Oxymetholone (Anaprol): description, side effects, COURSE and PCT

His Majesty - Oxymethalon. It’s not for nothing that I wrote the name of the active substance with a capital letter. Anadrol is a truly excellent anabolic steroid for me. Initially taken as a therapeutic agent. Anadrol was used as a medical drug for osteoporosis, anemia, to stimulate the growth of muscle mass. I can highlight several companies that have never failed: Anapolon 50 from Balkan Pharmaceuticals and Oxymetholone from ZPHC. It is a powerful anabolic steroid with moderate androgenic effects. Oxymethalone is a prohibited drug in the Russian Federation. The information is provided for informational purposes only and does not call for action.

Anadrol: effects of use on the course

Oxymethalone, when used correctly, will bring exceptional positive effects:

  • accelerated gain of muscle mass and strength
  • has a beneficial effect on joints (pain goes away during the use of oxymethalone)
  • Anadrol lowers SHBG levels, increasing the effectiveness of the steroid course
  • improves the production of erythropoietin, while increasing the athlete's endurance.

Positive effects are achieved provided that you follow the anabolic dosage rules. In fact, the weight from Anadrol 50 is gained instantly, a significant part comes from water and glycogen. However, this can be called a good bonus for the joints; you can do workouts with heavier weights without feeling any discomfort. It has progestogenic activity, keep this in mind when you collect the basket of your future course. Always have a prolactin inhibitor (for example, Dostinex) on hand.

Increased strength from oxymethalone is a definite plus . This is why weightlifters love him. Also, because of this ability, it is often used in bodybuilding during the period of “mass gain”. However, I recommend this anabolic only to experienced athletes.

You will say, Mirk, but from Anadrol you will walk around “bloated” like a balloon. In part, you will be right, but it depends on many circumstances. Proper nutrition and choosing the right foods is the first success. Second rule: analytics and adjustment of analyzes on a course using Anadrol 50. To create a course of steroids using oxandrolone, write to me through contacts or telegram.

What is PCT? (Post-course therapy)

Post-cycle therapy (PCT) or PCT is a set of measures aimed at quickly restoring the production of endogenous (own) testosterone after taking anabolic steroids (AS), to minimize the rollback phenomenon

- loss of muscle mass and strength after a course of AS and other negative consequences of taking anabolic steroids.

The rollback process is inevitable, and whether it will be more or less depends only on you and on your actions after the course - in other words, you need to do PCT.

Properly performed PCT will minimize setbacks and help maintain most of the muscle mass gained during the course.

But if you act incorrectly , or worse, do nothing , everything you have gained will be lost, mostly or completely.

PCT should always be carried out, no matter how light or weak the course is.

Some sources on the Internet voice the opinion that if the course of steroids is “first”, or if the duration of the course did not exceed 6 weeks, and the drugs were not “heavy”, then PCT is not necessary.

This is a very dangerous misconception that can lead to the following bad consequences:

  • Development of gynecomastia after the course,
  • Long-term restoration of the production of endogenous (own) hormones and loss of all gained muscle mass,
  • Shifts in hormonal balance towards estrogen and subsequent fat gain after the course.
  • Drop in libido (erection problems) after the course

Why does such a phenomenon as a rollback occur?

Absolutely all anabolic steroids are nothing more than a synthetic analogue of the male sex hormone - testosterone or its derivatives, which act in the human body exactly like the hormones produced by the endocrine glands.

Our body is a complex self-regulating system and parts of the brain such as the hypothalamus and pituitary gland are responsible for regulating the natural level of testosterone (sex hormones), and the testicles are responsible for its production. ( The so-called Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testes arc (HPT) )

Testosterone levels are regulated by a feedback mechanism. Roughly speaking, if there is a lot of testosterone (sex hormones) in the body (and when using anabolic steroids, the testosterone level rises much higher than natural values), the hypothalamus gives an “order” to the pituitary gland, which in turn gives an “order” to the testicles to reduce, and if the course “severe” or long-term, then a subsequent stop in testosterone production (complete or partial (subatrophy) testicular atrophy). Spermatogenesis also slows down. This is one of the reasons why some people notice that their testicles become smaller in size during AC courses.

Testicular atrophy

As mentioned above, the use of exogenous testosterone for a long time and in high doses can lead to complete or partial atrophy of the testicles.

Complete testicular atrophy is not reversible . It leads to infertility and stopping the production of testosterone and spermatogenesis. Having “earned” complete atrophy, you will be forced to inject exogenous testosterone for the rest of your life.

