How did Hugh Jackman eat and train for his role in Wolverine?

Wolverine training

Hugh Jackman - 17 years as Wolverine, 17 years of hard preparation, training and complete dedication on the set.
This guy grew from a failed actor with two offers a year into a superhero who lived his whole life on the screen. The role of Wolverine became fateful for Jackman, because instead of him, Ducray Scott, a charismatic Scot, was already cast in the role, who was immediately injured during preparation, which stalled the filming process. Jackman managed to pass the interview when the film had already been filming for 4 days.

With a height of 188 cm, Jackman weighed about 78 kg and was frankly thin, so the director immediately sent him to the gym. It's funny, but in the first film "People Suit" from the beginning to the end you can see how Jackman gains muscles and the director increasingly takes into account close-ups of him without clothes.

When Jackman started training, he believed that he could get into good shape in a month. Imagine his surprise when, even a year later, nothing had changed radically. When asked in an interview whether he enjoyed training, he invariably answered: “I would like to swim in the sea and lie on the beach, but then I would not be the hero that the fans see in me.”

Ater began working in the gym in a difficult regime for himself: 5 sets of 5 repetitions and weights of 80-90% of the maximum. In addition to the gym, Jackman took hand-to-hand combat courses, but in the frame he still remained just a fit guy, in no way resembling a mutant with super-regeneration. According to Marvel's plan, Wolverine's muscle growth never stops thanks to constant healing. There was even a separate comic based on this, where a mutant got stuck in the ice and survived only because he fed on his own body.

For the film “X-Men: Origins,” Jackman added 13.5 kg of muscle mass. His trainer added carbohydrates, raised proteins and forced Jackman to constantly drink BCA, creatine and protein, since due to the filming schedule the actor could not always eat properly. Now cardio sessions have been added to strength training sessions, periodization and elements of functional training have appeared in training. Jackman began working with weights, a medicine ball, ran a lot, and even joined the “1000 pound” club: in three basic exercises - bench press, deadlift and squats - he was able to gain 450 kg. The actor bench pressed 106 kg, squatted 160 kg and pulled 185 kg.

Jackman has a particularly reverent attitude towards the deadlift; he considers this exercise the best of those in the bodybuilding arsenal. His maximum lifted weight is 210 kg. And the actor is right - this exercise raises testosterone well and promotes the production of growth hormone, so that after training with the deadlift, he eats and sleeps.

During this period, Jackman trains 3 hours a day and eats 5-6 times. At the same time, the actor fits all meals between 10 am and 6 pm, leaving only weekends for fasting days. The calorie content of his diet during the set reached 6000 kcal, versus only 3000-3500 kcal during the cut. Jackman's diet was analyzed in more detail by professional nutritionist and athlete Denis Semenikhin.

During this period, Dwayne Johnson himself became Jackman's training partner. The athlete helped Jackman with his diet and encouraged him when he refused to get up at five in the morning and go to the next session in the gym without breakfast.

In the movie X-Men: Days of Future Past, Wolverine appears bare-bottomed and it becomes noticeable how much his shape has improved. It was after this that fans started talking about Jackman being on steroids. However, 14 years passed from the start of training until the release of the 7th film in the X-Men franchise. And Jackman never stopped training for a day. Such progress is only a tribute to his efforts and perseverance.

The image of Wolverine was so closely intertwined with Jackman himself that even during training he imagined himself as a mutant. After all, Wolverine can do everything that Jackman cannot: deadlift 210 kg and bench press 120 kg. If there are a lot of people in the room or even not at all due to early training, Jackman quite seriously yells to his reflection: “I am Wolverine, I can do it!” This approach is his way to provoke sports rage in order to really gain strength and overcome himself.

2 years have passed since the release of the last Wolverine film, Logan, but Jackman did not stop training even after the death of his on-screen hero. He has repeatedly stated that enthusiasm and overcoming oneself in training taught him a lot in life, but are there many actors around who have the same impressive strength? Therefore, he does not plan to leave the gym. After all, Wolverine was killed on the screen, but not in himself.


Progressive training style

Jackman works out according to the system that bodybuilders use. In particular, Arnold Schwarzenegger was able to acquire sculpted muscles thanks to a progressive training style. It involves a gradual increase in loads: from smaller to larger.

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Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman

  • Date of birth: October 12, 1968
  • Height: 189 cm
  • Weight: 85-100 kg
  • Best films: “X-Men”, “X-Men Origins: Wolverine”, “Real Steel”, “The Prestige”, “Van Helsing” ( Van Helsing).

Why do men after 30 years of age begin to grow a belly and lose muscle mass? Metabolism after thirty.

How do stars train?

Don Scott, Hugh Jackman's personal trainer for more than three years, describes his client as a true strength training fanatic. According to him, Hugh is happy to train even before a 14-hour working day on the set.

