The Driest Bodybuilders: Andreas Münzer and Helmut Strebl

The driest person is considered to be a famous person in the world of bodybuilding - Helmut (Helmut) Strebl. Of course, the concept of dry is flexible, there are patients with anorexia, in which there is no fat in the body, and there are professional athletes who, during the competitive season, reduce the percentage of fat content to a critical minimum. Yes, and they all seem to be very dry, but Strebl is special. His body fat percentage drops to 4 during the competition season, and in the off-season he always remains lean, as if he was about to go on stage.

Golden era of bodybuilding

One day, John Grimek's brother bought himself a barbell to pump up his muscles, but quickly lost interest in this stupid activity. But John liked the monotonous lifting of the barbell up.

For ten years, John stupidly lifted weights and became the US national champion. So the 26-year-old boy ended up on the team of Bob Hoffman, who was preparing American weightlifters for the Olympics in Berlin.

To the disappointment of all American fans, John took only ninth place at the Olympics.

Despite the failure of the American team, Bob continued to publish articles in his magazine “Strength and Health” about how to lift the barbell correctly.

A couple of years later, Hoffman’s editor received a letter that German weightlifters were injecting themselves with testosterone propionate and swallowing methyltestosterone; and clinical trials on humans have been going on all over the world for a long time. And in general, you need to keep up with the times, and not stupidly lift the barbell.

Bob thought about it.

“John,” Hoffman turned to Grimek, “there’s a topic here—pills for increasing strength.” Would you like to try? They say that the Germans beat us under them.

- Well, if the Germans accept it, then we should too. Why are we worse?

No sooner said than done.

So John Grimek gained 20 kilograms of muscle in a couple of years.

Bob looks at his fosterling and realizes that the muscles have grown, and he is not a weightlifting champion. I lost a lot in speed. And John himself understood this too.

“Bob,” the student turned to the teacher, “I was thinking, maybe I should compete in bodybuilding?”

- Yes, what the fuck are you?! - Hoffman seethed, - muscles are a by-product of strength training, and showing muscles and not lifting the barbell is an activity for fagots. Have you become a fagot?

“Well, Bob,” the bodybuilder looked pitifully at the publisher of the magazine “Strength and Health,” “well, let’s make our own bodybuilding tournament.” Well, come on, come on...

“I don’t like all this, but okay, maybe the circulation will increase due to the fagots,” agreed the fascist fan.

As expected, John only took third place in the lift, but when he came out to pose, everyone went nuts. No one had seen such muscle mass in 1940.

The rest of the competitive bodybuilders became despondent and said that they would never set foot in these tournaments again, because they, such crap people, were ashamed to stand next to Grimek.

Bob realized that he would lose profit and quickly found something to say:

– Gentlemen, I propose to call John Grimek the “King of Muscles” and ban him from competing in our tournament so that you do not lose motivation. And so that everyone can catch up with the “king” in muscle volume, write to me in a personal message, I know where to get it.

After the tournament, Bob hugged John and said:

– My boy, today the “Golden Era of Bodybuilding” has begun with unprecedented muscle hypertrophy, prostate hypotrophy and testicular atrophy.

Since then, the magazine “Strength and Health” with John Grimek on the cover began to be sold in pharmacies in the United States.

The “Golden Era” is sweeping across America. The testosterone injection has won. People don’t know the measure of anything, They don’t want to read. Size/quarter.

All the jocks are stupid

This is another attempt to lower the status of people who stand out from the crowd, and to justify their physical inactivity and gluttony, as a result of which their belly and ass grow. Think logically, how can a large amount of muscle mass affect the level of mental development? Apparently, the same as the lack of impressive muscles, that is, not at all. And among big people there are not very smart comrades, and among small ones too, there is no connection here.

But I can say 100% that if a person has achieved noticeable results in his bodybuilding, then this at least indicates that, in addition to physical work, he has also done intellectual work. Understand the issues of nutrition, physiology, training methods, building a training split and, most importantly, have enough willpower and courage to implement the acquired knowledge in reality. Not every average person can do this. Here you have to think and work, work a lot.

