Morning exercises for men: a set of exercises with your own weight and dumbbells

Nowadays even the word “exercise” seems to most either a kindergarten prerogative or a completely useless activity, and if we talk about morning exercises for men, it is generally an extremely irrelevant activity for the stronger sex of our time! Why? It's all due to modern trends and marketing. What's relevant today? Six-pack abs and big biceps, but few people think about health lately, because athletes often get a phenomenal hypertrophied body not for the benefit of their health. Therefore, today we encourage you to think about your own health and talk about exercise for men.

The benefits of morning exercises for men

Anyone who lived in the times of the Soviet Union probably did exercises while standing in front of the TV, because this type of physical exercise was broadcast in the morning on central television, and morning exercises were relevant for everyone. Both young and old people practiced it.

Morning exercises are a set of exercises aimed at working the whole body in order to prevent problems of both the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system. Exercise tones the body and body systems, accelerates the blood and prepares a person for the stress of a working day. Due to such physical activity, the risk of the formation of salt deposits is reduced, and blood circulation is improved, which is beneficial for general health and potency. Daily exercise is the key to longevity.

Possible difficulties

The main difficulty in morning exercises can be getting up early. Not everyone can force themselves to get up half an hour to an hour earlier in order to devote time to exercise. Many will prefer to devote this time to sleep. The main thing here is motivation. Think about what morning exercise will do for you and what benefits it will bring to your body. Try to go to bed half an hour to an hour earlier, especially at first, so that your body does not feel a lack of sleep. Better yet, turn men's morning exercises into family exercises. Joint activities bring us closer together and bring even greater benefits!

Complex of morning exercises with dumbbells for men

Exercises with dumbbells used as a complex exercise should be performed with minimal weight. They are easy to do at home and can be done every day. The set of exercises with dumbbells includes the following movements:

  • Dumbbell wrist twists – This exercise should be done with your arms lowered and relaxed or held in front of you. The movement is performed only by turning the hand in one direction and then in the other direction. Perform 10-15 repetitions on each side. Don't rush or make sudden movements.
  • Rotation of the shoulder joints. The arm movements are performed up and down with the elbow joints bent at a ninety-degree angle. This exercise is designed to prepare the shoulder joints and stabilizers for work. When performing rotations, the shoulder and elbow joints should be in a horizontal position, that is, on the same line.

  • Standing dumbbell lateral raises are an exercise aimed at developing the deltoid muscles, but in our case, the weight of the dumbbells should be minimal and designed solely for prevention. When performing the fly, the elbows and knees should be slightly bent to avoid unnecessary stress on the joints. Don't swing and spring to help yourself. It is important to concentrate on working the deltoid muscles.

  • Lying dumbbell lateral raises - this exercise effectively trains the chest muscles. It stretches the fibers and forces blood into the cells, which ensures excellent blood circulation. When performing this option, you should bend your elbows slightly and do not change the angle throughout the entire approach. The exercise is best performed on a bench or chairs to allow the elbows to drop slightly below the elevated level. At the lowest point, the hands should not fall below the shoulder joints.

  • The standing vertical press is another exercise aimed at developing the deltoid muscles. At the lowest point, the elbows should be on the sides of the body, closer to the ribs. At the top point, you must not fully extend your elbows; the dumbbells should be positioned above your head.

  • Squats with dumbbells improve physical fitness and are the best exercise for the legs, which is suitable for use in training of various types, be it developing endurance or strength. The main thing is that your knees do not go forward beyond your toes. Move your pelvis back so that a right angle forms at your knees.

  • Lunges with dumbbells - this exercise gives a surge of strength and increases endurance of both muscles and the cardiovascular system. The best option would be to perform it while moving around the room, rather than in one place. Perform the same number of lunges on each leg. Don't throw your torso back.

A little about warming up

The morning exercise routine for men, a video of which you will find below, should begin with a warm-up, as you already said. It should always be done from top to bottom. First, slowly roll your head around your neck. If this exercise causes you discomfort, then you can replace the rotation with clear bends to the sides.

So that during further exercises the joints stand up correctly and all the muscles warm up, perform the following warm-up complex :

  • perform rotations with your hands from yourself and towards yourself;
  • rotate your elbows in the opposite and forward directions;
  • move on to rotating your shoulders in both directions;
  • rotation of the ankle joint away from you and towards you;
  • rotate your knees around an imaginary axis and also in the opposite direction.

After finishing your warm-up, do the exercises.


