What does Henry Cavill look like now? Training for the role of the Witcher, Superman

Many people know Henry Cavill for his role as Superman. He first played one of the most famous superheroes back in 2013. To appear as the Man of Steel, the actor had to look the part. A toned body and sculpted muscles are not computer animation, but the result of hard training and special nutrition. But Cavill didn’t stop there: he continued working out, and today his size would definitely impress him in 2013. And in 2022, he transformed again - for the role of the witcher Geralt in the new Netflix series. We tell you how Cavill has changed over the past few years and how he managed to achieve such forms.

Henry Cavill Workout Program

The workout regimen usually consists of cardio and strength training. He uses a periodized program that modulates volume and intensity over multi-month training cycles. Cavill tries to do fewer exercises than other bodybuilders in order to train more intensely every day. Typically bodybuilders have a day off after training at the end of each week, but Cavill has a rest day on Wednesdays. Here's Henry Cavill's workout schedule:

Monday: legs

In this program, Henry Cavill performs an arm workout program in which he uses 3 different exercises.

  1. Squats (1 rep)

  2. Press (1 rep)

  3. Deadlift (1 rep)

Tuesday: Cardio

On Tuesday, Cavill focuses on cardio, where he runs over 45 meters with a 60-second rest in between.

  1. Sprint (10 sprints of 45 meters, rest 60 seconds between sprints)

Wednesday: rest

Cavill has Wednesday off after training. He eats a lot of protein and healthy organic food.

Thursday: hands

On Thursday, Cavill begins training his legs, doing 3 different exercises for 7 repetitions.

  1. Bent-over dumbbell row (7 reps)

  2. Power maple with dumbbells (7 reps)

  3. Dumbbell press (7 reps)

Friday: full body

On Friday, Cavill will begin a full-body workout consisting of just two exercises.

  1. Kettlebell swing (20 reps)

  2. Sprint (60 yards)

Saturday: chest, shoulders, back

  1. Back Squats (3 reps)

  2. Pull-ups (6 reps)

  3. Push-ups (9 reps)

Sunday: arms, chest, quads

On Sunday, Cavill performs 6 different exercises for the arms, chest, and quads with maximum repetitions of 1 minute.

  1. Dumbbell press (maximum number of repetitions in 1 minute)

Circuit: 1 lap, rest 1 min. Between exercises.

  1. Weighted pull-ups (maximum number of repetitions 1 min)

  2. Rows (max reps 1 min.)

  3. Burpee (maximum number of repetitions 1 min)

Circuit: 1 lap, rest 1 min. between exercises.

Ancient hero, Superman and special agent: how Cavill changed

Henry Cavill could boast of being in good physical shape even before Superman. So, in 2012, he played the ancient Greek hero Theseus in the film “War of the Gods: Immortals.” The actor's size in this film isn't as impressive as, say, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, but it's definitely something to behold.

In 2013, Cavill received the role of Superman and became part of the DC Universe. He took a responsible approach to preparation before filming and trained a lot to ensure that his body corresponded to the image of the iconic superhero. Then the actor’s classes were led by trainer Mark Twight

, who helped many Hollywood stars get into shape, including Gerard Butler for filming “300.”

Superman is the personification of strength. In preparation for the film, Henry worked not only on increasing muscle definition. It was also important to work out the muscles of the core and abs well - so that the “flights” in the frame looked realistic.

For the role of August Walker, a CIA special agent, in Mission: Impossible: Fallout, Cavill not only grew a mustache, but also gained even more muscle. Prominent muscles cannot be hidden under clothes: although the actor does not appear topless in the frame, you can appreciate his biceps even through his shirt.

Henry Cavill's diet

Cavill said he typically eats more than 5,000 calories a day to maintain his incredible figure. This is what his caloric cycle might look like, this is an example program:

  • Week 1-2: 3500 calories including 1-2 MRP shakes per day.
  • Weeks 3-6: 3500 calories including 1-2 MRP shakes per day.
  • Week 7-8: 4000 calories including 1-2 MRP shakes per day.
  • Week 9-10: 5000 calories including 2-3 MRP shakes per day.
  • Week 11-12: 3500 calories including 1-2 MRP shakes per day.
  1. Meals: 5 egg whites, 2 eggs, 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1 apple, multivitamin/fish oil.
  2. Meals: 1 cup brown rice, 1 chicken breast, 1 cup broccoli, fish oil.
  3. Meal: 200 g tuna, 2 slices of wheat bread, banana, PWO shake.
  4. Meals: Chicken tortilla, 1 large flour tortilla, 6 ounces chicken breast, 1/2 cup lettuce, 1/2 tomato.
  5. Meals: Shake + potato, 8 ounces milk, 1 cup oatmeal, 1 scoop whey protein, 2 tablespoons sweet potatoes.
  6. Meal: 1 cup curd, small yogurt mixed with CC for almond flavor.


