Crossfit training for girls - monthly program, recommendations

Progressive training called CrossFit attracted the interest of professionals and amateurs in the early 2000s and has not lost its relevance to this day. CrossFit is popular not only among men; women also participate in competitions, demonstrating incredible results and winning the title of the strongest female athlete in the world. There are more and more fans of the system every year. Why is it that such a harsh sport attracts girls so much? Interesting question, let's figure it out!

CrossFit combines strength and cardio exercises, gymnastic exercises, harmoniously developing the body and skills of the athlete. Girls in this sport are hardworking and resilient, and many people envy the slimness and definition of their figure. Representatives of professional sports will not be stopped by difficulties, blood or tears, or injuries. Daily hard work builds character and brings you closer to your cherished goal.

If you don’t want to go on the competition platform and win medals, CrossFit is suitable for losing weight, strengthening the cardiovascular system, ligaments, and most importantly, it gives you energy and good mood, which is important for girls.

In this article you will learn:

  • what is crossfit and how to choose exercises for women at any level of physical fitness;
  • basic concepts of the training system;
  • is it possible to practice crossfit at home and what is needed for this;
  • how exercise will help you lose weight;
  • How developed is women's crossfit in Russia?

Women's crossfit workouts

Starting training in the gym or at home, girls strive to get rid of extra pounds and make their muscles sculpted and seductive. Running and fitness programs are a standard choice that soon becomes boring. Jogging is perceived as torture, motivation drops and the set goal remains unachieved.

CrossFit contains a wide range of exercises in its arsenal, turning training for girls into a breath of fresh air, combining physical activity with a fun pastime.

The format of classes, as a rule, is group, held in specially equipped rooms. At the same time, the training program for girls is no different from men. The only difference is the level of intensity and the weight of the equipment used. If it is not possible to purchase a subscription, then training can be carried out at home or in the gym - this is another plus of the program.

What is the CrossFit system?

This is a multifunctional training system that improves a person's flexibility, strength and power, speed and endurance. Special complexes called WOD help develop qualities. Each CrossFit workout is done at the limit, with high intensity within a regulated time frame.

The technique can be called a kind of symbiosis of weightlifting and track and field athletics, powerlifting, gymnastics and kettlebell lifting.

Strength elements from power biathlon or triathlon (presses, deadlifts, snatches, clean and jerks, squats) are not suitable for beginners. It is recommended to perform the movements only after mastering the technique without additional weight and under the strict supervision of a trainer to reduce the risk of injury.

The CrossFit training program for girls is distinguished by the lighter weight of additional equipment. Women are better at aerobic exercise than men, so the emphasis is on endurance and number of repetitions. Work is carried out with light weights or only with your own body weight.

Training helps:

  • increasing endurance;
  • strengthening the heart muscle;
  • development of ligaments and muscles;
  • development of the respiratory system;
  • losing weight;
  • improving body quality without increasing the volume of muscle tissue.

All this makes CrossFit attractive to girls who dream of excellent physical shape and high functionality.

Rounds and WODs - basic concepts of CrossFit

WOD (workout of the day) translated means “workout of the day” and includes a set of exercises or one movement. Regulated rounds help develop physical abilities. A new training day does not repeat the previous one and is aimed at developing a specific skill or quality.

A round or circle is a multiple repetition of a WOD; at the end of a cycle of exercises, you must start again, and ideally without stopping. The format of the rounds is determined by the workout of the day. The results are recorded on the board for convenience and tracking progress.

High intensity loads require a preliminary general warm-up to warm up the muscles and prepare the joints and ligaments for work.

CrossFit terminology

The duration of the program is displayed in the abbreviation WOD:

  • AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) - complete as many rounds as possible within the specified time;
  • AFAP (As Fast As Possible) - complete the task as quickly as possible;
  • EMOM (Every Min Of the Min) - perform an exercise at the beginning of each minute and rest for N minutes until it ends.

Tabata – interval training. The cycle is based on the principle of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest - this is a classic scheme that can be changed.


Health problems and certain body characteristics limit access to high-intensity training. Prohibiting factors:

  • cardiac dysfunction – training puts stress on the myocardium (heart muscle);
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding – all complications after childbirth must be reported to the trainer to take into account individual characteristics and create a gentle program;
  • obesity - if the body weight is above 85 kg, then the woman should initially lose weight so as not to overload the cardiovascular system and not injure the joints. Diet and increased physical activity during the day, race walking, will help with this;
  • anorexia – weakness of muscles and ligaments will not allow you to fully train, so you first need to strengthen the muscle corset with the help of fitness and bodybuilding;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • musculoskeletal injuries;
  • inflammation.

