How to pump up a girl’s breasts and is it possible to do it? The answer to your question

Greetings ladies. Today a note for you. Have you ever had a desire to enlarge your breasts and have you thought about how to do it technically? If your search for information on this matter brought you here, then you are already serious. Then let's start figuring out what's what!

Every girl dreams of beautiful breasts - this is natural. And although previously a mandatory attribute of an attractive female individual was stupidly large breasts, now priorities have changed somewhat.

The main advantage of this part of the body is its fit and elasticity, but still many strive to increase it by at least one size. Let's figure out how to pump up a girl's breasts and whether it can be done at all.

For a deep understanding of this issue, we cannot do without anatomy - it will tell us a lot of interesting things. Let's start with it.

Breast Anatomy

The female breast is composed of glandular and fatty tissue, and is attached to a muscle membrane located underneath it. Its size, shape and relationship between its constituent tissues depend on genetic predisposition.

Some girls have more fat in their breasts, so their size fluctuates only due to changes in weight. If a girl loses weight, then her breasts shrink and vice versa. If there is more glandular tissue in it (this is the tissue that produces milk), then losing weight and gaining kilograms has practically no effect on the size!

The female breast itself is a miracle of creation. This is simply a masterpiece! When I looked into this topic, I was honestly stunned. How complicated and thoughtful everything is! You can study the pictures below for clarity (I was very interested). Click on the picture to enlarge it to full screen:

The main function of the breast is to feed the baby. This role is performed by the mammary glands, which are also called “alveoli” or “lobules”. The glands produce milk from nutrients and water that come from the blood.

One women's doctor very successfully compared the female breast to a bunch of grapes. The stems are a system of ducts that deliver milk from the mammary glands to the nipple, the grapes are the mammary glands themselves. Together with the ducts, they form so-called clusters or lobes, of which there are usually 15-20 in the chest.

The space between the lobes is filled with fat and connective tissue (this tissue surrounds blood vessels and ducts). But when a woman is young, her breasts consist mostly of glandular tissue. This is why young girls have firmer breasts. In addition, the entire organ is penetrated by special Cooper's ligaments. They are closely intertwined and form a flexible chest frame. These ligaments weaken with age and the breasts begin to sag.

So, let's summarize the effect of tissue in the breast on its volume:

  • adipose tissue - gives volume (the most important factor of size)
  • glandular tissue - gives elasticity and volume (less important factor)
  • connective tissue - gives elasticity (the most insignificant factor).

Chest muscle training program for girls

Just in case you don’t have your own training program and don’t know how to exercise correctly, then on my website I have an effective training program for girls for the gym.

Everything is clearly shown there, in detail with photos/explanations - go ahead and study for your health.

Here's another example of what your training program might look like:

  • Sumo style back squats (legs/gluts) 3 sets x 10-15 reps
  • Vertical pull-down to the chest (back/biceps) 3x10-15
  • Lying dumbbell flyes (pectoral muscles) 3x10-15
  • Push-ups (pectoral muscles + triceps + abs) 3x10-15
  • Standing/seated dumbbell press (shoulders/triceps) 3x15-15
  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps (biceps) 3x10-15
  • Crunches lying on the floor (press) 3x10-15

A very powerful workout for the whole body - in one workout; I recommend training according to this scheme no more than 2 times a week, for example, on Monday and Thursday.

Rest between sets for no more than 1 minute, work according to how you feel.

The duration of the workout should be no more than 45 minutes.

The conclusions we need

So, from all this it follows that the mammary glands do not contain muscle fibers, which means it is IMPOSSIBLE to pump them up, change their shape or tighten sagging breasts with the help of physical exercises either in a week or a month. Never.

