15 kettlebell exercises for women to improve muscle tone throughout the body

Strength, tone, fitness support - kettlebell lifting gives you all this. It's no surprise that many trainers use them for full-body workouts. Kettlebells come in a wide range of weights (8-32 kg), so you can start with the lightest ones and increase the load as you progress. Count on about 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions with good technique, this will pump up your muscles and give you a body that you can only envy. So, enough of daydreaming, enough of these “somedays.” Start TODAY with these 15 Great Kettlebell Exercises for Girls and let kettlebell fitness become a part of your life.

And yes, before we get into the exercises, here are a few basic principles that need to be followed for maximum results.

How to practice?

All exercises with a kettlebell for girls are based on 3-4 basic movements - swings, holding with two hands/palms, holding with one hand and the most difficult one - jerks.

In various exercises, you essentially use kettlebells in the same way as dumbbells/barbell/medicine ball, this will help you work the deep muscle fibers, which will give your body strength and your muscles a pronounced shape and attractive relief, as in the pictures. But what weight of kettlebell is right for you? Find out from the table below.

My sport life

August 11, 2016

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The popularity of functional training has significantly influenced the concept of female beauty. The image of a modern athletic woman implies a sufficient amount of muscle and definition, avoiding kinks in one direction or the other. With such training priorities, kettlebell exercises are once again becoming that once-forgotten method that will allow you to get everything at once, and at the same time.

Something as simple as a kettlebell, which can still be found in almost any home, will help not only build aesthetic muscle mass in exactly the places where it is relevant:

  • Legs;
  • Buttocks;
  • Press;
  • Hands.

But more than that, when training with a kettlebell, you will never have to worry about your waist becoming thicker and your arms looking pumped up.

You need to understand that exercises with kettlebells for women are significantly different from those programs that are usually popular in gyms, so your body will never go beyond naturalness.

One of the main advantages of such training is the simultaneous development of functionality and beauty.

  • Kettlebell exercises have been proven to significantly improve both your figure and your physical performance.
  • Thanks to the intensity and high energy costs, you can also forget about the problem of excess weight forever. In addition, you will become stronger, more resilient, and will also be able to improve coordination.
  • It is also worth highlighting that many exercises constantly involve the core muscles.
  • This type of work is one of the best and most effective ways to get ripped abs.

Let's move on directly to the analysis of the exercises themselves and make sure that kettlebells for women are a true friend and assistant in creating an ideal figure.

It is worth noting in advance that the weight of the kettlebell must be selected based on your physical capabilities; for some it may be 3 kg, and for others it may be 8-10.

This is a fairly old exercise from the Soviet general physical training program, which has regained its relevance. It ideally develops the back, legs and buttocks.


  1. Take the weight in one hand and bend over.
  2. At the same time, move your leg back to the point when your thigh is parallel to the floor.
  3. The free hand can be moved to the side.
  • Your back should be straight throughout the entire exercise.
  • It is advisable to perform from 10 to 20 repetitions on each leg, and gradually increase the number of approaches to three.

This is a complex exercise that consists of several movements at once. However, it is quite easy to do.

It replaces:

  • Squats;
  • Chin cravings;
  • Finger raises.

It is important to pay maximum attention to the technique, because if it is not followed, the effectiveness of the exercise will decrease.


  1. Stand up straight and grasp the kettlebell with both hands. Feet should be shoulder-width apart, or slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Perform a normal squat (preferably below parallel), then with a powerful movement return to a standing position and pull the weight to your chin. This will not be difficult, since the projectile moves by inertia.
  3. Along with the chin pull, you also need to stand on your toes.
  • In one approach you need to perform from 15 to 20 repetitions, and the number of sets is gradually increased to three.

Although lunges are a versatile exercise that can be performed with any apparatus, using a kettlebell can further improve your coordination and balance.

  1. The movement is performed alternately on each leg, but with the peculiarity that at the bottom point (when you lunge), you need to transfer the weight to the other hand, passing it under the leg.
  2. For greater convenience, it is better to lunge backwards.
  • For each leg you need to perform from 10 to 20 repetitions, in 1-3 approaches.

This exercise is often called by different names, but its essence is always the same. Technically, it consists of a regular squat with a weight in front of you (front), as well as a push at the top. Don't be afraid to coast, this exercise should be performed as a single movement from start to finish.


