How can you replace dips on parallel bars at home and in the gym?

Exercises that replace parallel bars at home and in the gym:

How to replace dipsDescription
In the gymThe close grip bench press is one of the most common exercises that helps develop the triceps. This exercise is multi-joint and affects three heads of the triceps at once. The projectile must be squeezed only with the help of hands.
Bench push-ups are isolated exercises because they only work the lateral and medial heads of the triceps. It is performed with your own weight, which allows you to better feel the stretching and muscle contractions.
The French bench press is an excellent alternative to parallel bars. The correctness of performing such an exercise is influenced not only by the selected weight, but also by muscle strength and the condition of the ligaments. This exercise helps develop the long head of the triceps.
The standing French press, in contrast to the lying position, allows you to create a greater amplitude of movement, due to which strong stretching and growth of the triceps occur. When performing it, all three heads of the triceps are involved.
At homeThree-chair push-ups are performed similarly to push-ups on a bench. It can be done at home. One chair should be placed under your feet, two under your arms.
Push-ups with mid-arm position. This placement of the hands allows for maximum impact on the triceps. Push-ups are the best analogue to parallel bars, and most importantly, they can be performed anywhere.
Dumbbell push-ups - performed similarly to regular push-ups from the floor, only you need to place dumbbells under your arms that imitate the handles of parallel bars.
However, this is a less effective exercise than chair push-ups because it does not allow you to lower yourself as far as possible to the floor to increase the load on the triceps.

Dips are one of the best compound exercises that help develop the triceps, pectoral and anterior deltoid muscles. It is ideal for both beginners and professionals.

However, there are times when such an exercise cannot be performed, for example, due to injury or lack of parallel bars. In such cases, the relevant question is, what can replace push-ups on the uneven bars?

In the gym

If you work out in the gym, then finding an exercise that replaces the uneven bars is easier. Among the many options, there are several that are most effective.

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Close grip bench press

This exercise has many benefits.

  1. It is a complex exercise - when it is performed, all the heads of the triceps are involved, thereby improving its development.
  2. In this exercise you can achieve maximum mass, strength and a combination of these two parameters.
  3. Allows you to improve the quality of the classic bench press.
  4. The easiest exercise to perform that allows you to achieve high performance.

Scheme for mastering dips on parallel bars

A week123456789101112
Light version2*102*152*202*202*202*202*202*202*202*202*202*20
Triceps variant1*52*52*102*151*201*15, 1*202*202*202*202*20
Chest option1*52*52*102*151*15, 1*20

You can also download this program from .

Training regimen: 3 times a week, every other day.

Training schemes and programs

You need to understand that training programs aimed at developing triceps strength and pumping up the chest will be different for beginners and more prepared athletes.

General scheme

Both beginners and experienced athletes will find the following push-up scheme useful: 3 approaches (the interval depends on physical training: from 30 seconds to 1.5 minutes) of 15 repetitions. During this time, all target muscles will have time to get tired. As soon as you feel an increase in strength, you can take on weights. But then you will have to reduce the number of repetitions to 8-10 and gradually increase them along with the weight.

For newbies

For more experienced

If physical fitness allows, you can use a more complex scheme. Include push-ups at the beginning of your workout for the triceps and at the end for the pecs. It is not recommended to place parallel bars before pressing as you will fatigue your triceps. You can use the following techniques to maximize the overall load.

Bends to the side with a gymnastic stick or turns

Why? You may think that this way you are strengthening your core muscles or burning fat, but in reality you are not. In reality, when you work with a weight behind your neck and start twisting and turning the barbell, there isn't that much resistance. It's better to train against gravity.

What to replace it with? Side plank static or dynamic. This is a gravity-resistance exercise that effectively works your muscles.

Step-by-step instructions for making stationary bars

1. Prime the bottom of future posts 60 cm with primer.

2. Make holes with a drill, secure the pipes in them, leveling them with a plumb line and level, and concrete them. The solution is 3 parts sand to 1 part cement, you can add stones.

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3. When the concrete dries, weld the crossbars. We weld it like this: first one end, then level it and weld the second end.

4. Paint.

Horizontal bars for the yard

More complex structures are usually installed in the yard: there is no need to save space, so they make the most comfortable model possible. At the same time, it is worth approaching the issue carefully: to make a horizontal bar reliable, you need pipes with a solid wall thickness, and they are not cheap. Therefore, since there are already racks and crossbars, you can make a wall bars and a mount for a swing - so that both children can play and adults can train.

Outdoor horizontal bar: drawing with dimensions

Please note that the racks are connected in pairs by jumpers. The jumper is buried in the ground and serves to stabilize the position during lateral loads. Something else to pay attention to is the depth to which the pillars are buried. If the soil is prone to heaving (clay and loam), it is advisable to bury below the freezing depth. In central Russia, this is about 120-130 cm. In order for the racks to stand securely, pieces of pipes can be welded perpendicularly to the underground part. This will complicate installation, but the poles will definitely not become loose.

Drawing of a street horizontal bar

Often the horizontal bar is mounted in combination with bars; their width should be from 0.55 to 0.65 meters. For the horizontal bar itself you will need metal pipes of about one hundred millimeters.