“Nutrition is a balance of all macro- and microelements. I make sure that I have the right amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates in my diet. It all depends on the goals: if I suddenly need to lose weight, then I reduce the amount of carbohydrates. But during the filming process, I sometimes change the proportions because I spend a lot of energy. When we're filming naked scenes, I have to cut down on carbs a lot. During this period it is most difficult for me, since the percentage of microelements changes dramatically due to different nutrition programs.”


“During training I lose a lot of fluid. Therefore, I have to be especially careful about my water balance. If you do not drink the required amount of water per day, then the natural processes in the body slow down and the body works less efficiently.

After a long day of work and training, I am often exhausted. I can wake up at lunchtime and go to the gym. Then I spend two hours on makeup, and only after that I start a 14-hour shoot. A lot of time is spent proofreading the text. Even with such a busy schedule, I don't forget to drink water. Although you shouldn’t overdo it with liquid either: with excess moisture, useful minerals are washed out.”

Static hold on the oblique abdominal muscles

This exercise creates a good muscle corset: strengthens the internal and external oblique abdominal muscles, engages the back muscles and buttocks. You can perform it on a crossover or with an expander band, hooking it onto a rack.

  • Attach the soft closed handle and grasp the handle with both hands.
  • Step away from the crossover, pulling the cable, and stand sideways to the machine, pressing the handle to the middle of your chest.
  • Extend your arms forward and hold the handle directly at the center of your body.
  • Make sure that your hips and shoulders are level and your body is not twisted to the side.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds, then turn your other side to the crossover and repeat.
  • Perform three sets on each side.

Hyperesthesia on GHD

An excellent exercise for strengthening the extensor muscles of the back, buttocks and hamstrings. If you have such a machine in your gym, be sure to use it.

  • Adjust the machine to your height and place your feet between the rollers.
  • Place your hands behind your head and lower yourself to a right angle in your pelvis.
  • Raise your body until your pelvis is completely straight, tighten your buttocks and hold in this position for two seconds.
  • Perform three sets of 10 reps.

Cavill was inspired by the 'big guys' in bodybuilding

Believe it or not, Henry Cavill was once told he was too fat to play James Bond. The actor rose to the role of 007 between Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig, and he received some harsh reviews. "I remember the director, Martin Campbell, saying, 'You're looking a little chubby, Henry,'" the actor said. -I didn’t know how to train or eat. And I'm glad Martin said something because I respond well to the truth. It helps me become a better person."

Cavill learned all about the importance of training and diet in the years that followed, but it wasn't until he started training for The Witcher that he began to truly appreciate what goes into being a bodybuilder.

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The journey continues. Thank you to Mr Dave Rienzi for being such a wonderful guide. My physical journey over the years has been an interesting one, with plenty of pit falls and plenty of moments of reward. I've been reflecting on them a lot recently and I've been very fortunate to work with some fantastic minds. I'm thankful to them all. Recently I've been exploring some of the big players in bodybuilding, both from the past and the present. It's absolutely fascinating to see what they put themselves through, the drive and mental strength required to get to such a place physically. Phil Heath in particular has caught my eye not only for his achievements but also for his genuinely humble and informative approach to his messaging. All this while being a 7x Mr Olympia. If you haven't checked out his page it's worth a peek. @DaveRienzi @PhilHeath #GymStuff

Posted by Henry Cavill (@henrycavill) Dec 21, 2022 at 4:17 am PST

In an Instagram post, Henry Cavill revealed that he had been reading about bodybuilding's big players and he found himself in awe of them. “It's absolutely thrilling to see what they go through, the drive and mental strength it takes to get to that place physically. Phil Heath in particular caught my attention not only for his accomplishments, but also for his genuinely humble and informative approach to his messaging. And all this while being a 7-time Mr. Olympia.”

What was Cavill like as a child?

The actor was born on May 5, 1983. If you look at photos of Cavill as a teenager, it’s hard to believe that in 10 years he will have a muscular body with beautiful relief. As a child, Henry was overweight, and his classmates often laughed at him. At school, the actor had the nickname “fat Cavill.”

At the age of 19, the actor decided to change his body. Before the first filming of The Count of Monte Cristo, Henry lost 10 kg. The result was achieved through nutrition and training. Being an overweight teenager is a thing of the past. Cavill has become a young, athletic guy.

Henry Cavill. Weight gain for Superman.

Henry started at 62.5kg and gained 4.5kg in the prep phase (Part 1). Then he gained the same amount during the bulking stage (Part 2). The goal of Part 3 (Fat Burning Phases) was to burn excess fat while maintaining the 20 pounds of muscle gained.

After 6 months of mass gain with a high-calorie diet, the opposite process begins. You cut calories and awaken your inner superhero. Mark Twight says:

“Concentration and discipline will now produce the desired results within six weeks.”

It is important to pay attention to how you feel and build your workout based on this. This is especially important when training on a low-calorie diet. You want to eat the majority of your calories before and after your workout. This will give you strength for training and further recovery.

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