Shaping the body: special exercises for girls

For parents, their children are the most beautiful, but only a few achieve success and become world famous. Is this injustice or just children and their parents being in the right place at the right time? After all, in fact, there are a lot of beautiful children, but only a few become famous. And what is youthful beauty anyway? Firstly, it is expressed in the mirror purity of a child’s soul; all the sincerity emanating from a young person is his beauty. Secondly, beauty is expressed in spontaneity and the ability to enjoy little things. Only the eyes of a young man can shine so sincerely with the delight of the world around him!

Let's take a look together at the top 10 most beautiful girls in the world aged 13, 14, 15: ranking of the cutest children from different countries. Are they deservedly included in this list and do they have the qualities described above?

Hayley Vasquez

It's hard not to pay attention to the pretty girl with curly hair and brown eyes.

For the first time, her photographs appeared on the Internet when Hayley still understood little - at that time she was only three years old. Since then, the number of her followers on Instagram has gradually grown. Parents posted photos of their daughter in stylish looks, and the baby was often called a miniature copy of Beyoncé.

Internet fame sometimes helps you achieve your goals and even make your wishes come true! Thanks to her fame, Hayley Vasquez somehow got the opportunity to walk the red carpet at Fashion Week, which took place in New York. The girl is passionate about the world of fashion, loves to dress up, but she is not spoiled.

How to take care of yourself for teenage girls: simple tips

We really hope that your mothers told you how individual and beautiful you are, and taught you to love yourself. As well as the fact that true beauty is not in long legs or breasts like Alenka from 6-A. And inside your beautiful and smart heads and kind hearts, a kind attitude towards others, a positive attitude, good manners and much more that is not particularly related to appearance.

If you don’t believe me, look at how beauty standards have changed over time and how diverse the beauties representing Hollywood are today. And all the beauties in this world have one secret - they simply radiate self-confidence and know how to turn all their shortcomings into advantages.

Of course, when your body changes from day to day, it is very difficult to remain unshakable and confident in your attractiveness. It is to help you always feel 100% that we have prepared this article. We hope that after reading it you will love yourself (if you haven’t already) and will enjoy every new day in this difficult period of your life.


  1. Style. Of course, the first thing others pay attention to is clothing. In the first 30 seconds of eye contact, your clothes and hairstyle tell the story of who you are. Only then – these are voice intonations, gestures, facial expressions and more.

The first very important piece of advice is to learn from your mother how to iron and take care of your clothes. Whatever the cost of your clothes, wrinkled fabric will look sloppy and ugly, and at this age your mother does not always have time to iron what you want to wear.

  • Secondly , pay attention to how your favorite actresses dress, buy yourself fashion magazines and try to absorb the style. Determine your body type and your color type - this is very important for creating your own style. A style book with pictures would be an excellent help (it’s clearer this way), for example, Gossip Girl stylist Eric Daman has a super book. It's called You Know You Want It: Style-Inspiration-Confidence. He, as well as Patricia Field (stylist of the cult series Sex and the City), have a simply excellent ability to create mischievous and unforgettable images that will always be in trend.
  • If you are not yet confident in your abilities as a stylist, choose someone whose style appeals to you and try to copy this personality. And always remember, style is a kind of game that should be, above all, fun to play. Even if you have to wear the same school uniform as everyone else, experiment with the length of the skirt, roll up the sleeves of your jacket, fasten the buttons in an unusual way, and decorate yourself with a bright scarf or brooch.
  • Third , style is also makeup. At this age, your main decoration is tender youth . Of course, we do not recommend going outside without covering up that same pimple that appeared at the wrong time. To cope with it, experiment with means. Talk to your mother or a cosmetics salesperson at the store - they will help you choose a product that will ideally suit your skin tone. You can choose foundation or concealer. The main thing is to apply exactly as much as needed.