An outdoor horizontal bar for a summer house is made only from metal pipes. The walls can be no less than 3.2 mm. If the wall thickness is less, then such a pipe should not be used; the structure may experience deformation. Often, 4-corner pipes are used to create horizontal bars; the usual dimensions of such products are: 52x52x3.1 mm or 62x62x2.1 mm. It is important that the corners are not sharp, but have a slight rounding.

You can also install a structure made of wood in the yard; the vertical guides are made of timber with a section of 100x100 mm, the crossbar has a thickness of 40-50 mm.

How to replace the exercise

Finding a replacement movement is quite easy. If you need to focus on the triceps, you can take a reverse push-up instead of the usual one, and work it out in full or partial amplitude.

In reverse push-ups, you can take weights like weights and place them on your hips, or fix your hip with rubber.

Dips are a classic strength sports exercise that deserves to be learned how to be done correctly by beginners.

Let's talk about the pectoral muscles. The exercise I want to tell you about is called dips. In modern chrome-plated fitness rooms it is almost forgotten. The fact is that everything around them has been replaced by exercise equipment. Everything tends to simplify. But the truth is that the harder the exercise, the greater the result! Dips are a really hard exercise that gives great results!

Dumbbell arm extension

Why? You won't be able to lift a heavy enough weight and still maintain proper arm position. Usually the shoulder begins to sag and the effectiveness of the exercise is lost.

What to replace it with? “Skull crusher”, or French bench press for triceps. The exercise will allow you to pump up your triceps muscles without losing the shape of your arms. The skull crusher position allows your elbows to remain where they should be and thus receive the necessary load.


You cannot perform push-ups on uneven bars if:

  • there is an injury to the rotator cuff (rotator cuff), insufficient or uneven amplitude,
  • there was a tear, separation or rupture of the pectoral muscle;
  • there is tendinitis of the ligaments of the elbow or wrist joint;
  • the movement feels uncomfortable, the trajectory breaks, the nerves seem to be “shooting” in the process of work
  • there were any injuries to the shoulder joint within six months before work. You can start doing push-ups smoothly if your shoulder doesn’t bother you, but it’s better not to act too actively so as not to aggravate your situation

Multiple Olympia champion Jay Cutler came up with a special version of the exercise in which the triceps are used to the fullest. He works in V-shaped bars with his back to the apparatus. This allows even with a wide back and massive arms. Cutler recommends partial repetitions for this exercise, especially if the lifter is lifting a significant amount of weight. He considers the full amplitude to be traumatic.

How to replace push-ups on parallel bars in the gym?

The gym offers a large selection of both basic and isolated exercises for the triceps and pectoral muscles. This abundance is justified by a wide range of tools - exercise machines, dumbbells, barbells, etc. With such a large arsenal at your disposal, you can get maximum results. The best exercises include the following:

  • Various variations of the bench press. A multi-joint compound exercise that targets the chest and triceps. You can change your grip to make it narrow. In this case, the effect will be on the triceps and inner chest. You can change the angle of inclination, loading the lower or upper part of the chest. The scope for experimentation is enormous.
  • French press. An excellent alternative to parallel bars. Can be performed lying down, sitting and standing. The differences between the variations will be in the amplitude of movement. The biomechanics of the exercise involves three muscle heads at once, helping to develop strength and volume.
  • Dumbbells. Dumbbell overhead press, dumbbell extension and much more. All this effectively loads the different heads of the triceps, causing the muscle to grow.
  • Pullover. It works great not only on the chest, but also on the back.
  • Exercise equipment. These include the butterfly, bench press machines, Smith machines, and block machines for isolated muscle training.

Dips with emphasis on the pectoral muscles

In order to shift the load on the chest muscles, it is necessary, firstly, to find bars with a slightly wider distance between the bars. The more the shoulders are removed from the body, the greater the load placed on the chest muscles. Next, when your elbows bend, you should press your head to your chest and try to tilt your body forward as much as possible. You should go as low as possible, while feeling the stretch in the pectoral muscles.

The shoulder joints need to be brought together, otherwise there will be a feeling of tension in the capsule of the shoulder joint, which will indicate a destructive load applied to your shoulders. To do this, when you take your starting position hanging on the uneven bars, statically tighten your pectoral muscles.

When you rise from the bottom point, try to concentrate not on straightening your arm at the elbow; your task is to “press” the bars with your palms. Moreover, throughout the entire approach, your task is to maintain a forward leaning body position. There is no need to straighten your elbows completely. this way you will completely remove the load from the pectoral muscles.

And a little advice: if the distance between the bars is small, you can arbitrarily spread your elbows to the sides, or grab the bars with a reverse grip. This option is not for everyone, but it is definitely worth a try.

Technique of dips on parallel bars with an emphasis on the pectoral muscles in this video:

Rocking chair

I remember going to the rocking chair in ninth grade. At that time, decent fitness clubs had just begun to appear. The rocking chair is a different world, it had to be in the basement, posters of monsters should hang on the walls in order to choose an idol. For example, Kevin Levrone, Sean Ray, Lee Haney. I really liked Dorian Yates. I do not know why. I didn't want to be as healthy as him. Dorian was simply the most charismatic and brutal. I still watch him, now via Instagram. Of course, he was blown away, he was already quite ancient, but he did not lose his brutality.