Want examples of intellectually outstanding bodybuilders? Nasser El Sonbati - three academic degrees and knowledge of seven languages. Bodybuilding legend Frank Zane - degree in psychology, teacher of mathematics, chemistry, physics, and other natural sciences. This is one of the athletes of the golden era, who even now looks better than many 20-30 year old citizens. At 72:

One cannot help but remember Arnold Schwarzenegger , who achieved everything he could wish for in this life. Ordinary and stupid individuals are not capable of this.

Conclusion : Use logic, don’t follow the crowd and live by stereotypes. Muscle size has no effect on the decline or absence of intelligence. Rather, on the contrary, in order to pump up, you need to put in a lot of effort, including mental effort, and I say this based on my own experience.

Damage caused to the body due to bodybuilding

When a person takes medications such as hormones and steroids, muscle gain occurs faster. But any substance has side effects that appear after prolonged use. Before you put your body on anabolic steroids, you should think carefully, because the muscle mass begins to rapidly increase and increase, the organs, in turn, do not keep up with this development, their work slows down, they wear out and can no longer perform their functions one hundred percent.

Consequences of taking anabolic steroids:

  • Internal organs become overgrown with cholesterol plaques, which leads to very dangerous problems related to the functioning of the heart.
  • Blood pressure rises.
  • Headaches appear.
  • Depression, stress, aggression.
  • The functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract is reduced and worsened.
  • The results of biochemical tests become poor.

After prolonged use of anabolic drugs, a person runs the risk of depleted nervous and hormonal systems, which leads to psychological disorder. The big disadvantage of such substances is that when you stop using them, muscle mass returns to its original size. This means that all efforts were in vain, and the human body suffered colossal harm.

Drugs such as steroids, which are taken by bodybuilding athletes, also cause damage to human health. Their harm lies in the fact that taking these substances suppresses the work of the pituitary gland, which means that a hormone such as testosterone cannot be produced biologically. As a result, significant changes occur in the bodybuilder’s body, and work related to the genitals is disrupted. In order for the functioning of internal organs to become operational, long-term treatment will be required.

Bodybuilding also causes damage to the athlete's heart. It is worth remembering that such a power sport requires a resilient and trained body. But with intense muscle building, athletes completely forget about the heart, or rather, about strengthening it. There are a large number of special exercises designed for the “engine” of human life.

Fortunately, bodybuilding also has positive sides.

Lots of fat, little muscle

Why does this happen?

Why does the fat layer grow if our goal is muscle growth?

There are the following explanations for this phenomenon:

  • Errors in assessing the surrounding reality.
  • Mistakes in implementing a diet and training regimen.

Errors in assessing the surrounding reality - this means that, for example, you think that professional bodybuilders train without the use of anabolic drugs (naturals). Or, for example, you think that you can lose weight by drinking green coffee and consuming other “right” foods.

Or maybe it seems to you that a person’s appearance means nothing and that only the “rich” inner world is important.

As you understand, all these are examples of an incorrect assessment of the surrounding reality, based on which you choose the wrong paths to achieve your goals. You think it is right or possible when in reality it is not.

Mistakes in the implementation of your diet and training regime are everything that concerns your menu and training regime. For example, you train according to professional training programs in the first year of training or eat too many fast carbohydrates, this is an example of an incorrect implementation of the sports regime.

All this, to one degree or another, affects the calorie content of our diet. There is either not enough of it, or there is an excess of it. For us, this point is very important because it affects how much muscle you will gain as a result of your bodybuilding activities.

Manohar Aich

The legendary Indian athlete Manohar Aich is rightfully considered the oldest bodybuilder on the planet. For his incredible physical strength and short stature, only 150 cm, Manohar received the pseudonym “Pocket Hercules”. Having lived 104 years, the famous bodybuilder did not stop training until the last days of his life.

Manohar Aich was born on March 17, 1912 in the village of Comilla in Bengal, now part of Bangladesh. As a child, he was fond of weightlifting and wrestling. At the age of 12 he fell ill with “black fever”. To restore health, he regularly did physical exercises. Sports activities helped Manohar recover from a serious illness and determined his future life.

In 1942, while serving in the Royal Air Force, Manohar Aich began serious strength training. At the age of 38, he won the Mr. Hercules competition, and in 1951 he became second in the Mr. Universe sports show. Victory in the Pro-Sport NABBA Mr. Universe Aich won in 1952. At that time he was 40 years old.