Therefore, for breast enlargement there are only 3 ways that you can influence:

  1. HORMONE THERAPY. It is unlikely that you will want to push hormones into yourself that activate the growth of mammary glands. The health consequences can be dire. For example, birth control pills with estrogen. They can enlarge breasts for a certain period of time, but the harm from the side effects is not worth it. Or additional intake of estrogen itself. If you decide to stuff yourself with this beyond what your body synthesizes, this is the path to breast cancer. In addition, you are guaranteed unpleasant PMS.
  2. INCREASE IN BODY FAT PERCENTAGE. This is the surest way to enlarge your breasts. That is, you just need to gain weight so that the fat component of your breasts also grows. Well, this is not an option at all, since along with the breasts, the butt will grow, the barrels will sag and all that...
  3. PLASTIC SURGERY. Surgical placement of a silicone implant into your breast. This is not an option for most normal girls. Moreover, it will be very expensive.

But you can't influence your genes. Your mother's or grandmother's breast size is something you can count on.

As mentioned before, having a huge breast size has already gone out of fashion (and fashion is far from the main thing here, because this nonsense is constantly changing). The main thing is elasticity and fit! And the good news is that this can be achieved through bodybuilding and fitness.

Dips (emphasis on the pectoral muscles) – for advanced

Dips are a very difficult exercise and definitely not for beginners.

However, as an option, dips can be performed in the gravitron simulator:

This will greatly weaken the exercise and you will feel more comfortable doing it.

Exercise technique:

  • Grasp the handrails with your hands (as wide as possible - to emphasize the pectoral muscles) and jump out (stand on your hands) while your body becomes perpendicular to the floor.
  • Then bend your legs at an angle of 90 degrees at the knees and constantly maintain this angle.
  • Bend your head slightly down to slightly round your back and thereby focus on contracting the chest muscles.
  • As you inhale, slowly lower yourself down, tilt your body forward, and move your pelvis back (to engage the chest muscles, not the arm muscles).
  • As you exhale, push up and return to the starting position.

Here, see the video about this exercise:

I think the above paragraph will be useless for most girls.

What alternative to working out the chest muscles can there be with parallel bars? (for girls)

Myths and reality

Many girls are in no hurry to pay attention to this area because of stupid prejudices. The most common of them can be heard in almost every room. Here are some of them:

  1. “The breasts will become too hard.” It is not true. As we have already found out, there is no muscle tissue in the mammary glands, which means there is nothing to harden.
  2. “Active physical activity on your breasts will reduce their size.” Another myth. And although there is indeed a layer of fat in the chest, it has a completely different structure than that which is deposited on your sides and buttocks. Therefore, exercise cannot help burn it.
  3. “The woman will develop a masculine figure with huge arms and a wide chest.” The growth of muscle mass is influenced by the male hormone testosterone; its content in the female body is negligible. If you do not plan to take steroids, then you are not in danger of turning into Schwarzenegger.

In addition, there is no food that will inflate your breasts, no physical impact (friction or compression), or whether you wear or don't wear a bra.

What is the main advantage of breast pumping for girls?

  • The décolleté skin becomes more elastic.
  • Prevents sagging of the mammary glands.
  • You are not in danger of premature aging and sagging skin.
  • Posture improves.
  • Active exercise improves blood circulation in the chest, preventing chest diseases.
  • Girls' metabolism improves and the number of calories burned increases due to an increase in muscle mass in the body.
  • The breasts do not increase in size, but they visually rise and appear larger.

Only advantages! So be sure not to ignore this body part in your workouts. The result will still be there!

Incline Dumbbell Press

Exercise technique:

  • We prepare the angle of the bench in advance (it should also be no more than 25-30 degrees)
  • Then we take dumbbells in our hands and lie down on the bench with our backs
  • We also lift our legs up from the floor and rest them on the edge of the bench to remove the bridge.

  • Next, with a powerful, controlled movement, press the dumbbells up and bring them together.
  • Then slowly, under control, lower it down.
  • And so repeat the required range of repetitions (for girls I recommend 15-20 repetitions)

Watch the video on these and not only these (and also about some of the following) exercises:

Chest exercises

As before any workout, first do a warm-up to warm up your muscles. After this you can start working.

