Pain in the tailbone after exercise: causes and possible solutions to the problem

Lower back pain occurs quite often. Patients say “my lower back hurts”, “my lower back is pinched”, “shot in the lower back”. If the pain is not acute, they may say “lower back hurts,” “lower back pulls,” “lower back ache.” Sometimes the pain is described as a burning sensation in the lower back.

Lower back

called the lower back - from the place where the ribs end to the tailbone. Perhaps a separate word for the lower back was needed just to indicate the place where it hurts. After all, if your back hurts, then in most cases it is your lower back that hurts.

What can low back pain look like?

Most often, lower back pain occurs suddenly, sharply and is acute. In this case they talk about lumbago

(outdated popular name -
). The pain is described as sharp, “shooting.” Movements are constrained, sometimes it is even impossible to straighten your back. With any movement the pain intensifies.

An attack of pain can last a couple of minutes, or it can last for a longer period of time (up to several days). It may be that the attack will pass and the pain will no longer remind itself, but often the pain returns and the person gets used to the fact that his lower back can hurt.

Lower back pain can not only be acute (sharp), it can be nagging and chronic. Mild but constant pain in the lower back, sometimes worsening, for example, during physical activity, an infectious disease, hypothermia, etc., is called lumbodynia

. Sometimes there is no direct pain, but stiffness remains in the lower back, and the patient experiences discomfort.

What you need to know about tailbone pain after playing sports?

Painful sensations in the sacrococcygeal region occur during power loads, when working with weights (dumbbells, weights, kettlebells, etc.), as well as when performing deadlifts and squats. The pain may worsen while sitting or lying down. Pain in the coccyx, or coccydynia, is a pathology that is often found in professional athletes and those who are actively involved in physical activity. Factors that provoke the occurrence of pain syndrome include:

  • falls, blows, bruises, injuries, etc., especially with damage to the buttocks;
  • fractures;
  • prolonged sitting, especially on hard surfaces;
  • too much stress on the tailbone during sports, etc.;
  • microtraumas, which then, without diagnosis, treatment and control, can develop into serious problems.

Causes of lower back pain

Lower back pain can be caused by various reasons, but the statistics are as follows:

  • in 90% of cases the pain is caused by problems with the spine and back muscles;
  • in 6% the cause of pain is kidney disease;
  • 4% - diseases of other internal organs (genitourinary system, intestines).

The spine accounts for the majority of all cases of low back pain, and this is no coincidence. In humans, the center of gravity of the body is located exactly at the level of the lower back, and when walking, the entire load falls almost entirely on the lumbar spine (animals that move on four legs do not have this problem). And when a person sits down, the vertebrae of the lower back and sacrum experience the same force of pressure with which a 170-meter layer of water presses on a diver. Naturally, this area is particularly vulnerable.

The mechanism of pain in the coccyx during physical activity

How does pain in the tailbone appear after training? If you feel discomfort in the tailbone area during or after exercise, then most likely the load on the muscles was excessive or you violated the exercise technique and suffered a sprain or injury. If pain appears the next day or after some time, this indicates the presence of a serious injury, which is aggravated by constant stress, as well as internal pathologies and diseases, such as a hernia. If pain persists for a long time, it is possible that the damage has affected not only the muscles and nearby tissues, but also internal organs.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system that cause lower back pain:

  • pinched sciatic nerve. The nerve roots extending from the spinal cord are compressed by neighboring vertebrae. In this case, a sharp, shooting pain occurs. As a rule, pinched roots become possible due to degenerative changes in the spine (osteochondrosis): the intervertebral discs separating the vertebrae from each other are destroyed, the gap between the vertebrae narrows and sudden movement (tilting, turning) can lead to pinching of the nerve branch;
  • sciatica (lumbosacral radiculitis). Pinched nerve roots can become inflamed. Inflammation of the nerve roots is called radiculitis (from the Latin radicula - “root”); To indicate inflammation of the sciatic nerve, a special name is sometimes used - sciatica. If the sciatic nerve is damaged, lumbar ischialgia may be observed - pain in the lower back, also spreading to the buttock and leg along the sciatic nerve;
  • intervertebral disc herniation – protrusion of a fragment of the intervertebral disc into the spinal canal. Occurs as a result of injury or degenerative changes in the spine (osteochondrosis);
  • myositis of the lumbar muscles. Myositis is an inflammation of skeletal muscles. The cause of myositis of the lumbar muscles can be hypothermia or sudden tension.

