Annual weight gain program from Men; s Health

Who are mens physicists?

The term men's physique sounds quite tricky, so to understand what is hidden behind it, you should turn to the opinions of people who are most directly related to it. According to Andrei Mironov, a participant in the competition in this category of bodybuilding, who was first fond of American football, and only then joined the “beach people”, deciding to try his hand, the main advantage of mens physics is the simplicity of this category.

And this is true. For men's physique, there are no strict limits during the preparatory stage, nor is there any free form. The system is based on the fact that the athlete needs to pump up, dry out for about 3 or 4 weeks, and then demonstrate the achieved result. Such a description can create a misleading impression that mens physics is easy and simple to do, and it was developed only for the lazy. It is not enough to simply study the training program, go to the gym, and go through a drying session. If there is no basis from which you can create a beautiful and sculpted body, then you can simply forget about mens physics.

You need to exercise regularly. However, as Mironov says, in contrast to classical bodybuilding, the differences are fundamental. To enter the men's physique category, you do not need to weigh more than 100 kilograms. The main thing is to have a beautiful and sculpted body, the proportions of which fully correspond to your height. This allows you to significantly reduce the financial costs of staying in shape in the off-season than for bodybuilders weighing 150 kilograms. Thus, men's physique represents the first steps towards a career in bodybuilding, allowing you to gain experience in participating in competitions and so on.

Opponents of this trend, that is, fans of big bodybuilding, say that men's physicists have too small muscle volumes and thin legs. They don't like beach shorts either, and some also emphasize that among the participants there are representatives of minorities. Of course, at men's physique competitions there are athletes with painted lips, lined eyelashes and eyes. This in no way affects the essence of the fact that only those with a well-pumped and athletic figure are allowed to compete.

Modern men's physicists represent a category of bodybuilders that is much more in demand than large and powerful classic bodybuilders. They grace the covers of fitness and women's magazines and showcase clothing from global brands. Bodybuilders with a mountain of muscles cannot wear fashionable clothes; not everyone likes them.

Men`s Physique from A to Z! Dmitry Yashankin


Program for endomorphic type[edit | edit code]

  • Suitable for beginners
  • Held in the gym
  • Training frequency: 3 times a week (every other day)
  • Intensity: 5-7/10
  • High repetition rate
  • Rest between sets 15-60 s
Aerobic training: stationary bike, deadlift machine, treadmill, elliptical trainer, swimming. The use of a stepper is not recommended 1st - 2nd week 15-25 min.3rd - 4th week 20-30 min5th - 6th week 25-35 min
1. Bench press2×152×182×22
2. Reverse lunge with barbell2×152×182x22
3. Bridge on shoulders with raised arms2×152x182×22
4 Straightening the legs with the ball while lying down2×152×182×22
5. Wide-grip pull-down2x152×182×22
6. Abdominal rows on the machine2×152×182×22
7. Seated dumbbell press2×82×122×15
8. Arm extension on the upper block2×102×122×15
9. Forearm abduction using a rubber expander2×102×122x15
10. Program for stabilizing abdominal muscles2 x max.3 x max.3 x max
11. Two-stage twisting2 x max.3 x max.3 x max.

Program for mesomorphic type[edit | edit code]

  • Suitable for intermediate level
  • Held in the gym
  • Training frequency: 3 times a week (every other day)
  • Intensity: 5—7/10
  • Rest between sets 15-60 s
Aerobic training: exercise bike, deadlift machine, treadmill, elliptical trainer, stepper.1st - 2nd week 12-20 min.3rd - 4th week 15-25 min.5th - 6th week 18-30 min
1. Bench press2×153×123×15
2. Leg press2×15Zx123x15
3. Bridge on shoulders with raised arms2×153×123×15
4. Leg abduction on a block2×153x123×15
5. Wide-grip pull-down2×153×123x15
6. Abdominal rows on the machine2×153×123x15
7. Seated dumbbell press2×122×153×12
8. Barbell Curl2x122×153×12
9. Arm extension on the simulator2×122×153×12
10. Forearm abduction using a rubber expander2x122×153×12
11.Program for stabilizing abdominal muscles2 x max.3 x max.3 x max.
12. Lying emphasis on the BOSU ball1 x max.2 x max.3 x max.
13. Two-stage twisting2 x max.3 x max.3 x max.

Program for ectomorphic type[edit | edit code]

  • Suitable for beginners
  • Held in the gym
  • Training frequency: 3 times a week (every other day)
  • Intensity: 5—7/10
  • Low repetition rate
  • Rest between sets - 45-90 s
Aerobic training: exercise bike, stepper, deadlift machine, treadmill. The use of an elliptical trainer is not recommended. 1st - 2nd week 8-15 min.3rd - 4th week 10-18 min.5th - 6th week 12-25 min.
1. Bench press3×63×84×6
2. Leg press3×63×84×6
3. Leg raises on the machine3×63×84×6
4. Pull-ups on a machine3×63×84×6
5. Abdominal rows on the machine3×63×84×6
6. Seated dumbbell press2×63×63×8
7. Barbell Curl3×63×83×8
8. Arm extension on the machine3×63×83×8
9. Forearm abduction using a rubber expander2×82×82×8
10. Program for stabilizing abdominal muscles3 x max.3 x max.4 x max.
11. Twisting with body rotation3 x max.3 x max.4 x max.

Comments on the program

1. Push-ups

Take the position while lying down, placing your feet together and your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Bend your arms and point your elbows out to the sides. Lower yourself down and touch the floor with only your chest. If it’s too easy for you to do 12-15 repetitions, do it slower; if it’s still easy, do it even slower.

2. Pull-ups on a low bar

You place the mop on two chairs, lie down under it, straightening your body in one line. With your hands slightly wider than your shoulders, pull your body towards the mop, touching it with your chest. You can adjust the load by repetition speed.

3. Squats with a dumbbell

Place your feet two wide steps apart and turn your toes slightly to the sides. Take a dumbbell in your hands and place it between your legs. Squat down, pointing your knees towards your toes and without hunching your back (your back should be tense and fixed), return to the starting position and repeat.

4. Standing Dumbbell Raises

Stand up straight, arch your back a little and bend your knees slightly, tilt your body a little forward. Take dumbbells and raise your slightly bent arms out to your sides to shoulder level. Take your time and return to the starting position.

It is important that in the upper position the little finger is higher than the other fingers; the image with jugs also helps - imagine that instead of dumbbells you have jugs in your hands and you lift them to the sides and pour water out of them.

Lie on the floor with your knees bent. Straighten your arms in front of you, placing your palms together. Stretch your palms up, lifting your upper back off the floor, as if trying to reach the ceiling. Gently return to the starting position.

