Home workouts by Ekaterina Usmanova

  • Nutrition.
  • Ekaterina Usmanova is a famous Russian fitness model. It was she who became a real “fashion trendsetter”. She popularized the fitness bikini in our country and inspired millions of girls with her perseverance in achieving their goals. Her story is a clear example that every person has the opportunity to achieve the desired result.

    Ekaterina Usmanova’s workouts help you achieve your dream figure and completely reconsider your lifestyle. They are effective not only for experienced, but also for beginners. Nothing complicated, but the effect is stunning.

    How much should you study?

    What is the ideal workout duration? Don't overdo it, it won't do any good. An hour is enough if you practice intensively. But when it comes to the number of classes per week, Ekaterina is strict here: training should be daily. After all, anyone can allocate one hour a day to themselves, regardless of how busy they are. At first it will be difficult, but when you achieve the desired forms, you will understand that exercising in this mode is a pleasure.

    Don’t allow yourself to make mistakes in sports or food, as Ekaterina Usmanova repeats again. Training and nutrition are two pillars of a beautiful body, and therefore, once you start skipping training or having a “belly celebration”, it is very difficult to return to the regime.

    Listen to your body! If you are an untrained person, then at first it will seem simply wooden and unresponsive to you. But over time you will understand that nothing is impossible. Advice from venerable trainers and champions will not always be effective for you, because each person is unique, despite the seemingly identical structure of the body. Create your own training plan, do what is close to your body and what brings the greatest results.

    Combine intensive and extensive loads. If, for example, we are talking about running, then you can do this: five minutes of walking, three minutes of accelerated walking and four minutes of explosive running. The workout is more varied, you will not have time to get bored, and the body will speed up metabolic processes, as a result of which you will burn even more calories during the workout.

    What does the champion eat?

    As Ekaterina Usmanova says, training and nutrition should be completely balanced. Therefore, if today you decide to start the path to a perfect body, give up the prejudices and stereotypes associated with the effectiveness of diets.

    They only work in one direction - they undermine your health. Nutrition should be well thought out and combine all the components necessary to maintain life.

    Katya says that the basis of her diet is green vegetables, fruits, meat and fish. Of course, such goodies as sweets and flour, crackers and chips, fast food are not only useless for the body from a nutritional point of view, but also harmful.

    Katya Usmanova about training her buttocks in the gym

    On this issue, the athlete has a clear opinion: there is nothing better than a base. She managed to achieve her shape thanks to physically challenging basic exercises in the gym.

    Ekaterina attaches great importance to warming up. She doesn't approve of grueling cardio before body-building exercises: they take a lot of energy. It is recommended to do light squats without weights with an emphasis on technique: the spine is straight, the back is straight, the elbows are bent, the knees do not protrude beyond the toes.

    TOP 5 exercises by Katya:

    • Smith machine squats;
    • leg press;
    • reverse lunges in the Smith machine;
    • straight lunges with dumbbells;
    • lunges in dynamics.

    The break between approaches is 30 seconds, when moving to a new exercise – 2 minutes. Long rest reduces the effect of training and disrupts your mood.

    The basis of the training process is squats with weights, with which the final approaches will be performed at the end of strength. But the main thing here is not to overdo it: Ekaterina Usmanova maintains a balance in loads during training. You need to start with an empty bar, and then add weight

    Here it is important to fix your back and make sure that you feel the tension in your buttocks, not your back or shoulders.

    Please note Ekaterina uses the leg press as a multi-repetition exercise. They can tire out the gluteal muscles well.

    To feel them, you need to push off with your heels, and also monitor the work of your knees (they cannot be fully straightened!).

    Usmanova’s special passion is lunges. The athlete is sure: they are the ones who lift the buttocks. You can make three-dimensional shapes, but whether it will look beautiful is another question. It is recommended to alternate different lunging techniques: reverse, straight, dynamic, static

    Here it is important to keep your back straight, bend your knees at right angles and tense your abs

    The best brands and models

    If you want to choose sneakers for home workouts in advance, look at the rating of the most suitable models for this purpose.


    The best running shoes for the treadmill are reviewed below.


    The best treadmill model from the famous American brand is Air Zoom Pegasus. The material is mesh with seamless overlays that provide comfort and lightness. Thanks to the low rise, chafing is eliminated. Tight lacing secures the foot well. Lateral ridges on the sole are needed for optimal landing and sharp push-off

    Also pay attention to the Air Max+ sneakers from the same manufacturer. They have maximum shock absorption. Brooks


    The Glycerin 9 collection of women's models is designed for low-intensity training with a slow running pace. Ideal for neutral pronators. Very light. They have maximum shock absorption.


    Recommended model: Zjet Run. Made from special textiles created using NanoWeb technology. It is needed for reliable fixation. Low rise protects against chafing. Channels located along the sole provide the necessary air circulation. Features excellent shock absorption. The insole is made to the shape of the foot, significantly reducing the load on the joints.


    Wave Elixir 8 is a women's collection of running shoes from a Japanese manufacturer. As light as possible. The sole, developed using a special technology, creates reliable grip on the surface and provides support for the feet. Training performance with such shoes increases several times.


    Take a closer look at the Bounce S4, which is sleek and weightless. It is considered one of the highest quality and most comfortable for a treadmill. The material is mesh, perfectly breathable. Embossing with 3D lines looks very beautiful, although they do not carry any functional load. The sole is made of high-tech polymers. The spring system provides excellent shock absorption and lightness.


    Choose the FAAS 500 V4 model. It is ideal for daily training. The sole is made of blown rubber and solid foam, guaranteeing the shoe's springiness and elasticity. Thanks to her, both repulsion and landing are very comfortable. The grooves follow the shape of the foot, removing unnecessary load from it. As an added bonus, there is an antimicrobial insole. The breathable material ventilates well and provides the necessary air flow. Very light in weight.


    Model Hurricane 16 from the famous Japanese brand. The outsole is designed for overpronation, made of carbon rubber. It is best used at low speeds. Designed primarily for heel running. Very light in weight. Innovative technologies were used to create shoes:

    — Support Frame fixes the heel in one place for increased stability;

    — Sauc-Fit presses the foot to the sole;

    — IBR is needed for excellent shock absorption.

    Newton Running

    The Gravity V Neutral Mileage Trainer from the American sports shoe brand is recommended for beginner runners. The surface is seamless. The sole is made of special foam. Very light.

    To choose the ideal running shoes for the treadmill, you need to take into account their characteristics and meticulously study the pros and cons of each model. Please take this purchase seriously. After all, the health of your joints and the effectiveness of your training will depend on this. If the first barefoot experience turns out to be sad, there is a possibility that such an expensive unit will remain unclaimed.

