Home workouts for girls: 100 exercises for the whole body + 4 ready-made plans

In order to lose weight, strengthen muscles and get rid of excess fat, it is not necessary to regularly visit the gym. You can get your body into ideal shape at home. We offer you ready-made home workouts for girls with an exercise plan and exercise tips for effective weight loss.

A total of 4 exercise plans are offered:

  1. Home workouts for beginners and intermediate levels: no jumps, no equipment, 3-day plan.
  2. Home workouts for intermediate and advanced levels: with jumps, without equipment, 3-day plan.
  3. Home workouts for intermediate and advanced levels: no jumping, no equipment, 3-day plan.
  4. Strength training for intermediate and advanced levels: without jumping, with dumbbells, 3-day plan.

Basic rules for training and preparation for it

Training at home for girls will only be effective if certain rules are followed.

Optimal duration and frequency of training

Type of load Duration for weight loss Duration for muscle formation
Cardio 20–25 minutes 10–15 minutes
Power complex 15–20 minutes 30–35 minutes

Rate your health

Moderate training for girls at home has virtually no contraindications. However, with some diseases, in particular spinal injuries, oncology and other serious pathologies, strength training and intense cardio are contraindicated.

Start with light workouts and increase the load gradually

The training program at home for beginner girls or after a long break should be moderate, otherwise motivation will disappear after the first muscle pain after exercise. Gradually the body will get used to doing the exercises, the intensity and duration of the exercises can be increased.

Stick to a schedule

To achieve results, training at home for girls must be regular, with no more than 2 days rest between sessions. Breaks are needed so that the body can recover and gain strength before the next workout.

General tips for home workouts for girls

Girls need to start home workouts for weight loss, taking into account the advice of experts and those people who have achieved results in this area. Basic recommendations:

  • It is necessary to have a sports uniform that ensures the convenience of exercise, sneakers that protect joints - this perfectly motivates, creates an appropriate mood and promotes weight loss;
  • home fitness classes for women should last about 30-60 minutes;
  • girls should not exercise on a full stomach; the interval between meals and training should be at least 1-2 hours;
  • Each workout should begin with a warm-up;
  • perform the exercises correctly, observing all the techniques to avoid injuries and get the desired result;
  • Don’t forget about breathing - you need to exhale with every effort.

First: warm up and cardio

The training program for girls at home should include warming up the joints: rotational movements in both directions of the head, shoulders, arms, elbows, hands, pelvis, knees and feet.

When doing cardio, it is important to monitor your heart rate, the maximum value of which should be 220 minus your age. And the fat burning range is optimal within 60–70% of this value.

A home workout for women can include one or more cardio exercises.

Jumping rope

You need to jump for 8–10 minutes at a comfortable pace with pauses of up to 15 seconds every 1–3 minutes. When performing the exercise, it is important to monitor your breathing and the absence of discomfort in your legs.

Jumping Jack

The basic position is standing, legs together, arms along the body. Jump by spreading your legs and clapping your arms above your head. Return through the jump to the starting position. Jump at a fast pace for 8-10 minutes with breaks of up to 15 seconds every 1-3 minutes.

Walking up the stairs

If you live in a high-rise building, include walking up the stairs in your cardio program. This accelerates the pulse well to working mode. And if you want to pump up your buttocks, step on your entire foot and push off the steps with your heels. Walk for 1-3 minutes or climb 8-12 floors.

What is the best time to train?

People who have developed the healthy habit of doing exercises in the morning cannot imagine starting their day without squats, push-ups, bending over or stretching. True, among them there are usually more “larks”, because “night owls” can force themselves to get up a few minutes earlier only by force of will, but evening workouts are much more pleasant for them. Thus, if you are not going to break your routine and your nature, then exercise when it is convenient for you


There is also a compromise option: do a small set of dynamic exercises in the morning to help you cheer up, and in the evening take time for stretching, yoga and other exercises that will help relieve the stress of the day and prepare for a relaxing evening.

Second: exercises for arms, back and chest

To improve muscle tone in the upper body, home workouts for girls should include exercises for the arms, back and chest. They can be performed with your own weight, but dumbbells are useful for better efficiency. The weight of the apparatus should be selected individually, depending on the initial level of physical fitness.