If you are in doubt, it is better to consult a doctor.

Important rules for crossfit training

Before you jump into an at-home CrossFit workout program for women, pay attention to the most important rules of the sport.

Attention to beginners: in CrossFit there is such a thing as scaling exercises. This means that you can perform any exercise in a simplified version. Despite the fact that the load is reduced, you pump up the same muscles as if you followed the classic technique. After strengthening your muscles, you can move on to a more difficult option.

Consider your physical fitness

When creating a schedule, consider your physical fitness. If you run in the morning or lift weights in the gym, it would be optimal to do 2 days of training (for example, running on the first day and CrossFit on the second) + 1-2 days of rest. It is true that there are also fans who are ready to study 3 times, but this option does not allow freeing up the weekend. In addition, you may not have time to recover, which will nullify all the benefits of the exercise.

Regularity of training

While training in a group under the strict guidance of a professional CrossFitter you would not have to create a training schedule, then when training at home you cannot do without it. Of course, when performing the program on your own, it is somewhat more difficult to tune in to systematic work on your body and develop discipline. Important: there should be at least 2 workouts per week, optimally 3.

Be sure to alternate a sports day with a rest day. This will allow your muscles to fully recover after intense training. In addition, it is the lack of days free from CrossFit that leads to exhaustion of the body and overtraining.

Warm-up is everything

Never neglect warming up. It only takes 5-7 minutes, but all these monotonous movements, familiar to you from physical education lessons, will help protect your muscles and joints from possible injuries. You also need to emphasize that you should never do stretching before CrossFit (however, this also applies to banal strength training). Your muscles have not yet warmed up, so there is a high probability of injuring them.

© Maksim Šmeljov —

But after passing through the five circles of hell, you can devote a few minutes to the so-called cool-down. This may include light cardio for 10-15 minutes or light stretching of the muscle groups that were worked during the workout.

Equal attention to all muscle groups

Work all areas of the body evenly. Many women “score” on their arms, shoulders and back. We assure you that push-ups, pull-ups and strength exercises with dumbbells will not turn your arms into the muscular “cans” of the Hulk .


In order to achieve excellent results, follow a diet, regardless of where you train - in the gym or at home:

  • Eliminate fast food from your diet and minimize fast carbohydrates in your diet. If you are not losing weight, you may not cut out all sweets, but remember that it is better not to consume more than 30-40 grams of sugar per day.
  • Eat more often, but in small portions. Ideally, switch to 5-6 meals a day. If this doesn’t matter, then eat at least 3 times a day. There is not much difference, the main thing is to eat your daily calorie intake.
  • Before training, you can eat 2-3 hours depending on your body. Post-workout nutrition depends on your goal. If you want to lose weight, it is better to eat mainly protein foods. If you gain, add carbohydrates.

Remember: it will be quite difficult for you to burn calories by training alone. The key to CrossFit success is a combination of regular training + healthy eating + good rest between classes.

The following video explains very clearly about proper nutrition:

Recipes for healthy eating

Beet salad with egg and cheese

  • 4.9 g Protein
  • 4.1 g Fat
  • 7.8 g Carbohydrates
  • 100.2 kcal

60-70 min.

  • #mustard
  • #dietary
  • #breakfast
  • #green onions
  • #yogurt
  • #low calorie
  • #dinner
  • #beet
  • #cheese
  • #dinner
  • #garlic
  • #egg

Other recipes

Crossfit or gym - which is better for girls?

In the gym, work is done on machines, loading specific muscle groups in isolation, while the CrossFit training program uses all muscles at once. This principle allows you to strengthen as many muscles as possible and promote weight loss.

The high intensity of CrossFit leads to the desired result faster and takes less time than training on exercise machines. This does not mean that the gym is ineffective and that you should not visit it. The establishment's arsenal includes barbells, dumbbells and kettlebells, which are perfect for performing power WODs. Effectiveness does not depend on the place of training, but on the efforts and efforts of the athlete. You can do the workout in the gym or at home.

