Is it possible to gain muscle mass with push-ups?

Let's first figure out what push-ups are, what types of them exist and what muscle groups they develop in order to perform these exercises efficiently.
Push-ups are one of the basic exercises aimed at developing several muscle groups at once. Muscles such as triceps, deltoids and pectoralis major. An important goal when performing this exercise is to perform the technique correctly.

Let's highlight a few points about why the push-up training program at home is useful.

  • development of muscle mass
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system
  • breast shape support
  • getting rid of excess weight
  • body endurance training

These are some of the important qualities, but there are many more of them.
We'll focus on them for now. Let's look at the technique.

When performing push-ups, an important principle is correct body position. While performing the exercise, your back should be flat and straight, while lowering the body, inhale, and while lifting, exhale. Proper breathing plays an equally important role.

What methods of push-ups exist and which ones we will use:

  • Classic push-ups!

  • Wide grip push-ups!

  • Close grip push-ups!

  • Classic push-ups with fists!

  • Push-ups!

  • One arm push ups!

  • Push-ups with your hands (feet) resting on the bench!

The important aspect here is whether you are working with your own weight or with weights. It depends on your goal, whether you're bulking, cutting, or endurance. Your result will depend on this.

Push-up home training program (mistakes)

I will tell you about the mistakes that prevent the growth of the pectoral muscles.
Everyone knows that push-ups are one of the most basic exercises; progress can be endless. The first mistake is the amplitude of movement

. Steadily, you should go as low as possible (touch your chest to the floor) and tense your pecs as you rise. Feel your pectoral muscle group.

The second mistake is your pace.

If you are training for endurance, then push-ups should be done at a fast pace, but if you are working on building chest shape, such push-ups are not permissible. The approximate tempo when working is 6 seconds down and 3 seconds up. When you change the pace and amplitude of the movement, you will immediately feel how your pectoral muscles are worked.

Third error: no progress.

Make your push-ups harder.
Raise your level. Along the way, we’ll look at the training program.

What can you achieve with push-ups?

Bending and extending the arms while lying down (the same push-ups) involves many muscles, both those directly involved in the work, and the stabilizer muscles responsible for balance and correct body position. For example, the abdominal muscles do not work dynamically, but tense when maintaining an even body.

As I said, thanks to the program described below, you can not only increase strength or endurance, but also achieve impressive size or incredible muscle detail.

Among the muscles worked during push-ups are:

  1. pectoral muscles (different sections with different positions of the palms);
  2. triceps or triceps muscles of the arms (also different sections, depending on the width and direction of the palms);
  3. anterior and middle deltoid muscles;
  4. latissimus dorsi muscles;
  5. trapezius muscles;
  6. small back muscles such as the teres major, rhomboid and other muscles.

I don’t take into account those who also strain during work. These are the abdominal muscles (rectus and external obliques), lumbar extensors, serratus muscles, biceps of the arms and muscles of the forearms. In short, you can see for yourself how wide the range of muscles involved is. I wrote more about the muscles involved in push-ups in this article.

Push-up home training program for beginners

The first level is 6 approaches of 15 times using the correct technique for performing classic push-ups. The next level for you will be push-ups with legs on a hill. The system remains the same. In future workouts you need to add hand rests. (we drop to the maximum) Next, add additional weights (+5 kg + 10 kg + 15 kg) Train every other day, change the weights and types of push-ups, the most important thing is to recover correctly and see powerful progress.
Don't forget that you can't do push-ups every day - it's harmful! Muscle acidification and overtraining occur. I myself have personally used this technique and have repeatedly advised it not only to professional, but also to beginning athletes...

No training equipment or additional weights are required, all you need is your desire and motivation. The push-up home workout program can be done both at home and outdoors. The training time should take no more than 30 minutes. Approaches and quantity depend on your preparedness! The main thing is the result of the training - the correct execution of push-ups.

An important principle of training is its construction.

On the first day, be sure to record the number of repetitions, the number of approaches and the time it took you to complete it. Every day, increase the number and decrease the approaches accordingly. Do not forget about the time frame of 25 - 30 minutes no more! Don't focus on the basic exercise, do push-ups with a wide, narrow grip! Work different muscle groups. Use chairs at home. Don't forget that there is an upper and lower chest - change the angle of inclination when doing push-ups!

After five or six days of training, move on to weighted push-ups! Use available tools. The most basic thing is a backpack bag with water bottles! Start depending on your recovery and fitness level! Increase your sets of weights every workout. You will definitely see progress!