Yes, I almost forgot - be sure to read the separate article on my blog dedicated to women’s training. This will give you a better understanding that will speed up your progress.

Push ups

One of the most accessible exercises that brings results. It can also be done at home if you don’t have time to go to the gym. The catch is that not every girl knows how to do it correctly. Therefore, try working according to the following scheme:


Approach the wall with outstretched arms until your palms touch. Spread your feet slightly apart. Having tightened your abs and straightened your back, move towards the wall until it stops. Inhale as you move down. Return to the starting position slowly and without jerking. This exercise helps build endurance and strength in preparation for the next stages.


Place your unbent arms on the work surface, keeping your body and legs in a straight line. As you inhale, move down until your chest touches the bench. Then rise up smoothly.


This is the final training step to the classic push-up. When you can do this exercise lightly, move on to the final stage. Sit on your knees, placing them at right angles to the floor, and eliminating the distance between them. Your arms should be straight, as should your back. Move downward without arching or rounding your back or sticking out your buttocks. As you exhale, rise up.


Sit on a hard surface, arms straight, feet on toes. To actively work the chest area, your hands must be positioned wider than your shoulders. As in the previous exercise, watch your body, it should be a straight line. As you inhale, move downwards using muscle effort, not by inertia, almost touching the surface with your chest.

Gradually at each stage increase the number of repetitions to 15-20 times in 3 sets. Take minute breaks between sets to recuperate.

Exercises with dumbbells

It is better to do it in the gym, as the equipment there is more varied. There are several different options with dumbbells that help make your breasts more beautiful and firm:


Just the first exercise can be performed at home, sitting on a flat, hard surface. It is believed that dumbbell chest presses are more effective than similar manipulations with a barbell, because they require control of the arms in relation to each other. Sit on the surface on your back, place your hands with equipment near your chest. Perform upward presses with your arms parallel to each other. There is no need to straighten your elbows completely.


This exercise can be performed in two versions - head down, to pump the lower pectoral muscles, and in a normal position, to work the upper pectoral muscles. First option: Sit on a bench with your feet firmly on the edge of the surface. Place your hands at your chest. Press the dumbbells up, keeping them parallel to each other. In the second option, do the same movements, only rest your feet on the floor. Please note that the greater the angle of the bench, the greater the load on the muscles.


By changing the angle of the bench, you can shift the load to different areas of the pectoral muscles. This exercise is also great for those who need to correct their armpit area. Sit on a bench with your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands near the middle of your chest. Lift the shells up and spread them apart. In this case, the elbows are directed downward and do not straighten completely. Returning to the starting position, bring the dumbbells together at the top. This is a very heavy exercise, so start with a light weight.


A very effective exercise for a number of muscles, including target ones. To perform this you will need a bench. Lie on it with your back across the surface and your feet on the floor. The knees must be bent at a right angle. In the initial position, hold the instrument in the lower chest area. Lift the dumbbell up and behind your head. Perform the upward movement at minimum speed.

All exercises with dumbbells must be repeated, starting from 7 and increasing to 15-20 times. Do 3 sets, remembering to take a short break between them.

Recommendations for performing training

When performing strength exercises, you need to remember the following recommendations:

  • The importance of warming up. You need to start strength training with a good warm-up to warm up the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Starting to use weights without warming up can result in serious injury.
  • How to warm up. Some trainers recommend training with minimal weights as a warm-up. You can use push-ups when doing this - the main thing is not only to warm up the muscles, but also to save strength for the main loads.
  • Relaxation between sets. Between approaches, you need to give the muscles time to relax for about one minute. At this time, you can change your body position or walk around.
  • We always do effort (presses, push-ups, flyes) while exhaling, and relaxation while inhaling. At first you need to constantly focus on this, and in subsequent stages it should be done automatically.
  • You can perform the entire complex, and also choose from it the exercises that are most suitable for you. Alternate and change loads if necessary. The main thing is that the target muscles are worked.
  • Temporary training regimen. In order to allow muscles to increase in volume and recover, they need to be given rest. Therefore, the optimal training regimen is considered to be every other day.
  • The importance of proper nutrition. Training requires a lot of energy and strength. To replenish them, do not forget about proper and nutritious nutrition. The menu should be balanced in terms of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.
  • Important! Drink enough water. The body should not feel thirsty. A bottle of water should always be on hand.

