Leg and shoulder training for men in the gym - training program for leg and shoulder muscles

Viktor Obmornov, Sergey Yugay

You won't be able to achieve sculpted arms and chest if you don't pay attention to your legs.

Many newcomers to the gym do not attach much importance to training their legs, paying increased attention to their arms, chest and back. But this is a fundamentally wrong approach. You should devote a lot of time to your legs at the beginning of your training journey, since the development and growth of all other smaller groups will depend on this very large muscle group.

If your legs are thin, it is very unlikely that you will be able to build up your upper body and achieve a harmonious figure.

The workout includes three exercises for the legs and three for the shoulders. Before class, we must do a good warm-up.


This is a basic mass-building exercise for the lower body.


We always start with an empty bar and do warm-up sets. We arrive at a working set gradually. We select the weight according to our capabilities. We determine our working weight based on the required number of repetitions.


we sit under the bar and place it on our shoulders, take hold of the bar a little wider than shoulder-width apart; feet shoulder-width apart; remove the bar from the racks and step back a little; keeping your back flat and straight, we begin to slowly sit down, knees motionless, feet fixed; lower ourselves slowly into for 2-3 seconds, rise quickly while exhaling.

We do several warm-up sets, after which we move on to working sets - 3-4 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions.

Common mistakes:

placing the bar on your neck, lowering your head, lowering yourself into a squat position too quickly, not fully bending your knees, rounding your back.

Features of the complex

The peculiarity of circuit training for legs is the maximum development of all muscles in one session. You can use weights to perform strength exercises. Since the goal of the workout is not to build muscle mass, the weight of the dumbbells should be light, we recommend reading the article about training at home: https://fb.ru/article/421600/uprajneniya-dlya-krugovoy-trenirovki-doma.

A leg workout should include 5-7 exercises. A circuit of such exercises should be repeated 2-3 times with a 30-second break between sessions. If the pace is too fast, then the rest should be increased to 1 minute. Circular training for legs can effectively burn excess fat and make them more prominent.

Leg press

Here the main work goes on the quadriceps. There are different options for placing your feet; this determines which muscles will bear the load. We use the classic version: feet shoulder-width apart in the middle of the platform.


We rest our feet on the platform; we slowly bend our legs while inhaling until there is about 90 degrees between the thigh and shin; at the bottom point, gravity remains on the heels; at the top point we accelerate as we exhale; we do not pause during the exercise.

We do several warm-up sets, after which we move on to working sets - 3-4 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions.

Common mistakes:

heels lifting off the platform, knees narrowing, lack of fixation of all support points.

Alexander Kodzoev

Monday. Breast

1. Horizontal press in the Smith Machine: 3×8–12; 2. Smith machine press at an angle: 3×8–12; 3. Horizontal press in Hummer: 3×8–12; 4. Shin – any exercise: 6×10–20.

Tuesday. Back

1. Wide-grip Hummer Row: 3×8–12; 2. Pull-down of the upper block behind the head: 3×8–12; 3. Close Grip Hummer Row: 3×8–12; 4. Lower Hummer thrust: 3×8–12; 5. “Pullover”: 3×12–15; 6. Lower back – any exercise: 3×10–15; 7. Shin – any exercise: 3×10–20.

Wednesday. Deltas

1. Back flyes on the simulator: 3×10–15; 2. Smith machine overhead press + dumbbell lateral raise (superset): 3×8–12; 3. Hummer press on the front deltoids: 3×8–12; 4. Shin – any exercise: 3×10–20.

Thursday. Hands

1. Close-grip press + standing biceps curl (superset): 3×8–12; 2. Lifting the barbell on the “Scott Bench” + push-ups (superset): 3×8–12; 3. Shin – any exercise: 6×10–20.

Friday. Legs

1. Leg press: 3×8–10; 2. “Hack squats”: 3×8–10; 3. Front squats: 3×10–12;

4. Seated curls: 4×10–12; 5. Shin – any exercise: 6×10–20.

Saturday and Sunday: rest

Leg Curl

In this exercise we focus on the back of the thigh. Most gyms offer a modification of exercise machines to perform the exercise while lying down, but you can also perform leg curls while sitting. The essence of the exercise does not change.


We position ourselves so that the roller is on the Achilles tendon; we pull our socks towards ourselves, keeping our back straight; we bend our legs completely; we extend them as we exhale, straining the hamstrings; we slowly lower our legs, since the load is placed on the popliteal ligaments, which are very sensitive and prone to injury.