In preparation for filming The Fountain, Hugh did yoga every day for a year. And in order to look “dry” in the movie “Real Steel,” he trained with a heart monitor, making sure that his heart rate did not drop below 140 beats per minute.

Motivation for a superhero

In interviews, Hugh often says that training is no more than work for him. He admits that he is not one of those who really enjoys them, and if he had his way, he would sooner swim in the ocean than monotonously lift iron in the gym.

In order to play the role of the superhero Wolverine, or the former boxer Charlie Kenton in Real Steel, he had to gain 10-15 kg. muscles. On the other hand, twenty million dollars for the role is well worth the effort.

Filming in the film "Real Steel"

Preparation for the role in the film Real Steel took almost a year - Jackman had to not only gain muscle mass, but also learn boxing moves. He was trained by former middleweight champion Michael Olajide Jr., as well as Sugar Ray Leonard himself.

Leonard's main task was to add touches to the actor's technique that indicate that he is a boxing veteran.

The first thing he advised Hugh to pay attention to was eye contact with the enemy, and the emotions that this contact conveys

Hugh Jackman in his youth

Another of the actor’s trainers, Mike Rhine, with whom Hugh worked for more than 20 years, and who prepared him for filming in “X-Men” and “Van Helsing,” talks about what Jackman was like in his youth: “He was very thin, and we they even called him Chicken Legs.”

Rain believes that it is best to train early in the morning - this allows you to devote yourself completely to training, since your head is not yet filled with problems and extraneous thoughts. He claims that evening and daytime workouts are much less effective.

Hugh Jackman's training program

Jackman's typical workout takes 90 minutes, including a 10-minute warm-up and a 20-minute cool-down. Running and exercises with body weight are used as a warm-up before training, and the aforementioned running or swimming is used as a cool-down.

Ryan believes that basic exercises work best. In addition, it is useful to work out movements from different angles, with different speeds and different intensities - the same program can be performed in a completely different way, changing the tempo slightly.

Supersets and working to failure

The actor's trainer calls working to failure the key to muscle growth. That's why Hugh combines compound and isolation exercises (such as bench presses and crunches) in a superset, performing the final reps with the help of a trainer.

Hugh Jackman's workouts are divided into sessions for different muscle groups: Monday - chest and triceps, Tuesday - legs, Thursday - back and biceps, Friday - shoulders and abs. One basic and three isolating exercises are always performed as a superset.

Jackman's diet and supplements

Training hard to increase muscle mass, Hugh divides his daily diet into six or even seven servings per day. His coach believes that eating often, but in small portions, is much more correct and healthy than eating rarely, but in large portions.

In addition, the actor pays special attention to getting enough protein from natural products, using protein shakes only after training. As an evening, “slow” protein, he uses regular cottage cheese


The success of Hugh Jackman's training is built on basic exercises, full dedication to training and a complete protein diet. The combination of these three elements allows the actor to gain 10-15 kilograms of muscle in preparation for the role of superheroes.

  1. 'Hugh Jackman Wolverine Meal Plan', source
  2. 'Get ripped like Hugh Jackman', source
  3. Men's Fitness, USA edition, October 2011

Childhood and family

Hugh Jackman's parents - accountant Chris Jackman and housewife Grace McNeil - moved to Australia from Great Britain in 1967 as part of a government program to colonize the mainland.

How Hugh Jackman has changed

The family had five children. Hugh, born in Sydney shortly after the move, on October 12, 1968, was the youngest child. When the boy was eight years old, his parents divorced. The mother and two daughters went back to England, and the youngest son and his two older brothers remained to live with their father. Since then, Grace has had no contact with her ex-husband and children. Hugh saw her again only when he grew up.

Childhood photos of Hugh Jackman

Soon the father married for the second time. The stepmother easily found a common language with the children, and calm and harmony reigned in the family. When Hugh turned 11, he also had a half-sister.

The father raised his children in strictness, taught them to overcome difficulties and not give in to circumstances. Already an accomplished actor, Hugh Jackman retains memories of exciting family camping trips full of adventure and valuable life lessons.

Hugh Jackman's school photo (bottom row, second from left)

At school the boy was a diligent student. He was also fond of basketball, and for some time was even captain of the school team. The young man did not immediately want to become an actor. “As a child, I spent nights looking at geographic atlases and dreamed of becoming a chef on an airplane. I thought that since airplanes serve food, there must be someone cooking it right there. It seemed to me that this was my dream job,” Jackman shared his memories in an interview.

Even in his youth, Hugh Jackman became interested in theater

However, his acting talents were discovered while still at school - the guy took an active part in school amateur performances. One of the first serious works was the production of “My Fair Lady”, based on “Pygmalion” by Bernard Shaw.

After graduating from school, Hugh Jackman spent the so-called “gap year” (a year that a graduate devotes to traveling in order to realize what he wants to do in life) in England, after which he returned to Sydney and entered the Faculty of Social Communications at the local University of Technology.

