Body drying training program for men, a six-day set of exercises in the gym

Is it enough for you to simply build impressive muscle mass? Or do you need a sculpted body with clearly defined muscles? Drying will help get rid of excess water in the body. We are sharing with you a six-day training program that will help you get closer to your dream body. But remember, it won’t be easy!

Alexey Dmitryaev

bronze medalist "Mens Physicist" - 2015

In this program, you can eat enough carbohydrates and not do cardio. The downside is that it is quite complicated. I use the program to prepare for competitions and do five to seven sets. But for those who are not going to participate in competitions, three or four will be enough.

Day 2 – back/shoulders/biceps



  • Let's grab the crossbar. We hang on it with straight arms.
  • Pull your torso up on the bar until your chin touches it.
  • We lower ourselves back to the starting position.

We perform four approaches 8-10 times.

Bent-over barbell row


  • Standing over the barbell, slightly bend your knees and tilt your torso.
  • We take the barbell in straight, lowered hands.
  • Pull the barbell towards your lower back. At the same time, the elbows bend and move back.
  • We return to the starting position.

We perform three approaches 8-12 times.


Close Grip Vertical Row


  • We sit down facing the block. We take the handle with a narrow grip.
  • From this position we pull them towards the chest. The elbows go along the body.
  • The back bends slightly during the pull.
  • Then we return the handle to the top. We do not fully extend our arms.

We perform three approaches 10-12 times.

Bent-over dumbbell row


  • We rest our knee and hand on the bench on one side.
  • We stand on the floor with our other foot and hold a dumbbell in our straight hand.
  • Raise the dumbbell to chest level. At the same time, the elbow bends and rises above the level of the back.
  • Lower the dumbbell.

We perform four approaches 10 times.

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Vertical linkage


  • We sit down facing the simulator.
  • We stretch our arms up and grab the handles.
  • We pull them to the chest. At the same time, we spread our elbows to the sides.
  • Then we straighten our arms back up.

We perform four approaches 10 times.



  • We rest our outer thigh on a special bench. The legs are fixed under the bolsters.
  • We hold our hands at the chin.
  • We lower the torso down just below the level of the simulator.
  • Straighten your back again.

We perform four approaches 15 times.




  • We stand up straight, arms down along the body. We hold a dumbbell in each.
  • The elbows are pressed tightly to the body.
  • Bend your elbows while lifting the dumbbells toward your shoulders.
  • We put our hands back.

We perform four approaches 12 times.

Seated dumbbell raises


  • We sit on a special banquette, leaning against the backrest.
  • The arms are lowered along the body.
  • We hold a dumbbell in each hand.
  • We bend our left arm and right arm alternately.

We perform five approaches 12 times.

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Menu for the week

Knowing the required amount of calories and understanding the ratio of nutrients in the diet, creating a menu yourself will not be difficult. For busy or lazy people who don’t want to bother with calculations, they offer the services of specialists who compile a list of dishes for each meal.

As experienced athletes say, monotony in nutrition has a depressing effect on an athlete, reducing the pleasure of exercise.

To make it easier to combine, you need to divide the products into three groups:

  1. Rich in carbohydrates - rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina, potatoes, pasta, bread.
  2. Proteins – legumes, eggs, cottage cheese, meat, lean fish, milk.
  3. Fats - butter, cream, cheese, lard, nuts, sea fish, red meat.

The range of healthy products is quite wide, so achieving variety is not difficult. Here is an approximate diet for three days. You can then change dishes from one day to the next to achieve different taste sensations.