Yes, your muscles will ache and they will get tired, but you must go to the goal because at the end of the road another victory awaits us. Recovery, proper nutrition, healthy sleep - all this contributes to a positive result! I am sure in 14 days when you overcome pain, fatigue, the desire to give up halfway, you will receive enormous satisfaction! Don't forget that sport for us is our life. We have connected our lives with sports and now every morning we wake up as winners!!!!

This is a push-up home training program, after which I undoubtedly progress not only in gaining muscle mass, but it also helps improve my physical performance, I use it once every six months. This helps you take your mind off your main training and improve your performance on one of the most important compound exercises... You'll experience positive results in the process. Get the most out of your workouts!!

Push-up pattern

You need to do push-ups from the floor correctly.

The fact that muscle mass increases due to push-ups is evidenced by pain in the muscle tissue. When doing push-ups, keep your back straight and your pelvis should not rise to a great height. In this case, the chest does not touch the floor surface, but at the moment of lowering, it is located next to it

Proper breathing is very important. Inhale as you descend and exhale as you rise

The distribution of body weight and load depends on the position of your hands. If you need to pump up your chest muscles, do push-ups with your arms wide, and if you want to pump up your triceps, keep the distance between your arms small.

100 push-ups program

Many people know that there is a set of exercises that includes one hundred push-ups. At first glance, it seems unrealistic to do so many push-ups, but in practice everything is possible and it’s not that difficult. Train according to the proposed program and in just two months you will be able to do one hundred push-ups without putting much effort into it. The main thing is to act according to the rules.

Doing 100 push-ups in 6 weeks is quite possible

Most people can't do more than those dozens of push-ups. Some people can do 50 push-ups. And for others it’s hard to complete even ten. If you belong to the third group, it's okay, using this program, you will certainly achieve success.

  • Guided by this complex, in a couple of months you won’t even remember that just recently it was difficult for you to do even ten push-ups, let alone more.
  • This program has a number of advantages.
  • The exercises don't take much time.
  • There is no need to pay for the program. You can exercise in any place convenient for you (at home, in the gym, in the park).
  • There is no need for special equipment.
  • Everything is very simple.
  • The program is available on the Internet, it includes a table of push-ups.
  • If you strictly follow the rules, the result will not be long in coming.
  • This set of exercises is considered one of the most effective.

Push-up training program at home

Let's talk about the push-up training program at home.
Push-ups are a powerful basic exercise with which you can perfectly pump up your pectoral muscles no worse than bench presses. At a minimum, you can pump up your pectoral muscles and triceps at home. Push-ups are a great workout for the pectoral muscles. We all eventually begin to do high reps of push-ups. By doing push-ups for a number of repetitions, you cannot fully develop your pectoral muscle potential. In the beginning, a push-up workout program at home will give you muscle growth, but in the future if you don't weigh down the exercises, you won't progress.

The main principle of natural muscle growth is the principle of load progression. Working on endurance is not working on muscle mass. Use any weight at home. With the weight you use, you should reduce the number of repetitions until failure. If there is not enough weight, be sure to add more.

Limit the number of repetitions and increase the load. (Optimal 8 repetitions). The push-up home training program is quite suitable for perfectly developing your pectoral muscles. In which testosterone will be produced and you will progress without any barbell.

What is the purpose of push-ups?

Push-ups are a strength exercise that uses your own body as the working weight. The essence of push-ups is to develop the pectoral muscles, shoulder girdle and back muscles.

Regularly performing a set of push-ups allows you to strengthen your joints and also keep the muscles of almost the entire body toned. When performing classic push-ups and some of their modifications, the pectoral muscles, triceps and shoulder deltoids receive the greatest load.

A significant advantage of push-ups is that there is no need for additional equipment - you can do push-ups at home on almost any horizontal surface.

Workout program for weight push-ups at home

Push-ups can give you about 75 percent of your weight on the pectoral muscles.
As we figured out, push-ups can achieve good results. Push-ups do not cover a large range of muscles. Shoulders, front deltoids and of course pectoral muscles. The effect depends on how you do push-ups and what goal you are pursuing. Everyone gets hung up on the number of reps. This is good if you want to progress in endurance. But the majority pursue the goal of increasing strength and increasing the volume of the chest, but unfortunately the number of push-ups does not affect this. How do you need to do push-ups effectively?

  • Firstly, you need to do push-ups slowly, do everything smoothly. During fast push-ups, jerks occur during which our ligaments work more. They are the ones who bear the main burden. At the same time, the muscle does not work to its full potential.
  • Secondly, you should feel your pectoral muscles.
  • Thirdly, work in refusal. With proper push-ups, it becomes most effective for the growth of your muscles. That's when you will begin to progress.

