Beautiful women's legs: a part of the body adored by men

The ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras (6th century BC) introduced the concept of the “golden section” into scientific use. According to one version, Pythagoras borrowed his knowledge of the “golden division” from the Egyptians and Babylonians. In fact, the proportions of the Cheops pyramid, temples, bas-reliefs, household items and jewelry from the tomb of Tutankhamun indicate that Egyptian craftsmen used the “golden section” ratios when creating them. In the ancient literature that has come down to us, the “golden division” was first mentioned in Euclid’s Elements.

The “golden ratio” is the division of a segment into two parts so that the longer part is related to the shorter one in the same way as this entire segment is related to the long one. This concept is taken from ancient Greek mathematics, and later it spread to other areas. For example, the Egyptians and Babylonians successfully used this knowledge in construction and to create a variety of products. Evidence of this is the pyramids of Cheops and temples, as well as jewelry and household items found in the tomb of Tutankhamun. It is not known for certain when and by whom the term “golden ratio” was first introduced into circulation. In ancient literature that has reached our times, the “golden division” is mentioned in Euclid’s “Elements.” Some scientists associate the appearance of this term with the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, and some authors are sure that it was coined by Leonardo da Vinci. Everyone knows Da Vinci’s “Vitruvian Man”: an image of two superimposed silhouettes of a naked man. The first position is a figure of a man placed in a circle with his arms and legs spread apart, the second position is a figure of a man placed in a square with his arms spread apart and his legs brought together. In his explanatory notes, da Vinci indicated that he created this drawing to determine the proportions of the (male) body. Luca Pacioli, who was a friend of da Vinci, recognized in the “golden proportions” a mysterious “divine meaning”, a demonstration of the trinity of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Parameters of ideal female legs

Women's legs have always attracted the attention of men, both ordinary and scientists.
The latter even derived formulas for determining the ideal: The latter even derived formulas for determining the ideal:

  • The ideal leg length is half your height plus a few centimeters. If you have wide bones, then your legs should be 2-4 centimeters longer than half your height or 51-53% of your height. If the bones are normal, the length of the legs is equal to half the height and another 4-6 centimeters on top or 52-54% of the height. If the bone is thin, then the ideal legs are equal in length to half the height and another 6-9 centimeters or 53-55% of the height;
  • In addition to length, an important parameter is the circumference of the ankles and upper thigh (i.e., the highest and thickest part of the leg). What should they be? To determine the ideal hip and ankle circumferences, height must be multiplied by 1/3 and 1/5, respectively. For example, if a girl is 168 centimeters tall, the optimal upper thigh circumference for her will be 168*1/3=56 centimeters, and the ankle circumference will be 168*1/5=33.6 centimeters.

As for the ideal shape of the legs, it is important that they are not even, like a stick, such legs do not look attractive at all. So, if you put your legs together, four windows should form: closer to the groin, in the lower part of the thigh above the knee, below the knee, between the shin and ankle - this curvature is considered ideal

The girth of the place where the knees end and the shins begin should be equal to the girth of the ankles or be slightly thinner.

The ideal ankle should be thin and graceful, but not skinny and without protruding tendons. The ideal heel is round and slightly protruding.

The calf muscles should not be too developed or flabby, but harmoniously pumped up.

Ideal knees, when viewed from the side, should not have protrusions; there should be a depression on the back of the knee.

For women's legs, the appearance of the Achilles tendons is also important (they are located at the back, where the shin meets the heel). The tendons should be thin with symmetrical grooves on the sides.

What should a beautiful thigh look like? Closer to the groin it should become a little thinner, thanks to this, when placing your legs together, you will get the uppermost “window”.

The widest part of the thigh should be at the top. From the side, the thigh should look like a spindle: narrow at the top, protrudes slightly forward in the middle and deepens towards the knee, becoming narrower again.

The shape of the foot should be concave, a beautiful foot – thin and elongated. The fingers should be straight and compact, but free.

When assessing your own legs, the main thing is not the parameters, but the harmonious combination of the legs with the figure as a whole. After all, even legs that are ideal in all respects can look completely ugly with a massive upper body, while legs that do not meet the parameters will look amazing precisely with your weight and the state of your figure.

We already know what ideal legs should look like, all that remains is to figure out how to bring your own legs closer to the ideal.

