Plausible excuses for training. How to get out of training?

  • August 27, 2018
  • Motivation
  • Slnko Jar

The quality of our life depends on our state of health. It's no secret that in order to feel great every day, you need to move. But, alas, sometimes you don’t want to do anything. The only desire is for the cozy embrace of a blanket. However, no one canceled the training.

Let's think together about how to give yourself a day of relaxation without training, and come up with harmful tips on this matter. Absolutely, these excuses from training to the coach will help you at the right time.


Remember school, when in the cold winter you were forced to go to class every day. Terrible, isn't it? But we found a way out and pretended that we felt very, very bad. Why not repeat this experience in adulthood.

A great excuse for training is faking illness. Call the coach and tell him that you feel terribly bad: your head hurts, your bones are aching. You may remember a sudden stomach ache. And the mentor will have no choice but to free you from physical activity for a few days.

You've overtrained

Yesterday you broke your record for the number of squats, and today it takes 15 minutes to climb to the second floor. Contrary to popular belief, muscle pain after a workout is not a sign of its quality. This only means that you have exceeded the load that is adequate for yourself and now the muscles need to recover. Pain is the result of microtrauma of the muscle fiber, which leads to tissue inflammation.

Ivan Krasavin

personal trainer, World Class

- In this case, it is best to give the muscles a light load. This could be cardio, massage, visiting a sauna. It is necessary for blood to flow to the working muscles. The better the blood flow, the faster natural recovery occurs.


It's terrible, but you washed all your sports clothes in a new washing machine. Unfortunately, the modes in it have not yet succumbed to you, so the uniform fell victim to the high temperature. Alas, you can’t wear clothes two sizes smaller, and the psychological trauma from losing such expensive things will not allow you to burn calories during training.

Damaged clothes are quite suitable as an excuse not to go to training. But still, be vigilant and control the washing machine mode when washing things so that the imaginary reason does not become real.

What can be done to bring the perpetrators to justice?

After collecting the documents listed above, it is recommended to adhere to the following algorithm:

1. Contact a lawyer to get a legal assessment of the situation.

2. Before going to court, file a claim against the educational institution or parents of the child who caused the harm for compensation for material damage and moral harm on a voluntary basis.

3. Go to court if the school refuses to comply with your demands.

The statement of claim is submitted to the magistrate if, simultaneously with a claim of a property nature in the amount of no more than 50,000 rubles, a derivative claim for compensation for moral damage is filed; to the district court - in other cases, including if the claim also contains other demands that are not subject to evaluation (for example, to refute information discrediting the honor and dignity of a citizen).

As a general rule, the statement of claim is sent to the court at the location or place of residence of the defendant - the school or parents of the child who caused the harm. But another jurisdiction is possible at the choice of the plaintiff. So, you can apply to the court at your place of residence to claim compensation for moral damage.


Tell your coach a similar story: “While riding on the bus, there was a suspicious man standing next to me, not attracting any attention to himself. When he came out, there were no signs of trouble. But later it became clear that the man was a thief and took the wallet out of the bag.”

Unfortunately, now you will not be able to appear at the training session, because it is necessary to restore the imaginary cards that were in the wallet. This will take at least two days.

Create an idol

Often children do not fully understand the meaning of attending training. Yes, it seems that parents say that this is useful, and “your legs won’t hurt in old age”, and “this is important for health” - but what child cares about health and old age? You can also have fun and spend time with interest at the computer. Why go somewhere?

In this case, idols often help. For example, if your child plays tennis, take him to a tennis tournament and start watching tennis matches. A very good motivator will be unusual and interesting facts about tennis that you will sometimes tell your child. For example: “One tennis player hit the ball so hard with his racket that he tore the net.”

Such examples are almost identical to what would happen if a child were reading the Labors of Hercules. Such books are very interesting for any child, and by projecting such feats onto the sport in which he plays, you thereby turn sports from a boring activity into something where miracles sometimes happen, and where your child can also become the person about whom they will write in the future legends.

It’s great if a child suddenly likes an athlete. In this case, give your child a poster with this athlete and let him hang it on his wall at home. Attend tournaments with his participation, watch television broadcasts. Idols are very useful in terms of the desire to attend training - the child will want to become like his favorite athlete.

Business trip

The boss decided to please you and send you on a business trip to the Alps. You deserve it and, of course, do not refuse such a tempting offer. Call your coach and tell him this good news. He is also a human being, so he will be happy to let you go.

Don't forget to promise your mentor that you will study without him. He will probably be pleased to hear about your desire for an ideal body.

You missed a workout: 10 standard excuses

Were you too busy? Or are you too tired? Find it difficult to answer? Can you imagine how many similar reasons there are for coaches and instructors? Moreover, this is what adults say. We've collected 10 of the most common excuses and offered an alternative solution for each of them.