Also, lower back pain can be caused by diseases such as multiple sclerosis, degenerative sacroiliitis, osteoporosis.

Prevention of low back pain

The occurrence of lower back pain is often provoked by a careless attitude towards one’s own health. Pain may be caused by:

  • staying in the same position for a long time (for example, during sedentary work);
  • incorrect posture;
  • low mobility;
  • excessive physical activity.

All these factors contribute to the development of diseases manifested by lower back pain. The risk of pain can be reduced by following the following advice from doctors:

  • watch your posture;
  • Avoid uncomfortable postures when working while sitting. It is advisable that the knees are slightly higher than the hip joints. To do this, use a low chair or footrest. Place a small pillow between your lower back and the back of the seat;
  • When working sedentarily, you need to get up from time to time to move around. Take five-minute breaks every hour; how to lift weights correctly
  • It is advisable to sleep on an orthopedic mattress (elastic and quite hard);
  • You need to lift weights by bending your knee joints, not your back. That is, you need to squat down, bending your knees, and then straighten them, while maintaining a straight line of your back;
  • When carrying a load, it must be evenly distributed between both hands; you cannot carry the entire load in one hand (one heavy bag);
  • Every day you should do a set of exercises aimed at strengthening the abdominal and back muscles.

Recommended therapy

If your muscles are overstrained and severe pain occurs, you should consult a specialist. First aid for pain includes stopping physical activity and taking a comfortable position for the body. You can apply a cold compress to your lower back. Heat exposure is not recommended, it can only increase the pain. When the spasm begins to subside, it is recommended to use a special cream or gel.

If your lower back hurts during training, you should immediately follow these steps:

  1. Stop loading.
  2. Take a comfortable body position. Wait a while. It is not recommended to continue doing the exercises.
  3. Apply a cold compress.
  4. Apply ointment or use a spasm reliever such as a Corden device.

The best type of therapy is osteopathy. A good doctor will not only relieve the attack, but also put the vertebrae in place and eliminate the cause.

Lower back pain due to kidney disease

For lower back pain, it is important to determine what is causing it - pathologies of the musculoskeletal system or kidney disease (as well as other internal organs). Diagnosis must be carried out by a doctor. However, there are signs to suggest that the pain may be due to problems with the kidneys and/or other organs of the genitourinary system. If these symptoms occur, it is advisable to immediately contact a urologist. Kidney disease (or more broadly, the genitourinary system) can be suspected if lower back pain is accompanied by:

  • general deterioration in health (lethargy, drowsiness, weakness, increased fatigue);
  • swelling of the eyelids and face. Swelling is especially pronounced in the morning, after waking up, and subsides in the evening;
  • increased body temperature, chills, sweating;
  • loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting;
  • frequent or painful urination;
  • changes in the characteristics of urine (it may become more concentrated in color or, conversely, colorless, contain mucus or blood);
  • increased blood pressure.

Also an important sign that lower back pain is caused by problems of the internal organs, and not the musculoskeletal system, is its independence from the position of the body: the pain does not increase or decrease from changes in the position of the body and limbs. However, with prolonged standing in a standing position due to check pathology, the pain may intensify. The location of the pain also matters. With kidney disease, pain is most often observed on one side (since usually only one kidney is affected). Kidney pain may not be limited to the lower back, but may spread along the ureter, to the groin, to the external genitalia, to the inner thighs.

Lower back pain: what to do?

