How to do push-ups correctly to get beautiful and toned arms: exercises

Push-ups are a bodyweight strength exercise that are key to developing upper body muscles. Regularly performing push-ups not only increases your endurance and strengthens individual muscle groups, but also helps tone your entire body.


Do you want to learn how to do push-ups, are you looking for a ready-made diagram and the correct push-up technique? Or just want to know about the effectiveness of this exercise?

We offer you the most complete guide to push-ups in one article, as well as step-by-step instructions on how to learn push-ups from scratch.

Push-ups: how to do them correctly

Push-ups are the most popular bodyweight exercise. It is used not only in strength training, but also in plyometric exercises, CrossFit, Pilates, callanetics and even yoga. And such versatility of push-ups

easy to explain. Push-ups help you engage every muscle group from your neck to your toes, and especially strengthen your pectoral muscles, shoulder girdle, triceps, and abs.

There are many different types of push-ups, but before moving on to more complex modifications of this exercise, let's understand the technique of performing classic push-ups. The correct form of exercise is not only maximum results and high-quality muscle work, but also reduces the risk of injuries and damage

during classes.

Correct technique during classic push-ups:

  • The body forms a straight line, the pelvis does not go up and does not bend down.
  • The abdominal muscles are tense, but breathing is not held.
  • The head is in a neutral position, not looking down, but not lifting up either.
  • The palms are strictly under the shoulders and do not go forward.
  • Palms face forward, parallel to each other.
  • The elbows are turned back 45 degrees, they are not spread out to the side.
  • As you exhale, bend your elbows and lower your body parallel to the floor, maintaining a straight line of your body.
  • Push-ups are performed with full amplitude, i.e. the body drops as low as possible. Elbows should form a right angle.

It is this technique of classic push-ups that helps to evenly work the muscles of the shoulders, chest and triceps.

Push-ups work several muscle groups at once. This exercise allows you to work all the muscles of the shoulder girdle and the small stabilizing muscles of the shoulder. Also, push-ups from the floor and from the knees develop strength and elasticity of the shoulder muscles,

which is especially important since the shoulder joint is extremely unstable and susceptible to displacement and injury.

Push-ups help work the following muscle groups:

  • Pectoralis major muscle
  • Deltoids (shoulders)
  • Triceps
  • Serratus anterior muscle
  • Abdominal muscles

In addition, during push-ups, the muscles of the legs, buttocks and back are indirectly involved in the work. Push-ups also increase functional strength.

necessary to perform regularly performed actions (lifting and moving objects, cleaning the house, holding a child in your arms).

Training principles

During classes you need to adhere to certain rules. You can’t start doing exercises without first warming up your muscles. The best way to do this is jogging. It is enough to spend 15-20 minutes running. If there is no stadium or park area nearby, you can purchase a treadmill. Before you start doing push-ups, you need to stretch your hands. Only after this should you start doing push-ups.

How to lose at least 2 kilograms with push-ups

Quick weight loss fitness at home, push-ups.

Push-up pattern for quick weight loss at home. Let's see!

Lose weight quickly and increase stamina with Tabata training.

6 exercises for losing weight at home - exercises for burning fat at home

You should start with 2-3 series of 10 push-ups. Breaks between episodes are 1.5-2 minutes. To achieve results you need to get out of your comfort zone. The growth of muscle tissue and the burning of fat occurs only when a person works, overcoming himself. Therefore, you should always do 1 time more than you can.

In the absence of activity and necessary stress, the skin on the hands loses its tone and begins to sag. This happens when muscle fibers relax, they become flabby, flabby and sagging skin spoils the appearance and figure, especially if you wear open blouses and dresses.

the site is in a hurry to please women with the fact that a set of exercises and the right approach to performing them are guaranteed to help you lose weight in your shoulders and tighten sagging skin on your arms. So, let's look at home exercises for losing weight in your arms and the features of constructing a training plan.

The main mistakes in the technique of classic push-ups

Push-ups are not as simple an exercise as it seems at first glance. Errors in technique are made not only by practitioners, but even by coaches! Improperly performing push-ups can lead to injuries to the wrists, shoulder and elbow joints, as well as pain in the neck, back and lower back.

If you can't maintain proper form during push-ups, drop to your knees or reduce the number of reps! Train yourself to do this exercise correctly from the very first time you do it.

How to lose weight in your arms and shoulders

Even with active physical activity and rapid weight loss, the arms and shoulders decrease in volume much more slowly than all other problem areas. Therefore, do not forget about performing special exercises for the arms and shoulders to get rid of fat deposits. Note that women's arms are much weaker than men's muscles. It is not so easy to pump up massive arms for a woman; this will require 6-7 times more training than for a man.

Many ladies are afraid to do special exercises to lose weight on their arms for fear of building up muscles and losing their femininity in their shoulders and posture. Firstly, to really increase muscle mass that much, a woman will need to not only do planks or push-ups, but also exercise on machines in the gym. If you just want to tighten your skin and lose weight in your arms, home exercises with dumbbells, yoga asanas aimed at your arms, exercises with a chair or your own weight will be enough.

In order for your arms to lose weight and your muscles to become toned, you need to focus your energy on working out 3 main muscle groups: biceps, triceps and deltoid muscles.