Style is important

  • After all, on the one hand, proper makeup is the effect of smooth skin, without rashes and other troubles, and on the other hand, excess foundation on the face looks very ugly and cheap. Nowadays there are a lot of beauty bloggers who make videos on how to properly apply foundation, mascara and create a certain look using makeup. You can choose a girl with a similar color type and follow her advice.
  • The main recommendations for teenage girls come down to the fact that you should choose the most natural tones and shades that will not drown out the natural beauty, but will help emphasize it. The first set of decorative cosmetics must include mascara, light lip gloss and a concealer of your choice.
  • Hairstyle . To begin with, I must say that changes in your body are not a reason to cut your hair, dye your hair green, or grow your hair long and not wash it for a year. It is very important to adequately assess the changes that are happening to you and not go to extremes. Try to choose a haircut that will help hide imperfections, and which will also give you the opportunity to style it in different ways so that you don’t get bored with the monotonous look. Most likely, there is something you don’t like about your appearance right now—your nose seems big or your ears stick out—look for information on how this can be corrected with a haircut or makeup.

It is important to choose an image

  • Aroma. One of the most pleasant moments of growing up is, of course, choosing eau de toilette for yourself. Advice for girls and teenage girls: go to a cosmetics store and ask the consultant to tell you about the fragrances and let you smell them. It is important to remember that even if you really like a particular scent, your scent is one that in a minute you will no longer feel on yourself if you do not touch the point of application. Also, you don’t need to pour half the bottle on yourself at once. This is bad form. You need to apply the fragrance onto clean skin little by little onto special pulsation points - the bend of your arms, behind your ears, into the hollow of your chest, your temples. Some people recommend spraying the scent into the air and stepping into it.
  1. Your body. The most volatile part right now is your body, which is preparing for a magical transformation. Hormonal changes that occur in you can lead to excess weight and increased appetite. How to remain attractive in such a difficult moment?
  2. Firstly, all doctors and nutritionists unanimously insist that you are strictly forbidden to go on any of the “adult” diets - after all, you are going through a period when your body is actively growing and developing and you need all the nutritional components in order to so that it forms correctly. At the same time, they all agree that it is necessary to control appetite. What to do? Avoid sugar in the drinks you like - the taste of tea without sugar is much nicer and brighter, just like coffee.
  3. Review your diet - don’t eat fast food, cola (it has too much sugar and if you don’t want to give it up, you should be sure that this sugar will go away with exercise), it’s better to put a lot of porridge or potatoes on your plate instead vegetables. At this time, be more conscious about what you consume and in what quantities. In addition to maintaining your figure, eating smarter will give you another bonus - clearer skin. It is a well-known fact that everything you eat is reflected on your face. Also, you should not eat 2 hours before bedtime. Give your stomach a rest at night.

Watch your diet to be slim and beautiful
Of course, not only control over your diet will help you maintain your figure. You definitely need a new sports hobby. This could be a swimming pool or a volleyball section at school. The main thing is to exercise several times a week. You may not become a great swimmer, but you will notice the benefits in the form of a good figure, willpower, self-confidence and just a lot of new friends.

In addition to a proper diet and sports, your body now requires especially careful care - your health, appearance for years and, of course, self-confidence depend on it. You should take a shower in the morning and evening. Rub yourself thoroughly with a washcloth in the shower - this will get blood flowing and help prevent the appearance of stretch marks or cellulite. Stock up on a good moisturizing body cream or natural oil and apply to the cut after a shower.

Take care of yourself

Important advice for girls and teenagers aged 10-16 : never share a washcloth, towel, comb or toothbrush with anyone, even in your family or with your best friend at camp. All hygiene items are intended strictly for individual use.

Choose a deodorant or antiperspirant that will suit you and protect you in any situation. It is desirable that it is odorless and does not interrupt the aroma of eau de toilette. Pamper yourself with baths with additives - foam, salt or herbs will help you relax and calm down, and also give you a sound sleep. After taking a bath and shower, do not forget to pamper your hands and feet with cream - rub it in until completely absorbed.

Exfoliate once a week - first soften the skin a little in a warm bath, and then remove dead skin cells by massaging the skin with coffee grounds or another suitable product.