1991: Graduated from the University of Technology Sydney

In 1991, he received a bachelor's degree in communications with a concentration in journalism. However, by the end of his studies, Hugh realized that the profession of a journalist was of little interest to him, and began to devote more and more time to his favorite hobby - theater. In 1992, Jackman enrolled in The Journey acting course at the Surrey Hills Acting Centre, absorbing the knowledge and experience of the teachers like a sponge.

In the photo: Hugh Jackman with his father

“Until I was 22 years old, I could not even imagine that my hobby would become my life’s work. As a boy, I was always interested in theater. But at school they told us: “Music and theater only complement a person, make him more educated, but cannot bring money.” But I found the courage to stand up and say: “I want to do this,” the actor recalled.

After completing his acting courses, Hugh Jackman was accepted into the Western Australian Academy of the Arts (WAAPA). In order to study at a prestigious institution, he had to refuse the role offered to him in the popular Australian TV series Neighbors. The young actor paid three and a half thousand dollars to study at the academy - the entire inheritance that his grandmother left him.

Hugh Jackman

Born on October 12, 1968, he is 189 cm tall and weighs between 85-100 kg. For the film Wolverine: Immortal, the goal was to have 91kg. The percentage of fat, in my opinion, was 10%, but I already said and in the film it is clearly visible, very, very good vascularity, good muscle development, there is depth. What was done for this? I suggest starting with your diet.


Hugh Jackman stuck to a very strange thing called 16/8 fasting. It means Fasting Sixteen Eight.

A very clever name, however, the idea is extremely simple. There are 24 hours in a day, the day is conventionally divided into 16 and 8 hours, where 8 hours a person eats, and 16 hours a person fasts.

That is, in fact, the diet looks like this:

Food is accepted only from 10.00 am to 18.00 pm.


  • Oatmeal serving
  • Protein cocktail

Next he has training

After training there is 2 meals (until 15.00) in the form of:

  • Rice or sweet potatoes
  • Chicken breasts

Then after 15.00 no carbohydrates, only:

  • Vegetables
  • Chicken breasts or protein shake

Those. It is clear from the diet that: Hugh Jackman gets his protein mainly from protein shakes (whey and casein) and chicken breasts, and he eats 11 chicken breasts per day. Therefore, Hugh Jackman has admitted more than once that he hates chicken breasts, but continues to forcefully eat them. And all in order to catch up with these 3 grams of protein for every kg of his body weight, because... the goal was 91 kg for the film, he had to eat about 265 grams of protein per day (which is almost 3 grams for every kg of his body weight). Again, ordinary arithmetic, if you want to gain weight, make a plan, count the coals and proteins and act.

As for the questions, do you even believe in this diet? My answer is definitely yes, just like with Jason Statham’s diet. Moreover, I also know people who adhere to such a diet, therefore the form shown corresponds to the above.

Hugh Jackman workouts

I really don’t like to talk about this topic, but those who regularly follow my releases will understand why. We have to constantly remind ourselves that we are all different, we all have different genetics, etc., etc. You shouldn’t blindly copy and repeat the scheme of other people. Still, I’ll tell you a little about training.

The duration of the workout is 90 minutes + 10 minutes warm-up + 10-20 minutes cool-down. Before training, there is a warm-up in the form of running, followed by strength exercises (basic movements). Constantly uses supersets (i.e., for example, he did a bench press, stood up and immediately began doing push-ups, i.e., does it without a break). Trains on SPLIT: Mon. CHEST-TRICEPS, W. LEGS, Thurs. BACK-BICEPS, Fri. SHOULDERS-PRESS. The training itself usually takes place in the morning, it is clear that everything is arranged according to the schedule (+ as they say, in the morning the head is not filled with problems, thoughts, work, etc. i.e. for him, according to him, morning training gives a much greater effect than evening).

Well, something like this, I hope you found it interesting. Until next time.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Nutrition program

In the deadlift, Jackman lifted up to 210 kg

In preparation for his next transformation into the image of a superhero, Jackman goes on a diet codenamed “16/8”. It involves 16 hours of complete abstinence and 8 hours during which meals are allowed.

Hugh usually eats from 10 am to 6 pm. His traditional breakfast includes oatmeal, a 6-egg omelette, toast and some peanut butter. Lunch - several chicken breasts with a side dish of rice, broccoli or sweet potatoes. The last meal also consists of chicken along with raw or boiled vegetables. The actor ends his dinner with a protein shake.

Hugh could eat up to 11 chicken breasts in a day.

After 15:00, the Australian excludes carbohydrates from his menu, which allows him to achieve perfect body contour. The actor's calorie intake is 3600. Jackman has 3 grams of protein in his diet per 1 kg of body, which he gets from chicken breasts. By the way, the idol consumes this product in such quantities during his training and diet that, without exaggeration, he has long since sincerely hated it.