When is it time to worry: degrees of transverse flatfoot

The main “beacon” of transverse flatfoot is an inflamed joint of the big toe. According to the degree of its curvature, three degrees of transverse flatfoot are distinguished:

1st degree - the angle of deviation of the big toe is less than 20 degrees, mild transverse flatfoot.

2nd degree - angle of deviation of the big toe - 20-35 degrees, moderately pronounced transverse flatfoot.

3rd degree - the angle of deviation of the big toe is more than 35 degrees, pronounced transverse flatfoot.

Unfortunately, it is possible to correct transverse flatfoot without surgical intervention only at stage 1 of the disease. To do this you should:

  • Lose extra pounds, if you have them;
  • Avoid high heels;
  • Do massage or self-massage of the feet;
  • Do therapeutic exercises;
  • Wear orthopedic insoles and foot products;
  • Reduce the load on your feet.

With grades 2 and 3, you can only stop the progression of flat feet and prevent it from developing further. That is why, as soon as you notice the first signs of transverse flat feet, immediately begin to act. The earlier the better!


This is the ideal female figure, according to many opinion polls. This type is the most harmonious and symmetrical, causing pleasant associations in men. In general, guys only need 10 minutes to appreciate a woman's figure. A lady with an hourglass figure can be either thin or curvy. The main thing is that the proportions of the body are respected. In the pictures in the article you see that this is a way to emphasize what the ideal figure is for a girl. A photo not only in a swimsuit can highlight her beauty.

Today we love to share our intimate photographs with the whole world, forgetting that photography is a document and a weapon that can be used against ourselves. However, the hourglass figure is pleasing to the male gaze at the subconscious level: such a lady will easily procreate, this type of figure seems to carry a message about femininity and a promise to bear and give birth to a baby (wide hips contribute to this). Therefore, a guy on a subconscious level reads information from a woman’s body, and does not just receive visual satisfaction. Why do some representatives of the stronger sex love thin people? Slimness is a sign of a young body; this stereotype is embedded in the male subconscious. As a rule, young people are hardy and strong. This is how the choice of a life partner is often made.

The bitter consequences of transverse flatfoot: why you need to start treatment now

If the degree of flatfoot is slight, you may not even be aware of its presence. However, if the foot has become severely deformed, the bitter consequences of transverse flatfoot appear:

  • Legs get tired quickly during physical activity;
  • Swelling and pain appear;
  • Knee and hip joints are overloaded;
  • The spine suffers;
  • The gait is deformed, “clubfoot” appears;
  • Longitudinal flatfoot worsens;
  • Other foot deformities also appear: bunions, heel spurs, calluses and corns;
  • Blood flow in the legs is disrupted.

Therefore, as soon as you suspect that you have transverse flatfoot, run to the doctor. The sooner you start fighting transverse flatfoot, the greater your chances of preventing its terrible consequences.

Smooth skin

Smooth and silky skin is another mandatory sign of ideal legs. You need to exfoliate a couple of times a week and apply a moisturizing body lotion every day.

At all times, fashion for women's legs has been different. If in the time of Rubens in Europe, full, loose legs, pitted with cellulite dimples, were recognized as the ideal, then in our “anorexic” times, thin, thin and long legs are valued. Moreover, modern girls do not need to do anything to have perfect legs. They grow as they are, and that’s it.

This was not the case, for example, in ancient China, where there was a fashion for small feet, sung by poets as the “Golden Lotus.” Three-year-old girls' feet were specially bandaged so that as they grew, they acquired a triangular, graceful shape. The foot was wrapped by first bending four toes, leaving only the big toe outside. Needless to say: when the girls grew up, they experienced severe pain when walking, because their nails grew into the skin and their feet often bled. But the martyr with “lotus” legs could be sure that she would be an enviable match for a rich groom and would not remain an old maid.

Modern girls, fortunately, do not have to resort to such abuse of their bodies. Beauty standards have become more or less the same and predictable throughout the world. So, one of them today is considered to be symmetry of the legs; it is observed more often in women than in men.

It has also been proven that the smaller a woman’s legs, the more attractive they seem to the stronger sex. Meanwhile, the average size of a woman's foot over the past 50 years, according to scientists, has grown by almost 10 percent.

It is believed that with a height of 161-167 cm, the length of the legs should be 84-89 cm. With a height of 168-174 cm, the length of the legs should be 90-94 cm; height 175-180 cm - leg length 95-100 cm.

If you want to find out how your legs fit the parameters of ideal female legs and whether they are worthy of short skirts and shorts, here are some simple guidelines from and MedikForum.