    Don't forget about special underwear and muscle stimulants for weight loss.

    Ekaterina Usmanova fitness bikini. Fitness model Katya Usmanova, before and after

    • Training should be varied. There are many exercises to work the gluteal muscles. It is necessary to use both basic and isolated exercises. The wider the arsenal of exercises for the buttocks, the more magnificent the butt you can build.
    • It is necessary to feel the muscle group being trained. Mental focus is the key to getting a toned butt.
    • Pump up your butt every workout. Don't be afraid to pump up your gluteal muscles, they are large, strong and resilient.
    • Believe in yourself . There is a goal - you need to act. At the same time, you don’t need to put everything off until tomorrow; you need to start working on yourself right now.
    • Change your diet. This is half the result. But you shouldn’t think that the “correctness” of your diet consists of simply cutting calories. You can't build an ass like a nut like that. Ekaterina Usmanova’s diet plan is based not so much on cutting calories, but on balance. It is necessary to review the content of proteins/carbohydrates/fats in the diet and make it more correct.

    How to eat and lose weight

    The girl never approved of strict diets; her main principle is that everything is good in moderation. Even if, for one reason or another, you are forced to severely limit your daily caloric intake, your diet should still include five main components:

    Vitamins, minerals, water, fiber, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

    No fasting

    A severe restriction in food is a great stress for the body, which can lead to “breakdowns”, the so-called “yo-yo effect” - when you pounce on food and again eat the lost kilograms or even more.

    The point of the diet is not to limit calories to a minimum and starve, but to establish proper nutrition and stick to it throughout your life, says Katya.

    Fractional meals

    Small portions 5 times a day. This way you set up your body to work constantly, your metabolism does not slow down, and all incoming products are not stored in fats.

    You can learn more about fractional meals from the article “Eating fractionally and losing weight effectively”

    All is well in due time

    Foods high in carbohydrates, fats and proteins should be eaten at different times of the day. So, Katya advises eating carbohydrates, including fruits, as well as fatty foods, strictly before 12 o’clock.

    Otherwise, they no longer have time to be absorbed by the end of the day and are stored in fats. In the afternoon, the girl builds her diet on protein foods.

    Not a day without carbohydrates

    Like fats, they should never be excluded from the diet, says Katya. This is “fuel” for our body, they are rich in nutrients, vitamins, minerals, refusal of them leads to unpleasant consequences.

    It is necessary to distinguish between simple carbohydrates, those that are broken down and digested quickly, and complex carbohydrates, for which this process takes longer.

    You should refrain from consuming simple carbohydrates - honey, sugar, bread, pasta. But legumes, whole grain cereals, buckwheat, peas, soybeans, peas, and other “long-term” carbohydrates should always be included in the menu.

    ...and proteins

    Usmanova assigns special importance to them, recalling that they are the main building material for cells. Various meat and fish dishes are constantly present in her menu, but excess protein is also harmful.

    It is necessary to observe not only the norm of protein consumption, but also to combine proteins of animal and plant origin in order to optimize the amino acid composition of food.

    In addition, it should be remembered that for better digestion and absorption, protein foods are best steamed, in a slow cooker, or baked.

    For her followers, Katya created a special line of sports nutrition from the Energy Diet series - Energy Pro protein shakes.

    She states that this protein will be an excellent dietary supplement for both men and women, helping them balance their diet, providing the body with all the necessary amino acids, and also helping to speed up metabolism and burn fat.

    You can learn more about Energy Pro from Katya herself in the video below. I just want to ask you - what do you think about Catherine’s cocktail business?

    I looked for the opinion of independent experts, and found a lot of negative reviews, the essence of which boils down to the fact that in this case all these proteins, like all Energy Diets, are simply a scam for money.

    The least that is recommended is to carefully read the label, pay attention to the composition of the product and be interested in what is hidden behind the beautiful advertising slogans. You can also make your own protein shakes at home.

    You can also make your own protein shakes at home.

    For my part, I can recommend not to chase dubious fashionable novelties, especially since the composition contains animal protein.

    In general, I have an absolutely normal attitude towards protein shakes; I drink them myself with pleasure. Carefully study the composition before purchasing, read customer reviews. Share your opinion on my blog to help others make the right choice.

    Calorie counting

    This is important, nutritionists say, because this is the only way you can know exactly how much you ate - weight will only go away if the number of calories eaten is less than the number of calories burned

    To calculate, it is important to take into account your health status, eating habits, heredity, weight at the beginning of the diet - all this affects the recommended calorie intake per day

    Stage 2: Day 1


    1. Leg extension in the simulator - do as follows:

    • Leg extension - 4 sets of 15 reps; full range of motion
    • Leg extension in the upper half of the amplitude - 4 sets of 10 repetitions; half movements from the middle to the top
    • Leg extension in the lower half of the amplitude - 4 sets of 10 repetitions; half movements from bottom to middle
    • Leg extension with a 10-second delay - 4 sets of 10 repetitions; hold straight legs for 10 seconds
    • Leg extension with 8-second negatives - 4 sets of 10 reps; lower the weight eight counts through the full range of motion

    2. Leg press (feet at the top of the cart) - perform as follows:

    • Leg press - 4 sets of 15 reps; full range of motion
    • Leg press, at the top of the amplitude - 4 sets of 10 repetitions; lower the weight to half the range on each rep
    • Leg press in the lower part of the amplitude - 4 sets of 10 repetitions; press the weight to the middle of the range on each rep
    • Leg press with 8-second negatives - 4 sets of 10 reps; lower the weight eight counts through the full range of motion
    • Leg press - 4 sets to failure (Tip: place your feet in the center of the platform, toes slightly turned out to the sides)

    3. Hack Squats – 4 sets of 8 reps (Tip: Always keep your back firmly pressed against the pad of the machine)


    4A. Reverse hack squats - 4 sets of 10 reps (Tip: Instead of a reverse hack squat machine, you can use a vertical squat lever machine)

    4B. Sitting leg raises in a machine – 4 sets of 15 reps

    Normal execution:

    5. Glut Machine Leg Press – 4 sets of 10 reps on each side (Tip: do all sets without resting to completely fatigue the muscles)

    How to make the same butt

    Watching the transformation of fitness model Ekaterina from the before and after photos, you can clearly see how the athlete’s butt has transformed.

    Immediately before training, you need to warm up your joints by doing 2 sets of 20 squats with your own weight.

    The activity itself is like this:

    1. For squats, choose a barbell. Perform 3-4 sets of 15-16 squats.

    2. Incline leg press in the simulator - 3-4 sets of 20 times.

    3. Use a Smith machine, doing 15 reps of lunges 3 times.

    4. Hyperextension - 3 sets of 20 times.

    5. Do lunges with dumbbells while moving - 3x15.

    6. Lunges with dumbbells in one place - 3x15

    It is important to know:

    Swing your legs as often as possible, fixing your lower back. This is the most effective means for engaging the gluteal muscles.