It is important to get in the right mood, get enough sleep, feel good and train well. Additional equipment is a secondary means of achieving the goal. Your own body weight is the best thing everyone has for a full-fledged CrossFit. Split training, although aimed at working out each muscle in detail, does not differ in variety and intensity.

What is CrossFit for women?

CrossFit is a type of physical training developed in Los Angeles by American Greg Glassman in the early 90s. CrossFit is also called cross-training due to the fact that it involves different types of training.

CrossFit aims to prepare a person for the unknown and unknown.

Greg Glassman, founder

This high-intensity functional training has gained such popularity that elements of CrossFit have been introduced into US military training, and since 2005 the CrossFit Games have been held - international CrossFit competitions.


While CrossFit games might include ocean swims, mountain runs, or sand powerlifting, regular workout routines consist of simple exercises that anyone can do. One lesson consists of several cycles or rounds, each of which includes from two to six exercises. CrossFit can be performed in different ways:

  • Beginners train without timing and perform a certain number of repetitions in each round.
  • With basic physical training, they move on to time tracking, when a strict limit is given for each round, and the goal of training is to reduce the time it takes to complete all cycles.
  • Advanced athletes do the maximum number of rounds in a certain time.

Standard training programs in CrossFit are usually named after women: Cindy, Chelsea, Barbara. But this does not mean that such complexes are simple. Some complexes are named after outstanding female athletes who have passed away. The most difficult complexes for trained CrossFitters are named after soldiers who fell in the war: Murph, JT, Michael.


Advantages and disadvantages of CrossFit for girls

The main advantage is the combination of aerobic and strength training, affecting the entire body at once. This is why CrossFit is suitable for beginner girls, helping to harmoniously develop their figure.

If we talk about the benefits of the technique, then moderate and reasonable loads will only strengthen the female body. You should not focus on the performance and appearance of leading athletes, because this is a completely different level of physical fitness and pursuit of professional goals.

Aerobic exercise in the context of CrossFit will make your silhouette feminine and fit. Muscle hypertrophy means working with extreme weights, a special nutrition plan and daily training. Under other conditions, body volume will not increase!

The disadvantage is the risk of injury in the absence of control of the technique by the trainer. You can find many pros and cons of CrossFit; beginners are at least not recommended to include complex exercises in WOD without having the skills. Initially, training begins without weight or with light weights.

The elements of powerlifting that are considered difficult to master are the back squat, bench press and deadlift. Beginners are recommended to master the exercises in the Smith machine.

Restrictions on CrossFit classes

There are a number of restrictions in CrossFit training that must be followed by everyone in order to avoid injury:

  • The complex necessarily includes a warm-up to warm up the muscles, joints and ligaments.
  • If you have joint diseases and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, you must exclude any activities that put stress on your back or legs. An alternative option is to reduce the load, use your own weight, without weighting.
  • An absolute contraindication to CrossFit training is heart and vascular disease and high blood pressure. A replacement for classes are health-improving exercises carried out under the supervision of the attending physician.

The minimum age for CrossFit is 13-14 years old, when a teenager’s musculoskeletal system is almost completely formed. Training should begin with basic exercises (pull-ups, push-ups, squats). At the final stage, the technique of exercises from strength training is mastered.

CrossFit exercises for weight loss

A high pace of exercise raises your heart rate to high levels, saturates the body with oxygen, increasing metabolism and breaking down fatty tissue. Multi-joint exercises (squats, presses, rows) involve several muscle groups, which consumes a lot of energy and leads to weight loss. One workout consumes 400 calories or more. It is important to remember that to lose extra pounds, it is important to correctly calculate your daily calorie needs and create a deficit in your diet.

However, a high pulse zone, in addition to fatty tissue, also breaks down muscles. It is necessary to control indicators to avoid negative effects. A comfortable heart rate will allow you to train longer, and therefore burn a lot of calories and preserve precious muscles. The optimal training time, taking into account warm-up and skill development, is 30-60 minutes.

Fat deposits are burned after the glycogen reserves in the liver are depleted, and this takes about 20 minutes. Conclusion: the minimum training time is half an hour.

Frequency of training

The variety of WODs allows you to train without days off. You can train on a daily basis by choosing a recovery complex. It all depends on individual characteristics: level of physical fitness, motivation, goals, time and financial capabilities. Daily workouts are suitable for girls who are already involved in sports.

For beginners, it is enough to train 3 times a week, otherwise the body gets into a stressful state, becoming overtrained. Then the number increases to 4 workouts.