But that's not what I'm talking about. We went with a group of classmates. There was one trainer per gym; he was needed to sell protein and methane. An additional service is to schedule the methane rate. On the sly from our parents, we drank protein after training, afraid to talk about it. There was little information, and the protein seemed like something semi-legal.

I digress again, the topic is about women and rocking chairs. It was practically impossible to meet a girl in such a hall. Very rarely did anyone show up. But then everyone puffed up as best they could. And the elders and I are at the same time. We already had big problems with the technique, but here we tried to take the maximum weight and make some abnormal sounds. Now this is extremely funny. But animals in nature do all sorts of things in order to take possession of a female. Rocking chairs have their own games, their own rules and their own ways of showing a girl signs of attention.

Now I’m grown up, and I go to a fitness club, there are no musclemen on the walls, I legally drink protein. Nobody forbids it, and I’m no longer afraid that he will stop making me “stand up”))))) There is no children’s romance, there are more women than men, but I don’t want to puff up and make faces either. Different age and interests.

By the way, a little later, in the 11th grade of school, I went to a more decent hall. The trainer was already a bodybuilder, he suggested exercises, drew up training programs, but still sold methane and protein))) The girls also went there and we were friends with one of them. I don’t remember her name, she was older and went to college. Thin, pretty and rocking a nut hard. But I was in love with a classmate. Therefore, he didn’t lift more weight than he could, didn’t yell at the whole room, and behaved extremely decently.

The “after” photo is of the person thanks to whom I still go to the gym. He is my idol, but I don’t want to be so healthy))

Pros and cons of a homemade horizontal bar

The horizontal bar can be paired, with several crossbars, and have several levels. For a large family, such a sports simulator will be of great help, because playing sports is always good for health. When creating such sports facilities, it is important to take into account the height of family members. The horizontal bar is also useful in that it is a natural support to which you can attach:

  • punching bag;
  • basketball hoop;
  • attach the bars;
  • hang a rope for gymnastics.

The horizontal bar has undeniable advantages:

  • at any time of the year you can develop your physical fitness for free;
  • makes it possible to relieve stress and eliminate negative emotions;
  • it is useful for the spine, promotes the development of correct posture;
  • For children, a horizontal bar is also necessary; it stimulates the healthy development of the young body.

There are not many disadvantages: the horizontal bar is designed for simple exercises such as pull-ups, abdominal correction, and so on. It is unlikely that it will be possible to perform complex acrobatic sketches on such sports equipment.

Using a Seated Leg Curl Machine

Why? It seems like it should help you get rid of fat on your outer and inner thighs. But alas, this is not so. Exercises that target only one part of the body will not help you lose weight.

What to replace it with? Lunges forward, backward and to the sides. These exercises will tone and make your entire body, including your hips, stronger. Plus, they're more practical and give you more endurance for everyday life (unlike a machine, according to Greg Justice, owner and founder of AYC Health & Fitness in Kansas City).

Use of sports equipment

Barbells, dumbbells and other weights can also work well on the pectoral muscles, deltoids and triceps. It is worth noting that when doing push-ups, the load on these muscle groups is 75%, and when using equipment, you can independently vary this load.

How to replace push-ups in the gym? It's simple - barbell and dumbbell presses.

When choosing between a barbell and dumbbells, it is better to give preference to the second apparatus. With their help, you can better stretch the pectoral muscles.

If you have any pathologies or health problems, please consult a qualified trainer before performing each exercise. Drawing up a program yourself in such cases can worsen your condition!

The gym is rich in various weights and equipment with which you can effectively work out your muscles. Even if you have problems with your hands, you can use exercise machines where the working muscle is isolated from others and receives a load. By the way, such simulators can be viewed here

Let it be with a little weight, but it’s better than nothing at all. Options:

  1. Classic barbell or dumbbell press. Works the chest, triceps and shoulders. You can vary the load on the bottom or top of the chest by changing the angle of the bench.
  2. Close grip press. Similar to a narrow hand position. Most of the load is shifted to the triceps and inner chest.
  3. French press. Emphasizes quality work on the triceps.

Weak triceps can be worked with isolated exercises for this muscle. For example, lifting a dumbbell from behind the head, extending the arms in a block, moving the dumbbell back and much more.

What will you need?

So, how to make parallel bars at home? First you need to prepare all the tools and materials. To make a simulator 115 cm high and 124 cm long, you will need:

  1. Wooden beam 100x100, length 145 cm - 4 pcs. If the installation of beams will be carried out without concreting, then the supports must be at least 165 cm.
  2. Wooden which is from 5 to 7.5 cm - 2 pcs. Most often, this material is used for manufacturing. However, it is quite difficult to find it on sale. It is much easier to purchase timber with a diameter of 10 cm. However, such material will be too thick. As a last resort, you can use cuttings for gardening tools.
  3. Fastening. Large nails are suitable - 100-200 mm.

You can make bars from this at home. The dimensions can be changed, but in this case you will have to recalculate the remaining parameters. If you cannot purchase the material in local stores, you can cut everything out of wood by contacting companies that process this material.

Buy or make?

Since making beams at home seems unrealistic for many, they have to buy them in a specialized store. The range of such devices is quite large. But you can still make such a simulator yourself from wood. It will take a little time and effort.

