Steroid course for a beginner: what to use for the first time and how to recover

In order to speed up the burning of fat deposits and make the body leaner and more prominent, athletes, especially professionals, as in the case of gaining muscle mass, use a wide range of different supplements. Both sports nutrition supplements, steroids, and pharmacological medications, which will be discussed below. Pharmacology, among people involved in sports, is used for “drying” in the vast majority of cases. It is an order of magnitude more effective than sports nutrition supplements. “Sports Pharmacology” affects fat burning at the hormonal level, directly or indirectly, promoting the accelerated breakdown of fat cells. Therefore, it is the use of pharmacology that allows you to get rid of subcutaneous and visceral fat in a short time, as well as maintain the muscle mass gained on a course of steroids.

Courses of steroids to obtain relief[edit | edit code]



The concept of a “cutting course” is very arbitrary, since the fundamental differences lie not so much in the construction of the course itself, but in the diet and training. Almost all “mass gathering” courses are relevant for drying, subject to several amendments. This article will look at the safest possible approaches as complexity and effectiveness increase. Vast experience has been accumulated in the application of these schemes in many Western and domestic forums:


Choice of drug[edit | edit code]

As you know, anabolic steroids differ from each other not only in their anabolic and androgenic properties, but also in their ability to trigger the breakdown of fat. Winstrol and Anavar are considered classic drugs for relief (increasing venous delineation, increasing muscle density and elasticity). They have virtually no effect on muscle mass, but are able to quickly burn fat while completely preserving muscle mass. The use of these steroids presupposes the presence of sufficient muscle mass.

A safe option is a drug with a complex mechanism of action - Proviron. In fact, this is the safest choice, but the effectiveness is comparatively low.

In addition, testosterone, Primobolan, equipoise (boldenone), trenbolone and masteron are often used, which further increase muscle size. A new trend is growth hormone and peptides.

Aromatase inhibitors also promote definition by suppressing estrogen levels.

Who is this course suitable for?

For men over 25 years of age to get sculpted muscles. If the fat fold on the abdomen (2 cm to the left of the navel) or thigh (front surface, middle) is more than 3.5 cm, then first you need to lose weight


Are there steroids without side effects?

Most anabolic steroids have a number of negative effects. Their influence primarily affects the cardiovascular system and liver. It is also difficult to avoid hormonal and metabolic disruptions in the body. Manufacturers are releasing more and more new drugs.

Moreover, such products are often aimed at beginners who simply do not understand what can be taken and what to be wary of. Inexperienced athletes think that without taking anabolic steroids, their muscles will not grow. At best, they follow the advice of their colleagues in the room; at worst, they choose drugs on the Internet, without taking into account their dangers.

This is interesting:

How many muscles recede after a course of steroids: examples

Of course, there are a number of steroid drugs that are positioned as safe. But there are no absolutely harmless anabolic steroids, since all drugs are manufactured exclusively synthetically.

The safety of a certain number of steroids is maintained only if the dosage is observed. When an athlete exceeds the specified norm, or worse, takes them uncontrollably, along with the positive effect on muscle mass gain, health problems come, although not pronounced at first.

Solo courses for drying[edit | edit code]

A weekOxandroloneTamoxifen
150 mg/day
250 mg/day
350 mg/day
450 mg/day
550 mg/day
650 mg/day
750 mg/day
  • Anavar (Anavar)
    Oxandrolone, Oxandrin, Anatrophyll, Lipidex, Lonavar, Vasorome. Take Anavar 3 times a day: 20 mg: in the morning, 20 mg at lunch and 10 mg in the evening (before 18:00). Do not use steroid drugs for 3 months after the cycle. For an additional fat-burning effect, Yu. Bombela recommends including Clenbuterol or other fat burners in the course.
  • Tamoxifen
    - despite the fact that anavar slightly suppresses its own hormonal levels, post-cycle recovery is advisable. Taking tamoxifen begins 2 days after the end of the course.
A weekWinstrol (table)Tamoxifen
130 mg/day
230 mg/day
330 mg/day
430 mg/day
530 mg/day
630 mg/day
730 mg/day
  • Winstrol (stanozolol)
    . It is more accessible and significantly less expensive than the previous drug. The course is structured in a similar way. To reduce toxicity to the liver, you can use the injection form (50 mg / day), since when taken orally, the entire drug passes through it, while the suspension only partially (from the systemic circulation). Although, on the other hand, the indicated oral dosage is not dangerous to health, while injections are very painful and abscesses develop relatively often.

Tablets of Winstrol can be taken in 2-3 doses (most of them in the first half of the day) on an empty stomach. Optionally, after the cycle you can take hepatoprotectors to restore the liver.

Training program for gaining lean muscle mass

The three-day program is the most common muscle-building regimen. Mainly you need to pay attention to strength work with weights. The required number of repetitions of the exercises is from 10 to 12 times, performing 3-4 approaches. However, the rest should be 1-2 minutes, ideally no more than 60 seconds.

Day 1

  1. Wide grip bench press.
  2. Dumbbell bench press on an incline bench at 30 degrees.
  3. Dumbbell flyes lying in a horizontal position.
  4. Close-grip bench press.
  5. French press (seated).
  6. Hanging knee raises.

Day 2

  1. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar (regular grip).
  2. Bent-over barbell row.
  3. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar (reverse grip).
  4. Deadlift.
  5. Barbell curls for biceps.
  6. Lifting dumbbells for biceps in a sitting position.
  7. Hyperextension

Day 3

  1. 15-20 minutes of training on the treadmill.
  2. Squats.
  3. Barbell press in a sitting position.
  4. Raising dumbbells in different directions in a standing position.
  5. Dips.

