Exercises in the gym to remove the sides and stomach

Fat folds on the stomach and sides are a problem for many women. If you watch your figure and health, then you know firsthand about the difficulties of getting rid of extra centimeters. A thin waist and flat stomach can be achieved by combining a balanced diet with regular fitness classes. Let's talk about what are the most effective exercises for correcting this problem area and how to use them to achieve the best results.

How to remove sides: theoretical foundations

This article is my rehabilitation to the readers of the project, about whom I have recently forgotten a little. I apologize, ladies, for not paying attention to you and not covering the women's trend, we will gradually correct ourselves and tighten up this article artillery. Well, I would like to start with the fact that a great deal of information on the Internet is devoted to the topic of how to remove sides. This is one of the most popular queries, which has more than 4.5 million page results in the search engine. Analyzing this entire tonnage of answers, I was faced with the fact that there is no complete, detailed and systematic answer to such a burning question. I even felt kind of offended that out of all this waste paper there were no pages that were really worthwhile, or maybe I missed them once or twice.

Those. If the young lady has set herself a similar goal, then getting a complete picture of how to do this will be very problematic, and all because of the scattered and copy-paste information that has proliferated on as many as 4.5 million pages. Of course, this situation began to seriously stress me out and I decided to create the most complete, systematic and understandable note in the direction of harvesting the notorious butt ears. Now we’ll find out what came of it.

Proper nutrition

How to eat properly so that losing weight is a joy and does not turn into self-torture? A diet for overweight men should be rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and include as many useful substances as possible to preserve all body functions.

Restrictions apply to fried foods. Optimal cooking methods: boiling, steaming, baking, stewing. Not everyone can give up bread, but the usual flour product can be replaced with whole grain.

A healthy nutrition menu for a man must include fresh vegetables and fruits, lean white meat, seafood, and cereals. It is worth giving up fast food, sweets, smoked foods, high-calorie carbonated drinks, and fruit juices. An exception may be freshly squeezed juices. How to eat for a man of advanced age has already been discussed above.

Your figure and health directly depend not only on nutrition, but also on your mood. This is, first of all, working on yourself, your lifestyle and habits. Tune in to self-improvement, feel how strong your desire to become better, more beautiful, stronger. And you will definitely succeed!

What you need to know when starting to lose weight

Before you start putting your stomach in order, you need to bring your psychological state back to normal. This is one of the most important points. You can endlessly kill yourself during training, but you should remember that the belly will not go away without following a set of measures and procedures. You need to improve your diet, follow a diet and drink more water. Only in this case, fats will begin to break down in the stomach and throughout the body.

In the first days it is better to reduce the load

In the first days of training, you will definitely lack strength and endurance. It's better to reduce the load. Later, it is recommended to reduce the time between approaches and rest. Your belly will begin to shrink gradually after just a few months of training.

In the first couples, it is better to ask the trainer to ensure that the exercises are performed correctly. Since a man will not be able to quickly remove his belly immediately, it is recommended to perform as many exercises as possible aimed at the muscles of the waist.

Note! Any workout should begin with a light warm-up.

Over time, the body and body will get used to the loads, the desire and opportunity will appear to increase them and achieve better results. You can increase the number of workouts in the gym and choose new exercises. Proper adherence to the diet will only have a positive effect on the results.

A large number of exercises that can be performed in the gym have varying effectiveness. Over time, you need to leave the most effective ones and revise the lesson program. You need to monitor the execution technique and choose the optimal number of approaches and repetitions.

Recommendations from experienced coaches and athletes

There is a huge amount of advice on diet, exercise and proper fat burning. But experienced trainers and nutritionists recommend:

  • Give maximum importance to an integrated approach to classes. It is difficult to achieve results only by dieting or sweating in training;
  • you should be very careful about your diet, as it does not like sudden changes. You need to sit on it and jump off it smoothly so as not to harm the body;
  • It’s not enough to just work on strength exercises; great importance must be given to ensuring that toxins are eliminated. Drinking plenty of water will help with this.

A small belly at a young age is easy to remove; the work will not pose any special problems. It will be more difficult for men over 35 years old. As you age, you need to help your metabolism break down fats. To achieve a flat stomach, it is recommended to work out more and dry your body. Only after several months of painstaking work will the result be noticeable; there are no other options.

