Cola Zero on sale, I was surprised: the manufacturer promises us that there are no calories in this drink! Well, trying new things is always interesting.

In general, the color and smell of Zero cola is normal and corresponds to regular cola.

It tastes like sweet cola, as it should be. However, the taste is slightly different from traditional Coca Cola. It feels like it contains a sugar substitute. There is some kind of plastic taste. I didn’t want to finish my drink...

Let's look at the composition: indeed, 0 carbohydrates, 0 calories. And the composition is not as chemical as I thought. Regular soda, which I won't buy again, however. Fake Coca Cola is not the same anymore!

Recommend or not? I probably won't. It is suitable only for those who are completely prohibited from consuming sugar, but who love cola and similar drinks.

Source: https://irecommend.ru/content/koka-kola-0-kalorii-da-no-uzhe-ne

Is Coca-Cola safe for pregnant and lactating women?

For what reasons is it prohibited to drink Coca-Cola during pregnancy:

  1. Caffeine is not recommended during pregnancy.
  2. Dyeing chemicals can harm the mother and fetus. Negative effects on a pregnant woman’s stomach worsen her condition. Pain, belching, and heartburn appear. The fetus is deprived of useful nutrients as the mother’s body fights chemicals.

If Coca-Cola eats away scale and rust, you can imagine what happens to the gastric mucosa.

Attention! The composition of Coca-Cola is dangerous for newborn babies, as harmful chemicals can cause an allergic reaction.

The impact of a chemical mixture of dyes, preservatives and substitutes, which causes poisoning and disruption of intestinal function, is not only experienced by the woman, but her baby suffers. This affects the normal development and growth of the child. Infants experience flatulence and bloating. Babies already suffer from increased gas formation, Coca-Cola only aggravates their condition. Due to the leaching of calcium from the body, rickets may occur, bones will weaken, and fractures may appear.

All young mothers want to lose weight; being addicted to drinking will not help them with this. They will gain excess weight and their blood sugar will rise. This can trigger the development of diabetes. Coca-Cola is contraindicated for diabetics.

Attention! Even regular lemonades and Coca-Cola are prohibited during pregnancy. It is better to avoid carbonated drinks while breastfeeding.

Useful properties of Coca-Cola

The beneficial effects of the drink can be considered an improvement in mood and enjoyment of taste. The caffeine contained in the drink produces serotonin, the pleasure hormone. A person who drinks sweet lemonade experiences a feeling of joy and happiness. Coca-Cola stimulates brain function, improves not only mood, but also memory.

Coca-Cola is useful in the household. It removes stains easily and is an excellent cleaning agent. You can easily unscrew a rusted metal bolt by pouring liquid over it. Stains from juices, herbs, and grease can be easily washed off if you add cola to the washing powder.

The medicinal properties of the drink are also known. Coca-Cola helps remove lumps of fiber and hair (bezoars) from the stomach. Phosphoric and carbonic acids help in this.

Advice! Three hundred grams of cola a day will help overcome bad mood, laziness, and improve performance.

What foods have how many calories?

Not only those who are on a diet pay attention to how many calories are in foods, but also anyone who wants to eat healthy.

Surprisingly, sometimes it would seem that the most harmless products have the same calorie content as flour products. Especially if you season them with sauces and dressings.

Here you will find out how many calories are in which foods, and you will be able to conclude whether they need to be eaten so often.


There is no need to completely and categorically give up what you love. Just properly replace high-calorie foods with low-calorie foods, and you will be surprised that you can eat quite a lot and lose weight!

Compare how many calories are in different foods and draw appropriate conclusions.

Use of Coca-Cola in everyday life

How the drink is used in everyday life:

  1. The acids contained in this drink dissolve fat, rust, and scale well. Therefore, it can be used to remove stains when cleaning baths, toilets, and stoves. With its help you can get rid of old stains of grease and blood on things. To do this, add the drink to the detergent when washing. Its property of bleaching fabrics is known. Contamination disappears not only on the fabric, but also on the floor in the workshop. Apply the drink to greasy stains and then wash off with clean water. The same can be done with the sink, toilet, bathtub. After this procedure they will shine like new.
  2. Coca-Cola breaks down limescale and urinary stones in the toilet. It helps to cope with blockages.
  3. Glasses and window sills are well cleaned with the drink.
  4. Insects that are not so easy to get rid of love sweet water - cockroaches, ants, snails and slugs in the country.
  5. Women lighten their hair with the drink, add highlights to it and add it to rinse water.
  6. You can remove gum from your hair by pouring a little liquid on it and letting it absorb.
  7. The site of the insect bite can be wiped with soda to eliminate itching and pain.
  8. You can easily wash darkened dishes, remove rust from metal objects, and defrost your car glass.
  9. Can be used as a marinade for barbecue.
  10. It's a good idea to drink 150g of Coca-Cola before training to gain strength and vigor.