    How to get slender legs

    Beautiful shoulders

    Some tips from Miss Bikini Moscow Ekaterina Usmanova:

    1. Do an exercise for the gluteal muscles every workout.

    2. Workouts should be different so that you don't get bored.

    3. Eat right and focus on problem areas.

    4. Training should be targeted. So, if you are pumping your buttocks, then use only the “fifth point” and not the quadriceps.

    6. Develop muscle strength. “If you work on the number of approaches, then this is wrong. You should feel how the muscle works,” says the girl.

    7. The most important thing is to simply believe in yourself. By fighting fears and stereotypes, you grow above yourself, bringing your figure to the ideal.

    Plastic surgery by Ekaterina Usmanova

    Some publications claim that, contrary to her statements, Catherine has undergone more than one plastic surgery. At the same time, photos are posted for comparison with the inscription: “before plastic surgery”, “after plastic surgery”. Katya herself confirms only breast augmentation surgery and lip correction. He talks about his buttocks - this is the result of hard and painstaking work in the gym.

    The dynamics of Ekaterina’s anthropometric indicators are interesting. In 2013, at the age of 24 (Katya was born in 1989), according to sports measurements, she weighed 56 kg. In 2022 (before pregnancy), the parameters were as follows:

    • chest – 81 cm,
    • hips – 81 cm,
    • waist – 58 cm,
    • weight – 60 kg.

    Exercises to strengthen Usmanov's back

    The goddess of fitness, the best butt on Russian Instagram, the most spectacular blonde in the fitness business - this is all about Katya Usmanova. She confidently tops any list of Russian fitness girls, and the recent scandal with the hijacked BodyLab school has added more attention to Katya. The author of these lines once saw a beauty in reality, at a musical, and was so blinded that you can’t expect objectivity from the article.

    Ekaterina Usmanova was born on October 1, 1988 in the city of Krymsk. Katya claims that she loved sports since childhood, but photographs of young Usmanova do not amaze the imagination. Ekaterina graduated from the Financial University and for some time even, like us mortals, worked as an advertising manager. In 2010, a serious revolution was brewing in Katya’s life. She fell in love and happily married Alexander Usmanov (unfortunately, a divorce later followed).

    The love story of Katya and Alexander is very touching. He became her coach, but did not view her as a woman - rather, he perceived her as a child. Then he went into the army, and Katya, while waiting for him, did serious work on herself and changed a lot for the better. Returning to civilian life, Alexander immediately noticed and appreciated this.

    And Katya changed her unloved office job to a more interesting path - she became a fitness trainer. The girl became more and more interested in sports, and gradually she began to actively participate in competitions, achieving better and better results.

    Katya and Alexander, first husband

    Ah, this wedding, wedding, wedding

    There was something to be proud of: Katya won fitness competitions in the Rostov region and Krasnodar region, and in 2012 she became the world champion in bench press. On October 13, 2012, in Sevastopol, she took second place at the bodybuilding and bikini championship. The best then was Ekaterina Guseva, a Muscovite.

    Disappointing second place

    After the competition, Katya underwent plastic surgery for breast augmentation. She took herself even more seriously and immediately after won the Championship of Moscow and the Central Federal District in the “Bikini, fitness model” category. Next - the Russian Open Championship in bodybuilding, body fitness, fitness and bikini and second place in the Fitness Bikini category. By this point, everyone in the industry knew her.

    I want to listen to such an athlete! “To achieve ideal shape, you need not only to eat well, but also to exercise every day,” says the champion.

    If you want to observe the life and activities of an athlete, then look at Ekaterina Usmanova’s Instagram. And here are the famous “before and after” photos that blew up the Internet.

    Dmitry Tsaryuk Usmanova's husband who is he

    quoted1 > > The man became a standard and example for her in everything, motivated her and convinced her that the girl was on the right path, said that sport would bring fruit and success. Ekaterina Usmanova immediately went into science after school and thought that working as an advertising manager was her ultimate dream.

    However, after some time, the bikinist began to get tired of the monotonous and boring office work.

    Next, Usmanova decided to get a job as a trainer at a fitness club.

    Having good shape and parameters, the girl was hired for the position.

    This is where it all began. In addition to the exercises, Ekaterina began to seriously take care of herself, build her body, and polish problem areas. Then came the performances at competitions. The path to success began with performances in the championships of the Krasnodar Territory and Rostov Region.

    And 2012 didn’t take long to come when Katya became the champion of the South of Russia in the bench press.

    She was one of the first to engage in a new area of ​​female bodybuilding for our country and received international recognition. Looking at a simple girl from Krymsk, who managed to sculpt an ideal body and become a champion, many wanted to repeat her success.

    Having received many titles, the athlete decided to end her competitive career.

    Ekaterina told Woman.ru about the reasons for leaving, new goals, the happiness she found in love, the secrets of her ideal shape, the charm that helped her become No. 1, and much more. Woman.ru: Even in your old photos you look especially bright.

    Stages of a sports career

    All significant sporting achievements date back to 2013.

    April. The first serious result was the title of Russian Champion at the Russian Cup championship. Katya considers the first place at the All-Russian bodybuilding tournament in Abrau-Durso to be a merit of her inner spirit. The main thing is to first learn to perceive any competition as a holiday, as a bright show in which you should give joy. And then: “I imagine holding the cup in my hands and walking out onto the platform.”

    • September. Kyiv, World Championship, second place and vice-champion status. I was dissatisfied with the preparation for the competition. The overdried top, in her opinion, and insufficient carbohydrate loading did not add optimism. Hope for success was born and sustained by the unexpectedly strong support of a group of fans. Maybe that’s when the idea of ​​Ekaterina Usmanova’s online university was born?
    • October, Moscow Championship. Katya approached the new tournament with an understanding of the judges' requirements, began to navigate the trends, and took a stricter approach to her diet and training regimen. Result - Absolute Champion of Moscow 2013.
    • November, St. Petersburg, Grand Prix Fitness House 2013. “When performing at international competitions, I try not to evaluate the chances of my competitors, but tell myself: I am the best, I must win. Without such 100% self-confidence, victory is simply impossible!” Optimism and confidence were rewarded with fourth position in a solid list of titled bodybuilding stars.

