Synthol - consequences of use and synthol freaks. What do Bazooka Hands lead to?

Synthol - what is it?

Synthol is a non-anabolic drug used to locally increase muscle volume. The key word here is “local”. That is, this substance increases only those muscles into which it is injected. Moreover, the drug itself has an oil base and, after administration, remains in the muscles forever .

It is curious that the mechanism of action of synthol has not been fully studied. However, this does not prevent its use by athletes seeking rapid muscle growth. Presumably, the oil, after injection, flows around the muscle fibers, then hardens and fills the space between them. It is thanks to this effect that a local increase in muscle mass is achieved.

It is worth noting that synthol is a foreign substance for our body. Therefore, with frequent administration of the substance, an inflammatory reaction occurs, sometimes accompanied by high fever and excruciating pain .

The composition of synthol itself is also interesting. It contains:

  • triglycerides , which are synthetic fat. Most often, this component is coconut or sesame oil . However, in reality, anything can appear instead of these oils;
  • benzyl alcohol is a preservative that is extremely dangerous for the body . When administered intramuscularly, this substance can cause jaundice and toxic brain damage;
  • lidocaine is an anesthetic added to the drug to make the injection of oil less painful.

Why synthol is dangerous - the consequences of frequent injections

After the above, we can say with confidence that the use of synthol is extremely dangerous to health. Moreover, death can occur even with the first administration of the drug . The fact is that few athletes who decide to “puff up” in this way know how to correctly administer intramuscular injections. After all, accidentally introducing oil into a blood vessel leads to its blockage. And if measures are not taken in time, the person will simply die .

In addition, administration of synthol in horse doses can lead to gangrene and amputation of limbs . The trick is that the body responds to the administration of the drug with serious inflammation. At the same time, a person’s temperature rises up to 40 degrees. At the same time, severe pain appears throughout the body, and pus forms in the muscles enlarged with the help of synthol. This condition can easily lead to blood poisoning, coupled with the death of the affected muscles . And, unfortunately, the outcome in such cases is almost always sad.

Famous "syntholists"

Greg Valentino

With this man, the era of mass use of synthol among athletes and others began. Of course, Greg is not the first to use drugs of this kind. However, it was he who popularized synthol injections.

Greg Valentino became famous thanks to his 69 cm hands . And of course, these sizes were increased due to many years of using synthol along with anabolic steroids . Due to his obsession with such drugs, Greg received the nickname "Mr. Synthol" and became popular in wider circles.

Greg's life can hardly be called ordinary. This man fought, killed people, had affairs with transsexuals, used drugs and served time in prison for drug trafficking. However, imprisonment did not do him any good. And after his release, he continued the injections.

As a result, the synthol epic ended for Valentino with a biceps rupture, which almost made him disabled. However, doctors saved the athlete’s hand. After which Greg stopped using synthol and began working on his autobiography, which, by the way, is not finished yet.

Romario Dos Santos Alves

Romario Dos Santos is also known for his addiction to synthol. The Brazilian Hulk, as the locals called him, came close to matching Mr. Valentino's results. At 25 years old, his biceps measured 65 cm . As in the case of Greg, such volumes were the result of frequent use of synthol in gigantic quantities.

Romario's synthol addiction almost brought him to his grave. Due to his swollen muscles, it was difficult for the Brazilian to carry out even household chores. At the same time, the muscles into which the injections were given began to “burn with fire” due to prolonged inflammation. Against this background, the guy developed unbearable pain throughout his body. And at these moments, Romario seriously thought about taking his own life once and for all.

The Brazilian Hulk was very lucky - his suicide attempt failed. But soon after, he was hospitalized with kidney failure and muscle necrosis. At the hospital, the doctors scared the guy with the amputation and said that if he didn’t stop using synthol, he would never be able to hug his loving wife again. And without thinking twice, Romario stopped synthol injections forever.

Kirill Tereshin

The icing on the cake on our list is the mega-star of the Russian Internet - Kirill Tereshin , also known by his nickname “ Bazooka Hands ”. Kirill is a 21-year-old guy from Pyatigorsk who decided to turn himself into a freak with the help of heavy doses of synthol. The young man began his transformation with the transformation of his biceps. Thanks to injections of the drug, his arms grew up to 60 cm in volume in just one month . And such a result is possible only with a multiple increase in the dosage of synthol.

After videos featuring Kirill were released on social networks, he was overwhelmed by a wave of popularity. He became the star of television programs and various Internet shows. The guy quickly realized that he could make good money from his fame. Therefore, I made all my interviews and appearances on programs paid. And by modest standards, this type of income brings Tereshin up to half a million rubles a month!

However, there is another side to the coin. Kirill still experiences serious health problems associated with the use of synthol. According to the guy, for about six months his body temperature has been stable at 38.5 degrees. At the same time, the hands themselves acquired a purple tint , which indicates tissue necrosis and inflammation.