  1. Your face. One of the most important issues in self-care is facial care. If you are under 12 years old, you just need to wash your face in the morning, using alternately warm and cold water. This stimulates skin cells to renew themselves more actively and your face will glow. From the age of 12 there is already a need to choose a nourishing face cream. Choose the most natural products possible or ask your mother to choose one for you. Apply the cream immediately after washing your face in the morning. At night, just wash your face and let your skin rest. You must apply the cream at night from the age of 16.

If you have problem skin (or you think so), ask your mother for advice or ask her to take you to a cosmetologist. Using tests, he will determine your skin type and help you choose effective facial care products. You should not rely on advertising or advice from girlfriends and buy any product in the supermarket. This remedy may be suitable for a friend, but harmful to you.

Take care of your face

  • You can make yourself masks from grated fruits or vegetables - they soften and cleanse the skin. Unwanted hairs (if any suddenly appear) should be removed only with a wax strip. If you try to shave or cut them, they will turn into stubble. If you notice a hair that has grown in a mole, it is dangerous to remove it.
  • When it’s frosty outside, you need to wash your face and apply cream an hour before going out.
  • If acne appears on your skin, don’t be upset right away, this is normal at your age, and all your girlfriends will have them sooner or later or have already appeared.
  • Firstly, do not touch them with your hands throughout the day, do not try to squeeze them out (you can get an infection, and the scar after the pimple will remain for a long time) and wash your hands more often.
  • Secondly, it is important to reconsider your diet. Avoid fatty and spicy foods, fast food and chips. Eat more fruits and vegetables, include nuts, kefir and juices in your diet. Don't forget to wash your face and remove your makeup at night. Buy a clay mask at the pharmacy and make it according to the instructions - it is very effective in fighting pimples. And most importantly, avoid frustration and stressful situations and tune in to the good.
  • Among the cosmetics that you can use now are a cleansing lotion, a toner, and a light facial scrub.

When going out, don’t forget to put napkins with a mattifying effect in your purse - a shiny face will definitely not add to your confidence in your irresistibility. That's probably all the advice on facial care for a teenage girl.

  1. Your hands. Basic advice for girls and teenagers aged 10-16 years : train yourself to keep your hands in order - they are the first sign of a well-groomed girl. Trim your nails and trim your cuticles carefully. You can cover your nails with a special oil, or you can use a colorless varnish. Do not forget to apply cream to your hands every day, especially in the cold season, and also protect them with warm gloves on the street and rubber gloves when in contact with household chemicals at home.

Don't forget about your hands
From the age of ten you can already start doing manicures. You can start with the classic one. If you have the opportunity, it is better to contact a specialist and have it done in a salon. Be sure to find out how the master disinfects the instrument, and whether he does a “baby manicure” before sitting down at the table. If this is not possible, contact your mother with a request to purchase a manicure set and search the Internet for a video about how to properly do a manicure and care for your nails. Or let your mom do your manicure herself.

  1. Your hair. Hair is the most important part of the image of a woman and girl. They must be clean and look well-groomed. While you are still young, you just need to use regular shampoo with a pleasant aroma. If your hair gets tangled, you can choose 2in1 shampoo. Up to 14 years of age, these should be children's shampoos with a minimum amount of parabens and other harmful ingredients.

Depending on the length of your hair and skin type, you need to wash your hair every two to three days. If your hair has already been dyed, you can use your mother's shampoo or choose a special one for your hair. If necessary, after you have washed your hair with shampoo, apply conditioner or conditioner. After washing, wait 20 minutes and then comb your hair.

Hair care

You cannot comb completely wet hair - it will be damaged. If your hair is long, braid it at night, this way you can protect it from damage and it will be easier for you to comb it in the morning.

Don't forget to monitor the condition of your ends and go to the hairdresser on time. Hair looks ugly and not well-groomed with split ends.