"I'm too tired after work"

The more active a person is, the more energy he ultimately has. Get up a little earlier in the morning and go for a short run before work. If you still like to sleep and such a feat is not up to you, go for a run before lunch or go to the gym in the evening.

Problems with equipment

Everyone has had troubles when equipment breaks down at the most inopportune moment. Unfortunately, no one is immune from this, so all that remains to be done is to go to a repair shop.

A broken screen of a brand new smartphone, a cup of coffee spilled on a laptop, a broken tablet - all this is a reason not to go to training.

The main thing is the right motivation

Many parents forget that their child is a full-fledged person, with his own thoughts, secrets, desires, good and bad character traits. For children, some things are just as important as for adults, but for children the category of these things is different.

For example, if an adult wants to achieve an athletic reflection in the mirror (for a variety of purposes - self-esteem, admiring glances, a representative appearance, etc.), then a child simply wants to become strong. If an adult wants to become more dexterous in order to learn how to snowboard with friends, then a child just wants to become dexterous - without an exact reason why.

Talk to your child, find out what is important to him and what he wants. Does he want to become as strong as dad? Does he want to become as agile as his favorite superhero? Then explain to him how playing sports helps him acquire these qualities.

The child must understand that he needs sports first and foremost, and going to training is not for you. As soon as the child realizes that in order to achieve his goal (to become strong, agile) he needs to go to training, the problem of reluctance to attend the sports section will be solved by itself.

Support from a loved one

We all have loved ones whose well-being comes first for us. Of course, there is no need to invent non-existent diseases for them. But won’t you rush over and support your sister, who has finally organized her own exhibition in a local art gallery? Your coach will have to come to terms with and understand that family and loved ones come first.

Now let's talk about ridiculous and absurd excuses for training. Although even with these reasons in your arsenal, there is hope that the coach will understand and forgive you.

Before what course do you need to go to physical education?

Usually physical education continues until the end of the 3rd year of university. Therefore, a student needs to get a certificate not to go to physical education in the 1st or 2nd year.

It is best if the student can immediately prove his pain at the first medical examination. It is here that doctors make a diagnosis and assign the student to one group or another.

There are three groups into which all students are divided.

Group 1 – the main one. This group must meet all standards. Students must follow all the commands and tasks of the physical teacher, and at the end of the semester, instead of an exam, pass the standards. If a student cannot pass the standard, he will receive a “failure.” This means that you will have to retake the test next time. Until the standard is met, the student will not be able to receive credit.

Group 2 – preparatory. It usually looks like 1 main group. At the end of the semester, standards are also passed, but already lower and according to a special program. More often than not, the standards are not met at all.

Group 3 - Special. This group includes students whose workload is partially limited. They can perform only half of the exercises, or not perform standard exercises at all, but do according to their own program. The standards don't give up.

Group 4 (physical therapy). Students in this group are not required to fulfill the standard. Each member of this group is given individual assignments. Some are not allowed to run, some are not allowed to jump, and for others it is better to walk slowly. The physical education teacher receives this data thanks to a special certificate. It contains the student’s diagnosis, as well as the period until which the student is exempt from the standards. However, this does not mean that the student does not have to go to physical education. He must attend all classes, otherwise it will be considered absent.

You need to understand that even if a student has a serious illness and was sent to group 4, this does not exempt him from attending classes. He must be present at the lesson and at least walk in circles so as not to freeze and not get bored.

Often physical trainers cannot and do not want to let go of even the most fragile creatures that can suffer from a simple wind. They take these guys with them, walk and breathe the air.

Thus, it is practically impossible for a student not to go to physical education legally. However, there are cases when a student has every right to lie at home and not go to class.


Washing, cooking, cleaning, caring for flowers, etc. are incredibly exhausting. And if you think about it, after doing all these household chores, you well deserve a day of not working out.

But if you think about it, loading dirty clothes into the washing machine, putting food on your plate and your household, watering flowers, burns hundreds of calories per day. And it is not clear what is more effective: one day as a housewife or training in the gym.

Stages of suffering

Usually everything happens according to the standard scheme:

  1. Lies on the part of the child (“Yes, I did all my homework”).
  2. In a diary or electronic journal, a parent finds the entry “Didn’t do homework. Rating: 2."
  3. Emotional reaction on the part of the parent (serious conversation, conversation, screaming, belting - it’s different in every family).
  4. Deprivation (computer, hobby, TV, sports).
  5. The child begins to learn better for a while. Then everything repeats all over again.

If you recognize yourself in this pattern, don’t worry. The emotional reaction and physical blackmail of “I'm depriving you of this until you start getting good grades” are the simplest actions a parent can use.

Most parents will object: “What’s so simple about this? I scream so much that I then drink heart drops! And in general I feel bad! And when I deprive a child of his favorite activity, my heart bleeds!” These are just emotions of self-defense.

