Personal experience: how an office worker lost weight from 110 to 86 kilograms in 3 months

By the age of 50, Internet editor Mikhail Verny had gained 206 kg of weight. And I decided: enough is enough. In just a year, he managed not only to lose weight, but to lose the weight of an entire person! The next goal is to reach 100 kg. And then reach the ideal 80 kg.

Mikhail says he started getting fat from birth. Already in kindergarten he was teased for this. At school too. He arrived at the recruiting station weighing about a hundredweight. The Soviet army, of course, made a man out of him in 2 years; he was even able to wear size 48 suits. But after a couple of years, not a trace remained of its former status.

Food as a leisure activity

Mikhail's family loved to eat. True, at the same time, my father actively played football, and my mother, in addition to work, tirelessly busied herself with the housework. But Mikhail loved to lie on the sofa with a book and eat. Fortunately, my mother was a good cook, and her dishes were mostly high-calorie: kharcho soup, chops, fried potatoes, dumplings. Mikhail's grandfather is from the Urals. From him came the tradition of getting the whole family together and making 1000 dumplings, and for the next few days eating them from morning to evening. First, they laid out 15 steaming dumplings for everyone, and when they were eaten, the grandfather, demonstratively patting himself on the stomach, announced: “It’s compacted. Start the second batch." Then the third. Mikhail recalls that they sat down at the table during the day and got up from it closer to night.

At first, Mikhail planned to have surgery to reduce his stomach. Photo: from the personal archive of Mikhail Verny

The fun student days are over. Life has become more orderly and less riotous. Now Mikhail mostly relaxed watching TV on the sofa in a restaurant. The work was also sedentary, and at the same time complex, nervous and responsible. And these two points - physical inactivity and stress - only aggravated the problem.

Like any overweight person, Mikhail tried to lose weight many times. Every time a new miracle cure appeared, be it a dietary supplement or a blood type diet, he tried it and hoped. There were results, but not too noticeable and, in addition, short-lived. In addition, I had a headache, lost strength, and spoiled my mood.

But the problem needed a solution. Then Mikhail decided to resort to bariatric surgery. This operation is difficult, but it helps you lose weight dramatically. But it turned out that a person with his weight first needs to go through a preliminary stage - surgical installation of an intragastric balloon (installed for six months). Mikhail learned that with his gastritis this is fraught with complications. I thought about it and abandoned this idea.

Hard childhood. What you need to know about obesity in a child? More details

Eat small meals

Eat 5-6 times a day at regular intervals. The digestive system will work stably. Experts recommend that everyone who wants to lose weight eat more often, while reducing the size of portions. “The main caloric intake of the daily diet should be in the first half of the day: 2/3 should be consumed before 16.00 hours, 1/3 in the evening,” says Natalya Grigorieva. — The calorie content of the main meal should be twice as high as the additional one. Let's say breakfast - 300 kcal, second breakfast - 150 kcal. With this regime, you will not be tormented by hunger. This will also prevent overeating before bed.” In addition, you will develop the habit of eating by the hour, you will learn to plan meals and will take a more responsible approach to planning your diet.

You can't live like that!

But my health was deteriorating. Severe swelling of the legs, shortness of breath, apnea (breath-holding during sleep, dangerous for the heart and brain), hypertension, trophic ulcers, and sugar and cholesterol levels increased. There is nothing to say about everyday inconveniences - it became impossible to bend down to tie your shoelaces. However, the realization that I couldn’t live like this anymore came suddenly a year ago. On New Year's Eve, Mikhail went grocery shopping, slipped and fell right at the entrance to the store. The woman who came to help, unable to bear his weight, also fell nearby. The third one came up. Then Mikhail realized that if he gave his hand too, there would already be three of them lying down. He rolled to the nearest bench to stand, leaning on it, and heard after him: “Where did that bun roll?” Then he thought about his mother, whom he had been caring for for the last two years of her life after she broke her hip, and realized that he might be helpless, but there would be no one to care for him. Then he went to the First City Hospital, where they treat obesity. There he was offered to take part in a weight loss project. It didn't take long to persuade him.

Drink water

Make sure your body is not thirsty. Drinking enough plain water can increase the rate at which you burn calories, according to a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. After two glasses of water, the metabolic rate of people taking part in the experiment increased by as much as 30%. Thus, drinking about six glasses of water daily will cause your body to burn an additional 17,400 calories over the course of a year—a weight loss of more than two kilograms.

Nutritionists also recommend drinking a glass of water daily in the morning on an empty stomach. This is a great way to jumpstart metabolic processes that slow down during sleep. It has been observed that people who drink water immediately after waking up feel more energetic throughout the day and find it easier to control their appetite.

