Engage your body: effective elliptical training for weight loss

An elliptical trainer - also known as an ellipse or an orbitrack - can be recommended for those for whom running and jumping are prohibited due to large excess weight. It forces the muscles to work without overloading the joints and without excessive axial pressure on the spine. “During exercise on the ellipse, our legs move along a unique trajectory,” explains Alexander Kolesov, head of the rehabilitation department of the MEDSI Clinical Diagnostic Center on Krasnaya Presnya, sports medicine doctor, physical therapy doctor, manual therapy doctor . - It is similar to running, cycling, skiing and climbing stairs, but the joints of the legs receive minimal stress. The simulator is good for people of different ages and physical fitness; it is often used in rehabilitation after injuries to the musculoskeletal system.”

What does the ellipse train?

It helps burn calories and strengthen the muscles of the legs, arms and whole body. “I very often recommend regular training on the elliptical to my patients,” says Alexander Kolesov, “as it not only provides cardio exercise, but also allows you to strengthen the muscles of the back, legs and arms. In addition, the ellipse reinforces the walking pattern - one of the most important reflex interactions, which is often lost or disrupted in modern humans due to an inactive lifestyle. Here, the benefits of an elliptical trainer can hardly be overestimated. Exercises on it do not put a shock load on the joints, which is important for people with joint and spine problems. Often, when the muscles are sufficiently strengthened, they allow you to gradually move on even to jogging.”

Why was the ellipsoid invented?

The treadmill has always been a good way to pass the time. Useful and once again useful - this is physical exercise. But what to do when a person cannot run? Yes, it happens. For example, when he has flat feet and does not have orthopedic insoles (only over the last 20–30 years has it become possible to model and create individual insoles). Or when a person has sore joints.

Therefore, sports industry engineers decided to go further and set a goal to come up with something that would not put much strain on the joints, but would force the heart and muscles to work for the benefit of health and weight loss. This is how exercise bikes were born. First simple, then more intricate. Modern technologies have made it possible to install mp3 players, heart rate monitors, and various sensors on exercise bikes.

What if it’s not enough to just pedal with your feet? Hands are not involved, weight loss alone is not enough. Where can the arms work, as in running, without any shock-absorbing load (jumping) on ​​the legs? So they came up with a design where there are 2 poles and something like skis. Movement is carried out through the arms, body and legs.

My legs seem to be pressing my “skis” into the floor. When you press down on one ski, the other one rises. And so time after time. In addition, by moving the poles towards you, or pushing them away one by one, you also force the “skis” to move.

The result was an ellipsoid. Many people say that the ellipsoid imitates skis, but this is not entirely true. Those who are familiar with classic skiing will see the differences. Still, the skis glide on the snow. And here you press the pedals to the floor.

How to exercise on an elliptical trainer?

If you work out in a gym, you should consult a fitness instructor once. If you are buying an elliptical trainer for home, use the advice of our expert.

“Pay attention to the following factors,” explains Alexander Kolesov.

  • Distance (width) between pedals. Too much width makes movement uncomfortable and puts unnecessary stress on the knee joints. It is important that the knee and ankle joints are strictly under the hips of the practitioner.
  • Step length. This parameter, set by the manufacturer, determines how much “swing” the elliptical pedals can move back and forth. The step depends on the height of the practitioner: the taller the person, the longer it is.
  • Load system . Preferable is electromagnetic, which allows you to more accurately regulate the load level.
  • Flywheel location . The front one is considered better, with it the pedal stroke will be more comfortable.
  • Flywheel weight. The larger it is, the smoother the pedals move.


Manufacturers offer different models of sports equipment for effective cardio exercises at home. Ellipsoids are divided into several types:

  • Mechanical. It works solely through human efforts. The load depends on the athlete. Taking into account the resistance, belt and block units are distinguished. The mechanical equipment is light and compact, but cannot boast of silent operation and smooth running. After class, the exercise machine can be easily folded and hidden in a convenient place. Some models are equipped with simple computers that allow you to set different training programs. Mechanical ellipsoids are suitable for beginners. Experienced athletes should look for more powerful equipment.
  • Magnetic. An improved alternative to a mechanical ellipsoid that works smoothly, without jerking or unnecessary noise. The equipment is based on a natural magnet on which the braking system is built. It is more durable, more reliable and easier to use. During training, the serodrive allows you to gently regulate the load.
  • Electromagnetic. The latest equipment is the most durable model with silent operation and the ability to regulate the load. The ellipsoid has variable pedal angles and a step length of over 40 centimeters. They are equipped with powerful computers that allow you to set dozens of programs of varying levels of complexity and volume. Elliptical trainers have high ratings - they are suitable not only for home use, but also for training in sports centers.

