Drying the body: at home, nutrition program, exercises, in the gym, how long it lasts

Both beginners and experienced bodybuilders gain fat along with muscle mass. This process is inevitable, since muscles cannot grow without the formation of a fat layer, which is due to the anabolism of the human body. The presence of excess fat does not allow the muscles to gain the desired relief, and, therefore, it is necessary to get rid of it. Drying can achieve this goal.

Drying the body for men is a special process, as a result of which the concentration of glycogen accumulated by muscles decreases, and lipids begin to break down. As a storehouse for carbohydrates, glycogen becomes the starting point for fat gain and loss. If it decreases, then carbohydrates also go away, and muscle mass becomes clean and dry.

What is the difference between drying the body and losing weight?

It is worth noting that drying does not equal weight loss. In order to lose weight, it is enough to reduce the number of calories consumed by 10%. But you will lose both fat and muscle mass. Drying involves reducing the percentage of subcutaneous fat while maintaining or increasing muscle mass.

The main goal is less subcutaneous fat and maintaining or increasing muscle mass.

This is achieved by observing 3 factors:




First of all, a person wants to remove fat. As a rule, he goes on a diet and performs complex exercises. In most cases, a weight loss program is aimed at maximizing the loss of extra pounds.

Weight loss is achieved by reducing the amount of fluid in the body. In this case, it is not fat that will be burned: first of all, muscle mass of the body begins to decrease. This is due to the fact that the body slowly consumes fat, trying to accumulate it for further energy.

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Expert commentary!

Nutritionist Elena T.:

“Losing weight is a mechanical process. It involves losing pounds only by cutting calories and increasing physical activity. Cutting is aimed not only at weight loss, but also at maintaining muscle mass. Athletes usually resort to this method. Unlike someone who is losing weight, a man who is cutting can achieve definition and increased muscle mass. If a person does not pursue such a goal, it is enough for him to adhere to the usual principles of losing weight.”

Useful products for drying

The program of proper nutrition for men for drying the body requires the mandatory use of certain foods in the diet. The main product is water. To dry your body of fat, you need to drink a lot of water, because... it speeds up metabolism by up to 30%.

The diet for drying the body consists of a large amount of protein, which is a building material for muscle tissue. The most proteins in the menu for drying the body come from the following products:

  • chicken eggs;
  • chicken or turkey breast;
  • cottage cheese;
  • mushrooms;
  • fish, seafood;
  • nuts;
  • legumes;
  • pumpkin, sunflower seeds.

The cutting diet menu for men should contain no more than 20% carbohydrates. The exact amount is calculated individually based on body weight. Products containing slow (complex) carbohydrates should have an advantage over fast ones in the diet of male athletes for drying the body.

Sources of complex carbohydrates are:

  • oat groats;
  • brown rice;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • chickpeas;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • Rye bread;
  • bread;
  • green apples;
  • apricots;
  • green vegetables;
  • buckwheat;
  • lemons;
  • mushrooms.

Sources of fast carbohydrates are:

  • potato;
  • White bread;
  • sugar;
  • honey;
  • carrot;
  • corn;
  • beet;
  • bananas;
  • melon;
  • White rice;
  • pasta made from premium flour;
  • cookie;
  • chocolate.

For men on a diet when drying the body, the consumption of products of this order should be minimized in relation to products containing complex carbohydrates.

To dry the body of fat, the athlete’s body requires a supply of fat, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. Omega-3 fatty acids are the most necessary because the human body does not produce them on its own. And they are especially needed for those who are trying to get rid of subcutaneous fat as quickly as possible. Most polyunsaturated fats are found in marine fish such as mackerel, trout, herring, salmon, tuna or halibut.

In addition to fish oil, canola, flaxseed and olive oils are sources of unsaturated fats. Nuts and seeds also contain unsaturated fats.

In addition, it is necessary to include vegetables and fruits in the diet as sources of fiber and vitamins.