Combined courses[edit | edit code]

Winstrol + testosterone[edit | edit code]

Perhaps the most popular and effective combination for drying, which also allows you to increase the volume of lean muscle mass. The balance between muscle growth and fat burning will depend entirely on your diet and training.

A weekWinstrol (table)Testosterone propionateAnastrozoleTamoxifen
130 mg100 mg every other day
230 mg100 mg every other day0.5 mg every other day
330 mg100 mg every other day0.5 mg every other day
430 mg100 mg every other day0.5 mg every other day
530 mg100 mg every other day0.5 mg every other day
630 mg100 mg every other day0.5 mg every other day
  • Testosterone propionate
    - a short ester allows you to quickly launch anabolism, while the cycle time is significantly reduced. If side effects occur, it is possible to quickly discontinue the drug. It is often possible to reduce the dosage to 50 mg every other day.
  • Aromatase inhibitors
    - required even at low dosages of testosterone, since the level of aromatization of testosterone is high, so there is a need to prevent estrogen side effects (fluid accumulation, gynecomastia, suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis). Low dosages of anastrozole are used to maintain the level of estrogen necessary for the body, while further increasing the relief and speeding up recovery. This is confirmed by numerous reviews from Western athletes and qualified specialists. Ideally, taking AIs is carried out under the control of tests (prescribed if estradiol levels are elevated), but it should be remembered that gynecomastia is often irreversible. An indirect sign of excessive estrogen suppression is a decrease in libido and erectile dysfunction, in which case the dosage of AI should be reduced.
  • Tamoxifen
    is the basis of post-cycle therapy, which begins 3-5 days after the final injection of propionate. Tamoxifen can be replaced with the less toxic clomiphene or toremifene.
  • Hepatoprotectors for liver restoration
A weekWinstrol (table)Testosterone enanthate (cypionate)AnastrozoleGonadotropinTamoxifen
1500 mg/week
2500 mg/week
3500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day
4500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day
530 mg500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day250IU twice a week
630 mg500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day250IU twice a week
730 mg500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day250IU twice a week
830 mg500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day250IU twice a week
930 mg0.5 mg every other day250IU twice a week
1030 mg

Propionate is much more often used in drying courses, but the effectiveness and action actually correspond to enanthate. The differences between these esters are only in the half-life and ease of administration. Propionate is more expensive, has an inconvenient administration schedule, causes painful injections and even post-injection abscesses, so there is every reason to replace it with testosterone enanthate or cypionate with a slight modification of the course. It is acceptable to use Sustanon.

An increase in cycle duration dictates the need for the use of gonadotropin. Post-cycle therapy with tamoxifen (or its analogue) begins 1-2 days after finishing taking Winstrol. By this point, most of the testosterone will have been eliminated from the body. You can also take hepatoprotectors to restore the liver.

Primobolan or Boldenone + testosterone[edit | edit code]

This combination can be used for both weight gain and highly effective drying.

A weekBoldenone or PrimobolanTestosterone enanthateAnastrozoleGonadotropinTamoxifen
1400 mg/week250 mg/week
2400 mg/week250 mg/week
3400 mg/week250 mg/week0.5 mg every 3 days
4400 mg/week250 mg/week0.5 mg every 3 days
5400 mg/week250 mg/week0.5 mg every 3 days
6400 mg/week250 mg/week0.5 mg every 3 days
7400 mg/week250 mg/week0.5 mg every 3 days250 IU, twice a week
8400 mg/week250 mg/week0.5 mg every 3 days250 IU, twice a week
9400 mg/week250 mg/week0.5 mg every 3 days250 IU, twice a week
10400 mg/week250 mg/week0.5 mg every 3 days250 IU, twice a week
110.5 mg every 3 days250 IU, twice a week
  • Primobolan
    is a relatively safe drug with a high anabolic index. Many report the ability to enhance venous definition.
  • Boldenone (Equipoise)
    - can be used instead of Primobolan, but it should be noted that it significantly increases appetite.
  • Testosterone enanthate
    can be replaced with cypionate or Sustanon or Omnadren.
  • In this case, aromatase inhibitors may not be taken, since the dosage of testosterone is low. However, you need to have them on hand and start taking them at the first signs of gynecomastia (itching and swelling of the nipples).

Nutrition for gaining lean mass


The norm for a person is to consume 1g of protein per day. There is ample evidence that large amounts of protein are harmful, but many professionals advise consuming more than normal.

So, for a person actively involved in sports, up to 2 grams of protein per 1 kg will be required. The most protein-rich foods are meat, fish and poultry. To calculate protein, you can use our calculator.

Carbohydrates Carbohydrates provide the energy needed for productive workouts. Without providing the body with these substances, a person simply will not have the strength to train. Carbohydrates are divided into complex (slow) and light (fast).

Light carbohydrates include confectionery, flour, fruits, sugar, honey and other sweets. Such foods provoke increased releases of insulin into the body, and this will only interfere with weight gain, since they may cause excess fat.

Complex carbohydrates are much healthier. Unlike light carbohydrates, which provide short-term energy, due to solid fiber they break down much longer and also satisfy hunger for a long time. That's why solid fibers minimize muscle breakdown.

Examples of products containing healthy carbohydrates are cereals and vegetables, as well as pasta (important: they must be made exclusively from durum wheat). To gain weight, you should consume 2.5 to 3 g of slow carbohydrates per 1 kg of weight per day.

Fats also contribute to weight gain. Fish, nuts, and cold-pressed oils are saturated with healthy fats. The recommended amount of fat in daily nutrition is 1 g per 1 kg of body weight. It would be a good idea to supplement your diet with Omega-3 fish oil.

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