What are the benefits and specifics of the complex?

These days, women's CrossFit has become especially popular among gym goers. About 70% of girls use the presented set of exercises in order to lose weight and keep their body in great shape. Professional fitness trainers claim that, in addition to losing weight, CrossFit for girls can have a positive effect on improving the body’s functional capabilities and developing the muscular system. This type of training also increases endurance and improves the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

However, in order to achieve the expected effect during CrossFit classes, it is important to adhere to a number of rules:

  1. To avoid joint injuries and sprains, each workout should begin with a warm-up and end with a cool-down.
  2. Regardless of the total time spent in the gym, CrossFit workouts should last no more than 60 minutes.
  3. It is necessary to reduce the breaks between approaches gradually. During the period of the body’s adaptation to the complex for 2 months, breaks should be at least 3 minutes.
  4. It is recommended to use a heart rate monitor while doing weight loss exercises. This device will help you understand when you need to take a break and give your body a rest.
  5. Loads must be increased gradually, based on the individual characteristics of the body at the start of training for girls.

How to eat before and after training?

Correct eating habits will help you achieve maximum benefits from CrossFit. The emphasis is on a protein diet and foods of animal origin. Be sure to include complex carbohydrates in your menu to get the necessary amount of energy for training.

1.5 – 2 hours before training, it is recommended to consume a portion of slow carbohydrates and lean meat. Within 40 minutes after training, it is better to eat a fruit and a protein product (low-fat cottage cheese, protein).

What crossfit exercises are suitable for girls?

The system includes many movements. The most popular of them:

  • bench press;
  • thrusters;
  • twisting
Kettlebells Swing with one or two arms to shoulder level or to full opening
  • classic or front squats (barbell on front shoulders), overhead;
  • pushups and presses;
  • lunges and thrusters;
  • deadlift, bending (good morning)
Own body weight
  • burpees, push-ups, air squats, sit-ups;
  • lifting legs while hanging to the crossbar, pull-ups on the horizontal bar, rings;
  • jumping/jumping onto a pedestal;
  • jumping rope, long jumping;
  • run.

Crossfit program for girls for a month

We offer a training plan for 4 weeks. Before each lesson, be sure to warm up and perform light joint exercises.

Week 1

  • Workout 1 (5 rounds): pull-ups - 20, air squats - 40, crunches - 20, push-ups from the knees - 20.
  • Workout 2 (3 rounds): 1000m run, chest clean - 20, sit-ups - 30.
  • Workout 3 (5 rounds): jumping rope - 100, kettlebell swings in front of you - 30, deep squats - 30, push-ups - 20.

Week 2

  • Workout 1 (3 rounds): burpees - 20, barbell clean and jerk - 15, lunges - 30, push-ups - 20.
  • Workout 2 (5 rounds): jumping jacks - 30, reverse grip pull-ups - 15, forward lunges with kettlebells - 40, punching bag punches - 100.
  • Workout 3 (3 rounds): acceleration for 50 meters - 5, kettlebell push from the shoulder - 20 for each arm; jumping out of a deep squat - 30, pull-ups - 15.

Week 3

  • Workout 1 (5 rounds): 400 meter run, plyo box jumps - 30, wall ball throw with squats - 30.
  • Workout 2 (3 rounds): 1 thousand meter run, rowing machine rowing - 50, front squats - 30, sit-ups - 30.
  • Workout 3 (5 rounds): deadlift - 20, overhead press - 20, weighted hyperextensions - 30, air squats - 50.

Week 4

  • Workout 1 (5 rounds): forward lunges with a barbell on your shoulders - 20 on each leg, pull-ups - 20, leg press in the machine - 20, crunches on the floor - 30.
  • Workout 2 (3 rounds): 800 meter run, T-bar row, deep squats without weight - 50, dips - 20.
  • Workout 3 (5 rounds): jump rope - 150, pull-ups - 20, burpees - 20, push-ups - 20, Roman chair crunches - 30.

Rest 4-5 minutes between rounds. Pause between exercises depending on how you feel. Separate your workouts with recovery days.

CrossFit training program for girls

Below are possible programs for beginners, for training at home and in the gym.

Program for Beginners

It is not recommended to chase speed the first time. You need to listen to your body and reduce the intensity or stop at the first sign of discomfort (not to be confused with fatigue).


AMRAP – complete as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes:

  • air squats – 15;
  • burpee – 10;
  • sit-ups – 15.