Cool changes

At first, the plan was to lose a little weight in order to undergo gastric reduction surgery. But in the end it turned out that Mikhail lost 70 kg in a year, and so far he does not need surgery. He even inspired others with his example, and now he has followers in his group on social networks.

But in the end, he lost 70 kg in a year, and so far he does not need surgery. Photo: from the personal archive of Mikhail Verny

I had to reduce portions and reduce the amount of fatty foods and fast carbohydrates (bread, pasta, white rice, sweets), and also increase physical activity. A nutritionist from First Gradskaya helped develop a diet, because not everything was possible for Mikhail. Because of gout, red meat, spinach and other foods that increase uric acid levels are banned. And because of high creatinine, I had to limit what could have a bad effect on the kidneys (meat, for example). But vegetables, which Mikhail almost didn’t eat before, on the contrary, were added. It turned out that steamed zucchini is even delicious. Mikhail learned to drink regular water. The doctor asks to drink 2.5 liters daily, but so far this has not been possible, but he uses at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Our hero is lucky - he does not like flour and sweets. Limiting meat was more difficult, but fish, seafood, cottage cheese and lean turkey ended up not being so bad. And considering that the size of a regular portion has decreased by three times, it’s not that expensive. Giving up alcohol, with which Mikhail used to relax, became the biggest problem. But he managed it. And his friends supported him, now they come to him for tea.

Physical activity was also difficult. Previously, Mikhail walked to the nearest store with two stops, and sat on a bench along the way. At first he walked 700 m a day, but every day he increased the load. Now he walks at least 5 thousand steps a day.

Don't try to lose a lot of weight right away

Avoid crash diets. Nutritionists advise bringing your weight back to normal gradually, in a manner that is comfortable for you. Minus 1500 g per week - this is exactly the weight loss that is considered physiological and safe for the body. You will get rid of not only fatty tissue, but also excess fluid, which means puffiness will go away - the contours of the body will become more graceful. Keep in mind that weight loss is faster when your initial body weight is significantly higher than the recommended norm. But the smaller the excess, the more difficult it is for the body to part with it. It will take more time and effort to achieve the desired result. So be patient!

Nutrition and self-education

The feeling of hunger and terrible mood tormented Mikhail for the first three months. Then they gave way to sports passion. The first successes in losing weight turned out to be a real drug. But at first it was really difficult to lose weight. And, as Mikhail himself admits, he would probably have quit if not for his innate sense of responsibility. He promised that he would participate in the program, and announced its launch publicly on social networks. There was nowhere to go.

It cannot be said that during this year Mikhail never allowed himself too much. But all these relaxations were controlled. They were approved by a nutritionist, because you can’t live on constant bans. For example, on the eve of a friend’s anniversary, our hero discussed with the doctor how to behave at a banquet. The doctor advised me to stop at 2 glasses of brut champagne (or dry wine). Because alcohol not only contains calories, but also leads to fluid retention. The nutritionist also warned against mayonnaise salads and cold cuts. However, if you really want to, you can eat it, but not much. The main thing in a diet is not prohibitions, but a sense of proportion. After all, a diet is not a one-time event, but a way of life forever. Now Mikhail’s blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol have normalized, the swelling in his legs has almost gone away (the need to wear compression stockings and undergo vein surgery has disappeared).

Maximum and minimum. What weight values ​​can be critical? More details

Advice from our hero:

  1. Consult a nutritionist . It is important to choose the right diet and control the process. You need to constantly do tests, for example bioimpedance, to understand where the weight is coming from: fat or muscle. It is necessary to take medications to prevent the formation of gallstones, since large weight loss increases this risk.
  2. Find something that makes you want to lose weight . Motivation is the most important thing in losing weight. For Mikhail, the main incentive was the desire to travel and move.
  3. Turn off your emotions . This strategy, which our hero learned in the army, helped him survive the first - the most difficult - months of the diet. Don't give in to negative thoughts, accept your new life as a necessity. Don't feel sorry for yourself, but do what you have to do. Sooner or later you will get used to it. As soon as the psychological discomfort disappears, losing weight will become easier.
  4. Don't lose hope and patience . The weight may stay there for two weeks even on a strict diet, and this is normal. Losing weight is long, difficult, but possible.

How long should you exercise?

The next step in losing weight is physical activity, which is necessary to lose those extra pounds. Do the exercises for at least half an hour every day. If you don't like or are embarrassed to exercise in public in a gym or fitness center, look for exercises on the Internet and train at home.

