Massage hoop: benefits, indications and contraindications

A hoop is one of the simplest, most accessible and effective sports equipment. Exercises with this exercise machine will help you lose extra pounds, strengthen your spine, reduce your waist and hips, and also gain a beautiful feminine silhouette.

Exercises with the hula hub are very beneficial for women's health and are often recommended both to adult ladies and to little girls whose bodies are still developing.

A hoop is an ideal piece of equipment for home workouts. It is distinguished from other simulators by its low price and compactness. Today we will talk about how to choose this sports equipment wisely and learn how to spin it correctly.

Buy a hoop and learn how to spin

Nowadays, stores offer a huge selection of hula hubs made from various materials.

At the beginning of your “sports career” it is better to purchase the simplest hoop made of aluminum or plastic. It should be smooth and light.

It’s worth buying a heavy hoop with a relief or special attachments only after a couple of months of regular training with a simple hula hub. Physical activity with a weighted apparatus will be very serious, and if you are not used to it, you can “earn” bruises, as well as discomfort in the abdominal area. But if you “master” a lightweight hoop, then you can also purchase a massage hoop. With its help, you will lose weight much faster.

By the way, a hoop, just like skis, must be chosen according to height. It's easy to do. The diameter of the hula hub should be equal to the distance from your heel to your hip. It’s easy to “try it on” by placing it next to you.

Main stream

Hooping has now become an inseparable part of mainstream gyms and studios. It came as a fun and effective form of exercise. You can now find many hoopping classes in any city in the world as more and more people are rediscovering the fact that exercise can be fun!

Avoid circular movements of your hips. This will slow down the rotation. As with all physical exercises, it is best to move in both directions to equally balance and tighten the body's muscles during the hula hoop.

Getting ready to train with a hoop

Never hoop on a full stomach. The ideal time to exercise is two hours after your last meal.

Shoes are not particularly important during such training. It just needs to be stable and comfortable. You can even exercise barefoot or in socks.

But you need to approach the choice of clothes with close attention. At the very beginning of classes, you should not spin the hoop on your bare stomach. This area should be covered with clothing. The ideal option for such training is tight leggings or “bicycle shorts” and an elongated beacon, which should fit tightly. Loose clothing will interfere with an inexperienced hula-khub.

And one more trick, if you are just starting to exercise, but purchased a heavy massage hoop, it doesn’t matter. This projectile can also be used. The only thing is that before such a workout it is necessary to protect the abdominal area. To do this, you can wear fairly thick clothes or a special elastic thermal belt for weight loss. It will protect your tummy from bruises, neutralize the force of the hoop hitting your body, and due to the “steam room” effect it will promote faster weight loss.

Parallel parking

Proper parking of a car in a city is an important point. At the training track it is impossible to accurately repeat all the moments that arise in real life. It is better to try to find a place for the car to park in front.

Parallel parking is performed as follows:

  1. Line up with the car located next to you, stand parallel, maintaining a distance of 1 meter.
  2. Determine where to turn safely.
  3. Drive in reverse until the mental mark reaches the edge of the car on the right.
  4. Turn the steering wheel all the way to the right, drive in reverse until the right edge of the car is visible, and stop.
  5. Turn the steering wheel to its original position and move further back until the car in front is visible.
  6. Turn the steering wheel all the way to the left and move backwards until the car is parallel to the curb.
  7. Level the machine and position it so that it is equidistant from other machines.

Spinning the hoop

Before starting exercises, it is advisable to prepare the body for the load. Do exercises that will help you warm up your muscles.

If you work out in the morning, then these should be “smooth” stretching exercises. Bends in standing and sitting positions are ideal. When warming up your muscles before an evening workout, you can add squats and leg swings to the bends.

Let's learn the movements:

  • Stand in the middle of the room, away from fragile and breakable objects. You can also play your favorite music. At first, it is advisable to practice in front of a mirror so that you can see how you move.
  • First, try performing the movements without a hoop to better understand the technique.
  • Stand straight with your feet either together or shoulder-width apart, and bend your knees slightly. In this position it will be easier for you to “work” with the animal. Spinning a hoop on straight legs is much more difficult and only experienced hula-hoopers can do this task.
  • Then try to start drawing small circles parallel to the floor with your stomach area. While doing this, try to keep your hips and chest still. Only the tummy should work. At the beginning of training, it is better to spin clockwise. The rhythm of movements should be smooth and calm.
  • At the beginning of training, it is better to place your arms to the sides. Firstly, this will help you control the immobility of your chest, and secondly, it will be easier to catch a constantly falling hoop. Later, when you get used to it a little, you can fold your arms on your chest or above your head.
  • Now that you have practiced the movements a little, you can practice directly with the hoop. Stand in the middle of the hula hub, lift it to waist level, lean it slightly against your lower back and push it slightly to the side. Don't try to work very quickly, spin the hoop smoothly. If it starts to drop, you can start moving faster and then return to a normal pace. And one more thing - hoop training in the first two to three weeks should not exceed 20-30 minutes.

You need the right hula hoop

Adult hoops for beginners are larger, heavier and much easier to use than the little plastic ones from the 50s. There are several ways to twist them at the waist: from front to back or from side to side. Try both small and large sizes to find the look that suits you best.