As you can see, the list of products that can be used in creating a nutrition program for men drying their bodies is not very short. This means that a man’s diet during drying can be balanced and quite varied, despite all the restrictions.

Drying the body from a scientific point of view

According to Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports V.N. Seluyanov, strength training is necessary to lose fat while following a diet. This should be high intensity interval training. To lose only fat while maintaining muscle mass, cardio training should be reduced on a diet - just do it a couple of times a week.

This rule only applies if the athlete is on a diet. Metabolic processes in the body on a diet slow down, a negative metabolic adaptation of the body occurs, which intensifies when performing cardio exercises. Thus, with heavy cardio loads, the body begins to lose muscle mass. While strength training, even on a strict diet, helps burn fat. You can study this issue in more detail thanks to the video:

Now you know about the basic rules for carrying out a drying program, creating a training program and nutrition program, and how to get out of drying correctly. All that remains is to set a goal and steadily pursue it. Good luck!

Why is body drying necessary?

First of all, drying the body is necessary to reduce fat mass. The process should take place based on the individual characteristics of the organism. If you follow all the principles of nutrition and drying the body for men, you can get the following results:

  • improvement of skin condition;
  • cleansing the body of toxins and waste;
  • increased endurance;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system.

People who have problems with excess weight should under no circumstances resort to this procedure. A smoother and safer method of losing weight suits them.

Basic principles of successful cutting training

An important condition for successful drying is creating a calorie deficit. It is important not only to consume them moderately, but also to actively spend them, loading yourself as much as possible. Accordingly, the “drying” training program for men should be as energy-intensive as possible. The best exercises are compound exercises that provide a full-body workout, such as the bench press, back squats, and deadlifts.

These body drying exercises for men, which are multi-joint exercises, should be the basis of drying. Much also depends on energy costs. Thus, by performing high-repetition exercises with decreasing working weights, which is known as pumping, we will provide a long-term increase in metabolism, which will actively burn fat for a long time after training.

Although this program is quite effective, it does not provoke microtrauma to muscle fibers, which occurs when training with heavy weights and a small number of repetitions. When drying, our body operates under a controlled calorie deficit, due to which there is no resource left for compensation and supercompensation. Thus, muscles that have not recovered due to heavy exercise can be seriously injured.

A sign that you have chosen the right weight is a strong burning sensation in the involved muscle, which appears after 12-15 repetitions of the exercise. There is another method for increasing the effectiveness of exercise and accelerating fat burning processes - this is compaction of exercises, an active pace of exercise and a minimum break between approaches. The seals are of the following types:

  • superset program - several elements are combined in one exercise so that the muscles are worked more efficiently (this could be a bench press on a board with an incline of 40 degrees).
  • dropset program - performing exercises with a gradual decrease in working weight by 20%.

How to prepare for drying your body correctly and safely

Drying is a process that involves a smooth entry and exit. Under no circumstances should you suddenly change your diet and lifestyle. The body must gradually prepare for innovations, otherwise it will experience stress. As a result, a man will not be able to achieve the desired results even if all the principles are followed.

First of all, it is necessary to gradually reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed. This must be done 2-3 weeks before drying. You should exclude baked goods, sweets, pasta, cereals with a high glycemic index and fruits from your diet.

Gradually it is necessary to minimize the amount of carbohydrates consumed. During the drying process, a man should eat small portions every 2-3 hours. It is also recommended to monitor the water balance in the body. The optimal volume of liquid per day is 2 liters.

In some cases, reduce salt intake. Moreover, every meal should be after training. This way the body can recover as quickly as possible after physical activity.

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You need to start cutting after you have gained the necessary muscle mass. It is worth considering that during drying, not only fat and water are lost, but also part of the muscle mass. Therefore, muscle mass must be gained before drying, taking into account the fact that some will be lost during drying.

If you have a fast metabolism and are not prone to weight gain, then you will see your first results quickly enough, and you will not need to exhaust yourself in training. If you are an endomorph, then you will have to work in the gym for two.

