8 Best Exercise Machines for Butts, Thighs and Legs in the Gym

For a very long time, women of all ages have been striving for an ideal figure. An elastic, slender body means self-confidence, increased attention from the opposite sex and the envy of rivals. That is why girls are ready to do a lot to get closer to the ideal.

The most popular areas for modification are the breasts and buttocks. They are considered the most attractive female body parts for men. And if the first one is difficult to enlarge or tighten without surgery, then with the second everything is much simpler.

An elastic, strong butt can be obtained as a result of constant intense training. To do this, you can use both your own body weight and special simulators. The main thing is to follow the correct technique and calculate the required loads.

In the article we will look at the main secrets and exercises on how to properly and effectively pump up your butt, tighten your gluteal muscles, and what exercise machines will help with this both in the gym and at home.

The secret to firm buttocks

The buttocks consist of three muscles:

  • Small.
  • Average.
  • Big.

They perform not only an aesthetic function. The gluteal muscles are actively involved in the movement of the entire body. They work by lifting the body from a bend, squatting, and moving the hips to the side.

Initially, each person has an individual structure and shape. The anatomy of the body, gifted by nature, cannot be changed. But, besides this, the shape of the buttocks depends on the accumulated fat deposits and the tone of the muscle tissue. These components can be adjusted.

To work the gluteal muscles, you need to constantly load them. In this case, there is no fear of overdoing it, since this part of the body is constantly used throughout the day and is accustomed to constant activity.

Before starting training, you need to decide what exactly is required for a particular figure: building muscle mass or creating elasticity and fit.

The secret to achieving results is constant training, the correct technique of selected exercises and regulating your diet. If you train, but at the same time continue to eat foods that are harmful to your figure, you may not notice the result. All efforts will go to zero.

Squats with dumbbells and barbell

The most effective exercises for the buttocks in the gym for girls include squats using a barbell and dumbbells. It is better to repeat such a sports complex under the guidance of a coach.

Exercises help to visually increase the volume of the hips, achieve their elasticity and healthy appearance. As shown in the photo and video, in a standard complex it is recommended to do several sets of 10-12 squats.

It is advisable that the last repetitions be done with all your might. This way the effect is consolidated, the muscles should tense as much as possible. Microcracks in the muscles promote the growth of muscle tissue.

What exercise machines will help you work on your buttocks?

To work on the program on the buttocks, there are many simulators that are equipped in special halls and fitness centers. They either repeat the natural movements of the human body, or create additional stress with the help of a load. The machines are divided into cardio and strength training.

The first include:

  • Stepper.
  • Exercise bike.
  • Treadmill.
  • Ellipsoid.

When working on such complexes, all muscle groups work, most of all the legs. Therefore, the work specifically on the buttocks will not be strongly felt.

But with such activities, a person loses a lot of calories and loses weight evenly, which has a good effect on all areas. Such complexes remove fat deposits more effectively, and muscles become toned.

Strength trainers are more narrowly focused. They no longer work to burn fat, but to increase muscle mass.

These include:

  • Taking the leg with a load back.
  • Smith machine
  • Gakk machine.
  • Barbell.

Due to the additional load, you have to put in more effort to perform the action, which means the muscles work more intensely. Exercises on such simulators can be more local, that is, work on one specific muscle group. Such exercises are very effective if the weight is correctly calculated and the execution technique is followed.


This machine belongs to the cardio category. It imitates the natural daily movements of the human body - climbing stairs.

It is more effective than regular walking, since climbing up requires more effort and uses more muscles. When exercising on a stepper, the gluteal muscles and quadriceps femoris muscles work the most.

  • This exercise machine can be very compact and convenient for both home use and gyms.
  • In the minimum configuration, it consists of two platforms for placing legs.
  • When one of them is lowered under the weight of the limb, the second rises up.
  • Some models are equipped with handrails, which can be either in a static position or rotated to the side while the legs move.
  • In this case, the upper body is additionally involved.
  • Any model has a load adjustment lever so that each athlete can choose the mode that suits them.