Exercises for home practice

Local weight loss, according to scientists, is a myth. The body cannot burn deposits around the waist without affecting the hips, chest, and arms. Weight loss should be uniform. Start exercising to remove fat from the belly and sides of a man at home or in the gym on cardio equipment, and do strength exercises on problem areas.

The best types of exercise to get rid of excess fat around the waist:

  1. Fitball. Sports equipment suitable for men and women. It will help pump up your sides and stomach well. Lie with your right side on the ball, legs extended, and your hand on the floor supporting your body. Raise the leg located on top to the maximum, then lower it. Do 10-20 repetitions. Switch sides.
  2. Jump rope. It will help remove the stomach and sides in a short time. Jumping helps to quickly burn fat throughout the body. 20 minutes of intense training is enough. In the future, it is recommended to add 10 minutes every week. If your body weight is too large, then it is better to replace the jump rope with running or active walking; there is a risk of injury to the knee joints.
  3. Dumbbells. Projectile weight – maximum 2 kg. To perform the exercise, raise your right arm and bend to the left. Number of repetitions – 10-20. Change sides.

The following tasks will help a man remove fat from the sides, abdomen, and waist at home:

  • lie on the floor, legs bent. We raise the upper part of the body, stretching our chest towards our knees. Keep your hands on your chest or behind your head, but do not put pressure on the back of your head, so as not to damage the cervical vertebrae. Make all movements using your abs, so that fat burns and the muscles become stronger and more expressive;
  • the starting position is the same. We stretch our elbow to the opposite knee, straining the muscles. Alternately on each side;
  • stand up straight, place a straight stick or barbell on your shoulders. We turn the upper part of the body to the left and right. The back is straight;
  • hang on the bar, raise straight bent legs until a right angle is formed with the body. Alternately turn your knees to the right and left sides. Tension is felt in the sides and vastus dorsi.

To quickly burn fat in men at home, you need to combine cardio exercises and strength exercises.

Jumping Jack has an excellent effect for reducing belly fat. You need to stand up straight, lower your hands. Take a jump - spread your legs to the sides, clap your arms above your head. Then they will return to the starting position. It burns calories well and is suitable for everyone to do at home.

Jump rope, and then start working out your stomach and sides using the workout described above.

Problem areas

Fat deposits on the sides in men and on the thighs in women have a similar hormonal and physical structure and are different from any other. They accumulate through a completely different mechanism and require a different approach to elimination.

The fat present on the internal organs acutely perceives an increase in adrenaline levels, but practically does not respond to a surge in insulin. Cardio exercises can help you get rid of it. The type of diet is not of primary importance. In contrast, fats in problem areas (belly, sides, buttocks) are directly dependent on insulin, which accumulates these deposits.

Gym workout plan for a girl

For the fair sex, it is most difficult to work on the waist area due to the structural features of the body. This has to do with a woman's ability to bear a child. Therefore, it is best to use a set of exercises from the abdomen and sides. When you visit the gym, you can use a three-day training plan.

Day 1:

  • Crunches on the machine – 3 sets of 10 times. To perform the exercise, you need to choose the optimal weight (not too light or heavy). After that, sit on the machine and fix your legs, grab the handle with your hands and, while exhaling, simultaneously raise your legs and twist with the help of your upper torso. Then you need to exhale after a short pause and return to the starting position.
  • Hanging leg raises – 3 sets of 12-15 reps. The exercise is performed in an intensive mode, which is increased every week.
  • Reverse crunches. It is performed lying on your back. It is necessary to do 3 approaches, repeating as many times as possible.

Day 2:

  • Crunches on a block simulator - 3 sets of 10-12 times.
  • Leg raises on a horizontal bench - 3 sets of 15-20 times. When performing the exercise, you must reduce your rest breaks by 10 seconds every week.
  • Side bends with dumbbells in hand - 3 sets of 15 times on each side.