No one knows how Kirill’s story will end. However, we can say for sure that synthol injections will not lead to any good.

People affected by synthol

Despite all the possible consequences of using synthol, for naive athletes it remains a magic wand in the process of muscle growth. All athletes turn into bloated donuts with blistering biceps. Here are fatal stories that demonstrate how unhappy the victims of synthol in bodybuilding are.

  • Romario Dos Santos Alves is a 25-year-old bodybuilder from Brazil. Since childhood, the guy dreamed of becoming like the Hulk, so he started going to the gym. Over time, the boy realized that his natural abilities would not allow him to achieve the desired volumes, after which he began to use Synthol. Due to the use of the drug, Romario received huge arm volumes of 63.5 centimeters, but the terrifying effects of synthol appeared, from which the guy almost lost both arms.

Like a real drug addict, after the first injection he could not refuse to continue the course; he repeated and repeated the injections until the doctors gave him a terrible diagnosis, according to which a man’s arms could be amputated. Romario was lucky; doctors managed to pump the drug out of his tissues. Due to identified health problems, he lost his job as a bodyguard, and his wife promised to leave him if her husband did not stop injecting himself with all sorts of nasty things. Children on the street were afraid of Romario, considering him a terrible monster. Now everything is in the past, he continues to play sports, but assures that he has given up synthol forever.

  • Greg Valentino is a shocking face in bodybuilding. Born in the USA in 1960. This man went down in the history of bodybuilding as the owner of the largest biceps - 69 cm. The life of this man was far from easy, he went in for sports from his youth, was a husband and father. After he got involved with the drug business, he lost both his job and his family. Greg took and distributed drugs and was imprisoned for it. After starting to take synthol, his muscles began to grow by leaps and bounds. Doctors feared for his health, but the amateur athlete was not frightened even by the prospect of possible amputation of his limbs. Now the bodybuilder's hands have been operated on, removing all the fluid from the muscles, leaving only ugly scars.

  • Klaus Dohring has long called himself the most “voluminous” bodybuilder in the world. His muscle circumference is 68.5 cm. This man is a veteran of using synthol. However, the main places of punctures in his body are the biceps and deltoids, and today “chemists” puncture the body everywhere. All his life, Klaus was very jealous of Greg Valentino, tried to remain unattainable, but lost both his place and his health.

  • Klaus Kaack is called an old man who escaped from a madhouse, and in the process “stolen” a bucket of synthol. Evil tongues call swollen hands “lanterns” of a lady’s dress. It is difficult to even discern in which part of the elderly body there is no drug for muscle growth. The calf muscles, back, buttocks, arms - everything is systematically pierced and filled with synthol.

  • Mustafa Mohammed is Mr. Syntholic Quadriceps. The athlete lived on the drugs for several years, the use affected not only his biceps (55 cm), but also his health - dizziness, weakness, cramps.

  • Mustafa Ismail in 2013 became a record holder in the Guinness Book of Records, as his biceps measured 78.74 centimeters. It is believed that the bodybuilder began taking the drug not from the beginning of his career, but after moving to the United States. When those around him began to admire the Egyptian’s sculpted muscles, he began to intensively develop this particular area.

Rumor has it that the athlete now lifts 225 kg for biceps. The athlete himself convinces that his figure is completely natural, but skeptics point to an imbalance between the arms and the rest of the athlete’s body.

  • Anthony D'Arezzo has gone too far. In pursuit of the aesthetic beauty of the body, athletes often forget about internal health. Since birth, Anthony suffered from cardiomyopathy (myocardial disease). The athlete did not give a damn about doctors’ orders not to engage in bodybuilding, and in 2006 he began lifting weights again and continued taking steroids. The night before the show, the man died.

  • Gordon Kimbrough became a victim of the reaction of growth hormone, synthol and other drugs on his character. Family members described him as a quiet, calm person, but after several courses of treatment he changed dramatically. In a fit of rage, he killed his fiancee Christy Ramsay because she decided to leave for someone else. The police caught the bodybuilder the next day attempting to inject himself with a deadly poison in his neck.

  • Flex Wheeler. Weightlifter, synthol man, known throughout the world. All his life this athlete has been sculpting his own body. The training took several hours every day, and stopped only after the car accident that Flex got into. The training had to start from scratch. Taking steroids turned the athlete's body into an atlas for the study of muscles. Now the former bodybuilder is not engaged in bodybuilding, but has retrained as a sports journalist. Perhaps his fate is one of the few non-tragic ones that people with synthol in their muscles can boast of.

The most famous freak, Big Lenny, cannot be included in this sad list, because synthol is absent from the mass of chemicals he takes.