  • The leg should have an elongated foot, the toes of which are not deformed and lie freely next to each other.
  • The ideal ankle shape should be narrow and thin.
  • The place of the popliteal cavity should be thin, as close as possible to the size of the ankle.
  • The side surfaces of the knees should not have any protruding parts.
  • The legs brought together in the light show 4 holes: at the very top, above the knee, below the knee and between the ankles. If there are no two upper holes, the legs are thick, it is better to cover this part. If the two bottom ones are combined into one, the legs are crooked, you should give preference to long trousers and maxi skirts.
  • Stand in profile to the mirror. If the width of your leg at the ankle level and at the knee level are the same, feel free to wear clothes that reveal the knee. If your knee is wider, cover it.
  • Check your legs below the knees. The widest part of the leg should be in the upper third. The bottom third should be 30 percent narrower than the top.

If your legs are far from ideal, don't be upset. You just need to choose the right style of trousers and skirts, as well as shoes. Don't forget that high-heeled shoes visually lengthen and slim your legs. To correct the shape of your legs, it is useful to take up running or fitness.

Four important gaps5

No legs are perfectly straight, otherwise they would be strings or planks. They all have a bend. It is the grace of their curves that makes them beautiful. The cherished parameters correspond to the legs, which form 4 gaps:

  • between the feet and ankles;
  • under the knees;
  • between the knees and thighs;
  • between the groin and thigh (the narrowest gap)
  • Width and shape of hips

The girth of the hip or, in common parlance, the thigh is an important parameter for the beauty of the legs and depends directly on height:

  • with a height of 161-166 centimeters, the ideal hip circumference is 53-55 cm;
  • with a height of 166-170 centimeters - 55-57 cm;
  • with a height of 171-175 centimeters - 57-58 cm.

Please note that we are talking about one hip measurement. And, by the way, 55 centimeters is not at all small, which once again indicates a change in the standard: beautiful legs and thin legs are two different things.

Measurement by other parameters

Determine penis size by hip size

In addition to leg size, many ways have been invented to determine the size of the penis by other external signs. One of the parameters is human height. There is an opinion that short men have a large reproductive organ, while tall men, on the contrary, have modest ones. But this statement is not confirmed by anything.

Another parameter is belonging to a particular race. For example, Asians have small genitals, and blacks have large ones. So in most cases this theory is confirmed, but there are always exceptions.

The size of the penis is also determined by the size of the hip. The larger it is, the longer and thicker the penis. But such an opinion is not always justified. But it is known for sure that the size of the male organ depends on body weight. The fatter a man is, the smaller his penis.

Only in this theory the value is assessed visually. The bottom line is that with excess body weight, some part of the penis is hidden behind folds of fat. If a man loses weight, the organ will look larger.

It is impossible to determine the exact size of the penis by the size of the foot and other external signs. Such theories do not work in practice. The length and thickness of the penis depends on many parameters, so the exact size can only be calculated by external measurement.

What should the cape and backdrop be like?

It is not advisable to choose shoes with a narrow toe.
Such shoes lead to the formation of a painful “bunion” on the big toe (valgus deformity). How quickly it appears depends on hereditary predisposition. That is why someone can wear such shoes for years without consequences, while for others this bone appears within a few months or a year. For information

The heel of the right shoes should be closed. In this case, the backdrop can be quite soft, but it must hold its shape well.

Anti-cellulite massage and procedures

The Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology published the results of a recent study. According to them, 80–90% of women suffer from cellulite on the buttocks or thighs. Cosmetologists have developed special products and therapeutic methods to combat cellulite.

The following procedures are used at home and in beauty salons:

  • Leg shape correction using cryolipolysis. This is a hardware treatment method in which fat deposits are smoothed out. To create chic thighs and firm buttocks, a vacuum attachment is applied to the problem area. It sucks the skin and treats it with cold. To see the result, you need 8-10 procedures.
  • Cavitation. Fat deposits are dispersed using ultrasound. The doctor uses a special attachment to treat problem areas, making the skin smoother. For long-term results, 5–10 procedures are needed.
  • Home care, massage. Special creams and wraps also help tighten the skin and maintain the ideal shape of the hips. Choose products that contain coffee beans, hot peppers, and retinol. Complement your treatments with manual massage. It not only helps break down fat deposits but also improves blood circulation.