Hula hoop size

The upper part of the hoop when standing on the floor should end just below the chest. However, its size varies from person to person and the level of movements it makes. New hoopers are often intimidated by very large models. However, larger, heavier hoops take longer to rotate around the body requiring more force to maintain the rotational position .

Big hoops can be easy

The extra weight of a larger hula hoop allows for more stable rotation than lighter types. Many hoopers use several different hoops to practice different movements. A new technique, such as spinning a hula hoop on your shoulder, is easier to learn with a larger hoop. Once you have mastered this exercise, you can practice the same exercise, but with a smaller hula hoop.

Moves that require spinning a hula hoop around your arm or over your head are easier to master with a smaller, lighter version instead of a larger, heavier one. Each hooper is unique and prefers their own specific hoop size and weight for a specific type of training or dance.

Let's move to the next level

Once you get used to the hula-hub and have mastered the technique, you can make the task a little more difficult for yourself and begin to change the direction of rotation of the projectile. In the beginning, it will be very difficult for you to achieve balance, but then you will get used to it and will be able to change direction without interrupting the twist. This exercise is very useful and will contribute to faster weight loss.

Try lowering the hoop down your hips. If you can already twist it at your waist, then you can easily do this exercise. Start spinning the hula hub as usual, in the lower back area, and when you “catch” the pace, let the hoop go down to the hips. When he is there, speed up your movements a little, trying to keep the hula-hub.

This way, you will expand your range of exercises and be able to train more productively.

Start by twisting the hoop clockwise around your waist, then rotate it in the other direction. After about ten minutes, you can lower the hoop onto your hips, and then, making an upward movement with your pelvis, lift it back up to your waist.

Such a workout will be more productive than twisting a hoop only in the lumbar area.

How to twist a hoop to remove belly and sides

Many people ask: - Is it possible to remove the belly with a hoop? What about the sides? Answer: yes! Spinning a hoop for weight loss.

Even short workouts with light hoop will help improve your form. However, they can be made more effective.

Once you have mastered the technique and can easily hold the hoop for 20-30 minutes, you can make the task more difficult for yourself.

At this stage, you can purchase a professional equipment with weights and massage attachments. There are also hoops equipped with special magnetic elements. They help improve blood flow during training.

Start practicing with a weighted hoop and wearing thick clothing. For the first two to three weeks, train according to your standard program in order to get used to the new equipment. Then introduce new exercises. Try, for example, moving around the room while spinning a hoop or standing on one leg.

To quickly lose excess weight and lose weight, you must follow three more rules:

  1. Exercise daily for at least 20-30 minutes;
  2. Limit yourself in consuming high-calorie foods. Eat less sweets, flour, fried, smoked, etc.;
  3. Use special creams and treasures that help burn fat deposits.

Balisong design

You must first familiarize yourself with the design of edged weapons in order to learn how to twist a butterfly knife. For beginners, a very important point will be the ability to distinguish between a safe and dangerous knife handle. The butterfly knife design includes:

  • Blade.
  • Two handles.
  • Latch.
  • A couple of pins.
  • A pair of hinged axles.

The handles of a butterfly knife can be made of various materials, such as bronze, brass, bone, etc. But the design of a balisong designed for flipping - the artistic rotation of a butterfly knife - differs from the design of the product used in everyday life.

Due to the frequent tilting of the handles, over time they can become deformed at the point of contact with the latch. Also, due to continuous rotation, the knife can become wobbly and uncontrollable, which can lead to injury during flipping. To avoid unpleasant consequences, small indentations are made in the artistic balisong on the handle and the diameter of the pin is increased. You can also find a butterfly knife with a spring-loaded latch, which can similarly save you from the problem of locking the knife.

Video: how to twist a hoop to remove belly and sides

And finally, a video for those who doubt that you can lose weight with a hoop or haven’t fully understood the question of how to properly twist a hoop to get rid of your stomach and sides.

Of course, training with a hoop will not give such quick results as intensive training in the gym. But if you have the patience not to give up what you started and practice every day, then after a few months you will find a chic waist that will become the envy of all women and the admiration of men!

That's all! Be healthy and beautiful!

Reviews about health effects and weight loss results

Maria, 25 years old: After giving birth, my abdominal muscles weakened and sagged. I didn’t have enough time for regular gym classes, so I decided to hula hoop at home every day. The result pleased me. After a month of regular training, the abdominal muscles tightened, the skin regained its former tone, and stretch marks gradually disappeared. I exercise every day for only 20 minutes.

Olga, 30 years old: Constant sedentary work has ruined my figure, and I have problems with digestion. A friend advised me to learn how to spin a hoop. I bought a hula hoop and started practicing every day before work in the morning, and the results were not long in coming. Within a few weeks, all digestive problems disappeared, and after two months of training, the waist decreased by 5 cm.

Svetlana, 45 years old: After severe stress, I gained noticeable weight, I had to look for available methods to correct the situation. A friend shared that hula hoop helps her. I also decided to try it and bought a plastic hoop. I am a perfectionist in life, so I took the matter seriously. Now I exercise twice a day for 20 minutes. In two weeks, my stomach became flatter, my waist shrank, and I was able to wear my favorite dress.

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