Is it possible to lose weight with a hoop and how long should you spin it? Selection of equipment and exercises

Recently, many people are interested in home workouts and how to make them more effective. In this matter, we undeservedly forget about the good old hoop. It is inexpensive, does not take up much space, and can be purchased at any sports equipment store. Let’s figure out whether a hoop will help you get rid of extra pounds and how much you need to “wind up” for this.

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Is it possible to lose weight with a hoop?

Yes, if you maintain a calorie deficit and also perform a set of exercises in addition to these activities. A fitness hoop is still not suitable for fully working out muscles. After all, when performing the exercise, part of the load goes to the legs.

However, with daily hula hoop exercises, the muscles that support the abdominal organs are strengthened. Develops flexibility and a sense of balance. Hoop training is an aerobic exercise that promotes fat burning. In addition, the hoop regulates lymph circulation.


Why is hula hoop so attractive to us?

There are many answers to this question, but admit it to yourself honestly: it’s the ease that captivates you. Naturally, if we are faced with a choice: a grueling workout in the gym or calmly swaying in front of the TV, the majority will choose the second. But in vain! It’s not without reason that they say: you can’t pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty, so to lose weight you’ll have to work hard. Of course, the hoop will not cause profuse sweating, and you will feel minimal muscle tension.

Another undeniable advantage is ease of use and cost-effectiveness. You won’t have to spend money on a trainer and a gym, and you can study at home at a convenient time.

Yes, so far the disadvantages significantly outweigh the advantages of this method, but there is a silver lining: hula hoop still has its advantages that will help you improve your appearance. If, after reading everything above, you are still determined to work on your waist using this method, we are ready to outline for you the real results that a hoop can give.

What can you expect?

Let's make a reservation right away: not by much (alas, this is so). With regular use of this simulator, the following changes will occur to you:

  • Abdominal massage, which triggers metabolic processes that break down fats. Also, the balls on the exercise machine will help remove cellulite and ridges on the back;
  • Getting rid of problems with intestinal function: eliminating flatulence and heaviness in the stomach;
  • Improved digestion;
  • Mild laxative effect, which is useful for those who are on a diet;
  • Coordination training;
  • Load on the muscles of the back, hips and buttocks.

Besides these advantages, you will have a pleasant time. What could be easier than a quiet workout before watching your favorite series or show?

How long should you spin the hoop?

At the initial stage, two approaches of 30-40 minutes will be enough. Then you can gradually increase the intensity and duration of the load for greater effect. It is worth noting that regularity is also important. It is best to spin the hula hoop every day, but you can start with 4-5 times a week.

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General recommendations

Using a hoop with a massage effect, like other sports equipment, requires compliance with certain rules:

  1. It is important to take the correct starting position: arms above your head or spread to the sides, legs together, back straight. Moreover, your legs should not be spread too wide, as this will prevent you from working some muscles.
  2. It is recommended to twist the hoop clockwise, performing calm and rhythmic actions. The amplitude of waist movement should be small.
  3. To avoid bruising on the body, it is recommended to wear a T-shirt and high leggings that cover the waist. If hematomas do form, they should be lubricated with special ointments or ice should be applied. They should pass in a maximum of 2 weeks.
  4. It is not recommended to spin the hula hoop after eating. If training takes place on a full stomach, you can get severe discomfort, and in case of complications, a serious disorder of the digestive system. You can twist the massage hoop no earlier than 2 hours after eating food or on an empty stomach. Drinking water is allowed.

Before twisting the massage hoop, you should do a light warm-up, including light bending to the sides, squats, etc.
In order not to harm your health during exercise, you should definitely take into account contraindications and available recommendations. Massage hula hoop is not a panacea, but only an additional means to a program for losing weight and improving the health of the body.

How to make your workout more challenging?

We have chosen several options. It is better to start exercising on an empty stomach.

  • Rotation in different directions.
    We rotate the hoop 10 times in each direction. Number of approaches - 5 times.
  • Rotations with closed legs.
    When changing the position of the legs, different muscles come into play. We do 20-25 rotations. The number of approaches is 4 times.
  • Squat rotation.
    Feet shoulder-width apart, you need to unwind the hoop and sit down. Rotate the hoop for a couple of minutes. Number of approaches - 5 times.
  • Rotation with walking.
    We rotate the hoop and take three steps forward and back.
  • Rotations with changing legs.
    With one leg forward, we rotate the hoop. After two rotations we change legs.