The ratio of height and leg length

We have already found out how to determine your constitution type based on the visual features of your appearance. But this is often difficult to do, as women’s appearance sometimes contains characteristic features of several types, or a woman simply cannot objectively assess her external data. How can you find out your type of constitution objectively?

This can be done by taking simple measurements of your height and leg length. There are some objective relationships between these parameters in women. Legs can be called short if they are less than ½ of her height in length. To measure the length of the legs, the count must be taken from the tuberosity of the hip bone to the floor.

For women of mesomorphic and endomorphic constitution types, normal height is considered to be in the range from 166 to 170 cm.

It is believed that the ideal leg length for each type of constitution is as follows:

  • Ectomorphic type: legs are 2-4 cm more than ½ the woman’s height;
  • Mesomorphic type: legs 4-6 cm more than ½ height;
  • Endomorphic type: legs 6-9 cm longer than ½ height

If your performance does not match the ideal, do not be upset. There is a well-known way to make your legs visually longer - these are heels.

How to keep your feet healthy

  • Wear comfortable shoes with low, stable heels. If possible, alternate between shoes with heels of different heights (for example, 2 and 4 cm). This will help train your foot.
  • Choose the right shoes for each specific purpose. This is especially true for sports activities. For example, to run on a flat, smooth road, you need sneakers with soft grooved soles. And for running in parks with dirt roads, wear shoes with hard studded or textured soles.
  • Use orthotics if necessary. But remember that no two feet are the same. Therefore, there cannot be a universal insole either. The “correct” insoles are individual, orthopedic, purchased after consultation with an experienced orthopedic traumatologist.
  • Walk barefoot on uneven surfaces more often. This is necessary in order to give the muscles and ligaments of the foot the necessary load. Most often, under our feet there is only smooth asphalt and smooth floors. Without load, the muscles and ligaments of the feet begin to become “lazy” and atrophy over time. In summer, walk barefoot on grass or pebbles on the seashore. In the cold season, you can, for example, walk barefoot on a massage mat. Buy a special mat with a hard sea pebble surface, with wooden or rubber spikes of varying thicknesses, densities and heights.

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How to hide crooked legs with clothes

For all types of leg curvature, it is recommended to wear maxi skirts, trousers with creases made of thick fabric and trousers that flare from the hip.

If you prefer skirts and dresses with a slit, it is necessary that the slit is located on the side or back. The front slit will reveal those areas of the legs that you would like to hide.

It is not recommended to expose your legs too much and wear tight leggings and skinny jeans. In this case, all the imperfections of the legs will be visible.

A monochrome look (when all the details of the outfit are selected in the same color scheme) visually stretches and straightens the silhouette, including the legs. Avoid wearing skirts or trousers with bright prints or other accents.

You should avoid bright, contrasting and massive shoes; they will only emphasize the imperfection of your feet.

Tall, loose boots that don't fit tightly around the foot are a good shoe option. With such shoes, you can choose a shorter skirt or dress.

You can also focus on the waist or top of the outfit to draw attention away from the legs.

Epilate regularly

The ideal of beauty for women is smooth, hairless legs. You can use a razor as an epilator. This is the cheapest but most effective way to combat excess hair on the legs. Its only drawback is the possibility of skin injury and a high chance of ingrown hairs. You can also get perfect legs using laser or wax depilation.


This is a long-lasting treatment that helps eliminate leg hair for months or even forever. Laser hair removal is completely painless and suitable for any skin type. There is no dryness, irritation or increased sensitivity after the procedure. Hair removal is carried out in courses of 6–8 sessions.

There are few disadvantages to this depilation method:

  • Presence of contraindications. The procedure is not performed for infectious skin diseases, diabetes, or severe tanning.
  • Laser is not suitable for all hair types. The method will not be effective if you have very thin, light or gray hairs on your body.
  • Rehabilitation period. After depilation, sunbathing is prohibited for 2-3 weeks, you need to wear closed clothes for several days, and avoid visiting the sauna.
  • Risk of thermal burn. An outdated device or low qualifications of a cosmetologist can lead to skin injury or hyperpigmentation (the appearance of dark spots on the legs).


The procedure is ideal for those who have a high pain threshold or want to maintain the beauty of their legs for a long time - from 1 to 2 months. The procedure goes very quickly. The cosmetologist will completely remove excess hair in 20–30 minutes. Waxing reduces the amount of regrown hair and helps get rid of dead skin.