Necessary equipment for training

Before starting classes, we need to decide what tools we have for this - what we can prepare and what we cannot.

In the simplest version, you won't need anything at all. You will perform exercises with your own weight. However, it should be borne in mind that it will not be possible to progress endlessly, and the same exercises will become boring. Therefore, you can start without additional inventory, and then gradually buy something from the lists below.


When doing crossfit training at home, it is advisable for every girl to have the following sports equipment (especially for beginners):

  • Rug. You will also thank us when you start doing abdominal exercises. You can, of course, replace it with a blanket folded in half, but exercising on a gymnastic mat is much more convenient and enjoyable.
  • A pair of collapsible dumbbells. If desired, they can be replaced with auxiliary means: a backpack filled to the top with books, or plastic bottles with sand poured inside. But it’s better not to, don’t forget that you need to enjoy sports, otherwise you won’t last long.
  • The jump rope is an ancient “mammoth” of home training, familiar to our mothers and grandmothers. And for training at home, this is an absolutely indispensable tool. There is one thing: when working with a jump rope, it tends to knock on the floor, and your neighbors may not appreciate this. Try using a so-called fast jump rope, it is thinner and makes much less noise.

It would be useful

Below is a list of very useful devices for women’s CrossFit exercises at home, which will help diversify your training:

  • Fitball. The gym ball can be used to perform various modifications of planks, crunches, and hyperextensions.
  • Horizontal bar - yes, you don’t need to neglect upper body training (you also need a special elastic band for the horizontal bar if you can’t do pull-ups on your own).
  • Low, durable box. But if you want to jump, you can replace it with high jumps on the spot.

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WOD1 - beginners

Circular - max circles
Squats without weights

  • 1 set of 15 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Body weight

Burpee (burpee), plyometric exercise

  • 1 set of 10 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Body weight

Exercise Sitap (Raising the torso from a lying position)

  • 1 set of 15 reps
  • Body part: Press Equipment: Body weight

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Need more information on sit-ups?


AMRAP – complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:

  • Kettlebell row to the chin – 15;
  • push-ups – 5;
  • pull-ups to the crossbar (you can use rubber) – 10.

Basic CrossFit exercises

We have prepared for you a list of basic CrossFit exercises for girls - they should be used as often as possible in your training. They are the ones who will most effectively influence your results.


The great and terrible burpee. An exercise that cannot leave anyone indifferent. It combines push-ups and jumping jacks and is a great workout for endurance.

© logo3in1 —
Be sure to include it in your program! It suits girls perfectly.


It would seem that this is a rather brutal exercise for men. But no – it’s for everyone. Deadlift perfectly pumps up the muscles of the legs, buttocks and back - what girls need. There are several types of technology - we offer you the classic version.

Important: the most common mistake in this exercise is a rounded back in both girls and men. Be sure to keep your back straight throughout the entire approach. If you have never done this exercise before, ask a coach or an experienced athlete in the gym to see if you are performing it correctly.

The same rule applies to all complex movements - do not learn the technique yourself, you need an experienced mentor.

Press press

The Shvung Press is an excellent exercise for pumping up your legs, shoulders and triceps. Also included in the basic CrossFit exercises and classified as weightlifting.


Squats are the basis of effective training for girls. There are many types of this exercise - it is advisable to use different ones and alternate them. Squats perfectly pump up the legs and buttocks, while statically working many muscle groups of the torso.

For beginners, at first, exercise options with your own weight are suitable: air squats, jumping, on one leg:

© Makatserchyk —
More experienced athletes can perform them with weights: with a kettlebell or dumbbells, with a barbell on the shoulders, chest or overhead:

© Vitaly Sova —

© Makatserchyk —

© pressmaster -
The correct technique that the instructor should give you is also very important here. Without it, there is a high risk of injury.

Push ups

Another basic gymnastic exercise is push-ups. The exercise pumps up the pectoral muscles, triceps and anterior deltoids.

Beginners can perform push-ups from their knees:

© Andrey Bandurenko —
More experienced people, on the contrary, can complicate the exercise - do it with their legs on an elevated platform or on kettlebells/dumbbells:

© kucherav —


“Anyone who thinks that a minute is not long has never stood in the plank!”

This static exercise definitely needs no introduction. The plank pumps up the abdominal and core muscles - great for girls as a cool-down after a workout.