6. Glute bridge with dumbbell

Lie on the floor with your knees bent and feet together. Place a dumbbell on your lower abdomen and, holding it with your hands, lift your pelvis off the floor, lifting it up. Lower yourself down without touching the floor.

Read before training:

All basic exercises with correct technique

Training program for maximum effective muscle growth from scientists

How hard should you train?

5 reasons why you look like you don't exercise

5 reasons why your workout is ineffective

Squats in Bodybuilding and Powerlifting: 10 Important Differences

How to pump up the press correctly

How to squat with a barbell correctly

Training for a beginner. The beginning of time.

12 rules. How to avoid looking like a sucker at the gym

What is “overtraining” and why is it very dangerous?

The main emphasis in the mens physic training program

This category, as some mistakenly believe, was not invented by Denis Gusev, but was created by the IFBB, finding itself in demand, and athletes who met the selection criteria came and began competing. The popularization of this area of ​​bodybuilding was facilitated by the high demand for athletes of this format in the media.

Men's physicists have fully invested in the existing requirements of fashionable glossy magazines and the fashion world, which cannot be said about weightlifters with piles of muscles. Beach bodybuilders do not follow any method or program that guarantees 100% success. Of course, there are criteria. Aesthetics and body proportions always come first, rather than gaining a lot of mass, so the emphasis is placed exclusively on basic exercises. This allows for maximum anabolic response.

Shoulder girdle

Beachgoers spend most of their time working on the deltoid muscles. They shape the width and proportions of the athlete’s body, including the waist. Therefore, this part of the body is given the most attention.

Slim waist

Beachgoers do not include exercises to work the oblique muscles in their training. The training program does not include deadlifts. This is due to the fact that it leads to an expansion of the waist and enlarges the back.

Calf muscles

Entering competitions in shorts requires athletes to focus on their shins. Excellent upper body measurements and good proportions are not the only things judges look for. The volume, relief and fullness of the calf muscles are important.

How to organize strength training at home for women?

Note that it is enough for girls to do two or three strength training sessions over the course of a week, each lasting half an hour. Agree that every woman can find an hour and a half a week. Let's look at the main benefits that strength training at home for women will give you:

  • you can choose your own training schedule and easily coordinate it with your schedule;
  • the vagaries of the weather cannot affect your training process;
  • no need to spend money on a subscription, a trip to the fitness center and expensive sportswear;
  • the time that you could spend on the road can be spent on your loved ones;
  • You can involve your little ones in training by turning training into a game.

Since women are not faced with the issue of gaining the maximum possible muscle mass, a large amount of sports equipment or equipment is not required. All you need is to have one of the following at home:

  • dumbbells, the weight of which is from 4 to 5 kilos;
  • a weight weighing eight kilos;
  • sandbag, which weighs 10 kilos.

The easiest way is to buy weights and this modest set will be enough for you to get your body in perfect order.

Mens physicist training program

There is no most effective approach. There is no single correct program that would guarantee success. Most athletes approach training solely from the point of view of which exercises are useful for achieving results. This is the secret of mens physic training. For beginner beachgoers who want to master the program, the weekly split presented below is suitable.

Day one: working out the pectoral muscles

Denis Gusev The training of Denis Gusev, who won the men's physique category in 2013, is taken as an example. His chest muscles can be called literally perfect, which made this workout the most optimal choice. This program consists of the following exercises:

  • Warm-up and warm-up – 10 minutes
  • Incline chest press 5 sets of 12-15 reps
  • Hammer press 5 sets of 12 reps
  • Butterfly in a sitting simulator 5 sets of 12 repetitions

The main goal of chest training is to train the muscles through high repetitions with free weights and machines. During preparation for competitions, drop and super sets are alternated, which allows you to avoid adapting to the same type of load. Variety increases the number of muscles involved in an exercise.

Day two: working out the back

Requires maximum attention to a specific muscle group, which allows you to create a V-shaped figure and width, depth and thickness. The proportions should be designed in such a way that from the side they are not flat, but become voluminous, and the waist appears lower.

The training consists of the following exercises:

  • Pull-ups 5-6 sets 8-10 times
  • Bent-over barbell rows 5-6 sets of 12-15 reps
  • Reverse Grip Hammer Rows 5-6 sets of 12-15 reps
  • One-arm hummer rows 5-6 sets of 12-15 reps
  • Abduction of arms to the sides, standing on blocks 4 sets of 12-15 times

You should not be afraid that there are so many exercises and the number of approaches. The weight used is minimal. The required weight should be selected through experimentation until failure occurs, and the previous approaches were performed on their own. The emphasis is on intensity, and pauses are made for no more than 60 seconds.

Day three: triceps and biceps

A special feature of men's physique is that both biceps and triceps are trained on the same day. This is due to the fact that the shoulder girdle, as well as the back and chest, are of greater importance than muscle groups. And to make the image of a beachgoer look as impressive as possible, special attention is paid to the hands.

Hand training consists of the following basic exercises:

  1. Close-grip barbell press 4 sets of 8-10 reps
  2. French press 4 sets of 12-15 reps
  3. Barbell curls for biceps 4 sets of 8-10 reps
  4. Seated dumbbell curls 4 sets of 12-15 reps

Day four: shoulders and legs

Mens physic is a category of bodybuilding in which the legs are not given much attention. The thighs are covered with long shorts during the performance. The greatest emphasis is placed on the shins. Do a lot of exercises and repetitions for this part. The last day of training is aimed at working out the deltoids, but only small weights are used, and also pay attention to the calf muscles.

The program consists of the following exercises:

  • Standing barbell press 4 sets of 10 times
  • Swing dumbbells to the sides 5 sets of 12-15 times
  • Swing dumbbells in front of you 5 sets of 12-15 times
  • Bent over dumbbell swings (rear delta) 5 sets of 12-15 reps
  • Squats with a barbell 4 sets of 8-10 times
  • Calf exercises (calf raises with additional weight) 5 sets of 20-25 reps

Swings are performed with dumbbells. The last exercise, which works the lower leg, is done to failure. The weight is taken a little more than what is usually used. It should allow you to talk calmly while performing this exercise.

There is no secret to the ideal and well-planned workout. Based on the average training presented above, you can understand the principle of creating a program, and then, through trial, error, and experimentation, select a variation of exercises that will allow you to feel a burning sensation in your muscles. This feeling will be evidence that they are working and contracting, that is, the goal of the training has been fully achieved.

+6 kg! Mass Gaining Training Program. Split for 4 days

Mass gain program. Part 1

Mass gain program. Part 1

1-8 weeks of the new annual fitness program from MN.