Performing the exercise:

  • To perform the exercise, you need to place both feet in the middle of the platforms.
  • By pressing on each of the pedals in turn, a person makes movements reminiscent of steps.
  • While working, you need to maintain a straight posture and move your body slightly forward.
  • The hands are placed in a comfortable position or on special levers.
  • You need to exercise on such a simulator from 10 to 30 minutes a day, depending on the physical fitness of the athlete.

Exercise bike

This is one of the most famous and popular machines in the cardio category. It is quite simple to practice on it, since everyone is familiar with this design.

  • According to the principle of operation, this installation is as similar as possible to an ordinary bicycle and completely copies the movements made while riding.
  • At the same time, the muscles of the legs and buttocks are used perfectly .
  • Each athlete can choose a load that is suitable for themselves and increase it as they get used to it.
  • Modern models are most often equipped with various sensors that allow you to monitor the progress of training and body performance.
  • During exercise, your back should be kept straight , without arching in the lower back, and relaxed.
  • Hands should rest on special handrails , but you should not put your body weight on them.
  • For classes to be effective, you need to choose the optimal load. The pedals should turn with little effort, putting stress on the legs, but at the same time fairly freely. Don't get too overloaded right away. You should exercise at an average pace, for 20–30 minutes a day.


Running is an excellent exercise for losing weight and toning the whole body. It is much more pleasant to exercise in a warm room than to run outside in bad weather. That's what the treadmill is for.

  • To practice on it, the athlete selects the desired pace and runs along a special moving belt.
  • It is important to monitor your breathing.
  • It should be smooth, not confused.
  • The back remains straight, and the arms are pressed with the elbows to the body and move as during normal running.
  • The athlete's gaze should always be directed straight ahead.
  • You need to exercise 15–20 minutes a day at an average pace.
  • Although the lower part of the body is most involved when running, using such a simulator will not increase the volume of the buttocks.
  • It will only help get rid of excess fat deposits and tighten problem areas.


While moving on such a simulator, the legs move along an elliptical path. Therefore, more effort will be spent on work than during ordinary walking. At the same time, thanks to this trajectory of movement, minimal load is created on the knee joints.

  • To perform the exercise, the athlete places his feet on special platforms and clasps the handrails with his hands, which will move in the opposite direction to the movements of the legs.
  • During exercise, you need to maintain a straight posture and even breathing.
  • The load is selected in such a way that the legs have to overcome a small force , but at the same time it would be possible to exercise at an average pace for 20–30 minutes.
  • An ellipsoid is more effective for working on the buttocks , since movements are made along both the horizontal and vertical axis.
  • At the same time, the simulator also provides cardio exercises , which are useful for burning fat.

Pulling the leg with a load back in the simulator

Classes on such a simulator have a local effect and work specifically on the gluteal muscles. Thanks to the additional weight, results are achieved more quickly.

  • To perform the exercise, a special cuff with an attached cable is put on one of the legs.
  • The athlete stands on the other leg and leans his hands on the frame of the exercise machine.
  • All movements must be made smoothly, without sudden jerks or throwing.
  • The leg with the load must be moved back and up to the maximum point at which the straight position of the back is maintained.
  • After returning to the starting point, the movement is repeated.
  • This complex should be performed in 3 sets of 10–15 repetitions on each leg.
  • The weight is chosen so as not to overload the muscles, but each movement must be performed with effort.
  • The exercise is perfect for tightening and pumping up your butt.

Smith machine

This simulator is a barbell that moves fixedly along one given path along a vertical axis.

