More than 20 examples for hot weight loss: supersets for all muscles of the body

The buttocks are considered the most attractive part of the body in women. Unfortunately, not all girls can boast of attractive, firm, beautiful buttocks. This also applies to female athletes. Among the fair sex who regularly train in the gym, only every third or fourth girl can boast of pumped up and developed gluteal muscles.

There are many reasons for this. The buttocks may be underdeveloped due to a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, as well as the lack of a proper training program. The buttock superset program for girls, designed specifically for pumping up the buttocks, the effectiveness of which is beyond any doubt, will help correct the situation.

To give the buttocks an ideal shape, it is necessary to pay increased attention to working out the back of the thigh. The latter plays an important role in the formation of attractive legs that evoke admiring glances from men.

Fitness. Supersets for legs for girls.

What is in training?

Let's figure out what this actually means. Supersets (super series) are one of the ways to create muscle stress, which is achieved by increasing the intensity of training and time under load. These are exercises for the whole body in a specific order. We want to especially draw attention to the fact that this is only one of the methods , and not everyone needs to use this method and not always.

Are supersets effective? Yes, they are effective! So, should you only use supersets? No ! In essence, this method of training is a combination of two or more exercises in one approach. In practice, 2 exercises are most often used: you perform a specified number of repetitions of one exercise, and then, without rest, another certain number of repetitions of another exercise.

Schematically it looks like this:

  • Set of exercise #1 - Set of exercise #2 - Rest - Set of exercise #1 - Set of exercise #2 - Rest.
  • There is also an option with rest between exercises, when you perform one exercise, rest, and then do the following:

  • Set of exercise #1 - Rest - Set of exercise #2 - Rest - Set of exercise #1 - Rest - Set of exercise #2 - Rest.

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Why supersets are needed: mass, relief, endurance

Supersets are used to solve various training problems:

  1. Increased muscle mass

Here they act as a new stress for muscles that no longer respond to regular training.

The usual duration of such a load is 3-4 weeks.

  1. Relief exercises

The essence of such training is maximum energy expenditure in a minimum amount of time. And supersets are ideal for these parameters.

  1. Development of functionality

By using high repetitions per set, you develop muscle endurance. Thus, your overall physical performance will increase significantly.


Supersets are very often (very noticeably in the gyms) confused with complex/combined sets, especially in the context of the buttocks. Supersets antagonist muscles , and combination sets are performed on the same muscle .

What a hall there is - go online. Most articles describe complex sets, but call them supersets: that’s understandable, there are an order of magnitude more requests for supersets! In fact, complex sets are such a convenient way of pumping . Read more about this in the article Full and partial amplitude. Work within the amplitude. Pumping

Despite the erroneous beliefs of many, the effect of combination sets is much greater than that of supersets . However, it is important to remember that such sets are extremely difficult and intense. Try working with your usual weights, and you will feel that they clearly need to be reduced. Complex sets turn even light weights into heavy weights.

Complex sets are a great way to increase intensity, but are only suitable for experienced ones . And you shouldn’t use this technique in every workout, otherwise you’ll get overtrained.

Combined sets are performed as follows: first come exercises that use multi-joint movements - basic , and only then those that work one joint - isolation .

Here are examples of such combined sets:

For girls and women

For legs and buttocks

To train your legs and buttocks in the gym or at home, it is better to choose the following supersets (which, according to the rules, are actually called combined):

  1. The ideal squat for the buttocks and elastic butt + Reduction+breeding of the legs in the simulator
  2. Glute bridge + Romanian single leg deadlift with barbell or dumbbells
  3. deadlift + barbell bending

Hamstrings : lying leg curls + standing single leg curls.

Quadriceps : narrow leg press + lunges with dumbbells .

Shin : standing calf raise + sitting calf raise.

For back, chest and shoulders


  1. pull-ups behind the head with a wide grip + pull-downs behind the head with a wide grip,
  2. Bent-over barbell row with a wide grip + seated row with a wide grip,
  3. sitting block row to the belt with a narrow grip + deadlift ,
  4. deadlift + hyperextension .

Front delts: barbell row to the chin + lifting dumbbells in front of you.