    Usmanova Ekaterina training. Gluteal muscle training from Ekaterina Usmanova

    1. Squats. Special squats are performed with a leg lunge to the side. This exercise allows you to pump not only the gluteus maximus muscle, but also the medius and minimus. It is recommended to perform 20-25 squats on each side.
    2. Cross lunges (or “Curtsey”), in which one leg is brought back behind the other. A beginner or a person experiencing knee pain can practice regular lunges, performing 20-25 repetitions on each leg.
    3. Bend forward. This exercise is often called “Good Morning” and is banally simple, but at the same time very useful for the butt. It must be performed, observing the condition - you should lean forward with almost straight legs, only slightly bending them at the knees. Due to this technique, all the muscles of the lower body work. At the same time, they stretch, which means they become more elastic and resilient. And in order to achieve what you want, you can do 20-25 repetitions in one cycle, gradually increasing the load and reaching 50 repetitions.
    4. Leg extensions performed from a supine position. Having taken the starting position - lying on the floor on your back, connect your legs and lift them up, pressing your foot to your foot so that your thighs are perpendicular to the surface of the floor. Place your hands behind your head and tighten your abs, and then begin to spread your legs to the sides, performing the exercise 25-30 times in 1 cycle.
    5. Lying hip raise. To reproduce the movement, you should lie on your stomach on the floor, placing your hands under your head and raising your feet, bending your legs so that the thigh and shin form a right angle. In this position, begin to raise your knees up. In total, you can do from 20 to 35 such lifts.

    Circuit training for girls in the gym to burn fat

    If you decide to train in the gym, be prepared for intense work on yourself and your body. Any trainer or just a person who is interested in sports knows that one of the most effective workouts is circular fat-burning training for a particular muscle group. A set of exercises is performed that effectively works out problem areas.

    Circuit training for fat burning is more intense, and cardio also plays a significant role in such training. Circuit training is performed in a cyclic pattern and lasts from 15 to 60 minutes. Perform from 3 to 8 circles, with a break of 2-5 minutes and from 10-12 exercises, the break between which is 20-30 seconds. As a rule, with this type of training, basic exercises are used.

    Circuit training in the gym for women to burn fat for weight loss includes the following exercises:

    An innovative drug for losing weight by 30-40 kg! Removes even age-related fat without chemicals, liposuction, diets or physical exercise. Exercises

    • Pull-down of the upper block behind the head The back is kept straight, the shoulders do not rise. 18-20 times;
    • Raising your legs while holding on to the bar Raise your legs parallel to the floor, as high as possible for better effect. 18-20 times;
    • Lower block row with a narrow grip to the waist while sitting. Keep your back straight, chest forward. 18-20 times;
    • Forward Lunges Lunge while holding dumbbells. 18-20 times on each leg;
    • Standing Barbell Chest Press Perform the press without arching your back. 18-20 times;
    • Lifting dumbbells for biceps with supination Supination is rotation of the wrist. 18-20 times;
    • Press raises The body is raised first to the left knee, then to the right. 18-20 times.

    A similar workout for girls will be performed in 3 circles. The reserves of the main source of energy for the body, glycogen, are depleted, and fat actively begins to be burned, promoting weight loss.

    Home program

    The advantage of exercising at home is working with your own weight. The most effective exercises without machines are: squats, jumps, lunges, push-ups, abdominal pumps.

    It is not advisable for circuit training at home to exceed 30 minutes. 10-50 repetitions are performed in one circle. 2-3 lessons per week will be enough.

    The home circuit training program includes:

    • Squats Keep your back straight, feet shoulder-width apart or wider, knees do not go beyond your toes when squatting. Thus, the gluteal muscles are formed. You can use dumbbells for better results;
    • Push-ups The main thing is not to bend or arch your back. The muscles of the arms and chest work;
    • Emphasis crouched The starting position is parallel to the floor, as in a push-up, then in a jump we move into a squatting position;
    • Burpee Jumps The squat exercise is complemented by jumping up from a sitting position. Promotes active fat burning;
    • Abdominal swing Any technique that works the upper and lower abs will do.

    A similar circuit training at home for women is performed in 3 repetitions.

    How to avoid obesity and regain an erection at any age?

    An important tip is to warm up all muscle groups with a five-minute warm-up before training.

    How to get a beautiful figure

    As I mentioned above, proper nutrition is only one component of building a body like Usmanova’s. The second component is training.

    The gym is the element in which Katya feels, as they say, like a fish in water. In numerous videos posted on Youtube, she gives advice on working out individual muscle groups or problem areas, and simply shows general sets of exercises.

    In particular, in this video she introduces girls to exercises for the most important parts of the body, according to the female half of humanity, and also shares tips on nutrition.

    But in this video he touches on the very popular topic of the press and, again, does not forget to share the secrets of correctly constructing your menu.

    During the drying period

    Here the approach to training should be structured in a special way. Katya advises:

    Give special attention to cardio training. Fast runs once a week are effective (5-6 runs, each for 30 seconds with a rest of 3-4 minutes between runs), which in this case will bring the best results.

    Conduct 3-4 aerobic workouts per week, each for at least 30 minutes. The more you exercise, the more fat you burn.

    Reduce weight by half. Due to a low-carbohydrate diet and, as a result, a decrease in energy intake into the body, you cannot dry out and pump up mass at the same time - you will build up muscles later, when excess fat is gone.

    How Katya trains

    When working on her figure, Ekaterina is guided by a circuit training program, when exercises are done at a fast pace, one after another, without a break. In this case, you will spend the maximum amount of energy, which means you will quickly lose excess weight. The proposed type of training will ensure rapid fat burning for both beginners and regular regulars of fitness clubs. The program is designed for training in the gym. Here, exercises on the legs and back alternate: while the legs are resting, the back is subjected to stress, and vice versa. The exercises must be performed three times, which will deplete glycogen reserves and direct the body to consume its own fat. Girls should also eat properly: if during training they work actively, and at home they begin to “eat pizza on both cheeks”, restoring the calories spent, there will be no effect .

    The set of exercises for the fat burning program is as follows:

    Toning all muscles and burning fat

    1. Pull of the upper block behind the head2. Leg extension3. Seated lower block row4. Lunges5. Dumbbell bicep curls6. Triceps dumbbell lifts7. Raising the body from a lying position.

    A few rules for proper training

    In order to get a beautiful figure, daily exercise is necessary.

    It is important to alternate periods of intense and low stress. To warm up in the gym, start by running on the treadmill: a few minutes of explosive running should be followed by calm

    And so on for 20 minutes. Thanks to the change in load, the body experiences an acceleration of metabolism, and as a result, excess weight loss occurs. Ekaterina Usmanova in her training program is guided by the principle of interval training. You should start each workout with a calorie-burning activity, such as jumping rope or running at an alternating pace. Remember, you need to exercise every day to achieve results. Yes, it will be difficult at first. Here you should be patient and adopt Katerina’s willpower to improve your body. For a visual example, see the photo “Ekaterina Usmanova. Before and after".