  • The advantage of this complex is that it allows you to perform strength exercises as safely as possible, preventing you from violating your technique.
  • This simulator is also good because it allows you to give local load to certain muscles, unloading the rest.
  • In order for the buttocks to work, you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart and a little further from the bar, resting your shoulders on it.
  • To begin the complex, the bar is placed between the neck and shoulder blades.
  • Having removed it from the safety position, you need to perform squats until your thighs are parallel to the floor surface and return up.
  • At the same time, the feet are pressed tightly to the floor, the heels do not come off.
  • You need to perform 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions each to effectively pump up your butt.

Hack machine

The hack machine allows you to perform squats, relieving the athlete’s spine from pressure and allowing maximum work on the legs and buttocks.

  • To perform exercises in the simulator, the athlete sits in it at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the vertical position.
  • The legs need to be rested on a special platform, and the shoulders are pressed against soft stops.
  • The athlete squats to the lowest point.
  • At the same time, the knees form a right angle, and the heels are pressed to the floor.
  • The lift is performed with effort under the weight pressing on the shoulders.
  • Thanks to this, pumping the buttocks becomes more effective.
  • It is important to keep your back straight during exercise without arching your lower back.
  • You need to do 3 sets of 10 repetitions each.
  • The weight is chosen so that tension is felt in the buttocks, but there is no pain from the load.
  • This exercise will perfectly help pump up and tighten your butt in the gym and at home for both men and women.

Squats with a barbell on your shoulders

The barbell is one of the simplest and most accessible sports equipment. With its help, you can work on different muscle groups simply by changing exercises. To work your buttocks, you need to do squats with a barbell on your shoulders.

  • Performing this exercise is similar to training in a Smith machine.
  • Only in this case, nothing holds or guides the barbell, so it will be more difficult to maintain the correct technique.
  • The location of the neck does not change. Feet stand shoulder-width apart with toes slightly pointed to the sides.
  • When squatting, your knees should not go forward and your back should not bend.
  • Movements should be measured without jerking or swinging.
  • Beginners should definitely work with an insurer.
  • You need to perform 2-3 sets of 10 squats.
  • The exercise also helps to pump up your abs.

Exercise 1: Hyperextension

Load: 4 sets of 20 reps. Weighting agent 5 kg.

Hyperextension is a common exercise for developing the spinal erectors, as well as the gluteal muscles and hip flexors. The exercise has a low risk of spinal injury, does not overload the joints, maintains muscle tone, strengthens the tendon corset of the spine, and is therefore recommended for beginners and people with weak backs.

Exercise technique:

  1. Lie on the machine on your stomach, place your heels under a special roller, and take a weight in your hands.
  2. Bend down and then smoothly return to a position in which the body represents a straight line. Stay in this position for several seconds.

Important! Avoid hyperextension in the lower back

Goal: reduce or pump up the buttocks

Depending on the goal, the sets of exercises performed will differ:

  • Some already have sufficient muscle volume and need to tighten them to give them a better shape and eliminate sagging.
  • Others need to burn excess fat deposits.
  • Still others have a lack of muscle mass and need to build it up.

You need to correctly assess all the nuances of your figure in order for the exercises on the machines to be truly effective.

To enlarge the buttocks

The best exercises for increasing the muscle size of the buttocks are strength exercises. All simulators with additional weight aimed at working specifically in this area are suitable for training.

These include all of the above strength complexes: Smith machine, hack squats, squats with a barbell or dumbbells. They will help not only increase the volume of the gluteal muscles, but also form a beautiful relief.

To reduce buttocks

To get rid of unwanted volumes, cardio exercises help. These include all exercises and machines related to running or walking. They saturate the body with oxygen and trigger processes that burn excess fat.

These include a treadmill, exercise bike, elliptical and stepper. In addition to them, some strength exercises will also help you lose weight in your buttocks. Such as leg abductions with a load or squats with an empty bar.

In order to achieve a spectacular result and pump up your butt correctly, you need, first of all, to correctly assess your figure.

