Split training: examples of two-day, three-day and four-day splits for mass

In fact, split training is a classic approach to bodybuilding training. Please note that the majority of gym goers (the male half) exercise precisely according to this scheme, and this scheme is a training process that is divided into certain muscle groups and laid out for a certain period of time - a week, for example. Yes, this method is not the best option for beginner athletes. Before split training, it is better to focus on training the whole body and not break it down into muscle groups for at least a month.

For newbies

We just got to the gym, walked into a room filled with powerful barbells, heavy plates, shiny exercise equipment, and now what to do with all this?

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Traditional advice for any beginner - for the first couple of weeks, work out the principle of working out the whole body in one workout . This is necessary in order to tone the muscles, so to speak, to prepare the body for further unusual work. “ Unusual ” is an intensive workout of a certain muscle group or two in one workout.

Remember physical education classes at school, when there was some kind of test. Let's do push-ups, or squats, or pull-ups. In your life you don’t put much strain on your body and here you need to do 30–35 push-ups. Or squat on one leg 15–20 times. After that, I suffered from terrible sore throat for a week. All because the body is not prepared.

It's the same with the gym. In fact, every workout will initially be a serious stress, and in order not to suffer from severe muscle pain, it is first necessary to prepare the body and muscles for the new work. This is what a person does during FullBody (“whole body”) training.

Biceps muscles

The biceps consists of 3 small muscles:

  1. Long/outer head (caputlongum).
  2. Short/inner head (caputbreve).
  3. Shoulder muscle (brachialis).

The heads are sometimes called the biceps muscle; they are located on the outer/upper side of the arm, so the main attention is paid to them, working on volume and relief. The brachialis muscle supports the biceps from below, giving volume

So we can note the brachioradialis muscle (brachioradialis), it transmits a flexion moment to the forearm, ensuring its movement

When working on the biceps muscles, it is important not to forget to work the forearm muscles as well.

Split training options

There are a lot of schemes for split training, and everyone can find one that suits them.

Their construction will depend on the goals:

  1. Muscle growth
  2. Strength growth
  3. Work on relief (weight loss)

Mass split involves the greatest variety in the training process.

Typically, these same split options are used in both strength and conditioning training, but with minor modifications.

As a rule, after 2-3 months from the start of training in the gym, working out the whole body in one day ceases to bring the desired result.


-High-intensity training consists mainly of basic exercises, resting between working sets for 3-4 minutes

-Medium-intensity load consists of isolating exercises, rest between working approaches is 1.5-2 minutes

-A similar microcycle can be repeated for 6-8 weeks, after which the necessary adjustments can be made. For example, add another day of rest between workouts, or add/reduce the number of approaches, change exercises. In any case, each example of a training program must be adapted to a specific “user”. It is best when a trainer deals with such correction.

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Pros and cons of split training

Like any system, split training in the gym has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include:

  • high-quality pumping of each muscle group. Even intense workouts in the gym are not as effective as split workouts. Each workout is a complete focus on a specific muscle group;
  • ability to work with heavy weights. Split is included in almost all complexes of gaining muscle mass, which allows you to work with heavy weights;
  • the danger of overtraining is not so high. Since each training day is dedicated to a certain muscle group, there is virtually no risk for the body to reach overwork. On fasting days, the muscles reach full recovery, and in the next session another muscle group is pumped.

This system has virtually no disadvantages. The only disadvantages include the fact that it is not at all for teenagers and beginners, and also, unlike fitness, split training is not suitable for weight loss.

Stop Worrying, Just Get Stronger

It may seem ridiculous to some to exercise twice a week, but you need to keep in mind that these are hard workouts, clearly not suitable for those who have been training for less than a year.

Since I started training with this program, I have met many successful, like-minded people. Among them is the Lillibridge family, probably the strongest family in powerlifting. Jim Wendler, the creator of the cult “5/3/1” program, adapted his training to a similar technique and got excellent results.

I can say this is one of the most productive techniques I have ever used. She gave me motivation and a feeling of reboot. I broke my own records almost every week, I didn’t feel squeezed, I wasn’t plagued by injuries. Finally, not only did I work for the program, but it also worked for me.

So, if you just like to spend more time in the gym, fine. But if you like the idea of ​​reducing the frequency and volume of training, then go ahead. I think you will be pleased with the results.

Source: https://www.bodybuilding.com/content/get-crazy-strong-squatting-and-pulling-every-other-week.html

Benefits of a split program

According to scientists and sports doctors, muscle hypertrophy is a long-term process. On average, the growth of muscle fibers after a single intense load continues for two or even three weeks. In this case, training designed to work all muscle groups in one workout actually inhibits the development of skeletal muscles and, naturally, reduces the effectiveness of training. By the way, such training will quickly lead to exhaustion of the body. The athlete’s body will spend all its energy on recovery, the growth phase will not start.