Day 3:

  • Crunches on the upper block – 3 sets of 10-12 times. To perform the exercise, you need to kneel facing the machine. You need to fix the rope in your hands and pull it down, then, exhaling smoothly, tense your abdominal muscles and perform a twist. The elbows should move toward the hips during the exercise. The abdominal muscles should be in constant tension. When twisting, you need to fixate for a few seconds and, as you exhale, smoothly return to the starting position.
  • Lumberjack – 3 sets of 12-15 reps. The break between sets should be less than a minute. Every day it needs to be gradually reduced. To perform the exercise, you need to stand sideways to the machine, take its handle in one hand and take a step to the side. The weight needs to be lifted slightly, but while keeping your hand straight, continuing the line of the cable. Legs should be at shoulder level. The handle must be pulled down and sideways towards the knee on the opposite side, turning the torso. During the exercise, your legs should be slightly bent at the knees, and your back and arms should be straight. Then they move to the other side.

And also, when working out in the gym, you need to pay attention to the following exercise equipment: orbitrack, treadmill, exercise bike, Nordic walking simulator. You can also use the exercises described above at home. The main thing is to do them correctly.

Proper nutrition

  1. It is necessary to completely exclude from the diet: confectionery and flour products, alcohol, beer, sparkling water. The high sugar content in these products provokes the accumulation of fats;
  2. Instead of sweets, it is advisable to eat: fruits, dried fruits, honey or a natural sugar substitute, but only in the first half of the day. Carbohydrates received in the evening are not consumed and pass into adipose tissue;
  3. Complex carbohydrates: consume cereals and grains before lunch, carbohydrates will burn and provide the body with energy;
  4. Eat more protein (lean meat, fish, seafood, dairy products) and fiber (vegetables). Consumption of these foods does not lead to an increase in fat tissue. They are also allowed in the evening;
  5. The last meal is three hours before bedtime. At late times, fermented milk products are allowed.
  6. Eat small portions. Have light snacks. Each subsequent meal should be no earlier than three hours later and no later than four.
  7. Drink clean water. Required amount of water: 30 ml of water per kilogram of weight. Water speeds up metabolism, flushes out waste products, and nourishes cells. Therefore, you cannot neglect water, because dehydration will only slow down all metabolic processes. Tea and coffee do not count.

Protein nutrition

One of the most effective ways to combat beer belly and sides is a high-protein diet. Products containing proteins (proteins) are easily digestible and do not contain carbohydrates. By eating such foods in any quantity, you don’t have to worry about accumulating extra pounds.

Choose foods with minimal fat content:

  • poultry meat;
  • beef;
  • rabbit;
  • fish;
  • seafood;
  • eggs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • kefir;
  • milk.

The minimum protein intake per kilogram of weight is 1.5 grams. The maximum dose of protein is 3-4 grams per kilogram of weight. Be sure to consume two grams of salt per day. At the same time, be sure to drink enough water.

Loads for pumping the press

Exercises on machines in the gym help pump up the abdominal muscles from different angles:

  1. Lie down on the mat, hold the fitball between your ankles, raise your shoulders and shoulder blades. Smoothly raise your legs, lock on top, and then lower, but not all the way. Make sure your back is pressed against the surface.
  2. Sit in the exercise machine, gently lift your body, overcoming resistance using your abdominal muscles.
  3. Lie down on a bench, slowly raise your body (to your shoulder blades), and then lower it. Make sure your lower back is pressed to the floor. To increase the intensity, place a dumbbell on your chest or hold it overhead. You can also do diagonal twists.
  4. Hang on the horizontal bar, raise your straight legs to an angle of 90°, try to hold on as long as possible, and then slowly lower yourself.
  5. Stand sideways to the pulley machine, grasp the handle with one hand. Perform chopping motions by lowering the handle toward opposite knees. Because of the characteristic movements, this movement is called the “woodcutter”.

Important! The main thing is to do the exercises correctly, then a woman will be able to lose weight faster, get rid of her belly, sides, and pump up her muscles. After mastering the technique, increase the load, but gradually.

How to create an individual monthly program

To create an effective weight loss complex for a month, you need to decide on the goal: fat burning, muscle tightening or relief. In the first case, the gym program for women should include cardio exercises, as well as strength elements (isolating for the abs, as well as basic ones for the whole body). At first, it is enough to exercise 2-3 times a week with breaks between sets of 30-45 minutes. Exercising along with a diet will help you lose weight faster, reduce your belly and sides.

Then you need to change the program to tighten the muscles. Gradually, the number of repetitions should be reduced, increasing the working weights. It is also important to shorten pauses between sets. This will allow you to turn your training into a circuit with virtually no breaks.

Important! Alternate 4 strength training sessions at the gym per week with cardio. Change the training program every 4 weeks.