Disadvantages of the procedure:

  • Possibility of irritation. Some women have very sensitive skin on their legs or are allergic to wax.
  • Poor quality depilation can cause ingrown hairs to appear. Carefully choose a salon for the procedure to be completely confident in the result.

Transverse flatfoot - what is it?

With transverse flatfoot, the metatarsals of the feet diverge to the sides, and the forefoot widens. Because of this, the foot begins to rest on the second, third and fourth heads of the metatarsal bones, and not on the first and fifth, as it should normally be. And if earlier the 2nd, 3rd and 4th heads of the metatarsal bones were relaxed, then with flat feet they begin to take on the entire load. As a result, due to a malfunction of the muscles, the thumb moves to the side, and its joint grows and turns into a “bump.” This is how a hallux valgus deformity is formed, or, as we used to say, a “bunion” on the foot.

Sultan Kösen defeated the disease

A Turkish farmer was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest man in the world and the owner of the largest foot. With a height of 251 cm, the man’s arms reach 3 meters in length. Finding boots for feet size 62 is not easy. The cause is a tumor of the pituitary gland. Sultan can only move with the help of crutches due to the heavy load on his spine. The largest man in the world lives with his parents and wife, all of them are of normal height. The Sultan's wife Merve Dibo barely reaches his elbow. Due to his height, he was unable to finish high school and went to work as a farmer. Kösen says that his height is also an advantage, as it is convenient for him to work with tall trees, change light bulbs, and help his loved ones with housework. Among the shortcomings, he notes difficulties in buying clothes, shoes, and when traveling by car.

He has been undergoing treatment since 2010 at the Medical Institute of Virginia; specialists monitor hormone levels. It was possible to normalize the activity of hormones in the pituitary gland and stop constant growth.

Correctly remove keratinized epidermis!

Do not use sharp tools - abrasive files, blades, natural pumice. Removing the stratum corneum with force and friction heats the skin, its protective mechanisms are activated, and keratosis accelerates.

Small pedicure devices sold in online stores are no less dangerous for the skin. They have very weak motors, so when they are used, the cutter is automatically pressed against the skin, which leads to overheating of the dermis and the consequences described above.

Our advice is to sign up for a hardware pedicure with a podiatrist. This is the best decision. Removing the stratum corneum will be safe. During the consultation, the podiatrist will tell you how to properly maintain the results of a pedicure using synthetic pumice.

How to determine penis size by leg size

Determining the size of the penis by shoe size has become especially widespread.

Disputes between scientists over the fact that it is possible to determine the size of the penis by the size of shoes and other external signs have not subsided to this day. Some believe that this is complete nonsense, others prove the relationship between different parts of the body and the penis.

Determining the size of the penis by shoe size has become especially widespread. Several calculation formulas have even been created for this purpose.

Simple calculations

There are quite a few calculation formulas offered, but the most popular are the following:

S (penis size) = (L (foot size) + 5) / 2.

When creating this formula, scientists decided to rely on Darwin's great theory. They believe that ancient people, having small feet, were not able to fully straighten up to fight for existence. Therefore, only those with large leg sizes received priority for prolongation of the family.

Japanese formula

Japanese scientists have come up with a formula for determining the size of the penis, using not only the size of the foot, but also the man’s body weight and the length of his nose. The calculation looks like this:

S = 35 * (R (foot size) + 3 * N (nose length)) / M (body weight)

Whether there is a connection between these four values ​​is unknown. It is believed that the formula was invented specifically for women who are prohibited from having sexual relations before marriage.

Foot binding in China13

The standards of female beauty are sometimes distinguished by their cruelty: voluminous, heavy wigs, corsets that prevent breathing and deform organs, but China has gone the furthest in this direction. The monstrous tradition of binding women's feet persisted in China until the 20th century. Having legs of normal size was a sign of deformity. A woman's leg, according to the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom, should be tiny and no matter how this is achieved.

The lotus leg is a terrible phenomenon that has captured China for many eras. A woman should be petite, especially her legs. The size of a woman's foot should not differ from the size of a five-year-old girl's foot, the ideal is 7 centimeters in length. From early childhood, women's legs were bandaged, preventing them from growing. Every couple of weeks the shoes shrank a few millimeters.

A monstrous deformation of the legs occurred: the toes curled toward the heels, bled, and festered. It was an excellent environment for the development of microbes and infections. Tissue necrosis was perceived as a gift. If, as a result, the infection spread to the bones, the fingers fell off - this was a happy sign and made it possible to bandage the leg even tighter.