Recommendations for training

The stereotype that only women should develop their glutes has long been outdated. for men to work the glutes, which almost always become the limiting factor for progression and working with heavy weights. It is also important for men to understand what exercise equipment they need to exercise on in order to pump up their buttocks without greatly increasing muscle volume. In addition to powerful compound movements, hyperextensions, single-leg bench presses, and leg curls are good options.

for girls when it comes to choosing exercises and which exercise machine you can use to pump up your butt as quickly as possible . All of the above movements are suitable for developing the glutes, so they should be included in your training program (alternating between weeks or workouts). In general, among the main recommendations for working out a muscle group, the following should be highlighted:

  • in order to progress steadily, it is recommended to allocate a separate training day for the glutes;
  • it is optimal to select 3-4 basic and 1-3 isolating exercises for the muscle area in one session;
  • The group should be trained no more than 2 times a week;
  • When training the buttocks, you should concentrate the tension on the area being worked, otherwise the load will be distributed to other muscles.

Always warm up thoroughly at the beginning of your workout and do a short stretching session of 3-5 minutes at the end.


An incorrectly selected complex can worsen the figure by adding extra volume or, on the contrary, removing the necessary ones. Before starting classes, you need to consult with a trainer, and once you start, follow a systematic approach and correct technique.

Whichever exercise machine for the buttocks area you choose, do not forget that the main thing is the systematicity and consistency of your exercises. After just thirty days of training, you will have an obvious result.

Alexandrova Anastasia

Nutrition and healthy lifestyle specialist and author of myfitnesblog.com. For many years, she has successfully helped women and men lose weight and maintain a beautiful figure.

Rules for performing exercises

To achieve the desired effect and not harm your body, you must adhere to some important rules:

Start training only after warming up. Movements without weights or with light weights should be done with a large number of repetitions

When using heavy weights, reduce the number of repetitions and approaches. Pay attention to the technique of execution - you must tense your muscles and feel their work. During training, it is necessary to monitor your breathing, control the synchronization of inhalations, exhalations and movements in the correct order. Perform most exercises slowly, squeezing your gluteal muscles.

Nutrition during exercise

It is impossible to get good results without proper nutrition. There is no reason to give up calorie control. The exercises will be successful if you do not eat fried, fatty, salty foods.

Kefir should be replaced with plain water, and the diet should focus on boiled or steamed vegetables. In addition, you should keep in mind that you should not eat an hour before intense exercise.

To get results from strength training, you need:

  • eat fractionally;
  • eat food at the same time;
  • eat small meals to create a calorie deficit;
  • constantly adding new things to the menu.

A set of diets is selected taking into account the personal characteristics of the body.

Be sure to perform crossover leg kicks and walking lunges

If the above list of exercises seems too long to you, then let me highlight 2 main elements from it. Firstly, this is moving the leg back in a crossover. I know it's often considered a frivolous exercise, but it really works!

Of course, I always perform variations of squats, deadlifts, and other classic exercises, but after adding crossover kickbacks (with quite a bit of weight) to the program, I noticed a significant improvement in the overall shape, size, and roundness of my butt.

I usually perform it standing, keeping my leg as straight as possible and holding the peak of muscle contraction for each repetition. This is one of the few exercises where I can actually feel my butt working overtime without involving my quads and hamstrings.

As for walking lunges, no one can doubt their effectiveness. Just do them, period!

Rating of the best steppers

Torneo Tempo S-221

Efficient device with autonomous operation. There is an informative display that indicates the number of calories and step frequency. The equipment does not take up much space in the apartment and will fit in any sports corner. There are no special questions regarding the constructive part; everything is done efficiently and reliably. Maximum user weight – 100 kg. For greater convenience, the front part is equipped with racks with support, which can vary in height and length.

The average price is 5,000 rubles.

Torneo Tempo S-221


  • Good build;
  • Efficiency;
  • Load on the legs;
  • Calorie consumption;
  • Autonomous work.