Actor's food for the role

The main component to achieve better results (giving the body a beautiful shape) was diet. It was based on five meals. Jackman had to get up at four in the morning to eat some egg whites. The intervals between meals were three hours. In the first half of the day, the diet included carbohydrates, in the second, the emphasis was on protein.

Jackman's diet was that you can only start eating from 10 am to 6 pm. The amount of calories consumed was 5500. But they did not turn into fat, but became muscles. Meals should not be washed down. Add at least half a liter to the standard of water consumed.

There are several nutritional rules that wolverine followed:

  1. Double your portion, try to eat twice as much to build muscle.
  2. Meals should be taken every three hours, and portions should be complete.
  3. Eat an hour and a half before performing exercises; under no circumstances exercise on an empty stomach.
  4. Stick to proper nutrition.

If you follow the correct nutritional rules and add physical activity, the result will not take long to arrive. Hugh Jackman took his training for the role of Wolverine seriously. Therefore, he achieved amazing results in a short period of time.

Wolverine's stages of physical activity

Hugh Jackman's training program takes place in 2 stages:

  • muscle building;
  • gaining power and physical strength.

Each phase in turn lasted 6 weeks. To record the results obtained during the performance of strength loads and acquire the ideal relief required on the screen, the Hollywood actor, after completing each stage, devoted a week to cardio exercises. What does this set include? The artist wrote in it:

  • yoga;
  • run;
  • stretching.

Then Hugh spent the day doing strength training. This step allowed the future Wolverine to pump up his entire body. Such a complex training program for the actor made it possible not only to make the contours more prominent, but also to completely get rid of even hints of fat deposits.

The peculiarity of the muscle building stage is the slowest repetitions. Hugh Jackman spent 3 seconds lowering the weight, and only 1 second raising it. Thanks to this technique, the man’s muscle mass was able to grow very quickly. The total number of repetitions varied between 8-12.

The strength building phase involved lifting heavy weights. At this stage, pace did not have a significant effect on training performance. The essence of the system was to perform explosive and fast exercises. The number of their repetitions should not be more than 4.

Another key feature of Hugh's training program is that classes are held in the morning. Optimal at dawn. This will allow you to complete tasks as intensively as possible.

How to become like Hugh Jackman

For many people, Hollywood stars become idols not only in acting, but also in the difficult task of physical self-improvement. The example of Hugh Jackman in this regard is special because two significant factors served as an obstacle to his path to an ideal body. Firstly, he himself is naturally thin, and therefore it is not easy for him to gain muscle mass. Secondly, he crossed the line “over 40”, which is not the best age for training.

If these two factors apply to you, and you also have experience in working out, then you can use his training and nutrition program. In any case, consultation with a professional trainer is necessary. Remember that the actor achieved such results under the watchful supervision of a bodybuilding ace.

The attitude with which Hugh Jackman approaches his work is commendable. He himself admits that he prefers swimming in the ocean to tedious training, but nevertheless visits the gym with pleasure. Professionalism lies in the ability to turn routine into leisure.

How to become a wolverine

Jackman played the role of Logan more than once. He fits this image best of all. Last but not least was the actor’s appearance. For filming, Hollywood men can quickly gain muscle mass. But Hugh beat them all thanks to his tenacity and dedication. He did the hard work that made him look better than most.

Many people admire Hollywood stars and try to be like them. Jackman is a special role model. There were two factors on his path to perfection: due to his natural thinness, it was very difficult for him to get into excellent physical shape, the process was slow, the second was age, the actor turned 45 years old. Although Logan preferred swimming in the ocean, Hugh Jackman did not miss training for the role of Wolverine .

He completely changed himself. Many people complain about their genetics, saying that they do not allow them to gain muscle, lose weight, or, on the contrary, gain weight. Jackman surpassed her, began to train and adhere to proper nutrition. I sweated in the gym and calculated proteins and carbohydrates in the kitchen. In the movie “X-Men. Days of Future Past” Hugh appears with six-pack abs and simply huge biceps.

Hugh Jackman currently has a Golden Globe. He is the idol of millions of fans and sex is a symbol for women of all ages in the world. The actor does not stop at the achieved result, but continues to work hard on his body. Logan ranks first among popular characters. Videos of his training can be found on the Internet.

Hugh Jackman's wife and his family in the fight against skin cancer.

The Golden Globe winner has lived with his wife Deborra-Lee Furness for more than 20 years. The couple formalized their relationship in 1996. After two decades of marriage, the actor still speaks admiringly of his wife and admits that she is the best thing that happened in his life. Deborra-Lee Furness is involved in producing and charity work. Since the couple could not have their own children for a long time, a decision was made to adopt. At the moment, the family has two adopted children: the boy Oscar and the girl Ava, whom the proud father adores. As described above, it was the wife who initiated the investigation of the suspicious spot on her husband. After being diagnosed with cancer, Hugh Jackman needs family support, which he receives in full. Environmental deterioration and the influence of external and internal negative factors increase the likelihood of cancer processes. Although the incidence of skin cancer is increasing, it should be understood that this diagnosis does not mean defeat. This is a difficult test that anyone can overcome. Let Hugh Jackman finally overcome his illness and continue to delight his fans with new brilliant roles.