Eating 1 day Day 2 Day 3
  1. buckwheat porridge with milk;
  2. omelette of 1 egg and 2 whites;
  3. whole grain toast;
  4. a piece of hard cheese.
  1. milk corn porridge with butter;
  2. scrambled eggs from an egg and 2 whites;
  3. grain bread;
  4. a glass of milk.
  1. milk oatmeal;
  2. boiled eggs 3 pcs. (remove the yolk from two);
  3. whole grain toast;
  4. milk.
  1. apple;
  2. dried apricots;
  3. marmalade
  1. nut mix;
  2. pear;
  3. marshmallows
  1. banana;
  2. bun with poppy seeds
  1. turkey meatballs with rice
  2. vegetable salad (seasonal)
  3. Rye bread
  1. pearl barley porridge on water with beef gravy;
  2. vegetable salad;
  3. Rye bread.
  1. rice with chicken breast;
  2. a fresh vegetable salad;
  3. whole wheat bread.
  1. carbonara pasta with cheese;
  2. vegetable salad.
  1. pearl barley porridge on water with beef gravy;
  2. vegetable salad.
  1. Rice with chicken;
  2. vegetable salad.
  1. hake;
  2. green beans;
  3. vegetable salad with sour cream
  1. salmon steak with rice;
  2. canned vegetables
  1. pollock;
  2. potato;
  3. vegetable salad dressed with sour cream
  1. syrniki;
  2. strawberry lemonade
  1. low-fat cottage cheese;
  2. Ryazhenka
  1. cottage cheese;
  2. kefir

What not to eat when gaining muscle mass

A rich diet for weight gain, but at first glance it seems without restrictions. Everything in it is strictly thought out, weighed and calculated.

Beginners, in order to achieve significant results, should not make mistakes in nutrition. Which ones exactly, read on.

  • Eating too much sugar. It seems like a carbohydrate, but not beneficial for the body, but rather harmful. Excessive amounts of it increase cholesterol and lead to diabetes. Avoid baked goods and sweet sodas.
  • To drink beer. I really want to relax after a workout, attributing the indulgences to the carbohydrate window. But beer will go to fat, and alcohol will write off all efforts to zero.

Drank a bottle of beer - cross out one workout.

  • Eat sausages. This is essentially hidden fat that will not benefit your muscles. In addition, modern sausages and sausages are very far from meat, so it is better to avoid them altogether.
  • Indulge in fast food. This is 100% junk food that will not bring any benefit to the body. Just saturated fats and fast carbohydrates, and this is future subcutaneous fat.

The best way to get high-quality weight gain is to eat natural foods, fresh vegetables and fruits. This way you will avoid harm to your health and achieve tangible results.

Superset: swings from behind + raises in front of you

Swings from behind


  • We stand with our right side to the block simulator.
  • We take the handle in our left hand.
  • Slightly bend your arm at the elbow and move it up and to the side, raising it to shoulder level.
  • Then we lower our hand again, moving it slightly behind our back.

Lifts in front of you

  • We stand with our backs to the block.
  • Let's take the handle. The arm is lowered along the body.
  • From this position, raise your arm in front of you, bringing it to shoulder level.
  • Let's put it back.

We do four sets of 12 times on each hand.


Nutrition during a diet aimed at drying the male body

The weekly menu should include:

  • proteins - two grams per kilogram of body weight. Proteins should be distributed evenly throughout the day;
  • carbohydrates - from two to seven grams per kilogram of body weight (this is with a normal diet), and when eating a dry diet, you need to reduce carbohydrate consumption to a minimum;
  • fats - must be included in the diet without fail 0.5 grams per kilogram of body weight.

The approximate number of kilocalories per day for a cutting diet should be 1700-2500.

Day 3 – legs/shoulders

Seated leg extension


  • We sit in the exercise machine and place our legs under the bolster.
  • We bend our knees and straighten our legs.
  • Then we bend our legs back.

We perform four approaches 15 times.

Squats with a bar


  • We stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart.
  • We place the bar on our shoulders and hold it with our hands.
  • Let's do a squat.
  • We stand back up, straightening our knees.

We do three approaches: the first - 15 times, the second - 12, the third - 10.

Leg press


  • Let's get into the gym. Place your feet on the platform approximately shoulder width apart.
  • Bend your legs, pulling your knees towards your chest.
  • Push the platform up.

We perform four approaches 10-12 times.


Lying leg curl


  • We lie down on the stomach in the exercise machine. We fix the feet with a roller.
  • Bend your legs, bringing your heels to your hips.
  • We bend our legs back.

We perform four approaches 15 times.