In fact, screaming and deprivation is the most basic thing a parent can do, and that is why he does it. There is no need to think, no need to analyze, no need to calculate moves in advance. He yelled, took it away - and it was done. And then he also rewarded himself with a delicious mint Validol tablet under the tongue.

Bad dream

Here you can find several options to solve the problem:

  1. You had nightmares. Now, like after watching a cult horror movie, you are afraid to even leave your apartment, because a maniac might be waiting there. Don't risk leaving the room.
  2. Lack of sleep. This is a more serious reason to skip a workout. Lack of sleep has a detrimental effect on the body and prevents it from functioning normally.

You are suffering from a hangover

The idea of ​​getting healthy at the gym after a lot of fun is the worst possible idea. A person rather needs sound sleep, healthy nutrition and fresh air, but not training. If you're lucky, you can barely complete the simplest exercises. But the outcome can be completely sad.

Ivan Krasavin

personal trainer, World Class

— There was one case. A man came to the club with a hangover, went to the sauna and dived into the pool. Unfortunately, this was his last dive. Under no circumstances should you exercise with a hangover. In general, there should be no hangover. Alcohol is poison in any quantity. Therefore, symptoms appear, as with any other poisoning. If a person wants to live a long and healthy life, he should think about completely eliminating alcohol.

And now about serious things

If you're reading this article, you're probably tempting yourself to skip your workout. Remember that the path to health is not easy. You will face trials there. And the main test is laziness. Don't let it take over your desires and aspirations.

There are only two truly forgivable, valid reasons for skipping a workout:

  1. Serious illness.
  2. Death.

Only in these two cases can a conscience be clear, because in the first case physical activity is contraindicated, and in the second case it is impossible. In all the rest, you can find a way out.

No one obliges you to work out in the gym with a trainer. Obviously, not everyone can find the time and money for this. However, everyone can afford, for example, to wake up half an hour earlier than usual and do morning exercises.

If you can't bear the thought that charging will take up half an hour of your precious time, then sacrifice something else. For example, if, according to tradition, you watch a movie every evening, then combine business with pleasure: watch and study.

Know that to become a successful person you need health. Train and improve. Only occasionally allow yourself days of relaxation, but on condition that you are sure that tomorrow your training will continue.

The reason you didn't come to training. 50 reasons not to skip a workout.

Lost motivation and need a good kick in the butt?
Then this article is for you. 1. No matter how tired you are, you will feel better after training.

2. you know why you need this training.

3. you are tired of wearing bulky clothes in the summer.

4. you are tired of a flabby belly.

5. There is no other choice - you have to do it.

6. Tomorrow you won't regret it.

7. Monday is not yet a reason to be lazy.

8. Somewhere there is someone who is injured, sick or bedridden, someone who would give anything for the opportunity to go to training.

9. being lazy is not cool.

10. and having a good butt is cool. 11. You are tired of the tingling in your side.

12. go to the detriment of everything. 13. Go, no matter how tired you are!

14. Labor today is joy tomorrow. 15. Your determination always inspires someone. Be an inspiration. 16. You will feel more confident.

17. good physical shape improves sex life.

18. You may look younger than your age. 19. At the gym, you will be surrounded by people with similar goals, and this is motivating. Just go. 20. Exercise improves sleep. 21. Exercising increases your energy.

22. remember the cake yesterday? Go to training. 23. Just start doing warm-ups and the desire will appear by itself.

24. Iron therapy solves many problems. 25. It's time to release aggression in the right way. 26. You don’t miss your favorite TV series because of laziness, do you? Workout is a series about your transformation.

27. movement is life. 28. You’ve been thinking about the pass for three hours now, it’s time to end it - go.

29. Google about endorphins. An excellent antidepressant. 30. Video

the games will be at home when you return.

31. compare your photo with the photo of your idol. 32. Success in the gym helps create success in other areas of your life.

33. Exercise lowers blood pressure and is cheaper than medications.

34. exercise reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. 35. Regular exercise keeps your hormonal levels within normal limits.

36. Weight training also builds stronger bones.

37. Extra muscle increases your metabolism. 38. Training is the best way to forget about problems.

39. Will you be too lazy to go to the beach? 40. Exercise slows down the wear and tear on joints that comes with age.

41. You will respect yourself more. 42. Tired of wearing black because it makes you look slim. 43. Because your mother did not raise you to be weak.

44. Exercise makes you feel better. 45. Keeping a commitment to yourself will improve your self-esteem.

46. ​​tired of lower back pain.

47. Exercise reduces visceral fat levels. Not only will you look better, but you will also increase your chances of living longer.

48. because no one likes to get out of breath after walking up the stairs. 49. remember your childhood heroes, it will help. 50. Exercise helps you maintain a positive outlook on life.

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