How to learn to do push-ups from scratch: a ready-made plan

It's okay if you've never done push-ups before or had a long break from fitness and have lost this skill. Anyone can learn to do push-ups, regardless of gender or age!

Of course, you'll need regular practice, but learning how to do push-ups is not as difficult as, say, doing pull-ups.

The most important thing to remember if you want to learn how to do push-ups efficiently and effectively: you must always follow the correct technique.

from the very first repetition of the exercise. Even if you start with simple variations of the exercise, remember to use proper form and technique.

In order to start doing push-ups from scratch, we offer you a step-by-step program for beginners. Thanks to this scheme, everyone can learn push-ups!

A ready-made diagram of how to learn to do push-ups for beginners

In order to learn how to do push-ups, you will need to master 3 levels of push-ups

. You need to exercise daily, you need to perform 3-4 approaches with the maximum number of repetitions in each approach. Perhaps your first attempts will not allow you to do more than 5-10 push-ups, but every day you will progress.

If you feel like you haven't made the progress you want at the end of the week, then continue doing the same push-up modification for another week. It’s better to move to the next difficulty level after you can do 30-40 push-ups without interruption

. Don't forget about the correct push-up technique!

Week 1: Wall push-ups

Wall push-ups are an exercise that everyone can do. These vertical push-ups are a great introductory exercise that will help you master push-ups later on.

Week 2: Knee push-ups

The next level is knee push-ups. Please note that even when doing push-ups from the knees, the body should maintain a straight line, the pelvis should not go up.

Week 3: Push-ups

Once you have mastered knee push-ups, you can move on to bench push-ups. Attention, there is a nuance here. The higher the bench, the easier it will be for you to do push-ups. Therefore, you can change the height of the surface, thereby slowly preparing yourself for push-ups from the floor.

Week 4: Push-ups

After three weeks of regular push-ups, your body will be ready for push-ups. Remember that it is better to do fewer repetitions, but with full amplitude (elbows should bend 90 degrees).

You can continue to progress in push-ups by choosing the option with your feet resting on the bench

. There are also various more complex modifications of the exercises, which will be discussed below.

How many times should you do push-ups: ready-made push-up patterns

We emphasize once again that you should never chase quantity while neglecting quality. In addition, you don't always need to strive for more repetitions. How many times you need to do push-ups depends on your goals.

So, there are several possible situations:

1. If you want to pump up

and increase muscle mass in volume, then move towards increasing weight and complexity. For example, use barbell plates or elevate your feet on a bench. Training scheme: 10-12 repetitions of 3-4 approaches.

2. If you want to lose weight

and get relief, then move towards increasing the number of repetitions. Perform 15-25 repetitions in 5 sets. You can increase the total number of push-ups weekly or move on to more complex modifications.

3. If you want to develop endurance

and functional strength, then also move towards increasing the number of repetitions and choosing more complex modifications of floor push-ups, including plyometrics.

An example of a ready-made push-up scheme for increasing endurance and losing weight:

An example of a ready-made push-up scheme to increase muscle mass:

Do push-ups correctly

Try to add more variety of exercises to your workout routine. If you really want to do push-ups, try different types of push-ups instead of repeating the same thing every day. Plank push-ups, bent push-ups, and incline push-ups are all great options. They work the same set of muscles and provide the same benefits. Adding variation to your workout routine will keep you from getting bored and your health from suffering.

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What does the metabolic bonus give? You are losing weight!

Constant, fairly noticeable exercise throughout the day stimulates (accelerates) well and is generally very natural. Let me remind you that metabolic rate is the rate at which you burn calories at rest. The higher it is, the slimmer and more active the person is. The faster your metabolism, the faster you lose weight!

Moreover, if you use a combination of squats and push-ups, performing them one after the other, you get another important and useful effect - stimulation of adrenaline production. This is (along with cortisol) the best friend of a person who wants to get rid of extra pounds, since it helps remove fat from fat cells.

Other useful exercises

There are a lot of very expensive exercises that significantly boost your metabolism. Moreover, most of them are available even to completely unsportsmanlike people who are overweight. For example, walking, burpees (at least in a simplified form), step-ups, back lunges, thrusters.

Just try to achieve greater quantitative indicators in them every day or at least every other day!


Just walk whenever and wherever possible. At least 1 hour a day!

I have a separate post dedicated to this type of useful activity -


Don’t rush to give up this “terrible” exercise right away! Try it! It's not as difficult as it seems. You just need to do everything carefully, slowly and gradually increase the load. And you won’t be able to compare with me in doing burpees for a long time. I've been training for a very long time. I can do it more than 500 times without stopping... I wish the same for you! Details about the exercise in this article - By the way, the article contains a simplified version of the exercise.


This is also a rather difficult exercise, but if you learn to do it at least 20 times per set, you can be sure that you will lose weight and be in great shape. There is a separate post about the exercise -.

Back Lunges with Arm Curls

Back lunges with dumbbell curls.
Start. Back lunges with dumbbell curls. Finish. Lunges are much easier to do than other exercises. But be sure to watch your knees. Don't bring them too far forward. Detailed description of lunges.

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