Text: Dmitry Smirnov

Tags: Gaining muscle mass

“Asthenic”, “suffocated”, “dryshch”, “shilet”...

As soon as they don't call you behind your back. You have already tried to conquer your body in the gym more than once, but you never gained the treasured kilos. It's a shame, right? We'll fix everything. Before you is the beginning of a comprehensive program for gaining muscle mass, which in just a year will make you a decent person.

Do you want to become the same? Follow MH's Muscle Gaining Program

This mass gain program is not only for asthenics, but also for any person who has trouble gaining muscle mass. These are called “hard gainers” and this is a good half of young and not so young men. What's the problem here? Popular bodybuilding techniques work extremely poorly in such cases, because they do not have at least some orderly system for periodizing loads. If hints of something like this happen, all planning comes down to alternating conditionally “strength” and conditionally “hypertrophy” periods. Conventionally, because the differences between the periods are insignificant and can easily be reduced to changes only in the number of repetitions or the length of rest pauses. As a result, the technique ceases to provide noticeable results within three weeks after the start of training. You can turn to new trainers who promote so-called functional, more sports-oriented training. But these trainers, rightly considering muscle hypertrophy not the most important parameter of good physical shape, will probably give you only one period to work on gaining muscle mass. After which they will begin to persuade you to develop other qualities: from endurance to flexibility, actually moving you away from the desired goal - muscles.

We ourselves fell into a similar trap when in September 2010 we published a special program for asthenics. By combining and analyzing all the factors important for muscle growth, we created a guaranteed working system that... lasted only a couple of months. Then the happiness of the asthenic, who had gained an average of 3-5 kg ​​of muscle, was replaced by grief and frustration - he did not know what to do next. Should I go through the program again? But from its constant repetition one can only expect stagnation! Return to previous methods? They haven’t worked for years, which means they won’t work now! As a result, after some reflection, we decided to launch a new, much longer training program focused on hypertrophy.


• Duration. 10 months of pure training time. And isn’t this the main reason for joy? After all, even in 8 super-effective weeks you won’t turn from a stunted asthenic into a muscle-building athlete. Taking into account the forced and planned weeks of rest (take into account two vacations and possible absences due to illness), you will get a whole year of hypertrophy paradise.

• Variability. Large muscles are akin to calluses: this is a protective adaptation, the task of which is to better resist stress-causing influences - physical activity or friction, respectively. But, to the great misfortune of the jock, we adapt very quickly, and now the previous influences no longer make our skin rougher or our muscles larger. “Surprising” the body again without losing the main training goal is the main secret to the success of weight gain programs. Our program is divided into five stages, which will be hypertrophy, but each time the training is formed differently and the main emphasis is on various factors that stimulate muscle development.

• Methodological safety. The problem with any effective training program lies precisely in its monotony and... effectiveness. Rapid changes in the body's capabilities increase the risk of injury by an order of magnitude. A person who suddenly becomes stronger gets injured more often, simply because he begins to expect and allow himself more than when he was frail and small in the shoulders. All five programs will last no more than 8 weeks each. This is a sufficient period of time for adaptation to certain physical activities: if you continue to push further, you will either get stagnant performance or get injured.

• Effectiveness. This annual program is not a methodological abstraction and was personally tested by me on real clients of fitness clubs, ordinary people like you. It is clear that one trainer’s statistical sample of experimental subjects is not very large, however, the average result is a gain of 10-15 kg per year. In one exceptional case it even turned out to be 20...


Muscles: pectoral, deltoid, triceps

Lie down on a bench with your knees bent, your shoulder blades squeezed together and your chest pushed forward. Place the barbell above your chest with your arms straight (A). Without changing the starting position, lower the barbell to your lower chest (B) and powerfully return to the starting position. Repeat as many times as necessary.


Muscles: anterior core

Stand on your forearms, placing your elbow joints on the floor directly under your shoulders. Place your feet hip-width apart. Slightly round your lower back, tighten your buttocks and abdominal muscles. Without changing your body position, lift one leg up (A). Hold for three seconds, then change legs (B). Again, take a three-second pause. Continue alternating legs until you reach failure.


Muscles: anterior core, triceps, pectorals

Take a lying position with your hands on the medicine ball. Feet hip- or shoulder-width apart. Arms straight, body in line with legs (A). Trying to maintain balance and the original position of the body, bend your arms and touch your chest to the ball (B). Without pausing, push up from the medicine ball, returning to the starting position. Do as many repetitions as possible.


Muscles: lats, posterior deltoids, hip extensors

Place your feet hip-width apart and grab the barbell with an overhand grip slightly wider than hip-width apart. Bend forward at the waist, lowering the bar below your knees (A). Squeezing your shoulder blades together, pull the barbell toward your stomach (B). Return under control to the starting position and repeat.


Muscles: biceps brachii, brachioradialis, forearm muscles

Stand with your side to a support, for example, a bench raised at an angle. Grasp it with your free hand, and press the shoulder of your working hand to the body, placing it with your thumb forward (A). Without changing the initial position of the body, lift the dumbbell in a wide arc to the shoulder, tensing the shoulder muscles with force (B). Smoothly return to the starting position and repeat. After completing the required number of repetitions, rest a little and change hands.


Muscles: calf flexors

Get on your knees with a gymnastics mat or something soft enough underneath them. Bring your knees and feet together and ask a partner or trainer to hold your feet. Keep your hands ready in front of your chest (A). Lower yourself down as controlled as possible, slowing your fall by consciously tensing your hamstring muscles. At the lowest point, when the tension in the leg muscles becomes especially strong, gently help yourself with your hands and lower yourself down, as if doing push-ups (B). Helping yourself with a gentle push with your hands and tensing your thigh muscles, return to the starting position. Repeat as many times as necessary.


Muscles: deltoids, triceps, trapezius

Sit on a bench inclined at an angle of 70º. Take the barbell with a grip slightly wider than shoulder-width, lift it towards your shoulders and bring your elbows forward (A). Rounding your chin, lift the bar directly above the top of your head (B). Smoothly return the projectile to its original position and repeat.


Muscles: shoulder supinators, trapezius, spinal extensors

Grab the barbell with a grip that is as wide as possible but comfortable for you. Place your legs narrower than your shoulders, with your feet slightly turned outward. Lean forward and lower the bar to knee level (A). In a single movement, straighten your body, legs and shrug your shoulders - the bar will fly up to your head (B). Continue the movement by holding the barbell straight above your head (B). Carefully return the projectile to its original position and repeat.


Muscles: glutes, calf flexors, quadriceps, spinal extensors

Come close to the barbell on the floor. Squatting down, grab the bar with an overhand grip, straighten your arms, spread your shoulder blades and bend at the lower back (A). In one motion, push off the floor and straighten your body, lifting the bar off the floor (B). Return the projectile to the starting position and repeat.