Is it possible to remove fat from certain parts of the body?

Issues of local fat burning have long been of concern to athletes, doctors, nutritionists and trainers. Most people agree that reducing fat only in a certain part by training nearby muscles will be impossible under any circumstances.

This is evidenced by significant scientific research, as well as the experience of performing athletes.

There is another opinion. Some people believe that local fat burning is possible, but to implement it it is necessary to use special training methods that combine static load and strength. There is practically no evidence of this.

Fat burning requires an integrated approach, which is influenced by the following factors:

  • the speed of metabolic processes in the body, that is, metabolism;
  • nutrition, including both total calories and nutrient ratios;
  • state of the body and hormonal levels;
  • training process.

Only if all elements are observed is it possible to reduce fat, which will be produced from the entire body, and not from its individual parts. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, some locations will lose weight more slowly, and you will have to be patient for their volumes to decrease.

Be sure to check out:

Weekly weight loss training program!

This training program is designed for intense fat burning and overall muscle strengthening. By performing this complex regularly and adhering to proper nutrition, you will soon achieve good results, the main thing is not to hesitate and believe in your dream!

1 day:

1. press. 3 approaches according to 25.2. squats. 3 approaches according to 20.3. lifting dumbbells in front of you. 3 sets of 10 times. The same exercise can be done with one dumbbell.4. raising your legs while lying down. 3 sets of 25.

Day 2:

1. push-ups. 3 sets of 10 reps.2. bringing dumbbells overhead: do this exercise while standing, four Sets of 10 times.3. jumping rope. 5 minutes.4. squats with dumbbells: four Sets of 15-30 reps.5. lunges with dumbbells: four sets of 10-12 reps.

Day 3:

On the third day of training, take a break and rest.

Day 4:

1. press. 3 to 25.2. push ups. 3 to 15.3. plank - lying position. 1. 5 minutes.4. lifting dumbbells for biceps: do 4 Sets of 10-12 reps.

Day 5:

On the fifth day of training, take a break and rest.

Day 6:

1. plank - lying position. 1. 5 minutes.2. calf raises with dumbbells in your hands: do five sets of 20-40 reps. Only if you have enough physical strength, you can do this exercise with a backpack with weights or perform the exercise on one leg.3. lifting legs in a lying position. 3 times 25.

Day 7:

1. push-ups: place your feet on the sofa. Do 3 sets of 10 times. In this case, perform the first approach to failure. The break between Sets should be 60 seconds.2. press. 3 times according to 20.3. squats with dumbbells: do seven sets of 10-20 times;

Attention: the break between all specified exercises, except those where the break time is indicated, is three minutes

Example of a protein diet menu:

  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese, tea or coffee;
  • Snack: 2 boiled eggs;
  • Lunch: baked chicken fillet;
  • Snack: kefir or low-fat yogurt without sugar;
  • Dinner: Steamed fish.

Advice from nutritionists

Modern nutritionists are supporters of proper and balanced nutrition, the results of which can last a lifetime. A balanced diet and good motivation will help remove belly folds.

Experts recommend:

  • do not have dinner after 19.00;
  • eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, every 2-3 hours;
  • do not feel hungry, but food should not give you the feeling of overeating;
  • arrange one fasting day per week: chicken - no more than 1.5 kg of chicken meat; cottage cheese, 100 grams per serving; vegetable – 1.5 kg of any type; fruit – 1.5 kg to choose from;
  • exclude sausages, confectionery, and pasta from the diet;
  • drink more water.

The most effective exercises to fight fat in the problem area in the gym

Effective exercises in the gym will help reduce your abdominal circumference and make your sides narrower:

  1. Kneel down, facing the top block, and grab the handle. Smoothly lower yourself down until your elbows touch your knees. Make sure your chin is tucked into your chest and your back is rounded.
  2. Lie down on a bench (backrest tilt is 30-40°), secure your feet to the bolsters. Lift your upper body (including your shoulder blades) by contracting your abdominal muscles. You should not lower yourself completely so that your stomach is constantly tense. Do not move your lower back and buttocks. Trained women can keep their hands on the back of their heads, and beginners can keep their hands on their chests.
  3. Rest your forearms on the handles of the horizontal bar, press your back against the soft seat. Smoothly lift your bent legs as close to your chest as possible. This movement helps to reduce the size of the stomach and sides. You can also alternate right/left raises to work your oblique muscles.
  4. Lie down on a bench (head up), brace yourself with your hands, raise your straight legs, and then slowly lower them, but not all the way, so that the muscles are constantly tense.
  5. Take an emphasis lying down, but your feet are on a fitball, your pelvis is slightly raised up. Inhale and roll it from your calves to your ankles, hold, and then return back.