  • You need to do exercises every morning. To do this, it will be enough to spend only 10 minutes. But do not forget that this physical activity is not a complex that develops the body and spirit, but only provides the body with the opportunity to work in full mode for as long as possible.
  • To get the most benefit from an exercise program, get plenty of sleep .
  • Don't overexert yourself , because this is a simple load and it has nothing to do with the strength training we are used to.
  • The load during charging should be evenly distributed across the body. This will be proper physical activity. Only if you systematically perform exercises can you feel invigorated by this type of physical activity.
  • It is best to do exercises on an empty stomach or do exercises an hour after eating.
  • It wouldn’t hurt to include into your usual exercise program , if possible. In the future, you can also complicate the exercise with complexes for the abdominal muscles. But once again it is worth focusing on ensuring that exercise does not develop into a full-fledged workout.

When and how?

It is best, of course, to do exercises every day. Ten to fifteen minutes is enough, but if desired, you can increase the duration to half an hour. If you can’t do it every day, do it as often as you can, it will still be more useful than not doing anything at all.

You need to do exercises BEFORE breakfast. But you should definitely drink water before exercise, at least a glass. After all, you didn’t drink at least 8 hours of sleep, some amount of water was excreted in your urine and sweat. Once the fluid is gone, it means the blood has become thicker and increasing its circulation in such an “undiluted” form is overloading the heart. So, you need water, and if you are hungry, juice. Those who cannot live without coffee or tea can also drink these drinks. But a standard cup of coffee (50 ml) will not dilute the blood, so supplement it with another liquid.

Now let's look at the intensity of movements. Remember a simple rule: the colder the weather, the less active you should start. That is, if in the summer you can do exercises with a pulse of 90–100 beats per minute, and by the end of the workout you can raise the pulse to 110, then in the winter start with 85–90.

Floor exercises in artistic gymnastics

Floor exercises are a combination of acrobatic elements and combinations performed on the mat, included in the program of men's and women's artistic gymnastics competitions.

A gymnastics carpet is a square platform, measuring 12 by 12 meters, designed to soften an athlete’s landing when performing jumps. The carpet is made of a special shock-absorbing material and has a coating that prevents skin burns when rubbing against its surface.

Acrobatic elements include somersaults, somersaults, splits, handstands and other gymnastic exercises. An obligatory element of floor exercises is the “acrobatic sequence” - a series of jumps and somersaults performed diagonally on the mat from one corner to the other.

The women's program also includes dance steps similar to exercises from rhythmic gymnastics. This is the only section of artistic gymnastics performed to music. The floor exercise program lasts 90 seconds for women, 70 for men.

Artistic gymnastics at the Olympic Games

Artistic gymnasts compete in 14 sets of Olympic medals (8 men, 6 women). The first place in the overall medal standings is still occupied by the USSR. Soviet gymnasts added 182 awards to the national sport collection.

Short story

The sporting history of gymnastics began at the first Olympics of modern times . In 1896, in Athens, gymnasts competed for 8 gold medals. Only men competed.

The exercises were different from modern gymnasts' routines. There was no all-around, floor exercise or balance beam competition. But rope climbing was an Olympic sport. The Olympic champion climbed the 14-meter rope in 23.4 seconds. The last Olympic medals in this type of artistic gymnastics were awarded in 1932.

Women's artistic gymnastics celebrated its birthday in 1928. At first, women competed only as part of teams. Individual championships for gymnasts were included in the Games program in 1952. In the same year, another significant event took place. The Soviet Union made its debut at the Olympic Games.

Artistic gymnasts of the USSR

The Soviet Union collapsed 30 years ago. But he will remain at the top of the team standings in artistic gymnastics for many years to come. The USSR took part in 9 Olympics, from 1952 to 1988. Soviet gymnasts won 72 gold medals. The USA takes second place in the medal standings. Throughout history, Americans have won 39 gold medals (as of after the 2021 Olympics).

Many achievements achieved by Soviet gymnasts may forever remain unattainable for other athletes. For example, Larisa Latynina is the only nine-time Olympic champion in artistic gymnastics in the world. In total, Latynina won 18 Olympic medals - another unsurpassed record. This is more than all the artistic gymnasts (men and women) of England and Canada combined in the entire history of the sport.

Artistic gymnastics medal count (Olympic program)

At the Olympic Games, artistic gymnasts will compete for 14 gold medals. The men's program consists of 8 disciplines. The medal count for women consists of 6 sections.

Competitions include: exercises on gymnastic apparatus - 4 exercises for men, 2 for women; freestyle program – 2 sets of awards (men and women); vault – 2 gold medals; individual all-around – 2 medals; all-around team – 2 medals.

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