For better results and maintaining persistence, it is better to involve relatives or a friend in this activity. One will motivate the other.

There's nothing wrong with diet. If you decide to sit on it, then this is important for you. The more success you make, the more you can appreciate yourself for your perseverance and strength in the fight against extra pounds.

Every kilogram lost is a great motivation to continue moving towards the goal. Think positively and remember that any food, even diet food, cooked correctly and tasty, can become the best meal of your life.

Fight stress

According to research published in the journal Biological Psychiatry, stress can cause the body to process food more slowly. What's worse, when we're nervous, we crave fatty and sugary foods. Thus, if you live in conditions of constant emotional stress, you risk becoming fat. A good way to combat the negative effects of nervous overload is laughter - it reduces the level of stress hormones.

Also find out how fitness and yoga can help you cope with stressors.

The benefits of the lemon diet

  1. The main advantage is the effectiveness of this diet. Without significant changes in diet, you can lose up to 5 kg (and more if you have a lot of excess weight).
  2. You lose weight without leaving life. You can create a diet according to your taste preferences and eat at catering establishments.
  3. There is no need to prepare any special dishes or stock up on certain products. This is very important for a feeling of inner comfort. In fact, there are no prohibitions. Accordingly, there is also no desire to break them, which often arises with many other diets.
  4. The lemon diet, if composed correctly, does not cause weakness. You will be able to lead an active lifestyle and play sports, which is only welcomed by this technique.
  5. Of course, one cannot help but pay attention to the positive characteristics of lemon. This citrus fruit contains vitamins C, which are essential for proper metabolism. Lemons also contain a lot of vitamins A, B, D, P. These and other substances make lemon simply a storehouse of benefits for the body, due to which it has been used by doctors since ancient times, being a most valuable medicinal and cosmetic product.
  6. Also, doctors often recommend drinking lemon juice for atherosclerosis, elevated temperature, and metabolic disorders. Lemon infusion is also an excellent gargle for sore throat and inflammatory processes occurring in the pharynx or oral mucosa. But to improve digestion, it is recommended to eat the zest of this fruit, boiled in water with added sugar. If you have a headache, lemon zest will also help. Apply it to the painful area and after 10-20 minutes you will notice a significant improvement in your condition and cope with the pain without taking special pills.
  7. Lemon significantly improves the condition of the skin in general, and also has a beneficial effect on the health of nails and hair, making the appearance more fresh and attractive.
  8. Paying special attention to the dietary abilities of lemon, we note that it not only speeds up metabolism, but also normalizes appetite, helping not to overeat.


Adhering to a lemon diet is not recommended in the following cases:

  • increased stomach acidity;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcers (with prolonged use of lemon juice, similar conditions may occur);
  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diseases of the gums and teeth;
  • pancreatitis;
  • dehydration;
  • age under 18 and over 60 years.

Side effects include:

  • diarrhea;
  • severe pain in the abdominal area;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • damage to tooth enamel;
  • exacerbation of stomach diseases;
  • manifestation of allergies in the form of itching, urticaria, rashes.

In other cases, consultation with a nutritionist or therapist is required.

Beneficial properties of citrus for the figure

The yellow fruit has a lot of healing qualities, having a beneficial effect on a variety of organs and systems of the human body. Its positive impact also extends to excessive dimensions.

To begin with, sour citrus is a low-calorie plant food. Its energy value does not exceed 35 kcal per 100 g of tropical fruit. By the way, the glycemic index of the fruit is incredibly low: only 25 units. Given this fact, you can eat lemons in any quantity without fear of aggravating your own obesity.

The next factor that provokes weight loss when consuming juicy fruits is the presence of organic acids in the composition. First of all, it is citric acid, which stimulates the formation of gastric juice and, thus, speeds up the digestion process, and also prevents the body from quickly absorbing simple carbohydrates.

The presence of a record high amount of vitamin C in sour fruits is important for gaining harmony with the help of lemons. Ascorbic acid reduces oxidative stress in tissues and activates the breakdown of fats; increases the degree and speed of calcium absorption, which plays a very direct role in the fat burning process.

Don't forget that lemon is an excellent source of pectin. This type of dietary fiber improves intestinal function, satisfies hunger for a long time, relieves constipation and helps eliminate toxins from the body. The latter also occurs because citrus fruit is saturated with a large amount of moisture: its share is 88% of the total volume of nutrients in the fruit.

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Interesting fact: if you have an insatiable appetite, lemon reduces cravings for food and, first of all, for sweets.