Muscles: buttocks, calf flexors, calf muscles

Stand on your left leg, bending your right leg behind you and lifting it off the floor. Arch your back and extend your arms towards the floor (A). Bending over and sitting down, reach at least your fingertips to the floor, without losing the original position of your lower back (B). Return to starting position and repeat. After completing the maximum number of repetitions, rest until complete recovery and change legs.

Let's add exercises

There are now more different exercises for each muscle group. Plus we increased the number of repetitions in each of them. The increased volume of work will allow you to load a larger percentage of muscle fibers, because those fibers that previously did not take a special part in training will be forced to replace the “already tired” ones.

Let's add dumbbells

Compared to the barbell, the emphasis on exercises with which we did before, dumbbells in your hands have a greater degree of freedom, which forces our muscles to work harder in order to simply keep them on the correct trajectory of movement: remember how much more difficult the dumbbell bench press seems in this regard or seated versus barbell bench press.


You will train 4 times every seven days, combining workouts in pairs: for example, “Workout 1” - Monday, “Workout 2” - Tuesday, “Workout 3” - Thursday, “Workout 4” - Friday. Workouts 1 and 3 and Workouts 2 and 4 are similar to each other, and sometimes (depending on the training week) will differ only in the sequence of exercises. The working weight in each exercise is selected for a given number of repetitions: the fewer repetitions, the greater the weight. The pace of all exercises is normal - 1 second. for lifting the weight, 2-3 for lowering. Rest pauses between all approaches until complete recovery. Exercises combined into one block (like 1A and 1B) involve alternating approaches: exercise 1A approach, rest, approach 1B, rest, return to 1A. The same principle should be followed when 3 exercises are combined into one group (for example, 7A, 7B and 7C), the cycle will simply consist of 3, and not 2 approaches.

After the end of the first period, described in the February issue, you can immediately begin the second. It is valid for 1 month.


Finish your workout with one or two core exercises (such as leg raises and crunches). For each of them, do 2-3 approaches, 8-10 repetitions in each.


Finish your workout with one or two core exercises (such as leg raises and crunches). For each of them, do 2-3 approaches, 20-30 repetitions in each.


Finish your workout with one or two core exercises (such as leg raises and crunches). For each of them, do 2-3 approaches, 8-10 repetitions in each.


Finish your workout with one or two core exercises (such as leg raises and crunches). For each of them, do 2-3 approaches, 20-30 repetitions in each.


Muscles: glutes, hamstrings, posterior core, trapezius

Take dumbbells in your hands. With your feet hip-width apart, bend your knees slightly. Arch your lower back (A). Moving your pelvis back, but without rounding your lower back, bend over and lower your hands with dumbbells to the middle of your shins or even lower (B). Return to starting position and repeat.


Muscles: deltoids, trapezius, triceps, full core

Place your feet hip-width apart and bend your knees slightly. Take a dumbbell in your right hand and lift it to your shoulder, placing your elbow slightly forward. Move your free hand slightly to the side (A). Using your legs, push the dumbbell up, lifting it over your right shoulder and rotating your forearm, as shown in photo (B). Return to starting position and repeat. After completing the required number of repetitions, rest and change hands.


Muscles: deltoids, trapezius

Stand up straight, holding dumbbells in your hands and placing your legs slightly bent at the knees, hip-width apart. Bend your elbows slightly (A). Without shrugging your shoulders, raise the dumbbells to the sides to shoulder level or slightly higher (B). Pause for a second and return to the starting position. Repeat the prescribed number of times.


Muscles: quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, core

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, with your knees slightly bent. Hold the barbell with a wide grip behind your back. The back is straight, the chest is raised (A). Without lifting your heels off the floor, squat down (B). Return to starting position and repeat.


Muscles: pectoral, deltoid, triceps

Lie down on a bench with your legs wider than shoulder-width apart and your knees bent at a right angle or stronger. Take the barbell with straight arms with a wide grip, squeeze your shoulder blades together and push your chest forward (A). Lower the projectile down until the bar clearly touches your chest (B). With a powerful movement, push the barbell up, returning to the starting position. Repeat as many times as necessary.


Muscles: triceps, pectoral, deltoid

Sit with your back to the bench, placing your hands on it at shoulder width or slightly narrower. Bring your legs forward and bend your knees slightly (A). Lower yourself down, bending your elbows (B), and then return to the starting position. Make sure that the body remains vertical and does not move away from the bench. To increase resistance, you can place a dumbbell or barbell plates on your hips.


Muscles: deltoids, triceps, trapezius

Sit on a bench inclined at an angle of 70º, pressing your back to it and spreading your legs wider than your shoulders. Take the barbell with a grip slightly wider than your shoulders and place it just below your chin, bringing your elbows forward behind the bar (A). Prudently bending around your chin, press the barbell overhead (B). Return to starting position and repeat.


Muscles: lats, biceps

Hang from the bar, grasping it with a shoulder-width grip. Bend forward at the chest and bend your legs (A). Squeezing your shoulder blades together, pull yourself up and try to touch the bar with your upper chest (B). Smoothly return to the starting position and repeat.


Firstly, there are more exercises: on average, one more for each muscle group. This was done specifically in order to further diversify the vectors of “angles of attack” on your muscles.

Secondly, one of the less pleasant consequences of training aimed at developing muscle hypertrophy is a noticeable loss of previously acquired strength indicators. For example, your maximum performance on the bench press or weighted pull-ups may begin to decline. But we won't allow this. To maintain strength, in Workout 1 and Workout 3 you will perform a strength exercise first, and only then move on to alternating hypertrophy sets.


1. As in the second stage, you will train 4 times a week. For example, according to the following schedule: “Workout 1” - Monday, “Workout 2” - Tuesday, “Workout 3” - Thursday, “Workout 4” - Friday. Perform the exercises in the order indicated in the table without changing it.

2. The working weight in each exercise is selected for a given number of repetitions: the fewer repetitions, the greater the weight. The pace of all exercises is normal - 1 second. for lifting the weight, 2-3 for lowering. Rest between sets until complete recovery.

3. Exercises combined into one block (like 1A and 1B) involve alternating approaches: exercise 1A approach, rest, approach 1B, rest, return to 1A. The same principle should be followed when 3 exercises are combined into one group (for example, 7A, 7B and 7C), the cycle will simply consist of 3, and not 2 approaches.

4. The third stage, like the second, is designed for a month. There is no need for a rest break between them.


Click on the table to enlarge it.

Note: Finish your workout with one or two core exercises (such as leg raises and crunches). For each of them, do 2-3 approaches, 10-15 repetitions in each.