Where to start drying

After giving up a number of foods, you gradually need to change your lifestyle. In addition to nutrition, you need to include physical activity. To get started, it is enough to walk at least 10,000 steps a day. This is especially true for men who lead a sedentary lifestyle. It is also recommended to include a daily 15-minute charge.

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Home workout program

The body drying program for men includes a number of exercises. Interval training is very effective. This is a type of training that alternates between high and low intensity intervals. For example, alternating sprinting and jogging. In fact, the exercises can be anything, the main thing is alternating high and low intensity.

At high intensity, you need to reach a short-term anaerobic threshold, that is, when the body goes into anaerobic mode and begins to consume carbohydrates rather than fats as energy. Thus, in half an hour of such a workout you will burn more calories than in 3 hours of cardio. Also these workouts cause a powerful hormonal response, that is, they cause the synthesis of testosterone, adrenaline and somatotropin, which break down fats not only during training, but also after it ends. They accelerate metabolic processes.

The time intervals of alternating intensity can be 3/1

1. 30 sec (work) – 10 sec (rest)

2. 45 sec (work) -15 sec (rest)

3. 90 sec (work) – 30 sec (rest)

Or you can try this option: 1/1 without rest.

They can be performed at home, after doing a 10-minute warm-up. It is also recommended to create the most comfortable conditions possible. You can exercise in loose clothing, and the room must be ventilated.

Twisting the body

Additional weight will be required to perform the exercises. For training, you can use a disc or dumbbells weighing from 2 kg.

How to do it:

  1. Take a supine position.
  2. Take a weight in your hands and place it in the chest area.
  3. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, slowly turn your body to the side.
  4. On the next approach, turn your body in the other direction.

The exercise must be repeated 15-20 times. Under no circumstances should you make sudden jerks. All movements should be slow.

Dumbbell press

The exercise is performed standing. The weight of the weights should be from 2 kg.

How to do it:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Take dumbbells in your hands and lift them up so that your arms form a 90° angle at your elbows.
  3. Take a deep breath, and only as you exhale lift the weights up. Your arms must be fully straightened.
  4. Bring the dumbbells overhead and hold in this position for 2 seconds.
  5. Slowly lower your arms down.

The exercise must be repeated 20 times. Once the body gets used to the load, the number of repetitions can be increased.


The exercise is performed in the same way as regular squats. But to dry the body it is necessary to use weights.

How to do it:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Raise the dumbbells off the floor and extend your arms.
  3. Spread your knees to the sides and lower your pelvis down.
  4. Keep your back vertical. Only the slightest angle of inclination is allowed. Hands should be close to the body at shoulder level.
  5. Maintain in this position for several seconds.
  6. Slowly lift your body up.

The exercise must be repeated at least 15 times. During execution, under no circumstances should the center of gravity be allowed to shift to the sides.

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Training rules

The main goal is to burn as many calories as possible in one workout . That is, if you come to the gym, we give it our all so that the number of calories burned in 1 hour of training exceeds 1000. This is achieved by the intensity of the exercises, a greater number of repetitions in them than usual.

All exercises are best performed in sets so that there are no stops. You cheated a little, under-trained, took more time to restore your breathing - and that’s it, instead of 1000 kcal you will burn only 400, which will return after training with the first sandwich you eat.

When performing strength exercises, we take less weight to do as many sets and repetitions as possible. To avoid fatigue ahead of time, you can still lose weight and continue. At the same time, during execution we focus on high intensity so that the heart beats stronger.

Drying your body in the gym

In the gym, drying is carried out under the supervision of a trainer. Here, the diet and training program are usually drawn up by a specialist.


During the drying period, the main task is to reduce the amount of fat without losing muscle mass. Throughout the day, calorie expenditure should be higher than intake. This will help achieve maximum muscle definition.