© luckybusiness —


There are several types of sit-ups (lifting the body from a lying position). The classic version looks like this:

Below is an example of a “little book”, or V sit-up:

© alfexe —
You need to use different options from workout to workout. Sit-ups are great for pumping up your abdominal muscles.


Pull-ups will also be useful for girls at CrossFit complexes.

If you can’t do them, try doing them first with special rubber bands. Or perform horizontal pull-ups on a low bar:

Recipes for healthy eating

Pasta with chicken and vegetables – recipe with photos

  • 12.2 g Protein
  • 2.1 g Fat
  • 20.1 g Carbohydrates
  • 135.8 kcal

20-25 min.

  • #bell pepper
  • #broccoli
  • #second course
  • #dietary
  • #chicken breast
  • #poultry
  • #low calorie
  • #dinner
  • #roasting
  • #vegetables
  • #olive oil
  • #paste
  • #parsley
  • #tomato
  • #vegetable oil
  • #onion
  • #spices
  • #dinner
  • #garlic

Other recipes

WOD2 - beginners

Circular - max circles
Sumo style kettlebell row

  • 1 set of 15 reps
  • Body part: Trapeze Equipment: Kettlebells

Push ups

  • 1 set of 5 reps
  • Body Part: Chest Equipment: No

Pull-ups with expander

  • 1 set of 10 reps
  • Body Part: Lat Equipment: Other

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Home workouts

To perform complexes, only your own body weight is used.


AFAP – complete 5 rounds as quickly as possible:

  • squat with jumping – 15;
  • push-ups – 15;
  • sit-ups – 15.

WOD3 - home workouts

Circular - 5 laps for the duration
of a half-squat jump

  • 1 set of 15 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Body weight

Push ups

  • 1 set of 15 reps
  • Body Part: Chest Equipment: No

Exercise Sitap (Raising the torso from a lying position)

  • 1 set of 15 reps
  • Body part: Press Equipment: Body weight

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AFAP – complete 10 rounds as quickly as possible:

  • push-ups – 15;
  • air squats – 20.

WOD4 - home workouts

Circuit – 10 laps for

  • 1 set of 15 reps
  • Body Part: Chest Equipment: No

Squats without weights

  • 1 set of 20 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Body weight

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AFAP - complete the complex as quickly as possible:

  • burpee 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1;
  • air squats 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1.

How to do it: do 10 burpees and 10 squats, then 9 burpees and 9 squats. Increase to 1 repetition.

Home training

If there are no contraindications, you can practice CrossFit on your own, without leaving your home. We offer a set of exercises for girls from the current Russian CrossFit champion Olga Portnova. To complete the program, you will not need sports equipment or equipment. All you need is desire and some free space in the room.

  1. Burpee (10 reps). From a vertical position we abruptly move into a squat and place our palms on the floor. Then we quickly take a lying position and do push-ups. After this, we jump to pull our legs to our stomach and jump up. We perform all movements at a fast pace without pauses.
  2. Air squats (30 reps). We place our feet shoulder-width apart and point our toes out to the sides. We keep the body weight primarily on the heels. The gaze is directed forward. As you inhale, simultaneously move your buttocks back and bend your legs. We raise our hands in front of us. Having lowered the pelvis just below the level of the knees, we smoothly straighten with an exhalation. When performing, maintain a bend in the lower back. We make sure that the back does not “round” and the knees do not converge inward.
  3. Complex lunges (20 reps on each side). We stand up straight and place our palms on our waists. As you inhale, take your right leg back and sit up. As you exhale, we return to the starting position. Inhale again and do a side lunge to the right. At the same time, we stretch our arms in front of us. As you exhale, we rise to a vertical position. After completing 20 repetitions, do the same in the other direction. While moving, maintain a bend in the lumbar region.
  4. Raises from the knees (20 times on each leg). We get down on our knees. Keep the body and hips perpendicular to the floor. Place your palms on your waist. We put our right leg forward at a right angle and, leaning on it, rise to a vertical position. After this, we return to the “kneeling” position. After completing 20 lifts, we do the exercise with emphasis on the left leg. We make sure that during movement the body does not sway and the back does not fall forward.
  5. Push-ups (20 reps). We stand upright lying down. Place your palms slightly wider than your shoulders. Inhale and lower yourself completely to the floor. As you exhale, we return to the starting position. We make sure that the lower back remains level while doing this.
  6. Abs situps (30 reps). We lie down on our backs. We bend our legs at the knees (approximately 90°) and place them on the floor. We stretch our arms back, behind our heads. As you exhale, raise your body, press your shoulders to your hips and touch your feet with your palms. As you inhale, lower yourself to the starting position.
  7. “Candle” (30 repetitions). Lie on your back and place your hands under your buttocks. We bring our legs together and raise them strictly perpendicular to the floor. We hold the shoulder girdle and head in weight. As you exhale, “twist” your pelvis and stretch your toes toward the ceiling. At the top point we tense the abdominal muscles. As you inhale, lower your buttocks to your palms.
  8. Plank (30 seconds). We stand upright lying on our forearms. We tighten our stomach, tighten our hips and buttocks. We lower our heads and direct our gaze to the floor. We breathe evenly.