* - the approach is performed with your own weight for the maximum number of repetitions


Note: Finish your workout with one or two core exercises (such as leg raises and crunches). For each of them, do 1 approach, 50 repetitions.

* - the approach is performed with your own weight for the maximum number of repetitions


Note: Finish your workout with one or two core exercises (such as leg raises and crunches). For each of them, do 1 approach, 50 repetitions.

* - the approach is performed with your own weight for the maximum number of repetitions


Note: Finish your workout with one or two core exercises (such as leg raises and crunches). For each of them, do 1 approach, 50 repetitions.

*—the approach is performed with your own weight for the maximum number of repetitions

We received from the members of our group on the Vkontakte network (

A few questions about the first stage of our program. The answers to them will be useful both for those who are just starting to gain muscle mass with our help, and for those who have been training with us for the third month.

Evgeniy Mitrofanov

Is this program for beginners? I have a little experience in the gym + 3 years of swimming lessons. And after training according to Dmitry Smirnov’s plan, I don’t feel tired.

The degree of fatigue is not an objective indicator of either the effectiveness or intensity of the exercises performed. An objective indicator of performance is an increase in working weights and an increase in your own weight. The program is definitely not designed for beginners. Beginners are unable to safely perform weightlifting exercises with a barbell due to their lack of coordination and weak core muscles. However, you seem to be not a newbie, judging by the questions.

Anton Shishkin

It’s dangerous for me to do the bench press - I don’t have enough mobility in the shoulder joints, what should I do instead?

Theoretically, a replacement for the barbell bench press on a horizontal bench in case of insufficient mobility of the working joints can be: a barbell press on an inclined bench, a dumbbell press on a horizontal bench, or push-ups on uneven bars and from the floor with additional weights. But which alternative exercise is right for you should be decided by a qualified trainer who has access to you personally.

Igor Chernyshov

I just started working out, so I won’t write anything about the results yet, but what’s missing is abdominal exercises.

In fact, there are enough “abs” exercises in the program - they are included in those same 1-2 exercises with your own weight that need to be done at the end of each workout. If you still don’t have enough load, no one is stopping you from adding a couple more core exercises at the end of the session. The program will not get worse from this.


Muscles: glutes, hamstrings, posterior core, trapezius

Take the barbell with an overhand grip, placing your hands slightly wider than your hips. With your feet hip-width apart, bend your knees slightly. Arch your lower back (A). Moving your pelvis back, but without rounding your lower back, bend down and lower the barbell to the middle of your shin or even lower (B). Return to starting position and repeat.


Muscles: deltoids, trapezius

Take dumbbells in your hands and sit on the edge of the bench, legs slightly apart, toes straight. Bend your elbows slightly (A). Without shrugging your shoulders, raise the dumbbells to the sides to shoulder level or slightly higher (B). Pause for a second and return to the starting position. Repeat the prescribed number of times.


Muscles: back of deltoids, trapezius

Sit on the edge of a bench with your feet together. Take dumbbells in your hands and lean forward, touching your thighs with your lower abdomen (A). Spread your arms to the sides, bringing your shoulder blades together at the top (B). Return to starting position and repeat.


Muscles: biceps and other forearm flexors

Stand up straight, holding dumbbells in your hands and placing your legs slightly bent at the knees, hip-width apart. Without moving your elbows away from your body, bend your right arm at the elbow and lift the dumbbell toward your shoulder (A). Return to the starting position and repeat with the other hand (B). Do the number of repetitions indicated in the table for each hand.


Muscles: lats, trapezius, deltoid, core

Grab the barbell with an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Bend your legs slightly, arch your lower back and lean forward, lowering the bar below your knees (A). Squeezing your shoulder blades together, pull the barbell to your lower abdomen (B). Return to starting position and repeat.


Muscles: glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, core

Taking dumbbells in your hands, stand one large step away from the bench. Place your left leg with your entire foot on the support. Bend your right leg slightly at the knee (A). Using the force of your left leg, that is, practically without helping yourself with your right, rise to the support without fully extending your working leg (B). Smoothly return to the starting position and repeat. After completing the required number of repetitions, rest, then change legs.


Muscles: triceps, pectorals

Take a lying position, placing your hands on the bench at the width of one palm (A). Bend your arms and lower yourself down so that your forehead touches your palms (B). Elbows can be spread to the sides at any angle. Keep in mind that this exercise is not single-joint, like the French press, but two-joint, like regular push-ups or close-grip presses.


Muscles: deltoids, triceps, trapezius

Sit on a bench inclined at an angle of 70º, pressing your back to it and spreading your legs wider than your shoulders. Take dumbbells in your hands and lift them to your shoulders, turning your palms forward (A). Using converging trajectories, lift both dumbbells up, almost completely straightening your arms (B). Smoothly return to the starting position and repeat.


Muscles: quadriceps

Stand sideways to a stationary support, leaning on it with your left hand. Place your feet hip-width apart or slightly narrower (A). Smoothly and carefully bringing your knees forward, rise onto your toes and lean back. The goal is to feel the stretch in the quadriceps without losing tension in them (B). Smoothly return to the starting position and repeat. Never use additional weights in this exercise - it already creates a lot of stress on the knee joints.


Muscles: lats, biceps

Hang from the bar, grasping it with a shoulder-width grip. Bend forward at the chest and bend your legs (A). Squeezing your shoulder blades together, pull yourself up and try to touch the bar with your upper chest (B). Smoothly return to the starting position and repeat.


1. The new, fourth stage is designed for eight weeks. Start it without rest as soon as you finish the third. Just like last time, you will have four training sessions per week - for example, “A” on Monday, “B” on Tuesday, “C” on Thursday and “D” on Friday. On Wednesday you have a day of rest, and devote the weekend to active recovery (go to the bathhouse or have a massage, play football or volleyball).

2. New designations for you have appeared in the tables with the training program:

2*10, 1 drop - do two regular sets of 10 repetitions, and then proceed to the drop set (remember, this is a regular set and immediately follows it with two steps without rest. Reduce the weight by 20% each time).

2 drop*10 - do two drop sets. Reduce weight by 20%.

3*12 + frequent - you do an approach consisting of 12 full repetitions and (immediately) 8-10 partial repetitions in the easiest third of the amplitude for you. You rest and repeat the same thing two more times. You can change the number of full repetitions in the approach, but the number of partial repetitions should always be eight to ten.

2*max - approach with your own weight. The number of repetitions is maximum until complete failure. There can be 1, 2 or 3 such approaches - look at the first number.