The amount of calories consumed should be approximately 15% less than the amount consumed. For example, if a man is used to eating 3000 kcal per day, he should burn about 3500 kcal. During drying, it is imperative to evaluate the condition of the body using a mirror. If nothing changes visually, it is recommended to reduce the number of calories consumed by 10%.

Effective exercises

If you can't do the exercises at home, it's best to join a gym. A dry body workout for men involves physical activity that can only be performed under the supervision of a trainer.


It is not recommended to use heavy weights for this exercise. This may result in incorrect execution. The best option would be weights from 1-2 kg.

How to do it:

  1. Set the correct seat height. Hands should be placed comfortably on the levers.
  2. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, bring your arms together in front of you as carefully as possible. The levers must touch.
  3. During the exercise, strain your muscles as much as possible.

The elbows should not be moved too far back. If pain occurs, it is recommended to reduce the range of motion.


The training is carried out on straight legs. Before starting, the barbell must be positioned close to the body.

How to do it:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other.
  2. Keep your back straight. A natural arch in the lower back is allowed.
  3. Take a deep breath and lower yourself down.
  4. Take the barbell with your hands and lift it up.

15 repetitions are allowed for 3-4 approaches. This is enough to dry out the body.


Before performing the exercise, you need to assess your level of preparation. To do this, just jump on the horizontal bar and pull yourself up as many times as possible. If you managed to do more than 15 pull-ups, it means that the person is ready for increased loads.

How to do it:

  1. Hang on the horizontal bar with your shoulders down.
  2. Bring your shoulder blades together and hold this position for a few seconds.
  3. Relax and repeat.

You cannot jump off the horizontal bar until the end of the exercise. It must be performed 15 times in 2 approaches.

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General recommendations for proper and safe drying

To get rid of excess fat deposits as effectively as possible and without any negative consequences for health, you should:

  • Be sure to have breakfast. Skipping this important meal disrupts metabolic processes.
  • Don't give up fat completely . Otherwise, the skin will become bad and the hair will begin to fall. You need to eat pork and lamb, butter, chicken yolks, lard, milk, cocoa powder, mayonnaise and cheese, rich in saturated fats. Sea fish, hazelnuts, pine nuts and walnuts contain a lot of healthy fats. It is also recommended to eat them dry.
  • Eliminate unhealthy snacks and snacks . No pickles or canned foods, crackers, ketchup, chips, flour products or sweets.
  • Forget about late-night snacks . An apple or a glass of kefir will help satisfy the feeling of hunger that prevents you from falling asleep. Even better, drink a portion of a protein shake made with water.
  • There are often, but not enough . The breaks between individual doses should be approximately 3 hours, and the portions themselves should remain small.
  • No bad habits . Both alcoholic drinks and smoking are strictly prohibited.
  • Drink enough water . You need to drink from two to three liters of regular drinking water per day.
  • Eat healthy carbohydrates with fiber. Such products are cereals, vegetables and fruits.
  • Move more. Being active throughout the day allows you to burn more calories.
  • Do cardio. The optimal duration is 10-15 minutes before and after the main training. If possible, it is better to take a BCAA complex at this time.
  • Drink a mineral-vitamin complex. Lack of micro- and macroelements leads to the destruction of muscle fibers.
  • Control your sugar intake. Lack of progress in drying means that sugar needs to be reduced even more.

The glucose concentration in the body should remain stable. Its level during the drying period necessarily requires constant monitoring.

How long does it take to dry the body?

Drying lasts 1-2 months. If you follow a diet and exercise, you will be able to burn up to 1 kg per week. Over the entire drying period, a man can lose 10 kg. Under no circumstances should it be left to dry for more than 2 months. At the same time, after losing weight, you need to carefully return to your usual routine.

To prevent the extra pounds from returning, you will have to adhere to a special diet. Carbohydrate intake can be increased gradually. You cannot completely abandon them. Otherwise, serious health problems may arise, especially for men whose thyroid function is impaired.

How to dry properly

The cutting program consists of five workouts per week. The duration of each workout is at least 45 minutes. Rest between approaches is allowed no more than 1.5 minutes. The main thing is that during training you need to remember to drink a lot of water - more than half of the daily norm.