According to the location of the device flywheel:

  • Rear wheel drive. The main working unit is located behind the standing person. The exercise machines are equipped with moving arm levers that are mounted on the pedals. This design feature makes operation simple and straightforward.
  • Front wheel drive. During training, the flywheel is located in front, which in some cases negatively affects the training process. When bending forward, the position of the machine may become unstable. Manufacturers are trying to solve this defect by installing heavy flywheels. The larger the component, the softer the pedal stroke.
  • The flywheel is in the center. The equipment has a shortened shape. The wide base makes it stable during training. The models are compact, take up little space and are easy to use.

How to properly exercise on an elliptical trainer to lose weight?

To burn fat, it is important to follow standard cardio principles. It should last from 30 to 60 minutes and take place at a pulse of 60-80% of the maximum heart rate (MHR). MHR is calculated depending on your age. The simplest calculation method is 220 minus age. The resulting figure must be multiplied by 0.8 - you will get a figure above which your heart rate should not rise during training. And the figure that is obtained by multiplying the MHR by 0.6 is your minimum recommended heart rate.

To monitor your heart rate during exercise, it is best to use a sports watch or fitness bracelet with a heart rate sensor built into the watch or in the form of a chest strap. Many ellipsoids have fixed handles with metal platforms that measure your heart rate. You can use them, but there is one caveat. When you hold on to these handles, your heart rate will not be measured immediately. At the same time, your arms do not work, therefore, the pulse decreases, and the load on the upper shoulder girdle and body decreases. Make allowances for this fact.

Don't forget about safety precautions! Always hold the ellipse's movable handrails or fixed handles with both hands. Keep your feet fully planted on the pedals and do not let them hang down or lift your heels while walking. The knees are bent almost all the time; they do not straighten completely, only when the leg moves back.

Features of the classes

An elliptical workout is a combination of cycling and running. The intensity level can be adjusted. Using the handles engages the muscles in your legs, arms, and shoulders. Such gentle cardio workouts will help burn calories, but to achieve greater results, you need to diversify the types of exercises.

Results after classes can be seen almost immediately. This happens due to the fact that movements are performed not only forward, but also backward. In this way, many muscle groups are involved, excess weight is gradually reduced, and the body is toned. We can say that this simulator is universal. It replaces 5 different shells at the same time:

  • imitates running;
  • skiing;
  • replaces stepper;
  • similar to an exercise bike;
  • simulates repetitions with dumbbells.

Orbitrek allows you to work out problem areas of the body. By changing the position, you can reduce the load on areas where impact is undesirable.


Before you start training, you need to learn how to properly exercise on an elliptical trainer without consequences, and choose the right time. Evening and morning exercises can lead to completely different results. It depends on the processes occurring in the body. You need to focus on biorhythms. According to scientific research, maximum human performance occurs in the morning - 10-12 hours. Between 15 and 18 hours, training is also effective. After noon, body temperature is at its maximum, and therefore the risk of sprains or injuries is minimal. The average duration of an elliptical training session is 45–60 minutes.

Morning workouts speed up metabolism and require more energy expenditure, but fat burning occurs more slowly due to low body temperature. Evening exercises help to work out muscle definition and make the body toned.

If you follow the rules of proper nutrition, you can achieve good results. The diet needs to be changed, food must be added that will provide energy for cardio exercise. You need to eat before class no later than 2-3 hours. The most effective workouts on the elliptical are before breakfast. It is best to organize your meal schedule by the hour. Any form of clothing is suitable. More comfortable for women are leggings and a T-shirt; men may prefer shorts and a T-shirt. Shoes - sneakers with shock-absorbing soles.

Exercising on an elliptical trainer will not be effective for weight loss if you are wrapped in film or wearing thermal clothing. This can only cause harm to your health.

Before starting training, it is important to properly organize your diet by including foods that add energy to the body.