Common mistake:

tearing of the pelvis when bending the legs.

We perform 3-4 working sets of 10 to 12 repetitions.

Yaroslav Babich

I vary the assistance exercises frequently to break up the monotony. Such important exercises as squats, bench presses, pull-ups are performed all year round, and I change all sorts of lunges, “Pullovers”, various blocks at will, guided by intuition.

Monday. Quadriceps, light workout, hamstrings

1. Squats: 1x25, 20, 15, 12, 10; 2. Front squats: 4×12; 3. Leg press: 4×15; 4. Seated leg extension: 4×20; 5. Lying leg curl: 4×15; 6. Drumstick in the machine: 4×30.

Tuesday. Chest, anterior and middle delta

1. Press in the Smith Machine at an angle of 30 degrees: 1x15, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4; 2. Ring push-ups parallel to the floor: 4×12; 3. “Butterfly”: 4×12; 4. “Crossover” from bottom to top: 4×12; 5. Swing dumbbells while standing in front of you, palm up: 4×12; 6. Dumbbell lateral raises: 5×12.

Wednesday. Back, rear delta

1. Weighted pull-ups: 4×10–12; 2. Bent-over barbell row: 1×15, 12, 10, 8, 6; 3. Dumbbell rows alternately: 4×10; 4. Shrugs: 4×15–12; 5. Bent-over dumbbell raises: 4×12; 6. Cross-grip fly in “Crossover”: 4x12.

Thursday. Biceps femoris, calf

1. Seated leg curl: 4×15; 2. Lying leg curl: 4×15; 3. Lunges in “Smith” back: 4×15; 4. Straight leg rows: 1×20, 15, 12, 8; 5. Lower leg in the machine while sitting: 4×15; 6. Standing calf in the barre: 4×30.

Friday. Hands

1. Standing barbell curl: 5×10; 2. French bench press: 5×12; 3. “Hammer”: 4×12; 4. Close grip bench press: 4×10; 5. Flexion + extension on a block: 3×30.

Saturday. Deltas

1. Standing vertical row to the chin: 5×12; 2. Side swings while standing: 5×12; 3. Bent-over dumbbell flyes: 5×12; 4. Cross-grip fly in “Crossover”: 4×12; 5. Standing shrugs: 5×15.

Sunday. Rest

Seated dumbbell press

This is a basic shoulder exercise that works all three parts of the deltoids.


the pelvis, shoulder blades and back of the head are pressed to the back of the bench, the feet are also motionless; we squeeze our arms with dumbbells up, the hand and elbow are in one straight line; at the top point we do not straighten our arms completely; we slowly lower our arms, and as we exhale, we push the dumbbells up again.

We perform 1-2 warm-up sets, then 3-4 working sets from 10 to 12 repetitions.

Ivan Kochetkov

1st day. Chest, biceps

1. Dumbbell bench press: 6×12–15, the first two are warm-up, with each approach we increase the weight; 2. Angle barbell press: 5×12, first warm-up approach; 3. Wide-grip Smith press + 15-degree fly: 4×20, light weights; 4. Lifting the barbell for biceps + bending dumbbells while sitting at an angle of 45 degrees: 5 + 4 × 12–15 + 15–20, the first approach to lifting the barbell is a warm-up. We add weight only on the barbell; 5. Hammer curl: 4x12, heavy weights; 6. Bending the arm in the simulator: 5×15–20.

2nd day. Legs

1. Squat with a barbell: 6×12–15, the first two are warm-up; 2. Leg press with narrow leg position: 4×15; 3. Lunges with dumbbells: 4×12; 4. Leg extension: 4×20–25.

3rd day. Rest

4th day. Back, hamstrings

1. Pull-ups: 5 to failure; 2. Barbell row to the belt: 4×12–10, increasing the weight in each approach; 3. Bent-over dumbbell row: 4×12–10; 4. Block row to the abdomen: 4×15–20, maximum stretch; 5. Lying hip flexion: 5×12–15, the first is a warm-up.

5th day. Shoulders, triceps

1. Barbell row to the chin: 4×15–20; 2. Dumbbell press: 4×12–15; 3. Seated side swings: 5×20–15, adding weight and decreasing repetitions; 4. Bent-over rear delt swings: 5×12; 5. French press: 6×12–15, the first two are warm-up; 6. Extension of one dumbbell from behind the head with both hands: 4×15; 7. Rope handle extension: 5×15.