Drying training includes two days off. Weekends should be distributed evenly throughout the week, for example, on Thursdays and Sundays. Thus, a well-designed training program will help protect the body from unnecessary overexertion.

Program 2. Two-day split.

A two-day split means working out all the muscle groups of the body in two workouts.

We will complete two such splits in a week, i.e. We will conduct four training sessions. Accordingly, each muscle group will be worked out twice a week.

The split can be composed like this:

Monday, Thursday - chest, back, arms;

Tuesday, Friday - legs, shoulders, abs.

Then the training might look like this:

TRAINING 1. Monday, Thursday.

To access ready-made programs with links to exercises, WRITE HERE .

  • Bench press while lying on an incline bench 3 sets of 12-15 reps (3×12-15)
  • Dips with weight 3×12-15
  • Mixing the upper blocks CROSS-OVER 3×15-20
  • Arm extension with the handle of the upper block with an overhand grip 3×15-20
  • Lower block rows (rowing) 3×12-15
  • Upper block rows in front of you 3×12-15
  • Lying dumbbell row PULL-OVER 3×12-15
  • Curling arms with barbell 3×15-20

TRAINING 2. Tuesday, Friday.

  • Incline leg press 3 sets of 12-15 reps (3×12-15)
  • Leg extension in the simulator 3×15-20
  • Deadlifts with a barbell, straight legs 3×12-15
  • Leg bending while lying down in the simulator 3×15-20
  • Shoulder front pull 3×12-15
  • Dumbbell lateral raises 3×15-20
  • Dumbbell lateral raises in forward bend 3×15-20
  • Torso roll with upper block 3×12-15
  • Raising the legs while hanging on the horizontal bar or in support on the uneven bars 2 sets to the maximum (2x Max)

This double split program is quite difficult and can be slightly lightened by doing it twice not a week, but in an eight-day microcycle, i.e. according to the 2+2 system.

This means that after two days of training there are two days of rest, then again two days of training, two days of rest and so on.

Athletes with less than two years of training experience can use an even more gentle option, conducting only three workouts per week using this double-split method.

It will look like this:

  • - Monday - training 1, Wednesday - training 2;
  • - Friday - training 1, Monday - training 2;
  • - Wednesday - training 1, Friday - training 2 and so on.

Nutrition tips

After successful training with weights, both beginner and experienced bodybuilders, in addition to muscle mass, gain a lot of excess fat. The predominant anabolism in the human body does not allow an athlete to pump up only muscles, without the appearance of a fat layer. To create a sculpted figure and burn fat, athletes use the so-called drying. This efficient process of lipid breakdown is based on the reduction of glycogen in the muscles.

Glycogen is a storage site for carbohydrates. That is, the acquisition of lean and clean muscle mass occurs by burning carbohydrates. Drying the body involves drawing up a special diet and performing certain exercises aimed at developing body contour.

Under no circumstances should you go on a ketone diet. With a deficiency of carbohydrates and glucose, the body begins to consume glycogen, and then fats. Complex nutrients are burned rather slowly, but the main problem is that ketone bodies are left behind as a result of a lack of glucose. They make the blood acidic and poison the body, which negatively affects the kidneys. This is especially dangerous if you use various muscle growth boosters.

Recommended amounts of protein and carbohydrates

To avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon, a man must reduce the amount of carbohydrates he consumes gradually; they cannot be eliminated completely at once. Therefore, the first requirement for proper nutrition during the period of drying the body is to reduce the volume of portions while maintaining multiple meals. The daily number of meals is from 4 to 6 times, portions should be small, protein levels must be maintained at the proper level.

Due to the decrease in muscle glycogen as a result of training, the amount of energy is greatly reduced. In this regard, it is necessary to restore its reserves. This can be done by reducing the time between meals. How much carbohydrates should you eat? The required amount is absolutely individual for each person.