An interesting detail is that bare female feet were prohibited. Of course, the spectacle is not for the faint of heart. Even in erotic paintings, women were depicted wearing tiny shoes.

Bandaged feet are a terrible sexual fetish of the Chinese. As a result of the deformation of her legs, the woman became completely vulnerable and could not resist even a gust of wind. Male tyranny knew no bounds. Power tempts and wastes.

A terrible page in the history of China, millions of killed and maimed women. Today the situation has changed, but the legend is still fresh. Horrible beauty standards imposed by strong men to control already weak women. The phrase “beauty requires sacrifice” sounds scary.

Ji Dieng 122.94 cm

In the photo, the popular model Ji Dieng was born in a poor country - Senegal. No one even imagined that an African girl would make a dizzying career as a supermodel.

Ji's parents decided to try their luck in another country and left for France. There, the long-legged beauty was immediately noticed and invited to a modeling agency. Of course, Dieng’s lower limbs are 122.94 centimeters (height 180). The girl wears size 41 shoes.

Long legs are not the only merit of the model. She worked hard and persistently pursued her goal. To shine on the catwalks of Milan, she had to master the Italian language perfectly. Gee has collaborated with many famous brands and appeared on the covers of fashion magazines.

In addition, Dieng is a very kind person. She regularly engages in charity work and is a goodwill ambassador.

A few words about house shoes

At home, you can walk around in shoes or barefoot - whichever is more convenient for you. But house shoes should also support the arch of the foot and fix the back of the foot. Therefore, it is better if it is on a small heel (slippers with flat soles are a bad choice). But the most important thing is to maintain a rest regime and not overload your legs. If you did some work and stood for a long time, give your legs a rest - lie down, relieve the load. In the evening, when you come home from work, massage your feet or do simple exercises (for example, heel-to-toe rolls, flexion and extension of your toes).

Paula Abdul

The world-famous American dancer and choreographer Paula Abdul came to popularity thanks to her love of dancing and, of course, strong and beautiful legs that never tire.

Now her shows are opened by the Oscars and other famous events, and Paula herself works with many Hollywood stars. This is what beautiful legs mean in a woman’s life, and, indeed, in a man’s life too.

The list wouldn't be complete if we didn't remember German supermodel Claudia Schiffer. Her career was lightning fast and this is not surprising. One has only to look at her figure and, of course, her legs - they are simply mesmerizing and eye-catching.

Every global designer at the peak of her career dreamed of working with her. Over the years, Claudia has not lost her beauty, and her toned legs are her pride and the envy of all women on the planet.

Claudia has been recognized more than 900 times throughout her career and that is worthy of respect.

Irresistible Hollywood blonde and ex-wife of “the last samurai” Tom Cruise, sweet and gentle Nicole Kidman is the owner of the most charming legs among the star elite.

The thing is that her Australian roots have given the actress a beautiful, light skin tone, and her sexy legs look just great.

The most beautiful legs in Hollywood2

Let's look at the representatives of the starry sky. Well, anyone, they certainly have enormous access to products that keep their legs in perfect condition. It’s simply impossible to take your eyes off these legs. Men are drooling, and ordinary women dream of getting closer to such a high bar.

So, the most beautiful female legs belong to the delightful Jennifer Aniston, by the way, recognized as the most beautiful woman in the world. Her legs are simply perfect, and Aniston herself has a lot to do with this. She made her legs look like this through regular and grueling physical exercise. The result is beyond praise.

Next comes Cameron Diaz, an equally hard worker and sports lover. By the way, the star does not hide this and regularly shares her secrets of a slim figure.

This list cannot be complete without Jennifer Lopez, the owner of a wonderful butt. Everyone knows that to achieve such volumes, Jennifer resorted to the help of plastic surgeons and later insured her newly created forms for a round sum. But Jennifer continues to work hard at sports and will give odds to many young stars. By the way, she is 49 years old. Quite, not bad.

Shy Jessica Alba's perfect legs bring her to our list. Although the star does not like to open them, but prefers dresses and skirts below the knee, such beauty cannot be hidden.

The star of the youth series “The Vampire Diaries” Nina Dobrev not only has a thin waist, but also beautiful long legs. Before her acting career, the girl dreamed of being a gymnast and actively developed herself in this field. What kind of gymnast can have bad legs?

