Is it possible to pump up your butt at home in one month?

Genetics largely determines our appearance, but do all those with beautiful buttocks have Brazilian roots? Of course not.

A clear understanding of your body type will help you build a training plan and diet, regardless of your individual characteristics.

Egor Fukalov

fitness trainer

Offers to try training for firm buttocks at home.


Don’t rush to blame everything on nature and give up training. Some are less fortunate with genetics, but they have incredible shapes. On the other hand, many girls with genetically beautiful buttocks do not have toned relief.


How to pump up your butt and get firm muscles? First of all, let's understand the myths:

  • In a month you can get a “strong nut”. For this purpose, you will have to train for at least a year, give up alcohol, and monitor your diet. In four weeks you will only slightly strengthen your muscles and tone them.
  • I can pump up my butt in a month without a barbell with plates, making do with two-kilogram dumbbells. Training with your own weight or with plastic fitness dumbbells will not give visible results. To increase volume, you need a weight of at least 30 kg (depending on physical fitness) and a small number of repetitions in the exercise. High-repetition training is designed to burn fat, it can be compared to cardio training.
  • You can gain muscle with intuitive eating. The main assistant in gaining weight is a high-protein diet. Be prepared to eat not only chicken breast, but also consume additional protein.
  • The more often the better. Daily strength training will not lead to muscle growth, but to overtraining. As a result, you will feel tired rather than excited about your progress. Tissues must recover from microdamage, so the best option is no more than 3-4 strength training per week.

How to make your butt firm and toned: cosmetics

Your assistants in how to make an elastic butt at home will be various cosmetics: oils, gels, creams. The following deserve special attention:

  • Oils (especially olive or coconut). They have a magical effect on the skin: moisturize it, nourish it, enrich it with vitamins, help increase elasticity, fight cellulite and stretch marks. They include a number of necessary elements, in particular hyaluronic acid, which helps maintain youthful skin.
  • Coffee based scrubs. They are an indispensable way to tighten the skin and eliminate cellulite. It is recommended to use them before using oils and anti-cellulite creams. You can prepare this scrub at home. To do this, take coffee grounds, mix with sugar or chopped sea salt. Apply the resulting substance 2-3 times a week, and then be sure to moisturize the skin.
  • Anti-cellulite creams or gels. In combination with other methods they help achieve excellent results.

Also, in the struggle to make your butt firm, you can use massage - professional, honey, manual, self-massage. All of them are very useful in the struggle for a beautiful figure. This kind of influence helps to saturate the skin with oxygen, accelerates fat burning processes, improves blood circulation, which has a beneficial effect on skin elasticity.

An alternative could be a firming massage of the buttocks using a natural bristle brush..

Wraps will also help tighten the skin and make it elastic. They provoke active sweating and improve blood circulation. There are many effective recipes based on familiar products. You can make wraps based on coffee, clay, algae, honey, vegetable and essential oils.

It is recommended to do wraps 1-2 times a week in a course of 10-15 procedures. The procedure lasts 20-60 minutes depending on the mixture used. The mixture is applied to the skin and wrapped tightly in cling film. Then it is recommended to lie down under a warm blanket and just relax. At the end of the procedure, the mixture should be washed off and an anti-cellulite agent should be applied to the skin.

And another secret to making your butt round and firm is an active lifestyle. Even if you work all the time and don't have time for active training, you can use small tricks, for example, taking the stairs instead of the elevator or walking a couple of stops instead of the bus. These simple tips will help you get in shape quickly. Well, a full set of exercises combined with proper nutrition and cosmetic procedures will help you achieve the desired beautiful shape as quickly as possible.


For visible results, it is recommended to visit the gym. If you are a beginner, you can first get by with dumbbells with removable weight plates. Here is a set of exercises:

  • Classic squats. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, select a weight that is comfortable for you, and slowly squat until parallel to the floor. Try not to let your knees go forward, while keeping your buttocks back. Always monitor your technique; mistakes can lead to injury.
  • Lunges forward. Hold dumbbells in both hands and straighten your back. Step forward and squat down on one knee until it touches the floor. Switch legs and repeat the same for the other thigh.
  • Bridge. This is an effective exercise that can be performed with a plate on your stomach, holding it in your hands, or with your own weight. Lie on your back and bend your knees, slightly apart. Begin to slowly lift your pelvis without lifting your shoulder blades off the floor. Hold at the top for 2-4 seconds and slowly lower to the floor. The exercise is useful not only for the hips, but also for the abdominal muscles. This is one of the few options with which you can successfully train at home, including during a forced break in the gym.
  • Swing your legs. Get on your knees and rest your elbows on the floor. Begin to move your bent leg back, pausing at the top for maximum tension. For greater effect, use weights by attaching them to your legs. Training at home is also possible, but requires concentration and discipline, the presence of a barbell and plates to regulate weight.