Benefits of using a hoop

Of course, the popularity and love that hoops gained in the USSR can be explained not only by the release of the film - the hula hoop has become another tool that helps women stay in shape, along with the “Grace” disc and the gymnastics roller. And although today the range of sports equipment and exercise equipment has expanded significantly, a hoop can still bring a lot of benefits if you start using it regularly.

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How to choose the right hoop?

There are three types of hoops: gymnastic, massage and weighted. The first type - gymnastic - is not suitable for weight loss, since such equipment is too light.

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Due to the roughness or balls, the massage hoop additionally affects the muscles. This is useful for problems with the lower back or intestines. However, it is not intended for long-term training. Recommended time is 15 minutes.

Weighted hoops are suitable for weight loss workouts. Beginners are advised to purchase a projectile no heavier than 1.5 kg. The energy consumption when rotating such a hoop is higher. There are also options with a built-in counter that shows the number of revolutions and calories burned.


Projectile damage

Of course, it is important to understand that, like many other equipment, the hula hoop has certain contraindications. “In general, before using hula hoop in your training, you need to know for sure that you have no contraindications to it. So, for example, hula hoop can aggravate the situation if you have any problems with the digestive system, diagnoses in the field of gynecology and problems with the spine are diagnosed,” notes Olga Egorova.

In addition, you should refrain from this type of training if you are pregnant, and twirling a hoop is undesirable both in the early and late stages. If we remember again about gynecological problems, it is believed that the hoop causes the greatest danger in cases of uterine fibroids. It is also worth refraining from such activities against the background of exacerbations of kidney diseases, as well as during menstruation.

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But in principle, in order to avoid problems, you should consult your doctor about using this option. If you receive a ban on its use, you should not be upset. “You can lose weight and have a beautiful waist without resorting to hula hoop. In this case, performing functional training in combination with proper nutrition will help,” notes the fitness trainer.

Does hula hoop help all women become slimmer?

Yes, regular hoop training will lead to a reduction in waist size within a couple of weeks. This happens by strengthening the abdominal muscles and actively burning fat. But if you hula hoop from time to time, the weight loss process may take 2-3 times longer.

Some women stop training with a massage hoop because bruises appear in the first 2-3 days after training. To avoid this, you need to use a special belt that not only protects the skin, but also stimulates more active fat burning.

And remember:

On the first day of training, you shouldn’t try to spin the hoop for as long as possible. Because this approach will not bring the desired result. Start with a couple of minutes, giving your muscles time to get used to the load and gradually increasing the duration of the sessions. Then the body will gradually, but for a long time, lose reserves of excess fat, the figure will become slimmer, and health will improve.

Rating of the best massage hoops

NominationplaceName of productprice
Rating of the best massage hoops1Massage gymnastic hoop ProRun1 800 ₽
2Health One Hoop PHO330002 900 ₽
3Bradex massage hoop with silicone balls and magnets2 900 ₽
4Slimming hoop Sdelai Telo “Make a waist”950 ₽
5Health Hoop II Jemimah PHJ29000N2 000 ₽
6Bradex SF 0001 "PREMIUM"1 150 ₽
7Pro-Supra Wave W008-2.0 KG2 500 ₽
8Health Hoop Magnetic1 500 ₽
9Starfit HH-1021 200 ₽

Massage gymnastic hoop ProRun

Rating: 4.9

The model is collapsible. Designed for body shaping in the abdomen and hips. Thanks to massage and vibration, the hoop stimulates the effective burning of subcutaneous fat deposits, increases muscle tone, improves blood circulation and the functioning of internal organs. In addition, it develops flexibility and coordination. Experts recommend exercising for fifteen to twenty minutes daily to achieve quick results.

The inner part of the hula hoop is made in a ribbed shape - there are small protrusions located in twos at equal intervals. It is these tubercles that carry out the necessary massage, which also has a beneficial effect on the skin: it becomes more elastic and toned. The model weighs two hundred grams and its diameter is ninety-eight centimeters.

The hoop is made up of six sections. It is easy to disassemble and assemble, so even a child can handle it. It has a special soft coating on the surface, which makes classes longer and more comfortable, especially if we are talking about a beginner whose skin is not at all prepared.

Cost – 1600 rub.

Recommendations for exercising with a hoop to reduce your waist

  1. Try to spin the iron hoop every day.
  2. 20 minutes in the evening will be enough at first.
  3. Just remember that any exercise should be performed 3 hours before bedtime.
  4. For more fun, you can turn on your favorite music.
  5. Watch your breathing. When you tense your muscles, exhale, and when you relax, inhale.
  6. After doing one exercise, relax your waist.
  7. Before starting classes, do a short warm-up.
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