Alessandra Ambrosio is simply incomparable. Slender and tanned legs leave no one indifferent. By the way, Alessandra, like Cameron Diaz, does not hide anything from her fans and always shares her beauty secrets.

This list also includes: Angelina Jolie, Victoria Beckham, model Gisele Bündchen, Rihanna, Megan Fox and many others. This rating can be continued endlessly.

Indeed, modern capabilities allow us to work wonders. But as can be seen from the examples, almost all the star owners of slender and beautiful legs made them so themselves. Constant and sometimes grueling training helps achieve stunning results. Conclusion: beautiful women's legs are not always inherited. Good news, isn't it?

How to make your legs perfect

In the struggle for perfect legs, it is important not only to give them the correct shape, but also to take care of the skin. How to make the skin of your legs perfect, smooth and velvety? Everything is quite simple, you need to regularly care for your skin, cleanse and moisturize it

You should exfoliate a couple of times a week, then apply body lotion or milk. After each shower, it is also necessary to use nourishing and moisturizing skin products.

In this regard, vegetable oil, for example, olive, is very useful. As for the method of getting rid of unwanted hair on your legs, you should choose it yourself. For some, waxing is more suitable, for others - shaving, for others - depilatory creams.

In any case, after hair removal, a special cream should be applied to the skin to prevent irritation and dryness.

And to get the ideal shape of your legs, you will have to sweat in the gym or at home.

The most effective exercises for the legs are the following:

  • Walk on your toes for 1 minute, then 30 seconds on your heels, the inside and bottom of your feet. Repeat several times;
  • Stand up straight, lean on a chair with one hand, make 15-20 swings of each leg back, forward and to the side;
  • Stand up straight, put your hands behind your head, lunge forward with your feet alternately 10-15 times;
  • The most effective exercises for perfect legs are squats. They need to be performed with your feet together, your heels closed and your toes apart, squat on your toes and preferably as deeply as possible 8-10 times;
  • Cross your feet, slowly sit on the floor, then stand up. Repeat 5-7 times, change legs and perform squats another 5-7 times;
  • Squat down deeply and jump as high as possible. Repeat 8 times in three approaches;
  • Very good for legs and running. It can also be done at home. In this case, you need to slowly run in place on your toes. Perform the exercise until the calf muscles get tired.

No less beneficial for your legs will be cycling or rollerblading. In addition to a good figure, you will also receive a boost of vigor and good mood!

Traditionally, the length of the lower limbs is associated with height, but this is not entirely true, since tall people have all long limbs. When measuring the length of your legs, you need to focus on the ratio of height and length of the legs themselves. You need to measure the length of your legs using a measuring tape and a mirror.

To correctly measure the length of your legs without outside help, undress down to your underwear, take a measuring tape and measure the length of your leg from the side. Start measuring from the point where the femur joins the pelvis (approximately from the middle of the pelvis) to the heel.

Normally, this length should exceed half of the total height by 4–6 centimeters; if the difference is more than 6 centimeters, then the legs can be called really long, but if it’s only 2 to 4 centimeters, then it’s not very long.

A more accurate and correct result of measuring leg length can be obtained with the participation of an assistant. Take an upright position, distribute your body weight evenly on your legs and keep your back as straight as possible.

The position of the body will not have a special impact on the result, but a hunched back can steal a few centimeters from it. Changing body position during the process is also not recommended.

Body parameters: measuring correctly

More details

Have an assistant measure the length of your legs with a measuring tape, placing the tape at the protruding tubercle of your femur, which is located opposite your hip joint. The end of the tape is applied to the heel (the leg is strictly vertical). To make the result more objective, measure the length of both legs.

Use cream and deodorant

Recommendations for foot cream can be obtained during a consultation with a podiatrist. The product is selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the skin, typical problems and lifestyle.

Moisturizing and nourishing creams are best suited for dry skin on the feet. For parchment skin, strengthening additives such as microsilver are recommended.

Oil creams are not recommended because they create a film effect: moisture collects in the space between the skin and the cream layer, which can lead to maceration of the epidermis.

Do not apply cream between your fingers. The area should always remain dry. Tightly fitting fingers impede air access, which is why moisture often collects there, creating the so-called greenhouse effect. Dry parchment leather is prone to maceration and cracking. Normal skin also macerates, and wounds promote the development of mycosis.

Remember that it is impossible to remove cracks and calluses using cream. Professional podiatry required. Without proper removal of the keratinized epidermis and replacement of worn-out shoes, healing is impossible.