Pectorals + middle deltoids: barbell press + dumbbell lateral raises .

Rear delts: bent over dumbbell flyes + dumbbell flyes lying face down on a bench.

For arms - biceps and triceps

Biceps : standing biceps curl + concentrated biceps curl.

Triceps : French bench press + block down press.

For the press

  1. “Upper press”: incline sit-ups + crunches,
  2. Lower press ”: hanging leg raises + reverse crunches,
  3. sitting torso turns + standing torso turns. These abdominal exercises can be performed at home,
  4. serratus and intercostal muscles: crunches on a block + hanging leg raises with rotation.

Analysis of the most effective abdominal exercises

For men

We want to surprise both the weak and strong half of humanity: the above-described exercise options and training programs for the back, legs, shoulders, chest, and abs are suitable for both men and women. All exercises are universally unisex, so do them with confidence. All prohibitions are only in our heads.


These are diametrically opposed movements that must be taken into account when creating your training program.

Sometimes this order is changed - first single-joint movements, and then multi-joint ones. This technique helps to pre-fatigue the muscle before starting the main work (used to “punch” the muscle - “Concentration in training: shake your butt with your head” ). In this case, the muscle will more acutely perceive the training load in subsequent multi-joint exercises.

Here is an example of such a combined set: Gluteal swings + Leg press in the simulator

Back exercises

Training your back muscles is necessary for beautiful posture. For girls, it is also necessary to put stress on the upper body. In addition to posture, training the back muscles allows you to work out and make your waistline more expressive. Supersets for girls on the back allow you to make your muscles more prominent. Don't worry that your muscles will suddenly grow and your back will look like a pile of muscles. Even regularly performing sets on legs and buttocks for girls does not give a big increase in muscle mass. Not to mention the back. This depends largely on nutrition and the amount of testosterone in the body. It is much easier for men to build muscle than for the fair half of humanity.

How to do it correctly?

As mentioned above, supersets are needed to train antagonist muscles. Antagonists are muscle groups that create opposite effects in relation to each other, that is, flexor muscles and extensor muscles of the joints. For example, quadriceps + hamstrings, pectoral + latissimus dorsi, biceps + triceps, anterior + posterior deltoids.

By the way, there is a common myth that you should not train the top and bottom on the same day, they say, “there won’t be enough blood.” This, of course, is nonsense: Training program in the gym: is it possible to train arms and legs in one day? .

How to do superset workouts? Muscle failure in both complex and supersets must be achieved only in the last approach . It is most effective to use supersets to train small muscle groups, such as the arms and shoulders. If you train large muscle groups with supersets, then it is better to use isolation exercises. The fact is that a lot of energy is spent on basic exercises for large muscle groups, in addition, since many different muscles are involved in basic exercises, some of them will be stressed in both exercises, and this will limit your capabilities.

Perform the exercise on the lagging muscle group first in the superset in order to load it more efficiently.

Ab superset

The abdominal muscles need proper load just as much as the legs and arms. An excellent superset option for these muscles would be to alternate between hanging leg raises and hyperextensions. Performing these exercises strengthens the muscles of the so-called core. This word comes to us from the English language and means middle. In terms of physical activity, the core muscles mean the muscles in the middle of the body. First of all, these are the abdominal and lower back muscles. These also include the gluteal muscles and back extensors. Some trainers also include the hamstrings. But this is a controversial issue. The core muscles support the spine, internal abdominal organs, and pelvic organs. Strengthening these muscles is especially important for women. The reproductive system is very closely connected to the core muscles. Performing such a superset of fifteen repetitions in four sets helps to achieve the coveted abs on the stomach. But this is only possible with a low percentage of body fat.

Weight Loss Benefits

The advantage is that the muscles relax not only directly during rest, but also when you train antagonist muscles. Those. you can get a lot of work done in a workout, which means you can burn more calories and lose weight faster! It is precisely because basic exercises do not allow muscles to recover effectively while training the antagonist muscle that they are not recommended for use as exercises for supersets.

But contrary to popular opinion, for effective muscle growth, they do NOT need to be shocked and surprised: How often do you need to change your training program or why muscles do NOT need to be surprised . So if you're using supersets to surprise your muscles, don't

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