How to do a French press for beautiful arms

Often, athletes who want to quickly develop massive triceps choose the French press as their main exercise. This element is suitable for men and women, professionals and beginners with any level of training. The correct technique and proper inclusion in the training process will allow you to pump up the muscles and strength indicators of the arms as effectively as possible.

Why you should do the French press

This is one of the ACE Study Identifies Best Triceps Exercises isolated exercises for the triceps, the muscle that defines the shape of your arms.

All three heads of the triceps - long, medial and lateral - extend the arm at the elbow, and the first also helps to extend the shoulder.

When you raise your arm above your head, the triceps is in a stretched position, which increases mechanical tension in the muscle during work and promotes rapid growth in volume.

In addition, the French press has many variations: standing, sitting and lying on a bench or on the floor, with dumbbells or a barbell, on a block, with an expander, with one or two hands. You can do the exercise in any gym, regardless of equipment, or even at home if you buy a dumbbell or expander.

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