About two ways to enlarge the buttocks

There are two methods that will help increase the size of your butt:

  • By increasing the percentage of subcutaneous fat
  • By building muscle mass

By the way, anatomically the buttocks are called the gluteus maximus. Hinting that these muscles can be quite developed and voluminous.

Let's consider each of the methods in more detail.

Volume growth due to fat

Increasing your butt fat percentage with traditional food is not a problem for most people. It is enough for a couple of weeks to a couple of months to uncontrollably eat sweets, flour or fast food.

True, there are nuances in this option:

  1. Firstly, enlarging various parts of the body through the accumulation of subcutaneous fat is a game of roulette.

Different people store fat in different places. This is due to the number of fat cells that are unevenly distributed throughout the body.

Often, due to the fact that a particular person has more such fat cells on the stomach or sides, extra pounds will be deposited in these places. In this case, the buttocks will remain virtually unchanged.

In this case, the body first accumulates fat in the waist area.

This is how those with a pear-shaped figure will be able to “eat up” their buttocks. Their peculiarity is their naturally wide hips, with fat deposits localized in this area. But girls with a different build shouldn’t count on this.

  1. Weight gain from fat is a poorly controlled process

Your buttocks won't grow where you want them to. That is, it is impossible to influence whether this will happen in the upper or lower part.

In addition, excess fat on the butt often leads to the formation of cellulite. In this case, the quality of the body suffers.

But all this applies to girls with a normal metabolic rate.

But, for example, a thin body type (ectomorph) is characterized by the fact that it is very problematic to gain body weight. This is especially true for fat accumulation. No matter how much sweet, starchy or fatty foods they eat, it does not affect their weight.

It is for such girls that only the second option is suitable - increasing the volume of the butt by gaining muscle mass in the buttocks.


Overtraining, as well as lack of physical activity, will not give results; as a result, the volume of the buttocks will not increase. Cardio training for at least 40 minutes five times a week will lead to weight loss.

Perform strength exercises to increase volume in the right places every two days. The best option is to combine cardio and exercises with free weights.

Do not forget about proper sleep - it is during this that the muscles will recover. Sleep at least 8 hours during the day, in a well-ventilated area, and try to go to bed and get up at the same time.

Briefly about nutrition for buttock growth

The gluteal muscles are no different from other muscles, so when training aimed at gaining mass, nutritional recommendations are standard:

  1. Total daily calorie content averages 40-50 calories per 1 kg of body weight

It's better to start with a lower number. If the muscles do not grow, the amount of food is gradually increased to the upper limit.

  1. The daily protein intake is 2 grams per 1 kg of weight

Priority is given to animal proteins - meat, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy products.

Vegetarians should diversify their sources of plant protein. Among them are soybeans, chickpeas, lentils, nuts, and legumes.

  1. Daily amount of carbohydrates - 5-6 grams per 1 kg

If you exercise regularly and steadily increase your training load (number of exercises, sets or repetitions, working weights), and your gluteal muscles are not growing, then the first step in nutrition is to increase your intake of this nutrient.

Preference is given to complex carbohydrates (porridge, black bread, vegetables). The diet may also contain simple sugars - sweets, flour, fruits, potatoes. But their share should not exceed 30% of the total.

  1. Drink enough clean water - 30-40 ml per 1 kg of body weight

These recommendations will help you gain a few kilograms. And if the type of figure is arranged in the right way, then the volume of the butt will increase.


To make you happy with the results of a month of training, pay attention to your diet. During strength training, there should be at least 1.5 pure protein per kilogram of weight.

What should be in your diet:

  • Chicken breast, boiled or baked.
  • Low-fat types of fish.
  • Eggs (an excellent option at any time of the day - an omelet made from only whites).
  • Seafood.
  • Additional sources of protein (protein).

It is better to avoid sweets and fatty foods during the period of gaining muscle mass - this interferes with progress.

Work on yourself with us Select a workout

How to make your gluteal muscles grow?

  • Eat enough protein, fat and carbohydrates.
  • Do workouts to increase muscle mass.
  • Recover fully after your workout.
  • Use additional weights.
  • Constantly but gradually increase the load.

To track your results, take measurements with a tape measure every month. This will allow you to see progress from your efforts.