Do I need to do push-ups every day? Don't forget the main thing in bodybuilding is the restoration of muscle groups. If you train the same muscle groups, they will not have time to recover. Therefore, more than one exercise cannot be done constantly without recovery. If your goal is endurance, then you can train every day, but even here you need to take break days. When working to gain weight, doing push-ups every day is useless.

Advanced push-up variations

When the classics have already been fully mastered, you can move on to more complex types of push-ups to diversify and increase the load.

In total, more than 100 varieties are distinguished, the most common of which are considered:

Push-ups with clap - this variety is considered explosive or plyometric, often used by boxers to improve power and speed of impact and reaction. The initial position is lying down. The body gradually tilts down, as in a classic push-up, and the elbows do not lean against the torso, but move sideways. Then you need to sharply push off the floor with your hands and have time to clap in front of you at the level of the solar plexus, after which you have time to return them to their original location. Complicated variations of this type of push-up are to clap twice in a row or from behind.

Push-ups without a leg are an exercise for those who want to be able to control their body and feel in space. The initial position differs little from the classic one: one limb is either raised or placed on the other so that only the second rests on the surface. Now the load is held by the upper limbs, so you have to put in twice as much effort as before.

Handless push-ups work the muscles of the torso and forearm. The prone position is performed by bending one arm back and slightly tilting the torso in the same direction. This option is suitable for men who, after gaining significant experience in the classics, wanted to pump up their arms and pectoral muscles.

“High” push-ups - when the feet rest on a hill - will also help strengthen them. The higher the lower part of the body, the more difficult it is, because the load that the hands can support changes. Some athletes practice push-ups upside down, which is not recommended for people with blood pressure problems.

Push-ups with hands placed on high objects are designed to stretch the pectoral muscles. These can be hanging belts, stops or chairs - this equipment is used to increase the amplitude of downward body movement, which in other types of push-ups is limited to the floor surface

The debate about the benefits and harms of stretching the chest muscles continues, but in any case it is very important to be careful and increase the amplitude gradually, thereby preventing the possibility of muscle tissue rupture.

The jackknife technique is used by wrestlers and dancers to develop hip mobility and endurance. Initial state - toes perpendicular to the surface, palms under the shoulders, and legs straightened at right angles to the torso

The elbows need to be bent until the neck approaches the floor. Next, you need to reach with your nose towards the ceiling, and with your pelvis towards the floor. The cycle is complete when the limbs are straight, the shoulders are back, and the pelvis is almost touching the surface. From this position, the body abruptly returns to its original position and the process repeats.

Don’t miss the most popular article in the section: Glutamic acid - what it is, why and how it is used in sports and bodybuilding.

Dips at home training program

In my opinion, the main basic exercise for the chest is, of course, the bench press, and the second most important exercise is the parallel bars. If you want big breasts, you should definitely do dips. The at-home dips training program is effective not only in the gym, but also if you train on the sports field. If you want to become big, be sure to increase the weight of the weight. Without parallel bars, it is not possible to fully progress in increasing the pectoral muscles.

Dips at home training program for beginners

Set of 9 approaches. The main thing is to work not only with your own weight, but also be sure to use weights like backpacks, chains, and weights.

  1. approach (warm-up) 8-16 repetitions with your own weight.
  2. set 6-15 with maximum weights
  3. set 6-15 with maximum weights
  4. set 6-15 with maximum weights
  5. approach 6-15 average weight
  6. approach 6-15 average weight
  7. approach 6-15 average weight
  8. maximum bodyweight approach
  9. bodyweight approach to the max.

The break between sets is 2 minutes. By technique. Lean forward a little, look at the floor, elbows to the side so that your chest works well. Body back. Get down as low as possible and stretch your chest. At the top we take a short pause to contract the chest muscles. Raise your knees slightly. Don't skip the negative phase, do everything slowly. Don't swing.

100 push-ups program

Short description:

Selection of training program, rest timer, statistics, reminders

Training course 100 push-ups - personal push-up trainer.

Due to numerous requests from users of the 50 pull-ups program, we are pleased to introduce the “100 push-ups” program. This is a similar program, includes a training program, quick statistics, and reminders. It is recommended to use it in combination with the 50 push-ups program.

If you have any suggestions or wishes regarding our applications, please write to us at our contact email.