There is no need to be afraid of atrophy. You can always prevent testicular atrophy by taking the appropriate medications that will be discussed.

Subatrophy (partial atrophy) is a reversible process that can be blocked by purchasing gonadotropin. In case of partial atrophy, after discontinuation of AS, the functionality of the testicles will be completely restored after some time. However, the recovery process should not be left to chance. If this process is not accelerated, then the recovery period will be significantly delayed, which in turn will directly affect the magnitude of the rollback after the course.

Additionally, if you are using steroids that are susceptible to aromatization - i.e. conversion into estrogens, then the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular arc will be suppressed several times more strongly. Because a high level of estrogen is an additional signal to the hypothalamus about a decrease in testosterone production.

It is also necessary to take into account that there are steroids that do not aromatize, but suppress testosterone production quite strongly. These include nandrolone and trenbolone, which are progestants, i.e. are not converted into estrogen, but are able to bind to progesterone receptors of the pituitary gland and thereby inhibit testosterone production.

How to minimize rebound (suppression of testosterone production (testicular atrophy)?

  • Use non-aromatizing drugs (Primobolan, Turinabol, Oxandrolone, Boldenone, Stanozolol)
  • Use drugs with a short period of action - those that do not work around the clock. (For example, methandienone has a half-life of 6 hours, if you take half the daily dosage at 7 and 12, there will be virtually no suppression)
  • Practice short, “solo” courses of steroids, lasting up to 6 weeks
  • Do not use combined courses of steroids (2 or more drugs) of any duration without the use of gonadotropin

Use Gonadotropin in AS courses of any complexity and duration, immediately 3 weeks before completion of the course (If the course is no more than 8 weeks). Or every 3 weeks of the course, if the course is planned for more than 8 weeks (Guaranteed way to prevent testicular atrophy)

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I would like to add that light courses lasting up to 6 weeks (which use drugs whose duration of action does not exceed 5 days) moderately inhibit the Hypothalamus-pituitary-testes arc.

To recover after such courses, anti-estrogenic drugs are used - Clomid and tamoxifen, however, they are used after courses of any complexity.

Recovery is quick and does not require PCT lasting more than 1 month.

Purchasing drugs for PCT (antiestrogens) and using them after a course of AS solves several problems:

  • Makes it possible to avoid estrogen-dependent side effects (since the balance of hormones is disturbed on the estrogen side, the development of post-cycle gynecomastia and female-type fat deposition is possible)
  • By reducing estrogen levels, we signal the hypothalamus that there are few sex hormones (testosterone), and it is necessary to begin increased stimulation of its production by the testicles.

But not everything is so simple... If your course was “heavy” or longer than 8 weeks, then another factor comes into play:

The hypothalamus, almost immediately after the withdrawal and removal of AS from the body, gives the command to the pituitary gland to release gonadotropins, but our subatrophied testicles cannot produce testosterone in the required quantity.

Therefore, in such courses, always use gonadotropin either during the course or (at least) 3 weeks before the end of the course.

Oxymetalone course and application regimen

I repeat, I recommend oxymethalone only to experienced athletes, under full control of their health. The working dosage of the steroid is 50 mg of the drug per day. Experienced athletes can use 100-150 mg of anadrol per day. By the way, oxymethalone is available in tablets and also in injection form. The phenomenon of oxymethalone is that from 150 mg the drug begins to dry out your body perfectly, the muscles become stiff and prominent.

What happens if you take 25 mg of Anadrol? You will definitely get an increase in strength and endurance, but unfortunately, this dosage is not enough to build muscle mass. Anadrol is contraindicated for girls, even in minimal dosages.

The duration of use is 6-8 weeks followed by bridge or PCT treatment, depending on your goals. Since the drug is quite toxic to the liver, be sure to monitor the condition of the liver during your cycle. It is advisable to use choleretic agents, for example, allochol or flamin. Taking oxymethalone alone is inappropriate and unacceptable, because testosterone levels will drop very quickly. The basis of any course: testosterone.

When to start PCT (Periods of complete withdrawal of steroids)


You can start post-cycle therapy only when the effect of the steroid in the body has stopped!

As a rule, the steroid completely stops acting in the body after three half-life periods of the active substance. ( Half-life multiplied by 3 )

For oral steroids , the period of action does not exceed 48 hours. That is, you need to start PCT after oral steroids two days after taking the last pill.