Clothes for training should be comfortable, sneakers with shock-absorbing soles

Training phase

Orbitrek is mainly purchased with the goal of losing weight. You should train on it for 45 minutes, as this time allows you to take energy from the fat layer. It is better to choose the minimum speed, but be sure to keep the time. Later, the intensity can be increased, the speed will allow you to cover a greater distance. It is important to maintain regular training on the elliptical trainer - 4 times a week, but no more than 72 hours between workouts.

By taking long intervals between workouts, each time will be like new. There is no cumulative effect.

You need to pay attention to your heart rate. Everyone can calculate their maximum using a simple formula: subtract age from 220, multiply the resulting number by 0.6 for beginners, and by 0.7 for others. You will get a pulse that needs to be maintained while walking.

Body position can be adjusted. The head should not be tilted forward. If you bend your knees slightly, the main load will be on the calf muscles. By tilting the body forward, the hips are trained, and backwards - the muscles of the buttocks.

It is recommended to exercise 4 times a week for 45 minutes

At first, it is better to use the minimum speed, paying attention to the heart rate

By changing your body position, you can force different muscle groups to work.

Long training

This is a basic exercise both for the purpose of losing weight and for increasing endurance and improving health. A trained person can carry out it for 1 hour 15 minutes - 1 hour 30 minutes, but if you are overweight, it is better to limit it to one hour. During a long workout, you move evenly, within the heart rate zone of 60-80% of MHR. Walking on the elliptical can be a little faster or slower, especially if you have an uphill program. But changes during long-term training always occur smoothly, insignificantly and are not the goal of the lesson at all. The main thing is to move evenly in the specified pulse zone.

If you want to diversify your workout and slightly change the load on your muscles, you can try different types of steps. But this is worth doing only if you are not a beginner and are sure that you will not get dizzy and everything is fine with coordination. Always grab the stationary handles first, then change your stride type. Do not use moving handrails.

  • Steps back. Stop and start pedaling backwards. This will additionally load the back of the thigh and buttocks.
  • Descent. Leaning on your hands, lean your body forward strongly, as if you were lying on the handlebars of a bicycle when descending. Your feet will push the pedals not only down, but also back. This will also give additional detail to the back of the thighs and lower buttocks.
  • Half squat steps. Squat down slightly and walk without straightening your legs completely. This will work out all the thigh muscles well.

What muscles work

When exercising on an elliptical trainer, almost all muscle groups work. The movements can be compared to cross-country skiing, but the machine has more opportunities to change the force and direction of the load. This ensures better and safer training of the following muscle groups:

Leg muscles

  • The quadriceps or quadriceps (front thigh) comes into play when stretching the legs, or more precisely when straightening.
  • The biceps or biceps (thigh at the back) constantly works as an antagonist of the quadriceps, and is most strongly worked in the “sitting” position.
  • The gastrocnemius works with increased pedal pressure, forward and backward movement.

Core muscles

  • The abdominal or abdominal muscles must be kept tense throughout the entire workout, then they will also be involved in the work. In addition, fat from this area will begin to disappear in the process of overall weight loss.
  • The gluteus maximus is especially well worked when walking on mountain slopes without using levers, when walking backwards or in a light squat position. If you eat protein foods and vegetables 1.5 hours before class, then there is a chance not only to tighten, but also to pump up your buttocks.

Upper body muscles

  • The pecs will begin to work if you press on the levers, leaning on them like ski poles.
  • The triceps brachii is used when extending the arms.
  • The biceps brachii works during flexion.
  • The back muscles work when pulling towards yourself.

An elliptical is a cardio machine, so it is worth remembering that, as an attribute of a health workout, it is indispensable for training the heart muscle.

To lose weight on an elliptical trainer, it is enough to work on red muscle fibers, which are also called “slow” muscle fibers. They are not prone to pumping up and increasing in volume, but they promote weight loss. You can use them during long and calm walking with high resistance.

To get an increase in muscle mass, it is worth waking up the “fast” white fibers by including several intervals of up to 2 minutes in a quiet workout, which will consist of a maximum load (it can be increased in two ways: through speed or resistance).

Interval training on the elliptical trainer

This activity burns more calories. During it, work in the fat-burning pulse zone of 60-80% of the MHR and going into the power zone are abruptly replaced - up to approximately 85% of the maximum heart rate. This significantly increases the load on both the muscles and the heart. This activity is more effective, but requires more recovery time and can only be recommended to trained people.

