How to lose weight in your legs: diet and exercises for the gym and at home

Kegel exercises are used to improve genitourinary functions and sexual activity by increasing the tone of the pelvic floor muscles.

If you think Kegel exercises are only used by women, think again. In fact, by doing them correctly and regularly, regardless of gender and age, you strengthen the pelvic floor muscles that support the bladder and intestines, and significantly improve sexual function and your sexual activity.

Kegel exercises are indicated for urinary or fecal incontinence, diseases of the prostate gland (prostate adenoma, prostatitis), after surgery to remove the prostate, for hemorrhoids, to increase the duration of sexual intercourse, and are useful for rapid ejaculation (premature ejaculation). Kegel exercises also help with erection problems, including erectile dysfunction and impotence. There are no disadvantages or contraindications to performing Kegel exercises, there are only advantages and positive effects for the male body.

You can do it yourself (you can try it at home first), no additional equipment is needed.

When starting to perform, first determine where these muscles are located and familiarize yourself with the technique of performing them.

Causes of fat on legs

First, accept that absolutely everyone has fat. According to the American Council on Exercise (ACE), men of normal weight have an average of 18 to 24% body fat, while women have an average of 25 to 31%. Depending on genes, hormonal levels and other factors, fat is distributed either evenly, or those same “problem areas” arise.

There are several types of fat in the legs:

  • Subcutaneous fat:
    Most commonly found in the thighs and located just under the skin.
  • Intramuscular fat:
    that which is concentrated within the muscle itself, literally in the meat.
  • Intermuscular fat:
    Located between the small muscle fibers of meat.

Most of the fat in the legs is subcutaneous, which makes it possible to get rid of it effectively.

Bottom line

The technique is useful both in terms of a general strengthening effect and for preventive purposes. It improves blood flow, has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and skin, digestion, and overall muscle tone. However, if you want to get the effect of losing weight and burning fat in the problem area from the training, you will need to back it up with comprehensive exercises, as well as proper nutrition and lifestyle.

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How to lose weight in your legs?

It is worth considering that local weight loss is almost impossible. If you want to get rid of excess weight in your legs, doing exercises exclusively on your legs will not give faster results.

The foreign publication “Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research” in 2012 published the results of a study in which 12 people (7 men and 4 women) took part. For 3 months, 3 times a week, they trained the non-dominant leg. As a result, this training resulted in an overall reduction in fat, but the trained leg did not show any significant reduction in fat.

Fat on the legs also affects the occurrence of cellulite, a problem that affects 85 to 90% of women worldwide. Why it appears, whether it is possible to get rid of it and what sets of exercises to perform to combat orange peel, read our article.

Walking on the buttocks: benefits and harms

Benefits of Exercise

Such exercises bring quite a lot of benefits, and some of them have their own characteristics for representatives of different genders.

For men

Professor Neumyvakin argued that for men's health, the pelvic area is the most important part of the body. The pubococcygeus and gluteal muscles located there are responsible for many body functions, for example, potency and reproductive ability.

Training according to Ivan Pavlovich’s method can help with prostate adenoma, enuresis, and constant edema. Its beneficial effect is noted in the treatment of hemorrhoids and various types of prostatitis.

For women

Since after such an exercise there is a normalization of blood circulation in the pelvis, it also has a very beneficial effect on women’s health. But not only these problems can be solved by walking on the buttocks.

  • Prevention of hemorrhoids.
  • Prevention of involuntary urination in old age.
  • Eliminate constipation.
  • Strengthening the muscles of the abs, abdomen, back.

In addition, the classes will help cope with the problem of orange peel, which is very popular. The exercises are part of a complex of anti-cellulite gymnastics, as well as giving a beautiful, toned shape to the buttocks.

For all

By regularly devoting time to training, you can significantly strengthen the spine, namely the lumbar and sacral sections. They will help you not to worry about limited mobility in old age and prevent the development of lumbago and radiculitis.