  1. Your intimate hygiene. Now your body is changing and preparing to enter adulthood. This period is easier for boys, but for us girls it is much more difficult. The first thing that is very important is not to be shy about the changes that occur. Already at the age of 10-11 years you will experience your first period. This is a sign that you have become an adult.

Advice for girls and teenagers: It is important not to be scared and to be prepared. First, consult with your mother and buy yourself period pads and daily pads. Daily ones will help you feel fresh throughout the month, not just on “special” days.

It is important to get yourself a calendar and mark the dates when you had these “special” days - this will help your doctor in the future determine the state of women’s health. If the discharge is very heavy or painful, do not be alarmed. The process will soon return to normal. But if this does not happen, and you cannot live your normal life because of pain, contact your doctor and he will prescribe a pain reliever.

Menstruation begins

Try to walk more these days, not overexert yourself physically and relax more - your favorite music, relaxation. If you play sports, do not hesitate to tell your coach that you are having your period. You shouldn't skip workouts, but this will give the coach the opportunity to dose the load for you. You don’t need to be like everyone else - take care of your health.

Be sure to put a few daytime pads and a couple of special pads in your purse and always carry them with you - at the very beginning, your period may come unexpectedly, and it is better if you are prepared. And perhaps in this way you will help a girl with whom you could not establish contact in class or your friend - such help will greatly unite.

The main thing in self-care is to make it a habit. Then, even in the most difficult moments in life, you will feel 100% and take care of yourself with ease.

Lily Chi

Lily Chi is a beautiful girl with an oriental appearance. In her “pocket” are contracts with famous brands: Nike and Levi's.

Lily’s parents put all the money they earn into a special account, which the girl can use when she reaches the age of 18.

Lily's modeling career began unexpectedly for her and her parents - she went with her dad to a store, where a modeling agent noticed her. Since then, she has had numerous modeling contracts, as well as filming in one of the most popular Marvel series, where she played Elektra.

Rules for a well-groomed teenage girl aged 13-15

To be a beautiful girl at 13-15 years old is to be able to take care of yourself, know your strengths and be able to deal with your shortcomings.

The following rules will help with this:

  • Maintain hygiene . It is important to shower regularly, use a razor and deodorant. Don't forget to wash your hair on time.
  • Take care of your hair . A mask, balm, conditioner and the right shampoo are the friends of a girl who takes care of herself. Luxurious and shiny hair is beautiful, and proper styling will complement the look and make it more attractive and tidy.
  • Do manicures and pedicures on time . Neatly filed nails and well-groomed cuticles are very commendable. In everyday life, people constantly interact with their hands, so let this part of the body be “in shape.”
  • Beautiful eyebrows. Under no circumstances should you pluck or paint them too brightly. Enough to finish drawing a couple of hairs, carefully pluck out the excess ones, and style them with gel.

  • Look after your body . Exercising helps you stay in shape and correct problem areas: buttocks, abs. Regular exercise also improves self-discipline and health. This also includes proper nutrition: chips, cola, and French fries are not the best food for the body; you need to limit the amount of it or completely eliminate it from the diet.

Elizabeth Highley

Elizabeth Highley was previously compared to another (most beautiful) girl - Kristina Pimenova. Outwardly they were similar and girls were almost the same age.

One day her mother spoke about this: “I noticed how much my daughter looks like Christina. And I realized that it was in vain to dissuade Elizabeth from the idea of ​​​​becoming a model, telling her that she was still small.”

Anne-Marie Ashcroft decided that her daughter could also find herself in the modeling business and achieve great success.

Now the girl doesn’t look so much like Christina, but that doesn’t change the fact that she’s a real beauty!

Elizabeth dreams of becoming an anesthesiologist, speaks two languages: French, English, and enjoys ballet.

Beauty secrets for a 9 year old girl at home

At this age, all girls look like princesses. Delicate skin and natural complexions do not yet need bright cosmetics. You can start learning beauty techniques and follow a few rules:

  • Rinse washed hair with chamomile decoction. This will give your hair softness, silkiness and shine.
  • Wash with a decoction of herbs (calendula, chamomile, nettle). The skin will become especially radiant and soft.
  • Apply natural cream to cleanly washed hands daily.
  • Sometimes lubricate your face with sour cream. And in the summer - strawberries or apricots. Wash off after 15 minutes.