What are the dangers of uncontrolled loads?

Some believe that daily exercise will allow you to increase your hip size faster. This is wrong. Here are a few facts:

  1. An incorrectly selected weight of the barbell will cause unnecessary stress on the knees, which will subsequently lead to chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  2. Incorrect technique, especially when squats, is a direct path to knee injury. If you are a beginner, pay for the first month of training with a trainer who will advise you.
  3. Excessive physical activity will lead to chronic fatigue, deterioration in performance, and muscles will not have time to recover.

Intense strength training is prohibited without prior consultation with a cardiologist and diagnosis of possible diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Monitor your load using a heart rate monitor - your heart rate should be within the acceptable range, depending on your age. If the indicators exceed the norm, reduce the intensity of the workout.

Is it possible to pump up your butt at home?

For girls at an initial level of physical fitness, home workouts are enough to achieve a pronounced increase in volume.

As a rule, regularly performing squats and lunges, even with your own body weight, is enough to trigger muscle growth. But this only applies to beginners who have not yet done strength training, or those who have had a long break.

After 1-1.5 months of training, such loads become insufficient for progress. This means it's time to use additional weights. At home, use dumbbells, weights, or even water bottles. This will give a new impetus to further growth of the gluteal muscles.

As a rule, after 2-3 months this is no longer enough. If by that time you are satisfied with the result achieved, you can simply maintain the resulting volume and shape. Home training continues, using other methods of complicating the load - increasing the number of repetitions, using supersets, trisets, etc.

If you want to continue to enlarge your butt, you will have to join the gym. The large amount of equipment presented there will help you progress for a long time.

What will you need to get your buttocks in shape?

To get your buttocks in shape, a teenager will need:

  1. The willpower to exercise regularly. Doing exercises that involve your legs is quite difficult. It is important that the teenager is able to overcome laziness. And pumped up his buttocks at every workout.
  2. Follow your training regimen. You will have to exercise regularly.
  3. Eat properly. If you eat fatty and unhealthy foods, your teenager's buttocks will grow. But not thanks to the muscles. And because of the fat layer.

In order for a teenager to pump up his buttocks, he must regularly do appropriate exercises.

Before performing exercises, a teenager needs to stretch his buttocks

Before starting to do the exercises, the teenager must warm up. Warm up your muscles. Tidy up the bundles. And also make sure that the body is prepared to receive the load.

It is important to warm up for at least ten to fifteen minutes. You can start doing exercises only after this.

Video - a set of exercises for the hips and buttocks in 20 minutes a day

So, now that you know what exercises to do, here's a workout to slim down or tone your butt:

Training Instructions:

  • Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, resting between exercises for 15 seconds.
  • For single-leg exercises, alternate legs for each set (right leg, left leg, right leg, left leg). This ensures equal processing.
  • Once you complete the first circuit, give yourself 60 seconds to rest and recover. Do the same after 2 and 3 laps.


This is NOT an easy workout, but it is very effective. You'll feel a burning sensation in your lower body + it's a great cardio workout. Overcome the pain, and in 30 minutes you will see your first result!

  • Circle No. 1 : squats, leg abduction - 2, lunges, leg abduction, one-leg glute bridge, rainbow, plie squats, lying leg swings.

Rest for 60 seconds

  • Circle No. 2 : lunges, leg abduction, plie squats, lying leg swings, squats, leg abduction - 2, one-leg glute bridge, rainbow.

Rest for 60 seconds

  • Circle No. 3: plie squats, lying leg swings, squats, leg abduction - 2, one-leg glute bridge, lunges, leg abduction.

Rest for 60 seconds

  • Circle No. 4: plie squats, lying leg swings, squats, one-leg glute bridge.

When you complete circle #4, your legs and butt should be burning. Great! This means that the training was effective.

The beauty of this workout is that you can mix and match exercises at will or add weights to make certain exercises more challenging. All that matters is that the exercises are performed in a controlled manner and with the correct technique. And you'll lose weight in just the blink of an eye!

The results you will get from these exercises will not only make you look good, they will also motivate you to exercise more.

Weekly training program for girls

squats with wide stancesquats on 1 leg
Plie squats
squatssquats with springssimple squatslifting the body
crossingglute bridge with barbellleg extensionFitball liftsforward bends with dumbbellsRomanian deadliftswing your legs
forward bends with dumbbellsKing's deadliftbridge from a prone positionelevated knee raisescrossinglifting the bodyswing with a kettlebell
back lungesspreading legsjump ropestretchingforward lungesbicycle trainerjump rope
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