Cottage cheese 5% - calorie content, nutritional value and beneficial properties

Cottage cheese belongs to the category of those food products that have been known to mankind since ancient times. It is useful as a supplier of useful substances and microelements to the body, including calcium, which is important for health.

This natural product is used as part of many diets and is used to treat certain diseases.

Considering these factors, it is difficult to doubt the beneficial properties of cottage cheese and its combination with BJU. It is important to consider the composition of the product. One of the most beneficial for humans is fermented milk product, the fat content of which is 5%.

Calorie content and nutritional value of cottage cheese 5 percent

This product option, the most convenient for inclusion in the diet of a healthy lifestyle supporter, contains only 121 kcal per 100 grams. This amount contains about 15 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat and 4.5 grams of carbohydrates.

If you eat this amount for breakfast, your daily protein requirement will be fulfilled by 23%. Indicators for fats will be 18% of the daily value and about 17% of the daily value of carbohydrates.

Calorie content and BZHU of cottage cheese of other fat content

The calorie content and BJU of product variants with other fat content levels may differ:

  • The low-fat version becomes the minimum option. It contains from 80 to 85 kcal. The fat-free product contains more than the usual amount of protein. Having eaten only 100 grams, the norm for knocking on the amount of protein is fulfilled by 25-27%. It contains almost no carbohydrates.
  • The option with a fat content of 9% is very popular. When calculating BZHU, a serving is from 20 to 22% of the daily value of proteins. Fats also make up about 20% of the daily value, about 18% of the daily value will be carbohydrates. The calorie content of this option reaches 135 kcal.
  • Many people from childhood learned about delicious homemade varieties, the fat content of which is about 20-25. According to BJU standards, the amount of proteins in them is noticeably reduced. Almost doubles, and the percentage of fats and carbohydrates increases similarly.

Note! Supporters of a healthy diet and dietary fat are recommended to choose options with 5% or 9% fat content. A higher percentage can lead to weight gain. A fermented milk product that contains no fat is practically not digestible.

How to use

We studied how much BZHU is in cottage cheese - 5 percent - based on these numbers, we plan our daily diet. If you follow a healthy lifestyle and love dairy products, there is no need to come up with complex formulas.

You can eat cottage cheese for breakfast/lunch/dinner - there are no restrictions. You can calculate the daily requirement yourself, because on average a person needs to consume 1 gram of protein per 1 gram of weight. Don't forget that you eat other foods too!

Also recommended: Reishi mushroom

Consumption of 200-300 grams of dairy product is considered optimal in terms of calorie content and nutritional value:

  • Mix with a spoonful of sour cream for a meal rich in protein, calcium and vitamins;
  • Beat by hand or in a blender with berries, dried fruits and candied fruits - you will have a sweet, healthy dessert;
  • Prepare a casserole or cheesecakes - in order not to overdo it with calories, do not fry in oil and give up granulated sugar. You can replace flour with semolina for a healthy snack!

Meals where it is convenient to eat cottage cheese

A feature of this product is its versatility. This product option is recommended to be included in the diet at any time of the day. It can be an excellent healthy breakfast option. Light and low-fat varieties can be introduced into the diet in the afternoon. This product is not stored in fat mass.

Options for eating fatty varieties

Rustic varieties of this dish with high fat content can be healthy and used in everyday nutrition. The only recommendation is to use it in the first half of the day.

Fat cottage cheese is ready to become an independent dish or be included in baked goods or desserts.

Which cottage cheese is healthier

Many people make the mistake of determining which cottage cheese is healthier, low-fat or full-fat, and prefer the former to reduce calories and fat percentage. Both types have advantages, although only one has disadvantages. And the latter are classified as low-fat.

Fat cottage cheese has a complete set of vitamins and microelements that are well absorbed. It has a pleasant taste and is suitable as an independent dish. Low-fat cottage cheese loses some invaluable microelements, calcium is less absorbed from it, and its calorie content and value are reduced. The taste becomes weak, which is why many people add additional ingredients or sweeteners. The only advantage of low-fat products is a slightly higher amount of protein, but the difference is extremely small.

Composition and beneficial properties of 5% cottage cheese

It is the fermented milk product with 5% fat content that is among the most convenient options for consumption:

  • It is rich in large amounts of easily absorbed calcium.
  • It also contains iron, sodium, potassium and phosphorus. The combination of these components helps strengthen bones.
  • Cottage cheese 5% fat helps remove excess water from the body.
  • The composition includes a useful complex of B vitamins, vitamins A, E, PP, D.
  • Amino acid bacteria in its composition normalize the digestive system.
  • This product is best consumed as food without preliminary heat treatment, which significantly reduces its beneficial properties.