  • There is a lot of noise, so it is recommended to do the exercises during the day.

Sport Elite GB-5106/0722-03

A simple device that is designed for daily use for 30 minutes. To make it easier for the user to understand how many calories he has lost, there is a special display (no backlight) where the relevant information is displayed. The design is simple, there are no complex elements, which is a big plus, as it increases the service life. The weight of the device is 12.5 kg, the dimensions are small.

Sold at price: 3,200 rubles.

Sport Elite GB-5106/0722-03


  • Minimum price and good quality;
  • Good display;
  • Withstands loads up to 100 kg;
  • Easy to use;
  • Reliability.


  • Not found.

DFC SC-5901

A semi-professional device that is suitable for those who put convenience and efficiency first. The device is equipped with special stands, which makes use simple and convenient. The shape is classic, easily fits into an average apartment. There is no independent pedal travel. There are 12 load levels, which are selected based on preparation. The equipment can operate without being connected to electricity, and can also measure pulse, which is a convenient solution. The display shows the number of steps and calories burned.

The average cost is 25,000 rubles.

DFC SC-5901


  • Cardiac sensors;
  • Convenience;
  • Withstands loads up to 130 kg;
  • Strength;
  • Autonomous work;
  • Glass stand;
  • Easy transportation thanks to rollers.


  • Weight – 36.5 kg;
  • Price.

Stretching is a must

Like any workout, a set of exercises for the buttocks in the gym must include stretching. Regular stretching allows muscles to strengthen and grow, becoming the key to flexibility and good health. After strength training your gluteal muscles, you should do at least a few stretching exercises:

  1. We lie on our backs and raise our legs bent at the knees, place the toe of our right foot on the knee of our left, and try to “press” the toe with our knee, increasing the stretching of the muscles.
  2. We get on all fours, place the ankle of our left leg on the knee of our right, then lean our body back.
  3. We sit on the floor with our legs stretched forward, clasp our shin with our hands, bend our knee and press our leg to our chest. The hands cover one another.
  4. "Pigeon Pose." We sit on the floor so that one leg is stretched back, and the other is bent at the knee and turned forward. Bend forward, placing your elbows on the floor in front of your bent leg.

Beach season is just around the corner, but there is still time to show off your first results by summer. Start training now!

Making rounded hips

You can get round and beautiful buttocks with swings; weights will be required if you have basic physical training. By performing this type of exercise, you can tighten your inner thighs, get rid of “ears” on your thighs and get a perfect butt. The trainer is a crossover, perfect for the female target audience, as it works on the most problematic area through various types of swings. It so happens genetically that the fair sex likes to accumulate fat on the hips. Men will also like this exercise machine, so it would be wrong to call it women's.

If the key goal is to separate the gluteal area from the hamstrings, then the ideal solution would be squats and lunges, and the Bulgarian split squat. The press and squat are great for working the muscles in that area as a base. For beginners, lunges and Bulgarian splits can be done with your own bodyweight, gradually introducing free weights as you progress.

It is better to use several different machines that work with different parts of the muscles so that you can work out the desired areas from all sides.

Exercise 3: Wide Barbell Squats

Load: 4 sets of 15 reps. Weight 22 kg.

Worked: quadriceps femoris, gluteus medius and gluteus maximus.


  1. Grasp the bar with both hands and remove it from the racks, straining your legs and torso.
  2. Step away from the counter and place your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. The toes are slightly turned outward. The head is raised, the back is straight and arched at the lower back. This will be your starting position.
  3. As you inhale, begin to slowly squat, bending your knees and moving your pelvis back. Keep your back up. Continue downward until the angle between your thighs and calves is just under 90 degrees. Hint: when performing the exercise correctly, the knees should create an imaginary straight line with the toes of the feet and be located perpendicular to the line of the body.
  4. As you exhale, lift yourself up, straightening your legs, pushing off the floor, returning to the starting position.

How to do the exercise correctly?

