The most effective exercises for the inner thighs

Bella Hadid Yulia Dzhusupova, trainer at Reboot sports studios :
“Most often, the appearance of fat in the inner thigh area depends on three factors: genetics, a sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition. To solve this problem, a comprehensive solution is required, including regular exercise, proper nutrition and recovery (good sleep). In addition, you can include wraps and massages with a dry brush. But it is better to avoid cupping massage, since the skin of the inner thigh is very delicate and can be easily damaged.

Remember: there is no local fat burning, so you need to train your entire legs, working the outer, inner and back thighs, as well as the gluteal muscles. Only in this case will you have beautiful legs.

A workout for the inner thigh should not include exercises with heavy weights, as there is a risk that you will not tighten this area, but, on the contrary, will pump it up, visually increasing in volume. If you don’t want this, then adopt a few simple exercises for all muscle groups in your legs with minimal weight.”

Exercise to work the inner thigh: hip adduction while lying on your side

How to do it:

Lie on one side with your elbow resting. The upper leg is bent at the knee and stands in front; the lower (working) straight, the knee is soft (slightly bent), the foot is contracted towards itself. As you exhale, lift your working leg, and as you inhale, lower it down. The movement is performed through the hip joint. During the exercise, make sure that the foot of your working leg is constantly parallel to the floor. And one more thing: do not put your leg completely on the floor (the muscles should be constantly tense). First perform the exercise on one leg, then on the other.

How many times to do:

3 sets of 15 reps on each leg.

Proper nutrition for slender thighs

  • Drink two glasses of water in the morning and another 8 glasses of water throughout the day.
  • You can replace water with herbal tea. No other drinks are allowed.
  • Avoid all grains and grains, but half a bowl of brown rice a day is okay.
  • Eat lots of fresh fruit
  • Avoid sugar and sugar-containing foods. The best replacement is stevia.
  • Eat 4 servings of protein per day. The serving size is the size of your fist.
  • Consume 2 tablespoons of oil daily. Oils can be any: olive, coconut, flax seed, unrefined nut oils.
  • Avoid all dairy products. Replacement: whey protein with water and fruit.
  • Try eating more organic foods. Enjoy what you eat.
  • Eat every 3 hours.
  • Add fish oil and probiotics to your diet.

By following these recommendations, you will get not only thin, but also cellulite-free legs.

Sample program

An example of a program of effective exercises for the inner thigh:

  • Warm up.
  • Plie squats – 4*12.
  • Leg abduction in the simulator – 4*12.
  • Superset: lying leg raise, side hip adduction – 5 sets of each movement with 30 second breaks.
  • Standing leg abduction.

At the end there is a stretching complex.


If you find that your hips are not as slender and beautiful as you would like, and you are trying to correct this particular part of the body, you should immediately understand: losing weight only in a specific place (in this case, only in the hips) will not work.

This is due to the structural features of the body. Therefore, to achieve a good result and to remove hips, it is important to follow three main components.

What are ears and why are they so hard to get rid of? Read
How to lose weight without ruining your health?
How to lose weight in the hips (remove the inner part, against the breeches and reduce the overall volume):

  • To remove ears from the thighs, it is necessary to perform physical exercises for the internal muscles;
  • proper diet (it is important to monitor your food intake);
  • an additional set of procedures (massage, exercises for swelling and lymph stagnation).

So, let’s look at the main question: how should you remove the ears on your hips? What are the main points of working on yourself?

In the process of losing weight, it is important to remember a few rules:

  1. Avoid strict mono-diets and complete refusal to eat.
  2. Prepare for the process of losing weight mentally and physically.

    Many people often miss this point, although it is really important. Before you start losing weight, you need to consult a doctor (especially if you have chronic diseases) and prepare yourself mentally for a long campaign to combat problem areas.

  3. Maintain drinking regime.
  4. Take into account your own physiology (with a height of 175 cm, a person weighing 48 kg will look disproportionate in most cases).
  5. Do not strive for quick results (you cannot lose 5 kg in a week without damaging your health! Normal weight loss in a month is 4 kg for an average build).

IMPORTANT : the main requirement for losing weight, in addition to doing physical exercise and monitoring your diet, is to maintain calorie consumption.

You need to adhere to the principle: calorie consumption, i.e. energy consumed must exceed intake. To do this you need to calculate two numbers:

  1. Daily calorie intake.
  2. Calculate your daily calorie deficit.

For example, the daily requirement is 2000 calories. Your weight is 56 kg. A calorie deficit can be a maximum of 20%, so to lose weight you will need to consume 1600 kcal .

Metabolism. Daily diet for weight loss

How to achieve a calorie deficit:

  • perform physical exercises;
  • observe restrictions on the consumption of high-calorie foods.

There is a whole range of physical exercises for the gym and at home to reduce the volume of the hips and buttocks, as well as get rid of ears. What are these effective exercises for quickly losing weight on your thighs, legs, buttocks:


Initial position:

feet shoulder-width apart, squat, hands clasped in front of the chest.

Number of repetitions:


Number of approaches:


Do three squats, and on the fourth, take a short jump, lifting your legs off the floor. Pay attention to your knees: when squatting, they should not “go beyond” your toes.