Do not forget that such a simulator is suitable only for lightweight athletes and teenagers. If we compare the cost of store-bought equipment and homemade equipment, the latter will cost several times less. The price of the most inexpensive bars is $100. More advanced models are much more expensive. It is because of the price that many refuse to purchase. And this raises the question: how can you make beams at home?

What materials are needed for wooden beams?

To make a street projectile with a height of 1,150 m and a handrail length of 1,240 m, the following materials are required (purchased):

  • 4 things. wooden beams from 100×100, height from 1.45 m each. If you make beams without concreting, then the supports must be made of timber at least 1.65 m long;
  • 2 pcs. wooden block D 50-75 mm. It usually goes like a stair handrail or something similar. But finding it on sale is relatively difficult (it’s easier to buy 10 mm round timber, but it may seem a bit thick). Therefore, the easiest way would be to take thick handles for a shovel, which you can find in most hardware stores;
  • Fastening elements. It will be cheapest to use large nails (100-200 mm).

Although such a quantity of wooden materials will not cost much, it is possible to cut all pieces of approximately this size in the forest or other places with forest plantings. But it is very important to choose hard wood.

If desired, the design can be made higher, which will correspond to the anthropometric parameters of the athlete. In addition, a home-made apparatus is an additional physical activity on the muscles, “occupational therapy” or useful training. Rather than overpay three times for purchased equipment, it is better to make outdoor bars from wood yourself.

Calf raises while standing on the machine

Why? The machine puts all the weight on your shoulders, which puts stress first on your back and then on your calf muscles.

What to replace it with? Sprint. It's better than regular running for developing your calves. Sprinting activates more fast-twitch muscle fibers, which are responsible for muscle growth and development.

If sprinting isn't for you, try calf raises using your body weight. If this seems too easy for you, then try doing this exercise on one leg.

How to replace beams

Exercises that replace parallel bars at home and in the gym:

How to replace dipsDescription
In the gymThe close grip bench press is one of the most common exercises that helps develop the triceps. This exercise is multi-joint and affects three heads of the triceps at once. The projectile must be squeezed only with the help of hands.
Bench push-ups are isolated exercises because they only work the lateral and medial heads of the triceps. It is performed with your own weight, which allows you to better feel the stretching and muscle contractions.
The French bench press is an excellent alternative to parallel bars. The correctness of performing such an exercise is influenced not only by the selected weight, but also by muscle strength and the condition of the ligaments. This exercise helps develop the long head of the triceps.
The standing French press, in contrast to the lying position, allows you to create a greater amplitude of movement, due to which strong stretching and growth of the triceps occur. When performing it, all three heads of the triceps are involved.
At homeThree-chair push-ups are performed similarly to push-ups on a bench. It can be done at home. One chair should be placed under your feet, two under your arms.
Push-ups with mid-arm position. This placement of the hands allows for maximum impact on the triceps. Push-ups are the best analogue to parallel bars, and most importantly, they can be performed anywhere.
Dumbbell push-ups - performed similarly to regular push-ups from the floor, only you need to place dumbbells under your arms that imitate the handles of parallel bars.
However, this is a less effective exercise than chair push-ups because it does not allow you to lower yourself as far as possible to the floor to increase the load on the triceps.

Dips are one of the best compound exercises that help develop the triceps, pecs, and anterior deltoids. It is ideal for both beginners and professionals.

However, there are times when such an exercise cannot be performed, for example, due to injury or lack of parallel bars. In such cases, the relevant question is, what can replace push-ups on the uneven bars?

Advantages of homemade bars

Now you know how to make beams at home. Such a simulator has many advantages, among which it is worth highlighting:

  1. Manufactured from safe and environmentally friendly materials.
  2. Easy to install and assemble.
  3. If necessary, you can adjust the height and width of the simulator.
  4. Ergonomics.
  5. Low cost. The price of the material is relatively low.
  6. There are no additional costs for machinery, cutting and welding, as when working with metal structures.
  7. If necessary, you can easily upgrade or replace individual parts.
  8. Wear resistance and good strength of the finished product.

Anyone who wants to play sports and does not want to spend a lot of money can make their own parallel bars and use inexpensive materials. Before using the finished product, it should be tested, gradually increasing the load. This will determine the stability of the beams.


bodybuilding myths.

Often in training it is necessary to replace one or another exercise with its equivalent version. The reason for such a replacement may be:

  • lack of necessary equipment and inventory;
  • inability to use the exercise due to injury;
  • the desire to update the exercises used from training to training and thereby introduce an element of novelty into the training;
  • the need to work the muscle from a different angle and with a different emphasis;
  • the intention to develop athletic qualities to the maximum.

Here we present possible options for replacing bodybuilding exercises with their alternative versions, indicating the most important points.