These gym exercises will help women lose weight, get a flat stomach, and also slim down their sides.

In addition, the complex can be supplemented with a plank (straight, side, reverse, with a raised arm or leg, etc.), which engages the muscles of the limbs, abdomen, and back. More advanced women use weights or a barbell on their back to increase the load.

An effective cardio exercise called “Climber” will help you get rid of your sides in the gym and at home. You can also supplement the complex with pulling your knees to your chest in TRX loops, cycling, squats, push-ups, deadlifts and other effective basic elements for losing weight.


A proper warm-up helps to “tune” the muscles for further work with physical weights. The best option would be regular bends with a raised right or left hand. Rotation of the body is also considered no less effective.

The duration of the warm-up should be at least half an hour, after which it is allowed to move on to other basic physical exercises.

In order for the training to bring maximum results, it is necessary to warm up before exercise.

The best option would be to walk on a treadmill for 10-12 minutes.

Various bends are also suitable for warming up - on the sides, back and forth, circular rotations of the pelvis, the scissors exercise. It is recommended to perform them for 12-15 minutes, after which you take a break for 2-3 minutes and begin the “fat burning” program.

Options for ready-made programs

Effective training programs for girls will help to remove the stomach, sides and hips, and make the figure more refined. If you are overweight, it is recommended to use a fat-burning complex in the gym. Once a woman loses weight, she can begin exercises to tighten her abdominal muscles. And after a while you can start pumping up the cubes.

For fat burning

Overweight women can take advantage of the beginner program in the gym, which will help remove excess fat from the entire body, as well as the stomach and sides:

  1. Cardio exercises, 5-10 minutes.
  2. Jump out of a half squat – 4 sets 8/10 times.
  3. Push-ups – 4x10.
  4. Do the “Climber” exercise – 4x15 times.
  5. Twist your body on the machine while sitting – 4x8/10.
  6. Stand in the plank – from 45 to 90 minutes.
  7. Cardio exercise – 5 to 10 minutes.

This complex will help remove fat from the stomach and sides in the gym for girls. Workouts for weight loss should be done 2-3 times a week.

For muscle tightening

This option is considered more energy-intensive than the previous complex. The gym program for women consists of two training days, the gap between which can be filled with high-interval cardio exercises:

  1. Day 1:
  • Cardio warm-up – from 15 to 25 minutes;
  • twist the body while sitting in the simulator - 3x15/20;
  • lift your legs with a fitball while lying down - 4x20;
  • pull your knees to your chest in TRX loops - 4x15;
  • plank (classic) – maximum time;
  • stretching – 5\10 minutes.
  1. Day 2:
  • Cardio warm-up – from 10 to 25 minutes;
  • twist the torso from the upper block - 3x25;
  • bend over with a dumbbell – 3x15;
  • perform the “climber” exercise – 3X15/20;
  • side plank – 45-90 seconds on each side three times;
  • cardio or warm-up – 5 minutes.

This complex in the gym helps women improve their body shape, tighten their stomach and sides.

For pumping up cubes

Women can use two options for pumping up their abs, which are presented below:

  1. Option 1:
  • cardio – 15-25 minutes;
  • twist the body while sitting in the simulator - 3x15;
  • bend to the sides with weights – 4x12;
  • raise your legs while hanging on the horizontal bar - 3x15/20;
  • plank with weight – maximum amount of time three times;
  • stretching – 10\15 minutes.
  1. Option 2:
  • warm-up;
  • do the “lumberjack” exercise – 3x20;
  • lift straight legs at an angle of 90°;
  • perform the “climber” exercise – 3x15/20;
  • do oblique crunches on the bench – 3x15 (for each side);
  • cardio or stretching – 10/15 minutes.

Complete each option after 2-3 days. Non-workout days can be filled with cardio exercises for faster weight loss.