Forearm extensions from sagging in the upper arms

Take shells weighing 1.5–3 kg, stand and tilt your body forward, bending your legs slightly. Bend your arms at the elbows, press them to your body and lift them up. Extend your arms synchronously, moving the dumbbells back, and return to the starting position. Perform the exercise for 0.5–1 minute. And so 3 approaches with a short break.

Boat exercise for the back

Lying on your stomach, with your arms extended in front of you and your legs together, simultaneously lift your torso and legs off the floor, raising them as high as possible. Maintain balance in this pose for 2 seconds. Lower yourself to the base position and repeat the “boat” for 30 seconds in 3 sets.

For the chest: push-ups with arms wide apart

Lying down, spread your arms slightly wider than your shoulders, palms facing forward. Smoothly lower yourself, almost touching your chest to the floor, and rise up. One approach - 10-30 seconds. In total you need to complete 3 approaches.

Equipment for studying at home

To train at home, you don’t need special equipment (like in gyms). But still, some simple sports equipment will not be superfluous.


Provide additional weight, increasing the load. In the classic version, they are made in one piece. However, in order to save money and free space in the apartment, it is better to purchase a collapsible model. During training, you can adjust the weight by removing or adding removable elements.

Jump rope

This equipment is perfect for doing cardio and developing coordination. Of course, not the best choice for those living in a high-rise building if you are not confident in the softness of your own jumps. But on the ground floor or in a private house, working with it is easy and convenient. This extremely simple design allows you to perform exercises for beginners and can replace a full-fledged exercise machine outside the gym.

Horizontal bar

Used to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, back, arms, chest. With its help, you can not only work out the upper body, but also develop coordination and dexterity. Installing this sports equipment at home is not difficult. Classes on it are equally recommended for men and women. You can attach special TRX loops to the horizontal bar (this is a compact exercise machine in the form of nylon slings with a simple mechanism for adjusting the length, round handles for the palms and loops for the legs), which will allow you to perform an almost unlimited number of exercises.

TRX hinges

A very convenient compact exercise machine for effective training at home. Does not take up much space in the room, convenient for transportation (if you need to take it with you on vacation or a business trip). The loops are usually attached to a horizontal bar, door or ceiling anchor.


This sports equipment costs from 400 to 11,000 rubles, depending on the manufacturer, weight, design, and takes up very little space. The weight of the projectile usually varies from 1 to 11 kg. But there are also heavier versions of 50, 60 and 70 kg. Suitable for plyometric exercises, it allows you to work your core and arm muscles. When choosing suitable equipment, novice athletes should give preference to lighter and harder models. The optimal option in this case is from 1 to 3 kg. Be careful that the ball doesn't feel too heavy, so don't be afraid to buy the lightest one to start with.


By squeezing and stretching this projectile, you can work out various muscle groups. With its help, you can perform leg presses, arm pulls, and retract and spread your shoulder blades. There are many variations of expanders: tourniquets, tubular, shoulder, wrist, butterfly, multifunctional, etc. Each model is compact in size. There is no need to attach the mini-exercise machine, which makes it even more accessible for fitness.


When figuring out how to do exercises at home, do not forget that it will be inconvenient to train without it. The floor surface is hard, not always warm enough, and comfort during exercise is not the least important. In addition, doing fitness on a special mat is more hygienic. Also, you won’t slip with it, so you won’t injure your knees and elbows.

Remember - sports should be safe!

Third: exercises for legs and buttocks

To pump up your legs and buttocks you will need a fitness band and dumbbells. In order to achieve better results, always monitor the technique of performing the exercises. If during training you feel that your heart is starting to “pound”, pause the activity and take a break so that your breathing and heartbeat return to normal.


Feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in hands. The back is straight, with a slight arch in the lower back. We tilt the torso forward, and move the pelvis back, knees slightly bent. Slowly straighten your knees and then straighten your back. One approach lasts 30–60 seconds. In total you need to do 3 approaches.

Squats with leg swing to the side

Place a resistance band on your shins and do a classic squat. At the top point, move your leg to the side. Do a series for one leg and then for the other. Allow 30–60 seconds for one approach. For a good muscle workout, three approaches will be enough.