    Posture and breast appearance

    When you slouch and have bad posture, your breasts look much worse...

    She seems to be “hidden from others”:

    • lowered down
    • not raised
    • not moved forward
    • seems small, not noticeable, not attracting attention
    • All in all …

    With poor posture, the entire physique as a whole (visually) looks much worse.

    When a girl has correct posture, her shoulders are straightened, etc., then the breasts “move” forward, as if lifted, and visually the breasts become much larger, more beautiful, more noticeable, etc.

    I very much focus your attention on this point - correct posture is indeed one of the decisive factors for the aesthetics and beauty of a woman’s breasts, do not underestimate it.

    Lactation and training of pectoral muscles in girls

    During the feeding period, I recommend refraining from any serious exercise.

    The fact is that serious power loads are severe stress that can affect hormonal levels, and this, in turn, can lead to milk loss.

    Light training with light weights (in principle) is acceptable (as in principle during pregnancy), but only with the approval of your attending physician who is observing you.

    Contrast shower and beautiful breasts

    I myself (a man) use contrast showers on a regular basis.

    And I recommend everyone to do the same, because... this has a very beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

    On our topic, contrast shower:

    • trains blood vessels
    • improves blood circulation and skin condition
    • makes skin more elastic

    It’s not so difficult to wash not with stupidly warm water all the time, but with warm/cold/warm/cold?

    After all, this is only in your interests - if you want to have beautiful breasts (and not only).

    An example of such a training program for home

    • Sumo squats 3x15-20
    • Deadlift with dumbbells (if not, bottles) 3x15-20
    • Lying pelvic lift 3x15-20
    • Dumbbell press (if there are no bottles) sitting/standing 3x15-20
    • Lifting dumbbells (bottles) for biceps 3x15-20
    • Push-ups 3x10-15
    • Dumbbell flyes (if not, bottles) lying on the floor 3x10-15
    • Plank 1xMAX

    This is a very cool and effective training scheme that will allow you to keep yourself in great shape.

    Rest between sets for no more than 1 minute, work according to how you feel.

    The duration of the workout should be no more than 45 minutes.

    How often should I train with this training regimen?

    2 times a week (for example, Monday and Thursday) will be enough.

    How to pump up a girl's breasts at home

    For those who do not have the opportunity for some reason (finances, romance, embarrassment, lack of time, etc.) to go to the gym, here is a training program specifically for girls/women for home use.

    The main exercise in the arsenal of home workouts for the pectoral muscles is push-ups. As a secondary exercise, you can use dumbbell flyes while lying on the floor.

    If you don’t have dumbbells, you can use, for example, bottles of water/sand:

    I do not recommend training the pectoral muscles separately (by themselves) from other muscle groups.

    This does not make sense as such even for men, much less for girls/women.

    Personally, I would recommend combining chest muscle training with other muscles (legs, buttocks, back, etc.) in one workout (this is the so-called fullbody training), dedicating 1 or maximum 2 exercises to the chest.

    I assure you, these two exercises (push-ups and dumbbell flyes) in your training program will be quite enough (just with your head) for a high-quality, full-fledged workout of the pectoral muscles.

    Female breast massage: is it necessary?

    Massage is also useful, however, be careful not to overdo it, you should not:

    • stretch a woman's breasts
    • pull it
    • pull
    • delay
    • etc.

    Otherwise, there is a high chance of stretching the female breast.

    And when the breasts stretch, they no longer fit back into place.

    Therefore, be careful, it’s better to get two birds with one stone - to give this delicate matter to skillful men’s hands)), I don’t know about other men, but I personally would be happy to do such a massage))

    If there are no skilled male hands, you can do it yourself

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