This exercise is suitable even for people who cannot fully move. It will also cope with the task of eliminating excess kilograms from the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks, that is, it will help you lose weight.

Harm and contraindications

Such training is considered one of the safest. However, there are a number of contraindications and restrictions that should not be overlooked in order to avoid injury or unpleasant consequences.

  • Girls should not exercise in the first days of their period; it is better to postpone the exercises for another time.
  • If you have severe discomfort or pain in your back or lower back, it is better not to conduct classes.
  • You should not do butt walking if you are pregnant without first consulting your doctor.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are direct contraindications to walking on the “fifth point”. In any case, first talk to your doctor, and only then start doing exercises, because you simply may not know about some disorders in the body.

Basic nutritional recommendations

There is no special diet for losing weight in the legs. Anyone loses weight if they expend more calories than they consume.

For a healthy diet, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommend eating:

  • a variety of fruits and vegetables
    , as they contain fiber
  • whole grains
    (brown rice, oatmeal, corn grits, quinoa, etc.)
  • products containing protein
    : beans, nuts, eggs, cottage cheese, chicken fillet, etc.
  • healthy oils
    , such as olive or nut oil.

Such a diet can influence the hunger hormone (ghrelin) and give the body a feeling of fullness. This will help you avoid unhealthy snacks, extra calories and overeating during the day. In addition, the right diet can speed up metabolism and significantly help in the process of losing weight.

The best way to lose weight in your legs is to combine a balanced diet and physical activity.

Optimal loads for losing weight on legs

Aerobic exercise

The first step to burning fat is aerobic exercise. This is low intensity physical exercise. The main source of maintaining muscle activity in such exercises is oxygen. Muscles consume energy, which is produced through the oxidation of glucose and fats.

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 30 minutes of exercise at least 5 days a week. Depending on your preferences, you can choose swimming, cycling, running, tennis or another sport. Either option is beneficial and increases muscle endurance. It is important that exercise is of moderate intensity and increases your heart rate for maximum calorie loss.

Power loads

Anaerobic (strength) exercise is aimed at performing high-intensity short-term exercises, during which energy is produced from phosphorus compounds and glycogen contained in the muscles and liver.

The big benefit of lifting weights during strength training is that in addition to losing fat, you build muscle. And muscles, in turn, burn calories.

The journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise published the results of a study that lasted six months. It was found that 11 minutes of strength training 3 times a week resulted in an average 7.4% increase in metabolism. This value is equivalent to burning an additional 125 calories per day.

In addition, another confirmation is a study from the “European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology”. It showed that after resistance training, the body continues to burn calories even at rest (up to 48 hours in some cases), unlike aerobic exercise.

What kind of exercise is this, and who invented it?

This therapeutic method was first proposed in the 70s by I. P. Neumyvaikin, Doctor of Physical Sciences, Professor. He included a number of useful special exercises in his health program, but walking on his buttocks was at the forefront.

According to the professor, the key to the normal functioning of all body systems is the coordinated functioning of the digestive tract, or rather the larger part that is concentrated in the pelvic area. Most of the intestines are responsible for the immune system, digestion, hair, nails and skin health.

Exercises for losing weight on legs at home


Lunges target the biceps femoris, rectus femoris, and lateralis muscles. In addition, the gluteal muscles and semitendinosus are involved. This is a great exercise to get rid of lumpy thighs.

The classic version of lunges is performed as follows: stand straight, lower your arms along your body, and while inhaling, take a wide step forward so that your leading leg forms a 90° angle and your knee does not go beyond the toe of the sneaker. The knee of the non-working leg should not touch the floor.

There are many variations of execution: lunges to the sides, cross lunges, reverse lunges, with weights, with a jump, using a chair or bench. To add variety to your routine, try different options.


This is one of the basic and most effective exercises to lose weight in your legs. The gluteus medius and maximus muscles work, as well as the lateralis, biceps femoris, soleus and gastrocnemius muscles.

Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and your arms in front of you. Keep your back straight. During the squat, move your pelvis back so that your thighs are parallel to the floor and your knees do not go beyond your toes. Watch your breathing, inhale as you lower yourself into a squat, and exhale as you return to the starting position.

Squats also have many variations: deep squats, side squats, jump squats, dumbbell squats, single leg squats, plie squats, etc. Find the best option for you in our article on correct and safe squatting techniques.

Jumping rope

Remember that the most important thing in jumping rope is technique, not speed. Concentrate on jumping with slightly bent knees to avoid damaging your joints when landing. Prefer rubber surfaces for sports.

The American Health, Physical Education and Recreation Association found in a study that 10 minutes of daily jumping rope training is as effective as 30 minutes of jogging.

Follow a few basic rules: keep your elbows close to your body and your back straight. If you feel uncomfortable, try alternating jumping variations, such as side-to-side or alternating legs.

Every 100 jumps help you burn an average of 45 to 80 calories.

Scrub to remove fat from the inside of the thighs

A scrub will help quickly remove the inside of your thighs.

You can prepare it by mixing salt and kefir in a 2:1 ratio. After this, massage onto problematic parts of the body.

You can make a scrub from salt, cinnamon, vegetable oil, coffee.

After using the scrub, wipe your body dry with a towel and apply anti-cellulite cream or gel to your thighs.

After a shower with a scrub, you can take a bath. Add a few drops of essential oil, 60 g of sea salt, milk or cream to the water. Stir well and take a bath for 20 minutes.

"Chair" or "wall"

The exercise is isometric (static). The load is distributed over almost the entire lower body, using the gluteal muscles, hamstrings and quadriceps.

The main goal of this exercise is to increase muscle endurance. At first glance it may seem very simple, but the longer this position is held, the harder it becomes. This increases your heart rate and burns calories.

How to do it? Stand up straight, pressing your back against the wall, and place your feet half a meter away from you. Slide along the wall until you are in a position where your legs form a right angle and your hamstrings are parallel to the floor. Stay in this position for at least 30 seconds. As you build strength and fitness, try to increase the time. Rise back to the starting position and after a short break, repeat several times.

More effective exercises for legs are described in our article “How to lose weight in your thighs: 6 effective exercises.”

Useful tips

To give slim legs, it is recommended to adhere to the following principles:

  • don’t skip breakfast;
  • eat spicy foods, they activate blood circulation and remove excess fluid;
  • do not eat food 3 hours before going to bed;
  • eat often, but in small portions;
  • do a contrast shower, especially in the area of ​​the lower extremities;
  • practice wraps;
  • After sitting at the computer for a long time, do stretching (every 30 minutes)
  • perform a foot massage;
  • avoid stress that inhibits fat burning;

It is worth considering that local weight loss is almost impossible. It is recommended to combine all the proposed options and the effect will not be long in coming. When the first results appear, they do not stop, but continue to follow the diet and exercise. Beautiful slender legs are the result of painstaking and persistent actions.

Exercises for losing weight in the legs in the gym

Bench leg press

If you are wondering how to remove fat from thighs, then this is one of the most effective exercises. The leg press works the thigh and buttock muscles, with most of the load placed on the hamstrings.

There are several types of exercise machines, depending on the angle of inclination at which the weight moves, but they all have approximately the same load.

When performing the exercise, it is important that your back fits tightly against the backrest, especially in the lumbar region. Depending on the location of the feet on the platform (shoulder-width apart or narrow), you can pump different areas of the muscles.

Start in a shoulder-width position. For convenience, grasp the side handles. Remove the restraints and, as you exhale, squeeze the platform as far as possible until your knees straighten (if you want to reduce the load on them, then leave your legs slightly bent). Return to the starting position. Make sure your knees don't fall inward.

Do at least 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Leg abduction in crossover

The exercise is aimed at working the gluteus maximus muscles, quadriceps, additionally using the muscles of the back and inner thighs, and also strengthening the muscles of the groin area. It all depends on the version of the exercise and the placement of the legs.