We perform three such circles. Rest between exercises is according to your well-being, but it is advisable to reduce it to a minimum. The break between rounds is 3 minutes. It is necessary to study according to the presented program 3-4 times a week.

WOD5 - home workouts

Circuit – 10 circles
Burpee (burpee), plyometric exercise

  • 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps in circle
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Body weight

Squats without weights

  • 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps in circle
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Body weight

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Exercises in the gym

All you have to do is choose a free space to do the exercises and time it.


AFAP - complete the complex as quickly as possible:

  • push-ups – 15;
  • jumping on a pedestal – 30;
  • sit-ups – 50;
  • pull-ups to the bar – 20;
  • running – 1800 meters.

WOD6 - training in the gym

Push ups

  • 1 set of 15 reps
  • Body Part: Chest Equipment: No

Box jumping (CrossFit)

  • 1 set of 30 reps
  • Body Part: Quadriceps Equipment: Other

Exercise Sitap (Raising the torso from a lying position)

  • 1 set of 50 reps
  • Body part: Press Equipment: Body weight

Pull-ups (butterfly)

  • 1 set of 20 reps
  • Body part: Trapezium Equipment: Body weight

Treadmill workout

  • 1800 meters
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

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AMRAP – complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:

  • jumping on a pedestal – 20;
  • burpees – 20;
  • jumping rope – 50;
  • push-ups – 10;
  • sit-ups – 20.

Workout of the Day

WOD is translated from English as “workout of the day.” The entire CrossFit system is built on small training plans designed for one lesson. Thanks to this technique, athletes receive a variety of loads, which does not allow the muscles to adapt. As a result, the effectiveness of the training never decreases, and the athletes’ performance constantly improves. Let's look at several popular WODs for girls.

Barbara (5 rounds, 3 minutes rest):

  • pull-ups (can be done with an elastic band or in a gravitron) - 20;
  • push-ups (can be performed from the knees) - 30;
  • sitaps - 40;
  • squats (to a right angle at the knees) - 50.

Nicole (maximum number of rounds in 20 minutes):

  • 400 meter run;
  • pull-ups on the horizontal bar to failure.

Eva (5 rounds, 3 minutes rest):

  • 800 meter run;
  • swing kettlebells in front of you - 30;
  • pull-ups on the horizontal bar - 30.

Annie (first both exercises are performed 50 times, then 40, 30, 20 and 10):

  • jumping rope with double twist;
  • sitaps.

The considered complexes are intended for specialized gyms that have the necessary equipment and space for running exercises.

Let us note that it is best for beginner athletes to train in a group under the supervision of a mentor. This will further motivate you and help you achieve your goals faster.

WOD7 - training in the gym

Circular - max laps
Box jumping (CrossFit)

  • 1 set of 20 reps
  • Body Part: Quadriceps Equipment: Other

Burpee (burpee), plyometric exercise

  • 1 set of 20 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Body weight

Jumping rope

  • 1 set of 50 reps
  • Body part: Calves Equipment: Other

Push ups

  • 1 set of 10 reps
  • Body Part: Chest Equipment: No

Exercise Sitap (Raising the torso from a lying position)

  • 1 set of 20 reps
  • Body part: Press Equipment: Body weight

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Exercises to develop endurance

The complexes will help develop general and aerobic endurance and get rid of extra pounds.


Perform for 30 minutes without stopping:

  • burpees – odd minutes;
  • jumping rope – even minutes.


"Death through Burpees":

  • perform burpees for 10 minutes.


AFAP – execute as quickly as possible:

  • jumping rope – 3000.