    Pumped up abs from bodybuilding champion Ekaterina Usmanova

    To work on your abs, you need to include in your classes: 1. Direct pumping of the press. To do the exercise correctly, make sure to do it twice: do a small push from the floor and a small lift; similarly, you should lower yourself in 2 steps. In one approach you need to do 30 pumping exercises.2. Bicycle: place your hands behind your head, and lift your legs at a right angle with your knees bent. Pull your right elbow to the opposite knee, while straightening your right leg. Similarly, carry out movements in the opposite direction. At the end of the rise, lower yourself onto your back. The norm is 2 sets of 20 repetitions.3. Pumping up the upper and lower abs: take a lying position, place your hands behind your head, and straighten your legs. At one point, you need to raise your body and bend your knees. We carry out 2 approaches of 20 times.

    Secrets from a celebrity

    Ekaterina Usmanova before and after plastic surgery. What did Ekaterina Usmanova look like before plastic surgery?

    The idea of ​​losing excess weight and toning up our body comes to each of us completely spontaneously. Inspired by photos of beauties in magazines or the Internet, we rush headlong to the gym to pump up our butt quickly.

    But this is where many people have problems when the question arises, which exercises for the buttocks are the most effective. And Katya Usmanova comes to the rescue, offering her own TOP complex for the perfect butt. As the model and athlete states, by performing these exercises, you will be able to achieve incredible success in the shortest possible time and become the owner of attractive, elastic and toned buttocks. But the desired can be achieved, reports Ekaterina, by fulfilling one condition - train regularly and carefully, because the program for improving forms proposed by the trainer is designed to work out all the muscle fibers of the problem area, on the work of which the proportionality of the buttocks depends.

    At the same time, you don’t have to worry - you’re unlikely to be able to pump up the muscles in the problem area, because the set of exercises from the athlete and beauty Katya is designed to gradually increase muscle mass while simultaneously burning excess subcutaneous fat. Therefore, by practicing according to Usmanova’s principle, you will create an attractive butt for yourself without unnecessary problems.

    By training with this program, you can train on your own at home or in the gym without the help of trainers. The recommended exercises are great for beginners and allow you to relatively quickly pump up your gluteal muscles, resulting in a beautiful, firm butt.

    Warm-up and list of exercises for circuit training

    Before performing circuit training, an important and non-excluded step should be a 10-minute warm-up, which consists of performing circuit training exercises, but at a slow pace.

    Circuit training involves performing a set of exercises without breaks. To perform workouts of this intensity, the body uses maximum energy to burn fat.

    This workout involves a 4-fold approach to performing a given range of exercises. The only condition: the sequence of exercises for lunges/chair rises and push-ups must be maintained. The remaining exercises can be combined in different sequences.

    Between approaches you can take a short break for 1-2 minutes.

    Important! For effective weight loss, breaks between approaches cannot exceed 2 minutes. The complex consists of exercises for the legs and back

    So, when doing exercises on the legs, the back rests, and vice versa. This will allow even beginners to maintain the intensity of the workout.

    The complex consists of exercises for the legs and back. So, when doing exercises on the legs, the back rests, and vice versa. This will allow even beginners to maintain the intensity of the workout.

    The program includes continuous performance of the following exercises:

    Performing squats 20 times. At home it is possible to perform regular squats, in a gym - with weights (dumbbells, barbell). Perform a plank for 30–60 seconds. The plank can be performed both in the classic version and with alternate raises of arms and legs. You can also do a side plank with your elbow resting. At the initial stage, a 30-second execution is sufficient, followed by a gradual increase in execution by 10 seconds. Lunges or rises onto a chair with each leg 10–15 times. Lunges/rises are variations of the same exercise and can be performed alternately. Lunges can be done both in the forward direction and in the opposite direction (backward)

    When lifting onto a chair, it is important to fully extend your legs.

    Important! When performing this exercise, it is important that the step is wide. Push-ups (or pull-ups) 10–15 times

    The push-up option can be either the standard version or the knee push-up (especially for beginners)

    Push-ups (or pull-ups on the bar) 10-15 times. The push-up option can be either the standard version or the knee push-up (especially for beginners).

    Weight loss workout program for men at home. The process of training at home

    Before you start working on your body, you need to carefully plan everything, and not think during training: what moment was missed? When doing weight loss exercises at home, it is very important for men to pay attention to all parts of the body, so it is best to immediately plan a series of exercises, the number of approaches and the time devoted to each part of the body. It all starts according to the classic version - with a warm-up. The body needs to warm up and get ready for physical activity.

    Standard exercises are suitable here: warming up the cervical region, shoulders and arms, bends and turns, leg swings, lunges, etc.

    The body needs to warm up and get ready for physical activity. Standard exercises are suitable here: warming up the cervical region, shoulders and arms, bends and turns, leg swings, lunges, etc.

    It all starts according to the classic version - with a warm-up. The body needs to warm up and get ready for physical activity. Standard exercises are suitable here: warming up the cervical region, shoulders and arms, bends and turns, leg swings, lunges, etc.

    Next, during each workout, choose the following exercises for specific parts of the body:

    1. To pump up the abdomen: abs, plank, body twisting;
    2. To shape your arms: push-ups from the wall and from the floor, pumping your arms with an expander, swinging dumbbells;
    3. For leg training: squats, stretching, tiptoeing, changes from one leg to another;
    4. To strengthen the back: bridge, reverse crunch, Cobra exercise;
    5. For general tone and weight loss: jumping rope, jogging, boxing with an invisible opponent, etc.

    To obtain visible results, you must take a responsible approach to performing exercises, each time increasing the load and the number of approaches. The load on the body should be large, but not debilitating. If after training your body only feels tired and there is not a single hint of increased energy, then it is necessary to reconsider the set of exercises and the correctness of their implementation. Especially if after training you suddenly feel discomfort or excessive pain.

    Features of training from Usmanova

    What is the essence of classes from Ekaterina Usmanova? There really is nothing supernatural or complicated about them. For a comprehensive body workout, the girl only accepts basic exercises in the gym. It was they who helped her become the owner of a slender, seductive figure that has delighted men and women for many years.

    Usmanova pays special attention to warming up. It should take an integrated approach and not include grueling cardio exercises that require a lot of strength and energy to perform. To warm up joints and ligaments, the athlete recommends all kinds of squats without additional weights and burdens. Technique is important

    The back should always be perfectly straight, the elbows should be bent, and the knees should not protrude beyond the toes. Proper execution of squats provides stunning results and reduces the risk of injury.

    The most effective exercises, according to Katya, which should be in any training program:

    • Smith machine squats.
    • Dynamic lunges.
    • Leg press.
    • Reverse lunges into Smith.
    • Straight lunges with weights.