How does the process of losing weight for women differ from that of men?

The characteristics of hormonal levels and energy metabolism differ in men and women. Therefore, male and female bodies burn fat differently. For men, it is usually enough to stick to a low-calorie diet. Excess fat will disappear and will not return. The female body strives to accumulate energy. Therefore, the weight comes off more slowly and there is a possibility that it will return if you stop working on yourself. But the body can be “deceived”. The following conditions will help you disable the “resource saving” mode:

  • adherence to diet;
  • moderate loads;
  • proper rest (sleep).

Women care not only about the result, but also about the aesthetics of the process. A bright gym uniform, beautiful dishes, a new pillow - such little things give positive emotions and set you up to achieve your goal.

Work on yourself with us

Select a workout

Fourth: Abdominal and Core Exercises

To avoid widening your waist as a result of abdominal exercises, they should be done smoothly, focusing on the abdominal muscles. If you've never done abs before, start with fewer repetitions and gradually increase the number.

Straight plank

Starting position: lying down with a stand on your elbows. The torso, legs and head are extended in a straight line, the abs are as tense as possible. Hold the plank for 30–60 seconds in 3–4 sets.

Side plank

Lie on your side and lift your torso, resting on your elbow and feet. The legs and upper body should form a straight line. Stretch your other arm up for balance. Hold the plank position for 30-60 seconds, then take a break and repeat the same steps on the other side. Perform 3-4 repetitions.


Get on all fours and take a deep breath. As you exhale deeply, draw in your stomach and tighten your abs. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds and inhale. There is no repetition limit for this exercise: do it as many times as you can.

Boat press

Lie on your back, arms extended behind your head, legs together. At the same time, raise your torso and legs so that a right angle is formed between them. Stay in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.


How long after eating can you exercise?

At least in 2–3 hours.

How often to train?

The optimal interval is 3-4 times a week.

How long should the training last?

The optimal duration of the lesson is 30–45 minutes.

How long will it take to see the result?

With regular exercise, the muscles will become toned within a couple of months, and a noticeable improvement in body contours will appear in 4-6 months.

How to lose weight most effectively

For weight loss, basic exercises for all muscle groups are more effective. This is because fat deposits cannot be burned locally, despite their uneven distribution throughout the body. The reason directly depends on the fat burning process, which occurs under the influence of hormones. They act on fatty deposits, breaking them down into glycerol and fatty acids. Growth hormone plays a critical role in this mechanism.

On this topic:

HGH for weight loss | Does it really help burn fat?

To start the splitting process, it is necessary to create special conditions for the production of hormones. Since growth hormone is also a stress hormone, the body needs stress to produce it. But not psychological, but physiological. Aerobic or anaerobic exercise helps to cause it.

Explosive loads in the form of circuit training are especially effective here. They are the ones practiced by athletes during drying. The exercise plan for losing weight at home and in the gym will be the same, since the principles of circuit training do not depend on where it is performed. The only difference will be that in the gym you can use exercise equipment, and at home you can only use your own weight and sports equipment.

On this topic:

Gym drying for men, part 2: weekly training program

In order for hormones to work even more actively on the task of fat burning, in addition to training, it is necessary to create a calorie deficit - spend more than you consume. Thus, local fat burning is impossible, since hormones do not affect a specific area, but the entire body as a whole. If the process is started, it will be uniform throughout the body.

You can only strengthen the muscles of the problem area by doing exercises on it. But for general weight loss, it is better to first perform basic exercises for fat burning at home, i.e., on the main muscle groups. As you progress, you can begin to more actively work on the problem area: hips, abs, buttocks, arms, etc.

Want to improve your results?

Tip 1.

5 minutes of warm-up before classes will gently prepare the body.

Tip 2.

Work your best for the last 15 seconds of each exercise.

Tip 3.

Use a timer. It will allow you to work in a special period of time.

Tip 4.

Increase the difficulty of the exercises.
The body adapts to repeated stress and progress slows. Tip 5.
If you want to lose a few kg of fat, then live in a calorie deficit. Your goal is to spend more than you eat.

Why can’t you rest too long between sets in the gym?

The most dangerous exercises that are best avoided

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