Low back pain is a symptom of a disease that requires treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor. But in the event of a sudden attack of acute pain (“lumbago”, typical of radiculitis), first of all, it is necessary to relieve the pain syndrome. Doctors advise:

  • use gentle heat. Tie a woolen scarf or woolen belt around your lower back;
  • take painkillers;
  • It is necessary to take a position that allows you to relax your back muscles. It is recommended to lie on your back, on a hard, flat surface (board); The legs should be raised and bent at the knees, for which a rolled blanket or pillow should be placed under them. (It is not advisable to lie on the floor; there may be a draft).

The proposed pose is not a dogma. The patient should feel relief, so other positions are possible; for example, lying on a board, place your legs bent at the knees on it, holding a pillow between them. You can try lying on your stomach and stretching your legs, placing a bolster under your ankle joints. If the severity of the pain has been relieved, this does not mean that a doctor is no longer needed. Without proper treatment, attacks will recur, and the situation as a whole will worsen.

How to squat without back pain

Let's look at the main mistakes or negligence that lead to back pain after a squat.

  1. The legs are set narrowly. With this placement of the feet, the back is forced to bend strongly forward. It turns out that when standing up, the weight is pushed not by the legs, but by the back. It turns out that this is not a squat, but some kind of strange deadlift. Feet should be spread wide. At the same time, do not forget to spread your socks to the sides, as well as your knees.
  2. The barbell is located not on the back muscles, but on the neck. In this case, you also risk developing cervical osteochondrosis. Squatting with a barbell around your neck is also dangerous because the load on your lower back will increase significantly.
  3. You kept your head down during the exercise. That is why such mistakes should not be made. Your gaze should always be straight while squatting. If you bend your neck, it affects your entire spine. Including on the lower back.
  4. You don't warm up well. Always stretch your lower back well. Pull it.
  5. Poor stretching is a common cause of many injuries and pain. Any exercise can be performed correctly only with good stretching. And again - stretch.
  6. Keep your lower back warm.

When you come to the gym, remember that although athletic results are important, health should always come first!

Which doctor should I contact with a complaint of lower back pain?

If you have lower back pain, it is best to consult a general practitioner, since first of all you need to determine which organ disease is causing the pain. Depending on the results of the examination, consultation with a particular medical specialist may be required. Can be assigned:

  • consultation with a neurologist to assess the condition of the spine, back muscles and nervous system;
  • consultation with a urologist – in case of suspected urinary system disease;
  • consultation with a gynecologist – if chronic diseases of the female reproductive system are suspected or present;
  • general blood test and general urinalysis - to confirm or exclude the inflammatory nature of the disease;
  • radiography of the spine;
  • Ultrasound of the hip joints;
  • as well as other studies.

Why does my back hurt?

The lumbar region of the back can hurt for various reasons.

Here are the main ones:

  1. Muscle pain. As a rule, in the case of squats, this is a nagging pain in the lower back.
  2. Manifestations of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine.
  3. Pinched nerve.
  4. Intervertebral hernia.
  5. Consequences of hypothermia.

Next, we will analyze each case and tell you what to do if your back hurts in each of the options.

Muscle pain

When your lower back starts to hurt after a squat, we say this: you pulled your back, or tore it off. In fact, if we are exercising for the first time or if we have given too much load, the lumbar region of the back will hurt in 90% of cases. Also, if you haven’t warmed up your lower back enough, which is most often the case, long-lasting pain will appear.

The discomfort will continue for 2-7 days, depending on how much the muscle has been overworked.

With proper squat technique, your lower back should not hurt much.

Excessive pain is a consequence of the fact that you compensated for the excess weight of the barbell by working the lower back muscles. Most likely, you leaned your body forward more than necessary. And from the bottom point they came out using the muscles of the back and only then the legs. Or you rounded your back at the lowest point. These are incorrect variations of squats and are dangerous for your joints and muscles. This is where you can break your back.