  1. Take the weight in your hands at the level of your chin and chest. If you wish, you can press it against your body, which will lighten the load on your hands a little.
  2. Next, do a standard squat below parallel to the floor.
  3. After this, stand up in one powerful movement and, after straightening your legs, lift the weight above you with outstretched arms.
  4. Return the projectile to its original position and perform the squat again, repeating everything all over again.
  • The number of repetitions is from 10 to 20 in one approach, the number of sets is 3.

This exercise is aimed solely at developing core muscles and improving coordination.


  1. Grab the kettlebell with one hand, then rotate it around your body in an arc.
  2. When the weight has made a semicircle, grab it with your other hand and continue moving without losing momentum.

  • The exercise can be performed until you feel tired, focusing on the time, not the number of repetitions.
  • To complicate the movements, you can also do a pass on one leg, this will further increase the load on the core muscles.
  • The body should be level throughout the entire exercise, excluding bending at the waist during movement.
  • You can also “rotate” the weight in an arc, both clockwise and counterclockwise.

Categories: What you can do at HOME, if you have: dumbbells, barbell or weights

| Tags: home exercises with kettlebells, set of exercises with kettlebells, exercises with kettlebells, exercises with kettlebells

Benefits of exercising with kettlebells

  • Helps strengthen the core muscles.
  • Helps get rid of belly fat.
  • Tones the arms and legs.
  • Improves overall physical fitness.
  • Improves endurance.
  • Increases flexibility and improves the sense of balance.

In conclusion, these 15 kettlebell exercises are the best thing that can happen to you. Incorporate them into your fitness regime and see improvements in posture, strength, fitness and endurance. You will feel better and function better, and every day will be amazing. So grab some weights and go train your muscles! Good luck!

Classic swings

They are performed rather as a warm-up before the main approaches. We will do the same.

Armed with 16 kg of weights, you need to place your legs wider than your shoulders and bend them slightly. Slowly begin to swing the projectile, and when you consider it necessary, push it upward with a jerk of your hips.

The back should remain under normal tension, all the effort coming from the jerk of the hips.

Kettlebells and girls

Many consider this projectile to be purely male entertainment. But when using small weights, girls can quickly bring their entire body into proper condition.

With such training, core stability increases, large muscle groups begin to grow, and in women the buttocks are a large group.

In addition, a small 8-kilogram weight can be an excellent helper for any girl striving for a beautiful athletic body.

Features of organizing exercises for weight loss

Having set yourself the goal of losing extra pounds and doing weights, you need to know the features of constructing such a workout. As one option, you can suggest doing weight loss exercises organized like circuit training. To do this, perform each power element for 30 seconds. Then pause for 1 minute and repeat all the weight loss exercises again. It is recommended to do 2-4 circles.

To lose weight, you will have to exercise 3-5 times a week. But if the body requires rest, this cannot be neglected. You need to get positive emotions from training. Exercising through force will not give the desired effect. And don't forget about proper nutrition. Eat 5 times a day, breaking your menu into small portions. Drink plenty of water (2-3 liters) and reduce the amount of fatty and fried foods you consume.

Don't know how to motivate yourself to do fitness? Take this test and find out what it takes to fall in love with him.

Photos used from Shutterstock

Additional inventory

When performing swings and jerks, the athlete often spends a lot of attention on holding the handle. This happens when either the surface is too smooth or the grip is weak.

Small straps that wrap around the wrist and handle will help you cope with this, allowing you to hold the weight.

A special magnesium hand powder is also used. It helps those who have too much sweat on their palms, which can cause slipping and injury.

Most exercises place a lot of stress on the lower back.

Excessive jerking or insufficient strength of the psoas muscles can cause serious back injuries. Therefore, professionals use special fixation belts to protect the athlete from possible injury.

If training takes place on grass, then there is no need to worry about the safety of the surface.

But if, at home or in the gym, a projectile accidentally crashes onto the floor, then you may not get away with the screams of your neighbors. A powerful cannonball can severely damage concrete, wood or brick surfaces.

In order to protect the environment, you need to use thick rubber mats. You can make them yourself from improvised materials, or buy them in a specialized store.

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