    Secrets from a celebrity

    The main secret to perfect buttocks is systematic training. The training complex for the lower body from Ekaterina Usmanova includes 5 effective exercises that can be performed not only in the gym, but also at home. Regular implementation of this complex will help in a short time to achieve a rounded shape of the buttocks, tighten the inner thighs, correct the riding breeches area, but at the same time not weaken the quadriceps. The workout is suitable for all girls who want to have an athletic butt and slender legs and do not necessarily have any sports equipment, for example, dumbbells to pump up their butt.

    For those who want to quickly lose weight, as well as pump up their legs and make their butt beautiful, a set of exercises from Katya Usmanova.

    Secrets of being slim

    According to Katya, split meals 6–9 times a day are effective only for people with a slow metabolism. For people who are actively involved in sports (and accelerated metabolism), nutritious meals 3-4 times a day with the required amount of calories are quite enough.

    Did you know? By eating 6-9 times a day, you can develop a habit of frequent eating, which can subsequently lead to a breakdown in your diet and the opposite effect - weight gain.

    In the diet of an active person, the most optimal would be 5 meals a day, consisting of 3 full meals and 2 snacks. This regimen has a positive effect on metabolism and, when combined with training, increases the effect of lipolysis.

    The only and main secret of Katerina’s slimness is considered to be the rule - EAT LESS!!!

    What to remember

    So what does it take to look like a fitness star?

    • Under no circumstances should you starve.
    • Eat right – eat small, varied meals, maintaining a balance of vitamins and microelements, as well as proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
    • Drink enough water.
    • Monitor the amount of calories entering your body.
    • Play sports, preferably in the gym, with an experienced trainer. Exercises on machines and with weights are one of the components of successfully building a beautiful, sculpted body.

    Well, that's all I have for today. See you again in new articles on my blog. And don't forget to subscribe for updates!

    How Ekaterina Usmanova became a coach

    The biography of the popular Russian fitness model begins on October 1, 1989, when a daughter, Ekaterina Usmanova, was born into a simple Russian family.

    Katya spent her childhood and teenage years in the southern city of Russia - Krymsk. Possessing an undistinguished and standard appearance, Usmanova showed an active interest in sports from her youth.

    At the age of 13, Ekaterina became interested in one of the varieties of martial art - taekwondo - and as a result became the owner of a green belt (6th level of skill).

    Did you know? Ekaterina won her first successes in competitions with a male strength form of fitness - lifting barbells

    If you decide to do fitness at home, you need to know about the main mistakes when doing exercises and the nutritional principles of fitness girls. sportsyears

    And in high school she was also fascinated by economic sciences, the study of which she continued while receiving higher education at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Having received a specialty in management and marketing, Katya consolidated the results of her studies by working for some time as an advertising manager, and then made her final decision to build a sports career.

    Katya began her sporting activity with bodybuilding (a branch of fitness), followed by work as a fitness trainer. In 2010, having married her fitness trainer Alexander Usmanov, Ekaterina begins to take part in fitness bikini competitions.

    The result of such intensive work on herself was the title of Russian champion in fitness bikini.

    Chronology of sporting achievements:

    • 2012 - IPA (International Powerlifting Association) world champion in bench press;
    • 2012 - winner of an honorable 2nd place in bodybuilding competitions in Sevastopol;

    Learn how to properly perform incline dumbbell presses and bench presses.

    • 2013 - winner of the Russian and Eastern European Cup in the fitness bikini category;
    • 2013 - champion of the Yashankin Cup;
    • 2013 - finalist of the Arnold Classic 2013 championship.

    At this stage, simultaneously with the divorce from her husband Alexander, Ekaterina Usmanova’s competitive career ends.

    From now on, “Miss Fitness Bikini” is engaged only in coaching and, promoting sports and healthy eating, provides paid consultations to those who want to improve their shape.

    Did you know? According to the results of the audience's choice, Ekaterina Usmanova was the clear favorite and should have won the prize.


    Early marriage and the beginning of a sports career

    Back muscle training with dumbbells: basic exercises, principles and features
    At a local sports club, Katya meets her future husband, fitness instructor Alexander. In 2010, the young people got married. This was the beginning of Catherine’s sports career. After some time, the girl will win the title “Miss Fitness Bikini” of the Krasnodar Territory. And this will only be the beginning.

    The husband participates in all of Catherine’s training, preparing her for competitions. Almost all the achievements and awards that we will write about below were received thanks to her husband, Ekaterina noted. Although many fans believe that Katya literally created herself. Perhaps the end of an early marriage with a fitness trainer will confirm this.

    Personal life of Ekaterina Usmanova

    The men in her life were never a secret. Katya didn’t advertise much, but she also didn’t hide the names of her husbands and boyfriends from fans and subscribers.

    Ekaterina got married for the second time in 2014, and again not for long. Neither she nor her husband Dmitry Tsaryuk talk about the reason for the divorce.

    After her second marriage, which also ended in failure, she did not dare to get into a serious relationship for a long time. Until I met the father of my unborn child. In April of this year, Katya shared the good news: she is pregnant. The future dad is Pavel Korshunov, about whom many enthusiastic words have been said. It seemed that there was no longer any need to worry about Ekaterina Usmanova’s personal life. But this union, unfortunately, was not strong due to the betrayal of the chosen one.

    Now Katya is a happy young mother. Despite everything, Pavel and Ekaterina were able to maintain a good relationship and together they are raising baby Polina, who is already 2 months old.

    Registration of a personal account

    Creating a personal account is a prerequisite for those who plan to attend Ekaterina Usmanova’s online classes. A personal account is created in a few minutes using the following instructions:

    1. Visit the main page of the official website.
    2. Find the link to log into your personal account.
    3. In the login field that opens, click the “Registration” link. It is located on the right side of the screen.
    4. The questionnaire requires entering an email address, first and last name.
    5. Click on the “Register” button.
    6. A letter will be sent to the designated e-mail with instructions for correctly completing the procedure.


    A beautiful body is the result not only of hard training, but also of a nutritious, balanced diet. Ekaterina Usmanova does not offer any special programs. She is opposed to diets, which inevitably lead to breakdowns and gaining even more extra pounds. You need to switch to proper nutrition, making it a part of your life.

    Key recommendations from the athlete:

    • We eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. This will allow you to restore and speed up your metabolism, and also forget what evening gluttons are.
    • We consume complex carbohydrates up to 12 hours. Afterwards we reduce their number to a minimum.
    • In the afternoon, we lean on protein foods. They help in building a beautiful body.
    • You cannot exclude fats from your diet. They must be present. This applies to healthy fats, which are contained in high-quality butter, fish, etc.
    • Dishes on the menu should be both healthy and tasty. You should enjoy every meal.
    • If there is not enough protein, you can achieve the required amount by additionally consuming protein shakes.
    • We observe the drinking regime - the standard intake is 2-2.5 liters.