Watch movies without ads

By avoiding watching movies and programs with advertising, we not only protect our nervous system (and in the long run, also money), but also take care of our figure. If you prefer online cinemas, where there are no commercial breaks, to regular television programs and cable channels, you do not expose yourself to the temptation to once again enjoy another masterpiece from a fast food restaurant or a new miracle dessert. According to a study published in the journal Obesity, commercial advertising has a strong influence on food consumption. It has been proven that the formation of our eating behavior largely depends on it. It is advertising on TV that is to blame for the fact that more and more people on the planet are suffering from excess weight and obesity. It has been noticed that watching such a video provokes a desire to eat even if we are not hungry at all.

Varieties of weight loss with lemons

Lemon diet for 2, 3, 7 and 14 days

Lemon diet for 2 days

It has gained immense popularity among women and is one of the express weight loss methods. This nutrition system is distinguished by its rigidity, so in order to withstand it, you must have great willpower.

The menu for the first day of the diet consists exclusively of lemon water, which you can drink throughout the day in any quantity. It is very easy to prepare this drink: you just need to dilute the juice squeezed from one sour citrus with cool liquid of no more than 1 liter. An important nuance: you cannot add sugar, honey, sweetener or any other additional components to it in order to improve the taste.

The diet for the second day of the diet is slightly different: for breakfast you are allowed to eat oatmeal, boiled in water and flavored with lemon juice (serving size is 150-200 g). The dish should not be salted or sweetened. Then during the day you need to drink lemon water, as on the previous day.

The result of this lemon weight loss technique: minus 5 kg of extra calories.

Lemon diet for 3 days

Here is a softer version of dealing with completeness. According to it, you need to adhere to three meals a day, and, in addition to sour citrus fruits, introduce other fruits and fermented milk products into your diet.

Sample menu:

Day I

  • In the morning, eat half a lemon and 1 large sweet and sour apple.
  • At lunch, hunger is satisfied with a combination of ½ sour citrus and 200 ml of 1% kefir.
  • At dinner, limit yourself to eating one ripe banana.

Day II.

  • Breakfast is oatmeal with grated half a lemon and one apple, cut into pieces.
  • The lunch meal is similar to breakfast.
  • In the evening, refresh yourself with 250 ml of natural yoghurt without fruit and berry filling and sugar.

Day III.

  • In the morning they enjoy one apple baked in the oven with cinnamon. Additionally, include ½ lemon in your meal.
  • In the middle of the day they are saturated in exactly the same way.
  • Dinner is very meager - 1 glass of a mixture of freshly squeezed juices: lemon and apple.

Thanks to this method, you can lose 3-5 kg ​​of excess weight.

Get enough sleep

This is a necessary condition for good metabolism and maintaining normal body weight. This is even more important than playing sports, experts say. In a study conducted in Finland, scientists observed a group of identical twin siblings. Researchers found that twins who slept less than normal had more visceral fat.

If you're chronically sleep-deprived, don't be surprised if you gain a few pounds without eating an extra bite. “Lack of sleep can cause several metabolic problems at once,” says Seth Santoro, a registered dietitian. - For example, fewer calories will be burned during the day, and it will be more difficult for you to control your appetite. Lack of sleep also increases the body's levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that promotes fat storage."

Lack of sleep (less than 7-9 hours of sleep per night) also causes impaired glucose tolerance in most people, that is, the body's ability to use sugar as fuel.

Take nutritional supplements

The question of whether it is possible to take dietary supplements (BAS) in your case is best left to a specialist. Some of these drugs really help curb your appetite and keep your weight under control. As a rule, they contain omega-3 fatty acids, lipoic acid, vitamin D, etc. Dietary supplements are a set of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, plant fibers, and biologically active substances. Most often, dietary supplements are not drugs. But there are also those that contain medicinal substances in pharmaceutical doses, for example, with ginkgo biloba. I don’t have any special knowledge, it’s difficult to understand the intricacies of the composition and features of food additives. Only a doctor can choose the right drug, determine the dose and duration of the course.

Prohibited Products

I am glad that following such a diet does not impose strict restrictions on the daily diet. But there are still products that reduce its effect. These are canned vegetables and fruits, semi-finished products, fatty meats and pates, potatoes, bread, polished rice and sweets. If you don’t have enough willpower to exclude them completely, then you need to reduce their presence on the menu to a minimum.

The only mandatory requirement is limiting sugar consumption. Remember to also take into account the sugar found in foods such as white bread, potatoes and white rice. During the diet, it is necessary to completely eliminate alcohol consumption and smoking.

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