The oldest bodybuilder died on June 5, 2016 in Kolkata. Manohar Aich was married and had four children: two sons and two daughters. He believed that he was able to achieve his human and athletic longevity through strength training and simple nutrition (milk, fruits, vegetables, rice, lentils and fish).

Driest places in North America

The hottest and driest areas of the United States are located in the Mojave and Sonora Deserts.

Throughout the year, less than 1,050 mm of rain falls in deserts, and 1,000–1,500 mm in rocky areas. The Joshua Tree National Park reserves are located here, as well as the hottest place in the United States - Death Valley. In summer the air warms up to +53 °C. Precipitation varies between 40 and 350 mm per year.

Death Valley leads the list of the highest temperatures recorded in the United States.

The World Metrological Station recorded a record temperature in this territory - +56.7 °C.


do not be afraid to carry your baby in your arms in different positions: on your right and left arm, with your face and back to you, change his position in the crib more often. The following exercises are effective for training the vestibular system: swaying in the fetal position, swaying on a ball with your stomach and back down. Rocking in your arms - taking the child in your arms facing you and supporting him under the back, rock the baby up and down (toward and away from you), taking the child in your arms in a vertical or horizontal position, spin with him in both directions

Horizontal spinning - stand up, put the baby on your shoulder, belly down, start spinning, but do it carefully enough so as not to lose balance, change the direction of the spinning - either clockwise or counterclockwise, and then spin the child, holding him on his side, repeat spinning, shifting the baby to the other side, spinning with the baby, lift him into the air and spin with him again, before finishing, lower the child down almost to the floor and lift him up again, start the exercise slowly and carefully, if for some reason For some reason your newborn doesn’t like something, then most likely you are acting too quickly, slow down. Gradually increase the time of practice from ten to fifteen seconds for each exercise to thirty to forty, always stop before your child wants

Rocking - try rocking the child in a vertical position up and down, lifting him into the air and lowering him with his legs onto your stomach, this will not only give him pleasure, but will also provide training for the support of his legs, lie on his back and swing the child above you, grab him tightly by the sides under your arms, lift them above you and look into each other's eyes, tell him that he is an airplane, gently swing him left and right, lower him onto your chest and lift him again, rock the baby on your lap, sitting him on one or the other to another. Rolling with a log - with both hands, put the baby on his side, and then roll further, moving behind him, then roll him to the other side and help him return to the starting position on his own; when your child learns to roll independently several times in a row, ask him to roll on both sides sides. Pushing - If the child is standing firmly on all fours, lightly push him forward, back, to the sides, the exercise is carried out in the form of a game, encouraging the child to stay on all fours. Swinging with a baby in your arms, on a swing, in a hammock, on a carousel, later let the child swing on his own, you just need to secure him. Spin by the hands - turning the child to face you, take him by the wrists and spin him on straight arms, spin first in one direction, then in the other. Acceleration - turn the child towards you and take him under your arms, throw him low into the air and catch him, usually kids really like this exercise, thanks to it the child feels the force of gravity, especially at the moment when he falls into your hands. Swinging head down (for the bravest parents) - grab the child tenaciously by the ankles and lift him up, it is better if he is facing you, start gently, like a pendulum, swing him from side to side, when you lower the baby, be especially careful, take care of your neck. Parents sometimes feel fear at the mere thought of having to hold the baby head down, but this position is familiar to every newborn, in a normal pregnancy the baby is turned upside down in the last month whenever the mother is standing or sitting, so be brave, play more actively with your baby, change the position of his body in space more often.

Precipitation in Antarctica

It was in Antarctica that the lowest temperature was recorded - minus 89.2 °C below zero. The average temperature on the mainland is -75 °C below zero; in the summer the thermometer can rise to 5 °C. Near the coast, precipitation mainly falls in the form of snow, only rain is observed in the northern regions.

The harshest climate is in the continental regions of Antarctica. In these areas there is almost never precipitation, in some locations the amount is no more than 49 mm per year. For most of the belt, precipitation of 95–240 mm per year is considered normal. Strong winds blow from the depths of the continent, with speeds of up to 80-90 meters per second.

Different regions can be considered the driest places on Earth, because each of them has unique climatic conditions. Even in the driest region, where there is less than 0.1 mm of precipitation per year, people live.