Everyone should select this indicator for themselves, taking into account their goal during the weight loss period (how many kilograms of weight need to be lost to obtain the best muscle definition). You can't give up carbohydrates completely! Their amount in the daily diet should be at least 40-45% of the total calorie content (at least 2 grams per 1 kg of weight). Porridge, nuts, vegetables and unsweetened fruits can be good suppliers of carbohydrates.

Food during drying should be rich in protein. Per kilogram of body weight, you should consume at least 1.1-1.5 grams of protein, preferably 2-3 grams (to preserve muscles as much as possible from destruction). Protein (protein) is always necessary for muscles during the drying period of the body. It should be obtained only from low-fat sources (a good option is to get 60-70% of protein from food, and the rest from sports nutrition).

Due to the consumption of large amounts of water, a little excess weight may appear, but it will disappear within 1-2 days. The day before a competition or photo shoot, you should reduce your water intake to a minimum - this will allow you to get deeper relief. To remove excess water, be sure to give up salt - it retains fluid in the body.

Effective exercises with dumbbells at home.

Find out here the secrets of training triceps at home.

Back exercises at home. https://stroy-telo.com/domashnij-trening/silovye-uprazhneniya/uprazhneniya-dlya-spiny-v-domashnikh-usloviyakh.html

Authorized products

Food should be consumed in reasonable quantities. The main dishes of the daily diet should be:

  • White chicken or turkey meat without skin (boiled, steamed or stewed).
  • Chicken egg whites.
  • Boiled squid fillet.
  • Low-fat fish (it is better to steam or stew it).
  • Dairy products can include kefir and cottage cheese, but their fat content should not exceed 3%. It should be eaten only during the first two weeks of drying. Oatmeal and buckwheat porridge with water, rye pasta, broccoli, greens, zucchini and lettuce, grapefruit and green apples will also be beneficial.
  • In hot weather, it will be useful to drink green or herbal tea (ginger or chamomile).

Remember that the result of drying the body will largely depend on the number of calories consumed by the athlete. Therefore, it will not only be useful, but even advisable to keep track of the calories you get from food and weigh yourself daily. The result of this difficult period in the life of any man will be a beautiful and sculpted figure that will delight its owner for a long time.

Sample diet

Using the following daily diet as an example, you can create an appropriate menu for drawing muscles or contact a nutritionist for help:

  • breakfast - oatmeal, a couple of boiled eggs;
  • second meal – protein shake, fruit;
  • lunch – low-fat broth, a piece of meat (chicken fillet or beef), a couple of bran breads;
  • afternoon snack – cottage cheese with honey or salad, vegetables and fruits;
  • dinner – steamed cutlets, light salad;
  • second dinner - low-fat kefir or bran.

You will have to choose the amount of food you eat yourself. It is impossible to write a specific number of grams, as this is an individual question that depends on the daily routine, dew, weight, physical shape, body type, etc.

In any case, it is better not to eat more than 200-350 grams of food at one sitting, so as not to burden the stomach.

Strength work

It is optimal to perform 3-4 strength training sessions per week with different volumes. The use of a split system, full body or top/bottom division is individual, so athletes can choose the method that is most convenient for them. Regardless of the type of training, the bulk of the strength work should not exceed 45-50 minutes in order to reduce catabolism (70 minutes for low-intensity training with long rest periods).

It is important to avoid excessive stress on the lower body so that drying the legs does not lead to loss of muscle mass during running and other movements.

Cardio workout

Drying muscles is impossible without cardio. It is necessary to conduct 4-5 sessions of varying intensity per week. It is optimal to perform 3 low-intensity and 2 HIIT workouts so that the drying of your legs does not lag behind other parts of the body.

For low-intensity mode, it is recommended to change types of load using:

  • Bicycle/exercise bike;
  • Run;
  • Orbitrek;
  • Plyometric movements.

If amateur drying of the abdomen is performed, you should additionally add gymnastic movements with the active participation of the core muscles.

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