Fashion and power

So, what is CrossFit - this is an intensive complex training, collected from different areas: running, gymnastics, powerlifting, plyometrics, etc. Both aerobic and strength exercises (both with your own weight and with equipment) - all together. The system is based on the method of interval and circuit training. That is, fast speed alternates with calmer speed, and the set of exercises is repeated in a circle.

CrossFit was originally created to develop overall endurance and power. Such a killer full body workout. Then more people started coming to it for “side” effects. Girls are attracted to such workouts as an opportunity for healthy weight loss, while guys build muscle mass.

And that’s why more and more fitness centers and martial arts sections are including crossfit in their program. Even many law enforcement agencies, fire departments, and police departments train their employees (both men and women) using this system.

However, many still have questions and doubts. Especially for girls. Still, the load is quite large, working with additional weight. Doesn't this harm girls? Are there any risks?

Therefore, I propose to take a closer look at the benefits and harms of CrossFit.

The effectiveness of CrossFit for girls

Within a month you can notice the first results:

  • muscles will become stronger;
  • tone and relief will appear;
  • the fat layer will become smaller.

Systematic training will stabilize your weight and make your body athletic. Each time, training will be easier, and recovery will not take much time.

It is recommended not to focus on one type of training and be sure to stretch after exercise to increase flexibility, speed up recovery and prevent injuries.

Basic principles of CrossFit

The essence of crossfit training for girls is as follows:

  • Frequency – the more often classes are held, the better. Those who want to achieve maximum results practice 12 times a week, but optimally for beginners – three sessions a week, every other day.
  • Maximum intensity. This is the main difference between crossfit training for girls and the rest - a minimum amount of time is allocated for rest (from 2 minutes to 15-20 seconds), and the exercises are performed as intensely as possible.
  • The direction of the load changes at each lesson.

It is clear that CrossFit programs are only suitable for healthy people. That is, if you have heart disease, problems with blood vessels, or the nervous system, you cannot experience such stress. Training is also contraindicated in case of joint diseases, hernia or protrusion of the spine. But if you have scoliosis or other curvatures, you can exercise, provided that the program complies with the doctor’s recommendations. Strengthening the back muscles in this case will play a positive role. In any case, before starting CrossFit training, you need to consult a specialist. As for age, there are no special restrictions - both adults and children can study - everyone will have their own load.

Myths associated with changing your figure

There is a widespread belief among women that CrossFit transforms the figure according to the male type, and the muscles become pumped up. We break stereotypes: high intensity and the absence of heavy weights lead to strengthening muscle fiber and increasing tone.

In order for muscles to increase in volume, growth hormone is needed, and the female body is not inclined to produce the required amount of natural steroid. CrossFit will only make your arms toned, the shape of your hips and buttocks more attractive and allow you to see the six-pack on your stomach.

What your figure will be - you decide

You should not project the body shape of elite athletes onto yourself because:

  • professional athletes live and earn their living through sports, so their training system is very different from that of amateurs;
  • Competition form is peak form that looks different between seasons.

Only you can decide how to look and whether to gain muscle mass. To increase muscle volume, you will have to radically change your diet and approach your training differently.

A tale about scientific justification

Some of the semi-scientific brethren have long been arguing: “We use the reserves of our body only to an insignificant fraction! The liver is ten percent, the heart is fifteen, the lungs are five...” The numbers given are different, but the meaning is the same: “Load the liver one hundred percent, push the maximum out of the heart muscle - and you will be happy!” For what? Maybe it’s better to strain your brains by five percent?

Why do you need a reserve? So that in a stressful situation the body can use it and protect itself:

  • from diseases;
  • from injuries;
  • from hunger;
  • from overload of the nervous system;
  • from hypothermia and overheating;
  • from other unfavorable factors.

The reserve should be used in emergency cases, and not spent every day on efforts, which you can do without.


Clothing and sports accessories will make training comfortable and take it to a new level. A single WOD can combine aerobic and strength exercises, so the equipment must be appropriate for the load.

Options for selecting clothing items:

  • shorts or leggings, T-shirts and T-shirts should stretch well and not interfere with movements;
  • It is better to choose a top with maximum breast fixation;
  • the sneaker coating is non-slip and has a stable shape;
  • accessories: knee pads, wrist wraps, training gloves, pull-up straps, weightlifting belt for strength exercises.
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