Article design: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Path with God's blessing

The bodybuilder's full name is Lee Marvin Haney. He was born on November 11, 1959 in a small town in South Carolina. Like many other world bodybuilding stars, Lee delved into the sports world from childhood. But initially, activities were limited to football. And only over time the boy decided that he wanted to become strong and big. This motive led to hard training.

Lee grew up in a family where religion was revered, and as a youth he began to believe in the existence of God and higher powers. Myth or reality, but after the athlete asked the Almighty for victories in all tournaments in exchange for eternal service to the Lord, success came to him already at the age of nineteen as the title “Mr. America”.

Then came other successfully conquered peaks. At first among youths and juniors.

The year 1983 was marked by the acquisition of the status of a professional bodybuilder, because at the world-famous tournament - "Mr. Olympia" - he took 3rd place with his first participation. What a luck! – many will think, but not Lee himself, who agreed only to the role of absolute champion, which he eventually received (8 times).

In 1988, the film “Battle for Gold” was released, where the athlete, along with Rich Gaspari and other bodybuilders, reveal the lives of athletes. In addition to this film, the athlete took part in other productions.

When he turned 32, he decided to end his career as a competitive bodybuilder and become a businessman. I bought a fitness center, and later a couple more, and achieved success in this endeavor.

Earning a lot of money, he, as he promised the Almighty, spends part of it on a good cause: he maintains a village where orphans live. There they have good homes, excellent food, children receive education and everything necessary for the life of a full-fledged child.

Naturally, there were invitations to tournaments, but Lee decided that even one more victory would not affect his already impeccable reputation, and the prize of 150 thousand dollars was not the amount for which he wanted to fight (he would only agree to 450 thousand ).

The driest places in South America

There are few places in South America that can be called arid, because it is the wettest continent on Earth.

The driest place on Earth you should definitely know about:

  1. Southern California (California) . Daytime temperature is 18-25 °C. There are both dry and rainy seasons. On average, about 300 mm of rain falls per year.
  2. Miami. Here is the best time for sunbathing and swimming in the ocean all year round. Miami has a hot and humid climate with high rainfall. The average temperature in summer is 25-30 °C. Most of the annual precipitation (1,400 mm) falls during May and October.
  3. Hawaii (Hawaii) . Rainfall here is average and daytime temperatures rarely drop below 25°C.

South America has high waterfalls, vast lakes and rocky islands. Each region is unique in its own way! The average rainfall on the continent is 500-1000 mm per year.

Simple conclusions about natural bodybuilding:

1. If you decide to take up natural bodybuilding from a sedentary lifestyle, then you can count on a 17% muscle gain.2. Allow 3 hours for exercise and 6 additional hours for sleep per week.3. Choose only those exercises where you can do a maximum of 12-14 repetitions and train these exercises in the 7-13 repetition range.4. Do at least 5 sets per workout of each exercise. 5. Do at least three and no more than five workouts per week.6. Consume at least 25% protein of total calories and no more than 25% fat.7. If you have more than 8% body fat, then the caloric intake should be adjusted so that your strength indicators increase and your weight decreases.8. Consume at least 300 grams of fruits and 400 grams of vegetables per day.

You can read more about the training and nutrition methods of a natural bodybuilder in the size/quarter manual.

Helmut/Helmut Strebl. Relief Man

Compatriot Andreas Müntzer, from Austria, who also has a very low fat percentage (4% is no joke). But unlike Andreas, he is alive, and continues to impress with his excellent form at 47 years old.

The reasons that made Andreas and Helmut go to the gym are different. The first one went to the gym because he had 2 hours free while he waited for the bus to his town every day. Helmuta wanted to become healthier in order to protect himself from beatings from adult peers. Both athletes never became truly famous as titled bodybuilders. However, they are known as the driest bodybuilders in the history of the sport.

Strebel tried himself for a long time in a variety of disciplines. In particular, he competed for many years in alternative federations in the “FitModel” category. Helmut Strebel was a very successful “mensphysicist” even before such a category existed.

What is the secret of Helmut’s extreme dryness? The secret is the right balance of nutrients, in terms of your own metabolism. The man is a pronounced ECTOMORPH. This alone allows him to be quite dry in the off-season (100 kg with a height of 190 kg).

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