A marathon, not a sprint

Hugh was used to not counting on quick results. Otherwise, the extra pounds are gone and will come. So the actor is patient and trains hard for many months to get into ideal physical shape.

Jackman says that on average, three months of training is enough for him to get sculpted muscles and perfect six-pack abs on his body. The artist visits the gym twice a week. It would seem that this is not enough, but he gives his all. Thanks to this, we then see amazing results on the screen.

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The film "X-Men" brought Jackman a multimillion-dollar fee, but his success in Hollywood had yet to be consolidated. And this task was successfully accomplished by the film “Kate and Leo,” which also belongs to the fantasy genre, but fantasy of a completely different kind.

It was a melodrama about involuntary time travel. Jackman played the American aristocrat Leopold, Duke of Albany, who traveled from his time to 2001 and, of course, met his true love there - a modern businesswoman played by Meg Ryan. This picture has become a wonderful example of its genre. It did not shine with originality and did not deserve a place in the golden fund of cinema, but thousands of spectators were delighted with it. The characters in the film did not change beyond recognition under the pressure of amazing events, but learned to love each other as they are. Leo remained a real gallant gentleman, Kate remained a determined businesswoman, and yet everything worked out for them. The female half of the audience imagined themselves in Kate’s place and dreamed of a handsome prince from the gallant past, who would not be afraid of either a rival, or the bustling modern New York, or kitchen appliances, and most importantly, would always and everywhere remain a true gentleman. And Hugh himself received a Golden Globe nomination.

After Kate and Leo, Jackman moved away from science fiction for a couple of years. He starred with John Travolta and Halle Berry in the hacker action film “Password Swordfish,” again worked for beautiful ladies in the melodrama “Flirting with the Beast,” and only in 2003 he returned to the role of Wolverine in the film “X-Men 2.” Alas, as often happens in sequels, everything became larger, more twisted, more dynamic, brighter - but nothing new was said. The viewer, however, did not find fault and voted with a dollar. The film's box office grossed four times its budget.

Jackman's next science-fiction film, an enchanting attraction called Van Helsing, turned out to be much more provocative. Many accuse this picture of an abundance of “cranberries”, a lack of common sense and blatant “chewing gum”. Such films do not receive prizes at intellectual film festivals, which is true, that is true... And yet one cannot escape the feeling that the critics simply did not want to have fun. Dracula, the Werewolf, Dr. Jekyll (and Mr. Hyde, of course), Frankenstein's monster, and all this in one picture - beauty, and that's all. Everything is on fire, exploding, everyone is fighting, the assistant is making jokes, his girlfriend, the beauty Kate Beckinsale, is flaunting herself in a corset and with a sword, and Dracula has three brides in erotic nighties! And above all this, in the light of the full moon, rises the silhouette of the legendary vampire hunter, Gabriel Van Helsing. Of course, in a stylish hat and raincoat, and under the raincoat there are a lot of weapons and gadgets that boring people like agent 007 can only envy.

With Meg Ryan in the movie "Kate and Leo"

The film was conceived and made as an amusement park attraction. True, during filming, fans almost lost their idol. Hugh has not become more careful over the years, he still devotes himself to his work one hundred percent and performed all the stunts here himself. During the scene in the speeding carriage, Jackman made an unsuccessful jump. He should have landed spectacularly between the horses, clinging to their harness, but he did it too late and hovered dangerously close to the rushing earth below. Fortunately, everyone escaped with a slight fright.

After “Van Helsing,” Hugh still took a break from filming—if performances on Broadway in the musical “The Guy from Oz” in 2004 can be called such. Despite the title, the play was not a fairy tale, but a biography of the famous American showman Peter Allen. Jackman played the main role there and received a Tony for this, one of the most prestigious theater awards in the world. Hugh, by the way, is the only performer in Broadway history to win all the major theater awards in one season. In addition to the Tony, he received Drama Desk and Outer Critics Circle awards, becoming the owner of the so-called “Broadway Triple Crown”. The play “The Guy from Oz” also collected a whole bunch of awards: the Drama League, the Theater World magazine award and the Fred Astaire award. After such a generous harvest, Hugh could return with a pure heart to action movies, where people had already missed him.

"The Boy from Oz." Only the most courageous and fearless men can safely wear leopard print shirts

How did Hugh Jackman eat?