What about cosmetics?

At 9 years old I really want to try to be an adult.

Mom's remedies are no good. But there is a good idea - to slightly tint your lips, and at the same time give them a well-groomed look.

To do this, you can use hygienic lipstick with a pinkish tint. Lips will become brighter and will not crack.

Anastasia Averbukh

Anastasia Averbukh is the daughter of Russian and Israeli track and field athlete Alexander Averbukh. Anastasia received the title of the most beautiful girl in Israel, where she lives with her parents, and as she grows up, she becomes more and more beautiful.

Anastasia not only has a beautiful face, but also lush, chic blonde hair! As you know, many parents who have beautiful children try to benefit from this by attracting them to the modeling business, but Nastya’s parents don’t even think about putting her in modeling shackles.

The girl takes part in rare photo shoots, but for her and her parents this is more entertainment than a purpose in life. Nastya also practices ballroom dancing and does well at school.


The most common representatives are those with a thin build. They differ from other types of long limbs, thinness of the skeleton and less muscle and fat mass (in this case there is practically no fat at all). Such people are distinguished by light weight, as well as a constant presence of energy. Tendency to mobility and playfulness. Gaining fat is not easy. Metabolism in this type occurs much faster than in the other two, so energy does not stay in the body for a long time. The main characteristics of the type: narrow hips and thin waist.

Anastasia Bezrukova

Many are mistaken in considering Anastasia Bezrukova to be a relative of Sergei Bezrukov - they are simply namesakes. But, ironically, the girl starred in the film “Milky Way,” where his daughter played.

Anastasia has been in the modeling business like a fish in water since she was 8 years old. Along with Kristina Pimenova, she became the first Russian model to appear for Vogue Bambini.

The girl has already managed to appear in advertising campaigns for such brands as Pinko, Armani, Liu Jo, Benetton, Moschino.

Jade Weber

Not much is known about the model, but we were able to find something. Jade Weber is a model with blonde hair and blue-gray eyes. Her family has French roots. Outwardly, Jade resembles model Thylane Blondeau.

The girl lives in Los Angeles and has been involved in choreography since early childhood. Jade has worked with brands such as LA Models, Forever 21, Abercrombie and Fitch, H&M, Someday by Petite Adele, etc.

She also took part in the filming of music videos.

How does body type relate to health risks?

WHR is most often used to determine degrees of obesity. WHO sets the following parameters:

  • WHR>0.9 for men;
  • WHR>0.85 for women.

Both indicators correspond to a body mass index (BMI) above 30, which indicates increased risks for a range of diseases from coronary heart disease and hypertension to diabetes and some types of cancer.

However, the waist ratio was more effective in determining risks in older people (over 75 years of age). WHR was also more useful in predicting cardiovascular disease.

WHO specialists also found that abdominal (abdominal) fat, typical for people with an “apple” figure, is more dangerous to health than peripheral fat. The higher the WHR, the worse.

Waist-to-hip ratio also correlates with fertility, with different values ​​being optimal for women and men. With WHR>0.8, women's chances of becoming pregnant are significantly worse. At the same time, WHR>0.9 in men has practically no effect on their reproductive qualities.

Lee, JY, Istook, CL, Nam, YJ, and Park, SM, “Comparison of body shape between USA and Korean women,” International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, Vol.19, No.5, 2007, pp. 374-391.

Yusuf S, Hawken S, Ounpuu S, Bautista L, Franzosi MG, Commerford P, Lang CC, Rumboldt Z, Onen CL, Lisheng L, Tanomsup S, Wangai P, Razak F, Sharma AM, Anand SS (November 2005). “Obesity and the risk of myocardial infarction in 27,000 participants from 52 countries: a case-control study.” Lancet. 366 (9497): 1640-9.