Interval training is structured in different ways. Typically, the effort interval is 3-4 times shorter than the rest interval. For example, you add resistance to the machine or sharply increase your step frequency and work like this for 1 minute. Then walk for 3-4 minutes at a calmer rhythm, restoring your breathing.

For such a workout, you can use the built-in programs of the elliptical trainer. Choose those where you need to climb steep hills 3-4 times during the workout. Going up will raise your heart rate and put more strain on your muscles. The descent and movement on the plain will be a rest interval.

How to choose an ellipsoid for your home

Focusing on price in this matter is dangerous. The cheapest exercise machines cost $80 and up. They are small, without sensors. Their screen only shows the load time and rarely the difficulty level. So is it worth taking this one?

The size of the simulator is very important. If you are more than 170 cm tall, in such a machine you will hit your knees on the screen stand during the exercise. The arms are short, and the ellipsoid shakes.

As a result, the exercise machine will become an ordinary hanger, and then you will sell it. Why do you need this?

Choose by size, try it out before purchasing. It is necessary to have heart rate monitors on the handles. And in memory there are at least 10 programs and 5-6 difficulty levels, which will be switched with buttons, and not with a handwheel somewhere under the scoreboard. Choose wisely and have success with your training!

How much do you need to do on the elliptical to lose weight?

If you are a beginner, then start by training 3 times a week for 30-40 minutes at low speed, minimal or light resistance. After 2-4 weeks, you can use the built-in training programs or manually increase the resistance.

After working out on the elliptical for 2-3 months, you can replace one of your long workouts per week with interval training. After 2-3 weeks, you can introduce another interval. If you feel good, then you can do interval training all 3 times a week. Typically the duration of such a lesson is 30-40 minutes.

Elliptical trainer: step technique

Since the ski step is not a natural movement for humans, mastering the technique of walking on an elliptical can take some time, although it is not difficult. You should choose light sports shoes (sneakers, tennis shoes) that fit tightly on your feet (slippers are not suitable for this). When walking, you must ensure that your movements are not chaotic or abrupt. It is not allowed to transfer body weight from one supporting leg to another; try to ensure that the center of gravity of the body occupies approximately the same position. Any exercises performed without contact with handrails should be performed very carefully at first to reduce the risk of loss of balance and falling.

If you are a skiing enthusiast, mastering the elliptical will be much easier, since the technique of walking on an orbital track is not much different from the movements of a skier.

How much weight can you lose on an elliptical?

Training on the orbitrack is a full-fledged cardio exercise with strength elements for the whole body. So this exercise machine is quite enough to lose weight to your desired weight.

You only need to fulfill 2 conditions.

  • The desired weight must be realistic. It is impossible to dream of a weight of 45 kg with a height of 180 cm. It is best to take your weight at 18-20 years old as a guide. If you are already over 40, add 3-5 kg ​​to this figure.
  • You should eat fewer calories than you burn! Spend, of course, not only in training, but also in everyday life. Typically, to lose weight you need to eat 1500-1800 kcal per day.

The normal rate of weight loss is about 0.5 kg per week. By training on the orbit track, many girls lose 0.8-1 kg per week.


Using an elliptical trainer, you can get your body in order and improve your health. But for some diseases and pathologies, training is contraindicated. People are not allowed to:

  • with heart pathologies and cardiovascular insufficiency (angina pectoris, hypertension, heart rhythm disturbances, thrombophlebitis);
  • for cardiac asthma;
  • with cancer;
  • with frequent swelling;
  • with diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • after suffering injury to any part of the body;
  • after fractures and dislocations;
  • with diabetes.

If you have at least one of these diseases, you should not use an elliptical trainer. To get in shape, it is better to choose a more suitable option that does not cause harm.

Moderate exercise is allowed for people with varicose veins and excess weight after consulting a doctor. He will schedule the hours of classes and the duration of the process. But even healthy users need to follow certain safety precautions. The apparatus must be used strictly for its intended purpose, do not jump, and maintain the correct position.

In case of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and a history of a number of other diseases, training on the orbit track is not recommended

Workout diary for losing weight: what to put in it?

Keeping a training diary in a notebook, in a file or in an application on your smartphone is a very useful thing. It disciplines and does not allow you to skip workouts, helps you see progress and plan further weight loss.

Write down in your diary which days of the week you will train and what exactly to do. You can take the program from our article or use the built-in program of the simulator - then indicate its number.