Split training allows you to efficiently work out specific muscle groups during a workout and recover effectively during the allotted time for rest, that is, until the next workout. Split training is best for gaining muscle mass.

Bodybuilding at home

The following bodybuilding program is designed for beginners. It can be used for the following purposes:

  • keeping fit for athletes with experience in the gym;
  • preparing the body for more intense work (for beginners);
  • development of general endurance after a long break from sports.

In addition, this complex is recommended for those men who do not have the opportunity to visit the gym, but can purchase a minimum set of sports equipment and allocate 2-4 hours a week to exercise at home.

For training, you only need a set of dumbbells. Men are recommended to use collapsible equipment with the ability to add weight.

The plan lasts two days. On Monday, the entire upper body and abs are loaded, on Thursday or Friday - the muscles of the chest and arms. This distribution of the load will allow you to effectively work out the body and fully rest between classes.

It is proposed to exercise according to the principle of supersets. That is, two exercises are performed sequentially for one muscle group at once. There is no break between exercises, but rest is allowed between approaches.

On Monday the following plan is recommended:

  • crunches on the floor + leg lifts (on parallel bars);
  • deadlift + plie squats with dumbbells or kettlebell;
  • seated up press + side swings with an inclined body;
  • Diamond push-ups + French overhead press
  • pull-ups on the horizontal bar behind the head + shrugs.

The second workout of the week consists of the following supersets:

  • wide grip push-ups + lying down side raises with dumbbells;
  • Bent-over row + lying down pullover;
  • bending the arms with emphasis on the knee + bending with alternating changes of arms while standing;
  • chest press + Svend press.

Do everything at a pace that is comfortable for you. 3 sets of 10-12 reps are recommended.

The advantage of this program is its versatility. It is suitable for both a beginner athlete and an experienced athlete who wants to keep in shape with minimal time investment. The only difference is the weights used and the number of repetitions.

Tips for Beginners

Those wishing to begin this complex should follow the following recommendations:

  • Spend one or two months training all muscle groups. After this, take several lessons with a trainer who will help you competently switch to a split system, monitor the implementation process and identify your strengths and weaknesses. Start your weekly workout with the least developed parts of your body to focus more energy on working them.
  • Work the largest muscles (back, legs, and chest) first, then move on to training the smaller groups (shoulders, biceps, and triceps) needed for basic bench presses, squats, and lifts.
  • Maintain the maximum intensity level regardless of the goal.
  • To choose the best option for yourself, try different types of split training.
  • Remember: in one split workout mode, you can work either antagonist muscles (triceps, biceps, back and chest muscles) or synergists (triceps, anterior deltoid and pectoral muscles).
  • When drawing up a program, take into account your personal experience in the gym and the amount of free time.
  • Sleep at least 8 hours to improve growth hormone activity.

How to do the exercises

Jumping Jacks

Jump on your toes and clap your hands above your head.


Lower yourself to the floor until your chest and thighs touch. There is no need to do push-ups - first lift your chest and shoulders, then lift your pelvis and place your legs closer to your hands. At the top point, do not jump high, the main thing is to get off the floor.

Jumping rope

Keep your elbows close to your body and try to rotate the rope only with your wrists, not your forearms.

Rock climber

Pull your knees closer to your chest and return them. Try not to move your pelvis too much during the movement - tense your abs so that the body remains more or less stable.

Hot feet

Move your legs at a fast pace, keeping your back straight. At the end of the interval, try to speed up if you have any strength left.

Push-ups and jump to hands

If you don’t know how to do push-ups yet, just do a jump from a prone position to your hands and come back.


Do not put pressure on your head with your hands, make sure that your lower back remains pressed to the floor.

Lunges touching the floor

Alternate your legs with a jump, leaning toward your leg with your back straight. If you run out of strength, do two lunges forward without jumping, and then step back with a bend.

Four-day split

This type of training is used by trained athletes when it is necessary to increase the intensity of training. It is not recommended for beginners to practice this split.

The method is based on the same division of large muscle groups and working them on separate days. There are no fundamental differences from the three-day program. One workout is simply added, into which part of the exercises performed is distributed, for example, for the shoulders and arms.

The schedule can be drawn up in different ways, but the most popular scheme is: Monday, Tuesday - training; Wednesday - break; Thursday, Friday - training; Saturday, Sunday - rest.

