Balancing platform: the best exercises, benefits and disadvantages, how to choose a machine

There is not so much effective equipment for the home, which is at the same time universal and affordable. One of these simulators is a balancing platform - balance board. This simple, compact design allows you to train all the muscles of the body, including the deepest ones, so such training will be an alternative to barefoot training, TRX, and functional training.

What is a balancing disc?

A balancing disc is fitness equipment in the form of a round durable disc, on one side of which the surface is flat, and on the other, the base has a spherical unstable shape. The flat surface serves as a support for the feet or palms, and the unstable surface is in contact with the floor, thereby ensuring rotation around its axis. Thus, the muscles of the body must adapt to the shaky structure and maintain balance, including the smallest and deepest muscles of the body.

The benefits and disadvantages of exercising on a balancing platform


  • The platform forces stabilizer muscles or core muscles that maintain balance to work, thereby improving the appearance and shape of the body, increasing the overall endurance of the body, and improving posture.
  • Small equipment can replace group classes, expensive and bulky training structures, and most importantly, provide full load on the whole body.
  • The disc helps not only to increase muscle tone, but also to reduce weight, since training becomes more energy-intensive when the body is in an unstable position, in which all the human muscles work.

Disadvantages of a balancing disc in sports:

  • Training on the platform cannot be considered completely safe, since there is a risk of losing balance and, as a result, falling. Therefore, you need to be very careful, especially in children and the elderly.
  • The disc will not allow you to gain muscle mass, since the only weight in the workout is your own weight.

Exercises on a balancing platform


  1. Place one foot on the edge of the platform, and carefully place the other on the other edge and find your balance. Place your feet parallel to each other.
  2. Tighten your abdominal muscles and slowly squat, moving your pelvis back until it is parallel to the floor. The knees should not form an acute angle.
  3. As you exhale, slowly rise up, maintaining your balance at all times.


  1. Place your supporting foot on the center of the platform, and the other on your toe back on the floor.
  2. Slowly lower your pelvis and knee of your back leg without pushing the knee of your supporting leg forward.
  3. Then slowly rise up, maintaining balance.
  4. Perform a set on one side, then switch legs.

Gluteal Bridge

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet on either side of the platform and balance.
  2. Exhale and lift your pelvis up, squeezing your buttocks and maintaining your balance.
  3. As you inhale, slowly lower your pelvis to the floor.

Push ups

  1. Place your palms along the edges of the platform. To ease the load, you can place your knees on the floor. If your physical fitness allows, do push-ups on straight legs.
  2. As you inhale, bend your elbows, lowering your chest toward the platform. The closer the elbows are to the body, the greater the load on the triceps.
  3. Exhale as you straighten your elbows.


  1. The exercise is performed statically, both on the elbows and straight arms. Choose an option depending on your own capabilities.
  2. Maintain a straight torso position, squeezing your core muscles to maintain balance.
  3. Stand in the plank for 30-60 seconds.
  4. To make it more complex and involve more muscles, tilt the platform using your palms forward and back, also to the left and right.

Side plank

  1. The exercise can also be performed both on the forearm and on the straight arm.
  2. Place your support hand on the center of the disc, take a side plank, turning your torso to the side. From your feet to your head, keep your body in a straight line, and most importantly, maintain your balance.
  3. Hold the plank for 30-60 seconds on each side.
  4. To complicate the technique, you can add pelvic lifts: as you inhale, lower your pelvis to the floor, as you exhale, return it to the starting position.

First lesson or how to stay on the balance board

Balancing skills on this simulator require preparation and patience. If classes take place at home, and not in the presence of a trainer, the beginner needs physical support. Either a friend who is ready to lend a shoulder or an equipped wall comes to the rescue. This is necessary in order to stand on the board and stay on it until you have the required balance.

The holders look like this: round non-sliding beams are located at different levels along the wall, where the lowest is 20 cm from the floor, the highest is 2.5 meters. When climbing onto a balance board, the beginner holds onto a stick that is at a comfortable level for him, usually at chest level.

It is important to clear the space from breakable objects in order to avoid their breakage if the board suddenly slips out or the beginner gets off the machine incorrectly.

How to stand up and stand:

  • The balance board is installed on a non-slip mat 3 to 5 times larger than the simulator itself;
  • leaning against the wall, stand on the board with your feet on opposite sides of the board;
  • the body should not be very tense;
  • the task is to balance the roller by fixing it in the center of the board;
  • In this position, experts advise, you need to stay in this position for at least 15 minutes. During this time, the body “gets acquainted” with the projectile;

The following basic movement is fixing the roller to one side:

  • to do this, with physical effort and turning your body to the left, move the main weight simultaneously with the roller;
  • fix yourself in this position;
  • do the same with the right side.

To safely master the simulator, trainers advise performing all forward movements with backup, that is, with the help of a wall or a friend. There are many videos on the Internet - lessons teaching how to perform tricks - balancing.