The exercises are organized by the muscle groups they target, making it easy to quickly find the exercise you need and its possible alternatives.
Exercise Alternative exercise Comments Pectoral muscles
Bench press with a barbell with a wide grip 1. Dips on the parallel bars with a wide grip with the body tilted forward 2. Dumbbell bench press 3. Push-ups from the floor or bench with a wide stance It is advisable to choose options on the parallel bars or with dumbbells, since they are capable of causing greater training stress.
Dips on parallel bars shift the emphasis to the lower part of the pecs Bench press with the barbell head up 1. Dumbbell press lying head up 2. Dumbbell flyes lying head up Presses are basic movements and allow you to work with large weights Bench press with the barbell head down Wide grip dips on parallel bars with the body tilted forward The same as in a regular bench press Bench press with dumbbells 1. Bench press with a barbell with a wide grip 2. Dumbbell flyes with push-up Switching to a barbell allows you to work with larger weights, but reduces the working amplitude of the pectoral muscles. Press-up flyes - a more isolated chest movement Bench press with dumbbells head up 1. Bench press with a barbell head up 2. Flyes with dumbbells head up Switching to a barbell allows you to work with larger weights, but reduces the working amplitude of the pectoral muscles. Flyes have a more targeted effect on the upper pectorals Lying flyes with dumbbells 1. Information on blocks 2. Information in the butterfly simulator 3. Flyes with dumbbells with a boost in the upper half of the amplitude When working on weight, it is better to give preference to free exercises Lying flyes with dumbbells head up and downwards 1. Flyes on blocks at the same angle 2. Flyes with dumbbells with a boost in the upper half of the amplitude When working on weight, it is better to give preference to free exercises Hand raises on upper blocks Flyes with dumbbells head down When working for weight, it is better to give preference to free exercises Push-ups on parallel bars Bench press with a barbell and dumbbells, horizontal and upside down It is advisable to periodically use both barbell presses and dips Regular push-ups All variants of barbell and dumbbell presses, dips on parallel bars For advanced athletes, floor push-ups are the easiest option for chest push-ups presses, which also does not allow increasing the workload without going beyond the permitted repetition range Muscles of the upper back
Bent-over barbell row 1. Seated lower block row 2. T-bar row 3. Dumbbell row with support on the knee or on a bench 4. Pull-ups on the bar to the stomach Each version of the deadlift affects different areas of the upper back in its own way.
By changing the width and type of grip, you can also add a new element to the execution of the deadlift. Bent-over dumbbell row with emphasis on the knee. Bent-over dumbbell row with emphasis on the bench. Switching to the option with a bench allows you to shift the target load slightly upward. Rows to the waist with a narrow grip on a block. T-row. barbells with a narrow grip The barbell allows you to use more weight Pull-ups to the chest and behind the head with a wide grip on a block Pull-ups to the chest and behind the head with a wide grip Pull-ups with your own weight and additional weight at the waist can cause more training stress than working on blocks Pull-ups on the bar Rows upper block with the same grip and the same grip width The block version is more suitable for detailed work on the muscles of the upper back, and is also applicable when it is not possible to pull yourself up with your own weight Lower back muscles
Hyperextensions on a high bench 1. Hyperextensions lying on the floor 2. Good mornings with barbell on the shoulders 3. All types of deadlifts Hyperextensions, unlike deadlifts, do not cause a pathological load on the lumbar spine.
For this reason, they are often recommended as a preventative measure. Barbell deadlifts 1. Athletic deadlifts 2. Sumo deadlifts 3. Romanian deadlifts 4. Stiff-legged deadlifts 5. Good mornings with a barbell on the back 6. Hyperextensions Change the deadlift variation periodically - this will allow you to develop the muscles in a balanced manner, both in terms of mass and strength. Thigh muscles
Back squats 1. Front squats 2. Leg presses 3. Smith machine squats 4. Squats in a step-up 5. Squats with dumbbells in hands 6. Squats with a trap bar Free weight squats are in many ways superior to other basic exercises for the thigh muscles Platform leg press 1. Back squats 2. Smith machine squats 3. Hack squats Changing the machine allows you to load the thigh muscles in a different way.
However, the stabilizer muscles remain unused in the exercise machines. Back squats with a barbell on the shoulders 1. Side squats with dumbbells in hands 2. Walking with lunges All types of lunges work well on the adductor muscles of the hip Hack squats 1. Leg press with a narrow stance legs 2. Squats with a barbell on the chest All three exercises also allow you to work the patellar region of the quadriceps Squats in the Smith machine Leg press Moving to the platform relieves the spine from the load Leg extensions in the seated machine Alternate leg extensions in the seated machine The one-legged option allows you to change the nature of the load, including number and due to the ability to turn the toe inward or outward Deadlift on straight legs Hyperextension with a strong extension of the pelvis beyond the edge of the bench Both versions should serve as the basis for training the hamstrings Leg curls in a lying machine Alternate leg curls in a standing machine Exercise machines of different designs are used Calf muscles Calf
raises standing in the machine 1. Calf raises with a barbell on your back 2. Single leg calf raises with a dumbbell in hand 3. Platform toe presses 4. Calf raises in a Hack machine 6. Donkey calf raises All exercises are performed with slightly bent knees Calf raises while sitting in a machine Calf raises with a barbell lying on your knees The bar of the bar can be wrapped in a towel in the middle Platform toe presses 1. Alternating platform presses with one toe 2. Calf raises in a Hack machine Make sure your feet are positioned comfortably