4*15-12- perform these exercises according to the following scheme: 1st approach - 15 repetitions, 2nd approach - 14 repetitions, 3rd approach - 13 repetitions and 4th approach - 12 repetitions. With each approach, increase the working weight by 2.5-10 kg.

3. And in the fourth stage, the method of alternating approaches, already known to you, is used. If the exercises are labeled 1a and 1b, do them like this: set exercise 1a/rest/set 1b/rest/return to 1a. When you have completed all the prescribed approaches for this pair, move on to the next exercise on the list.

4. The working weight is selected according to the number of repetitions - the more repetitions, the lower the working weight, and vice versa. Rest between all approaches, with the exception of two sets, three sets and drop sets, until complete recovery (but no more than 180 seconds). At the end of each workout, perform one or two core exercises (such as leg raises and crunches) for two to three sets each.


If you train at home, you cannot perform those exercises in the program, equipment for which is only available in gyms. But it doesn’t matter - here’s a table of alternative exercises for home training:

CrossoverHorizontal dumbbell flyes
One-arm abductions on a blockOne-arm abductions with dumbbell
Pullover on the top blockPullover with dumbbells horizontal
Vertical head pullWide grip overhead/chest pull-ups
Close-grip vertical rowStraight grip pull-ups, hands together

Click on the table to enlarge it.


Muscles: pectoral

Find a block machine at the gym. Stand between the upper blocks and, holding the handles, walk a couple of steps forward. Place one leg in front of you, spread your arms to the sides and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Point the elbows of your slightly bent arms up and back (A). Tightening your pectoral muscles and not allowing your body to sway, bring the handles together in front of you, lowering them forward and down (B). After pausing for a second, smoothly return to the starting position. Repeat.


Muscles: pectoral, triceps, deltoid

Lie down on a bench with your knees bent, your shoulder blades squeezed together and your chest pushed forward. Remove the barbell from the racks and place it above the shoulder joints on straight arms, taking it with a wide grip - two palms wider than the shoulders (A). Maintaining the position of your shoulder blades, back and legs, lower the barbell to your upper chest (B) and powerfully return to the starting position (A). Repeat as many times as necessary.


Muscles: pectoral, triceps, deltoids, core

Place the dumbbells on the floor at a comfortable distance from each other (usually a little wider than your shoulders), turning their bars slightly towards each other, as in the photo. Lean on the dumbbell bars with straight arms, taking a prone position. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider (A). Bend your arms and lower yourself down, trying to touch the floor with the tip of your nose (B). Return to starting position and repeat. Do not allow the lumbar spine to bend - this can lead to injury.


Muscles: biceps brachii, forearm muscles

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take the barbell in your hands with an underhand grip that is comfortable for the width of your hands. Bend your knees slightly, lock your lower back and slightly bend your elbows (A). Without changing your body position, lift the barbell towards your shoulders in a wide arc (B). Smoothly return to the starting position and repeat.


Muscles: latissimus, long head of triceps

Stand facing the top block with a short straight handle attached to it. Grab it with both hands and step back a couple of steps, pulling the cable tight. Place your feet at a comfortable width, lean forward and raise your arms forward and up (A). Keeping your lats tight and your arms straight, lower the handle toward your hips (B). Hold this position for a second and, controlling the movement of your arms, return to the starting position. Repeat as many times as necessary.


Muscles: glutes, hamstrings, quads, calves, core

Stand on your right leg, bending your left knee and lifting it off the floor, as in the photo. Bend over a little, arch your back and lower your arms (A). Bend over and squat on your right leg, try to reach your toes to the floor without losing the correct position of your lower back (B). Return to starting position and repeat. After completing the required number of repetitions, rest until complete recovery and change legs. When performing this exercise with dumbbells, just try to touch them to the floor.


Muscles: deltoids, triceps

Place the bench almost vertically, with a slight inclination back. Sit on a bench with your legs wide apart. Take dumbbells in your hands and lift them to your shoulders, pointing your elbows down, as in photo (A). Raise the dumbbells overhead along converging trajectories (B). Return to starting position and repeat.


Muscles: deltoids, triceps, full core

Take the barbell with a grip slightly wider than your shoulders and place it on your front delts, bringing your elbows forward. Bend your legs slightly at the knees, straighten your back (A). Quickly sit down (B). Using your legs, push the barbell straight overhead, sitting underneath it to minimize the range of motion of the barbell (B). Complete the movement by straightening your legs, then return the bar to the starting position. Repeat.


Muscles: deltoids, triceps, trapezius

Take a normal lying position. Raise your pelvis while stepping with your feet. In the starting position, your body and arms should be at least approximately one side of the angle, and your legs should be the other (A). Without lowering your pelvis and trying not to bend your knees too much, lower yourself down, bending your arms. Try to touch the floor with your nose (B). Push off the floor with a powerful movement and return to the starting position.


Muscles: latissimus, deltoid

Sit on a vertical row machine with your knees under support. Grasp the handle with a grip wider than your shoulders, keep your thumb on top of the handle, straighten your back and lean forward slightly (A). Squeezing your shoulder blades together and lowering your shoulder girdle down, pull the handle toward your neck (B). After pausing for a second, return to the starting position. Repeat as many times as necessary.


Muscles: Quadriceps, hip extensors, calf muscles and core

Place the barbell on your elbows, as shown in the photo. Clasp your palms in a strong lock. Place your feet wider than your shoulders, slightly bending your knees (A). Sit deeply down, moving your pelvis back and not rounding your lower back (B). Return to starting position and repeat.


Muscles: pectoral, triceps, deltoid

Set the bench at an angle of 30-45 degrees, take dumbbells in your hands and lie down on the bench, placing your feet on the floor wider than your shoulders. Raise the dumbbells above you, turning your hands in one line, as if you were holding a barbell (A). Lower the dumbbells to the sides of your chest, spreading your elbows to the side, but not turning your hands (B). Return to the starting position and repeat.


1. You will study 3 times a week, and do not forget to give yourself a two-day weekend every week. For example, "Workout 1" on Monday, "Workout 2" on Wednesday and "Workout 3" on Friday, and Saturday and Sunday - complete rest dedicated to sleep and

Video: strength training exercises for women at home

We recommend watching a video that shows in detail how to properly do exercises for strength training at home.

Before training, be sure to warm up to avoid injury! Light running in place, rotating your head, arms, squats and bends - or any exercise you know. The main thing is to warm up the muscles and slightly speed up the pulse.

Exercise 1. Plank

This is an amazing static exercise for all muscles: abs, back, arms, legs, buttocks. How to do it: Lie on your stomach. The arms are bent at the elbows at a right angle. Go into position lying on your elbows. The body should be straight and taut like a string, the lower back should be flat - not arched or rounded. Support only on forearms and toes. The abdominal muscles are tense.