After your workout, record the time, average and maximum heart rate, and how many calories you burned. For intervals, indicate how many effort-rest cycles you completed. Note how you found the lesson - easy, hard, normal?

Also, once a week, write down your weight and waist and hip measurements in a diary. If your problem area is your legs, you can also measure the circumference of each hip separately.

Who is the simulator suitable for and not suitable for? Indications and contraindications for ellipsoids

Elliptical trainers, the benefits and harms of which are already known, are suitable for almost everyone . The programs built into them make it possible to regulate the load level, thereby controlling the intensity of the workout. Therefore, the exercise machine will be a good option both for a professional athlete and for a person who came to the gym for the first time in his life. It is ideal for those who want to improve their health, get rid of excess weight, tighten their body, work on problem areas and simply keep their body in good shape.

Caution is needed for those who suffer from diseases of the joints and spine, heart and vascular diseases, as well as severe obesity. In all these cases, the simulator is not contraindicated, however, before starting training, it is recommended to consult a specialist .

The elliptical trainer is considered optimal for weight loss. In this case, calories are burned through active physical activity, but it is not necessary to exercise to the point of exhaustion. It will be enough to use the simulator several times a week. And the selected programs will also make it possible to effectively eliminate cellulite and tighten the skin.

Despite all the benefits and advantages of such a device as an elliptical trainer, there are also contraindications . So, you should refrain from classes in the following cases:

  • Regular hypertensive crises;
  • Attacks of cardiac asthma;
  • Tachycardia and angina;
  • Diabetes mellitus, cancer, edema, thrombophlebitis.

Naturally, the benefits of the simulator are invaluable. But if for one reason or another you cannot use it to lose weight, do not be discouraged, as there are many other effective ways to keep yourself in shape. Well, if there are no contraindications, it’s definitely worth including a training program with an ellipsoid into your regular workouts. The exercise machine will help you lose weight with benefit, pleasure and without health risks.


Wanting to understand the nuances of exercises and creating training programs, many turn to thematic forums dedicated to fitness and sports. You can really get useful information there.

Reviews from those losing weight will also explain in detail everything about the elliptical trainer. From them you will get almost all the information you are interested in. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to find out not only the opinions of amateurs, but also get advice from an experienced specialist.

Those who have already become acquainted with the ellipsoid give advice on how to achieve good weight loss results:

  • Each session of the training program must begin with a slow 5-minute warm-up and end with an equally leisurely 5-minute cool-down;
  • regularly alternate different variations of exercises, changing the degree of resistance provided;
  • perform movements at different paces (swap moderate and accelerated);
  • Keep your abdominal muscles tense until the end of the session.

Analysis of exercises

Anatomy of an exercise: which muscles work?

Orbitrek is a representative of the group of cardio exercise equipment, the main feature of which is the specific ellipsoidal trajectory of the pedals. This design feature determines a wide range of existing variations of the “main” exercise, which allows for a comprehensive impact on a large muscle mass:

Advantages and disadvantages of elliptical trainers

Ellipses incorporate the functionality of several cardio equipment at once, so the benefits of using them are quite large:

Among the disadvantages of ellipses, the only one that can be noted is that it is a little more difficult to adapt to the peculiarities of walking on them than to movements on a treadmill or an exercise bike.

Preparation for class

Do a light general warm-up before aerobic exercise, paying attention to those muscles and joints that will be involved during the operation of the simulator:

User height (cm)Minimum stride length (cm)Recommended stride length (cm)
15530from 30
155-16033from 35
160-16534from 37
165-17035from 40
170-17537from 43
175-18038from 45
180-18540from 47
185-19045from 50
190-19547from 50
from 19550from 53

Proper execution

Performance Recommendations


Inclusion in the program

Exercises on the elliptical can be used as a warm-up phase before strength or aerobic exercise. In this case, it is enough to warm up for 10 minutes in a low-intensity mode (50% of the maximum heart rate) and proceed to perform the main set of movements.

However, most often the simulator is used for a specific purpose: to adjust body weight, tone muscles, and develop endurance indicators. In order to solve these problems, the number of training sessions on an ellipsoid in a weekly microcycle should be from 3 to 6 (the final frequency is determined based on the athlete’s level of training and the characteristics of the program).

Important: with all the versatility of the ellipse, you should not expect that with its help you can significantly increase muscle mass - for this, strength exercises must be included in the training program.

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