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Post edited by iMiKED

– 09.03.20, 12:35

Home workout program for dips (mistakes)

  1. error, skipping a negative phase. Using inertia you destroy the negative phase, and this is half the exercise.
  2. error, body deviation back. Not any rocking.
  3. mistake, very strong forward lean.

To summarize, the push-up home training program is an effective training program. The main thing is the execution technique. Push-ups are a strong compound exercise that you can use to improve your body. Play sports at home and in the gym, take care of your health and adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

Endurance and relief work

When performing endurance push-ups, you need to increase the pace above average. The number of exercises should be maximum, and the time between approaches, on the contrary, can be increased. It is important to monitor your breathing and distribute the force correctly. The best option is to alternate between heavy and light exercises.

For endurance and definition, weighted squats and push-ups involving a large number of muscles are good options. To achieve relief, it is important to follow a diet. The bulk of the exercises should be strength training.

Push-up home workout program

A home workout program, push-ups, is an effective way to get in shape.
Using a wide variety of push-up methods, you can create a training process that serves any purpose. Let's look at the training plan in more detail: workout program at home, push-ups for fat burning. A high-intensity push-up home workout program will consist of 6 exercises. We will perform each exercise for a minute, the exercises sequentially one after the other, with 45 seconds of rest between them. Three circles of such exercises, 2 minutes of rest between circles.


Like any workout, a push-up training program at home begins with a warm-up.
Stretch your cervical spine and lower back well (circular movements, bends, turns). Do a little stretching, stretch your muscles and ligaments. Stretch your knee and ankle joints. Warm-up is a very important part as we must prepare our body well for the upcoming loads. Give directions to our central nervous system, and prepare our brain for active activity.

Main part

1. Exercise: classic push-ups

Place your arms slightly wider than your shoulders, straight back, lower your chest and touch the floor, rise and fully straighten your arms at the elbow joints. We perform the exercise for one minute. Rest for 45 seconds and move on to the next exercise.

2. Exercise: squats

Let's include legs and buttocks in our workout. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms in front of you. We perform a squat just below parallel to the floor, the back is straight, the toe does not go beyond the knee. We rise and fully straighten the knee joint. We perform the exercise for a minute, rest for 45 seconds and move on to the next exercise.

3. Exercise: close grip push-ups

Narrow stance of the arms, the elbow joint runs along the body. The triceps are included in the work. We try to lower our body as low as possible and touch the floor. When lifting, fully straighten your arms at the elbow joint. We work for a minute, rest for 45 seconds.

4. Exercise: Jumping from a low squat

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head. We lower ourselves into a squat and perform a jump. Watch your back position. The back is straight, we follow the breathing.

5. Exercise: opposite push-ups

This option makes each arm work more intensely and works the shoulder joint well. The starting position of the arms is slightly wider than the shoulders, lower the body to the left hand, and return to the starting position. Next, we lower the body to the right hand and return to the starting position. We perform the exercise for a minute, rest for 45 seconds and move on to the next final exercise.

6. Exercise: Burpee

Classic exercise. Watch your breathing and perform the exercise efficiently. Effective exercise involves all the muscles in our body. The starting position of the legs is shoulder width apart. Next, we move to the squat position, perform a prone position, do push-ups, and through the squat return to the starting position. From a squat position we perform a jump.

We rest for two minutes, restore our breathing, and move on to the second round of our circuit training.

Example program for advanced level

For experienced athletes, a training program should be drawn up for every day. In this case, one program should not be worked on for more than a month. The main emphasis for the advanced level should be aimed at maximizing the development of a large muscle group, the formation of relief and a strong, healthy and beautiful body.

Sample plan:

  • 1 day. Be sure to warm up and smoothly transition to push-ups. 15 push-ups, 4 sets. Exercises are performed with weights and with a narrow grip. You can alternate these exercises with push-ups: 1 set of 50 times.
  • Day 2. After warming up, perform a random exercise 100 times. The break can be no more than 2 minutes.
  • Day 3. Perform push-ups with a wide grip and a medium grip as many times as possible. During breaks, abdominal exercises are done.
  • Day 4 Deep push-ups – 3 sets of 20 reps and close-grip push-ups – 3 sets of 12 reps. During breaks, perform squats - 3 sets of 30 times.

Adjustments can be made to the program depending on individual characteristics and the goal. To speed up muscle building, it is important to follow a proper diet. It should include carbohydrates and proteins.

At the same time, it is best to eat lean meats that are cooked the right way: without frying, smoking or using trans fats. You should also give up high-calorie sauces and fast food.

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