How to exercise on a balancing disc: recommendations

As with any exercise, the duration of the workout plays an important role in obtaining results. To tone muscles and lose weight, spend at least 45 minutes training, but no more than an hour after 1-2 days. Warm up well before class and finish with muscle stretching. Each exercise should be performed for 10-20 repetitions in three sets or cycles if you are doing circuit training. Try to ensure that a full workout contains exercises for all muscle groups for harmonious development.

DIY balance board

To save money and also get involved in an interesting process, you can make a simulator for developing balance yourself. To complete the master class, the following components are required:

  • a cardboard pipe with a width of at least 8 mm (from film, carpet), or a water pipe of the required width;
  • plywood 20 – 40 mm thick (based on body weight);
  • plywood for the limiter.


  • wood glue 300 ml;
  • varnish for coating the product;
  • water-based acrylic varnish;
  • nails or screws for attaching the limiter to the deck;
  • 180 grit for sanding boards.

Manufacturing process

First of all, the “future” roller is prepared. For the simulator, the blank for the roller should be round, not oval. To make the product hard and moisture-resistant, the surface is varnished. Dries in 2 – 4 hours.

Board preparation:

  • Sand the workpiece with 180 grit over the entire surface, on all sides;
  • on the back side of the board, measure 30 mm along the edges, draw a marking line and round it with a cut.


  • measure 16 mm from the edges, then screw the plywood with a screwdriver;
  • do the same on the other side;
  • round the edges with a router;
  • Sand the sharp edge where the router cannot reach with sandpaper;
  • varnish the back side of the plywood.


  • print a color picture (to your liking);
  • cut along the contour;
  • Apply acrylic varnish liberally with a brush to the picture from the front side;
  • set the picture aside and let it dry for 2-3 minutes;
  • Apply a thick layer of acrylic varnish to the outside of the plywood;
  • attach the picture face down to the product;
  • smooth with a construction or artistic roller;
  • after drying, take a little water and lubricate the paper;
  • Gradually peel the drawing off the paper with your fingers;
  • varnish the finished board

The board can be made by connecting two thin plywood 10 mm each. To do this, the required size is cut out, both parts are coated with wood glue, glued together, and put under a press until completely dry.

How to choose a simulator

Disks can be made of materials such as plastic, metal, wood. Plastic is not the most durable material, so carefully study the product description. The most important criterion is choosing the correct load weight that the machine can withstand. Each manufacturer must indicate the strength limit of the exercise machine, so pay attention to this and select it according to your own weight.

Also, the diameter of the structures may differ, so you should choose a disc taking into account the size of the foot, so that both legs fit freely on the circumference and do not go beyond the edges.

Top 8 best balance boards

The main mistakes that buyers make when choosing a simulator are the quality of the material used and individual characteristics: board size, type of roller. The rating, collected from user reviews, will help even a beginner not make a mistake in choosing.

Bidirectional balance boards


The Pro Balance balance board is suitable for all board sport enthusiasts who have basic balancing skills. A bright design solution will not leave the owner unnoticed. Basic equipment: a deck with an anti-slip coating, a rubberized roller that reduces friction, suitable for performing tricks of medium and also high complexity. Model year: 2022. Price in the online store from 4,400 rubles.


  • deck dimensions: 76 x 35 x 1.5 cm;
  • board: 15 mm plywood, coated with durable varnish, quartz coating, with stops;
  • plastic roller: length 39 cm, diameter 16 cm;
  • product weight: 5.3 kg;
  • load 130 kg.

balance board Pro BALANCE Love


  • deck material;
  • standard dimensions;
  • suitable for performing tricks.


  • sentimental print for everyone;
  • the plastic roller may wear out;
  • not suitable for beginners.

SURF GS Pro Balance 2018

The weight of the set, consisting of a board and a roller, is 5.3 kg. The roller is made of a combination of wood and plastic, has an anti-slip coating, and does not scratch the inside of the board. The board itself is made of plywood, there are special limiters along the edges, which makes the simulator suitable for beginners.

Speaking about the board, it is worth noting the beautiful design, as well as the use of three layers of high-strength varnish, complemented by quartz coating, which provides better adhesion to the surface.


  • manufacturer - Russia;
  • board measuring 76 x 35 x 1.5 cm;
  • material - plywood, varnished + quartz coating;
  • roller: diameter - 160 mm, length - 390 mm;
  • roller material: wood, plastic;
  • set weight - 5.3 kg;
  • withstands 130 kg;

The cost of SURF GS Pro Balance 2022 is from 4,400 rubles.

balance board SURF GS Pro Balance 2018


  • Board design;
  • High quality roller;
  • Suitable for beginners due to the presence of limiters.


  • Not suitable if the weight of the trainee is above 130 kg.