Lania Grace

A girl with interesting eyes, Lania Grace, has been basking in the rays of fame since an early age. Lania's debut took place when she was only three years old - modeling agencies immediately liked her external appearance. Her mother brought her to the set, where the girl made a good impression.

From the age of three she began acting in advertising, and one day her dad took a picture of her against the backdrop of the sea and decided to send the pictures to the largest agency. The answer came quite quickly, all that remained was to sign a filming contract for serious companies.

Lania Grace is of Filipino and Spanish heritage and has expressive, green eyes and dark skin. He enjoys surfing and playing the violin.

The difference between hormonal adipose tissue and “calorie” fat

There is fat that men and women “fill up” and gain extra calories. This type of fat is called “calorie fat”. Hormonal adipose tissue is not extra calories, but a necessary part of the body of a mature woman. This is her individual feminine appearance.

Some people get an ideal, harmonious appearance, while others grow “pop ears” and “breeches” on their hips. And a woman will have to live with this gift of nature all her life. Unlike “calorie” fat, which can be lost at our will (workouts, diets, cosmetic procedures), the body will not get rid of hormonal fat tissue.

“Calorie-dense” fat is also called “liquid” fat because fat cells have liquid contents. They participate in the body's metabolic process and react sensitively to it. The more we eat, the more our cells fill up, our weight increases, and we get fatter. And if we eat less, move more, or activate our metabolism, the fat leaves the cells and we lose weight.

Not so with hormonal adipose tissue. It is deposited once, and over time it grows with connective tissue, cords and fibers. As a result, the adipose tissue turns into a dense lump. It does not participate in the body's metabolic processes, so it is impossible to get rid of tissue through diets or exercise. Hormonal fatty tissue can only be removed. What is the best way to do this, read here.

Kristina Pimenova

Russian model Kristina embodies a certain type of beauty: long blonde hair, a pointed chin and an oval face, a straight, neat nose, beautiful lips and large, blue, sparkling eyes.

Her modeling career began on the initiative of her mother - Glikeria sent a photo of her daughter to the President Kids agency. And since then, the girl has signed contracts with model houses.

It is also known that as a child, Kristina Pimenova did rhythmic gymnastics and won prizes in competitions.

According to Christina’s mother, Glikeria, initially her daughter liked the filming process, and she perceived it as a kind of game, and, despite being overworked, the girl happily posed for long hours in front of the camera. In addition, the girl tried herself as an actress, she starred in the film “Russian Bride”.

Periods of accelerated, intensive growth of a teenager

At the time of puberty, adolescents experience a noticeable increase in body length and weight. For girls, the “pubertal leap” occurs at 11-12 years old, the increase is 7-9 cm per year. Starting from the age of 13, the rate decreases.

For boys, the stage of accelerated maturation begins later, at 14-15 years old. The slowdown of the process occurs at 19-22 years.

Girls 12-14 years old are superior to their peers. But by the age of 15, boys “stretch out” and catch up with their classmates in all respects.

The period of intensive development is marked by a number of signs:

  • the figure looks awkward;
  • the spine is slightly behind the body;
  • arms and legs are disproportionately long and thin;
  • thin build;
  • there is a certain clumsiness.

A uniform rate of physiological changes implies a gradual increase in parameters over one to two years. In another case, the increase occurs in a sharp jump over a couple of months.

Susanna Molchanova

Susanna Molchanova conquered the world at the age of 10. Blonde soft hair, gray-blue eyes, willingness to pose for the camera - what else is needed for a quality photo shoot?

The girl treats her work like an adult. She has dozens of photo shoots under her belt, participating in shows such as Fashion Week Russia, NATA for TSUM and Mercedes-Benz.

Susanna loves listening to music, but she also plays the piano. As a child, she did rhythmic gymnastics, took acting classes, and performed in all school productions.

In the future, Susanna plans to become a journalist. Her idol: Cara Delevingne, whom she appreciates for her beauty, cheerful disposition and sincerity.