Foot deodorants are especially recommended for sweaty and hyperhydric skin, which is often accompanied by a specific unpleasant odor. Reduce sweating and neutralize unpleasant odors. Choose a deodorant without aluminum salts.

How to make your legs perfect

In the struggle for perfect legs, it is important not only to give them the correct shape, but also to take care of the skin. How to make the skin of your legs perfect, smooth and velvety? Everything is quite simple, you need to regularly care for your skin, cleanse and moisturize it

You should exfoliate a couple of times a week, then apply body lotion or milk. After each shower, it is also necessary to use nourishing and moisturizing skin products.

In this regard, vegetable oil, for example, olive, is very useful. As for the method of getting rid of unwanted hair on your legs, you should choose it yourself. For some, waxing is more suitable, for others - shaving, for others - depilatory creams.

In any case, after hair removal, a special cream should be applied to the skin to prevent irritation and dryness.

And to get the ideal shape of your legs, you will have to sweat in the gym or at home.

The most effective exercises for the legs are the following:

  • Walk on your toes for 1 minute, then 30 seconds on your heels, the inside and bottom of your feet. Repeat several times;
  • Stand up straight, lean on a chair with one hand, make 15-20 swings of each leg back, forward and to the side;
  • Stand up straight, put your hands behind your head, lunge forward with your feet alternately 10-15 times;
  • The most effective exercises for perfect legs are squats. They need to be performed with your feet together, your heels closed and your toes apart, squat on your toes and preferably as deeply as possible 8-10 times;
  • Cross your feet, slowly sit on the floor, then stand up. Repeat 5-7 times, change legs and perform squats another 5-7 times;
  • Squat down deeply and jump as high as possible. Repeat 8 times in three approaches;
  • Very good for legs and running. It can also be done at home. In this case, you need to slowly run in place on your toes. Perform the exercise until the calf muscles get tired.

No less beneficial for your legs will be cycling or rollerblading. In addition to a good figure, you will also receive a boost of vigor and good mood!

Nowadays loyalty reigns in the world, which means that it seems to have become easier to put up with the imperfections of your body, in particular your legs. The more paradoxical the situation is that the disease called “I don’t like myself” overcomes even men who easily pick up all women’s diseases and fears. Here it is - the result of the unobtrusive (is it?) imposition of images and our stereotypical thinking.

Despite the fact that the world is no longer interested in everything ideal, the standards of beauty are blurred, there are parameters verified by scientists regarding the proportions of the legs.

Self-massage for transverse flat feet

Self-massage of the feet with transverse flatfoot, unfortunately, is not able to change the shape of the foot or reduce the stage of development of the disease. However, it will help you reduce pain and fatigue in your legs, as well as restore normal blood circulation. Here are a few tricks:

  1. Relax your foot: gently stroke it from above, smoothly moving to the ankle. Repeat these movements 5-6 times.
  2. Warm up the foot: rub the sole and back of the foot for 30 seconds from the toes to the ankle.
  3. With both hands: clasp your foot on all sides with both hands and massage from toe to ankle for 30 seconds.
  4. Rotate your big toe: Grasp your big toe with your index finger and thumb and rotate it around its axis.

The video shows several simple self-massage techniques for flat feet from osteopathic doctor Vsevolod Vychuzhin.

Body types

Body type is a set of characteristics that describe a person’s constitution. The main characteristics are:

  • structure of muscle tissue;
  • structure of bone tissue;
  • a number of biological features.

Physiologists divide people into three main types of constitution:

By determining your size and body type, you can find out your ideal weight and determine the most appropriate exercise and nutrition program.

Let's look at each type separately.


Women of this type are usually thin, have thin bones, long necks and limbs, flat chests and narrow shoulders. It is very difficult for them to gain weight and build muscle. Ectomorphs are often quite tall and have a thin, long face, which is why they are called lanky. Such women are energetic and graceful, they almost never have problems with being overweight.


A woman with a classic proportional figure. She has well-developed muscles and minimal body fat. Such women often have a harmonious figure.


These women have heavy and large bones, large shoulders, rounded shapes and broad chests, arms and legs are slightly shorter than other types, and height is shorter. These ladies are very hardy and strong, but not flexible, they have a large amount of subcutaneous fat, weak limbs with large fat deposits. No matter how much people of this type starve, they are more likely to become simply hungry endomorphs, but will not become like the other two types.

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