With its own weight

Not everyone likes to work with a barbell or in machines, so bodyweight training remains popular. The following program will help increase endurance and muscle size, and to perform the exercises you only need a horizontal bar and parallel bars.

Day one – focus on the chest, back and abdominal muscles:

  • lifting legs on the horizontal bar;
  • wide grip pull-ups;
  • pull-ups on parallel bars (legs to chest);
  • dips;
  • twisting on the floor.

On the second day, the arm muscles are maximally pumped:

  • reverse grip pull-ups;
  • “diamond” push-ups;
  • dips;
  • raising legs to chest on uneven bars;
  • close grip pull-ups.

All exercises are performed in 3-4 sets of maximum repetitions. The disadvantage of this program is the lack of separate exercises for developing the legs and buttocks. It is recommended to add lunges and squats, 3x15, to each workout.


Despite such powerful advantages, split programs also have disadvantages:

  1. High level of difficulty

There are schemes that will suit almost everyone. However, the training volume per muscle group increases several times and for some this becomes too difficult a task.

  1. Frequent workouts

This mainly applies to 4-6 day programs. Not everyone has the opportunity or need to visit the gym so often.

Most amateurs stick to three-day splits. This is the best option for muscle growth, recovery of the body, and in terms of time costs.

What are the benefits of chicken eggs?

This product contains a lot of protein, the amount of which per egg is about 5.53 grams. The high nutritional value of eggs is also due to the presence of amino acids - building materials required for various biological processes, which play an important role in maintaining the functioning of the body.

Medical News Today points out other properties of eggs that make the product beneficial. They contain:

  • provitamin A, vitamins B2, B5; B12, E and D;
  • folic acid;
  • phosphorus, choline, lutein, iodine;
  • biotin, iron, selenium.

Thanks to the combination of vitamins and nutrients, eating eggs speeds up metabolism and gives you energy.

Are EGGS harmful? (Protein VS Cholesterol)

Watch this video on YouTube

Load periodization

This is a very large topic for an entire article, but it is impossible not to touch upon it as part of the effective construction of the training process.

The load needs to be changed from time to time - that's a fact. I personally don’t use periodization, but train according to my feelings. I feel like I can tear and throw, then I’ll do a bigger load, I’ll use more serious weights. If, on the contrary, there is a loss of strength and lethargy (I didn’t get enough sleep, the weather suddenly changed, I got nervous, overworked - anything can happen in life), then I reduce the load.

The basic principle of periodization is the alternation of heavy loads with medium and light loads. Such microcycles. For example, one week you work hard with heavy weights for 4-6 repetitions. For the second - medium weights, 8-12 repetitions. In the third week, the weight is reduced to 15–20 repetitions, but the intensity of the workout increases (short rest between sets). You can arrange such cycles for two weeks or a month. Everyone chooses for themselves individually.

For example, in my case, a 3-week cycle would be suitable, since approximately during this time a full circle of all exercises goes through. Roughly speaking, I do the classic bench press once every three weeks. But I haven’t tried to experiment in this direction yet, although there are plans.

Why you should exercise even if you only have 1–2 hours a week

WHO recommends Physical activity for adults to get 150 minutes of light or 75 minutes of more intense aerobic activity per week, as well as two strength training sessions.
And you can easily fit these recommendations into two classes to improve your health, reduce How much exercise is optimal for heart health? — Harvard Health risk of heart disease, increase strength and endurance, and slightly increase metabolism.

When it comes to muscle growth, even one session is enough for you to see progress. One study, Higher Training Frequency Is Important for Gaining Muscular Strength Under Volume‑Matched Training, involving 20 young men, found that with the same training volume (weight × sets × reps), muscle growth increased regardless of whether the person trained once or three times a week .

This was confirmed by How many times per week should a muscle be trained to maximize muscle hypertrophy? A systematic review and meta‑analysis of studies examining the effects of resistance training frequency and a review of 25 scientific studies on training frequency.

With the same volume, it is not so important how many times a week you do strength training: the muscles will grow in any case.

It is clear that if you study 1-2 times a week, you simply cannot physically withstand the volume that can be done in 3-5 sessions. But the results will come, especially if you are just starting to practice.

For plants

Gardeners actively use eggshells throughout the entire gardening cycle.

To make sprouts appear faster, when planting, the seeds are sprinkled with crushed shells on top. Water the seedlings with an infusion of water on the shell. The shell is often used as drainage when planting potted plants. When digging up a site in the fall, crushed shells are added to the soil. This promotes better air exchange in the soil, and also helps reduce acidity and repel moles.

Powder from the shell is sprinkled on plants to protect them from blacklegs and mole crickets.

Shells scattered under plants repel slugs.

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