    Powered by Miss Bikini Moscow

    Ekaterina Usmanova believes that healthy nutrition is the basis for achieving excellent results in sports. Her recommendations never mention special diets. On the contrary, Katya is sure that diets are more likely to achieve ulcers and gastritis than beautiful forms.

    Important! When following a diet, it is necessary to additionally include mineral supplements, BCAAs and supplements such as glutamine, glycine and L-carnitine in the diet.

    Katya claims that balancing foods and following a diet is more effective than diets. To maintain beauty and slimness, the body needs all the components of nutrition: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals, water.

    According to Usmanova’s advice, a complete diet should contain absolutely all foods, but in moderation.

    The diet should include familiar dishes:

    • soups (lentil, vegetable with broccoli, spinach, mushroom);
    • all types of cereals;
    • meat;
    • sea ​​fish;
    • vegetable salads;
    • cocktails based on fruits and vegetables;
    • all types of fruits;
    • desserts (in small quantities).

    When creating a diet, you need to understand the end goal. So, during the training period, it will be most important to eat protein foods, and during the pre-competition period, it is most important to consume foods containing fiber in larger quantities.

    Version of Anastasia Anisimova and her husband

    According to Anastasia Anisimova’s version, initially the idea of ​​​​creating the “BodyLab Ideal Body Laboratory” project belonged to her. She was going to become a client of a similar organization - “Sect” (our favorite reggae performer Alai Oli (Oli Marquez)), but noticed a number of shortcomings in it. By that time, she was not yet familiar with Ekaterina Usmanova, but she tried to get into her training to get rid of excess weight. And when she realized that Katya was too busy and wasn’t taking on new students, she made an original decision: she sent the fitness star an offer to become the media face of an online project dedicated to strength training.

    Usmanova accepted the offer. According to the agreements, her tasks included only coaching and PR. Since the girl had absolutely no experience in running a business, no other functions were assigned to her. While the school was being prepared for opening, Katya and her husband were vacationing in Brazil, without taking any part in it. To accept payments, a legal entity, IP Anisimova, was created, which operated for six months.

    Large fees played a negative role: Ekaterina stopped posting on Instagram about the school and making videos for students, although this was part of her functionality. Usmanova’s reasoning for her reluctance to work was very simple: she did not want to waste the energy she was saving to open her own gym.

    Having stopped posting motivational videos on Instagram, Katya turned her page into a set of photographs that showed fans her beautiful life. She added pictures showing exorbitant prices for spa treatments and meals at famous restaurants. Such PR did not fit into the concept of the online school: sometimes, in order to purchase a course of classes, women from the regions have to save for months and deny themselves many things. Usmanova responded to comments regarding the content of social networks with abuse and reproaches. The patience of Anastasia Anisimova and her husband was slowly bursting, and they were seriously thinking about changing their coach.

    The agreement was terminated by written notice. The rights to Instagram and the school were given to Anisimova. According to her, the online project can, at its discretion, use already filmed videos with the image of a fitness star. There was an attempt to come to an agreement: Usmanova and her husband were offered to remain on a small percentage, without performing any functions for it. But Katya preferred scandal and publicity: she needs such PR, because she is busy opening her own gym.

    Brief biography, sporting achievements, personal life.

    Ekaterina Usmanova (photos are shown below in the article) was born in early October 1989 in the city of Krymsk, Krasnodar Territory. Having fallen in love with outdoor games from an early age, the girl at the age of 13 entered the taekwondo section, where she received her first green belt at the age of 15.

    Much later, talking about her first successes, Usmanova noted that she was encouraged to play sports intensively by her first unrequited love, which she met on the threshold of the section.

    After graduating from secondary school, Ekaterina became a student at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, and after receiving a diploma, she worked as an advertising manager for 2 years. To her surprise, even during her studies, Usmanova became very interested in sports, and after staying in the gym, she decided to quit management forever.

    Ekaterina’s sports career began at a local fitness club, where she first trained under the guidance of a fitness trainer, and then her husband, Alexander. In 2010, the young people tied the knot and it was from this time that the girl’s sports career began, literally immediately after her marriage she was transformed into “Miss Fitness Bikini” of the Krasnodar Territory.

    The first competition in which Ekaterina participated was the Russian powerlifting championship, which was followed by:

    • Rostov fitness championship;
    • world championship in bench press;
    • Sevastopol bodybuilding competition;
    • Moscow bodybuilding championship.

    The last competition, which took place in the Central Federal District, brought Ekaterina victory as a “fitness model” performing in a bikini, and then the girl confirmed her title at the Russian championship.

    Usmanova’s next success was a ticket to the finals of the European champion “Arnold Classic”, after which the girl, who decided to give up her sports career, was literally inundated with job offers.

    In 2013, the already successful and titled athlete received an offer to become the host of the TV program “Beauty and Aesthetics”, and also signed a contract with the Victory Distribution company to advertise sports nutrition.

    Having become a professional fitness trainer, the athlete developed her own online consultation program at the Fitness University, constantly conducting professional seminars on training and nutrition programs for women.

    Her first online project, Body Lab, lasted about a year, and then gave way to Usmanovateam. Subsequently, the athlete opened her own network for the production of sports nutrition, and in 2022 she also launched a line of fashionable clothing and goods for sports and recreation.

    Usmanova also launches free marathons on her VK page, where anyone can join her in the fight for slimness. For the first time, Ekaterina married her fitness trainer Alexander very young. The man actively supported the aspiring athlete and it was thanks to him that she won most of her awards and titles.

    Photo of Ekaterina Usmanova with her husband Pavel

    Usmanova’s second husband was a businessman named Dmitry Tsaryuk, with whom the athlete created her own Online Fitness University, a swimsuit line and a sports nutrition network.

    After breaking up with her second husband, Ekaterina began dating network business manager Pavel Korshunov, with whom the girl gave birth to a daughter, Polina, in 2019. Usmanova did not officially register her relationship with the father of her child, only changing her status in VK to “married.”

    A few months ago it became known about the separation of Catherine and Paul, due to the latter’s infidelity. Usmanova had a hard time with the breakup, but the former lovers were able to maintain a good relationship and are trying to raise their child together.

    Pros and cons of training

    Circuit training for weight loss is a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Its main task is to launch metabolic processes aimed at fat burning. A huge advantage of this area of ​​fitness is that fat deposits are burned not only in the process of working on yourself, but also after completing the workout.