A little theory

Before you start doing side exercises in the gym, you need to try to understand why they appear. The fact is that fat deposits tend to appear in certain places. These are the stomach, arms, thighs and buttocks. Of course, fat appears on other parts of the body, but these suffer the most.

The main reasons for the appearance of sides and a full belly are as follows:

  • Wrong diet with a lot of unhealthy foods in it, such as sweets, fast food, fatty and fried foods, and so on. Also, the problem is an unbalanced diet and its unsystematic nature, that is, if you skip normal meals and then snack on something harmful on the go.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Frequent stress and nervous tension.
  • Inactive lifestyle.
  • Bad habits.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth.

It will not be superfluous to take care of cleansing the body of harmful substances, since its contamination is another reason for excess fat deposits.
Having determined the main reason for the presence of fat in the abdomen and sides, you need to take care of combating it. And, of course, in any case, exercises for the abdomen and sides in the gym for women will be useful to you.

Why can't I do it?

  • If your body type is a pronounced rectangle, reverse triangle, apple . With this type of figure there is almost no waist. This is genetics and cannot be changed. The most pronounced waist is found in “hourglass” and “pear” shapes.
  • You have diastasis recti , which often happens after childbirth. As a result, the waist area may fall apart.
  • Features of the shape of the chest, which makes the waist a little voluminous. This is as invariable as the shape of the butt: Shelf butt: how to lift the buttocks and remove the depressions on the sides of the hips?
  • You do strength training with really heavy weights. Even if you don't do waist exercises specifically for the obliques, they are involved in many strength exercises for the arms, back, legs, and buttocks. Regular strength training makes your body athletic and toned, but your waist may widen slightly.

The lower abdomen deserves special attention

Some people tend to believe that there are two types of abs: upper and lower. And if the upper part of the abs looks more or less attractive, the lower part can stick out even with a small belly. However, exercises suitable for one specific segment of the abdominal area are unlikely to produce results. Because the rectus muscle should be trained, and not its individual segments. It is this muscle that is responsible for the condition of the upper and lower abdomen.

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In addition, you will have to work on the oblique muscles so that there are no fat folds on the sides and the torso looks toned. Complex exercises for all types of abdominal muscles are especially useful for those with a large belly. Classes will help you lose excess weight, gain beautiful relief and the desired “cubes”, and prevent sagging skin in the process of losing weight.

Exercises for the waist and sides in the gym with dumbbells

Special exercises with dumbbells have been developed for the waist and sides. Tilts are the most commonly used. To do this, take 1 dumbbell in both hands (the weight depends on each person’s athletic training), but not less than 2.5 kg. Then they begin to alternately smoothly bend to the right and to the left. The dumbbells should slide across your body, creating maximum tension on your sides. Exercises for the waist, sides and hips with dumbbells are performed differently. To do this, sit on the mat, kneeling, hands resting on the floor. Take one dumbbell (optimal weight) in your right hand and begin to smoothly lift your upper limb and left leg. Then they change the leg and arm. Perform 10-12 repetitions on each side. Find out what you can do at home: Exercises for the waist and sides.

Another training option that allows you to lose weight in the waist and sides is performed according to the following algorithm:

  • lie on the floor, on the mat, take a dumbbell in both hands;
  • place the upper limbs as high as possible in front of you;
  • begin to lift the back and upper body and pull it towards the dumbbell.

Perform at least 30 repetitions, increasing their number with each session. It will be easier to achieve ideal body parameters if you finish each abdominal workout with cardio exercises. For this purpose, treadmills, exercise bikes and orbitreks are used. If you want to achieve the desired result and remove fat, do exercises for your waist and sides in the gym systematically.

Method 6: Control the quality and quantity of food

What you eat is definitely important. But the amount of food you eat is also important.

Unfortunately, most people do not watch their diet.

Some people think they are on a high protein or low carb diet. But they often overestimate or exaggerate the real state of affairs.

But I believe that to optimize your diet and control your weight, you need to clearly track what and how much you eat. This doesn't mean you have to weigh everything for the rest of your life. But it’s worth doing calculations from time to time to monitor your diet and make adjustments if necessary.

If you want to increase your protein intake to 25-30% of calories as recommended above, simply eating more protein-rich foods will not be enough. You have to actually measure and adjust to achieve this goal.

To do this, you can use special calorie calculators or applications for counting micro and macronutrients.

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