Wolverine's diet has its own subtleties. Without her, the actor would not have been able to achieve the optimal result. The Hollywood legend's diet was based on frequent food consumption. Hugh Jackman's breakfast consisted of several egg whites. Then the actor ate every 3 hours. His diet was based not only on protein products. Brown rice and an abundance of vegetables, coupled with protein shakes, allowed Jackman to train productively and systematically move towards his goal. Also, Wolverine's diet included an abundance of carbohydrates. He consumed them in the first part of the day. This is a guarantee of the energy necessary for productive intense exercise.

After 2 p.m., the actor sharply limited the inclusion of carbohydrates in his diet. He concentrated on protein. According to Hugh Jackman and experts, this is a great opportunity to burn fat cells as much as possible.

Hugh's diet for the role of Wolverine

Jackman largely followed the classic bodybuilding diet, a muscle-gaining and weight-gaining diet that, combined with his strength training and cardio training, helped him gain more muscle and remove excess fat from his body.

Jackman drank a lot of protein drinks throughout the day, starting at 6 am. I drank a protein drink before training and after strength training.


He ate protein-rich foods in small portions throughout the day. In order to constantly saturate the muscles with proteins and amino acids.

Advice from Jackman - I recommend dividing the required amount of food taken during the day into 6 to 7 meals, so that the muscles are constantly saturated with the building material - protein necessary for growth.

  • Jackman ate plenty of eggs and chicken throughout the day as part of his diet - these are popular choices as they contain relatively low levels of fat and are an excellent source of protein. Eggs also help increase testosterone, which helps increase muscle mass. But don’t get carried away with just protein-rich foods. The main mistake a novice athlete makes in trying to gain more muscle mass is to eat high-protein foods, and practically stop consuming other equally important nutritional ingredients for gaining muscle mass.
  • To saturate the body with energy for training, Jackman used carbohydrate-rich foods such as oats, fresh fruits and berries. The basic principle of a diet for gaining muscle mass in bodybuilding is the three components of success - high-quality carbohydrates, high-quality proteins and healthy fats - yes, fats are also needed for healthy muscle growth, but not all of them, but polyunsaturated fats.
  • In the middle of the day, Jackman consumed another source of protein, mostly roasted cuts of meat (usually turkey) with lots of green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and kale. Then, a few hours later, lunch. It will consist of a large portion of meat, served with whole grain rice and herbs.
  • I also ate nuts and seeds and some dried fruit in the middle of the day to provide extra muscle energy.
  • Jackman's dinner consisted of lean meat (usually chicken) and a large portion of vegetables.
  • Before bed, Jackman drank a protein shake to give his muscles some extra protein while he slept. Sleep is vital for recovery.

Hugh Jackman's training program

The peculiarity of the program is to perform maximum repetitions with medium weights.

There are several subtleties that Hugh Jackman and Don Scott used in their work. Wolverine's training was based on the principle of a reverse pyramid. One day of training involves a specific muscle group. Basic exercises involve increasing the weight with each approach and at the same time decreasing the number of repetitions.

  • Incline Dumbbell Press: 4 sets of 12-10-8-6 reps
  • Bench press: 4 sets of 12-10-8-6 reps
  • Crossover: 4 sets of 15-12-10-8 times
  • Pull-ups: 4 sets of 15-12-10-8 reps
  • Deadlift: 4 sets of 12-10-8-6 reps
  • Seated rows: 4 sets of 12-10-8-6 times
  • Leg extension in the simulator: 4 sets of 15-12-10-8 times
  • Lying leg curl: 4 sets of 15-12-10-8 reps
  • Smith machine squats: 4 sets of 12-10-8-6 reps
  • Lateral dumbbell raises: 4 sets of 12 reps
  • Lateral dumbbell raises on an incline bench: 4 sets of 12 reps
  • Seated chest press: 4 sets of 12-10-8-6 reps
  • Dumbbell curls: 4 sets of 12 reps
  • Barbell Curls: 4 sets of 12-10-8-6 reps
  • Lifting dumbbells on a Scott bench: 4 sets of 12-12-10-10 reps
  • French seated dumbbell press: 4 sets of 12 reps
  • French bench press: 4 sets of 12-10-8-6 reps
  • Arm extension on a vertical block: 4 sets of 12 times

Day 6. Stretching

Choice of: yoga or any stretching exercises

Hugh Jackman's food

Hugh Jackman's diet is based on a simple principle: all food is consumed from 10 to 18 pm, the rest of the time you cannot eat anything. In this case, the total calorie intake reaches 5000 kcal, but none of them goes into fat. Many professional athletes follow this diet, including the English rugby team.

Hugh Jackman's daily diet

  • Breakfast: large oatmeal, 5-6 egg omelette, toast with peanut butter
  • Second breakfast: chicken breast, spinach and a serving of brown rice, avocado
  • Lunch: Two steaks, broccoli, sweet potato
  • Second lunch: two pieces of salmon and steamed spinach
  • Dinner: repeat any of the previous meals

There is a mandatory condition that must be strictly followed. Such an aggressive eating style for the body must be accompanied by drinking a large volume of water. You need to add another half liter to your usual drinking norm. Drink all liquids in equal doses throughout the day, avoiding drinking during meals.