Deltoid muscles
Barbell press with standing chest 1. Seated barbell chest press 2. Standing and seated dumbbell press 3. Overhead barbell press 4. Barbell push 5. Single dumbbell press Seated variations of presses, performed on benches with a backrest, allow you to relieve the load from the lower back Barbell press from the chest while sitting Bench press from behind the head while sitting The option from behind the head requires greater flexibility of the shoulder joints and transfers the target load to the middle fascicle of the deltoids Bench press from behind the head while sitting Pressing dumbbells while sitting The option with dumbbells allows you to make a pressing movement not in a straight line, but in an arc, which additionally stimulates the deltoids and upper trapezius Standing press with dumbbells Seated dumbbell press, on a bench with and without backrest, longitudinal and parallel grip Seated presses show the real strength of the shoulder girdle Seated press with dumbbells 1. Standing press with dumbbells 2. Standing barbell chest press The standing option allows you to use inertia and work with large weights, but also places greater demands on the lower back. Pull the barbell to the chin. Pull the dumbbells to the chin. The dumbbell version allows you to perform something in between a pulling and lateral movement. Dumbbell lateral raises. sides on a block The block version is more suitable for sharpening the muscles Bent-over dumbbell flyes Bent-over flyes on the block The block version is more suitable for sharpening the muscles Lifting dumbbells in front of you Raising the handles of a block device in front of you The block version is more suitable for sharpening the muscles
Biceps curls standing straight bar 1. Standing biceps curls with an EZ bar 2. The same but with a wide grip 3. The same but sitting with a shortened amplitude The bent bar allows you to relieve the stress that is usual for a straight bar from your forearms and hands.
A wide grip allows you to use the internal bundle of the biceps brachii muscle. The sitting option allows you to work the upper part of the amplitude without the help of the lower back. Standing biceps curls with an EZ bar. Standing biceps curls with dumbbells with a straight, pronated, hammer and reverse grip. Different holding of dumbbells in the hands allows you to work the shoulder flexors in different ways. Some believe that biceps can only be developed by exercises with dumbbells Biceps curls with dumbbells, standing and sitting All biceps exercises with a barbell and block, standing and sitting The barbell allows you to work with heavy weights Biceps curls with a barbell on a Scott bench The same, but with two dumbbells Dumbbells create greater freedom for the stabilizer muscles One-arm biceps curls with a dumbbell on a Scott bench Bent-over concentrated biceps curls, standing and sitting Both exercises are considered the best isolated biceps movements Concentrated bent-over biceps curls, standing and seated Curls one-arm biceps with a dumbbell on a Scott bench Both exercises are considered the best isolated movements for the biceps Triceps
Bench press with a barbell with a narrow grip 1. Push-ups in narrow parallel bars with a vertical body 2. Push-ups between two benches with support at the back 3. Push-ups from the floor with a narrow position of the hands Dips allow you to work with a really heavy load French bench press with a bench barbell 1. French bench press with an EZ-barbell bench 2. French bench press with two dumbbells bench In all versions, do not spread your elbows too far to the sides - this will take the load off the triceps French bench press with a barbell from behind the head while standing French press with a dumbbell from behind the head while sitting The variant with a dumbbell in terms of balance is more convenient to perform while sitting on a bench with your back at 80 degrees French press with a dumbbell from behind the head while sitting The two-armed version can be replaced with the one-armed version The two-armed version allows work with heavy weight.
One-armed - more isolated French dumbbell press with one hand behind the head, standing and sitting The same but on a block The block is suitable for detailed work on the triceps Triceps press on a block while standing Push-ups from the floor with a narrow position of the arms Arm extensions from behind the head on a block while standing That same but with a dumbbell Dumbbell allows you to better work the stabilizer muscles Push-ups on parallel bars 1. Bench press with a narrow and medium grip with a barbell 2. Push-ups between two benches with support from behind Both alternative versions should be performed in a style that imitates push-ups in parallel bars Forearm muscles
Barbell raises biceps with a reverse grip standing 1. The same but with an EZ bar 2. Hammer with dumbbells, standing and sitting Hammer grip allows you to use more weight Wrist curls while sitting The same, but standing, holding the barbell in your lowered hands behind your back The standing option allows use more weight Wrist extensions while sitting The same, but standing, holding the barbell with lowered hands in front The standing option allows you to use more weight Hanging on the bar Holding a barbell or dumbbells in your hands, farmer's walk While walking, due to the constant shift of the center of gravity, hold the apparatus more difficult in the hands
Abdominal muscles
Lying crunches 1. Seated crunches on a block 2. Standing crunches on a block 3. Standing pullover with crunches on a block Using a block allows you to use large weights, and, importantly, without losing a sense of control over the work of the abdominal muscles. Raises of the body. on an incline bench Raising the torso on a Roman chair Both options overload the lower back. Choose the one that causes less discomfort Leg and knee raises on an incline bench 1. Leg and knee raises while hanging on a bar 2. Leg and knee lifts while supported in special parallel bars 3. Lying reverse crunches 4. Knee raises while sitting on the edge of a bench with dumbbells , sandwiched between the legs. Vertical lifts are the most labor-intensive. And they also allow you to relieve excess stress from the spine at the end of the workout.

