Bench press workout. 16 week program

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Muravyov V.L. Powerlifting. The path to strength . M.: Svetlana P, 1998.

The main goal of this article is to acquaint athletes with an average level of fitness (starting from the 1st category, candidates for master of sports and above) with some of the best training plans, teach them how to use them independently, and be able to independently make adjustments to the training process . Without claiming to be the ultimate truth, I still recommend taking a closer look at these plans. Here everyone - both coaches and athletes - will be able to find a lot of useful things, or even adopt them completely.

At a certain stage of training, every athlete approaches a state where the result no longer increases under normal loads. Simply increasing the number of workouts and the number of approaches does not lead to growth. What to do in this situation? This is where a scientific approach to solving this problem is needed. Typically, stagnation is observed when the result is slightly higher than that of a candidate for master of sports (CMS). And masters of sports can only be achieved by changing and restructuring the training and, of course, a little “cheating”, i.e. using "chemistry". But how can you change your plans? Who should I ask? After all, there are practically no good, competent coaches left now. Unless only in the national team. The rest of the experienced, competent coaches, for the most part, left the sport and moved to more lucrative positions. Those that remain are simply instructors earning income. Their level is beginners. And at a higher level they are incompetent. Of course, many thanks to them too, since they still promote sports. True, they also spoil a lot by driving false views of athleticism and approaches to it into the heads of beginners. An example of this is a coach I know who graduated from a sports university. In two years, no one has progressed at all, and he, as a fan, continues to feed them articles from the magazines “Strength and Beauty” and the like with the latest “super methods,” although in a couple of years it’s time to be convinced that these methods are ineffective and practically “zero” even for beginners. but no. He continues to pursue his line and, with enviable tenacity and enthusiasm, leads those involved away from the truth, confusing them with newfangled overseas methods. And there is no one to tell him: “What are you doing?” There is no one to stop. Moreover, he so sincerely believes in everything he does. In the hall he is the king and god, the unquestioned authority among beginners. And for all the time - not a single trained athlete, not even a master of sportsman. So is it worth believing in overseas methods?

What to do in this case? Where can you find an experienced mentor, especially for people in remote provinces, to set high goals and objectives? This is where this article should come to the rescue. After reading it carefully, you can learn a lot of useful things from it, you can significantly improve your results and even join the fight for high achievements. It can become your pocket trainer, although not everything here is certain. But the main condition is that you must have the basic concepts of training design and sufficient qualifications, approximately at the level of the 1st category.

Many foreign specialists have long been using the methods of leading Soviet weightlifting coaches. Since the achievements of our Soviet weightlifting are known all over the world. Our athletes have proven this more than once at the World Championships and Olympic Games, and at international competitions at all levels. Hundreds of world records speak about this. Foreign experts have restructured these triathlon training methods, using exercises such as the bench press and squats in planning the results. They appropriated these achievements, successfully applied them and achieved good results. Our athletic magazines constantly publish “super methods” of their bodybuilders who “made” themselves using the achievements of the Soviet school. But they drive home the idea to our reader that all this is thanks to nutrition, absolutely without “chemistry” and with the help of exercises known to any beginner. They also provide their own menus. But this is just a mockery of the Russian reader. With the current high prices and impoverishment of the general population, the overwhelming number of athletes are simply not able to buy these Vader proteins, amino acids and other products in the required quantities. There are a dozen eggs, a bunch of chicken legs, bananas, washed down with 100% juices, etc. daily. And the statement that they achieved everything without “chemistry”? Thanks only to food. Nonsense! “Chemistry”, correct, serious training methods, “derived” from the methods of our Soviet weightlifting coaches, and, of course, nutrition.

Although I can confidently say that for weightlifting and powerlifting nutrition is not as important as in bodybuilding. And at this time we publish photos of pumped-up blacks and “children’s” training methods, known since the time of E. Sandov.

In what magazines or books have you seen the training methods of our leading weightlifters? Even in the magazine “Strength and Beauty,” which advertises itself as almost the only source of truth, and considers all other similar publications in Russia to be almost plagiarism and a reprint from their magazine. What exactly can you find in it? Again, whole sheets of photos. And all the articles are only for beginners. For serious athletes, I think there is nothing there. There is only fragmentary information that leading athletes train 5-6 times a week. Perhaps that's all. Where can more experienced athletes of the 1st category and above, who have outgrown all these publications with general and fragmentary information, get information? But by publishing the plans of leading weightlifters, they can be much more useful for qualified athletes. These magazines only contain sports propaganda. No more. But for experienced athletes who do not need to be promoted for sports, something more serious is required. Since there are few materials on this topic, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the training plans, the powerlifting planning system, compiled and tested by me personally under the guidance of Nikolai Andreevich Ostashko, a well-known weightlifting coach in the USSR. For some time I was engaged in weightlifting under his leadership for a purely health-improving purpose, not pursuing sports results, because I had to study and work. But despite this, I raised my bench press result to 180 kg with a body weight of 83 kg. Agree, not a bad result for a non-professional. And with appropriate pharmacological preparation, it would be possible to reach 200 kg. By the way, at that time I often ate the first time at about 7 am, and the second time at about 8 pm. But I didn’t even know anything about proteins. Most weightlifting masters did the same. Observing how the leading weightlifters, as well as those at a lower level, were engaged (in Grozny, both were in abundance), I concluded that planning a training session based on the plans of N.A. Ostashko is available to everyone - from 1st category to MSMK. With appropriate pharmacological support and under the supervision of a good trainer, very high results can be achieved.