    Intense fat-burning circuit training will only benefit the body if you know how to do it correctly and take into account the advantages and disadvantages of the direction. The main advantages of the system are:

    • effective weight loss;
    • development of strength and endurance of the body;
    • strengthening muscle relief;
    • accessibility – you can exercise at home or in the gym;
    • work occurs on all muscle groups at once.

    One of the disadvantages is that the strength part of the training seriously loads the heart. People with pathologies of the cardiovascular system cannot exercise in this mode. This functional program for girls with hypertension and increased intracranial pressure is also prohibited. Another small minus is that when working out on exercise machines in the gym, it is not always possible to complete the entire circuit without a break due to the queue for some types of equipment.


    To obtain the desired result, you need to perform 3-4 circles. There are also certain training recommendations:

    • We do squats as quickly as possible, but with proper technique. The process should involve exclusively the gluteal muscles. They are the ones who “push” the athlete out of a sitting position.
    • Cross lunges are difficult for beginners, so they can be temporarily replaced with static ones. This makes it much easier to keep the body in a state of balance.
    • We perform tilts efficiently - the body must be lowered until an angle of 90 degrees is reached.
    • When raising your legs, you do not need to use all the possibilities of the existing stretch. The meaning is different - constant muscle tension. The body must not be allowed to relax.

    If during the training you feel a burning sensation and strong muscle tension, then everything was done correctly. If the activity did not bring fatigue, and in general it was easy, it means that something was not completed or mistakes were made.

    Interesting fact. It is advisable to combine home exercises with strength training in the gym. This is much more effective and interesting.

    Fitness bikini training program

    As for the training program, there is no single correct option. Everyone has different methods and approaches. But the girls' classes take place both in the gym and outside, if the weather permits.

    The training program for fitness bikini athletes should include the following exercises:

    • » Shoulder training: Dumbbell rows in front of you, dumbbell bench press while sitting, dumbbells bent over to the sides, barbell rows in front of you
    • » Back training: Bent-over dumbbell rows, pull-downs in front of you or behind your head
    • » Biceps training: Barbell curls for biceps, dumbbell curls for biceps while sitting
    • » Chest workout: Bench press, dumbbell press at 30 degrees, dumbbell lateral raises
    • » Leg training: classic squat with a barbell, platform press, forward bends with a barbell, leg extension
    • » Triceps training: French press, triceps extension on blocks

    The training split needs to be changed and alternated with each other so that the muscles do not have time to adapt to the load. Some workouts are aimed at developing strength, others at endurance. This is regulated by the number of exercises and repetitions.

    Fitness bikini training program

    Monday (Legs + abs + calves)

    1. Superset leg extension and bending on the machine - 3 circles of 15 repetitions each
    2. Classic squat with a barbell - 4 sets of 8-12 reps
    3. Leg press in the simulator - 4 sets of 10 times
    4. Weighted Calf Raises - 4 Failure Sets
    5. Bench press on bench – 4 x 15 repetitions

    Wednesday (arms + chest + back)

    1. Block row to the belt - 5 to 10 times
    2. Vertical block rows to the chest - 4 x 20 times
    3. Bent-over dumbbell rows – 5 x 20
    4. Incline dumbbell press – 4 x 20 reps
    5. Dumbbell horizontal press - 3 x 10 times
    6. Doubleset from:
    • - push-ups from a bench – 3 to 25
    • -hammers – 3 to 25

    Friday (shoulders + legs)

    1. Deadlift – 5 sets of 15-20 reps
    2. Barbell lunges – 4 sets of 15 reps
    3. Seated dumbbell press – 4 x 15
    4. Barbell rows to the chest in a standing position – 5 to 12
    5. Seated dumbbell flyes – 4 to 15

    This is a sample plan for a weekly training cycle for fitness bikinis who train in the gym. You also need to include cardio in the program before training on the treadmill min. thirty.

    Training plan and recommendations for beginners from scratch

    This plan is suitable for girls who have been involved in sports or are involved in other physical activity, but in no way for beginners. If you want to train from scratch and don’t know where to start, then you can’t do it without a coach, because everything is individual. After looking at you, the trainer can create a specific program taking into account your parameters, activity, lagging muscle groups and your goals.

    Therefore, girls who come to the gym to prepare for bikini fitness - go to the trainer, let him guide you. Experienced athletes do not all need a coach, that’s why they are more experienced, they perform and train themselves at the same time, they have enough knowledge and skills to adjust their training program. Preparation for bikini fitness beginners should begin with finding a coach, because he:

    1. He will adjust your workouts, draw up a plan, and adjust your diet and nutrition plan.
    2. He will become your assistant and will conduct classes, give you tips, and provide insurance to avoid injuries.
    3. Motivate and force you to work on yourself. Criticize and praise your successes.
    4. 4.Adjust and manage the entire process, guide you, take into account individual characteristics, change programs, diet at certain stages of preparation for bikini fitness.

    We create the relief of your dreams

    An amazing girl, an experienced fitness trainer, Ekaterina Usmanova, is happy to share her secrets on how to pump up sculpted abs. The exercises can be done at home. You don't need any sports equipment.

    The trainer pays attention to the diet and quality of exercises. She says many girls make the same mistake: working their obliques.

    It's better to avoid this if you want to maintain a wasp waist.

    Exercise No. 1

    Classic crunches are the basis for working out the abdominal muscles. We perform the exercise using the following algorithm:

    1. We lie down on a gymnastic mat.
    2. Bend your legs at the knees, focusing on your heels.
    3. We press our lower back to the floor without bending, we hold our hands behind our heads.
    4. As you exhale, raise your body. This needs to be done with the abdominal muscles. We do not pull our neck and arms forward.
    5. As you inhale, we return to the original position, but only without jerking or sudden fluctuations.

    Exercise No. 2

    1. We take the starting position described above, only keep our legs above the floor, bending them at a right angle.
    2. As you exhale, lift your body and reach your elbow toward the opposite knee.
    3. Straighten the second leg.

    Exercise #3

    1. We lie down on the mat, legs straight, hands behind our heads.
    2. As you exhale, we rise and at the same time pull our knees towards us.
    3. As you exhale, we lower ourselves and straighten our legs. We don’t put them on the floor, we keep our feet up.

    Exercise #4

    The following exercise should be performed on an incline bench:

    1. We fix our legs, while exhaling, raise our body and round our back.
    2. The amplitude of the twists should be small, the abdominal muscles are in constant tension.
    • How and how much to pump your abs to lose belly fat?
    • Exercises for the abs

    Some trainers advise doing abdominal exercises daily, but separately from your main workout. Remember: without a proper and balanced diet or diet, you will not be able to see relief on your stomach. First you need to get rid of the fat layer. Be healthy and beautiful!

    Attention, TODAY only!

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