Swing dumbbells to the sides from a sitting position


  • We sit down on the banquette. We take a dumbbell in each hand.
  • We lower our arms down along the body.
  • From this position, we raise our arms up and to the sides, bringing them to shoulder level.
  • We lower our hands back down.

We perform five approaches 12 times.

Standing Chin Row


  • We stand straight, arms lowered in front of us.
  • We take the curved bar in our hands.
  • Raise the bar up to chest level. In this case, the elbows spread to the sides and rise above the shoulders.
  • Afterwards, we lower the bar back down in front of us.

We perform five approaches 12 times.


Bent over swings


  • We sit down on the banquette. Bend, lower your chest to your knees.
  • We lower our hands down and take dumbbells.
  • From this position, raise the dumbbells up. The elbows are slightly bent and move behind the back.
  • We put our hands down again.

We perform five approaches 12 times.

Swings in a crossover


  • We stand between two blocks in the crossover.
  • We take the handle from the left block in our right hand and vice versa.
  • We bring our arms forward and slightly bend them at the elbows.
  • We spread our arms crossed in this way to the sides, moving our elbows behind our backs.
  • Then we return our arms to the crossed position.

We perform five approaches 12 times.

A set of exercises to work the back muscles from a master of sports in bodybuilding

How to properly increase the load in training

What not to eat

In addition to tracking calories and dietary supplements, pay attention to the quality of your diet. As with any healthy diet, it is necessary to exclude:

  • fat meat;
  • sweet pastries;
  • offal;
  • smoked dishes;
  • sausages and sausages;
  • fried food;
  • confectionery;
  • sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise).

Try to avoid foods containing sugar and limit your salt intake. Both contribute to fluid retention in the body and lead to edema.

You can read the continuation of the article by following the link to RBC Style.

Day 4 – chest/shoulders/triceps

Superset: bench press + dumbbell fly

Bench press


  • We lie down on a bench under the barbell. We grab the bar with a wide grip.
  • Remove the bar from the rack and lower it to chest level.
  • Push the barbell up.
  • Then we lower it again until it touches the chest.
  • Upon completion of the exercise, return the barbell to the rack.


Lying dumbbell fly


  • We lie down on the banquette. We hold a dumbbell in each hand.
  • We bring our arms straight with dumbbells above our heads.
  • From this position we spread our arms to the sides.
  • Then we bring our arms above our heads again.

We perform five approaches 20 times.

Superset: dumbbell bench press + crossover

Dumbbell Bench Press


  • We lie with our backs on the bench, with our feet resting on the floor.
  • We hold a dumbbell in each hand and bend our elbows to a right angle.
  • We spread our arms to the sides so that both the dumbbells and elbows are at chest level.
  • From this position, raise the dumbbells forward.
  • At the highest point, the dumbbells touch each other.
  • Then lower the dumbbells again until your elbows are bent at a right angle.



  • We stand between two blocks in the crossover.
  • We take the handle of the right block with our right hand, and the handle of the left block with our left hand.
  • We spread our arms to the sides, slightly bending them at the elbows.
  • From this position, we bring our hands to the center.
  • Then we move them apart again.

We perform five approaches 20 times.

Superset: dumbbell swings forward + dumbbell swings to the sides + seated dumbbell press

Swing dumbbells forward


  • We sit down on the banquette. We take a dumbbell in each hand.
  • We lower our arms down along the body.
  • From this position, we raise our arms up and forward, bringing them to shoulder level.
  • We lower our hands back down.


Swing dumbbells to the sides


  • We sit down on the banquette. We take a dumbbell in each hand.
  • We lower our hands down. From this position, we raise our arms up and to the sides, bringing them to shoulder level.
  • We lower our hands back down.

Seated dumbbell press


  • We sit on the bench, leaning against the back.
  • We hold a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Raise the dumbbells to shoulder level.
  • From this position we squeeze them up.
  • Then we lower it again to the shoulders.

We perform four sets of 20 times.

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Superset: French press with dumbbells + cable extension

French bench press with dumbbells


  • We lie down on the banquette. We hold a dumbbell in each hand.
  • We raise our hands up and move them behind our heads.
  • From this position, we extend our arms, bringing the dumbbells up.
  • Then we lower them behind the head again.