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Counting calories

Calories are units of energy, including that contained in food. A person gets calories from fats (1g – 9 kcal), carbohydrates and proteins (1g – approximately 4 kcal)

Weight depends on the relationship between the calories we consume and the calories we expend. If the calories that enter the body with food are counted by many, then few people think about the “consumption” of calories.

Experts recommend exercising 4-5 times a week for 40-60 minutes. If circumstances do not allow you to devote so much time to physical exercise, try to at least rest actively. Take a walk in the park, visit the pool instead of hanging out in a cafe.

Calculate how many calories you consume on average per day. Carefully write down what you ate during two working days and one weekend (after all, we don’t eat the same at home and at work).

Carefully read the calorie information on food packaging or use calorie tables. Count the number of calories in the foods you ate over a given period of time.

Divide the total number of calories by the number of days during which “recording” was kept.

Foreyt, a nutritionist from America, suggests cutting your daily diet by 100 kcal, and increasing physical activity by the same amount of calories. This will help you lose about a kilogram per month.


The daily diet should in no case contain less than 1000 kcal. Otherwise, you risk developing various diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases.

1200 kcal per day is the minimum for a woman, but even this amount of calories will most likely lead you to an energy slump. The weight, of course, will decrease, but you will not have the strength to lead an active lifestyle, and, therefore, the weight will return to its previous level as soon as you stop the diet.

In addition, if you limit your diet to 1200 kcal per day, your metabolism will slow down and you will begin to lose muscle mass. The body will not receive the nutrients it needs. Experts advise reducing caloric intake gradually and moderately (according to the Foreit plan, for example).

On topic: Diet recipes using a blender

Low-calorie and low-fat foods

Undoubtedly, half a cup of low-fat cottage cheese has fewer calories than glazed cheese curd. However, studies have shown that people compensate on a subconscious level for the lack of sugar and fat.

That is, you buy, for example, Diet Coca-Cola instead of regular Coke and wash down an impressive-sized hamburger with it.

Therefore, low-calorie, low-fat foods are unlikely to significantly help you lose weight.

Instead, take other measures: control portion sizes, consume fiber, eat vegetables. Be careful with fruit. The fructose contained in them easily turns into fat.

Empty and hidden calories

Empty and hidden calories are not the same thing. Empty calories are found in some foods that have little nutritional value.

For example, a glass of orange juice contains 120 kcal, and, in addition, vitamin C and potassium. A glass of soda of the same volume may contain the same 120 kcal, but absolutely no useful substances.

Thus, it turns out that soda is a supplier of empty calories.

Most often, products that have been processed for a long time contain few trace elements and vitamins. Instead, there is an excess of fat, sugar, and empty calories. Hidden calories are difficult to count. You won't be able to tell how many calories are in the hot dog you buy. After all, it is unknown what kind of sausage is included in it, and the fat content of mayonnaise cannot be determined by eye.

"Evening" calories

The calories that enter the body in the morning or afternoon provide us with “fuel” so that we can live actively. The evening meal turns into a fat reserve, since in the evening and at night we spend little energy. Dinner should not be dense and greasy.

Source: https://pohydenie-dieta.ru/schitaem-kalorii/

How to drink Coca-Cola correctly

Healthy people are not prohibited from drinking Coca-Cola. The main thing is to observe moderation. The drink can help relieve an attack of diarrhea, nausea, motion sickness, and give strength. The main role of the drink is as a tonic. The admission rules are simple:

  1. Use no more than 150 ml at a time.
  2. Buy drinks in glass bottles.
  3. Release gas before drinking and drink chilled.
  4. It is better to drink through a straw to preserve tooth enamel.

For treatment purposes, you need to drink a carbonated drink with the permission of a doctor, for a course of two weeks, one hundred milliliters twice a day before meals.

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