Calorie content

The calorie content of cottage cheese directly depends on the fat content and the proportion of protein.

Fat percentage in cottage cheeseCalorie content per 100 g
Low fat with 0% fat71
Low fat with 0.1%76
Light dietary with 1%79
Dietary with 0.3%88
Dietary with 0.6%90
Dietary with 1.8%100
Classic with 2%104
Soft with 4%106
Low fat with 8%136
Enriched with berries with 5%164

Harm from eating cottage cheese

Surprisingly, even such a useful natural product can in some situations cause harm to the body.

Contraindications include:

  • Individual intolerance
  • People suffering from atherosclerosis are advised to reduce the amount of protein in their food due to this disease.
  • Not recommended for exacerbations of gastritis or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Note! This product is dangerous to eat if it is not fresh. This can cause serious poisoning.

How much protein is in 100 grams of cottage cheese: low-fat, low-fat, 0.1% - 0.6% fat

Low-fat cottage cheese is considered a real storehouse of useful microelements, full of casein protein, and at the same time there is not a gram of fat. Indeed, mothers who care for their children (girls and boys who dream of slender, toned figures, housewives who have decided to switch to proper nutrition) are sure that low-fat cottage cheese, or cottage cheese with a minimum amount of fat, is a panacea. Yes, it is a panacea, which is both tasty and healthy, and is absolutely no different from fatty varieties.

Let's start with the fact that a priori there is no natural low-fat cottage cheese. Therefore, cottage cheese marked low-fat, low-fat and with a fat content of up to 0.6% is a chemically processed product.

Now let's move on to the second part - taste. If you are familiar with the topic of flavor enhancers, then you have probably come across the fact that fat enhances the taste of a product, just like salt, sugar and chemical food additives. Now do you understand why children “spit” at low-fat cottage cheese and happily gobble up fatty sweet cottage cheese? Are you really ready to replace the fats necessary for a full-fledged existence with harmful sugar?

The ratio and proportionality of proteins and fats in cottage cheese

But there are also positive aspects - in low-fat cottage cheese the presence of proteins is almost similar to 9% fat cottage cheese, and at the same time the calorie content is almost half as much. For those who are losing weight or cutting, this is the ideal proportion.

Fat content of cottage cheeseAmount of protein per 100 g of product

As you can see, the maximum protein content is found in cottage cheese prepared according to GOST and having a fat content of 0.2% to 0.6%.

The use of cottage cheese in dietetics

The unique properties of cottage cheese include ease of use in dietetics. It is useful with a high degree of saturation. Brings a large amount of vitamins and microelements beneficial to the body in one meal. The product is often used as a basis for diets.

Proponents of a healthy lifestyle offer several options for dietary restrictions:

  • Three-day, using only cottage cheese for food. A day you should consume about 800 grams of a product with 5-9% fat content and water or tea without sugar. Allows you to reduce weight by 3-5 kg.
  • A seven-day cottage cheese diet based on the inclusion of fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables in the diet helps reduce body weight up to 8 kg per week.
  • A diet for 7-10 days of cottage cheese and kefir or cottage cheese and green tea with the inclusion of fruits and vegetables in the diet.

There are many options. They are effective and help you lose weight. At the same time, the feeling of hunger is almost invisible, the product satisfies well. It is beneficial for the stomach and gastrointestinal tract.

Good to know! A special feature is the ability to normalize metabolism, speed up metabolism and normalize the functioning of the central nervous system. Another advantage is the willingness to act as a natural diuretic.

The benefits and harms of cottage cheese

Moderate consumption of cottage cheese has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and nervous system. This product is indicated for allergies, diseases of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract.

If you have kidney problems (for example, chronic pyelonephritis), you should not eat cottage cheese often. It should also be noted that fatty cottage cheese increases blood cholesterol and weight gain.