These plans have been drawn up for more than one year. Adjustments and changes were made to them. Now you have before you their last option. The athletes' well-being was monitored. So here are ready-made recommendations that have been successfully tested over time and have given amazing results. Of course, it is not worth pretending that these are the most correct and only correct plans. Yes, I don’t have such a task ahead of me. There are probably more modern developments used in the national team. But they are unlikely to differ significantly from these. They are all built this way. Differences can only be in the number of workouts, in the number of weights lifted (KPS). But these are the matters of the national team. And my main goal in this article is for intermediate powerlifters to understand the principle of planning and learn to structure their training in a similar way. I hope the invaluable work of N.A. Ostashko and mine, thanks to this article, will help you achieve mastery. N.A. Ostashko was trained by the famous Moscow powerlifter Gennady Mamin from Grozny. His result in squats in training with a weight of 95 kg was 360 kg for 2 times. Now judge for yourself.

P.S. Already when this article was written, the repeated champion of Moscow Kolesnikov Sergei from the MIIT sports club at the Moscow Cup in bench press on December 20, 1997, set two junior records: 157.5 kg and 160 kg in the category up to 67.5 kg. He has been working according to my plans for a long time. And this is my second season of training on a 12-week bench press plan. And the result does not stop growing.

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Bench press 100-120 kg Training program

Once upon a time, a training program “How to bench press 100kg” was released. The program was for beginners, from almost zero to 100 kg.

Many people asked for the 100-120 program. And so you waited. Program from 100 to 120 kg in 40 weeks. I understand that 40 weeks is a lot, and most of them can be benched faster than in 40 weeks. But, in the program on how to bench press 100 kg, the weight grew very quickly, not everyone coped with this program, and very many benched their 100 kg, but I would like not just many to bench, but ALL. Therefore, the new program is for 40 weeks, the plan is deliberately very stretched, and the gain is only 0.5 kg per week, but it is better that the program is delayed and the progress is slow than there will be no progress at all.

1 Week
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press70,03690-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press60,03690-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
2 week
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press72,53690-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press65,03690-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
3 week
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press77,53590-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press70,03590-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
4 week
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press85,03490-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press75,03490-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
5 week
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press90,03390-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180video
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press80,03490-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
week 6
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press70,03690-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press60,03690-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
week 7
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press75,03690-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press65,03690-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
8 week
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press80,03590-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press70,03590-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
Week 9
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press90,03490-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press75,03490-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
10 week
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press90,03390-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press80,03490-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
11 week
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press72,53690-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press60,03690-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
12 week
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press77,53690-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press65,03690-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
Week 13
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press82,53590-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press70,03590-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
Week 14
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press90,03490-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press75,03490-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
Week 15
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press95,03390-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press80,03490-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
Week 16
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press75,03690-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180video
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press65,03690-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
Week 17
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press80,03690-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press65,03690-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
Week 18
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press82,53590-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press70,03590-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
Week 19
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press92,53490-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press75,03490-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
Week 20
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press97,53390-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press80,03490-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
21 weeks
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press80,03690-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press70,03690-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
Week 22
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press82,53690-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press70,03690-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
Week 23
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press85,03590-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press70,03590-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
Week 24
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press95,03490-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press75,03490-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
Week 25
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press100,03390-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press80,03490-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
Week 26
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press80,03690-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press75,03690-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
Week 27
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press85,03690-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press75,03690-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
Week 28
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press90,03590-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press70,03590-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
Week 29
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press95,03490-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press75,03490-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
Week 30
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press100,03390-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press80,03490-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
31 weeks
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press90,03690-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press75,03690-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
Week 32
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press95,03590-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press75,03690-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
Week 33
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press100,03490-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press70,03590-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
34 week
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press105,03390-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press75,03490-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
Week 35
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press105,02290-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press80,03490-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
Week 36
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press90,03690-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press75,03690-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
Week 37
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press95,03590-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press75,03690-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
Week 38
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press100,03490-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press70,03590-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
Week 39
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press105,03390-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press75,03490-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
40 week
Controlweightan approachrepeatSeconds (rest)
1bench press80,03490-180
2bench press3690-180
3Biceps pcs/gant4860-90Take turns
4Triceps piece/gant4860-90
5Average delta pcs/gant31060-90Take turns
6Rear delta piece/gant31060-90
2Rear thigh piece/gant4890-180
3Latissimus horizontal bar/block41060-90Take turns
4Anterior thigh exerciser41060-90
5Back gant/block41260-90Take turns
6Rear thigh exerciser41260-90
1Bench press70,01690-180
2Incline dumbbell press4890-180
3Chest trainer31090-180
4Triceps trainer/block41060-90Take turns
5Biceps trainer/block41060-90
6Front delta dumbbell/simulator31260-90Take turns
7Rear delta or middle delta trainer/block31260-90
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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