The lower crown is the first row of timber, which is located on the foundation closest to the ground. It constantly suffers from the effects of various unfavorable factors: rain, snow, high humidity from the ground, so it quickly begins to deteriorate. Both logs and beams are subject to rot, so repairs may one day be required for any home.

Replacing the bottom beam of a house is a difficult, but completely solvable task, and as a result the house will receive a new, reliable foundation that will last for several more decades.

Home options

At home, you can choose a few basic exercises that can be a good replacement for dips.

  1. Push-ups on a bench, chairs. Performing this exercise is quite simple, and most importantly, it allows you to qualitatively develop your triceps.
  2. Pushups. By placing your arms wide, the pectoral muscles develop; with a narrow or medium position, the load on the triceps increases.
  3. Push-ups on dumbbells, kettlebells. Allows you to descend more deeply than with regular push-ups from the floor, but not as effective as from a bench. But overall, this is a good replacement for parallel bars.

If for some reason you cannot perform push-ups on the uneven bars, you can find alternative options. There are many exercises that promote effective development of the triceps and pectoral muscles. You just need to find the most suitable option for yourself.

Use of sports equipment

Barbells, dumbbells and other weights can also work well on the pectoral muscles, deltoids and triceps. It is worth noting that when doing push-ups, the load on these muscle groups is 75%, and when using equipment, you can independently vary this load.

How to replace push-ups in the gym? It's simple - barbell and dumbbell presses.

When choosing between a barbell and dumbbells, it is better to give preference to the second apparatus. With their help, you can better stretch the pectoral muscles.

If you have any pathologies or health problems, please consult a qualified trainer before performing each exercise. Drawing up a program yourself in such cases can worsen your condition!

Execution Rules

Due to the high risk of injury, the technique must be worked out 100%. You cannot increase the load and take on the proposed training schemes without mastering it. Otherwise, not only will you not achieve any results, but you also risk injuring your shoulder joints and neck.


  1. The warm-up should be devoted to warming up the shoulder girdle. This will reduce the risk of injury.
  2. It is necessary to start push-ups from the top point, since at the bottom, the muscles are in a stretched state, and the body itself is relaxed.
  3. Choose a comfortable and desired grip width. Firmly grip the bars with an overhand grip. The palms should be turned towards the body. Press your chin tightly to your chest.
  4. Shift the weight onto your arms from your legs, which are crossed at this moment. Pull your shoulders back.
  5. Take a deep breath through your nose. Start lowering slowly. The lower the speed, the safer and more efficient the load will be.
  6. Fix at a comfortable depth. Bring your shoulder blades together, don't slouch. Shoulders should not move in different directions.
  7. The angle at the elbow at the bottom should be 90° or slightly less.
  8. Feeling the muscle stretch, you can finally exhale through your mouth and begin to rise smoothly. The main thing is to avoid jerking.
  9. When lifting, it is important not to make any head movements or swing your body. To fully control and stabilize the position of the torso, it is necessary to tense the abs and buttocks as much as possible. But you have to work exclusively with your hands.
  1. Many people ask how to replace dips so that the load is equal. You can offer a bench press bench, but even this, despite its popularity among bodybuilders, puts less stress on the chest.
  2. Increase the weight of the weights gradually.
  3. Start with triceps-focused push-ups. And from the next month of training, start doing exercises to work the chest.
  4. Make sure you breathe correctly: lowering is done while inhaling, lifting is done while exhaling.
  5. To avoid injury, make sure that the width of the bars is slightly wider than the width of your shoulders.
  6. There is no need to strive for maximum speed. The slower you learn to do this, the better the muscles will work.
  7. Girls are better off starting with the gravitron. If you have not pumped your arms and chest before, it will be difficult to complete the exercise. It is better to study comprehensively, using a special complex.

If you can’t do push-ups the first time, you need to prepare your body for the load. As lead-in exercises, experts recommend (regular and wide), from the bench (emphasis on the hands behind).

Leg bending on a machine from a lying position

Why? When you do exercises lying down, your spine is not involved, and you train the least amount of muscles. In addition, such an exercise turns out to be useless in real life: it is unlikely that anyone can name at least one reason why we need to bend our legs from a lying position.

What to replace it with? Raising the leg back from a standing position. This exercise activates the posterior part of your body, which includes your lower back, glutes, thighs, and calves, while also working your core muscles to maintain balance. Most importantly, this exercise develops the flexibility and balance skills necessary in everyday life.

How to make bars?

From the selected wood or purchased long beam, we cut out four posts of equal length, fix them in the ground using concrete pouring (if the length allows, you can try to do without concrete). First, in each of the supports you need to make several cuts for the crossbar at an equal height. This is necessary to adjust the position of the poles. A home exercise machine or parallel bars are not something you need to skimp on, so you shouldn’t use chipboards or old tree species to make stands. This material is very lightweight and can withstand light operating loads, which can lead to injury to the athlete. After the supports are secured, you need to insert the crossbar and secure it with latches. It is also recommended to treat the finished projectile with protective materials that prevent the destructive effects of UV, pests and weather. Such bars would be especially appropriate in a country house, where you can always devote free time to exercise.

Advantages of wooden beams:

  • Use of environmentally friendly and safe materials.
  • Ability to easily adjust the height and width of the device.
  • Easy to assemble and install.
  • Ergonomics.
  • Economic benefit (wood can be bought inexpensively or simply cut in the forest).
  • No additional costs (welding, cutting, equipment, as is often the case when installing metal structures).
  • Over time, the design can be easily upgraded or replaced.
  • Good strength and wear resistance of the product.