6th day. Rest

7th day. Rest

Swings with dumbbells through the sides while standing

If, during the upward movement, the dumbbell goes first, followed by the elbow, then the middle section of the deltoid muscles will not contract. It is important that the elbows go up first, and then the dumbbells.


feet shoulder-width apart, take dumbbells in each hand; move your hands up and to the sides from the body. We raise our elbows, trying not to raise our shoulders. We do not twist our wrists at the top point; we do not fully extend our arms at the top point; we do the exercise without pauses.

We perform 3-4 working sets of 12 repetitions.

How to organize training correctly?

The decision to pump up my shoulders did not come out of nowhere. Either someone persistently recommended this to you, or in the process of working on yourself you felt that not everything was okay with this zone. In any case, the most logical option is to start going to the gym. And you will definitely need a trainer who will assess your baseline, prioritize and advise you on an effective course of shoulder exercises.

If you are not new to sports, you do not need an instructor: you can develop a training plan yourself. It doesn't matter where you train - in the gym or at home. The main thing is to have access to the necessary sports equipment.

And don't forget the three principles of effective learning:

  • regularity;
  • continuity;
  • progressiveness.

Barbell row to the chin

We take a grip shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower, so that the load falls a little more on the front deltoids and a little on the trapezius.


take a barbell, place your feet shoulder-width apart; try to relax your biceps without lifting your shoulders too much; work mainly with your elbows, they move upward; don’t twist your wrist at the top point; keep your back straight, don’t sway in time with your movements; perform the exercise without pauses.

We perform three working sets of 10 to 12 repetitions.

The training is over.

This complex consists of not the most difficult exercises. They are perfect for those who are taking their first steps in sports. Remember to increase the load gradually to reduce the risk of injury.


Previously on the topic:

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  • Leg training in the gym for men - a training program for…
  • What are basic exercises in the gym, why don’t they work...
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  • Gym training for a beginner - a gym training program...



In order for circuit training on legs to be productive, you need to take into account some recommendations.

  1. Select 5-7 exercises.
  2. Warm up before starting your workout.
  3. You need to start with the simplest thing - this will prepare the muscles for the load.
  4. You need to do 10-15 repetitions in one circle.
  5. After finishing one circle, you need to give the muscles a rest for a minute.
  6. Circuit training should not last longer than 30 minutes because you may lose some muscle mass.
  7. Such classes should be carried out 2-3 times a week.
  8. Between these exercises, the muscles need to be given rest to allow them to recover.

Taking into account all these subtleties, you can create an optimal training program so that it is productive.

Alexander Prikhodko

During the off-season, I switch to a 4-day split, that is, 4 workouts per week. The split looks like this:

Monday. Legs

1. Lying leg curl: 5×15–12; 2. Seated leg extension: 5×15–12; 3. Smith Machine Squats: 5×15–12; 4. Leg press: 5×15–12.

Tuesday. Chest, biceps, abs

1. Bench press: 5×15–6; 2. Bench press at an angle in the Smith Machine: 4 × 10–12; 3. Lying dumbbell flyes: 4×12–15; 4. “Crossover”: 4×12–15; 5. Biceps with standing barbell: 4×10–12; 6. Biceps curl with dumbbells with hammer grip: 4×10–12; 7. Crossover Curl: 4×12; 8. Two abdominal exercises as desired: 4x20–30.

Thursday. Shoulders, triceps

1. Barbell overhead press in the Smith Machine: 5×15–12; 2. Dumbbell swings to the sides: 4×12–15; 3. Swing dumbbells in front of you: 4×12–15; 4. “Pek-dek”: 4×12–15; 5. Bent-over dumbbell swings: 4×12–15; 6. Triceps on the block: 4×12–15; 7. French bench press: 4×12–15; 8. Triceps on the block alternately with each hand with a reverse grip: 4×12–15.

Friday. Back, calves

1. Wide grip pull-up to the chin: 4×12; 2. Bent-over dumbbell row: 4×12; 3. Close-grip row on a block to the chest: 4×12; 4. Horizontal rows in the Hammer simulator with each hand alternately: 4 × 12; 5. Horizontal pull on the block: 4×12; 6. Two calf exercises optional.

Saturday and Sunday: rest

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