Legs like Kendall: squat exercise for beautiful hips

Physical exercises for losing weight, tightening and strengthening the leg muscles of women and men

To tighten the muscles in this part of the legs, you can perform several exercises that directly load it.
But this will not solve the problem properly. Some positive changes will be noticeable quickly: the muscles will become stronger, they will be toned, this will tighten sagging skin, but the problem can be completely solved only by performing a number of measures. Physical exercise will strengthen your legs, but only in combination with a regimen and diet can you achieve the maximum goal. This is the only way to build the desired figure. In addition, it is worth remembering that it is impossible to burn fat locally, so to reduce body fat, you should pay attention to training the whole body, rather than its individual parts.

Be sure to check out:

Anatomy of the inner thigh muscles

The muscles of the inner thigh lag behind others in development due to their purpose. They are adductors and perform slightly different functions than other muscle groups of the lower extremities. They are only involved during hip adduction. This is a fairly rare movement not only in everyday activities, but also in fitness and bodybuilding. For the majority of even very well-trained girls, this part of the body remains out of tone. It is often called problematic. The reason for this is that it is the inner thigh that is not trained separately, and therefore lags behind the others.

If the main goal is a beautiful and toned body, it is necessary to review the training program. It should include exercises that also work the inner thighs. This applies to every workout. In cases of severe lag in this area, it is necessary to devote a separate training day to such exercises. Prolonged ignoring of this recommendation leads to pronounced “lethargy” of this adductor muscle. A similar approach should be followed by all girls who want to get a gap between the thighs (thigh gap), which is considered one of the criteria for the aesthetics of a female silhouette.

Wide squats

Every leg workout should include different variations of squats . This particular movement targets the lower body , including the inner and outer thighs. But to truly engage your thigh muscles, you must do deep squats with your legs turned outward.

Josha Kruvand, founder and owner of Kru Strength + Fitness, specifically points to a 2010 study that assessed squat depth and hip external rotation. The purpose of the study was to analyze the participation of a group of abductors during the squat. Research has shown that deeper squats and squats with at least 30 degrees of external rotation (obtained by slightly externally rotating the toes) were much more focused on the abductor group than squats with less knee bend and hip internal rotation. [1]

What does this mean to you? At least some of your squats should look like this:

  1. Place your feet wide, or slightly wider than the width of your shoulders. Point your toes outward about 30-50 degrees . Tighten your core and control your position, making sure your shoulders are back and your back is straight. Keep your hip muscles behind you and squat down, keeping the weight in your heels.
  2. As you bend your knees, tighten your abductor group so you are holding them in line with your toes.
  3. When you have flexed your hip muscles 90 degrees , stop and then return to the starting position with your weight on your heels, stretching your knees and hip muscles.

You can perform this exercise with weights (large dumbbells, small dumbbells, kettlebells) or without added weights. More important than the weights you choose is that you maintain an ideal stance by keeping your knees in the same position as your fingers.

Top Tips for Toned Hips

  • Get a pedometer. Aim for 5,000 to 10,000 steps daily.
  • Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs.
  • Start jumping rope. This will help you burn calories, increase your agility, and get results faster.
  • Get around the city by bike.
  • Do scissoring. Lie on your back, lift your legs up and start swinging them crosswise to the sides.
  • Perhaps you should start dancing.
  • Make friends with lunges and squats - they are the most effective exercises to improve your thighs.
  • Lunges strengthen the hamstrings, quads, and glutes. While squats work the thighs and buttocks.
  • You can drink Yerba mate. This is a tea that has been clinically proven effective in burning fat.
  • Eat more plant-based protein to boost your metabolism.
  • Try high interval training (HIIT). They require less time than cardio and tone your thighs.

Sumo Deadlift

The sumo deadlift is based on a similar leg position to a wide squat. However, it is the external rotation of the hip muscles that leads to increased involvement of the inner and outer thighs. “Compared to a regular deadlift, the sumo deadlift allows for more active recruitment of the external muscles and puts more emphasis on stabilizing the internal muscles ,” says Lindsay Cormack, powerlifter and CrossFit coach. “When performing sumo deadlifts, you may feel less stable at first, but you will also be trying to maintain balance , which allows to effectively train both the abductors and adductors.”

  1. Stand behind a prepared barbell with your feet wide apart and your toes pointing outward. Tighten your core and keep your shoulders back to maintain proper stance. An alternative would be to use a kettlebell or dumbbell.
  1. Keep your hip muscles behind you and lean forward, releasing your shoulders to grab the weight. Bend your knees and squat your butt flat to the ground. Inhale deeply and as you exhale, bend down on your heels and try to extend your knees and thigh muscles to stand up.
  1. Push your psoas forward at the top of the movement, squeeze your shoulder blades together and push your chest forward.
  1. Repeat the movement in the same way, pushing your hip muscles back before bending your knees and lowering your sit muscles toward the ground.

If you haven't practiced this exercise yet, you will probably have sore muscles after your first workout . This is a sign that your thigh muscles really need more attention.

General recommendations

To increase the effectiveness of exercises, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • Any movements should not lead to straightening of the knee. This puts more stress on the joints but reduces stress on the muscles.
  • Performing exercises should be accompanied by a concentration of tension on the inner thigh. This will allow you to turn off the remaining muscles.
  • You should not chase the number of repetitions. It is enough to do 5 approaches with 2-3 exercises twice a week.

The recommended number of repetitions for each move is from 12 to 20 times.

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