As trivial as it may sound, no one will steal a wooden projectile for scrap while its owner is away. And playing sports in nature has a beneficial effect on the processes of tissue restoration and regeneration.

For those who love sports and saving money, a good solution would be to create your own sports equipment from scrap materials. Even a schoolchild now knows how to make beams from wood at home. Detailed information, drawings and photos of finished products are presented on our website. Before operating the finished product, it is necessary to perform a crash test with a small load to determine the stability of the structure. Such beams can be installed in any yard, the main thing is desire and hard work.

Selection of materials

Typically, a home horizontal bar is made of metal pipes. They come in round and rectangular (square) sections. Rectangular ones with the same cross-section (diameter and diagonal) and wall thickness have greater rigidity and can withstand a greater load. But if the pipe is crushed, then the rectangular one is sharply refracted, and the round one slowly bends. To prevent this from happening, choose thicker walls (2.5 mm or more). The horizontal bar will be heavier, but will be more reliable and will be able to withstand heavy loads.

If the walls allow, you can hang heavy structures

You also need to choose pipes for the horizontal bar based on convenience. If we talk about operation, then the round one fits more comfortably in the hand. But the rectangular one is easier to cook, since the round one requires a higher degree of skill. A rectangular one “fits” better on the wall; it has a larger support area. This is important for wall structures. Apparently, this is why the frames and stands of home horizontal bars are made from square (profiled) pipes, and the crossbars are made from round ones.

As a rule, the diameter of the horizontal bar crossbar ranges from 27 mm to 32 mm.

Horizontal bars for the home are also made of wood. But since wood is heterogeneous, it is difficult to predict its behavior under loads. Considering that the movements can be jerky, there is a high probability that the wooden crossbar will crack. So if you want to make a horizontal bar, it’s better not to use wood.

Reliability is the most important thing. Both in design and in fasteners

A few words about the type of steel that can and should be used. You can make a horizontal bar for your home from an ordinary pipe - from ferrous metal. After welding, it is cleaned to bare metal, treated with primer and painted. This is quite enough for use in a house or apartment. For outdoor horizontal bars, it is better to treat them with an anti-corrosion compound after cleaning, then with primer, and then with paint in two or three layers. If possible, apply powder paint. It has an uneven surface and does not slip under your hand. Some types of hammer paints can have the same surface. They also give an unusual effect: uneven color. Looks very good on metal things.

The fastening must also be reliable

You can also make a horizontal bar for your home or outdoors from stainless steel. It is hardly reasonable to transfer expensive material to the frame, but the crossbars can be made from stainless steel. Just don’t take food-grade stainless steel pipes - they are made with thin walls, so they often don’t hold up and bend. Take good alloy structural steel. It will not rust and will withstand heavy loads. But there is another point: the pipe may be too smooth, which is inconvenient. When gripping, your hands may slip.

Tools and materials for raising a house from timber

The lower crown of a house made of timber is most often replaced after purchasing an old house: the processes of destruction occur gradually, and the previous residents may not even know that the lower part of the building has suffered from rotting. A thorough inspection and check will allow you to give a “diagnosis” to the house: by the knock of any metal object on the wood, you can determine the condition of the crown. If this sound is dull, it means that the tree has swollen and begun to rot, so mandatory repairs will be required.

How to replace the bottom beam of a house? To do this, you will need to collect everything you need in advance:

  • Several jacks so that the wooden building can be gradually raised. They must be sufficiently heavy-duty and comfortable so that they can be easily placed under the house.
  • New materials for home restoration. You will need a beam of the same cross-section as the rest of the crowns; you will need to carefully work out the locking elements. A profitable solution would be to buy larch timber for the lower crown: although this type of wood is expensive, it is practically not susceptible to rotting, so it can last quite a long time.
  • Materials for foundation restoration. The base also deteriorates over time and needs to be replaced. In some villages you can still find houses built not on concrete or brick, but on large, wide stumps that can only bear weight for a very short time.
  • Chisels, axe, hammer and other carpentry tools. To carefully lift a building, you have to put in a lot of effort, and such work is best done with the help of assistants.

Before raising the house, the box must be prepared for major repairs. All furniture is removed from the building; it is also recommended to dismantle the plumbing and change the flooring.

You have to remove the door and window blocks to protect them from destruction; in addition, it is advisable to disassemble the subfloor.

Only after this the building will be ready for lifting with replacement of the crowns.

Carelessness and non-compliance with technology will lead to dire consequences: the house may be warped, and cracks in the walls are also possible.

Such work must be carried out extremely carefully, so it is advisable to involve professionals, those who have already done this more than once.

The process of replacing the lower crown

How to change the bottom beam in the house? This work begins with preparing the foundation. It is necessary to dig a trench around the perimeter of the house to expose and inspect the foundation of the building.

If the foundation has no cracks or other damage and is able to support the weight of the house, it does not need to be replaced, but this is not always the case.

The foundation columns often collapse over time, and due to their uneven position, the house either tilts to one side or the entire house begins to slowly sink into the ground.

We will have to replace all the columns damaged by time, and for this we also need to raise the building.

If cracks have appeared in a monolithic foundation over time, it is necessary to fill them with a special sealant.

For more serious damage, it is necessary to install a new reinforced belt around the house and connect it to the existing foundation using metal pins and other fasteners.

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