Extension in block

Execution technique


  • We stand facing the block.
  • We take the braids with both hands. Keep your arms bent in front of you.
  • From this position, we extend our arms and lower the cords to the level of the lower back.
  • Then we return our hands to their original position.

We perform five approaches 20 times.

Shrugs with dumbbells


  • We stand up straight, arms down along the body. We hold a dumbbell in each hand.
  • From this position we raise our shoulders.
  • Then we lower them back again.

We perform five approaches 17-20 times.


What can you eat

While drying, you can refer to the following list of products. Vary the ingredients based on your own preferences:

  • meat (chicken breast, beef);
  • legumes (beans, chickpeas);
  • fish (boiled or steamed);
  • eggs;
  • vegetables, leafy greens;
  • fruits (no more than one or two servings per day);
  • seafood;
  • oils (olive, flaxseed, camelina);
  • dairy products;
  • cereals (quinoa, buckwheat, brown rice, spelt, oatmeal, wheat);
  • honey, dried fruits - rarely, as a sweetener.

Day 5 – back/deltoids/biceps

Superset: seated chest row + abdominal row

Seated chest row with wide grip


  • We sit down facing the block. We rest our feet on the platform.
  • We grab the handle of the block with a wide grip.
  • Pull the handle towards your chest.
  • The elbows are spread to the sides.
  • Then we return to the starting position.

Pull block to the stomach


  • We sit down facing the block.
  • We take hold of the handles with a narrow grip. From this position we pull the handles towards the stomach. The elbows go along the body.
  • The back bends slightly during the pull.
  • Then return the handles to their original position. We do not fully extend our arms.

We perform six approaches 20 times.

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Superset: vertical lever row + horizontal lever row

Vertical lever rod


  • We sit down facing the simulator.
  • We stretch our arms up and grab the handles of the simulator.
  • We pull them to the chest. At the same time, we spread our elbows to the sides.
  • Then we straighten our arms back up.

Lever rod horizontal


  • We sit down in the exercise machine, resting our chest on the pad.
  • We take the handles of the simulator with our hands.
  • Pull the arms towards the chest. In this case, the elbows go along the body.
  • We extend our arms and return the handles to their place.

We perform six approaches 20 times.

Superset: barbell row to the chin + bent over swings

Barbell row to the chin


  • We stand straight, arms lowered in front of us. We take the wavy bar in our hands.
  • Raise the bar up to chest level. Elbows spread to the sides and rise above the shoulders.
  • Afterwards, we lower the bar back down in front of us.


Bent over swings


  • We sit down on the banquette. Bend, lower your chest to your knees.
  • We lower our hands down and take dumbbells in them.
  • From this position, raise the dumbbells up.
  • In this case, the elbows are slightly bent and move behind the back.
  • After which we lower our hands again.

We perform five approaches 20 times.

Superset: Scott Bench Biceps + Hammer

Biceps on Scott bench


  • We sit down on the seat of the exercise machine.
  • We rest our chest against one surface of the bench. We place our elbows on its second surface.
  • We take the wavy neck in our hands.
  • From this position, bend your arms without bringing the bar to your shoulders.
  • Then we lower the bar again, without fully extending our elbows.



  • We stand up straight, arms with dumbbells are lowered along the body and pressed tightly to the body.
  • Bend your elbows while lifting the dumbbells to chest level.
  • Lower the dumbbells back.

We perform five approaches 20 times.

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How to remove belly fat for a man: components of balanced weight loss

There are diets for men to lose belly fat. But you cannot quickly solve the problem by just changing the daily menu - you need to act comprehensively. Namely, connect sports and adjust your lifestyle.

It is important to understand that after losing weight you will need to maintain the weight, so you will have to give up some habits. It wouldn’t hurt to get rid of stress that contributes to overeating, or learn to shift your focus from food to hobbies or other interesting activities, and improve your self-esteem and general mood.

Nutrition adjustments

To lose weight, it is important to maintain proper nutrition and reduce or eliminate the use of:

  • flour;
  • sweet;
  • fried;
  • fat;
  • alcohol, including beer.