Required Skills

Model parameters for girls are considered, although the main, but not the determining factor necessary to get a dream job. In addition to the correct height, body size and appearance, the future star of the fashion industry must have a number of skills that a modeling school or agency will allow her to learn.

Here teachers teach girls:

  • makeup basics;
  • the ability to present oneself and maintain correct posture;
  • fashion show basics;
  • acting;
  • rules of nutrition and self-care.

In addition to these skills, the aspiring model must be charismatic, sociable, purposeful and hardworking, which will allow her to easily find a language with any customer.
Of great importance for the model is knowledge of languages ​​necessary when working abroad , where not only perfect knowledge of English, but also French and Italian is welcome.

Since the work of a professional model is associated with designers, advertising agents and editors of fashion magazines, a competitive girl needs to learn the main rule “The customer is always right.”

The world of the fashion industry requires from professional models not only organization, but also complete submission, so a girl must be ready not only to instantly rush to another country, but also to work in any climatic and weather conditions.

Typically, filming takes from 13 to 15 hours and the girl does not have the right to cancel it at her own request , due to fatigue or poor health. Only famous top models can set their own demands and argue with designers; for everyone else, such behavior invariably becomes the beginning of the end of their career.

Alisa Samsonova

Alisa Samsonova is a young model from Krasnoyarsk. The girl rarely attends school, and she has a reason for this - the fact is that she has been a sought-after model in the West for several years.

Today, Alisa’s portfolio includes hundreds of photo shoots for different brands. Samsonova starred for Mischka Aoki, Liu Jo, Monnalisa, Armani Junior.

According to Bright Side, Alice was included in the ranking of the most beautiful child models in the whole world. The girl has an impressive appearance that leaves few people indifferent: she has long blond hair and bottomless gray-blue eyes.

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Weight and height standards for teenagers

Each child develops differently. You can independently monitor fluctuations in proportions in adolescents using specially developed and established standards.

Tables of height and weight ratios for adolescents represent average values ​​that describe general boundaries and do not exclude individual aspects:

  • the specifics of pregnancy by a woman;
  • difficult birth of the mother;
  • hereditary factors;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • unfavorable psychological climate in the family.

Normal height and weight for boys

Table No. 1 Growth indicators for boys 12-14 years old (indicated in cm)

Growth criteriaAge (years)
Very lowLess than 136Up to 141Up to 148
Below the average140-143145-149152-156
Above average154-159160-166167-172
Very tallAbove 163From 170More than 176

Table No. 2 Weight indicators for boys 12-14 years old (indicated in kg)

Weight criteriaAge (years)
Very lowLess than 28Up to 30Up to 34
Below the average30-3433-3838-42
Above average45-5050-5656-63
Very tallMore than 58More than 66More than 73

Normal height and weight for girls

Table No. 3 Growth indicators for girls 12-14 years old (indicated in cm)

Growth criteriaAge (years)
Very lowLess than 137Up to 143Up to 147
Below the average142-145148-151152-155
Above average154-159159-163163-167
Very tallAbove 163From 168More than 171

Table No. 4 Weight indicators for girls 12-14 years old (indicated in kg)

Weight criteriaAge (years)
Very lowLess than 27Up to 32Up to 37
Below the average31-3638-4343-48
Above average45-5152-5958-64
Very tallMore than 63More than 63More than 72

Be sure to read: How many calories are burned when walking and running: calorie burning rate per day without exercise

Height and weight ratio tables for teenage children

The figures offered in the tables are calculated based on average anthropometric values ​​inherent in a particular age.

Table No. 5 Selected ratio of height and weight of boys 12-14 years old

PeriodOptimal performance
Height (cm)Body weight(kg)Height (cm)Body weight(kg)Height (cm)Body weight(kg)

Table No. 6 Selected ratio of height and weight of girls 12-14 years old

PeriodOptimal performance
Height (cm)Body weight(kg)Height (cm)Body weight(kg)Height (cm)Body weight(kg)

During a period of rapid development, inconsistencies in ratios may occur for natural reasons.

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