Synthol is banned by all bodybuilding federations due to the frightening side effects and consequences of taking it. Naive “chemists” sacrifice not only their health, but also their own lives, over and over again, driving a needle with a drug into a muscle. Is a swollen, calloused muscle worth several years of life? The decision is yours.

How to increase muscle volume without synthol?

Synthol gives only the imaginary illusion of large muscles . After all, in fact, it is a foreign substance in our body, with which the body mercilessly fights. Taking it is simply dangerous to health, and synthol muscles look, to put it mildly, not aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, athletes who want natural muscles should use natural products.

Leveton Forte is excellent for the role of a safe and effective product . This drug promotes rapid muscle growth and strength. And its action is due to the special components included in the composition:

  • Leuzea root increases muscle anabolism and physical performance. The underground part of the plant contains 65 ecdysteroids - phytohormones that accelerate muscle hypertrophy and improve strength;
  • Drone homogenate is a beekeeping product that increases testosterone and grows muscles. This ingredient contains entomological hormones , from which the body builds its own androgens, including testosterone. And the latter, as you already know, promotes muscle growth;
  • bee pollen contains vitamins and minerals necessary for muscle growth;
  • Vitamins C and E protect muscles from destruction under stress.

Thanks to its components, Leveton Forte demonstrates high efficiency and safety even with long-term use.

Hana bazookas. The synthol muscleman from Pyatigorsk got frustrated and deleted Instagram (but then brought it back)

Kirill Tereshin from Pyatigorsk, who became famous for his huge biceps made with injections, published photos in which his arms have greatly decreased in volume. In a few days of fame, he managed to be on the air with Andrei Malakhov and received an offer to act in porn. And now he’s trolling his subscribers.

Having ripped muscles that you can show off on social media and impress people on the streets is the dream of many young people. Some achieve muscle growth through intense training and increased nutrition, like actor James McAvoy, who for the sake of a new role turned from a skinny guy into a seasoned mixfighter. Others choose a simpler method.


21-year-old Kirill Tereshin from Pyatigorsk decided to “pump up” his biceps with injections and actively posted photos of growing volumes on Instagram and other social networks. In November, Tereshin became famous: he was nicknamed “bazooka hands” (in honor of the YouTube channel on which he asked for money for further upgrades) and “synthol jock.”

Media began to write and film stories about Tereshin. It ended with him being invited to Andrei Malakhov’s “Live Broadcast” program. He showed up at the studio with several other freaks, including a model who got size 17 breasts. The young man and his mother told the story of their hobby.

Tereshin had been dreaming about pumping up his muscles since his time in the army. After demobilization, he began to look for different ways to increase muscle volume and quite quickly found a simple and financially accessible one: taking synthol injections.


Tereshin chose Romario Dos Santos Alves from Brazil as a role model. This man actively injected synthol and also became famous on the Internet, but then he began to suffer from severe pain throughout his body, went through several operations, fell into depression and almost committed suicide.

Synthol is a drug that consists of 80 percent vegetable oil, to which lidocaine is added for pain relief and benzyl alcohol for preservation. In fact, it is a strong poison. The injections cause the muscles to greatly increase in volume, but this threatens loss of health, and if the drug is abused, amputation. In order to survive synthol injections relatively safely, you need to pump it back out after posing and photographing.

Tereshin started with biceps, but then, after registering the most voluminous arms in Russia, he dreamed of injecting synthol into various parts of the body, primarily into the calf muscles. Doctors and fitness experts warned him that long-term synthol injections were very dangerous to health. But Tereshin insisted on continuing the course. This gave rise to memes on social networks that ridiculed the young man.

Last week, Tereshin posted a photo on Instagram, judging by which, he really began to have health problems. The skin on my hands turned very red.


Soon the young man deleted his Instagram. And on the morning of Sunday, December 10, he reported on VK that he no longer had bazooka hands.

Kirill Tereshin

Khan's bazookas, deleted along with Instagram.

True, Instagram soon started working again, and all the photos and videos on it remained in place. What operation, if any, was performed on Tereshin, after which his arms decreased in volume, he did not explain. It is also unclear why there are plastic bags on the biceps.

A few hours later it turned out that it was all trolling (perhaps Tereshin posted an old photo with compresses on his hands). Bazookas are here to stay.

Kirill Tereshin

Bazookas are alive, bazookas will live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now there is no faith in any of Tereshin’s stories, even the one in which he reported that the Americans offered him to act in porn for 350 thousand dollars. Kirill refused because he was allegedly embarrassed, but he was ready to agree when he had finished his entire body with synthol.

People do strange things to attract the attention of others with their appearance. An Iranian Instagram blogger allegedly had 50 surgeries to look like Angelina Jolie, but then admitted it was all a joke. After major media outlets believed the story (yes, us too), she began receiving hundreds of comments, with many fearing for her health.

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