If you need to get rid of excess weight quickly, belly drying for men is suitable. In this case, protein foods and complex carbohydrates should predominate in the diet.

How to remove belly fat for a man with the help of sports

Physical activity is necessary in order to tighten the abdominal muscles and make the silhouette fit. You can start with soft cardio exercises:

  • running;
  • cycling;
  • jumping rope;
  • swimming and other activities.

You can also exercise at home, gradually including strength elements in the program. Basic exercises and their variations are suitable for training:

We recommend reading: The importance of a daily routine for an athlete

  • push ups;
  • bar;
  • raising legs;
  • twisting;
  • scissors, etc.

If you exercise not at home, but in the gym, the instructor will advise you on the most suitable exercises and elements.

Recommendations for fast weight loss

  1. The menu should be balanced, with sufficient protein, fat and carbohydrates.
  2. You can't go on hunger strikes.
  3. In sports, the load must be added gradually.
  4. Cardio training should last at least 40-50 minutes.

Remember that a small amount of subcutaneous fat may remain - the body needs it.

Day 6 – legs

Superset: hyperextension + crunches



  • We rest our hips on the bench.
  • We fix the legs with a roller. We hold our hands near the selection.
  • We bend at the waist, lowering the body just below the level of the bench.
  • Straighten your back again.



  • We lie down on our backs. Raise your legs up and bend your knees. We cross our feet.
  • We hold our hands behind our heads.
  • From this position we lift the torso up to the legs.
  • Then we fall back onto our backs.

We perform five approaches 20 times.


Superset: leg extensions in the simulator + lunges with dumbbells

Seated leg extension


  • We sit in the exercise machine and place our feet under the cushion.
  • We bend our knees and straighten our legs.
  • Then we bend our legs back.

Back lunges with dumbbells


  • We stand up straight, arms with dumbbells are lowered along the body.
  • Take a long step back with your right foot.
  • We straighten up and return the leg to its place.
  • We repeat this with the left leg.

We perform five approaches 30 times.


Superset: Leg Press + Dead Press

Leg press


  • Let's get into the gym. Place your feet on the platform approximately shoulder width apart.
  • Bend your legs, pulling your knees towards your chest.
  • Push the platform up.

Dead press


  • We stand over the barbell. Bend your knees and tilt your body forward.
  • Let's grab the barbell.
  • Let's unbend together with her.
  • After this, we lower the barbell down again, bending our knees and tilting our body forward. Do not place the barbell on the floor until the end of the exercise.

We perform five approaches 20 times.

Superset: seated calf raises + standing calf raises

Shin sitting


  • We sit in the simulator.
  • We place our socks on the platform and place our knees under special pads.
  • From this position we place our feet on our toes.
  • Then we lower ourselves back down with our heels.

What is the difference between losing weight and cutting?

Despite the fact that both drying and losing weight are processes that help the body get rid of excess fat, there is an important and fundamental difference between them, and therefore these two processes should not be confused.

The main goal of losing weight is to significantly reduce body volume by reducing muscle mass and getting rid of excess fat tissue, while when drying the body for men, fat burning occurs without damage to muscle mass, as a result of which its delineation is achieved.

Thus, we can conclude that drying the body is sports weight loss, during which the quality of your muscle mass does not suffer and the content of subcutaneous fat is reduced.

Table of kilocalorie consumption depending on weight

Cardio training will be an addition to exercises to dry out the abdominal muscles. They can be performed (optional) both in the morning and after strength training - this way you can burn the maximum number of calories.

Calculate your ideal sports weight!

The table shows the average calorie burn as a result of various workouts (over an hourly period of time):

Type of trainingKcal consumption depending on weight
55 kg70 kg80 kg
Bicycle riding470560685
Aerobic exercise500600700
Jumping rope570700820
Elliptical trainer520625700

In conclusion, let’s say that rapid weight loss is only possible with the help of an integrated approach that combines training and proper diet. By following the basic principles of the method in question, outlined in the article, and with persistence and patience, you can get rid of unwanted centimeters and strengthen your abdominal muscles.

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