The crossover does not fix the trajectory of the leg, so the stabilizer muscles are also worked out.

Stand facing the machine. Attach a special cuff to your foot or ankle. Comfortably grasp the exercise machine or special handles on it with your hands, take a stable position and fix the body.

The pelvis should be strictly above the foot of the supporting leg (the one that remains motionless). Bend your working leg slightly and swing back. Make sure your back does not arch and remains straight. At the top peak of the movement, pause briefly and lower your leg to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise on both legs, doing 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Smith machine squat

Performing squats on a Smith machine uses the same muscle groups and joints that are used with free weights, but with one exception. Since the bar in the simulator is fixed and has a clearly defined trajectory, the muscles of the body stabilizer are strained much less, and performing the exercise becomes easier and safer.

The quadriceps and large gluteal muscles receive the greatest load. The biceps work to a slightly lesser extent. The static load is applied to the extensor muscles and abdominal muscles.

To perform the exercise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly in front of your body line. Stand under the bar so that it is between your shoulder blades and neck. Grab the barbell with both hands, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Inhale and begin to lower yourself. During a squat, the pelvis should fall back (as if sitting on a chair). Continue squatting until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Make sure that your knees do not go past your toes, and that the arch in your back remains small and natural. Hold this position for a second and, as you exhale, slowly return to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps.

Leg abduction and abduction in the simulator

The exercise machine is an isolation machine and is used to shape, tone and strengthen the muscles of the legs and thighs.

Set the required weight on the simulator (for starters, girls can limit themselves to 10-15 kg). If after 10 repetitions you feel a burning sensation and fatigue, then the weight is selected correctly.

Lean your back against the seat, grab the handles with your hands and place your feet on the special soft stops. Now you can begin the main part of the exercise for losing weight in the legs. As you inhale, bring your legs together or spread them, depending on the set mode. Hold the position of maximum tension and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the reduction 10 times (1-2 approaches).

Leg extension in the simulator

When performing leg extensions, the main load falls on the quadriceps.

One of the important conditions for performing the exercise is that the simulator must be adjusted to suit you (rollers, backrest, weight, etc.). Make sure the roller on your legs is at the bottom of your shin and the angle at your knee joint is at least 90 degrees.

Take a stable position, lean on the backrest, if there is one, grab the handles and, as you exhale, smoothly straighten your knees, lifting the roller. Stay in this position for a second. The socks should point up. As you exhale, slowly lower the weight (do not bend your legs all the way). Perform a minimum of 10-12 repetitions (2-3 sets).

Calf raises for calf muscles

Standing or seated calf raises are traditionally used to train the calf and soleus muscles. Many people perform this exercise not in a machine, but standing on plates and using weights or dumbbells, but for beginners, a machine is more suitable, as it fixes the position of the body and relieves the load on the stabilizer muscles.

The technique is simple: stand with your toes on the platform so that the bolsters rest against your shoulders. Then begin to alternately rise on your toes and lower your heels below the platform.

Make sure that your legs do not bend at the knees and that your back remains straight.

For more recommendations for training your calves, see our article “How to lose weight in your calves: nutrition and training rules.”

Mandatory rules

All efforts can go to waste if you do not follow simple rules:

  • You cannot “help” yourself move with your hands. The essence of the exercise is to engage the pelvic muscles.
  • To avoid skin chafing and blisters, wear only smooth sweatpants and seamless underwear for exercise.
  • Maintain an angle between your legs and back. It should always be exactly ninety degrees, except in the case of limbs pressed to the chest.
  • Moving forward, try not to “drag” your leg, but keep it suspended.
  • Don't put too much stress on yourself right away. It is optimal to start with 10-15 repetitions in 2 sets. Over time, this number can be increased to 45-50 in 5-10 approaches.

When doing this exercise, it is better to focus not on the number of movements performed, but on their technique and quality. It’s better to limit yourself to a smaller number, but do them exactly as needed.

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