The following recommendations should be followed:

  • when they sit on the exercise machine, straighten their back and straighten their chest;
  • fix the accepted position, after which the inner parts of the thighs are placed on the support, and the center of gravity is transferred to the bones of the seat;
  • the legs are brought together by the force of the adductor muscles, and when they reach the maximum possible position, they pause to create a contraction;
  • withstand the tension for several seconds, and then slowly return to the starting position, but not by inertia, but due to the muscle group being trained;
  • without any breaks, they immediately begin to do the next repetition and so on.

Each exercise is performed at least four sets, the number of repetitions in each should reach twenty.

Top effective exercise bikes

DFC B8508

A budget option that will help make your leg muscles beautiful and your buttocks toned. The device does not require connection to the electrical network, as it operates autonomously. The load system is magnetic, which is a suitable solution. The number of levels is 8. There is an informative display that indicates calorie consumption and the distance traveled.

The average cost is 12,500 rubles.

DFC B8508


  • High-quality assembly;
  • Simple mechanism;
  • Durability;
  • Easy adjustment;
  • Cardiac sensors;
  • 8 load levels.


  • Not found.

ProForm 210 CSX (PFEVEX72916)

A mid-price segment product that features good functionality and an attractive design. Most of the elements are made of durable material that can withstand high loads.

Thanks to the electromagnetic system, there is practically no noise from work, which makes it possible to work early in the morning and not wake up loved ones. The maximum user weight is 125 kg, which is another advantage. Number of training programs – 14.

Sold at a price: from 22,000 rubles.

ProForm 210 CSX (PFEVEX72916)


  • Easy operation;
  • Quiet operation;
  • High-quality compensator for floor unevenness;
  • Stand for books or tablet computer;
  • Fan.


  • Not found.

Oxygen Peak U

An upright exercise bike that will help you lose weight and strengthen your cardiovascular system. The display runs on standard batteries that last for several weeks. The main feature is low price and convenient operation. Warranty duration – 2 years. Number of load levels – 8.

Sold at a price: from 14,000 rubles.

Oxygen Peak U


  • Easy to use;
  • Durability;
  • Inexpensive;
  • Appearance;
  • Good load;
  • Comfortable seat.


  • Difficult to find.

Some information about anatomy

The buttocks are divided into small, medium, and large muscles. They work on a principle similar to the deltas of the shoulder girdle. Large muscle groups consisting of coarse fibers are the most massive and powerful. One of their edges is attached to the upper part of the posterior femur, and the other to the sacral spine. The large muscles of the thighs extend at the hip joints, bring them to the center and move them to the side, turn them outward, and stabilize the torso both while standing and when walking.

The external coxofemoralis are the middle muscles that form the femoral line, located under the gluteal major, attached to the edge of the trochanter, the femur and ilium. The middle ones move the pelvis to the side when the hip is fixed, abduct and rotate the hips both inward and outward.

The peculiarity of small ones is their deeper location. They are fixed to the ilium and trochanter of the femur. The structure and functionality are similar to the average ones, but differ in that they are thinner and flatter. They abduct the pelvis when they stand on one leg, and also abduct and rotate the hip.

Training for women

The female sex does not attach much importance to the development of strength qualities, unlike men. They are rather interested in an attractive shape of the gluteal muscles. In this regard, charming ladies are interested in the question of how to quickly pump up their buttocks. This issue is especially acute during the beach season.

In order to tighten their butt, we recommend that women do basic exercises at home or in the gym.

Don't forget about isolation, because the emphasis is on the gluteal muscle area. Therefore, different types of loads must be combined.

If you really want to pump up your butt, and not just tone the muscle, you'll have to do exercises with heavy weights, and not just work your legs on the mat at home.

If you see a movie about how to “make an ass in 5 minutes at home,” rest assured that these “actions” do not work. Don’t be fooled by advertising phrases, pumping up muscles is not an easy task.