If you have muscle pain (you will understand when it is a joint and when it is a muscle), use warm baths and pain-relieving ointments. Follow the instructions included with the ointments. Ask someone to knead the sore muscle with their hands, it will hurt, but it is necessary! If the pain is not too severe, you can do a set of hyperextension as a warm-up to get the blood flowing in the aching muscle.

If the pain intensifies, and a bruise or yellowness has formed on the lower back, it is better to consult a traumatologist.

Usually the area that hurts is from the tailbone to the bottom of the chest.


For osteochondrosis, it is recommended to squat with light weights and strictly in a special belt. We recommend using an orthopedic belt with solid stiffeners instead of athletic belts. Your spine needs additional support.

You can find out which belt you need from a doctor at any ultrasound center in your city. At the same time, clarify the diagnosis.

If you have a sore lumbar region, you should especially not tilt or round your back while squatting. Be careful not to let the bar pull you forward. To do this, spread your legs wider. Remember the sumo deadlift? The wider the legs, the smaller the range of motion in the lower back. It's good for your back.

It is recommended to train with an empty barbell for the first time, honing your technique.

By the way, by improving your technique, you reduce to zero all the risks of aggravating the situation with your back.

With osteochondrosis, you may feel sharp pain during back exercises. More often, it happens that discomfort occurs the next day or within 12 hours after training. You cannot bend without pain, it is difficult for you to sit for a long time, because the pain intensifies.

What to do? While you have acute pain, avoid stress on your back. It is better not to go to the gym at all until the pain subsides. You need to see a neurologist, or visit an ultrasound center, where they will advise you on the right orthopedic belt. The latter will become your best friend for life.

Doctors may prescribe pain-relieving injections or special vitamins for the nervous system. Then, when the pain subsides, you can start training. And be careful - pay attention to any discomfort. And don’t listen to coaches who convince you to ignore all these precautions. They are not doctors and never have been. And, if anything happens, it will be your back that will hurt, not theirs.

Pinched nerve

It happens suddenly and instantly. You just did a normal rep. And then a sharp pain, and now you can barely walk. Sometimes pinching occurs at the bottom of the squat and you are unable to stand up. Well, if you worked at Smith, you can put the barbell on the nearest block. What about the barbell if you're not at Smith? And if there are no insurers?

Throw it back. If there are people behind you, warn them so that no one gets hurt. Then be guided by the circumstances.

If you cannot walk, or do it with difficulty, call emergency medical help directly to the gym.

Most often what happens is that the pain during exercise is not so severe that it prevents you from walking home. But in the evening or the next day it worsens so much that you cannot move. In this case, you also need to call for help. It is necessary for doctors to relieve pain and eliminate pain problems.

Why did this happen:

  • You had a hernia and it pinched a nerve.
  • You have rounded your back
  • You took on too much weight, causing your exercise technique to suffer.

There should be no self-medication here. Only qualified medical care.

Intervertebral hernia

If there is a hernia, we recommend that you examine it thoroughly. You need to know everything about it so that you can understand how to exercise in the gym. And is it possible to do this at all? We recommend that you consult a sports doctor.

During training, you need to monitor the dynamics of changes in the hernia. If it grows, under no circumstances should you squat.

If a person with a hernia experiences back pain from squats, you need to try different options: from losing weight to changing the variation of the exercise (maybe you should switch to a Smith machine).

Treatment is carried out according to indications. If you have found your individual way of squats, you have no pain - everything is fine, do it. Just check your hernia regularly for changes.


The cold may or may not be related to the gym.

Most often, in the gym, sweating, you can get caught in the cold air from the air conditioner. At risk are girls who like to expose their lower back.

Exposure of bare skin to cold can cause inflammation of the spinal nerves. It's very painful. Pain will appear within 12 hours of exposure to cold.

However, most often, pain after a cold has nothing to do with the gym; it is a consequence of a careless attitude towards your health.

Inflammation is treated on an outpatient basis, but sometimes you need to go to the hospital for a week for better treatment.

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