For oil-based AS , PCT with antiestrogens should be started taking into account the following periods of complete elimination of steroids

from the organism:

  • Nandrolone decanoate (Deca) – 24 days
  • Boldenone (Equipoise) – 27 days
  • Trenbolone acetate – 3 days
  • Primobolan (methenolone enanthate) - 18
  • Sustanon or Omnadren (testosterone mix) – 24 days
  • Testosterone Cypionate – 21 days
  • Testosterone Enanthate – 18 days
  • Testosterone propionate – 6 days
  • Nandrolone-phenylpropionate (Phenyl) – 9 days

You must clearly understand: That the period of complete elimination of the steroid (we are now talking about drugs that have a half-life of 5 days or more) also depends on the dosage and duration of use of the drug. For example, if you took testosterone enanthate for 8 weeks at a dosage of 250 mg, then after three weeks the testosterone level will be low and PCT can already be started. What if 1000 mg? 3 weeks after the last lesson, testosterone levels will still be high! And it’s pointless to start PCT! If you start PCT before the effect of the steroid has ended, then recovery simply will not occur.

It is best to take tests for total testosterone after a course on “long” esters and after the approximate time of elimination of the drug has passed, in order to determine the levels of sex hormones and understand whether it is already possible to start PCT with antiestrogens, or whether it is worth holding off on this. Approximate values ​​of testosterone with which you can start PCT - 5-6 nanomoles

and less. If testosterone values ​​tend to 10 nanomoles, it is too early to start post-cycle therapy.

Also, tests will help identify problems with estrogen imbalance, which, if values ​​are above normal, will interfere with the restoration of the “HPA arc”, and bring them back to normal with the use of anastrozole, proviron or cabergoline.

In addition, in courses of long-acting steroids, it is recommended to exit the course on a “short” broadcast.

Exit from the course on propionate

After a cycle where long-acting steroids were used - ester chains: enanthate, cypionate, decanoate, undecanoate, undecylenate, before starting PCT, you need to “exit” the cycle with a short ester - testosterone propionate (instructions for use). We have described why in the example that you will find below.

An example of “exiting” a course on a short broadcast:

Let's say you use testosterone enanthate for 8 weeks at a dosage of 250 mg per week. After the last injection, the concentration of exogenous testosterone will gradually fall over 3 weeks. After a week, half of the used dosage will circulate in the blood. After another week, “half” from “half”. And so on. It would seem that all you need to do is wait 3 weeks and you can start PCT. But it won't be right.

The half-lives, especially with a long course, will “overlap” each other and the level of exogenous testosterone after three weeks will still be high for the start of PCT.

In addition, if a large dosage is used, for example 500 mg, then low testosterone levels after 3 weeks are out of the question.

Considering this feature of “long” ethers, it is very difficult to “by eye” determine the period after which the ether will completely cease to act in the body. Therefore, after a week (the half-life of enanthate is 6-7 days), we begin to inject testosterone propionate during the residual effect of enanthate - 3 weeks. (approximately)

Thus, we maintain “working” concentrations of testosterone in the blood, which allows us to continue training with the same intensity, at a minimum, without losing mass and strength, and ideally we will continue to progress.

The half-life of propik is one day. That is, after the last injection, the concentration of testosterone will quickly fall. And after 6-8 days it will be low enough (“by eye”) to start PCT with antiestrogens. In order to accurately determine whether therapy can be started, you must be tested for sex hormone levels.

How to understand that you bought the original Anadrol?

Firstly, any steroid should only be purchased from a trusted online store. Secondly, large stores have their own telegram channels (link to my channel), where you can inquire about a particular company before purchasing. Balkan Pharmaceuticals constantly improves the level of protection of its products. On the website bp.md you can check the authenticity of a particular drug.

Also, on their website, a list of sites that sell fake products from Balkan should soon appear.

Oxymetholone course for athletes

Due to the severity of the action, the drug can be used “solo”. But for athletes who want to get maximum results, a combination drug with testosterone is still recommended. The drug is best taken from the age of 21. The duration of the course should be approximately 4 to 6 weeks, no more, since the drug is very hepatotoxic.

Initial dosages should be no more than 50 mg/day, and then, if necessary, gradually increase the dosage to 100 mg. When doses are exceeded above the recommended ones, no increase in effect is observed: on the contrary, the effect remains the same, with the intensity of side effects increasing several times.

In some cases, professional bodybuilders use a single dose of high doses of oxymetholone shortly before entering the competition stage. This approach allows you to obtain a powerful accumulation of glycogen and, therefore, full and voluminous muscles.