Rating of the best treadmills

ProForm 105 CST (PETL38817)

An excellent option for a country house, which will help you lose excess weight and also strengthen your cardiovascular system. The device is equipped with all useful functions, which allows you to monitor your health status in real time, as the information is displayed on the display. The proprietary shock absorption system is Pro Shox, this is a good solution. There are 6 preset programs that will help you increase or decrease the tempo. The design is completely foldable, making it easy to move and store in a convenient place. Withstands weight up to 115 kg.

The average price is 39,990 rubles.

ProForm 105 CST (PETL38817)


  • Efficiency;
  • Easy to use;
  • Dozens of useful functions;
  • Good shock absorption;
  • Heart rate sensor;
  • Fast start;
  • Easy tilt adjustment.


  • Not found.

Evo Fitness Integra II

The device is small in size and has good shock absorption, suitable for placement in a country house or apartment. Powered by electrical energy, type of equipment – ​​folding. Engine power – 1.4 hp. The maximum speed is 10 km/h. There is a good display where basic information is displayed.

Sold at price: 24,000 rubles.

Evo Fitness Integra II


  • Efficiency;
  • Strength;
  • Easy to use;
  • Powerful engine;
  • Speed;
  • 12 training levels.


  • The height cannot be adjusted.

UnixFit ST-550L

A beautiful treadmill that will fit into any interior. The design is easy to move and conveniently stored. Withstands weight up to 120 kg. The maximum running speed is 12 km/h. For greater convenience, there is an adjustment of the angle of inclination, which allows you to adjust the equipment to a specific request.

To prevent a person from getting bored when studying, the manufacturer has equipped the device with a stand for books or a tablet; there is also a cup holder where you can place a container with a tonic drink so that you have enough energy to reach the maximum.

Sold at price: 35,000 rubles.

UnixFit ST-550L


  • Durability;
  • Easy to use;
  • There are speakers;
  • Bookend;
  • High-quality depreciation;
  • Transport rollers;
  • Easy to use;
  • Informative display;
  • Adjustment.


  • Not found.

Rating of popular elliptical trainers

Carbon Fitness E304

A magnetic device that engages the muscles of the legs and abs. Thanks to a high-quality flywheel, movements are soft, which increases comfortable use. The number of load levels is 8. The device also supports real-time heart rate measurement. The maximum step length is 31 cm. For greater muscle development, there are 24 training programs, this allows you to develop almost all groups in a minimum period of time.

The average price is 12,600 rubles.

Carbon Fitness E304


  • Low price;
  • Good efficiency;
  • Easy adjustment;
  • Durability;
  • Cardiac sensors;
  • 24 training programs.


  • Not found.

KETTLER 7692-150 Rivo 4

An effective orbit track that will allow you to tighten your muscles and lose extra pounds. The product does not require special knowledge to set up and is immediately ready for use. The load system used is magnetic, which is one of the best solutions, as it ensures smooth operation. Maximum user weight is 130 kg. The minimum and maximum stride length is 23-39 cm, respectively. The display shows information about the distance traveled, calories burned and current speed.

Sold at price: 36,000 rubles.

KETTLER 7692-150 Rivo 4


  • High-quality assembly;
  • Easy to use;
  • Optimal load;
  • Effective user programs;
  • Compensators for floor unevenness.


  • Not found.

Hasttings FS400 Sparta

One of the best, but expensive devices that will help you lose excess weight in a month and also make your buttocks toned. The number of load levels is 24, which will allow training not only for beginners, but also for professionals. For more convenient use, the manufacturer has equipped the product with 22 programs that will make your workout intense. The heart rate sensor is installed on the steering wheel.

Sold at price: 37,000 rubles.

Hasttings FS400 Sparta


  • Suitable for professionals;
  • Easy to use;
  • Can be installed on any surface;
  • Efficiency;
  • Durability.


  • Not found.
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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