If this is your first time doing the exercise, start with 10 seconds, then 20 seconds, 30 seconds and eventually 3 sets of 1 minute.

Exercise 2. Plank Variations

  1. Plank on straight arms, feet together
  2. Step to the side from the plank. There is additional stress on the buttocks and hips. 20 steps with each leg, 3 sets.

Exercise 3. Beautiful posture

  • Hyperextension lying on the floor. You can secure your legs (to a sofa, etc.). While inhaling, we raise the body, fixate for a second and return back to the IP. 15 reps.
  • the same thing, but we connect our arms: in IP we stretched them forward, when lifting we bend at the elbow and spread them to the sides. We were delayed. We returned to IP. 15 times

Exercise 4. Gluteal bridge.

IP - lying on your back. The arms are straight and located along the body. One leg was placed on the other's thigh. As you exhale, raise your buttocks as far as possible, inhale and return to the IP position. 20 times and changed the leg.

Exercise 5. Firm buttocks

We got on all fours, tensed and tightened our abs and:

  • Low swings. We pull the toe, the leg is tense, like a string;
  • The thigh is parallel to the floor, we pull the toe towards ourselves (the foot is “hatchet”), we bend and unbend the leg;
  • The foot remains a “hatchet”, the thigh is parallel to the floor. Imagine that your foot rests on a heavy slab. Raise your leg 5-10 cm, pushing the weight upward. We do 20 times of each exercise, first on one leg (60 in total), then on the other.

Exercise 6. Slender legs

  • simple squats 20 times;
  • squats with weights 20 times;
  • lunges 10 times on each leg;
  • Standing calf raises 20 times

Exercise 7. Press

  • Statics. The abs are tightened and tightened. A slight roundness of the back is allowed. Legs slightly apart. Torso-floor and hip-floor angles are 45 degrees. Hold for 30-60 seconds;
  • Lying crunches – upper abdominal muscles;
  • Side crunches – obliques.
  • Lying leg raises – lower abdominal muscles;

Packages C+M and C+B in the training program for gaining muscle mass

In fact, we are talking about one, very “long” set. You will do the same exercise with different working weights.

Let's say you intend to perform an incline bench press with dumbbells. First things first, you stock up on two pairs of dumbbells. Some are heavier, others are a little lighter. First, you press heavy dumbbells 6 times, then throw them at your feet and grab lighter dumbbells. Next, you press them 12 times. You will have to perform this pair of movements three times.

As a result, you will get the following repetition scheme: 6-12, 5-10, 4-8. Rest for 2-3 minutes and repeat everything again. But! Reverse the order of using dumbbells. Here's what you get: 12-6, 10-5, 8-4.

All this is called one set and is marked as “C+M” .

Such a blatantly contrasting load within one set causes an amazingly powerful stimulation of muscle growth! Do the math yourself, the training mode changes 10 times per set! Did you get 6? Error! After all, the loads change not only within the movement plank, but also between pairs!

Still, the second workout should not be like the first. For this reason, you will again use the C+B package , which is aimed at developing strength endurance. The repetition scheme here looks different: 12-24, 10-20, 8-16; 24-12, 20-10, 16-8.

To use such training schemes, dumbbells and exercise machines are most convenient. There are usually a lot of bars in clubs, and therefore you are unlikely to be able to reserve two at once for a long time. However, if this is possible, and your soul is more inclined to the barbell, use it instead of dumbbells.

In addition, the program requires an increase in intensity , and therefore in weeks 3-4, each muscle will be increased by an exercise, and therefore by a package. The volume of training will practically double.

After completing the course, give yourself a full week of rest and then start the course again.

Since muscles without definition are of little interest to anyone, at the same time apply a cyclical diet. This combination is guaranteed to give the muscles the look of a glossy magazine picture. Good luck! There will be no failure!

DayMuscle groups
1Breasts, arms
2Legs, abs
3Back, deltoids, trapezius
4Chest, arms
5Legs, abs
6Back, deltoids, trapezius


To avoid injury, use free weights and weights that you are comfortable with. The main thing is not to stay at one weight for a long time, constantly increase it. Muscles grow only under stress, but you can’t increase weight sharply, add 0.5-1 kg at a time.

For more effective results, expand your program by adding new exercises. Increase the load.

High-quality muscle hypertrophy (muscle growth) occurs not during training, but during rest. Create comfortable conditions for yourself and do not disturb your muscles these days.

Let's touch on the fundamental truths, without which high-quality muscle building is impossible:

  • It is imperative to warm up before the main workout, which includes heavy weight gain. The athlete must warm up well so that his joints and ligaments have time to warm up, and for this I would recommend that the athlete use a treadmill, running on which at an average pace for ten minutes will prepare the body for subsequent heavy exercises. Then you need stretching, aimed specifically at those areas of the body that are most “problematic” for you, for example, elbows or shoulders - these are the ones that need to be carefully and thoroughly kneaded first.
  • Before each main working set, you need to do one or two warm-up sets using light weights, which should be about 40-50 percent of the working weight. Warm-up sets allow the athlete to also get a feel for this exercise.
  • You shouldn't work out in the gym for too long - intense work for an hour is enough. And remember a simple truth: the main thing in training is not its duration, but only its intensity.
  • The end of the workout should be a short cool-down to stretch the muscles and joints . A good option is swimming in the pool.
  • During mass training, you should not be distracted by extraneous matters . The observed pictures of what often happens in the gym are depressing: someone is enthusiastically talking on the phone, someone is playing with a new toy on their iPhone, someone is talking with a neighbor, and the like. That is, people who train do not understand why they came here and waste time in the gym, allotted specifically for training, and then receive, as a natural result of this, the absence of any, even small, progress in bodybuilding. Make it a rule: since you came to the gym to train and your goal is to gain weight, then train without being distracted by extraneous matters or absolutely anything else.
  • The key to success is to work in the working approach right up to the very last repetition, completing that too. It is the last one or two repetitions, done after overcoming muscle pain, that become the most effective in the training process and it is thanks to them that muscle mass is effectively built up.
  • It is necessary to adhere to good nutrition , on which success in bodybuilding is half dependent. I can subscribe to every word I say and responsibly declare that without high-quality nutrition, weight gain is impossible and you will never be able to build decent muscles. My next article will be devoted to this - it will be convenient for you to follow the news using the newsletters of this blog.
  • Sufficient rest before the next workout is also important . Don’t be surprised or scared now - the goal of bodybuilding training is precisely to injure muscle fibers, however, in the safe sense of the word - during heavy loads, the tissue of our muscles receives microtraumas, which the body then strives to heal and due to this, tissue growth occurs. So, for this restoration of muscle fiber, the body needs several days and therefore daily training is absolutely contraindicated for the average bodybuilder.