The use of oxymetholone is allowed for athletes who are intolerant to steroids with a high androgenic index. This may apply to those who, by heredity, have a high risk of androgenic alopecia and prostate hypertrophy. But unfortunately, even in such cases, background use of dihydrotestosterone blockers may be necessary, since a low androgenic index is not always a guarantee of preventing disorders associated with excess DHT.

What to combine oxymetholone with?

To gain strength and muscle mass, the drug is usually combined with short and long testosterone esters, such as cypionate, enanthate, phenylpropionate, testosterone propionate. Also, to achieve similar goals, oxymetholone can be taken in combination with methenolone, boldenone, deca-durabolin, sustanon-250. For drying, due to strong fluid retention, the substance is used extremely rarely.

To avoid increased stress on the liver, the drug cannot be combined with steroids in which a change has been made at position 17, that is, “17-alpha alkylated.” In other cases, a combination with other drugs makes oxymetholone synergistic, increasing the effect of the pharmacological agents used.

Post-cycle therapy after oxymetholone

In order to restore the natural production of testosterone by the body, after a course of oxymetholone, it is recommended to take Clomiphene Citrate for 2 weeks (1 tablet in the morning, 1 tablet in the evening - FIRST WEEK, 1 tablet in the morning - SECOND WEEK). I would like to note that after a course of oxymetholone you should avoid taking tamoxifen. This is explained by its tendency to stimulate the release of prolactin. PCT should be started 5-7 days after the end of the course. Also, it would not be superfluous to use Tribulus terrestris after stopping taking Clomid.

The website iron-set.com provides information for informational purposes only. IronSet does not sell or encourage the use of potent substances, including anabolic steroids. This information was collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of certain drugs. The information presented on the site does not encourage the use or distribution of potent substances.

Anadrol side effects

“Everything is poison, and nothing is without poison,” everything is determined by the dosage. If you do not follow the recommended dosages of oxymetholone and take it for a long time, the possibility of encountering the following side effects increases:

  • decrease in (your own) testosterone: occurs at the end of the first week if you use Anadrol solo
  • increased liver enzyme levels
  • high blood pressure
  • gynecomastia
  • At higher dosages, diarrhea is possible

Combinations with oxymetholone

The basis of the course must be testosterone (enanthate, propionate, sustanon). Anadrol combines well with other anabolic steroids, the combination depends on your goals. I suggest you familiarize yourself with a fairly powerful combination for gaining lean muscle mass:

Steroid dosages are selected individually; why use hCG: read this article.

Application and dosage of Anadrol 50

As for dosages, there is no clear answer. The manufacturer of Spanish anadrol advises using 1-5 mg of the drug per kg of weight, in other words, an athlete weighing 100 kg should take 10 tablets per day, this is tantamount to “suicide”, a very high dosage that will cause great harm to the body.

It is enough to use 1-2 mg per kg of weight (50-200 mg), that is, 1-4 tablets per day. If you have never used this drug, then you should start with one 50 mg tablet per day, after a week you can double the dose, one tablet in the morning, the other in the evening, with meals.

Anadrol from Balkan Pharmaceuticals

Athletes weighing more than 100 kg can increase the dose of Anadrol 50, up to 150 mg per day, only in the third week, but it is important to understand that this dosage should not be used for longer than 2-3 weeks.

Steroid receptors are saturated quite quickly when taking oxymetholone, so it is advisable to take this drug for no more than 6-10 weeks.

With prolonged use of Anadrol for about 5-6 weeks, the growth of muscle mass in one steroid course can reach about 10 kg, a very good result. Muscle growth, with a constant, identical dosage, may eventually stop; increasing the dose of the drug to stimulate muscle growth carries severe side effects, so it is more advisable, as many experienced athletes do, to switch to taking other steroid drugs within 2-3 weeks, such as Sustanon 250, Testosterone Enanthate, otherwise, if you refuse to take anadrol, you will lose all the muscle mass you have gained in a short time.

Anadrol 50 can only be taken by experienced athletes who have been using chemicals for several years; for a beginner in understanding the power of anabolic steroids, oxymetholone is contraindicated, and it is absolutely pointless to “charge” with the strongest steroids right away.

Professional bodybuilders combine anadrol with Deca Durabolin, as well as various Testosterone-based steroids, to increase strength and muscle growth. A favorite combination, for example, is Anadrol at a dosage of 100 mg per day, Parabolan 152 - 228 mg per week, and Sustanon 250 - 500 mg, also per week.

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