Elements Original Eight

A board in a minimalist style, without a pattern, with a sand coating, according to the manufacturer, does not distract from the main task - to train safely and effectively. This is facilitated by the non-slip coating of the deck. The simple design does not in any way diminish the capabilities of this balance board. The simulator is equipped with limiters, but the company offers to make a board on request without them. Classic, comfortable figure eight shape. The roller can be chosen from three types: for children and beginners, for tricks, and statistical exercises. Designed for intermediate, professional level. Price: 2990 rubles. You can purchase the product in stores in large cities and online. At the same time, the manufacturer provides the client with an individual approach, balancing the board according to personal preferences.

balance board Elements Original Eight


  • manufacturer - Russia;
  • board measuring 76 x 37 x 1.5 cm;
  • material - plywood coated with varnish;
  • rollers (optional): 50 * 110 mm; 37 cm * 160 mm; 50 cm * 160 mm;
  • roller material: wood, plastic;
  • set weight - 6 kg;
  • withstands 200 kg;


  • individual solution for everyone;
  • price;
  • designed for a wide audience of consumers.


  • heavy kit;
  • the board is not suitable for children;
  • modest design.

Pro balance wake

The well-known manufacturer of training accessories Pro balance offers a rectangular model in black, wake black, for connoisseurs of classic design. The product includes: a deck and is mounted on a cylindrical holder. It has holders on the sides for comfortable carrying. The board is equipped with standard non-removable stops. The roller is not rubberized, it is sandblasted, making it wear-resistant. The plywood board is painted with waterproof black paint. Price: 2890 rubles.

balance board Pro balance wake


  • deck: 76 x 35 x 1.5 cm;
  • roller diameter 150 mm, length 160 mm;
  • set weight: 4100 g;
  • permissible load: 130 kg.


  • easy;
  • price;
  • standard board size.


  • conservative design;
  • the roller has a plastic base;
  • Only for experienced balancer.


The domestic company AzbukaDecor, which produces various products from wood, offers the buyer a fitness machine for home use - a balancer. The product is available in five colors, one of which is natural. Round birch plywood is mounted on a semicircular disk attached to the base. This design allows you to rotate 360 ​​degrees, instead of the standard 2-way rotation. The product is coated with transparent varnish. Withstands 130 kg. Suitable for: children from 5 years old; adults; people with spinal diseases. Price: 3500 rubles.

balance board balance beam ABCDecor


  • production: Russia;
  • size: 700*400 mm;
  • no removable parts;
  • limit 130 – 135 kg.


  • universal for children, adults;
  • easy;
  • environmentally friendly material.


  • price;
  • specific application;
  • small dimensions.

Multidirectional balance boards


The FITNESS 360 SERIES of the Elements trademark has more degrees of freedom, unlike roller models. The support in this model is on the ball. The unique simulator is in demand among experienced boarders. It is more difficult to stand on the machine; all muscle groups are involved. The drawing is catchy, reminiscent of space. The weight of the set is significantly higher than that of analogues - 8 kg, the dimensions of the board are also larger than standard ones. Not suitable for children under 15 years of age or beginners. Price: from 4999 rubles. Available for purchase online.

balance board Elements FITNESS 360


  • board dimensions: 80 x 36 x 3 cm;
  • the ball is covered with rubber;
  • made of durable plywood;
  • weight 8 kg;
  • production: Russia;
  • can withstand up to 200 kg.


  • robust construction;
  • will withstand a lot of weight;
  • bright drawing.


  • for advanced users only;
  • heavy weight of the set;
  • high price.


The Australian brand has released a balance board for professionals to hone their skills and perform difficult tricks. The non-slip coating will ensure safe balancing, and movement in three planes will ensure a quality workout. The conservative nature of the simulator is designed for a wide group of buyers. There are no drawings on the deck. The simulator has passed several quality checks. The monorail platform is securely attached to the board. 5 out of 6 people who reviewed this product comment on its durability. Average price: 9200 rubles.

balance board HQ


  • non-slip surface;
  • plywood 20 mm thick;
  • roller guides;
  • maximum load 130 kg;


  • quality of materials;
  • reliability;
  • certificate of quality conformity.


  • price;
  • requires preparation;
  • conservative design.


The MADBALL model from the famous sporting goods brand Surf will appeal to even the most experienced balancer. The board of the product is mounted on a cast elastic ball. Exclusive drawing and design are a feature of the popular board. It will be comfortable for any height and can withstand weight up to 130 kg. Price: 8500 rubles, available for order online.

balance board MADBALL Surf


  • deck: 86 x 40 x 1.5 cm;
  • roller: 50 x 16;
  • varnished with quartz, varnished underneath;
  • set weight: 5 kg.


  • coating quality;
  • cast fastener design;
  • unusual design.


  • price;
  • only for professionals;
  • heavy.
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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