ProductKcalProteins, gFats, gAngle, g
Bold cottage cheese 9.0% fat1691893
Low-fat cottage cheese 0.6%110220,63,3
Soft dietary cottage cheese, fruit and berry low-fat13818,20,514
Soft dietary cottage cheese, fruit and berry, 4.0% fat16417,3413,7
Soft dietary cottage cheese, low-fat 0.6110220,63,3
Soft dietary cottage cheese 4.0% fat1362143
Soft dietary cottage cheese 11.0% fat17816113
Fat cottage cheese 18.0% fat content23615182,8
Cottage cheese “Stolovy” 2.0% fat1142023
Sweet curd mass “Special” with raisins, 23.0% fat content3457,12327,1
Sweet curd mass “Moskovskaya”, with vanillin 20.0% fat content28711,52014,5
Curd mass232,11216,59,5
Curd balls316,313,626,46,5
Curd mass with raisins3436,821,629,9
Cottage cheese Tofu738,14,20,6
Cottage cheese Homemade cheese1001442
Cottage cheese House in the village 0.1%55100,13,5

Goat cottage cheese15616,791,3

Curd cream16711019,2

Cottage cheese quark466,904,4


Cottage cheese, grained155,316,732

Low-fat cottage cheese110220,63,3

Cottage cheese semi-fat1691893

Fat cottage cheese23615182,8
Cottage cheese with fruits9710,693,854,61
Cottage cheese (Completely Low Fat)8517,270,421,85
Cottage cheese (with 2% Skim Milk)9013,741,933,63
Cottage cheese (with 1% Skim Milk)7212,391,022,72
Cottage cheese10312,494,512,68

Cottage cheese recipes

The fermented milk treat can be used on its own, without additives.

You can also include among the delicious and healthy dishes:

  • Preparation of curd paste with the addition of herbs and cucumber. For preparation, use 200 grams of fermented milk product, one grated cucumber, finely chopped herbs, salt, pepper. Can be used to make healthy sandwiches or just as a snack.
  • Carrot-curd casserole becomes a healthy and tasty dietary option. To prepare it you will need 1 egg, two large carrots grated, 200 grams of cottage cheese, salt and sugar to taste, 2 tablespoons of flour. All components are mixed, placed in a mold and baked in the oven for about 30 minutes over medium heat.
  • Baked apples with cottage cheese added to the middle become a low-calorie and healthy dessert. To prepare such a delicacy, it is enough to take about 5-6 medium-sized fruits and remove the core. The space is filled with cottage cheese. You can add a little sugar and cinnamon to it. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes over medium heat.

In conclusion, it is worth recalling the benefits of this unique fermented milk product. It is easy to prepare and unique in its composition of useful vitamins and microelements.

This literally recommends trying the cottage cheese diet at least a couple of times in life to every supporter of healthy eating and healthy eating. It is optimal to practice this style of eating 2-3 times a year.

How much protein is in 100 grams of cottage cheese: homemade cottage cheese

For an experienced buyer, it is clear that homemade cottage cheese is an approximate concept. This is a product that was obtained by souring and squeezing. Cottage cheese can be prepared either with or without heat. Because of this, the composition changes dramatically. It is also worth paying attention to the initial composition of the milk. All cows produce not only different amounts of milk, but also different fat content, and the saturation of milk with microelements directly depends on the cow’s nutrition.

But that's not all! In different cycles, even in the same cow, the fat content and saturation of milk changes. Therefore, if you want to know exactly how much protein is in 100 grams of homemade cottage cheese, you can submit the cottage cheese for chemical research. But the average indicators tell us that 100 g of homemade, full-fat cottage cheese (fat content ranges from 15-16%) contains 15.68 g of pure protein.

Do you think that's all? Of course not - because, unlike store-bought cottage cheese, homemade cottage cheese can be made not only from cow’s milk, but also from goat, sheep, horse and even deer milk! We left the average indicators of this milk in this table.

Chemical composition of homemade cottage cheese from different types of animals

Now you know absolutely everything about cottage cheese and can form your own individual opinion regarding cottage cheese, and we advise you to please your family with a delicious and healthy cottage cheese casserole. The recipe is here . And in conclusion, we recommend watching a video that tells you in detail about cottage cheese.

How to determine quality cottage cheese?

The following characteristics will help determine the quality of cottage cheese:

  • Ingredients. The fewer ingredients in cottage cheese, the more natural it is;
  • Price. The low price of cottage cheese may indicate poor quality of the ingredients in the composition;
  • Natural cottage cheese is stored in a cold place for up to 14 days;
  • The product should not look too liquid or dry. If the composition has changed, we can talk about a low-quality product;
  • Products must have appropriate quality standards on their packaging.
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