In this list, I have listed the rules that should be followed during training aimed at gaining mass. Now you can proceed directly to the training program itself.

You will have to work out three times a week: on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - whatever is convenient for you, and here the main condition is a mandatory break between workouts of at least one day.

As a rule, athletes separate the chest, legs, shoulders, triceps and biceps into separate muscle groups and, accordingly, each of our workouts will focus on pumping a specific muscle group.

Training strategy

This workout program can be done at home in the evenings, it will allow your body to become stronger and leaner, and your wallet will remain fat. By doing this program, you will be able to prepare your body for more serious loads, or simply, as they say, “be in shape.”

For training, you only need free time, a home “clearing” as a training place, and set dumbbells. The program also includes chairs and a mop (you can replace it with a barbell or bodybar, if you have one).

How many reps per set is best for muscle growth?

This is perhaps one of the most important points in organizing the training process. Get it right and you can get the body you want faster than you think. And if you make a mistake, you will stop halfway and get stuck on a training plateau. That's how important it is. Unfortunately, this is also one of the most controversial issues. There are many theories and opinions, but most still point in one direction: If we want maximum muscle growth, then we should train with heavy weights and moderate volume. Thus, we need heavy weights (80% of one-time maximum) and a moderate number of repetitions per large muscle group per week. Here, as an example, are the results of one of the published studies, during which the subjects were divided into 2 groups: Group 1 - trained 4 times a week with weights of 70% of the one-time maximum. Performed 4 approaches for each exercise of 10-12 repetitions. Group 2 - trained 4 times a week with weights of 90% of the one-time maximum. Performed 4 approaches for each exercise of 10-12 repetitions.

Both groups did the same exercises (including bench press, barbell squats, seated military press, deadlift) and followed their usual diet, which was monitored by keeping diaries. And the result? After 8 weeks of training, the scientists concluded that the subjects in Group 2 gained significantly more strength and muscle mass than the participants in Group 1. It's not surprising that participants in the heavier lifting group gained strength, but many didn't expect any gains in muscle mass either. Researchers have formulated 2 reasons why heavy training is superior to lighter training:

1. Large mechanical load on the muscles. More repetitions, in turn, puts more stress on the metabolism. 2. Greater activation of muscle fibers. And this, in turn, leads to the involvement of a larger percentage of muscle tissue in the process. So what can we learn from all this? 1.Focus on heavier weights with fewer reps. This is more important than maximizing cellular fatigue with drop sets, giant sets, etc. 2. Concentrate on progressing the load. The key point is the emphasis on increasing the weight of the barbell, and not the number of repetitions in the approach. 3. The main emphasis is on multi-joint basic exercises . This does not mean that you need to exclude high-repetition pump training and isolation exercises from strength training. They're just not the main focus. How often should you train for maximum muscle growth? Many people believe that frequency of exercise is key.

For them, everything is black and white: if you don’t work the main muscle groups 2-3 times a week, you can forget about serious results. Sounds good for a motivational quote on YouTube, but misses the point. How often you can and should train directly depends on the intensity and volume of each individual workout.

Purpose of the basic program

The basic program is suitable for different groups of trainees:

  • For experienced athletes, subject to the principle of periodization of loads or rest from heavy training.
  • For beginner athletes, the basics teach how to contract muscles correctly and gradually build up a strength foundation.
  • Ectomorphs and mesomorphs who want to gain high-quality muscle mass.
  • For girls who are seriously interested in iron sports and have not fully learned to listen to their body.
  • Athletes for whom fitness and crossfit are a hobby, but not a way of life or a profession.

Pros of the basic program

The main advantages of such training:

  1. Performing heavy multi-joint movements stimulates the growth of large and small muscle groups and an increase in strength.
  2. Save time. You don’t spend a lot of time doing isolated exercises; the duration of the workout is reduced by 1.5-2 times.
  3. Almost a complete guarantee that you will not overtrain. Often, beginning athletes add a lot of isolation to the program in addition to the basics; as a result, the muscles receive excessive stress, do not have time to recover and do not grow.

Disadvantages of the program

However, the basic weight training program is not without its disadvantages:

  1. Most basic exercises are dangerous. For example, bench presses can injure your wrists, elbows, and shoulders, while barbell squats can injure your knees or back.
  2. Some athletes have a predisposition to hypertrophy of the oblique abdominal muscles. Constantly doing the base will only make it worse. The result is a wide waist and the risk of an umbilical hernia. But this is subject to working with really heavy weights (for example, deadlift from 200 kg).
  3. Psychological factor. It is difficult to set yourself up for monotonous hard work in multi-joint exercises day after day: most athletes find it much easier to do isolated exercises - they do not load the central nervous system so much.


An example of a difficult week. To once again confirm exactly how performing literally each of the exercises should look like, let’s describe this process step by step using the example of a bench press. Let’s say your working weight for 6 repetitions is 80 kg. In this case, you can do three warm-up approaches. Perform the first warm-up approach with a weight of 20 kg (empty Olympic bar) for 15 repetitions, perform the second approach with a weight of 40 kg for 10 repetitions, the third warm-up with a weight of 60 kg for 8 repetitions and then proceed to working weights (80 kg) for 6 repetitions. . We performed 4 working approaches, disassembled the barbell to 56 kg (this is 70% of 80 kg) and immediately, without rest, we performed the exercise for the maximum number of repetitions until complete failure. In this case, naturally, you need to ask someone to back you up so that during a refusal you do not put the barbell on your chest, neck, or face.

An example of an easy week. Again, your working weight on a heavy week is, say, 80 kg for 6 reps. In a light week you will have to work with a weight of 50% of the maximum, that is, 40 kg. Accordingly, to warm up you will only need 1 approach with an empty bar (20 kg). Perform a warm-up, then 3 working approaches with a weight of 40 kg for 10 repetitions, and just like in a heavy week, immediately after the fourth approach, leave 50% of the working weight on the barbell, that is, in this case, 20 kg and perform the exercise for 15 repetitions (not until refusal). During the light week, the muscle building program will be characterized by the fact that working with light weights will seem too easy to you, and you may not feel tired, but remember that during this period your body is recovering, so during the light week it makes sense to load it with heavy weights No. This will only slow down recovery.

ADVICE. Never neglect warm-up approaches - this is dangerous. If, due to certain circumstances, you cannot do the required number of warm-up approaches directly with a machine, on a bench or with free weight, do, if not 2-3, then at least 1 warm-up approach. Or warm up the working muscle with a similar or other exercise, eventually even with your own weight. But never start lifting weights without warming up for “cold muscles.”

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