Lots of rest

Work is work, training is training, but you still need to rest. Jackman admits that as he gets older, he needs more and more time to recuperate, so sports is not a way of life for him. To recharge his energy, Hugh goes on trips. By the way, the personal fitness trainer also insists that the actor rest more. Oddly enough, this is when you can achieve the best results in terms of physical fitness. After all, if you overload the body, it can suddenly “fail”, and weight will be gained out of nowhere. So everything needs moderation.

Training program

At first, Jackman tried to burn fat and gain weight with the help of drugs that people in the gym advised him, but then he realized that this did not help and was harmful to his health.

Wolverine is a hero with superhuman abilities, a master of hand-to-hand combat, dexterous, resilient and not afraid of any opponents. To achieve the athletic body that matches his character, Hugh Jackman spends a lot of time in the gym. At the same time, the main task of the actor is to increase muscle mass and get rid of excess subcutaneous fat.

The author of the Wolverine training program was the famous mentor to Hollywood stars Don Scott. He offered his ward classes based on the reverse pyramid principle. Jackman's loads increase with each approach, while the number of repetitions is constantly decreasing. Wolverine's six days of training alternately focus on the muscles of the back, shoulders, legs and arms.

And the training cycle begins with chest exercises. The first day's program includes bench presses and incline dumbbell presses. Jackman performs 4 sets of each exercise with repetitions decreasing from 12 to 10, 8 and 6. Next, Hugh pumps up his muscles using a crossover. This exercise also involves performing 4 sets of 15, 12, 10 and 8 reps.

The actor devotes the second day of classes to back exercises. Starts with pull-ups, performing 4 sets of 15, 12, 10 and 8 repetitions. Then he begins deadlifts and block pulls to the belt from a sitting position. Their implementation also requires 4 approaches, including 12, 10, 8 and 6 executions.

The third training day is dedicated to the legs. Hugh Jackman loads his limbs with supine flexion and extension exercises. Four sets for each task follow the same pattern: in the first set the actor performs the exercise 15 times, in the next - 10, in the third - already 8, and completes everything with 6 approaches. In addition, to strengthen his back muscles, Jackman uses squats on the Smith machine. The program includes 4 repetitions of the exercise, which are also performed in a descending manner: from 12 to 10, 8 and 6.

Hugh advises using rage for training - even thinking about what makes us angry allows us to achieve our goals

The fourth day is the time when Jackman strengthens his shoulders. Under the supervision of a trainer, the actor does 4 sets of dumbbell lateral raises and the same number of exercises with dumbbells on an incline bench. Each set consists of 12 completed exercises. Next, Hugh takes on the seated chest press. In this case, the inverted pyramid looks like this: 4 sets with a decrease from 12 to 10, 8 and 6 repetitions.

The fifth training day is especially important. Jackman trains Wolverine's hands to be perfect. First, the actor performs dumbbell curls and seated dumbbell French presses, including four sets of 12 exercises each. Hugh then grabs the barbell for 4 sets of biceps curls and 4 more sets of French bench presses of 12, 10, 8 and 6 reps. In addition, the training day program also includes lifting dumbbells on a Scott bench. First, Jackman does two sets of 12 lifts, and then two more of 10. At the end of the workout, arm extensions are performed on a vertical block. Each of the 4 sets involves performing the task 12 times.

The sixth training day is completely devoted to stretching. Yoga is preferred, although any other exercise that increases the flexibility of the body is also possible.

Instead of yoga, Jackman sometimes does simple stretching exercises

A standard workout takes Hugh Jackman up to 90 minutes. Classes must be preceded by a warm-up - running or exercises with your own weight. Jackman plans to visit the gym exclusively in the morning. This is the most productive time, when your head is not yet filled with unnecessary thoughts.

On the seventh day of the week, the actor takes a break so that after the day off he can return to the training process.

Photos before and after

The example of Hugh Jackman can inspire many people to train. By nature, the actor does not have an ideal physique. He is lean, and gaining muscle mass is a very difficult task for him.

It took Jackman 10 years to perfectly fit into the role of Wolverine.

When starting work on the role of Wolverine, Hugh thought that he would be able to gain 10 kg of muscle mass in a month

Before training and transforming into Wolverine, Jackman had the very offensive nickname “Chicken Legs.”

Ryan Reynolds, Daniel Craig, Ben Affleck and other actors adhere to the same diet as Hugh Jackman in preparation for filming

However, motivation and strict implementation of all exercises help to achieve results and gain 15 kg of muscle.

Hugh tries to be a superhero in real life - he once saved several people in the ocean when they were suddenly caught by a strong current

Today Hugh weighs about a hundred, but there is absolutely no excess fat on his body. You can verify this when watching any movie about superheroes.

Hugh underwent special training in hand-to-hand combat to learn how to handle Wolverine's claws

According to Jackman, training for him is as much work as filming. The actor openly admits that he would prefer swimming in the ocean to grueling weight lifting in the gym.

The actor visits the sports center even when he is not preparing for filming in order to maintain the achieved results.

However, the result of the training is worth it. The photos before and after training show two people with completely different builds.

With a height of 189 cm, the actor weighs 90 kg

We should not forget about the age of the actor, who has already crossed the 50-year mark. This makes training somewhat difficult. However, Hugh copes with the tasks and stays in shape even in between filming films about Wolverine.

Hugh Jackman calls the right psychological attitude the key point, without which the success of training would be impossible. According to the actor, during the most intense periods in the gym, he tries to imagine himself as Wolverine, capable of easily “squeezing 210 kg,” and in the end he manages to cope with even the most difficult tasks.

Hugh Jackman: training program or how the actor gained 15 kg of muscle

Hi all! In this article we will look at how a person who surpassed his genetics trained. Let me introduce everyone’s favorite Hugh “Rossomakhovich” Jackson. Until about the 2000s, Jackman was always distinguished by his thinness; in his youth he even had the nickname “Worm”, since with his almost 190 cm height, he sometimes weighed no more than 70 kg.

Everything changed around 2000, after filming the X-Men movie. Then, in my opinion, Hugh came to the understanding that it was enough to be a jerk and it was time to improve himself! And the role of the immortal alpha male, which later became attached to him, required him to be in excellent physical shape. At least, from this moment on I observe his metamorphoses for the better.

His physique by nature is ectomorphic, in other words, thin, thin bones, a small percentage of fat and little muscle mass. Simply put, he was unlucky with his body. And this is precisely why I love this actor, probably more than others. He not only began to change himself, he surpassed his genetics, which many people love to complain about today. Like, my genetics are bad, I have wide bones, my metabolism is fast, and in general I don’t have time. This man did not care about the machinations of nature, he simply began to train properly, created a diet, began going to the gym, working hard with iron and generally devoting a lot of time to perfecting his body. As a result, we see his changes from film to film. When Jackman first appeared on screen as Wolverine, his defining features were more his famous claws and sideburns than his physical form.

“I thought you could get in shape in a month,” recalls the actor. A regular at the gym, he never really worked out his muscles. "It was funny. If you think you can gain 10 kg of muscle mass in less than six months, you are deceiving yourself, Jackman continues. “You’ll get stupidly fat.” If you want to gain 10 kg of muscle, as Jackman did for his role in the film “Wolverine: Immortal,” you will have to work hard.

Let's take a look at his training program

Jackman's typical workout takes 90 minutes, including a 10-minute warm-up and a 20-minute cool-down. Running and exercises with body weight are used as a warm-up before training, and the aforementioned running or swimming is used as a cool-down.

The workouts consist mainly of basic exercises: squats, deadlifts, presses. Hugh just changed the angle of the bench, changed the pace, weight and rest time. The same workout can be done in different ways just by making these small changes.

Hugh himself calls working to failure and psychological attitude the key to muscle growth. That's why he combines compound and isolation exercises (like the bench press and crunches) in a superset, performing the final reps with the help of a trainer. The psychological attitude is to visualize yourself strong and ready to move mountains.

“I imagine myself as Wolverine all the time,” Hugh laughs. “I know that on paper it will look funny, and everyone will think that I’ve gone crazy and go to the rocking chair with claws and sideburns.” But when I wake up, I'm not the guy who can bench press 210kg. So I imagine that I’m Wolverine, but he can.”

Basic exercises: - bench press; - squats; - pull-ups with load; - dead draft.

1 Week

1560% of W1RM
2565% of W1RM
3575% of W1RM
4575% of W1RM

2 week

1465% of W1RM
2475% of W1RM
3485% of W1RM
4485% of W1RM

3 week

1370% of W1RM
2380% of W1RM
3390% of W1RM
4390% of W1RM

4 week

11040% of W1RM
21050% of W1RM
31060% of W1RM
41060% of W1RM

In conclusion, I would like to say that despite his age (and he is already 47 years old), Hugh Jackman maintains his physical shape even in his free time from filming (at the same time, he pleases us with working weights of 210 kg in the deadlift and 150 kg in the squat). Everyone dreams of being like him, and these dreams come true. It's enough to make an effort!


In between film shoots, when there is no opportunity to travel, Hugh relaxes in a different way. Well, for example, maybe at two o’clock in the morning he’ll try some not-so-healthy delicacies. The artist believes that you need to give yourself indulgences from time to time, otherwise life will turn into a difficult and painful test of diets and sports.

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